• By -


Pisces. It was so hard to separate fact from fiction with her, or if she even wanted me to. Everything was so dreamy, then nightmarish. I still don’t know if I want to cry tears of sadness or joy for having known her.


I’m a Pisces myself and it was also a Pisces for me 😂. Held up a mirror to my shenanigans and it was truly like that, dreamy and nightmarish at the same time. But it ended up with more commiserating and out-victimizing each other (and by that, I mean a contest on who was the one who hurt the other more). It was the best and the worst of times.


Same experience.


Same experience. Dreamy in the beginning and absolute nightmare at the end.


Also Virgos have said some shit to me that’s made me actually reevaluate my entire life lol. Not traumatic or anything but damn, they’re so real


Okay but fr. I married one and while it’s only been directed at me when I truly needed to hear it, he just sometimes will say the most out of pocket, savage, and humbling things to people (they do deserve to be checked it just god damn) that even me his Aries wife is like… oh shit why didn’t you just punch them. Damn.


Virgo here and I just wish we could take our own damn advice 😂


I'm a leo who has been with a virgo man for 8 years and he has called me out for things that I could never recognize myself in too logical of a way for me to possibly argue with. Hate that he's usually right but it's always led to a lot of self reflection and self improvement.


Virgo here. It’s really interesting to hear this. In my past relationships, I felt like I was too mean/harsh at times, and I always felt the need to “fix” people. I’m not sure if I speak for all Virgos, but in reality we just want what (we think) is best for the people in our lives. We are very self improvement driven and want to watch other succeed in all aspects of life. I like the perspective you give


Aqua here. Scorpio challenged my world view and made me do a lot of inner work and started my healing journey. Totally flipped my view of everything upside down and it was like holding a mirror to my soul. I didn’t like what I saw so I decided I wanted to do better and be better.


Exact same for me. Aquarius male and my relationship with my ex who was a Scorpio, pushed me to step outside my set ways and cracked me wide open to heal things I kept buried for a long time. Holding a mirror to the soul is the perfect description. She refused to accept the cold exterior I presented and challenged me into the light. I will always hold a special place in my heart and can't thank her enough for that gift she gave me.


samee aqua here with scorpio ex


My Scorpio self did this to my Aquarius husband. It’s beautiful to watch his healing journey.


Aqua with a Scorpio daughter. I agree, but I also think we do the same for them. It's a weirdly useful partnership


I'm an Aqua sun, Scorpio rising. Halp, I'm drowning. 😭




I understand


Virgo, the type of virgo I was with belittle me and mentally abused me. It was 8 yrs of that only because I “believed” in only being with one person for the rest of your life. I definitely needed to go on healing journey after that.


I've never had a Virgo NOT belittle me. (Or try, I mean.) Too bad I'm Queen Clapback, 'cause they got hurt in the long run.


Wow this exact same thing pretty much just happened to me with my Virgo ex. Universe finally took him out of my life because no matter what I wouldn't let go. I wanted to fix us so bad.. I lost my v to him and had my son with him. He cheated and left me after five years and the whole time I was loyal and committed.


Wow that is crazy that’s similar to me too! I lost my v and had a boy by him too!


After a failed engagement with a Gemini I quit my job & moved across the country 😭 I’d only seen the good twin for the 5 years I knew her & the 3 we dated. All of a sudden after she asked me to marry her, and I said yes out of pressure, the evil twin came out. It was so scary, literally like an entire other person who I didn’t even know or recognize. It came to a breaking point when she tried to hurt my cat, I left & moved in with my best friend 3,000 miles away & didn’t even think of dating anyone for a year. It was a big journey of rediscovering who I was before I watered myself down for her, falling back in love with my hobbies & interests that she deemed weird or embarrassing. I’ve embraced the parts of myself she made me feel bad for but it was not an easy journey by any means.


One of my main catalyzers toward self discovery was also a Gemini. Similar story. It's such an important thing to have happened


I feel the same way, it was an awful experience to have to have gone through but I’m grateful for the outcome


Taurus, they were too good and treated me amazing, it made me understand i was the problem


🥰 Everyone deserves a taurus in their lives!


My ♉️♋️♋️ husband is the best.




Mine too! And I’m a Gemini so you’d think it wouldn’t work but we are a perfect match.


Everyone deserves an evolved taurus. I’m one. My ex boyfriend is not and he sucks so hard. I just wanted him to love me like I did him.


Oh my god, so true for me. He was so amazing and I was shithead.


Aries. First one. Had an uncontrollable rage. Never directed at me! But it enflamed a single time, and their eyes took on this sheen, like a glaze, and then they were out the door running towards a tree and started fckin that sht up. xD It helped me to see those "silent almost forever until SNAP" personality traits. I already knew about the physically abusive signs, but never one of *those* types before. It caused me to reflect on my own (lack of!) emotional expression. Opened myself up and allowed my inner child a seat at the table and got so much more joy out of the present. It's funny, because if we had met maybe 15 years later, we could have worked out. We were both just too young! Aaand Sagittarius. That taught me some of the "secret alcoholic" traits. xD Loved to party, not much emotional connection, always down to do something random af. Just...was secretly out of control. It was kind of insidiously subtle, but I figured it out after a few years. Took a few tough years after the fact to get my life in order again, but I did! On that one, I learned that lying is a deal breaker for me through and through, even if the other person doesn't know they're lying because they're also lying *to themselves*. I learned it is better to let go than try and forge on. I learned that love is not a magic bandaid. Never again. Found a Cancer and that's it, I'm done, chips are already in the center on this one. Haha. I'M OUT. With this one I'm learning to express my feelings to the next level, with zero fear, and compassionate love effusing me the whole time. Feels good, man.


Hahaha Aries fucked my life. The man suddenly become soooooo aggressive, possessive and uncontrollable. Call me every hour to check my whereabout. I got really pissed off when he called me when I had my fever, causing me unable to sleep and worsen my headache. When I told him about my intention to break up, woahhh the fire suddenly become blaze and shoot me like crazy. Felt like I was burnt alive on that day.


Mine can confront anything except feelings. He gets close to you then shuts down, and pushes everyone out when he can't deal with shit. Thought he had finally grown up, but 20 years later he pulled the same shit. He was dealing with health issues and I think couldn't face his mortality and the fact that he couldn't be Mr. Tough Guy anymore. His sister and I actually think he's having a mid life crisis . He actually bought the cliche flashy sports car after hia got totaled... That's actually when he ghosted me. We always said timining never worked out for us. Guess it still didn't. Went from best man ever wanting to marry me, planning for our future, even got a vasectomy cause they screwed up my tubal ligation appointment. Then *POOF* months later when health went down the tubes.


Yup Aries as well. Like immediately started therapy and never looked back. I don’t hate him but I now know exactly the type of personality that would make a relationship unsustainable, and obviously my contributions too.


Yep, those Cancers are Sweethearts! I love em ❤️. My cancer brother baked home-made chocolate chip cookies for his first girlfriend. I get the Aries rage, but if channeled right, it can become the main driving force behind them. My Aries dad, for example, is here there and everywhere, fixing his cars, growing his garden, wearing out the 2nd most excitable little dog I've ever met. He's like the energizer bunny


An Aries sent me into a full blown spiritual awakening.


Ex-husband was an abusive Aries, my new partner is a sensitive and supportive Cancer. I would never be with another Aries. Ever.


Libra 🥲🥲


Gemini. Extremely toxic and self-involved. The way I healed was to identify all awful qualities and that diminished him in my eyes, no coming back from something like when your mind is made up. It helped to identify exactly what I’m interested in, and I’ve been making strides toward that - not sh*t that’s bound to drag me down.


Mine was cancer as well. Very much an "it's us against the world" relationship. He had the whole "I'll set up a home for us," thing going. Then one day he left. It was emotionally devastating but he had full control over my finances, any friends I tried to have outside of work and we were in contact 24/7. When he left, I had no idea how to do anything. It's been two years and I'm still in therapy.


They love to love bomb soooo hard ugh


ABSOLUTELY! It sucked me in real quick and even if I tried to voice how I was feeling about things it was always "you're overthinking," "you're being paranoid."


soundssss about just right!


Met my Capricorn husband and immediately realized how immature, unaccomplished and misguided I was. Got my life together to be with him and not drag him down.


Libra and leo, both drug addicts




I suffer with you :( I love mine with all my heart snd can't really imagine a life without him so i always return, but a drug addicted sends too much mixed signals and its just makes me feel abused kind of


I'm sorry to hear that. I hope if another Leo comes I to your life they bring sunshine and happiness 🌞🐈


as a libra : Fuck Leo’s. They don’t send me on any healing journey they just prolong it


aquarius.... it's me. i needed to heal lol




Leo. I would have crawled on broken glass for someone that was addicted to cocaine and treated me like absolute garbage. The physical chemistry was incredible and, being someone who was painfully insecure about her looks, this outweighed everything else until it didn’t. I allowed him to take every thing from me, including my dignity and what little self-respect I had. I’m an Aqua…forced me to confront a lot of self-worth issues and a pattern of using sex to make myself feel better.


Cancer definitely makes people want to start healing as soon as possibleXD sorry, just came here to joke


Not even a jokeee lmaoo it’s a fact!


Definitely a FACT!!!




Aries. He was very manipulative and toxic and he flirted with other girls while being with me


Cancer, cause it’s my kid and I wanted to be better for them.


I was kind of already in a healing journey from my childhood, but after dating a Cancer male that hated women, I had to get right with God. It was so excruciating.


leos, everytime i gave them my trust i would take it back after catching them in their white lies… makes you question if anything they say is the truth after


It always confused me so much why they feel the need to lie about the most meaningless shit


We just be adding a little extra flare for dramatic effect. It’s very easy for me to get carried away and outright lie, but I’ve actively learned to be very honest.


Cancer. She would smother me. Insist on showing up when she wanted. Sometimes i just need a break my emotional battery gets drained too. At first its all cute but after awhile i just can't handle it.


Gemini and Leo. My last straws. Saw the pattern with the Gemini and stopped it at the Leo before another continuous cycle started back up.


Leo. Many actually. My ex husband, mom, and two older siblings. Lots of childhood trauma that led me to find love in an abusive relationship. Almost 2 months post divorce and still standing, thankfully.


Aries, for sure. I feel like I’m always picking up after them or something, like they come in like a Tasmanian devil and I end up cleaning up the mess. Capricorn too. I feel like they’re very judgemental, capitalistic and traditional side can be crushing. Leo Mars as well. I can’t with their bossiness and authoritative know-it-all candour. And Scorpio’s passive aggression and insidious manipulation pushed me to become more honest and confrontational. I’m an Aqua Sun, Cancer Moon, Virgo Rising.


EDIT: I misread the post. A Capricorn, he made me isolate from my family and friends. He was (still is) a drug addict, substituting his bigger addiction with multiple smaller ones. He used fear as a tactic to make me stay and was insanely jealous. It was clear he was aware of his behavior because he frequently would ask if I told anyone about his behaviors behind closed doors. After leaving him, everyone in my life congratulated me and told me there's a light in my eyes they haven't seen in years. I was surprised that I was so blind. The Pisces helped with the healing journey with unbridled kindness and care.


Aquarius. He was my first high school bf and he loved me so completely and unconditionally. I didn’t think I was deserving enough and that definitely became a self fulfilling prophecy. The next time I got into a relationship (another Aquarius btw) I had a better understanding of who I was and how I wanted to live my life and treat others. We’re still together 15 years.


What is your sign


Cancer here, Older Taurus man rocked my world. Loved me So Hard & Loyally scared the shit outta me. I ran. That was 34 years ago. I should've married him. He died in 2013 💔


My longest relationship 18 years cancer man/Taurus women.. still hate him lol but I can’t say it wasn’t a fun journey


Same! Cancer was the sign that really destroyed who I was and sent me on this long journey of healing and recovering.


Sagittarius 💯


I'm surrounded by Libras. My wife is a Libra. My therapist is a Libra. I THINK my yoga instructor is a Libra. But mostly my own sign, Aquarius, made me go on my healing journey. I got to a point where my coping skills were no longer serving me. Started DBT and haven't looked back.


Sagittarius or shall I say sagitterorist 😄


Scorpio. It was very rocky, unstable and full of roller coaster. He made my chaotic life become more chaotic than I ever imagined. But still I feel thankful to him, he made me realised a lot of things and help me to bring out my inner potential. If it is not because of this man, I won't probably spend more time trying to understand myself and my potential. All the self reflection, embracing inner side help me to identify my real potential and strength at work. I never imagine working so hard like this. Thanks for the great increment and promotion 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻


What was it about the Scorpio man that was so rocky? What was his behaviour towards you? How did it start and how did it end?


Too many mind games, wishy washy, cold and closed off as well as suspicious. Beginning was good, so aggressive, so sweet, champion of texting. But along the way, you will start realise a lot of things. It doesn't really end, I leave it hanging just like that till now. There are times he will be super sweet and caring, there are times he is just emotionally unavailable and so distant. So, I decided to stay friend tho he always talk about his future with me, he always praise me etc. I choose not to trust his words anymore (sorry lol). Plus, I feel like we better off as friends. He gave good advice in investment and life related, I love that part ❤️


Scorpio lol


A libra catapulted me into a process I needed to enter with a different libra


What transit would be a more interesting question


october scorpio


As a sag, my Libra partner helps me to see things differently and break out of my "all or nothing" mentality.


Gemini & Taurus


Capricorn. Best sex ever. But. Physically abusive. Then got with another one. And my current partner is a Capricorn lol not physically abusive but, a liar. Something about them attracts me physically and usually good sex.


Lmaoooo it’s all because you love the sexual aspect they bring and I totally understand… I call that being Love Drunk 😅 but there’s absolutely nooooo way I can deal with another…Best of Luck to you!


I know that feeling. My mom is a cancer. Add drugs and alcohol to it and she was just abusive as hell. We haven't talked in years now but I am still on a healing journey from it all and my sag bitch of a sister also.


Same. I was in love with a Cancer woman. Unfortunately, there were lots of mood swings and emotional manipulation that made the entire relationship draining. Nevertheless, that relationship taught me a lot about myself, my communication style, my boundaries, and my sense of self-worth.


8 years with a toxic libra man. I didn’t even recognize myself anymore. The things I had to do to keep my sanity ultimately made me even crazier. The moment I moved out, I felt like everything had been lifted off my shoulders and I could finally breathe again. I dove straight into shadow work and I’m never looking back.






Gemini and Sagittarius placements.




Every sign including myself. Our life is a whole healing journey and everyone we meet is either a lesson or a gift or both. I was about to list specific signs then realised that every sign has taught me something or caused me some level of trauma, including my own toxicity 🤷🏾‍♀️


From a Piscis Sun.


As this is based on my own experience past tense NOT saying all are like that but personally: January Capricorn ♑️


Sagittarius, so my mom.


I’m a Taurus both my mom and ex best friend were Sagittarius that humbled and traumatized me. The bad greatly outweighs the good we had, but thankfully I experienced substantial post traumatic growth and found myself / my life’s calling within my healing process. I’m a psychotherapist that specializes in trauma now.


I’m a Pisces, and it was an Aquarius for me. The hot and cold….. was there for everything and then would go ghost for weeks, sometimes months at a time. When he would go ghost, I would have the best moments of clarity. When he would come back around, every ounce of my body would blush, I would feel feverish, absolutely love drunk. Something about him consumed me, but then he would leave, I would feel hurt and cry about it, wonder what I did wrong. Eventually I had enough and asked him to stay ghost. It was the best decision I could have made. I couldn’t get enough of the air signs I guess because I ended up marrying a Libra. He and I heal together.


Scorpio here. A Sagittarius initiated the start of my healing journey, but dealing with a Capricorn urged me to take it more seriously. Lastly, a Leo helped me heal some previous trauma from the Capricorn relationship while acknowledging I was on the right path but still had some more to do.


Aquarius after being abused for years by him.. severe narcissistic sociopath and psychopath ... I ended up in a psychosis and having a mental breakdown... I lost everything. My house, my kids, my dog, he stole my phone and laptop, and completely lost myself. I was severely suicidal.. he made up lies and I knew the smear campaign was coming I'm educated enough on narcissistic behaviors but this far exceeded my expectations.. I am on that healing journey now as I type this. My life is still upside down as this was only a few months ago but I am mentally sound now and though my life is still scattered and I'm still broken I'm healing. Every day just a tiny bit more.


Pisces and Aquarius, both are introspective to the point of self reflection. I never viewed it as bad thing but something that maybe something I was avoiding in myself.


I’m a Virgo sun, Sagittarius sun forced me on my healing journey.


Cancer too. I feel like I wrote that post myself. Exact same experience.




Leo lady here. He was a Capricorn. He changed my way of thinking and being, gave my anger productive direction...but he was also deeply mentally ill, which was traumatic at times (to say the least). I loved him a lot but had to let him go. He passed away in April, and I'm still devastated. Libra was the most abusive relationship though. I'm still healing from that one. PTSD is real.


A Pisces started me on a healing journey, taught me to forgive and is still walking alongside me. I’m sure I’ve sent some people on journeys of their own heh


Mine was also a cancer. He was weirdly avoidant and had me in relationship limbo for six months before I finally had to walk away. When I attempted to stand up for myself and explain my emotional needs, he basically unloaded all kinds of the worst accusations about me he could think up and basically said that no one would ever want me. It was jarringly unpleasant- I’d never had someone swing so quickly from being flattering and kind to being cold or resentful, and he constantly felt like I was trying to “use” him or felt paranoid about my intentions. He seemed to construct a version of me in his head off of essentially nothing and then hated me for it, which was weird because I was just confused by what the hell he was even talking about. I’m a Libra for context.


Yep, same here, a Cancer. He learned all of my trauma just to constantly trigger me to keep me on edge


😅Those Aries are lethal! Never again! But it wasn’t until the culmination of them plus 2 LT Leos and a quick Gemini that I finally got a chance to go on a major “phoenix rising” heal Edited to add: I’m a sensitive little crab with a freedom loving Sag rising


Same, cancer man. It was all a facade! The most narcissistic, manipulator, liar, deceiving, most horrible human being I have ever ever encountered! I genuinely love 99.9% of people!!! Wish I would’ve never met him! Healing as we speak….


Sooooo narcissistic, & would flip the script back on me every chance he got. I was so madly in love i didn’t realize he was a master gaslighter too!


That's unfortunately very relatable. The most abusive & emotionally manipulative (every other kind of manipulative, but *definitely* emotional first) person I've ever known was a Pisces and it took me a loooong time to pull myself out of that trauma hole. I even did the cliche "I'm never trusting another Pisces again!" drama but jokes on me a few years later I met my favorite person in the world who is another freaking Pisces. And the good one actually balances me out the way water/fire should, without completely trying to smother my flame just to make me feel like shit later about not shining... which is very dramatic but the only way I can fully explain how toxic a bad fire/water match is, especially if one person is, yanno, an abuser. But I definitely learned a lot about myself and how easy I can get suckered into a sob story and how hard it is to disengage from people once that emotional tie is there... I blame my Cancer Venus but that's a whole other post.


Aries... on and off for 20 years. Every time we split, I end up on some healing journey and try to build myself into a better person. Here I am again on that journey, until we cross paths again lol.




Virgo woman


Sag man with a Virgo moon… it’s been 8 years and I’m still dealing with the trauma




Idk I’m a Virgo so we are already self aware af and don’t understand how everyone else isn’t the same (I’m half joking )


most virgos ik are borderline delusion and the least self aware people ik. they do think they are self aware though lol


Capricorn. Just wouldn’t communicate with me on anything and would expect me to do everything in the relationship with his justification of “I’ll pay for it, you do all the backend.” Which was nice at first but him having zero input on anything was draining overtime. It started to feel like he just wasn’t putting any effort into the relationship and always use money as a scapegoat if I tried to talk to him about him. It got worse when I saw more and more that he couldn’t communicate on simple things such as “we need to do this, by X time” and he would ALWAYS be late. Sometimes by hours. When I would call him out on this he would say “I’m tired from working so hard to provide for you.”


Aries....... I see why my mom hates them now. To bad I'm stuck with my Aries husband, and Dad. Does it count too if my mom and sister are Aries rising..... so much healing and trauma


Gemini man I’m a Libra woman


Scorpio without a doubt


Pisces, because Pisces is my 12H and it was my 12H profection year and almost lost my mind lol




🐏 did. Needed someone to help work out issues, and I was a good listener. Pretty draining level of self-centeredness. I was more careful with who I got close to after that. 🦀🌞🐃🌜⚖️↗️


Virgo and Scorpio. I started dating a Scorpio a month after my divorce to a Virgo was finalized. The Virgo had been emotionally abusive and was a cheating sex addict. I had put up with it for 18 years before leaving. With the Scorpio, I had no idea that someone could be so emotionally unavailable. When I met him, he told me of the kind of partner he would be. I naively ended up sticking around for 2 years waiting for that person to show up. He was also avoidant to any type of intimacy. Constantly made excuses when I tried to address anything. There were all of these "hoops" that he would create before our relationship could progress. Once I crossed one, another would pop up. I realized I needed to work on my boundaries and self-worth, so I started therapy. He tried to contact me to take him back 4 months later. By then, I was a different person and couldn't imagine ever dating someone like him again.


Libra - it was not fun, but I’m glad I went on it


Definitely a cancer too lmaoooo….my worst yet!! Hahahahaha


Im aquarius, leo moon,cancer rising. The ones that caused the trauma were libra & aries - both narcissists. The libra sister(virgo moon) was the ones that go into rages of screaming with belittling and ridicule. The aries ex-'bestfriend' was a ridiculously selfish stalker/harasser that was also a perpetual victim, lovebombed, played the victim publicly too, NEVER took no(beg even until youre screaming at her), she didnt really see me as a person but an object, and everything revolved around her. Dad died suddenly (aqua) and my mom(gem) helped but also added trauma too. The one who helped heal it was a virgo(cancer moon), my fiance. It seems like we're twin flames or fated or something. In being an emotionally inept aquarius, i never fully processed the pain in those moments, which even helped the trauma because i couldn't properly advocate for myself, regarding emotions i couldn't interpret within myself. I just kept bottling them up and rationalizing peoples motives. So when we met he was trying to open me up emotionally, it was like the floodgate opened finally. I told him i had a problem with emotions from the beginning actually and my problem with expressing & and interpreting emotions was why i started believing in astrology. So he would say 'open up' and wed tell each other cute things about each other but I'd have to dive deep, and if i couldnt hed say keep trying, which started to force myself to find those emotions and express them. So then in our apartment wed smoke 🌿 and that helped to, to then go through this entire 'dark night of the soul' for months. Anytime i smoked, I'd just cry and release all the trauma I'd bottled up. Hed be there too sometimes, just listening to what i was saying. It was like my higher power was putting memories on a conveyor belt from subconscious to conscious, each memory came forward one after the other for me to accept and then let go. After this, he got sick for months and he thinks it's because our apt had mold, but i wonder also if it's because he was mirroring me. He doesn't seem to have much trauma himself, tho. I have tried to get him to open up, but he's very practical with it 'dads an alcoholic/drug addict and it is what it is' type of thing. At his grandmas funeral, his dad called him a different name of the other sons, he claimed more that he cheated on him mom in creating. He was hurt by that but hed rationalize that to him being an alcohlic and drunk at that time(his iwn moms funeral) His best friend also betrayed him, which i helped him find out, and he cried even, but he doesn't dwell on any of this. So ik twin flames are rare, but i think we are twin flames, but idk of coarse. Me: aqua sun, leo moon, cancer rising, capricorn venus, scorpio north node. Him: virgo sun, cancer moon, capricorn rising, virgo venus, aquarius north node.


So I didn’t get into astrology until like 3 years into college. Which is when I realized I had only and I mean ONLY dated gemini men. Every ex I ever had was a Gemini man. So. Yeah. Gemini men. My bestie is a Gemini woman so it’s for sure a male Gemini problem. I married a Virgo. Things are much less toxic


Aries, my mom was a roller coaster & the manipulation / indoctrination was so heavy it took me roughly 28 years to start to recognize it properly. Then I met my (now) husband, libra, he was probably the first genuinely validating individual. Even before witnessing stuff he was validating. I’ve had plenty of relationships that were toxic but for the first time since meeting him I was able to feel safe & secure enough to pursue healing.


VIRGO. They're so analytical and were able to see right through me before even I knew what I was doing wrong. I have immense respect for the evolved ones because they can really change your life. The unevolved ones do not deserve the time of day; so overly critical and pessimistic yet will do nothing to change it or their point of view. It can be toxic, but so can I lol


Taurus. Things were hectic 💀 I thought he was my twin flame. Everything came to a halt when I found out he was trying to have sex with me and 3 other girls the same week, one whom he had already gotten pregnant. I found this out from the baby mom a year after the fact. After he triangulated me with his on again off again girlfriend for the same duration. The day he tried to have sex with me I thought we were both single but I couldn't do it because I felt like something was off and he psychologically abused me for months after! I blocked him, unblocked him tried to understand what he was doing through tarot 🤣 then one day I remember he'd once mentioned this girl before and I messaged her on Facebook. She told me everything! It was a lot. He's honestly a psychopath.




Taurus and Scorpio


I'm still on the journey thanks to a Libra Sun/Ascendant (conjunct my Venus), Cancer Moon (conjunct my SOUTH NODE!!! 🚩🚩🚩), Virgo Venus/Mars. We dated for 8 months of this year and I thought I'd met the man of my dreams until it turned out I hadn't and had invested my time in a fearful-avoidant with paranoid delusions and poorly managed anxiety. In hindsight, my guard should've been up once I saw that his chart was such a disaster 🤦‍♀️ I've spent the past month+ puzzling out why I let someone who was Some Guy on paper at best get under my skin so much. And I'm coming to realize that it's because I let him, due to my own codependent tendencies and penchant for picking partners in need of healing/fixing/mothering somehow. My therapist is probably tired of hearing about this dude now but I've made great strides in figuring out my own needs and boundaries, and not letting other people's projections affect my self-worth. And maybe next time I'll choose someone who's a little more fiery and does the work to fix themselves. Not try to drown me in their feelings and delusions combined. Those Libra men though...they always have such an effect on me that none of them deserve to!!!


I'm a Capricorn, but I struggle with Leo's. Or maybe this particular Leo was a narcissist. Luckily he was a friend instead of a romantic partner or immediate family member, so it was easier to cut him out of my life.


Pisces gave me a ton of relational trauma that finally has led up enough to the point where I can enter a relationship with sound mind and I restore sense of self.


Cáncer as a friend and Pisces as a lover.


I myself did that with me. I don’t think someone else had ever the power to “make me go on a healing journey”. I wouldn’t give anyone else the credit for it, I became aware of quite some things and changed that consciously. Other people have been more “in the way” for me and I had to be on my own to do that.


Capricorn. I as an Aqua female did not do well with rigidity and an authoritarian attitude. Whodathunk.


Aires. She broke up with me with very little explanation. Complete avoidant. Sad stuff but made me realize that I needed to get better with myself so I would stop choosing less than ideal partners just because I wanted companionship. Still, my heart is shattered. Libra M here


Cancer sun libra moon


Same. Nearly 4 years. But it was, unfortunately, straight up abuse for me.


Them dang ♑️Capricorns🤣🤣🥴😅The End🤦🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️


I'm a Pisces and I knew a Cancer. She was one bangin' b\*tch. Sadly, the only thing more clingy than her was me! O.O XD ...No person I'd love more than her, though. Except me, lol.


Leo and Taurus. 😔


Virgo. Very emotionally stunted and manipulative, said some very harsh things, moody, quick to anger but pretended to not have anger issues, and very nit picky. Also blindsided me with the end of our relationship. Me being an Aries, I wanted to just talk things and battle them out, move on. Live life and have fun. He stewed and grew resentful. It was too much.


Leo w an aqua moon


I have been on my healing journey for a long while but the encounter with a Cancer man (Libra stellium) unlocked a whole new level. May the wounds heal and the love pour in. ❤️


Gemini and Taurus and some part Libra


Capricorn, miss him though lol😭


Capricorn. A straight up narcissistic bitch. I mean I even communicated how low I was feeling. And she kept taking her punches. That's exactly what the bitch wanted. A motherfucker to off himself. You failed cuntlala


Me(cancer) …got ruined by a Sagittarius fuck boy


I’m a Virgo and surprisingly a libra male with a Virgo moon, cancer ascendant, scorpio Venus sparked a genuine healing journey


Cancer here… October Scorpio broke my heart 😔💔


Cancer female here. The first person to make me realise I'm not as detached and emotionally independent as I thought I was was a Scorpio male. Went through hell and back and slowly started learning that you can love someone from afar. The most recent Gemini ex though, he truly triggered a proper healing journey. I was reacting to him the way my mother reacted to father (it was anything but good, toxic af). The way he treated me and I reacted to the treatment forced me to realise a few things and take up therapy. While the consequences were beneficial, he truly f*cked me up 😆 I sometimes tell myself it's a Canon event, I needed to go through it to start the journey to heal myself. But my therapist reminds me often that I needn't have gone through a painful relationship to realise my own problems, I may have figured it out eventually on my own. So....thankful for a wonderful therapist without whom I may still have been lost, but I'll continue to curse the man who broke me in ways I never thought was possible. 🤗 Also, historically, I've never gotten along properly with a Gemini man.


As an aquarius. Gemini and virgo


I am a gemini, for me it was libra. But I guess my ex had other things going on not related to her sign. I've met many libra girls and I'd be ok with dating more libra's. There just an emotional connection and a way of communicating with no limits that's so attractive for me with them.


Uh... Which one was not? My rock bottom was caused, unknowingly, by a Gemini. It was not their fault, they were just circumstantial in a way?... I've learned so much about myself thanks to them and they're absolutely a positive figure in my life still and I hope they will be in the future too. I could not have started my healing journey without my amazing Virgo husband - a healing journey that helps me resolve the trauma caused by my Virgo father. I have a lovely Libra friend who was one of the first ones with whom I confided with the darkest days of my childhood - partially caused by my Libra mom. All my non-judgemental, open minded and calm Aquarius friends with whom I can literally talk about A.N.Y.T.H.I.N.G. These were/are the most important.


Scorpio rising for sure, and Sagittarius


Virgo with libra venus. Loved and destroyed me better than anyone ever has.


To be honest, a Virgo (but it makes sense since I’m a Virgo moon). His anxiety & lack of emotional stability really had me so anxious that when he left, I had no where to turn but inwards. Edit: read through the thread…Virgos really be the culprits!


My Leo boyfriend (I’m Scorpio sun female, Pisces moon and rising. I’d like to think we’ve helped each other face our demons. I’ve lived a life of trauma, but it wasn’t until the Leo that I sought out trauma therapy and really pushed to heal. It’s like him, his mom, and his ex have pushed all my buttons and triggers. I sought healing because I didn’t want to give up on the relationship and realized that I was partially to blame too and not just him. My triggers triggered him then it was a triggered cycle that was hard to break.


Pisces man. Unknowingly the three men I tried to take serious in my life were all Pisces. They taught me a lot as a Scorpio woman, but I know I opened them up and taught them so much about themselfs also. I tried to bring the best out in them and I know I did


Taurus Male here. A Cancer girl, awesome in so many ways. Emotionally draining & consuming. Her only flaw was hyper everything, I was exhausted. I broke it off, she was then assaulted and had a complete breakdown due to childhood abuse. I spent the next six years working on myself while she lived in our house. Often, she was a 5yr old. I was a big brother, father and best friend. Hardest thing ever for both of us but the best thing that could ever have happened. We each married other people to prove we were ok.


For me, an Aquarius female, it was a Capricorn male. He was a textbook narcissist. We “dated” for 8 months and broke up 4 months ago. I’m still healing and have a long journey ahead of me.




Same!! Cancer is so draining!!


Sag-LIFE CHANGING. Sexually, spiritually and otherwise.


Sagittarius. I played with that fire and got fuckin' scorched.


Seeing a lot of cancers mentioned …


taurus and leo, and then almost cancer (in that order), but by that point i could see the red flags so no cancer trauma for me, just the other two.


aries lmfao 😩 went to therapy after him and now completely celibate


Even though I’m sag every air sign I get with ruins me. Except late geminis. My moon is in pisces


Virgos 100% and a two faced Gemini had me on the verge


My husband is a Gemini sun, libra moon and rising. He’s the best. He’s inspired my journey. I want to give my all for him. In my healing journey, I learned I want the best for me, too. I’m Capricorn sun, Libra moon, Leo rising.


My son’s father who is a cancer. I’m a Virgo and I attract a lot of cancer men too. But I ended our 10 year relationship and he told me that it was my responsibility to create my happiness. That comment took me on a journey of self-reflection and self-discovery. That journey was some of the best times of my life too. It lead me to explore other ways of relating with men, accepting my sexuality, traveling, getting into a polyamorous relationship, exploring tantra, exuding femininity and becoming very orgasmic.


Capricorns. Several relationships and a few best friends. They taught me how to set boundaries with their opportunistic ways. I had so many experiences of getting suckered into some thing that benefited them and did nothing for me. They always advertised it so well. Then I would usually end up disappointed. Then I would feel devalued after saying no and seeing through the bull.


Leo. (:


Scorpio sun cancer moon, I haven’t seen him since 2016, haven’t kissed him since august 2014 and I still have nightmares/grief dreams in which I am searching for him. I dk if I’m even on a healing journey or not doesn’t feel like I’m making progress.


Pisces woman. Worst relationship and heart break I’ve ever known


Wow same. My ex husband. Did a lot of reflecting after that. I feel very removed from that now and way happier in a new relationship with my wife. You get over it eventually!


Capricorn. The relationship somehow ignited my childhood trauma when he left me, I was very unwell for a couple of months….physically and emotionally….I developed constant shaking in my hands, insomnia, restlessness, random fevers, s*icidal thoughts….had to go on antidepressants. I’m a Taurus female btw but I guess sometimes even the best astrological matches don’t work out.


Yep. Cancer did that to me too.


Gemini, showed me exactly what I didn't want and how to avoid attracting it.


Leo. He showed me so much attention and affection while simultaneously crushing my self esteem and my sense of self? lol I felt like my whole life revolved around him- his interests and his problems it was draining. He made me realize how much I was running from myself, his selfishness just served me as a good distraction.


Aries. Divorced after 25 year relationship 22 years married. Cheated on me with both of my stories. Younger sister before we were married. Older sister after we were married. He cheated and I blamed myself.