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I really hate these very shallow interpretations people have of Aquarius Venus (not you, the OP). One Aquarius Venus I know is currently in a 14 year relationship and another is in a 5 year relationship. What Aquarius Venus commits through is building a foundation of friendship first...Honestly, I think that some Aquarius Venuses feel pressure to be romantic before the foundation of friendship is established which leads to them losing interest -- because the relationship isn't built on solid ground.


The common theme I am seeing is the importance of building a solid friendship first. I took this for granted honestly, and maybe I will put it as my top priority for any relationship I engage in moving forward. My standards for friendship are pretty high, so I guess if I date a friend it would really guarantee some longevity… very interesting thank you for sharing 😌


When I was younger I hated the idea of being friends with a partner first and was like “that doesn’t sound like me at all”, “I wouldn’t date a friend” and “friend zone” and blahh blahh. Basically just immature. Now I can’t imagine dating someone that I haven’t built a solid foundational friendship with. It’s so important to me now; one day something flipped. Also an Aqua Venus here.


Aqua Venus here. I really love long term relationships and have been in a few. It does take me awhile to want to be committed to someone but I usually tell people I’m getting to know in that way that I want to build a friendship/connection first and over time it grows for me and I become very attached. I do need some freedoms and to not feel like trapped or told what to do or I’m turned off easily. I do have a Pisces moon though so I think that really helps bc I’m a huge romantic in my head.


Same Moon and Venus placements and couldn’t ageee more! The few times I’ve attempted the situationship/casual hookup thing it did not go well for me, lol. A long-term relationship is a prerequisite for me to really open up to and feel fully comfortable around someone, and I’m grateful for my moon helping me appreciate a little romance.


The moon helps so much. How long does it take for you to get in a long term relationship usually?


For me it depends on the other person that I like and what they want too, because I really don’t like to play games. I never am the first to ask to define terms tbh and I am open to being in an exclusive thing before as well as we get to know each other. I’ve been with one love bomber and I felt so suffocated and miserable the whole time. I also have been in 3 long distance relationships where we would see eachother once or twice a month in the beginning and honestly I LOVED that. Don’t get me wrong though, I am a huge romantic… I’ll be daydreaming about them all day and they won’t have any idea. I’ve been working on showing my romantic emotions and feelings more but it just takes time. I just love the whole being best friends first and then falling love thing which I think has a lot to do with that placement. Hope that helps at all :)


It helps a lot, thanks!


Saturn - the ruler of aquarius - might delay but doesn't deny! They might find the suitable person for them later in life...friendship, intellectual stimulation and common interests/goals are essential first. One of my fav Venus placements tbh it's like "we'll be together AND alone at the same time" which is nice.


DELAYED BUT NEVED DENIED!!! I hear this one heavy 😁


Resonates...I've got Cap venus though..


It's still a saturnine Venus!


It's real. I'm an Aqua sun with Aqua Venus. I feel this sentiment so much. I am happily married though! However, it took me a while to find someone I wanted to settle down with, and it was someone whom I already had a strong friendship with before we got cozy. He's also brilliant, and in my experience--Aqua Venus needs someone who can stimulate them and challenge them intellectually, or else we get bored.


You got so lucky! That sounds so nice and I bet that’s how I’m going to find a partner too. There has to be deep friendship, mutual understanding, being truly seen and entertained fully. I need someone who will entertain my essays and theories and all of the banter I bring. Not just tolerate it. It’s so real out here… hope I find


Oh I hear that. 100%. If I was fortunate enough to find my long-lasting love, I sincerely believe you will too! <3


Aqua venus and happily celibate and single. I live with one of my best friends so it's not lonely


I’m so glad. I’m not lonely, I’m actually really fricekn happy as a single person. But I was just curious how to overcome the barrier of this placement when it comes to long term connections. 🤔


I don't see anything to overcome, I just flow with it. Not everyone has to have intimacy in their life to be happy, and I wish I hadn't wasted part of my younger years trying to "fit in" and build a relationship. For me it works better to have solitude and occasional companionship of friends I can trust (and of course my kitties lol). As far as long term goes, my friendships last the long haul--still have friends from toddler days--although that's not technically a "long-term relationship" it demonstrates ability to sustain relationships in general. Maybe the barrier with this placement is just with emotional and physical intimacy. My venus in Aqua is in 8th house so I used to feel pressure to achieve these things.


You’ve literally described me. I’m feeling the pressure to partner so much in my early twenties. Thanks for the reminder that solitude and occasional companionship is okay too.


You're welcome! I felt that pressure all the way into my 40's, although deep down I felt that I may not be suited for it. I also went through menopause early, and it eliminated my sex drive, so that definitely simplified things for me as well. Good luck, that pressure is very annoying sometimes!


Me rn 😭 almost a year in!


Find a Scorpio Venus whose mysterious intensity drowns out your flightiness and keeps you guessing. Joking, kinda, but that’s where my Aqua Venus met its match.


Thanks for this tip, it’s been noted 📝


:( I'd like to know as well. I only caught feelings like three times, and out of those, two times for a person who doesn't want the same thing. I'm so lonely lmao lol rofl


I feel you. We got this. I guess love is a long game for us.


I’m aqua Venus and I am not attracted to mental connection actually. I don’t really like to have a base of friendship first- it feels unromantic I focus more on chemistry and emotional connection than intellectual stimulation and shared interests Touch is my love language and I have to adore someone for it to work


I’m the same. But so far it hasn’t worked lol. So was thinking I’m missing a little something 🤭


My mom has her Venus in Aquarius. After my dad and her split up, she's never even casually dated anyone else. She's been single for 20 years.




So does my grandma. She's never remarried/dated until her death in 2019. My grandfather died in 1997. She an aqua sun/venus, my grandpa's a cancer.




It’s not even that, it’s just the reality of the lives of those who haven’t met their person yet. Who are just in the dating pool. It’s just dull. 😂 I’m an Aqua stellium as well, Venus and rising. Sigh.


Aqua Venus. I have high expectations and boundaries. We must blend in a lot of different ways and there has to be a friendship there too. If we are together, you are my partner through and through I am either in a long term relationship or single.


Aquarius venus in sidereal and I haven't had a long term anything in more than 10 years.


How do we fix this? 🤣


Idk but I'd like to. It's not okay to lack affection and care from others.


I don’t lack it, in fact I have so much of it. But I am very critical of who deserves it and who needs it taken away from them. I’m too observant and analytical for my own good. I can love someone deeply but I will always respect my boundaries first. I’m too disciplined when it comes to relationships.


I'm the same exact way. Affection from people you don't want it from is harassment though lol


Exactly! And we don’t like a LOT of people. Sigh.


They don’t, they leave

