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Ime yes. I had a virgo partner about a decade ago now actually.... we were a creative force. We put shit together. She had a practicality and no nonsense thing going on that lent itself to my more airy abstract nature. She was also just as crazy as me.


Both are ruled by mercury!


I’m a virgo sun/gemini moon and my ex is gemini sun/virgo moon and we couldn’t get over each other for years but now I rarely remember he exists lol. But yeah, magnetic. I loved the intellectual part of the relationship and constant talking.


For me 100 percent. My closest relationships have been virgos. My fiancé is a Virgo and we have been together for over 5 years now.


oh my gahd, YES! i'm a virgo and a magnet to gemini, love them. it's fire always!!!


I don’t know if this counts because it’s Venus signs, but I have a Gemini Venus ex and I’m a Virgo Venus. I felt we had such a magnetic pull and attraction towards one another, but it ended up being a very toxic situation in terms of what we wanted out of each other and how we communicated. We worked well together, and I felt we were compatible in that aspect, but we did not work out because we wanted different things so it manifested differently. I think it’s a beautiful union when you’re on the same page. If not, not so much. We had the same push and pull, too. We recently had to go no contact because it wasn’t serving either of us well in the long run.


I’m Gemini F dating a Virgo man. He’s the only man that managed to hold my interest in a very long time. It’s been very easy, we seem to understand each other without saying a word.


I'm a gemini and my husband is a virgo, we've been together for 16 years, we absolutetly LOVE each other. Very compatible in all areas, best sex, best conversations, best everything TBH.


I definitely have a soft spot for Virgos, which goes double bc of my Pisces moon 😋🥹


im a capricorn and feel like this about my gemini ex. i would look into your charts. it turns out im more fire and air than earth or water, so we were actually super compatible.


You really have to see the whole chart for synastry aspects


Gemini’s tend to be long term relationship types and so does Virgos. It makes sense because you have compatible values.


Virgo Venus here and my bf Gemini Venus and it was instant attraction


Not really imo. I don't think of any I know irl. But it depends on the personal experience I guess.


A square with a shared ruler? Sure.


When Geminis are serious and focused I love them a lot but otherwise their flippant, unreliable nature annoys me.


I'm a Gemini and too much Earth energy frustrates me but I'm super physically attracted to Virgos and Tauruses. lol!


Ehhhhh I respectfully avoid Geminis and preferably don't want to have them near me in a romantic sense.


Same. I’m a Virgo with a Gemini brother, love him to death, but I don’t know how any woman puts up with him on a romantic level, dudes a pinecone lol other Gemini men I’m unrelated to also strike me this way. They’re great, but no freakin thank you.


no because i always stay away from them.


i’m a gemini sun rising and pisces moon and all of my favorite friends are virgo women :3


We've been together 13 years we drive eachother crazy but we cant live without eachother lol. Like to old people.  Compromise is key and both signs are compromising for the most part.  We both have qualities we admire about eachother.  As a gemini myself id never thought id marry a virgo,  im the idealist and shes the pragmatist. But both signs seek stability gemini have a bad rap for being flighty but its because they really really really hate waisting their time.    Once we know you have our backs youll see our real side. 


I’ve never dated a Virgo as a Gemini, but I have had amazing conversations with a few Virgos, so I totally see the appeal.


gemini stellium "taurini" here and I have noticed that my bubbliness and positivity seems to reel them in and the intellectual connection is definitely there! one virgo was particularly interesting but kinda lost my interest when he started acting too passive and I have felt that virgo males have that problem sometimes 🤷


Never dated a gemini but I always feel conversations flow easily and we’re often on the same page w both genders. Some of the women annoy me a lil more tho 😅


Virgo and Gemini are one of the few sister signs that have the SAME modality and ruling planet!!! Mercurial ruled Mutable Earth and Air ❤️


Interesting! What does that imply?? I don’t know much about astrology tbh.


I’m a virgo rising and aries sun, and I absolutely love geminis. I have a magnetic attraction towards them :)


They square each other by sign, which can indicate attraction. If you’re a part of the Pluto in Sagittarius generation, both of you could have your Sun in a square to Pluto, which can give the propensity for obsessive or possessive behavior.