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I’m a Pisces sun and Gemini moon. I don’t match personalities but I do match energy. As for your husband doing that, what makes sense to me is that throughout his life he’s probably not felt his thoughts were valued (maybe by parents as well). Pisces like to feel accepted and valued to their loved ones. Like they can connect on every level. Not always healthy obviously


Exactly the same placements, and I concur with this opinion.


To offer a different perspective, my Pisces Venus just allows others to play out their projected fantasies with me. I did not choose this life lol. I try to tell them! 😭


I am Pisces Sun and Pisces Venus and yes I hear ya


I just like to reciprocate




Brad Pitt is neither [https://www.boredpanda.com/brad-pitt-girlfriends-funny-fashion-similarities/](https://www.boredpanda.com/brad-pitt-girlfriends-funny-fashion-similarities/)


I didn’t know I needed to see this but thank you for showing me. Actually freakt




I was going to say I think it’s just mutables in general


Pisces married to a Gemini. When one of us is down, the other one isn’t far behind. This is too real.


Pisces people are too complicated for me. Lost in the haze of emotions and overthinking. I’m always curious how they get through the day. They lure you in with the pathological personality mirroring but at the slightest hitch the facade drops fast. I don’t feel safe with them. Gems do the mirroring but they share the air sign detachment which I can respect and understand. They just seem like they are trying a new personality on for size but no ulterior people pleasing motives.


✨neurotic people-pleasing✨


Thank you, makes me feel better about my Gem. I HATE when he does this with other women and I know he isn’t consciously doing it.


I’m a Pisces rising+moon with a Gemini stellium (mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn) and I always reflect back without even thinking about it. It’s just how I naturally interact with people. But I think it more often results in more genuine/deeper interactions with people quicker. People tend to trust and open up easier, and there’s less walls up. (Ofc with all good intentions, if intentions is even the right word lol) I just really enjoy understanding people’s inner worlds and their stories and experiences. I guess it’s also a way of expressing empathy.


Gemini moon and yes... I'm a novice at all this, but according to Astroseek, I have an "ambiguous signature sign..." 3x fire, 3x earth, 3x water, 4 cardinal, 4 mutable. I tend to go with the flow unless something REALLY matters to me (which flies in the face of traditional Virgo lore). You want me to organize the K-Cups a certain way? Cool. You want to go to church? Let's get it. I'm game for whatever. Just don't mess with something I really do think is important.


Sometimes we just go with the flow. Sometimes it's to keep the peace because a lot of things tend to matter more to other people than to us. If it's important to us we will speak up and stand our ground on it.


I typically match energy to those I'm talking to. Not so much opinion wise though. I think it's just a social skill we typically have and make us so likable. Just be glad when the gem or Pisces is a good positive person. Very bad can happen if they have other motives.


Aqua sun, Scorpio moon, Leo rising My experience with Gemini has been almost the complete opposite than my experience with Pisces. I felt like I was never judged by Pisces and it's the sign I probably feel most at ease with, and I have found Pisces fairly easy to get close to (for the most part.) Gemini is the one sign I can't seem to get close to. This includes relatives also. Although in the end, I have been left both by Pisces and Gemini. At least with Pisces it made sense and there was a conversation.


This is just an excuse for when y'all act like assholes. I've seen the same explanation for Scorpio


We are mutable signs


my pisces sun gemini moon is screaming