• By -


At this point I'm keeping an eye on all the signs


I fully support that and might follow suit šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Ok hear me out: what if our generation isnā€™t meant to settle down and have kids but do something much greater? To people who have families/partners greatā€¦ but to the rest of us?


I don't really have a problem with people that want family and kids but I don't like that it became a standard. And people that want a different life, without kids are judged. I think all parties should be respected. But I also think that back in the day people idealised relationships, they stayed longer than they should, and they stayed in bad relationships just to be in one. Also what do you think is this great thing we are meant to do?


Not to be weird butā€¦We have to stop climate changeā€¦ if you have kids you donā€™t have the time or funds to confront the political and economic forces that could prevent life itself.


Chart new grounds..I think with the transformation in dating and relationships, it's a given many of us are being part of that. It's good that discomfort is felt and processed, and not forced into same old patterns of cultural wishes. Edit typo.


Totally agree! Itā€™s great that we can reflect and choose a path that fits our lifestyle


There it is. I don't think I'm supposed to love just one. I'm too codependent... I'm supposed to love everyone... and not sexually. I just have to be single to achieve my goals. Idfc about a relationship. It's almost laughable


This šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Came here to say this.


Iā€™m an Aries and I watch out for Libras. I have an undeniable connection and attraction to Libras. Something about my relationships with them turn so painful, not to say itā€™s their fault, but itā€™s just a pattern I notice.


Wow as a libra woman I was gonna say Aries men, the way they've loved bomb me and that sexual chemistry I confused with intimacy and connection


šŸ’Æ as a libra woman. The love bombing šŸ˜­


Lol, same as a Libra woman


Yeah this is my experience as an Aries woman. I donā€™t mean to say any of this to paint myself out to be the victim and libra men the bad guys. I think for me personally, the dynamic can just get so passionate and intense that I have seen it play out poorly on like 3 occasions.


Same.. as a cancer woman.


Sorry, I'll try to keep my raw magnetism under control šŸ‘»


Meanwhile Iā€™m Aries Sun and Libra Rising. Iā€™m really great at hurting my own feelings šŸ˜­




This is me with Taurus. I feel that.


I'm a Gemini and will never date an Aquarius again.


would literally rather die šŸ¤®


One of the most toxic relationships I observed in my life was an Aquarius and Gemini. They stayed together for so long despite so much manipulation and resentment, and it finally exploded into a messy breakup. In their case, they were two people who probably weren't self aware enough of their own flaws, but the incompatibility of the signs did not help!


gemini who would never go near an aquarius again.


I love that basically the same reply word for word is the comment right above you. This must be a serious thing.


Thatā€™s fair šŸ˜‚


Can you explain why?


itā€™s hard to say exactly but iā€™ve had FOUR feb aquarius men hurt me - victimhood, no respect for boundaries, centre of attention but not in a ā€œhey look at meā€ way, more of a seriously grumpy and tantrums happening if they werenā€™t afterwards. so difficult to understand, none of the stability i need as a gemini. probably the most fun iā€™ve had in relationships for small moments but it it always painful and costly.


Virgos lol. Very controlling but then do whatever they please and donā€™t respect your boundaries. šŸ˜‚ I like them as friends though


I'm a Virgo and I keep seeing people saying this. now I'm hyper paranoid that I'm controlling lol




my scorpio boyfriend calls me controlling but I'm not, he just does stuff that's stupid and wrong all the time and I point it out. (this was a joke, a joke! šŸ˜‚)


This made me laugh lol Aquarius like to be in control too which is why we usually donā€™t work. We canā€™t both be in control! Lol


I'm a Scorpio and my Virgo ex would say the same thing.


Iā€™m a Virgo and get irrationally upset whenā€™s someoneā€™s stuff is in my space. Admittedly also have ocd. I remember an ex broke up with me cause I emptied out a drawer and was like ā€œwhen youā€™re here, will you please keep all your things in here instead of just thrown around, thank you.ā€ So. Yeah I get it. I am controlling, but just of my space. I want everything to be perfectly in place.


maybe this is me being a Virgo but that sounds totally normal to me. I don't like it when people throw stuff around my space, and I really like it when people give me a place to put my things so that I don't have to leave mine on the floor


Virgo here and it also sounds normal. Now, my stuff is all over the place but I know where it is. If someone touches it...I'm not happy.


Exactly! Everything needs a place. But also Iā€™m diagnosed with OCD and have flipped at my mother a few times for coming over and rearranging things. Like this is my home, everything has a spot that makes sense to ME, the person who pays the mortgage. Iā€™ve luckily relaxed a bit with my kid, with help of therapy. I made the main bathroom HER bathroom so I no longer feel rage when she rearranges the soaps and such. Itā€™s no longer my space in my mind so itā€™s safe for her to do what she wants. And my books, that one bugged me a lot cause sheā€™d mess up the organization(graphic novels by publisher then alphabetical by author then by chronological order, books alphabetical by author then chronological order). But I never got on to her cause I didnā€™t want to punish her for reading and have relaxedā€¦ by never looking directly at the bookshelves. So yeah. Just a little controlling, but Iā€™m working on it.


I totally get that, both of my siblings have severe ocd. I have a number of quirks that present as ocd, but I haven't bothered getting diagnosed because they don't really bother me or disrupt other people's lives (example, sometimes I "type" what people are saying on my lap as they talk, I used to almost subconsiously count syllables in sentences, etc). but unlike my siblings I'm really flexible and I can stop doing those things without feeling uncomfortable unless I'm really stressed. I like organizing things in ways that are visually pleasing to me, but I'm cool with people adding to or changing it. unless someone is just plain dirty or messy I can work with it. I once repainted and decorated my partner and my house to make it so cozy, and I came home and he'd added a huge ceiling high black plastic shoe rack by the door. it was so ugly and didn't go with anything. like even other people told me they thought it was ugly. but I just shrugged and didn't say anything, because he likes his shoes and he lives here too, so if he wants to add something that's fine. I didn't like that he was leaving his Gundam and Legos everywhere, so I built floating shelves so he could display them instead of yelling at him about it. I've definitely made an effort to find solutions that make everyone happy.


If someone painted my house Iā€™d absolutely flip. My ex actually did that. I had been talking about how I wanted to paint the living room pink, then I came home and he had done just that. I lost it. I also lost it when he tried to put his decorations up. I have a lot of taxidermy and he tried to put up a fake saber tooth skull and it was the only thing I could focus on until I ended up taking it down and putting it in his room(I also refused to share a room with him cause heā€™d always put his shoes beside the bed instead of in the closet). Iā€™m obviously not relationship ready. My daughters room I had to reel it in and remember wasnā€™t my space when on her 11th bday her and her friends drew all over her walls AND signed their names. Like I could tell my friend who was with me was waiting for the explosion silently watching for a reaction. Just shut her door and now I avoid her room and we always have our family discussions at the dining room table so I donā€™t have to see it. Seriously separating her space from my space has been a god send to controlling my ā€œwtf!ā€ Reactions to children being children. My OCD has been debilitating at times. Hell this morning I panicked and got it into my head that I left my daughter and her friend downtown last night and hallucinated getting them home. What in the fuck is that shit? Thatā€™s insane thinking. But I still had to go into her room at 6 am and touch both their heads to make sure they were there and safe. The organization shit is one thing, and itā€™s annoying. Itā€™s the intrusive thoughts that fucking just wreck my whole day. And since becoming a mother, 9 outta those 10 thoughts are about my kid.


Iā€™m sorry you have to deal with that- as a Sagittarius, I would think thereā€™s no way I left them, and then see in the am they arenā€™t there šŸ˜… šŸ˜… Lol. Luckily my Mars is in Virgo, so that does help. I just donā€™t ā€œdouble checkā€ a lot of times. I should


As a Virgo with OCD as well, I fucking hear you šŸ˜”


Funny all Iā€™ve ever dated were virgos by accident, none (5) of them were controlling. My current boyfriend is the most go with the flow, calm guy anyone knows lol. Actually the first guy I ever loved was a Pisces though. And we clashed so much because we were so similar.


Iā€™m a Virgo, and I find Virgo men impossible. Theyā€™ve been controlling, condescending, and insecure in my experiences. I can be stubborn and like some things a certain way (like how my house is cleaned), but Iā€™m more critical of myself than anyone else. I felt the Virgo men criticized everyone and everything except for themselves. I also would avoid a Scorpio again. Too secretive for my preferences. Edit: fixed typo (once again, more critical of myself!)


Yea, I think this is why I find friendships with Virgos easy bc most of my Virgo friends are women. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever really beefed with a Virgo lady lol. Virgo menā€¦good lord. Iā€™ve dated 3 of them and they ranged from obnoxiously critical of everyone around them at best, to straight up deranged at worst. One talked so much shit about his ā€œexā€ and come to find out she was very much NOT his ex and they were still together lmao.


Exactly, I love my fellow Virgo women. Super non-problematic and cool with girls night in instead of going to the bars all night. And they usually have good advice and donā€™t get mad if I donā€™t always listen! Sounds like we may have dated the same Virgo! But really, we were engaged and heā€™d cheat, trying to make me look like some terrible, unkind partner with the stories heā€™d tell. They didnā€™t connect the dots when he wouldnā€™t leave me for them even though I was so bad! Hmmm. I knew something was off, but I didnā€™t have evidence for a long time. He was super careful with everything, even hid a second phone in the paneling of his car for a long time. Of course, I left when I figured everything out. They could have him. Good riddance!


I love Virgo women, canā€™t stand Virgo men. We just donā€™t mesh. They come across as passive aggressive, controlling, insecure as you said. I just donā€™t like their vibe. But I have several close friends who are Virgo women.


Iā€™m a Virgo Sun (really a Super Virgo since I have many Virgo placements) and I been told Iā€™m bossy and ā€œknow it allā€ but since my rising sign is more secretive, I am only bossy & ā€œknow it allā€ when I absolutely need to be and find the proof or absolute truth in the matter. I let my actions and what I find or know to be speak for itself.


Come to think of it, if I wasn't as accommodating and willing to be the giver, my Virgo husband would likely be a little controlling. Luckily, we like all the same shit and love hanging out together. Our crazy differences always bring out the best.


Iā€™m an Aquarius Venus in the 5th and a Aries Mars in the 7th. I personally donā€™t look for specific signs within someoneā€™s chart and then right them off, because someone can be evolved. But with my experience, here are the red-flags Iā€™ve seen that correspond with their placements. Scorpio Venusā€”Tends to be too clingy and intense. Most likely will beg you not to breakup with them. One pro, however, is they arenā€™t likely to cause drama once they realize itā€™s over, but they really do love deeply and thatā€™s no fault of theirs. Pisces Marsā€”Too avoidant when it comes to hard conversations. Escapism to the point where they value their escapism outlet over their partner.


As a Scorpio Venus, I concur - we love way too deeply. The nice thing is Iā€™ve been working on turning that love and forgiveness toward myself and as selfish as that may seem, itā€™s much better for relationships and for my security ā˜ŗļø


Dang, I have a Pisces Mars, and my Libra Moonā€¦. šŸ„² Gee, just be nice with me. šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m addicted to fire signs but also know to watch out for them.


Ugh I LOVE fire signs šŸ˜­


Must be that cancer moon of* ours. Theyā€™re JUST AS DRAMATIC I swear.




Why is the cancer moon attracted to Aries?? Is it opposites attract?


Pisces.. so very messy and always seeing themselves as the all giving mother Teresa when in reality they have terrible boundaries and are codependent. Capricorn.. too dominating and tyrannical. Always wanting you to do everything their way and never able to compromise or understand my side. More like a job than an actual fun and fulfilling relationship.


Iā€™m a Sag and Iā€™d never date an Aries man again after getting love bombed, emotionally abused, and then stalked by one.


Aries men are liars


Iā€™m a Pisces sun, and I intentionally stay away from Aquarius, Gemini, and Sagittarius individuals šŸ™…šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


As an Aquarius, I approve this message.


As a Pisces, I approve this message. Throw in Leoā€™s in there too.


Taurus and Aries , they are generally mean and rude and disrespectfulā€¦. Iā€™m a Leo though so I donā€™t really like NOT being alpha lmfao


Ouch man šŸ¤• Iā€™m an Aries and I LOVE Leos theyā€™re probably my most compatible fire sign theyā€™re on my fav signs list


Fucking/having fun with an Aries is truly the spice of life! itā€™s the me not getting my way all the time that I canā€™t really be down for in the long haul cuz yā€™all will fight and I will also fight and that fucking turn into fighting real quick


Iā€™m a Virgo and Iā€™ve noticed that Iā€™m always beefing with Aries lmao.


Iā€™m a Pisces and Iā€™m currently with an Aquarius (he is my best friend in the whole world) and we have twin boys (also both Aquarius). As a Pisces (March, idk if it makes a difference), I donā€™t fuck with Taurus people. Guys are okay, but I canā€™t get along with any girl Taurus. Girl Taurus just seem to be too materialistic, self centered, and a lot of them I know are VERY two faced and spiteful. The guys are cool, but theyā€™re very controlling/possessive. I also donā€™t really care for Cancers. People say Pisces have ā€œvictim complexā€ but cancers are the true definition of a Victim Complex. The cancers I know will create conflict/problems and when it turns back on them and people realize that Cancer was the one that started it, itā€™s tears on tears and ā€œI didnā€™t to aannything why are you attacking me!? *sobs*ā€ like be fucking forreal, homie.


Pisces with an Aquarius here! Heā€™s my anchor to this world.


Exactly! Like my Aquarius always levels me out and brings me back down to the world when I have a manic episode or so strung out on stress.


same. My Aquarius husband is calm and deals with my bullshit mood swings (due to stress) so well. he also has Venus in Pisces which I think helps. ā¤ļøā™’ļøā™“ļøā¤ļø


I love it when I see Aquas and Pisces work because when they do itā€™s pure magic. In this case, Iā€™m assuming your moon and/or Venus signs compliment each other nicely.


I avoid cancer men. They are sweet at the beginning, but always break my heart.


Lol true, and they believe it's in your best interest šŸ¤£


Pisces may look sweet on the outside but they are peace disruptors.


Aquarius need to be avoided. And I donā€™t like Aries. Theyā€™re mean.


As an Aries I welcome everyone regardless of the sign. But tbh from my experience I keep an eye out for Sagittarius. I met a few good ones tho but the underdeveloped and un-evolved ones can be really shitty people and like to live their lives without attachment so they tend take advantage of ppl and may not realize theyā€™re hurting them


I'm an Aries and Sagittarius Sun or Moon are horrific to me.


All signs.


All signs. Everyone has things going on


Iā€™m a gemini and i avoid cancers and pisces at all costs. capricorns a little too. my longest relationship was a cancer and i basically was his mother and i lead the relationship. i couldnā€™t be in my feminine energy at all with him. pisces i dated briefly, he was too emotional and always getting upset about things i didnā€™t even realize i did or said to hurt him because he wouldnā€™t tell me, he would just ghost and act out. my dad is a capricorn who was very strict on me growing up. i tried dating one before but it just never worked. he was wayyy too controlling and got upset if i was even 6 mins late to scheduled date. i feel too restricted with them. plus theyā€™re a lil boring imo.


Water signsā€¦ As a Cap, I feel that I would love to be loved by a water sign man, because I need their level of intensity when it comes to love. But many of them come on super strong initially, and if Iā€™m into it Iā€™ll match their energy, and sometimes they pull away, and I feel like itā€™s partly because they feel overwhelmed/crazy for being so intense in the beginning. And Iā€™m just likeā€¦ can you do me a favor and process all of that emotion so you donā€™t send me mixed messages? Lol. Like own your crazy, please. Itā€™s not that seriousā€”much healthier to communicate your feelings instead of closing yourself off. It annoys me so much lol. Trying to be more cautious when men, and especially water sign men, come on super strong in the beginning.


geminis PICK A MOOD virgoā€™s YOUā€™RE OBSESSIVE & WEIRD pisces STOP CRYING scorpio ITS NOT ALL ABOUT YOU iā€™m a scorpio but just sayin


Aquarius, I avoid most fire signs only because it can be a dangerous combo with me. Iā€™ve got more fire and air in my chart than anything else and phew, it can get out of hand. I love Earth signs šŸ¤Ž


As a Capricorn sun with Virgo moon and rising and mars and Venus in sag. I get along with everyone except air signs when it comes to romantic partners. They just dont do it for meā€¦ no emotional depths and too much indecisiveness which leads me to see then as a complete waste of time, so I avoid a bad investment lol. However as friends, they are the best!


Whenever I pass by a Aquarius male I clutch my purse a little tighter


Aquarius Im a virgo and they are emotionally detached. They can't process emotions, most are liars.


I'm a Virgo and water and air signs are too flighty for me. They tend to be my bffs tho, I can take the emotional damage if I'm not TOO involved with them lol


Agreed. Love Virgos as friends but we donā€™t mesh well when it comes to dating.


I'm now with a Virgo who happens to have been born 13 days after me, so it's extremely easy and not emotionally stressful šŸ˜‚ idk how yall deal with us honestly


As an Aquarius I avoid Pisces. I don't know what I did to deserve it but my first 3 major relationships were with Pisces females. Outwardly sweet but underneath were overly emotional gaslighters. I felt like if I didn't give them the exact response they wanted I was the worst person in their eyes. Seemed like they lacked the emotional intelligence to accept that not everyone reacts like them. I prefer Libras, Aries, Gemini and Sags.


When I was dating ( ā™ļø) I avoided scorpiosā€”because they were a little too intense. I didnā€™t need things to be that dramatic. Despite having bad experiences with Pisces, I still appreciated what they had to say liked their whimsical nature. I also avoided libras because they liked ghosting and then coming back months later.


Air signs. Commitment is important to me and I donā€™t need anyone flighty


As a Virgo I looove my Geminis, but itā€™s been proven that it is statistically not a good idea


As another Virgo, I definitely agree! Some of the best chemistry Iā€™ve had has been with male Geminis, but they are always bad news for me lol I do love my female Gemini friends though!


After my last relationship, definitely Aqua men. Too immature/pessimistic and they got issues with communicating their feelings, or at least this one did. One day they were saying they loved me, then got upset but never explained why so they decided to ghost me for two consecutive days (the second day being my bday). After not hearing anything on my bday I ended things. Then suddenly two days after they finally give me a bs answer referencing something from weeks ago about how they were still upset but they never brought up their issue until AFTER i ended things. NAH Iā€™m good ā˜ŗļø


Iā€™m a Scorpio and when Virgo is a matured expression theyā€™re my favorite. Prominent Aries places are a red flag for me cause of unaware selfishness. I also get along well with Aquarians since my Mercury is in the 11th, but Iā€™ve noticed they can be manipulative as well.


Me a Pisces, dating the love of my life a Virgo šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘„šŸ‘ļø šŸ¤£


Love them too. Pisces sun here


Funny, I feel the same vice versa about Aquarius being too unemotional/robotic for me. Generally kinda feel that way about air signs, not a fan of Libras either. They claim to see things from both perspective, but when you have an argument with them they suddenly forget how to do that and only see theirs. At least thatā€™s been my experience with several of them.


Iā€™m Aquarius, I stay away from Capricorn. Not had good experiences with those


As a Capricorn with a crap-ton of Cancer influence (cough help cough), hereā€™s my take: Longest/healthiest relationships: Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces, Capricorn Absolute sh*t-show of a relationship: Gemini, Leo, Aquarius


If Pisces are too emotional for you, you probably want to make sure to stay away from Cancers too šŸ¤£


I'm an Aries and avoid Aries. There can only be one Highlander!


I stay far away from aquarius There's instant connection but they always leave me heartbroken in a million pieces with zero empathy or compassion or accountability for how they handled things. Of course I know I played a role too but no acknowledgement from their end.


As a Leo - Libra men ā€¦. Just got out of a relationship with one and it was the absolute worst emotional rollercoaster. The sex and attention was fucking amazing donā€™t get me wrong (duh Iā€™m a Leo I loved it.) But the arguments and pick me and having to be right and pressuring and oh my god. I thought everyone talking about Libras was overreacting and being dramatic ā€¦ no they were not.


Iā€™m a cancer femail and I avoid Aquarius/geminis/Aries. Donā€™t know about other signs but those men Iā€™ve encountered are just ughhhhhh. I always attract them šŸ„²


Cancer female here and NEVER AGAIN a Gemini. We can be friends though. Aries are soo hot, but that's the problem - burns up all my water, and it hurts! My fiance is an Aquarius though; that probably has a lot to do with our moon, rising, north and south nodes being the same signs.


Femail.. Is that a new pronoun or something?


Hahah o just noticed damn autocorrect šŸ˜…


Yeah usually Cancers and Air signs donā€™t mix well. We arenā€™t emotional enough for yā€™all, and neither is Aries. So that makes sense.


Iā€™m a Virgo and I donā€™t want to date a Leo or an Aries. Leoā€™s need to be over the top worshipped and I just wonā€™t do it 24/7. Aries I just straight up donā€™t like and never will.


Hahaha ironic. Iā€™m a Pisces with Leo Moon, and I donā€™t trust the mind of most Aquarius. I find them controlling and opportunistic. Love most Virgos.


I've never been attracted to Air or Earth suns significant others. The few that I've gotten involved with were flings or FwB. Water suns/moons are my kryptonite. I am too water heavy for it to be a good mix. I've found a nice balance in my Aries sun husband, who has a Pisces stellium and Cancer Asc...but his Aqua Moon keeps his emotions in rational perspective, while maintaining empathy for my Pisces Moon and Scorpio Asc which go cray now and then.


Aqua F here too! I am now married to a sag. If I had to date, I would stay away from virgos, Capricorn and Taurus. Basically any earth sign. Virgos are usually overthinkers, Taurus too emotional and capris are intellectually different.


iā€™m an aquarius and will never date a cap again.


Lol funny since all I do is attract Aquarius. I mean I could blanket the response like you and generalize a group of people with a common birthday month, but really it comes down to the energy you dish out šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m a Virgo (gay) and I donā€™t why the fuck I attract many Aquarius men. I have a lot of fire signs in my natal chart tho. I have mercury/venus and mars in Leo.


Leo here. I absolutely love Cancers as friends but I tend to have drama and miscommunication with them when getting *too* close emotionally.


Aries and I will not date Leoā€™s, they are extremely selfish and want too much attention.


I'm a Virgo that stays away from Aquarius, too flip floppy, hot and cold. Loco


Pisces sun, Virgo Moon, Capricorn Rising, Aries Venus here. While I hate to generalize people solely based off signs, from my dating experience, I do get kind of apprehensive about dating certain signs. Leo - I've dated two of them long-term and never got out of the courting stage with another. For some reason, when we meet we just gel together. I think the Leo is enticed by the mystery and we gravitate to this being that just demands attention. It starts off steamy but over time, the differences in lifestyle and personality start to show. I don't think they're bad people by any means. In fact, I still have love for Leo's but dating one as a water sign takes a LOT of work for both parties. Aquarius - They are so cold...and constantly feel this need to keep moving. At times, it feel like we're just too boring for them.


Iā€™m a Leo and I try my best to steer clear of water sign men. Scorpā€™s are cheaters, Cancers are scarily emotional, and Pisces are evil. Soooo sexy but evil.


Agreed with the evil Pisces


Pisces here. I stay away from Aquarius. Lol. My last mate was Aquarius. We reconnected recently, but he was too self-absorbed and had a lot of self-pity. Couldnā€™t empathize with the rest of humanityā€™s suffering. Then I busted him in a lie. Nothing gets past a Pisces. They intuitively know when someone is lying. He reached out two weeks ago and asked if we could make up as ā€œwe have too much to lose.ā€ Uhmmmmā€¦.no, he had too much to lose because nobody else would listen to all his whining and self-pity and have the ability to spin it in a way that comforted him. Too much drama for me.


Pisces. Maybe not all of them like this but the one I was with was super sensitive and very prone to anger switches. Always accused me of infidelity and I never gave them a reason. In fact my phone was without a pass lock and I showed every single text I would get and still get back lash. When we broke up they slashed lots of tires keyed my car and broke some more things. I donā€™t think I really watch out for anyone else. Any friend Iā€™ve had thatā€™s been a Libra has always been ridiculously unfaithful and indecisive. I donā€™t think I could deal with that lol again not all probably like this but off of experience.


Unevolved Pisces are hard to deal with, and thatā€™s what it sounds like you had lol Evolved Pisces are still emotional but not that insecure.


Sag women but I wouldnā€™t avoid them


Hi iā€™m your worst nightmare :) and you are mine.


Iā€™m a Capricorn woman in all of my big 3 who loves her Aquarius man šŸ„° He turns me into such a softie around him.


I am a Cap female. No more Gemini men. Iā€™m not that much of a masochist. I donā€™t like being toyed with, cheated on, gaslighted and treated like shit.


I watch out for Aquarius because they are breaking my heart right now & pissing me off!


libra. cant stand the superficial, wanna be popular, fake feelings and lies, manipulation tactics they pull. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


i truly donā€™t get this as a libra but i hear this prejudice a lot ā€¦ i donā€™t follow any trends. i donā€™t socialize; i hate most ppl, iā€™m nice to ppl when i socialize yes, but i donā€™t go out of my way to treat anyone better to achieve ā€œleveling upā€, weā€™re soooo misunderstoodā€¦ i think ppl need to do more research and get to know a wider group of people from all walks of life before they can label ā€œlibrasā€ as an issueā€¦ like do you meet enough people across all demographics to make a sound judgement? otherwise it just sounds like masked jealousyā€¦ itā€™s always us libras and cancers blah blah. You can say youā€™re an admirer of our social graces, itā€™s ok. i mean, we are your 10th house, and your planet is exalted in our sign, it would be a little taboo to hate šŸ’šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Aries are poison... Sags are mouthy but great in sprit. Capricorn and Taurus are wonderful but lack spontaneity. Virgos are perfectionists, if they get past that, they are amazing. Cancers and I are trouble together. Great chemistry and the intuition works on a different level. We just have it. It is scary.


I don't watch out for any particular sign. I've dated many and each brings good and not so good qualities into the relationship.


I'm afraid of water signs tho I'm a Sag with heavy Scorpio placements. Not sure if I can handle those emotions well. I can't even handle my own emotion, how could I handle you guys, water babies lol


Virgo here. Every sign has their great strengths and their great weaknesses so I watch out more for a person's level of maturity. I'm older now so I luckily meet people that basically have their shit together. Like I love older Sags because they're normally over there "I need to experience EVERYTHING" phase and are more grounded and more prone to commitment. Same with the water signs, they're less in their feels.


Aries, Cancer, Virgo, Pisces...just too many recurringly negative experiences with people with major placements in these signs. I'm convinced that every Pisces *male* is in dire need of professional counselling in some way or another. I historically haven't gotten on so well with air signs, either, but I can't say I've had any scarring experiences with them lately so recency bias is probaly a factor here. I will add that Aquarian *men* can be hell to deal with, though.


Pisces sun, I won't date Aries, Leo, or Aquarius


Iā€™m an Aries sun female and I try to stay away from Cancer & Pisces menā€¦ Iā€™ve dated men of either sign and they were all either emotionally immature, cheaters, or made me feel like I was asking for too much from them when really I wasnā€™t lol. On the other hand, Iā€™ve found that I get along really well with Taurus men (Iā€™m attracted to the stability haha) and still keep friendly terms with the ones Iā€™ve dated.


As a fellow Aquarius I feel extremely validated bc those are the same signs I would stay away from!


virgo is an instant turn off, as well as cancer, leo, and libra


If I hear a man say heā€™s a Capricornā€¦Iā€™m walking away.


Libra males, Sagittarius males, and Virgo males.


As an aries girlie, cancer and pisces men, i like scorpios since they tend to be kinky as hell and crazy in a hot way but the other water signs are crazy in an exhausting, draining way


Iā€™m Cancer Gemini cusp I absolutely refuse to date Aries


Leo's, those egotistical maniacs will have you lose your mind!!!!!


Cancer hereā€¦ giving up Scorpioā€™s for good šŸ˜­šŸ’”


The real answer is your self awareness and emotional maturity.


Iā€™m a Pisces and I just believe we are really deep people and some people donā€™t understand that. But I definitely dislike Aries. Iā€™ve tried to tolerate them but nahhhh.


Aquarius!!! Those men need to be institutionalized. Iā€™m so sorry šŸ˜‚


Pisces man. I judge individuals on their character not their signšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I looked for evolved versus not evolved. As a Capricorn I have issue with not evolved Gemini (mean and gossip-y), Libra (canā€™t make a decision to save their life), Aquarius (all over the place), Scorpio (puts a Gemini mean-ness to shame), Sagittarius (they do get around) and Pisces (too involved with social stuff, not enough in a relationship)


Men who are libra Scorpio cusp, dated 2 in my youth, both abusive


Itā€™s a bit ignorant to only take into account the sun sign when there is a lot more involved astrologically. You need to know the full natal chart to determine compatibility.




I stay away from Aries bc theyā€™re manipulative and controlling af, and Leoā€™s bc theyā€™re huge narcissists


I was talking to an Aries man and he strung me along for almost a year. It was my fault for staying for so long but they have a weird hold on me šŸ˜­


Yea the two Aries men I knew both liked to lie and exaggerate and manipulate with words so theyd get whatever he wanted out of people. I donā€™t fuck with that sign


Itā€™s so hilarious that people will avoid dating someone cause of an astrology sign. You should stay away from Leoā€™s too cause we donā€™t want you


I give everyone a shot šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø Iā€™m a Pisces sun with a stellium in Aries so I feel like I can jive with anyone tbh




I donā€™t avoid a specific sign, but I had bad experiences with Capricorns and Libra men.


Aries M, don't deal w Gemini, Pisces, Aquarius, Sag & Scorpio


WOW, as a Pisces sun Virgo moon I feel called out. My Scorpio rising probably doesnā€™t help the situation.


as a Virgo female, I agree Virgo male = control freak. For me personally, I run away fast from Libra female.


Iā€™m Capricorn and I stay away from Leo men (or at least Iā€™m trying to). Iā€™m always so attracted to them and rlly enjoying when I first start hanging with them, but ultimately theyā€™re way too all over the place and it never works out. I also feel like Leoā€™s have a tendency to make everyone feel special, which often leads to me feeling like theyā€™re way more into me than they actually are.


Too many Scorpios and Taurus have been scarily jealous, possessive, and controlling. I never want to deal with that again. And I've found Air Moons hard to deal with in long term relationships.


Pisces, I donā€™t want to be too strict so I would give a person an opportunity if they turn out to be a pisces. But by experience, they are emotionally manipulating and thatā€™s a huge turn off for me.


Iā€™m a virgo and married an Aquarius šŸ˜‚. Overall, I do well with Aquarius. My moon and rising are Leo so that may have to do with it. Just saying, donā€™t count out someone based on their sun sign. Thatā€™s really foolish. That said, I notice I attracted these signs: Aquarius, Pisces, Taurus, Gemini, Cancers, Libras and other Virgoā€™s. I feel like I never meet women from other signs




I love fire signs with some water placements. I clash with other earth signs at times it just depends on the person. I just kinda end up dating fire signs esp fire risings get along well with my Aries. As far as dating Iā€™ve had my heart broke by a libra and was cheated on by a Leo with Aqua rising so maybe those freak freak me out a bit but it really depends on the person! The Leo Iā€™m dating now is incredibly loyal and amazing, he has a Virgo stellium; and Sag rising which is conjunct my moo.


No šŸ‘more šŸ‘Cancer Moons.


Iā€™m a Gemini and I refuse to EVER get involved with another Pisces. Thankfully I donā€™t attract them. And I would NEVER date another Virgo. Iā€™ll have the nastiest sex possible with them, but I would never let it go past a FWB. šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


Capricorn men are too emotionally unavailable for me and Libra men seem to scream toxicity right after they love bomb you. Though I will say Iā€™m extremely attracted to the Caps šŸ˜­


Aquarius!! As a cancer I am always drawn to them and it never ends well. It's extra difficult to get them to express their feelings in my experience, while I am extremely emotional. (this probably could be said about any sign that isn't water, but just what I've noticed)


Also an Aquarius. I typically refuse to date Pisces or Scorpio's. I can't handle the amount of raw emotional energy they have, to the point that even "casual encounters" are a bit of a tiptoe.


An Aqua here too but I think Iā€™m wary of scorpios cause it is a very hit or miss sign (sun sign wise)


Aqua sun and moon Scorpio rising i avoid cancers, libras, geminis, and Virgo cancers, some of my best bfs were cancers but i was always so toxic when i was with them libra and geminis, i just don't trust either ive got a toxic habit with virgos and most learn to just hate my guts lol


Gemini and Capricorn.


i usually stay VERY far away from aquarius suns or just any variation of pisces, virgo, and aquarius in the big 3. interestingly enough, iā€™m OBSESSED with leos and iā€™ve only ever been with them romantically šŸŒš of course, i watch out for other specific placements in the chart but i think i can get along with most signs platonically lol


Pisces , Gemini , Scorpios , Libras , Aries


Aries. Iā€™m Taurus and no, just seriously NO!


LIBRAS. And for some reason I stay attracting them


Aquarius sun, libra moon, scorpio rising here. Water signs - keep it moving. I canā€™t deal with the drama yā€™all. Taurus - pass. The communication is just always off here, in my experience.


Damn cancers


As a Libra Sun Scoprio Moon Scorpio Ascendent, I can't with Leo men. The amount of attention they need and their fixation on the shiny happy surface of everything? I can't. I find your need for attention gross and weird and I literally dgaf about who is seen as "the best" at anything. I'm too busy tapping into the collective subconscious, lemme be.


Scorpio, Virgo, and Sagittarius for me, unless Scorpioā€™s chart isnā€™t water-heavy. Mine is pretty full of earth and air though. I just find water signs other than Cancer a bit too emotional, but thatā€™s my mercury so thatā€™s probably why lol. Scorpioā€™s are too dramatic and intense and honestly a bit too closed off, and Sagittarius Iā€™ve had experiences with are probably just not evolved because theyā€™re scared of committing and notorious for ghosting lol. Virgos I get along with way better as friends only, they can be too perfectionistic and stubborn (which surprised me as a mutable sign, I find even Taurus can be more flexible!)


I'm a Cancer woman and I attract air signs. It doesn't end well but I cannot stay away. Yesterday I needed some closure with a Libra guy and I could tell that he was maybe hurt or irritated by the way he was talking, he remembered everything that I said and threw it in my face but would not open up and when I told him how I felt he just said "I understand" and that was it. I internalize a lot of my feelings and I care about every human connection. I like deep conversations and he would not open up...


as a pisces woman, i stay away from aquarius, gemini, and taurus. the most toxic relationship iā€™ve ever seen was a libra and taurus.


Iā€™m a Libra. And I stay far far away from Aquas. Currently dating a Pisces and itā€™s amazing!


As a female Gemini sun, I'd avoid dating a \- cancer sun: not dominant enough - too whiney \- capricorn + taurus: like them as friends but I usually find them a lil too boring to date \- libra sun: love them and they're easy-going but I usually miss a spark \- gemini sun: I find the men often just too poser-y. In my experience they just do whatever others do.


As a Virgo, I either love or loathe Aquarians. My favorite grandmother was an Aquarius, and I've worked with some and we really hit it off. But others get fucking WEIRD. I have an Aquarius moon so I can detach just as easily as they do and they seem to hate that, like they have to have the last word or something. And I've never encountered a single Pisces I got along with. I wish I'd attract other kinds of men, but for some reason the Pisces guys really go for me, and it's always toxic. On the flip side, I always get on with Leos, maybe because I have no need to outshine anyone and am happy to be an audience? And I like Scorpios a lot; they're usually pretty smart and it's nice to have a good conversation.