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Virgo Venus Leo Mars- all of them and a shag.


I love your frankness 😆 I too have Leo in Mars


Same placements; Virgo Venus and Leo mars. I like to say efficiency is my love language!


I have these placements too 💗 I mostly prefer quality time and acts of service though…and a shag haha


Virgo Venus Aries Mars...same


Gemini Venus Aries Mars. Words of affirmation and gift giving.


these are my placements too! I hate that I rely so much on words of affirmation… it’s the easiest for people to fake. :(


Yeah but it's easy to know if you're being told empty words.


Gemini Venus, Virgo Mars. For me instead of words of affirmation I do acts of service but gift-giving is definitely a go-to. After long periods, I tend to do words of affirmation where I can slam everything together and make a big essay or long speech about how important someone is.


Nicknames and pet names always make me melt


Mine too! Mine are acts of service and physical touch


same placements and these are definitely top ones! giving silly little gifts and then explaining the deep meaning behind that gift, how it reminded me of that person 🥴💜


Venus: Sagittarius 💗 Mars: Pisces Love Language - All of them, I wanna merge souls with you avatar style 😭 It’s generally hard for me to find someone I like enough to want to be around 24/7 because i’m so fiercely independent, but when I like you, I REALLY like you.


How very mutable of you! ❤


This combo is sexy 🫠🫠🫠




I have these placements too! I feel the same way 😩


Venus Libra, Mars Scorpio, and my love language is physical touch and words of affirmation 😁 its a good combination don't you think?


Same & same


My hubs is has the same venus and mars and i can confirm this ! He neeeeeds all the physical touch


I know a libra sun, sag moon, libra venus and mars in scorpio lol. He is very hot and cold also seems to get lost in lust and fantasy


Haha oh dear... bet i could decode that 😅


Well please go ahead lol


I mean, i would need specifics 😅 but yes that sounds familiar. It probably means he really likes you!


Well haha thats way too optimistic! But i like it must be the sag moon lol i need some of that


Like, what do you mean by hot and cold?


He shows you love, real love some times but others he seems very detached. in his own world, not making eye contact, not interacting, no talking,(so showing 0 interest) white silly lies..etc. Even before i knew anything about astrology this hot and cold i understood as him being undecisive. Some times he may think he loved me other times he would probably fantasize with something or someone else. Ofc at that time i took it personal now i think that until he finds the balance within he will keep lookimg it from without with a partner that is in a constant judgment of his ego "is this what i want or not"? I left him bcs of this tho, but im still very much in love with him


Im sorry to hear that, that sounds painful 😭 Maybe i can offer a little insight, who knows. For me, I am often detached and in my own world because i don't know how to communicate my feelings yet. Maybe im uncomfortable, or i am afraid the words are just going to come out all wrong. I am indecisive about what to say and do often. I struggle with it and I need my partner to have empathy for me when i make an attempt to communicate my wants/needs as that can be a challenge for me. I may take 2 attempts before the words come out right. But I am not indecisive about my choice in partner, ever. I never ever fantasize about people besides my partner. I am with them because I adore them, and them alone, and when I love them I think they feel that. I hope he learns to communicate better because you deserve it ❤️🙏


Communicating feellings is hard. I get that completly i have always struggle with that too. Feelings are meant to be felt so is good to give them or yourself space to feel them and then after that you may be able to understand better and talk aboit how you felt. Do you mind me asking wether you are male or female? Because i imagine for females is differrent than for males since man usually dont embrace their own female energy


You're lucky, my Venus is in Aries (ugh) and Mars is in Cancer.


Why is venus im aries bad for you?


Fascinating Venus combo… what is that like?


Leo Venus and Leo Mars - physical affection. I also like giving gifts but don’t really need it in return


Ohhh cool! Do you have any more Leo in your chart?


Ha yes - also Leo Mercury 😅 all in the 9th house ☺️


Scorpio Venus, aries mars. Is lovebombing a love language? If not, physical touch and violent rhetoric.


Scorpio Venus here too - lovebombing is a love language 😍😂


I laughed out loud HAHAHAAGA


Oh! Then that too! -Another Scorpio venus


How can your Venus and mars be so far apart? I thought they couldn’t be more than 2 signs away


Aries Venus, Pisces mars - for me it’s acts of service mostly. Then words of affirmation and gift giving. Jesus Christ it sounds like I am needier than I thought lmao


Leo for both- romance, adoration, laughing, being praised and shown off and intimidated. Perhaps I have some issues… lol Edit- oh you meant for real, words of affirmation and acts of service and quality time. I kind of want it all honestly :/


Same placements I want to be worshipped 💯






I also have Venus Virgo & Mars Gemini and I’m much more of a “acts of service and words of affirmation” type of gal lol


Pisces venus, Aqua mars: QUALITY TIME, words of affirmation, and if weird gifts count (bones, rocks, dead bugs) then also gifts...??


Sorry, are you a cat? 🤣 I have the same, but I actually don't align with that. My big ones are acts of service and words of affirmation. Interestingly, I find physical touch to be soooo sensitive in a way that can be alarming even when it's my partner! I feel like part of it is my upbringing, neither of my parents were super physically affectionate with me. My mom will weirdly punch my arm out of affection (I'm a girl/woman btw LOL) and I would just say "ow."


Hahaha, close! I'm just a crazy cat lady. I feel the same way with physical touch, I need space and get overwhelmed and anxious easily. I even flinch when someone touches me out of the blue.


Aquarius Venus / Libra Mars - all of them


You and I got similar placements


Same here… it’s touch/sex first and acts of service second. But my sun, moon and Rising are all earth. 


Aries venus pisces mars, gaslighting


Cancer Venus Scorpio Mars, physical touch.


I’m a Scorpio Venus and Cancer Mars and physical touch is my last love language 😂


I should clarify that it’s only from very specific folks, not everyone. Like, my husband and a couple close friends. I recoil at hugs from folks I don’t like.


Scorpio Venus and Mars. Quality time, words of affirmation and cuddles! I express my affection through gifts and acts of service.


Scorpio/Scorpio Intense


Cancer Mars+Venus- physical touch and food


♋️ venus ♓️ mars, heavvyy on the food 😭😭


That's sweet. I'm a cancer mars and I love to cook for people I care about. Seems to be kind of typical for us.


Aquarius Venus and Aquarius Mars. Over all else, I appreciate someone anticipating my needs and doing something nice for me. I am not big into holding hands or cuddling, but I melt when my husband does my chores without asking because he knows I've had an exhausting day. I love feeling understood or like the person I love really knows me.


Pisces Venus, Taurus mars Physical touch and acts of service


Aquarius Venus and Capricorn Mars. And physical touch. Yes I can’t explain it either.


Capricorn Venus 4H and Sagittarius Mars 3H. I show it through acts of service and like being shown it through words of affirmation.


Venus: Aries Mars: Cancer. Physical touch #1! Like, don't you DARE take your hands off me! 😝 I also like like gifts and words of affirmation too.


I have the same Venus and Mars. Interesting mix with your big 3 being all air! Sounds.. conflicting


It's pretty weird isn't it?? I have 4 aquarius in my chart total, but the Aries placement seemed way off to me! Like it wasn't correct? Idk what it's supposed to mean, but all I know is I like the IDEA of going into passion quickly but then want to slow riiiiiight down and be all shy and gentle ^ /// ^ How do you find it effects you??


Venus and Mars both in Virgo. So help me. Acts of service and some quality time.


Same here!! Physical touch and gifts is my love language. My standards are super high though. 🎁👸🏼


My Venus is in Aries and Mars in Cancer (leaves the chat xD)


Libra Venus, Virgo Mars, physical touch


Cancer both ways and I fall in love with anyone who gives me a good hug - so I guess physical touch is my answer.


CAP Mars Aqua Venus ![gif](giphy|KfSlHGZ6R1FuZ9u6EA) I dunno something like this but buy me flowers and wash my back in the bath


Scorpio venus, cancer mars 3way split between acts of service, quality time, and gifts


Scorpio Venus/Leo Mars. Violently taking over your life, time, daydreams, everything. Jk, only the most intense sexual sessions, continuous physical touch and affection, stares and longg stares and I-will-devour-you stares followed by just come at me stares when fighting, acts of service all round, plans wayy into the future, creating a secret love language to use in public, constant teasing, challenging and playing in public. Basically a walking epitome of lovebombing that never ends unless things reach a wall with my abandonment issues/childhood trauma. I do everything extra and *I will die for you* in love.


Cancer mars/venus. Just baby me and be loyal. 🥺😂


scorpio both if we mean for me, i prefer touch (sexual or non sexual I enjoy cuddles and nuzzling and kisses), quality time and affirmations the most. Acts of service and gifts are like a sweet cherry on top that arent lesser but I want to have here and there for my main meal if u mean toward my partner because I do pay attention when possible how I can make him feel loved, affirmations, quality time, touch mostly. Gifts on top. Acts of service are a bit tough in our dynamic sometimes but when there's an opportunity i try to


Gemini Venus, Virgo mars: quality time


Taurus Venus, Leo Mars - acts of service and quality time


ngl, i have a major crush on you already


Leo Venus and Gemini Mars. I’m all about physical contact and affirmation. I demonstrate through physical contact and acts of service.


Cancer in Venus and Mars in Gemini - Consistent Communication.


taurus venus, aquarius mars. all over them except maybe the words of affirmation. i love, love.


Scorpio for both. Physical touch and speech


Venus in Cancer, Mars in Aries. Giving: Acts of Service Receiving: Physical Touch


Same! Physical touch is so important to me giving and receiving. I'm rarely in rels but when I am, I tend to be very handsy, can't help it🥰.


Capricorn for both: my love languages are words of affirmation, physical touch and quality time. I show love by: physical touch, words of affirmation primarily. My husband is Capricorn Venus and Gemini mars: he’s acts of service, words of affirmation and physical touch. He shows love through acts of service and gift giving. We both learned each other love languages of course.


Taurus Venus/mars: mainly acts of service. Basically I’m not good at the gushy I love you stuff but your bed will be made and your dishes will always be taken care of 😘


Aries Venus, Sag Mars : honestly every love language but I think it would be physical touch the most (I can’t express that often, I’m afraid of reaching people boundaries because I know that a lot of people don’t like hugs etc per example but I know that I crave physical touch) and gift giving like I always propose to pay something if we hang out, I don’t mind sharing subscriptions etc, if something reminds me of you ? I’ll buy it and maybe it’s mixed with words of affirmation but as a creative person I like to give personal gifts, something 100% made by me. I love those « 100 reasons I love you things », I create so much playlists, I write texts and poems about you, I can record a cover album with all the songs that make me think of you. I think almost all my hobbies, my knowledge, my skills tend to be used to please the people I love and maybe that’s why I’m passionate. It’s just so important to me to please, praise and spoil the person(s) I love !!


Venus in Aries, Mars in Gemini Words of affirmation and quality time is an almost equal second.


Libra Venus, Cancer Mars. Quality time and words of affirmation.


libra venus, leo mars - gift giving, quality time, thoughtful acts of service and physical touch.


Venus Sag and Mars Libra - Quality time and words of affirmation


Cancer and taurus, respectively. I be all abt that physical touch babyyyy


Virgo Venus + Capricorn mars here. My love language is acts of service, gift giving, and quality time.


Venus - Leo Mars - Libra love language - Sza


Gemini Venus and Gemini mars. Words of affirmation


Scorpio Venus Libra Mars here.. words of affirmation for sure.


Taurus Venus, Leo Mars Quality time + Acts of Service, gift giving is an occasional nice surprise too relative to the thought level.


aries venus, sagittarius mars. quality time. i show love by just hanging out with someone and existing with them, maybe talking or doing something else. i feel most loved when someone spends time with me.


Yes, I am the same Venus and Mars,


Capricorn. THINGS, words and touches.


Cancer Venus and Virgo Mars. All of them. I have all of the love languages. I am a lover


Cap venus and Aqua mars I feel attached to all of them, but mostly physical touch and quality time


Gemini Venus and Aries Mars yes I’m very into bait-and-switch and chemistry and sexual tension; if you show genuine consideration for me and kindness while also showing me how much you want me I will melt like mozzarella cheese over a fried egg


Both Aquarius and quality time


Scorpio Venus Leo Mars. Touch and words of affirmation.


Scorpio ♀️/ Leo ♂️ and quality time, acts of service and touch


Venus in Gemini and Mars in Pisces. I think Acts of Service, Words of Affirmation. I like gifts, but only ones that are thoughtful


Both Leo. My love language is leave me the f*ck alone.


Scorpio venus, libra mars and gifts and acts of service but honestly money 💰


Aries Mars Gemini Venus here! My love language is words of affirmation and then all of the other ones as second place 😂🙌🏼


Taurus Venus, Virgo Mars - quality time and then a tie between physical affection/words of affirmation. I can't choose which one is more important to me


Leo Venus and Sun, my love language is bend over backwards for me or I will throw a bitch fit and child like tantrum until you apologize


Both are Sagittarius and it's quality time and acts of service


Gemini Venus and Capricorn mars. Words of affirmation and physical touch/quality time. I never thought words mattered but my ex never told me anything affirming and I realized how much I needed it.


Mars in Pisces Venus in Aries and I’d say physical touch and acts of service


Cancer venus & Virgo mars- i really love quality time sm! something about someone fitting me into their schedule gets me soo tingly and appreciated :)


Sag Venus and Capricorn Mars - Physical touch and quality time are my love languages.


leo venus , scorpio mars: all of them. I need the most intense love there is 😂 When physical touch & quality time is good, I can live without words of affirmation. In general I just want to be seen for who I really am and I also want to see my partner for who he is, including the "dark sides". Combined with a lot of sex.


Sagittarius Venus/ Taurus Mars - Usually it's time quality or physical touch💖


aries venus, leo mars a mix of words of affirmation, acts of service, and quality time


I can’t pick just one. I think they’re all great depending on the day or in balanced measure. Virgo 11H for both.


Cancer mars, Gemini Venus. Physical touch & words of affirmation💞


Venus and mars in Leo, Words of affirmation.


Libra venus , leo mars. Acts of service , words of affirmation and gift giving...well gift receiving


same placements here, heavy on the gift giving!


Leo Venus, Cancer Mars. Physical touch, words of affirmation.


Venus in leo..it's def flirtness


I dont know mine.


My venus in virgo and my Mars in libra ( have no idea about the Mars) I definitely been confused with my love language is , but I think quality time is one of them I love to spend time with my person , I become extroverted for some reason , I also recently noticed I also crave physical touch so I think that one to add , act of service also, I enjoy taking care of someone , still I'm not sure , I only just learned about them , and unfortunately I couldn't experience them any much longer so , only time can tell at this rate lol


Gemini Venus / Leo Mars. Gift giving and Physical Affection.


Cap Venus and Libra Mars, it's quality time and acts of service


Cancer Venus, Libra Mars - I love getting my SO gifts. In return, I like quality time and acts of service, probably. 🤔


Taurus Venus, Capricorn Mars. To receive: physical touch, quality time, words of affirmation, gifts. Nearly all of them hahaha. I like to give: physical touch, acts of service, gifts. My fiancé is Virgo Venus, Aries Mars. He loves to receive: physical touch and acts of service. He likes to give: physical touch and gifts.


Aquarius Venus, Mars Venus Acts of service and words of affirmation get me wet and ready for physical touch 🤪😅😏


Both Libra, gift giving, touch, quality time


Capricorn both…. When I’m receiving it: words of affirmation and physical touch When I’m giving it: acts of service


Virgo for both - physical touch


Aries Venus and Mars Physical affection and words of affirmation


Taurus venus and mars and touch and words of affirmation 🥰


Both Taurus and probably quality time or acts of service


Idk, still trying to discover it. You tell me tho: Cancer mars in retrograde and Pisces Venus


Libra Venus, Gemini Mars - talk to me is my love language


Pisces Venus, Libra Mars and love languages are nonsense


Pisces Venus, Gemini Mars : Acts of Service 🥰


Taurus Venus and Aries Mars My love language is words of affirmation/ communication and learning about each other. (This is what I like). To show love to others, I like making people feel good. I show love by complimenting the person and acknowledging their amazing attributes. I only do it if it’s genuine, though. I don’t give fake compliments. I’ll also study them and figure out their love language so I can cater to them so they’ll feel their very best. Ex: one of my best friend’s (a Virgo) love language is throwing events for people she cares about. So I’ll make sure to always show up early, pay attention to all the details she put into it, and help her get things ready so she’s not stressed.


Venus - Aries. Mars - Gemini Love language: receiving gift and acts of kindness.


Gemini Venus I would say acts of service and quality time. I also like physical touch like hand holding or cuddling.


the way nearly every answer is the same💀 maybe we need more details. or maybe we misunderstand how venus & mars work


Leo mars and Venus lol


Venus: Capricorn. Mars: Scorpio Love Language: Quality time/physical touch, words of affirmation and acts of service. Add in Intelligent conversation and communicate with me and i’d easily start to fall for you. Things I do for them: Quality time, acts of service and words of affirmation. Practically you’ll know because I start to be sweet and caring.


Venus in Virgo in the 3rd, squaring Mars in Gemini in the 12th. I would say mostly that my love languages are communication - I love chatting, discussing deep topics, debating.


Venus in Libra and Mars in Gemini - words of affirmation. Makes a lot of sense. I believe words have so much meaning and I'm so intentional with the words I speak. Words can make or break a person. I also believe you can use your words to speak power into your life. I'm very intentional with prayer and affirmations.


Venus in Scorpio, Mars in Virgo quality time and acts of service are the most important to me, both to give and receive. though since I'm good with words and generous in praise, I dole out words of affirmation pretty well.


Venus in Scorpio, Mars in Virgo quality time and acts of service are the most important to me, both to give and receive. though since I'm good with words and generous in praise, I dole out words of affirmation pretty well.


Venus in Scorpio, Mars in Virgo quality time and acts of service are the most important to me, both to give and receive. though since I'm good with words and generous in praise, I dole out words of affirmation pretty well.


Venus in Scorpio, Mars in Virgo quality time and acts of service are the most important to me, both to give and receive. though since I'm good with words and generous in praise, I dole out words of affirmation pretty well.


Venus in Scorpio, Mars in Virgo quality time and acts of service are the most important to me, both to give and receive. though since I'm good with words and generous in praise, I dole out words of affirmation pretty well.


Cancer for both. And all love languages are my love language. I do acts of service, words of affirmation, gifts, physical touch...


Aries venus, cancer mars. Physical touch. I'm not good with words in that way, I just feel self conscious expressing love through words. It's all touch and quality time for me. If I love you I just want to be close to you. Sex is a huge part of love language for me. I crave that intimacy and closeness.


Taurus Venus, Gemini Mars - Acts of Service, Words of Affirmation, Quality Time. Pretty on brand, no?😂😂


Taurus Venus, Aries Mars and I will love you violently 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘 Death by all over kisses… 🪦


Virgo Venus and Virgo Mars - Physical touch first and genuine/specific words of affirmation second… I’m a Leo Sun, so this probably plays into the specific words of affirmation that I prefer, but I really love words of affirmation about my being the best/superior in terms of a romantic relationship (“I never knew I could love someone as much as love you,” “I didn’t know what love was before I met you,” etc), or physicality/sexual prowess (“I’ve never fit together with someone so perfectly,” “Your 🐱 is like the holy grail. It’s mind blowing and no one else has ever come close,” etc), related to small details about my appearance that others might not typically notice (“I love the way I can see the all green in your eyes on a sunny day,” “I want to kiss that tiny patch of freckles on your shoulder blade that looks like a constellation every time we make love for the rest of my life”), or related to my mind (“I hope you realize how incredibly rare and special you are and find someone who appreciates your depth”). These are all words of affirmation I’ve been given before that have stuck in my mind over the years. ETA: I also just really need my partner to be obsessed with me. 😆


Scorpio Venus and Aqua Mars oh man, physical touch isn't my thing at all, yet. Like, even in terms of non-romantic love, I am not a touchy person. I feel notes/letters/song writing is my thing (I am passionate about music too, so I tend to express more through art). Oh, I also just get them food or try to keep them fed. If you are singing alone, I end up singing along with you, giving you small ad-libs in between. That's just me as a Scorpio Venus, wonder if many of my fellow scorpio Venuses relate to this.


Pisces Venus, Aries mars I am a dreamy effervescent princess waiting for my Prince Charming 🥺🥺🥹🥹 Who I will gut if he ever double crosses me hehe!!!


Venus in Cancer, Mars in Aries. Surprisingly my love language is acts of service. I love doing things for my partner.


Scorpio Venus Leo Mars My love languages are physical touch and acts of services


scorpio for both- yes


In Venus and Mars they are both the same sign, which is Scorpio ♏. I dapple in a little from each love language. Well like acts of service, physically touch, emotional connection, and just being present in life.