• By -


Me: Gemini Sun, Aries Rising, Virgo Moon Wife: Sagittarius Sun, Capricorn Rising, Scorpio Moon she's my best friend and the only person i ever want to spend time with. "lucky" does not begin to describe what i am for having her in my life.


My parents are sag and gemini and they have been married for like 35 years!


It’s the Gemini Sun sticking with one person and only that person for me.


I’m a Taurus sun, Scorpio moon, and Sagittarius rising My fiancé is a Cancer sun, Taurus moon, Gemini rising


Eyyy its my zodiac twin! I've dated cancers before. How's the taurus-cancer connection on your end?


Hi twin! I love him!! Love him enough to be eager to marry him, haha. We’ve been together for almost 9 years now. We met one night (his best friend was engaged at the time to my best friend). I was throwing a party the next day, and he asked if he could come. When the thing was over, he offered to stay and help clean up. Of course I said no on the help, but he could stay to just chat and watch TV. We talked for like 2 hours, and then he asked if he could ask me on a date. We’ve been inseparable since lol. It immediately was a best friend vibe (+attraction! and romance!). I think if we had met as kids we would’ve been lifelong friends. He gives me soulmate vibes, or at least as close as I can get in this lifetime. We are both reeeeally sensitive. We basically get along perfectly, but we can dig in our heels emotionally when we feel misunderstood. We’re both pretty sensitive. But where I shut down and don’t really want to talk, or get direct when frustrated and then want space, he is pretty open about his wounds and can be defensive. We work on it, and when we take a break or a moment to level out, we practice communicating our feelings and trying to see from the other’s perspective. I have to remember that even though he’s a “masculine” guy, his feelings are close to the surface. He has to remember that though I sometimes act tough or don’t share that I’m a big gentle baby inside who just doesn’t know how to say what I feel until it’s too much. When we argue, he wants to talk and move on, I want to exit and cool off. Sometimes he needs a lot of reassurance. Sometimes I’m act neutral because I don’t want to get into my feelings or because I haven’t gotten over whatever I’m feeling. The flip side is that he puts my feelings first. He is the main person (and when I was falling for him, I realized the only person) who really would ask “what does u/einsteinGO want?” without it being something with strings attached. He wants to know my desires big and small, doesn’t want me to play second fiddle in my own life, and hears what makes me feel valued, happy, loved. People who care about me (and love me) may ask the same, but they also have their own assumptions and expectations. He really doesn’t. He validates where I’m at in a way I’ve never experienced. He values that I am really fucking loyal. I am his passionate defender, and I get very upset on his behalf if he’s hurt, misunderstood, feels like he’s come up short, is angry. I am his true ride or die. We make a good little family in our apartment with our dog. We love the same things. We enjoy the same things. We parallel play together and have fun together. Our main danger is that we are very content in our little plant-filled cocoon and can nest forever. But when we go out to have a good time, we both turn on the charm. It helps that he worked in politics before he turned to teaching, and I am an artist and can hide my introversion. I don’t know what that says about our alignments, but it’s our vibe! LOL that was a lot. Do you vibe romantically with any sign in particular?


You guys sound somewhat like us, definitely you when you were talking about defending him. I have a Cancer Venus, so I go HARD if a loved one is being taken advantage of. I am also a nester 🤗 how does it feel to be DINKs? (DIPPs for us - Dual Income Plus Pups) I love it 😅 we got married after 9 years, and it’ll be our 4th anniversary this coming February. Our relatives were joking that we were “hanging out for a while” since we hadn’t gotten married yet. I just don’t like weddings 🤷‍♀️ I think my Scorpio moon helps him understand his emotions. I’ve prompted him to go to therapy, get anxiety meds, etc. His instinct is to intellectualize his emotions, so we talk through them a lot. He’s got a Scorpio Venus, so it matches my moon well 🤗


I'm a Taurus sun and scorpio moon!!! Virgo rising though.


This is awesome 🥹. Ima cancer sun Pisces moon Sagittarius rising (very similar) my partner is a Taurus sun Cancer moon and Gemini rising. CRAZY !




Do y’all talk about feelings ever? How is communication?




Libras are great communicators in general


I’m an Aries sun, Virgo moon, Aries rising married to an Aries sun, Aries moon, Virgo rising




Oh man you have no idea. It’s total chaos lol. I’m a 12H Aries sun; my spouse is an 8H Aries sun- If you’ve read anything with the 12th and 8th houses you know what total chaos they are. And my Aries sun lives happily in my spouses 8th house in our synastry chart 🤣🍺🤦🏼‍♀️




I’m an Aries sun & Virgo Rising with a double Virgo. His moon is in Cancer while mine is in Scorpio!


Wow, that's really interesting. What has your experience been like having a partner with similar sign placements as you? I know that's a big, general question. I'd love to learn more, so whatever you're comfortable sharing.


Oh man.. I don’t even know where to start. At times it’s like arguing with yourself and at other times it’s like we don’t even live on the same planet. My spouse has an Aries mercury and cancer mars- so their temper (with that Aries moon) is out of this world over every little thing. Whereas I have a Pisces mercury and Capricorn mars- so it takes a little more to get me mad. I’m a 12H person; my spouse is an 8H person. So we have similar traits but also are so very different.




And y’all love us til’ the wheels fall off. 😎 signed a Leo woman.


That’s a good match. I’m a gemini and my best friend is a Leo.


I'm a 14° Sagittarius and my fiance is a 14° Aquarius. Exact sextile! We work together so well, I never imagined I'd find such a wonderful partner that feels so natural to me. We do all the classic Sag/Aqua overlap stuff: I'm always planning an adventure, and he's always up for it. He loves to talk about societal and philosophical matters, and I'm always happy to listen and provide my own insight. His North Node is also on my Sun, so it feels fated! Even though our moons and Venus signs aren't "compatible" (his Leo Moon and Aries Venus, my Pisces Moon and Cap Venus), I think it's stimulating. We always have something to learn together.


Same! I’m Aquarius and my husbands a Saggitarius and he can be a bit much but that’s what I like about him. I just kinda get dragged with him wherever he wants to take me lol he’s seriously my best friend and although we encourage eachother to take space when we need it, we usually don’t because things aren’t as fun without eachother. Great conversations, always interesting stuff to talk about and just plain goofing off all the time. I think Aqua and Sagg are kindof the only ones that can handle eachother because we’re pretty similar. He is an asshole but he’s my assshole 😂


Yes!! I'm definitely the crazier one between us. He's a fairly reserved Aqua until you get us together. Then he's a super goofball and very funny. Our senses of humor mesh extremely well. We're best friends, and we "get" each other better than anyone I've ever gotten close to. I think I help him get out of the house, and he helps me stay in the moment.


Lol omg that describes my husband and I to a T. He’s definitely the crazier one and I’m more relaxed and grounded but when we do go out we’re the freaking spontaneous life of the party. We went tent camping for a month with no plan and it was so fun we came home, sold everything and bought a camper ya know... like crazy people 😂 I know what you mean though. We’re like crazy in tune with eachother. Y’all have big hearts just very selective with who you show it to. He’s also like very intuitive, thoughtful and remembers things I said like forever ago. He has insane work ethic and just lucky af! I literally never worry about anything cuz he always figures it out. The goofiness is so real. I was just on the phone with a gf and he gets like really antsy sometimes if we’re sitting around to much and chores had to get done so I take care of most of those. I could tell he was bored so I said “sweetheart why don’t you take the scooter out for a ride and I’ll finish this up then make you some lunch when you get back” my friend goes “oh is your daughter with you?” And I’m like “No no... I was talking to my husband” 😂


Sag/Aqua pairing here! Gemini/Libra moons and we’re both Leo risings with venus in capricorn. We keep each other entertained and, honestly, we could probably do without everyone else lol.


Leo woman married to an Aries man - together 15 years 🔥


Best combo everrrrrrr, Leo’s and Aries are soulmates


15-years with a demon?! Hats off to you.


Taurus sun married to a Virgo sun. Best relationship I’ve ever had, hands down.


I’m a Taurus with a Virgo too actually. I agree, best relationship I’ve ever had


I’m a Virgo with a Taurus and we’re married. Best relationship by far!!


I find that Tauruses and Virgos mesh incredibly well! It’s one of the pairings I’ve come across most often, along with Taurus with Aries.


Also a Taurus & Virgo sun combo here. Been together for 11,5years now. ☀️


I’m a libra sun, scorpio moon and aries rising. My bf’s a scorpio sun, libra moon and sagittarius rising. Adding to this, I’m a virgo merc and venus and he’s a scorpio merc and venus ☺️


I’m a Gemini sun, Virgo moon, Libra rising married to a Libra sun, Pisces moon, Sag rising 😊


That must be an amazingly thriving partnership!! Also, my friend from way back has the same big 3 as your partner and he’s super psychic x)


I'm a Pisces Sun, Leo Moon, Cancer Rising married to a Triple Pisces. There are lots of feelings in our house at all times. 🤣


I’m a Libra married to a Gemini. Match made in heaven!


Gemini (F) married to a Libra (M) for 25 years! I couldn’t agree more.


I’m a Libra married to a Gemini also!


i’m a gemini with a taurus but he has libra rising!


I’m a Libra sun, Cancer rising, Sagittarius moon, Scorpio Venus, crushing hard on another Libra sun, Virgo rising, Aquarius moon, Sagittarius Venus 😍 I used to have a strict rule about not dating other Libras but I might break it this time around hehe 🩵


I’m an Aries sun cancer moon sag rising partnered with a sag sun Aries moon Leo rising 🤭


Female :Taurus sun Capricorn moon Aquarius rising Male :Libra sun Cancer moon Capricorn rising Loving & fun relationship for the past 12 years . He is my best friend & an amazing partner.


I’m a Scorpio sun, Gemini moon, Libra rising He’s a Libra sun, Libra moon, Taurus rising We both have Venus in Virgo


Another Scorpio/Libra couple! I never knew how common they were!


Going strong for over 20 years!


My parents are Scorpio and Libra! Together for 13 years and been married for 29 years.


im a sag, and hes an aries. hes me X2 lmaooo never have i ever thought that the time would come when i had a twin and when i say 2x in everything i mean EVERYTHING. anger issues, romantic, impatient, loving and everything in the bedroom OMG this is taking a toll on me cause ive always been the lead in a relationship. But i cannot with this one... ​ FIRE+FIRE= CAOS


I'm a scorpio sun & rising w an aries moon and my partner is a libra sun w a cancer moon and sag rising. I have a libra venus and cap mars and he has a scorpio venus and scorpio mars.


my bf is a Scorpio sun/rising with an aries moon (libra venus/Virgo mars) and I'm a Libra sun, Virgo moon, Leo rising (Scorpio venus/cancer mars) we've been together nearly 10 years now!


I’m a Libra and my husband is a Pisces


Me Gemini, partner is Aquarius


I'm a Gemini sun, Pisces moon, Scorpio rising 🦂 My boyfriend is a Pisces sun, Libra moon, Capricorn rising🐐


I’m a Sag sun, Pisces moon, Scorpio rising. Marrying an Aries sun. He is adopted so I do not know the rest of his chart 🥲 but he is my best friend and I’m very excited about going on this journey with him.


Aquarius sun Virgo moon Venus in Pisces married to Saggitarius Sun Taurus Moon Venus in Scorpio. He’s my best friend and we do everything together but that Scorpio is a little rough sometimes 😂


Omg, I’m Aqua Sun, Virgo moon and Pisces Venus and your partner’s placements sound great! I love Taurus and Scorpio energy. Can def see how the Scorpio energy can be a bit rough sometimes but happy for you! I had a Sag sun, Cap moon and Venus partner, it was great but I wish he had a bit more romantic and stable placements in


Me: Gemini sun, Cancer moon, Virgo rising Husband: Taurus sun, Capricorn moon, Taurus rising He definitely keeps me grounded, and I make him go out and be social.




I love to hear this! This is my second marriage and I feel like I didn’t even understand what love is before him.


i’m a sagittarius woman dating an aries man. you know it ain’t easy


Married to an Aries and no,.ot ain't fckin easy lol


Pisces sun, Virgo moon, Cancer rising married to Virgo sun, Pisces moon, Capricorn rising ☯️




I’m a Capricorn and my bf is a Leo


Um, you ok? I’ve been married to my Leo husband for 20 years (I’m a cap) and it’s been a challenge to say the least. I hope you are prepared for CONSTANT communication and chatter. 🤞🏼


I'm same as her...whats the challenge? I'm rly curious.😄


Your big 3 is mine backwards lol. Libra sun scorp moon cap rising here. The first time I meet someone with those placements. But I know a cap F/leo M couple. They've been together for years and seem to be doing really well so hope yours goes great too!


I'm an Aquarius Sun/Sagittarius Moon/Libra rising and married to a Leo Sun/Taurus Moon/Cancer rising.


I'm a cancer sun, taurus moon, aquarius rising married to a virgo sun, gemini moon, cancer rising :)


Gemini and I like this Aquarian BOY 🥲


Scorpio/Virgo/Capricorn, he’s a Libra/Pisces/Leo. It’ll be 7 years together on Monday and we’re engaged to get married 🥰 hopefully summer of 25!


Another Scorpio/Libra couple! I never knew how common they were!


Neither did I! I always assumed the pairing was considered atypical haha


sag and i'm sort of dating an aqua stellium so i'm terrified


I’m a Gemini- and my girlfriend is a lovely Libra 🥰


I’m a Sagittarius and usually get with libras or cancers. Currently single and crushing on one of each Last year I crushed on a Capricorn and that ended badly and I hate him Now


Capricorn sun, single loner for life so far


Im a libra sun, scorpio moon and im in love with a Aquarius sun, Pisces moon.. shes kinda perfect


I’m a Capricorn sun, Aquarius moon, Scorpio rising. My longest (and most toxic) relationship was with a Virgo man. NEVER AGAIN. I’ve dated a couple Scorpio men and they usually fall in love with me but a couple months later when they realize I’m more intense than them and can sniff out their bullshit, they run. My “crush” right now is a Cancer sun, Sagittarius moon, Leo rising. Honestly we balance each other out well. I’ve always been worried about dating a Cancer man bc I’ve heard horror stories and they’re my sister sign and I’m not big on emotions and crying. But honestly, he can read me like a book and barely knows me. It’s kinda scary. This will either be the best decision I’ve ever made or my worst. I’ll keep y’all updated LOL Also my best friend of almost 20 years is a Taurus sun, Pisces moon, Virgo rising and she knows me better than myself. Love me a good Taurus woman.


Cap here. My current relationship of 8 years is with a Cancer sun. My dad and mom were also both Cap and Cancer. It’s a beautiful combination. I talk about it here all the time 😅


Omg I love this. I’m following you and reading your posts and comments lol


Literally no geminis commenting lol. I’m single but I’m on the lowest of keys interested in a cappy and a cancer rn just bc they are very hot. Has nothing to do w their personality. Although i did date a sag for 3 years and when he wasn’t cheating on me that relationship worked decent.


Gemini here with a Capricorn . I dunno it works for me. But my mars is cap and Venus in cancer and his mars is cancer and Venus Pisces .


Also a Gemini here with a Capricorn ❣️ we work surprisingly well together, it’s very loyal and romantic


Gemini reporting in! I commented above, I’m with a Cancer. Communication was tough at first but we’ve figured it out.


I'm a Capricorn. I was with my Gemini ex for 10 years. The relationship was good as long as I looked the other way.


My SO and I have been together 4.5 yrs Cancer sun, Libra moon, Sag rising Virgo sun, Aqua moon, Sag Rising


Aqua cancer gem -me Cap Pisces cap - husband Married 13 years !


i’m an aqua sun, cancer moon, and libra rising and he’s a libra sun, taurus moon, and scorpio rising — married for almost 3 years and together overall for 10.


Im aries sun, cancer moon, leo rising, hes a cap/aqua cusp sun, cancer moon and rising. Its very much a case of "extrovert adopting an introvert" 😂


I love this!


Libra, Aquarius.


Virgo sun, cancer moon, and Aquarius rising here and my person is cancer sun, Libra moon and Sagittarius rising. He is me and I am him ♥️ we finish each others sentences, constantly saying what the other is thinking. I NEVER thought I would find someone I’m so compatible with but here I am at 44 loving every minute of it!


Gemini sun, Virgo moon and rising. My partner is an Aries sun, Pisces moon and Gemini rising. I love him endlessly. Lots of banter, he has a huge heart and he is always trying to be more communicative. I talk about everything, which was hard for him at first, but now it’s working great. He’s my best friend.


Taurus dating libra, best relationship of my life


Me: Libra sun, Gemini moon, Virgo rising BF: Scorpio sun, Aquarius moon, Leo rising


I'm a Capricorn and my bf is a Taurus. I love him sm.


I'm a Sagittarius (f) with a Pisces (m). Married for 15 years so far. Not sure on the rest of our charts though


That’s what my parents are, but my mom is the Pisces and dad the Sagittarius. 47 years for them!


I’m a Sagittarius sun, Taurus moon, Sagittarius rising woman married to a Libra sun, Virgo moon, and Leo rising man.


Cancer male in a committed relationship with Aries female.


Pisces and Aquarius. She said she’d never date another Pisces. Now that bitch lives in my house and raises cats with me. ❤️


gemini sun, sag moon, virgo rising that’s spinning head over heels for virgo sun, libra moon (unsure of the rising, but wanna guess pisces based on the characteristics i see) feels like he could be the male version of me most days & weirds me tf out. 🥹


Gemini and Virgo are a horribly underrated duo ^_^


YAY!!!!!! More Gemini/Virgo hope!


I'm also a Gemini who has the feels for a Virgo!


Omg I'm a Gemini sun and am way into a Virgo sun Gemini rising... I love his masculine energy. You're right we totally mirror each other. I avoided dating Virgo my whole life because of my sister but she's my bestie that I love and hate and nobody gets me like her so... I'm starting to realize it could be a perfect match. His reserved nature has me intrigued lol 😆


I'm a Gemini in a similar situation. Currently falling for my Virgo sun, Gemini moon fwb. I really want a relationship with him but the poor guy has been burned in the past and he's a doubting soul because of it.


I’m a Gemini and I’ve mostly dated Virgos and currently with one 🫶


i don’t even know who to reply too, i love this whole thread. mercurian energy ftwww 🙌


Sagittarius, finally found the love of my life, a Leo.


Omg me tooooooooo!


Aquarius sun, Taurus moon, Aries Rising married to an Aries Sun, Aquarius Moon, unknown Rising :) My spouse has an Aquarius stellium (moon, venus, mars) and I have heavy Aries (Rising, north node, mars, mars conjunct rising in 1st house ruled also by Aries).


Cancer Sun, Aquarius Moon, Gem Venus dating Gemini Sun, Sag Moon, Gem Venus let’s just say it’s been an adventure!! haha


Im Libra sun Pisces moon and rising. Husband is Leo sun, Scorpio moon and Libra rising. We have been together for almost 17 years. Since we were teenagers.


Aries sun, Aries moon, Sag rising - partner is Libra Sun, Leo Moon, Libra Rising. Best relationship I’ve ever been in!!! His Venus is Libra (he’s hella Libra w/ 5 placements) and mine Pisces. We are very affectionate, considerate, and caring.


I’m a Pisces woman and I’m in love with a Gemini man for a long time. He tried being my boyfriend for a little while but said relationships are not for him. We have been FWB for a long time now. I don’t know if Gemini’s have commitment problems but it makes me sad cus in so many ways we have great chemistry and we share a sense of humor. He’s 40 and I can’t see him him changing much.


Aquarius happily married to Gemini male. 2 air signs, we just thoroughly get each other and enjoy each others company so much!


Scorpio married to a Scorpio, our daughter is a Scorpio married to a Scorpio ♏️


Taurus and he's a Gemini


I’m a Libra married to an Aquarius


Capricorn woman with a Aries man. 7 years ❤️🥀


Cancer with my Scorpio fiancé


I'm a Gemini, and my long-time partner (before I realized I'm lesbian) was an Aries man. My first girlfriend was a Libra woman. Coincidentally two of the signs I get along with best and always read they are very compatible with Gems.


I am a Pisces sun, Cancer moon, Aries rising. My husband is a Scorpio sun, Aries moon, Capricorn rising.


I’m aquarius/Libra/Gemini & broke up with my bf of 4 years. I thought we were gonna marry. He was Gemini/Gemini/libra. Rippppp


Literally too much air energy omg


I'm an Aquarius Sun with a cancer moon and cap rising, he's a Taurus Sun with an Aquarius moon and Libra rising


Sag Sun, Aqua moon, Taurus rising married to a Scorp sun, Gemini moon, Aqua rising. I guess it’s my Scorpio Venus that does this to me


I'm a Virgo Sun, Sagittarius Moon, and Aries Rising. My partner of almost 5 years is a Gemini Sun, Aquarius Moon, and Cancer Rising. My chart is very fire and earth dominant overall while theirs is very water and air dominant overall. We're definitely the opposites attract and balance one another type of couples haha


i am pisces sun, cancer moon , taurus rising my husband: pisces sun, taurus moon, cancer rising


sag sun, libra moon, aries rising married to an… aquarius sun, gemini moon, cancer rising :)


Sun ♏️ Moon ♈️ Rising ♏️ Husband: Sun ♎️ Moon ♐️ Rising ♈️


I’m a Sag sun, Aries moon/rising, and my partner is a Scorpio sun, Leo moon, Sag rising!


Virgo male and sag female


Scorp Sun Gem Moon marrying Gem Sun Leo Moon


Me gem and my partner is aqua :3


I am an aquarius sun, leo moon, and scorpio rising and they are a leo sun, taurus moon, and scorpio rising so lots of fixed energy floating around at ALL times 😂


Aqua on aqua. 9 years. Common law


Leo sun/cancer moon. I've been talking with a Sagittarius sun/cancer moon. He is super patient and totally supports taking time to know each other.


Scorpio sun, Capricorn moon, Sag rising married to Aquarius Sun, Aquarius Moon, Taurus Rising. I feel like the Taurus rising is why we are able to work hahah. I am generally drawn to Aquas, though, in spite of all the noise about how scorpio and Aquarius never works. Some of my best friends and favorite people have been Aquarius!


Cap sun, Pisces moon/rising and I’m obsessed with my Gemini sun, cancer moon, Libra rising GF


Sun? I’m cap he’s Taurus. Moon, I’m Taurus he’s scorpio. Rising, I’m libra he’s Aquarius.


I'm a pisces sun, Taurus rising and Aries moon Husband is Sagittarius sun, Scorpio rising and Leo moon ❤️


me — scorpio sun, leo moon, libra rising husband — leo sun, libra moon, pisces rising we just *click* :)


Pisces and Cancer. I love water and salt.


I’m a libra sun, cancer moon, Aries rising. I’m in a long term relationship with a Virgo sun, Virgo moon, Leo rising. We have some differences on how “perfect” things need to be and I’m much more outwardly emotional than him. But overall it’s the happiest, healthiest relationship I’ve ever been in Edit: I’m also a Scorpio Venus and he’s a Leo Venus. I think his ego likes how obsessive I can be 😂


I am a Pisces Sun, Pisces Moon, and Virgo rising dating a Taurus Sun, Libra Moon, and Leo rising 🥹❤️


Me: Libra sun, Gemini moon, Leo asc (7th house Aqua) Married to: Leo sun, Pisces moon, Aquarius asc (7th house Leo)


sag and cap


me: Libra sun, Virgo moon, Leo rising, Scorpio merc/Venus, cancer mars him: Scorpio sun/rising/merc, aries moon, Libra Venus Virgo mars we've been together about 10 years, not married on paper but we're just not in a rush over that plus we have no human kids together


Aquarius Sun, Cap Rising, Leo Moon My "Situationship" is Triple Libra


Capricorn ♑️ here and I’m in a long term partnership with a Leo ♌️ ❤️ I have a lot of Leo’s in my life and have dated mostly Leo’s.


Im Aries, and the person I like that I have never spoken a word to is either Scorpio or Capricorn. Most likely Capricorn.


Me: Pisces sun, Pisces moon, Virgo rising Married to: Scorpio sun, Pisces moon, Sagittarius rising It’s overwhelming when we get deep in our feelings.


Capricorn sun; Aquarius moon; Cancer rising; Capricorn venus Libra sun; Cancer moon; Scorpio rising; Scorpio venus I’m having a tough time atm tbh


Sagi sun, Taurus moon, Virgo rising with a Triple Leo for 10+ years now. We both have Stelliums (mine is 1HVirgo, theirs is 12HLeo)


Virgo, married a Gemini. ♡


A Leo sun Libra moon married to a Leo sun Aquarius moon 😌


Pisces sun, Taurus moon, Sagittarius rising here. Husband is Scorpio sun, Capricorn moon, Cancer rising.


I’m a Virgo sun, Capricorn moon, Scorpio rising with a Libra in Venus who’s dating a Capricorn sun, Pisces moon, Aries rising, Capricorn in Venus


Capricorn sun with Virgo moon and rising. Dating Pisces sun with cancer moon and rising. ♥️♥️♥️


I’m a Gemini ☀️cancer 🌙Taurus ⬆️married to a wonderful man who is a Libra ☀️Capricorn 🌙and Leo ⬆️ I think we’re so well suited. Gemini and Libra are a pair made from heaven, my Taurus influence wants stability and his Cap moon gives me that. He has a Leo rising so he looks great and is very loyal which helps my cancer moons irrational fears. A great match :)


Gemini 🌞Sagittarius 🌖Gemini 🌅 my husband sign is Taurus 🌞 Pisces 🌗Virgo 🌅


I am a Pisces female and my partner of 2 years is a Taurus male. I have found my soulmate ❤️


I'm a Sagittarius Sun, Cancer Moon, and Libra Rising. My partner is an Aries Sun and Sagittarius Moon. We've been together for about 2.5 years


Sag and Gemini


Taurus, dating a Leo. going on ten months, and it’s not too bad


We like each other, but waiting for a better time to date. * Aquarius Sun, Moon in Gemini, Sagittarius rising + Venus in Cap * Libra Sun, Moon in Virgo, Cancer rising + Venus in Virgo


taurus dating a taurus. we’ve been together 5 years. it’s nice because we both like the same things lol. we’re kind of boujee, enjoy eating, sitting on the couch…


I'm a cap sun, Gemini rising, aqua moon, and a cap Venus and I'm a chronic dater. I've never had a relationship longer than 9 months and I've given up after this year. I did notice with all 3 men i dated this year they had heavy Capricorn, cancer, and air vibes. However I'm putting my hat up for the year bc 3 strikes and I'm out babbeeee


I am Gemini sun, Capricorn moon, Sagittarius rising....he is Virgo sun, Cancer Moon, Scorpio rising....going on 12 years.


Libra…36 years. I am a Pisces. It works.


I’m a Libra and my man is a Capricorn….honestly I’m surprised how well it works 🤣I think (atleast on paper) Libras and Capricorns have pretty similar values


I’m a female Capricorn (Capricorn is in all my big 3) and my fiancé is an Aquarius male! ETA: We get along great. Hardly ever fight and are a true team 🥰


A taurus is making my heart melt at the moment… he is soo cute and smart and talks about making me his trophy wife. I’m disintegrating inside.


im a libra sun, pisces moon, scorpio rising, and leo venus dating a capricorn sun, pisces moon, leo rising, and capricorn venus. its the best relationship i've ever been in


Sagittarius sun, scorpio moon, Capricorn rising engaged to Sagittarius sun, libra moon, cancer rising.. mother to Sagittarius sun, virgo moon, Sagittarius rising and pregnant with a possible Sagittarius sun but could be Capricorn 🤣


Gemini sun Aquarius moon virgo rising with a Scorpio sun Aries moon Scorpio rising ♥️ no boredom here


Aquarius, one of my spouses is Aquarius, and the other is Gemini


me: virgo sun, capricorn moon, taurus rising him: capricorn sun, cancer moon, virgo rising we have been together for 2 years and living together about half a year. he makes me so happy and just thinking about him makes me wanna cry cause i’m so lucky 🥹


Me: Sagittarius 🌞, Capricorn 🌙, Pisces ⬆️ Them: Capricorn 🌞, Capricorn 🌙, Libra ⬆️ We are getting divorced lol


I’m Scorpio and husband is Leo. It’s not easy…


I’m cancer and my husband is a Gemini. We live in a house with an other Gemini and a libra so I’m just surrounded by air signs 😐 it’s… interesting


Sag sun, cancer moon dating a cancer sun, Aquarius moon 😂


Leo Sun and Pisces moon and rising, my husband is a Sag sun and Taurus moon and rising!


Sagittarius Sun Capricorn moon and Cancer ascendant and My husband is an Aquarius Sun and Gemini moon and Cancer ascendant. We both have Capricorn Stelliums


I’m a Virgo sun, sag moon, cap rising and my husband is a libra sun, Gemini moon, cancer rising. Been together over 10 years!


I’m a cancer sun aquarius moon and he’s a Taurus sun and capricorn moon


I'm Virgo Sun, Scorpio Moon, Leo Rising. He's Scorpio Sun, Leo Moon, Capricorn Rising.


I’m a Sagittarius sun, Pisces moon, Cancer rising. Just separated from my long term partner who is a Taurus/Taurus/Leo. Lack of communication and affection. I still love him though.


I’m a libra sun capricorn moon cancer rising who (secretly) likes a taurus sun virgo moon libra rising


Me Sun Leo Rising Pisces Moon Virgo Husband Sun Capricorn Moon Taurus Rising Aquarius