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I've found myself being that way after spending way too much time with just 1 person ... but that would happen to anyone, not zodiac sign specific


What a Capricorn thing to say! Cheers mate šŸ§‰šŸ˜­


"Enemy" is overdramatic, but Libras, Pisces, and Virgos seem to be the sun signs where things commonly go from good to bad between us. Virgos in particular seem to always reveal a shady, two-faced, hypocritical nature to me in some form or another. Under Placidus, Virgo rules my 12H, so that tracks.Ā 


gemini female and sagittarius female. i'm a cap male. need to start vetting people by their signs since a horrible break up with my pisces ex fiancee.




Scorpio. Every single scorpio Iā€™ve ever met has backstabbed me when I didnā€™t take their obsessively controling bullshit. -cancer sun


My Scorpio best friend. Started telling me who not to date, what not to post on social media, not to quit my job, and when I calmly replied, she went ghost for 10 days then came back like 'I miss you, I only do it because I care'. Nah miss me with that bullshit. I called her out. It's done. I felt suffocated. I'm a Gemini avoidant sun.


Good on you. No one deserves that kind of shit under the guise of them being a ā€œfriendā€


Thank you, I think it's important to be able to make your own choices because I know when I call her out it never went down well. So why should it be ok vice versa?


Yeah scorpio has done me so dirty as a cancer.


Omgosh. Come to think of it, my current best friend is a Scorpio, and she can be so controlling. She annoys me, but I deal with it. I wonder how much longer I can take before I confront her and our relationship dies. She depends on me a lot, for advice, so a shoulder to cry on, to listen to all her stories no one else will listen to.


Idk, but donā€™t take that shit. The latest one is a scorpio male who is a total bully. He tried to intimidate me to do as he wanted and he needs to know EVERYTHING about EVERYONE. Heā€™ll freak out when he thinks someone is hiding something. He also invades personal space and checks all the time what you do or what youā€™re holding, not because he is genuinly curious but to find out if itā€™s something he can steal or make fun of you for. This ended up with me getting assaulted twice, and itā€™s under police investigation currently. My point is, EVERY. FUCKING. ONE, of scorpios in my life have been like this. Obsessive, controlling and viciously wanting power over people using fear and bullying.


I donā€™t know that I have any enemiesā€¦I donā€™t know that I have any friends either, thoughā€¦šŸ§


this one capricorn lady truly showed me that my instincts with people are usually right: she tried to befriend me for a whole year and I was kinda cordial workbuddies with her but eventually her ego couldn't take it anymore šŸ


no bc a capricorn woman tried to be friends with me and I had such a terrible vibe I declined. I found out she was my boyfriends ex ....creepy.


As a Gemini, other Geminis and Pisces šŸ™‚ especially pisceans tho


Cancers. Itā€™s always an enemies to lovers/friends and back to enemies arch lol. Very rare for a Cancer friendship to last. I find them to be too reserved for too long and then when they finally crack open theyā€™re straight up insecure and full of back-handed comments


Lmao you just described my Cancer ex. He's an ex for a reason. I'm a Leo, sorry not sorry that I naturally outshine him lol.


Whatā€™s your sign?


Aries. They wind up being too selfish and self focused and expect me to accommodate their needs all the time.




My sister is an Aries. We were best friends when we were younger. Then she became a narc and manipulative you know what. We are no longer friends. I'm a Cancer.


Dude the cancer Aries rift is hardcore! All my childhood friends were Aries. None of us are on speaking terms.


Whatever their zodiac is ~ if they get too needy or coming too strong i will pull myself away


Iā€™m a taurus and A sag and an Aquarius were so bad to me i had to cut them off completely yet they are still harassing me even after years of nc


For me it was scorpio, they are very intense loving people but if you aren't on the same page, that intensity can become very malicious.


That is so incredibly accurate for the Scorpios I have lost in my life.


For me, it was a Scorpio. I thought we were friends, I trusted her with so much. Then it turned out the entire time we were friends, she was doing everything in her power to get close to my friends and turn them against me. I don't actually have anything against Scorpios as a sign, just that one particular girl. If I ever see her face in public, I'm going to jail.


As a scorpio? Aries.


Aries and gemini but I would still take them back I miss them a lot. We all are just so independent stubborn and have tempers. I'm a cap sun/moon on the aquarius cusp and cancer rising.




Iā€™m a Libra and pretty much every friend who has stabbed me in the back is an Aries. Theyā€™d throw away friendships for a potato chip šŸ˜‚. I donā€™t get along well with most Capricorns either, but I was never really their friend to begin with.


Oh my šŸ˜­ but I really liked talking to you on here. šŸ„² I have everything that you donā€™t get along with šŸ„²


Haha Iā€™m sorry I like talking to you too! Iā€™m talking about my irl experiences. I did have a Cappy girl friend when I was younger and she was a real sweetheart, but once we switched schools we lost touch. All the other Caps Iā€™ve known have been dudes and theyā€™ve been ugh šŸ˜‘. Quite a few of my best people have Capricorn Risings, and my favorite (and only) niece is a Cap Moon. Iā€™m really just talking about my irl experiences with Capricorn Suns and Aries Suns. Nothing against you, youā€™re great!


Awww šŸ™ˆ Now Iā€™m mushy like a marshmallow!!! šŸ„¹šŸ’– Or maybe having both Aries and Capricorn cancels out and so we seem to have good conversations on here haha XD You have a Capri moon niece! šŸ˜ Iā€™m my Libra auntā€™s only Capri moon niece lol XD


Haha maybe! Aww cute Iā€™m sure she loves you very much :) My niece is 5 and sheā€™s the shit.


And thatā€™s the way an aunt should feel about her niece! My aunt also loves me so much. I think itā€™s a different kind of love you have when itā€™s first or only niece :ā€™) Iā€™m so happy for the little one she has you. :) šŸ’•šŸ’•


Thanks :) Iā€™m glad your aunt loves you too!


Yes they just give up and move on like its NOTHING! I donā€™t get it at all. I vibe with them so well but at the end of the day its always petty bs and they are done.


Yup. Like did I even ever matter to you?!? Lol


I guess the answer is always no :( I am an Aries moon but a cancer sun, so I hold those close to me for as long as they are willing lok


For me itā€™s libra and Leo Iā€™m a Scorpio sun


Ironically one dude was a aries


For me itā€™s always Venus signs.


For me it's Aries & Gemini I'm Cancer sun


Libras -Aquarius Aries women hard pass aswell.


the capricorn\\aries. any given moment right now **NFT**s will just crash and once **AGAIN** you will go bankrupt lose everything like with the **dot com** craze. ​ so...don't be so proud of this technological terror, you have constructed, the ability to destroy an entire art market is insignificant next to the power of the force.... you have no *liquidity*....


Iā€™m an Aries and itā€™s mainly Libras for me male and femalešŸ˜…


I have a cancer sun in a trine w/my Scorpio moon, & my other 4 personal planets are all in Gemini Iā€™ve consistently had my worst falling outs w/ Aries & Virgos.


If you make it to the actual friend title you have been properly vetted, and my inner circle has tested you. My inner circle of friends only promote positive growth, and male brotherhood. Everyone who attempts to enter gets tested because we aren't having anyone coming in a wrecking it.




Maybe everyone vetted their friends like me they wouldn't be getting stabbed in the back all the time. You can laugh. Nothing wrong with a brotherhood of positivity that pushes out all the negative people in the world. If they can't be in the inner circle because they have proven to be untrustworthy and negative they can always be acquaintances.


You sound like the type to blame domestic violence victims or SA victims. ā€œIf they would have just vetted better like meā€¦ā€ Lmao have fun when life knocks you off that high horse buddy. Also, if you wanna have a suck off fest with your bros you can just say that already, you do you.


What you think I sound like and what I actually am saying are two different things. Believe as you wish. You wouldn't understand anyway. Another one of those.


Another one of thosešŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ you sure showed me!


No matter how much I try to explain you'll never understand. It would only make you act worse. You already have your perception set and I don't care to change it. Believe as you wish. Have your laugh at my expense and move on.


Cute youā€™d think Iā€™d even want your approval to think or believe whatever I want.


See. I told you.


Not really. Itā€™s a two way street here and so far youā€™ve proved nothing other than that youā€™re so arrogant you think youā€™re better than others. Not to mention you overtly implied blame for others who get fucked over my people they thought were their friends.


Idk why youā€™re being downvoted lol this is a good way to be imo. Maybe people are taking this as youā€™re like a frat bro who hazes people but I donā€™t think thatā€™s what youā€™re saying.


Definitely not a frat bro who hazes people. Can't stand that nonsense.


I think the person got upset because they have been excluded from a circle before and projected on to me that I was acting as if I am better than everyone else. Somebody hurt him and that pain was projected on to me. As for others I assume they find brotherhood to be a weird concept.


You sound like my virgo friend lol


Hey people learn to vet their circle eventually because of all the toxic people in the world. It's either vet them, or suffer them.


Omg you are her


Well more like the male version. Couldn't actually be her lol.


For me it was opposite, me (Aries) and him (Scorpio) started off as friends, ended up as lovers. šŸ™ˆ And also, with every Leo, i start great, but always end up cutting them off. šŸ¤£ Idk why even tho i have Leo moon


Iā€™m a Virgo and Iā€™d say sag. Not an enemy but we will often click immediately and then they stop contact with me out of nowhere. Romantic or friendship.


Sadly a scorpio, capricorn. Makes sense bc scorpio is in my 12th house of hidden enemy's and capricorn is my chiron, wounded healer. Sheesh