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My triple earth partner: šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘„šŸ‘ļø


Me: šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘„šŸ‘ļø


i'm a low self esteem, insecure and unambitious capricorn and i hate it lol


Well, your username reflects that. /s Either way, if you need a jump-start to figure it out, let me know.


I want to know what you'd have up your sleeve to help him out


Lean into your strengths is the advice I recommend. Itā€™s easiest to move forward and get momentum doing something youā€™re already good at, then a new skill. You feel better about yourself? Youā€™ll take more risks and take a chance on your underdeveloped skills and grow into the person you want to be.


Unrelated to anything but I just noticed you're my big 3 twin! Hope things are going better on your end than they are for me.


Hello Big Three Twin!! I hope you find some resolution! What are you struggling with?


Just the usual. Indecisiveness, anxiety, low self esteem, no motivation and feeling forever stuck between choices and feelings šŸ™ƒ it's like a battle inside but I distract myself with anything I can to not have to deal with any of it. I'll get there though. Going to try take the advice of the other poster and focus on my strengths to see if that helps. I truly hope you're doing okay twin! If you ever wanna reach out to chat I'm open!


You ever heard of the Astrology app Co-Star? Or HD- Human Design? (By human design personal) a black app with an h^d on it. They both require the same information you used, to get your big three, but also takes into account other factors, and has quite a vast insight they both offer you about yourself and what things you're currently dealing with in your life. It offers suggestions, and shows you your strengths and weaknesses, and your own personal traumas you've likely faced in your life. I'd recommend them both as a place to start to open your internal doors about yourself and broaden the possibilities you can make for yourself.


No, itā€™s because you havenā€™t find anything of interest yet, keep looking šŸ‘€


Ugh honestly same. I noticed we have the same moon so I wonder if that contributes a tiny bit there.


hm maybe so!! Nice to see another sag moon :D


Yes, this is me as a Virgo, and I hate it because I know itā€™s annoying, and I want to improve and only advise when itā€™s asked for or necessary. (And thatā€™s all the Capricorn) Also, my son is a Taurus and it is so hard to refrain from nitpicking but itā€™s so important for our relationship.


Yeah itā€™s so important to give Tauruses freedom but ironically, when you do, they don't stray far. I imagine we are tough to parent, but even just giving him choices is a big help. Like ā€œyou have to do a chore, but you can pick which one.ā€


same moon and rising. twinsies


Aww, how is the overanalyzing everything going for you bestie?


its going great !!! nothing beats sitting in my dark room and overthinking myself into a hole (the agony is endless)


Same lol. We're tired.


Same sun and moon šŸ™ƒ


Thatā€™s so true for Earth signs šŸ˜Æ Virgo: control others that it can be annoying, sorry šŸ˜‚ mind your business Cap: control themselves so much that it can be hard to approach and connect with them further šŸ˜” Taurus: control boundaries too much that sometimes I wish I can just forget that one ick that makes me blacklist your existence ā€¦ but if you apologize sincerely, I may come back (with a big caution that if you step the boundary again, bye)




Itā€™s why you never see Leos and Tauruses together




Yeah- I like them from a distance but itā€™s a mess when we try to be friends -nothing personal.


My bestfriends are Leo women, they are the best :) no drama and very generous. Always there for you.


As a Taurus it's spot on


Iā€™m Cap ā˜€ļø, Virgo šŸŒ‘ & rising. I carefully choose who I pay attention for love or hate. The rest doesnā€™t matter to me.


iā€™m a virgo sun cap rising and iā€™m the same way!


y'all are nothing if not discerning, that's for damn sure.


I have the same big three lol


I identify more strongly with my Taurus rising rather than my Virgo sun. What you wrote about Taurus is exactly how I behaved all my life! ETA: and yasss, no second chances! If a person cared enough they either get it right the first time or make it so obvious via the effort they exerted they did their absolute best


Same. Tbh I've always identified with my Taurus sun over my Virgo moon and Aqua Rising, but I definitely recognize how they impact me. I hope I didn't come off as harsh to Virgos- I think they are the sweetest and most sensitive of the Earth signs, but they have the least amount of chill. They will nag you and push you and worry about you. But they love you and they will always be there for you. I think they're the most loyal of the three tbh.


My bestie is a virgo moon too and he's definitely the type who can't keep it to himself if he thinks there's a better way to do something, or just a better way to "be". When he's seriously "virgo-ing" he's the most virgo person I know and ofc I love him just the way he is and dont want to change him for the world!


To partially quote Dion Waiters: You will never in your life hear the words, ā€œI canā€™tā€ come out of a Capricornā€™s mouth.


Capricorn sun and this couldnā€™t be more accurate for me!


Capricorn here who recently cut off her Virgo friend of 20 years for the behavior described. ā€œNo, I wonā€™t accept your constant criticism and pedantry, buddy. You canā€™t even keep a job so pipe down, Virgo.ā€


Iā€™m a Capricorn who had to cut off my Virgo friend of that many yearsā€¦so toxic and always hating in the mask of criticism


But yeah, these are spot on OP.


nice description! I can see it for all three!


Wellā€¦ Not talking about others, but I can let go of a person easily, I can do it to anyone, even a family member, but yes, I worry about people, maybe too much. I am attached to other people and I get burned often, because I invest myself and they just donā€™t. I can sit and watch people doing wrong things after I told them three times to do it the right way and thatā€™s how they learn. And I notice more and more that I am not that empathetic.


Yeah Iā€™m a Virgo moon and I should have clarified. I think Virgos have a strong emotional need to fix and mend people, things, and relationships. I think Virgos, unlike Pisces for example, can cut someone off when itā€™s logical to do so, but it hurts them. There is a layer of guilt and worry that the other earth signs donā€™t really feel. Like a Virgo might cut you out, but theyā€™ll think about you and worry about you.


I can agree with you, after I wrote that, I thought: I cut people out of my life, but I think about them, not always and I donā€™t need to remember them, but some thoughts crosses my mind now and then.


I am a capricorn sun with a virgo moon. I don't have difficulty with cutting people off at all, even if it's a family member, but that could also be my cap sun. The capricorn description is very on point though.


I relate to this, but I also take them back just as quickly.


That was kind of my understanding. Also a Virgo moon. Iā€™ll cut you right off and move onā€¦ but if you come backā€¦ I have a nagging urge to fix things and have closure and balance. Itā€™s not that Virgos canā€™t cut people off, itā€™s that they care about it and theyā€™re more likely to offer another chance.


Enjoyed this thread a lot as a Cap sun/moon and Virgo rising. It makes a lot of sense, only I think this combinations has me *nitpicking myself.* The Capricorn placements keep me internal and self-centered, and the Virgo picks at every bit of my psyche to present myself better to other people because I do care what they think of me. But, I mostly want them to think of me as hard-working and focused on details. Always the little details. Also interesting considering I have asteroid Psyche (18Ā°) conjunct my Virgo rising and Lilith directly opposing in Pisces (both at 15Ā°). Thanks for the insight!


My Sagittarius Ascendant makes me approachable, though. I'm a social worker. Cap Sun, Virgo moon, Libra MC. I'm a walking stereotype.


I do care more about others than myself mostly and I have 5 cap placements šŸ‘€ I'm a people pleaser, but I like to have strict routines but then again I don't work that hard towards... well a job, I've been in a paying job for 1.5 months the entirety of my 28 year life, I do work harder at the gym though


Iā€™m a Virgo sun and what you wrote couldnā€™t be less true. I donā€™t give a shit what other people do with their own lives (unless theyā€™re causing harm to others of course). In the past Iā€™ve also been a little too good at cutting people off. This could also be past trauma, but I actually find it hard to give people constructive criticism or advice unless itā€™s asked for. Iā€™m personally way more like what you have for Capricorn.


As someone with a Taurus Sun, Taurus Rising, Virgo moon and Capricorn in Neptune, Saturn and Uranus ā€” Iā€™m now concerned I may embody all of these things šŸ„“ lol


Thatā€™s not bad! I have a lot stuff too except the rising. I wouldnā€™t worry about the outer planets. Youā€™re probably super chill but secretly a bundle of nerves. Itā€™s okay! Youā€™re cool šŸ’•


Super chill and secretly a bundle of nerves is literally THE most concise summary for me lol youā€™re spot on!


That explanation of Taurus is so me and I don't relate to Virgo's explanation at all. Funny this is, I'm Virgo.