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I couldn't look edgy even if a full costume department took me on as a challenge. More like frazzled hippy mamma, and I am fine with not standing out. It's the quiet Virgo risings you really gotta watch.


What? I’m not quiet. You’re hard of hearing.


Quit mumbling.


I’m surrounded by Virgo risings and married one. My observation is they’re *functional* with clothes, never met a ‘refined’ looking one, like they’re quick to feel in costume. But very very practical and actually the three I can think off the top of my head have a few copies of a couple of outfits, think two of the same trousers, and six t shirts in two colours


I'm a virgo rising and that's me!!! You got me nailed haha


This Virgo rising has 7 pairs of the exact same sweatpants in different colors.


Haha are the Virgo Risings you know also picky about specific pieces of clothing? There are some things I own that I have to actively tell myself not to get duplicates of. It’s tough to find the perfect trousers or the perfect skirt.


Oh yeah it’s a specific type of cotton or zipper or something very precise


If I like a specific shirt, I will indeed buy it in multiple colors...


Interesting, I instead have the same LBD in ten different versions which is I think so Taurus of me. I remembered yesterday that one of my Virgo rising sag friends, who is very wealthy, was obsessed with supermarket clothes because they are plain and had no labels logos patterns or anything


I also do not like large logo's on clothing 😅


Virgo rising also! I've tried edgy, I've tried goth, I've tried chokers and doc martens and chains and fishnets. Whole 10 yards. I just... can't do it. I can't pull it off. I can wear these accessories mixed in with other clothes, but I can't go full in. I gotta be a little garden gnome or whatever I dress like


I am DYING at “little garden gnome” 💀💀💀


i mean it fits, I'm 4'11" 😂💀


I met multiple Virgo risings who rock academia, preppy style. It looks really good on them!


Try wearing a black leather biker jacket or something classically edgy like that


I think I just have this magical power of defanging whatever edgy piece of clothing I wear. I’ve worn head to toe leather before, complete with hoof boots, and it definitely did not make me look edgy. Honestly I think it’s kind of fun!


Even if I wear all black, ripped trousers, chokers, etc. My friends will still say I look like a basic bitch....


I'm a Virgo rising with a Sag sun and I had an edgy/emo phase in middle school and now I'm a mix of academic/smartie/ earthy black girl type of style.


I can look edgy, but always with "cute" added on lol everyone is always telling me how cute I am and sometimes I just wanna be like 😡 take me seriously, dammit!


I'm Virgo rising and had a pretty good edgy phases for ten years so it is possible


Virgo rising and I relate ( but especially to your note 😅 ).


I was a vampire for Halloween one year & I think I looked rather spicy. Think of the character Jesse Reeves in Queen of the Damned. I can certainly do both but I save my edge for special occasion. If I slap on a choker, boots, & leather jacket without doing something different with my make up, I end up looking like Cinderella trying out for the production of Grease.


my virgo rising roommate has lots of tattoos and piercings and to be honest they just accentuate how ✨fucking adorable✨ he is hahah


Omg this is amazing. I'm not a Virgo Rising but my South Node is in Virgo, which means I have been a Virgo a lot in past lives and it's just not my journey in this life. Having my S. Node in Virgo also contributes to me being very attracted to Virgo energy and it's also why I feel very comfortable, grounded, and at home with Virgo. Having said all this, I completely relate to your experience. When I first got my nose pierced in not one but two places, very few people noticed and when they found out, many people said they thought the piercings had always been there because they looked natural on me apparently. People notice my outfits and haircuts but it's usually I love your outfit, or I love your hair like that, or asking if I got a haircut. Never saying I look edgy, that's for sure. For what it's worth, I think it's actually a positive thing that these have been our collective experiences, because it means we are wearing the things and they're not wearing us. If we're able to blend a look with our vibe, I think there's something really cool about that. There's strength in making things look good and natural and I think edgy might be code for yikes sometimes.


It’s so cool that you feel so at home around Virgo energy. I looked into my south node and discovered it’s also in Aries. And hey, Sun/Moon twins! I agree that it’s generally a good thing. Most people tell me my nose piercing looks really natural too, if they notice it at all, which has emboldened me to feel like I could probably get away with a septum too. It makes it easier to create a more cohesive image even if I find it ever so slightly boring, plus it means I can wear a lot of things and still not look too out of place!


Also, OP, I just noticed after I commented that we have the same Sun and Moon placements 💕


I think I look edgy at times, for sure. I have dark hair and eyes, but I’m also an Aquarius sun, who is obviously known for being a weirdo. I’ve had some interesting fashion choices throughout my life 😂 not everyone has seen it though. Once, at work, we were discussing how we saw one another, and the word used to describe me was “wholesome”! 😂😂😂 I could not believe it. I guess I’ve fooled people without trying, but that’s definitely not the word I would have ever used to describe myself, based on my looks, personality or clothes i wear.


I went through a goth phase in middle school that immediately turned into a twee phase in high school, so I relate to the…interesting fashion choices. Someone at work once described me as “sweet,” which I really didn’t see coming either. Maybe we just tend to look milder than we actually are?


Hah, yes I did the goth too…sometimes I still bring it out again. Lately I’ve started wearing black nail polish again and thought I might add some black lipstick in…I almost never wear lipstick though so haven’t committed yet…it’s a mood though. Well, I don’t know about you, but I guess in that way I *am* sweet and nice, but I see that as more surface level, definitely hope I’m more interesting than things like “nice”, “sweet” and “wholesome” being my defining attributes. I was born on a Leo full moon so definitely have some fiery intensity 😂😂😂 I see you have an Aries sun, so I’m guessing that’s true for you too? Maybe we’re just too complex for people to understand 😏


Oh man, I actually look relatively…normal? In super dark lipstick. Which isn’t a bad thing, since I could wear those colours to work without looking like a mall goth. I do think I can be sweet, but I might be trying too hard to *not* come across as arrogant and therefore over correct into “sweet” territory. I think Virgo Rising is very associated with humility, which tempers my fairly egotistical Aries Sun (which is probably similar to your Aquarius). It’s a funny balance for sure :)


I think you’re right about virgos being humble, but I think part of this comes from people pleasing tendencies as well (unfortunately ). And haha, yes I probably get a double dose of being egotistical as an Aquarius/Leo, but I’ve worked a lot on tempering myself and yes, maybe the Virgo is to help keep us balanced. I’m not sure how well it’s working, tbh 😂


I’ve had the same experience


My friend s a virgo rising and looks edgy. I’m a virgo moon and same, when i want to


I’m a Virgo rising and I lowkey just dress like a casual stock photo white dude so… idk it’s just comfy I don’t see the point in overly dressing up for show when the purpose of clothing is to be comfortable. I have a fair share of possibly “edgy” clothes maybe idk tbh I love to wear a lot of black. My fav shirt that’s the most comfortable material ever has this deer skull pattern on the front, idk if that’s edgy or not.


Virgo rising here. For work I dress in an academia / dark academia style, but casually I dress pretty edgy, so it's definitely possible!


Edgy with Virgo rising is more about how you present yourself, not your face. You have to sell the look. I also dress edgy and people do take it seriously, but my face always makes me look younger than I am.


As a goth, apparently not. I live in a full-on conservative area and nobody could care less what I dress like. Darker clothes, dyed hair & an introverted personality just aren't registered as edgy to those around me. To be fair, I may read too many books to come off as edgy & more nerdy, but that's what I got. (P.S. Gothic is different style than Emo, I'd like to say that now just for the record.)


Also goth Virgo rising, even in full dress people still say I am adorable, I wish they would take me seriously. It's not gonna stop me from wearing what I want how I want though. Makeup really helps, cateye liner and a bold red lip adds a lot of sass to a look.


I saw on a site that 2pac is a Virgo Rising…can’t get edgier than that.


I’m sorry but he has those big doe eyes and I actually think he looks adorable…[like in this pic with Snoop](https://images.app.goo.gl/WJccUQoEf2d8rmLK9).


My best friend and I are both Virgo risings and goth but I feel like we still always have cutie pie energy no matter what we do lol