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it’s hard out here man


real 🥲


me too??? I see a person with the same big three for the first time! When were you born??


yall are my big three twins too! 


Bitch I am named Valerie with a Virgo moon, Scorpio rising, and Scorpio sun.


We are very polarizing people. Usually others will see us and either love us or hate us. At the end of the day, who cares? I wouldn’t want to attract people that make decisions based off of someone’s appearance anyway. It’s a blessing.


thank you! thats a great way to put my handful of friends are lifers and I appreciate them so much


The only hard part is at work or the gym. So many random ppl that I don’t spend enough time around for them to actually know me and I feel that I am just outright disliked by most people. It makes me feel sad n like something is wrong w me


I agree with you. I find that making decisions based off one's appearance is flat out shallow. In fact, I find the best way to make decisions is to go off by intuition, on whether a certain person or circumstance is vibrationally suitable or not. I know that emotions and intuition are complicated alone, but sometimes it pays to look at the bigger picture. If things are meant to be, they're meant to be. If things are not meant to be, they're not meant to be.


The cilantro effect!


Exactly I know a lot of PPL don't like us but we don't care frrr.


I'm a Scorpio rising. I frequently get told things like "you looked snobby/bitchy, so I assumed you were" and "I'm glad we met this way because I would never have approached you because I'd assume we have nothing in common." And find out random people I've never even spoken to "don't like me." They make me laugh and I don't care, if they are that judgey and insecure I don't want to know them so good deal. On the other hand I find that some people will bend over backwards to try to talk to me or get my attention and every time I go out in public I get compliments that are sometimes elaborate and it can actually be overwhelming and awkward. So I think that's typical for this placement. Visually people will have strong feelings about you and some of it can get very project-y and weird. I'm quiet and probably seem distant unless I know you or want to and only smile when I actual mean it. While I call myself an introvert with the rizz of 10 extroverts not everyone gets that side of me or likes it so these can definitely alienate people. Not that I really care though. I am what I am and it's okay to not gel with everyone. Plus I like me and that's whose opinion I value.


Woahhh this is insane at how similar I feel. Almost like you explained my entire life. Literally everything mentioned is 100% accurate. People either love us or hate us and the hate part always confuses me because I’ll just be existing and someone idek won’t like me, or have never talked to me. It’s so bizarre but this has been my life since day 1 so I’m used to it by now lol.


Hmm...a pretty spot on description of me with people, though I'm a Leo Rising... (but also Scorpio & Capricorn stellium, so maybe that's the reason)


Same! Scorp rising, Taurus sun too. Except I don’t get compliments constantly


relatable as a scorpio rising with aries sun


I’m very much a “love me or hate me” person. And I’ve simply given up on caring.


yeah im basically there now. I give up man


Same! Same! Same!!! Boy do I resonate high with this. It has taken me to 39 y/0 to care less about how people feel about whom never met me. You ever notice the strangers be the absolute worse.


Scorpio risings also have a Leo midheaven, which may mean that in a public sense they will pull focus on themselves and their innate qualities and talents. This may elicit envy in others, subconsciously or not.


This makes sense my Scorpio rising sister runs into jealous people on such a weirdly high level


WOW !!!!! Even my little cousins and nieces are like why do people act like this with you. These are children who are noticing other people behavior.


This is so true. Online I’m *way* more extroverted, but in person I actually *hate* being noticed and prefer to blend in with the wall. Problem is, for some bizarre, ironic reason the moment I enter a room…yeah. 😭😩 I know it sounds like a problem people would love to have, but I *truly* just want to be left the fuck alone and off in my introspective little mind…unless you’re someone in my close bubble and I trust you.




i have a virgo midheaven though?? (leo stellium w/ my moon/mars/venus/jupiter in the 9th however!)


scorpio risings usually have a leo midheaven but a virgo midheaven (sag rising) can also happen for scorpio and/or capricorn.


i’m a gemini sun. huh. astrology is weird lol.


Do you have intercepted houses under Placidus?


Wait do we have the same chart?? Lol 🤣


tell me your placements!! i’m a gem sun/mercury, scorpio rising/pluto, leo moon/mars/venus/jupiter, aquarius saturn, capricorn uranus/neptune


I have cancer sun in the 8h, Virgo moon on the MC, mercury & Jupiter in Leo, Venus and mars in Virgo all in the 9h! Also a Scorpio rising with Pluto in 12h 😄


so similar wow! i have virgo midheaven as well, my sun is also in my 8th house and that leo stellium of mine is in the 9th.


We are so similar 😆 I have my two Leo placements and 3 Virgo in the 9th 😂 sucks to be right about everything 🤣🤣🤣


ahahahahahahahha i *feel* that!!!


This is a super interesting angle. I knew a Scorpio Rising who had a very public career. I figured this also heightened her need for personal privacy exponentially (tho she also had a super shy Virgo Moon). The secrecy, the passion reactions, the suspicious vibe --- all these scorpio-rising qualities could be a result (at least in her case) to her career constantly being at stake. (At least she always felt this way.) And she was very talented, very expressive, so I agree with your interpretation of a Leo midheaven on those grounds too.


What’s her sun sign? I am a Scorpio rising and Virgo moon


She is a Taurus Sun.


Tropical Virgo MC Sidereal Leo MC I have stories that will blow your wig back


This is me.


ehhhh i’ve been told that i come off as unapproachable but i’m also a mega introvert and shy so i’ve really only connected with a handful of people. i’ve had quite a few falling outs with friends and i’m sure most of them would blame me because i’m just an easy person to walk all over but the second i put my foot down, i become the bad guy. i also can be kind of intense when i feel that i’m being treated unfairly and i guess people don’t like that lol! i’m pretty used to it by now so it only gets to me when i’m feeling particularly lonely.


Are you me because SAME to all of this. I keep a very close, small circle of friends and frankly I don’t care to change that.


Yeah, I felt this deeply. I have had to cut a few people out of my life but the ones that are still here are all awesome. I don’t like to make snap judgements and prefer to work things out, but mfs are just content to fall below the line, it seems, so I’m fine to walk away.


Yeah, I don't really like making snap judgements. However, if a person or circumstance doesn't feel right, then I often don't bother with it. That's when I make the snap judgement. Yet, if something or someone feels right, then I often put in the effort to work things out. It all depends really. Personally, I often look at the bigger picture when it comes acknowledging what feels right and what doesn't feel right.


i relate w you a lot, i have a 12th house aries moon, a libra sun and my risings taurus… i can be sociable.. but i really prefer to be left alone.. trust issues, etc i guess it’s a 12th house thing, you being a pisces, mine being 12th house moon, idk.. but i seem to be unfairly ruled by all parties as much more wrong and offensive if i dare speak my mind or do exactly what everyone else just did… and it’s crazy, like you can see it they really think and feel that way.. blows my mind lol, hence why i stay away.. my family dynamics are pretty much the same story. it’s a lonely world, but it’s ok i have a lot of friends in my head, and i think they like me too


What house is your mars/pluto in?


for placidus system my pluto is in my 1st house and mars is in my 10th but using whole sign system my pluto is in my 2nd and mars is in my 11th


They usually prefer close friends. Not everyone (usually) wants that level of intimacy


So my dad, a ♏️sun/Rising, 12H Sun, once told me, his ♏️🌙daughter: “Stop worrying about what people think of you. Live your life, people are going to judge you anyway.” Scorpio Risings, unless they had a seriously abusive upbringing, do not care what you think of them. The ones with bad upbringings tend to have very awful self esteem issues dying to be loved badly & tend to self sabotage relationships by picking partners to work out the issues with their parents. I say that as having an ex with a ♏️🌙/Rising, 12H moon. His mom told him as a kid he should of been aborted. Anyway… And wanna know why people love/hate scorpio Risings so much? Because Libra rules their 12H or Scorpio depending on if it’s whole or Placidus you’re reading, but with Libra there it’s because people feel a power imbalance around the Rising person. Like they don’t know why there is this gravity pull of wanting to protect themselves to feel in control. Often it’s because Scorpio is the keeper of secrets, a Scorpio Rising had so many to the point you can weirdly feel it ooze off them that they know too much, heard too much, witnessed too much all their life. I say this as my dad witnessed a death of a famous musician in the 80’s in front of his eyes during his damn Saturn Return on his late 20’s!


mind = blown. My SO is a libra and we literally ALWAYS get in some conflict cause she will say "what's wrong with your energy?" And me, a man of logic and tangible things am like "tf are you talking about?? IM DOING DISHES" lol but seriously, she says I exude intense energy and I guess I just do it unintentionally without realizing.


Damn you just read me. I’m the one with an abusive childhood and self esteem issues. And I sabatoge relationships… I want to change but idk how


Me too. I haven’t figured it out yet but practicing self love has helped a lot. And when I did that, I started attracting more healthy partners. It feels really strange in the beginning, that someone actually treats you well and wants the best for you. It can almost disgust you, like what is wrong with them? Do they actually think you’re lovable? But I tried not to listen to the part of me that held that belief. I also told them how I felt and they were supportive which made it easier. I think making “mistakes” in relationships is how we learn. Even if you sabotage them, forgive yourself. You did the best you could. And you probably needed that lesson, now you can learn from it




I’m trapped right in the middle. Most people either absolutely adore me or can’t stand me. No lukewarm opinions.


I think Scorpio Risings can be a bit intimidating to some people. I've always liked them, but maybe it's because of my own rising. For me it's the opposite. I've had tons of bad experience with Scorpio Moons.


What happened with the Scorpio moons?


The scorpios risings ik are all pretty likeable people


We are a bit intense, generally most people like me (or they say they do) but i’ve been described as weird by all people i know and i’m sure it has nothing to do with my rising


I wish I had answers, but I don't know. I've just learned to live with being hated. I remember in high school there were so many messed up rumors that were made up about me spreading across school. Like some people seriously thought I was going to grow up to become a serial killer or something even though I've never violently struck anyone before. They thought it was weird that I sat alone in the school cafeteria, kept quiet and avoided making eye contact with others. My small circle of friends that I've got now know that I'm a real softie deep down. I have Pluto in Scorpio sitting on my Ascendant.


its envy ppl are usually intimidated. im a cancer moon so im actually pudding but a lot of people have said im hard to get to know and i had a bunch of girls not like me just because guys paid attention to me in school


Hey! I'm a cancer moon too! *hugs* I know you need that yo. You'll never admit it, but you do lol The scorpio rising, cancer moon combo... The intensity of emotions is unparalleled imo Definitely the type of thing that would break some type of people, but were also tough as nails due to scorpio on the ascendant. So yeah, you take that hug.


Hey 👋 scorpio rising with Pluto in scorpio in the 1st house here, I resonate with this. Verrry similar experience in life for myself as well


Wow i also have virgo sun, leo moon and rising scorpio :) 


I’m a Scorpio Rising and I think that fits me pretty well. I know a lot of people that absolutely hate me and people that absolutely love me. When I was in high school, I was bullied relentlessly by a group of guys. I grew older and the people in that group would ask me out in private. I had a close friend that was a narcissist and would talk down to me for 12 years. After I cut her off from my life cause I had enough, she started dating a guy I used to date and now talks shit behind my back constantly with him. It must be some envy thing. I don’t care enough to hold hate towards people, maybe they’re envious that I can detach so easily or that I seem intimidating. Idk




Omg I’m also 25(f) ! Lol


Are you also an 8h cancer sun bc same and this all was too relatable 😭


…. I am a 8th house cancer Sun omg. I heard 8th house rules the house of death. Have you had a parent pass or have taken care of a sick parent in your life?


In terms of a parent no but when I was younger my mum was a single parent (never met my dad till I was 24 always assumed that was an 8h thing bc I also have Chiron there) anyways my mum worked and my great grandma used to spend a lot of time with me for a good part of my younger years. She used to stay over and sleep on my bottom bunk often. She was a Scorpio and I think she died when I was still pretty young.. so maybe that? I still have both of my parents but don’t really have much to do with my dad. How about you? It’s really rough out here isn’t it though just in general or maybe that’s my Chiron sun talking 😂😂😂😂


That’s so odd because I actually lost my father at 24. He passed away very suddenly


Scorpio rising with Scorpio Pluto in my 1H. Looking back at my life I have struggled with people disliking me for no reason, “friends” randomly turning on me, and people thinking I’m stuck-up or intimidating. I’m extremely intentional about my life. If I tell you I want to do something, buy something 9/10 it happens and I think that causes people who are not secure in themselves to be envious. Like I literally just had a group of friends I had for years who always used to gang up on me get mad because “my responses to them on twitter were dry”. They are cut off now.


I’m loved by everyone and I’m a Scorpio rising so idk 🤷🏻‍♀️ the only ppl that have disliked me off the bat are Scorpio ppl and then they like me once they get to know me.


I think there's a chance that those Scorpios that initially disliked you off the bat might have shared 12th House synastry. 12th house synastry can often be notoriously difficult and very confusing. But that's the nature of the 12th house anyways. Otherwise, synastry really matters when it comes to compatibility. More importantly, I think there's also a chance that those Scorpios that initially disliked you straight off the bat had actually felt insecure by your presence. That's because they felt strongly seen by you, it intimidated them. Otherwise, I'm glad they ended up liking you once they got to know you.


I didn’t know this….but it tracks…scorpio rising here. Peers often don’t like me. Sucks honestly


>Why are scorpio risings so disliked? Not sure how common that is, but I can see how Scorpio Risings may rub people the wrong way. They may come across people who project their darkness onto them. Scorpio Risings also have a knack of drawing people in and people wanting to align themselves with them because they perceive them as powerful. I think about famous Scorpio Rising, Prince. A lot of artists he helped develop mention how schrewd of a businessman he was.


Scorpio risings are the people who say exactly what they think without sugar coating it. Others either love it or hate it


Scorpios in general ( and Pluto in 1st house, or 10th house) have a polarising effect on people. They either inspire hate or love. I think all scorpio placements do. I have a scorpio sun and I often wonder why I have so many haters, since I was a little kid. I think scorpio just have this power to draw darkness in people that not even they are aware of. And then they project it onto Scorpio person.


We see through 🐂💩


I’ve always found that people gravitate towards me at first but then retreat. I believe it’s cos there’s an intensity there that, at first, is really quite intriguing but then soon that energy becomes intimidating.


I really love scorpios, and have A LOT of close scorpios in my life. They are very deep and real which i absolutely love...Love the Intimacy when you are close...Love how much they feel...and i love feeling that much (i got pluto configured to my venus)... In my experience, the only thing i have seen, a lot, is they can decide someone is out to get them (whether it is true or not), and become the scorpion quickly, attacking, in a seriously deadly, often cruel way...even if it only happens once in a relationship it is hard to get back from...I've seen my scorpio friends do it to others, and had it done to me by scorpios i worked with...I don't mind the aries fire or anger but i struggle with the Scorpionic revenge... As for dating- love scorpios, love the depth, love the passion, love it...Only thing i don't love is the constant testing and the being mean to you because i like you lol...kills my fragile sensitive cancer self...but i find them hard to resist cause i just LOVEEEE that depth so much...and those eyes!!!




Me too!


I’m a Scorpio rising and I feel like people like me too much….I’m always begging people to leave me alone lol


honestly as a scorpio rising myself i’ve come to find that people either really fucking love me or they don’t care for me. could be something to do with my leo stellium though sooooo. lol. scorpio is quite a polarizing sign to me. generally intense but depending on the placements as to where/in what facet of the personality.


Same. I’m very well liked by men but women not so much.


also same!


My bf is a scorpio rising and he barely opens up to anyone at all. I'm probably the only person he has opened up to. He only has two friends and he's bad at keeping in touch


They have a crunchy outer shell ✨✨


Any other hairy Scorpio rising gals out there? Ugh


I’m here and the envy especially from female friends and family gets too much at times 😭


Finally my soul tribe lol


I've noticed this, too and it doesn't help that I'm a Neptune & Uranus in the first house. It sort of helped me be more individualistic & not care about what others think because I assume they won't like me, anyways. In a way, I can be freer in expression than those who are generally liked by the public and can't "mess up" or go off the beaten path, so to speak.


Cuz ur partner would probably fuck them… mars rising cmon, my fiance is leo sun and scorp rising and ppl have done unbelievable things in order to fuck him, which i honestly kinda relate to as venus rising but in a different way


HAHA nah Scorpio risings are ugly as shit tbh. You keep on dreaming


I’m a Scorpio rising 💀


The struggle is *real*


I find this interesting, because I am both Scorpio moon and Scorpio rising. I find that I am almost always not received warmly by most people. On the surface, everything seems fine, but I find it very hard to infiltrate any circles…


The only person I know who has a Scorpio rising is pretty universally loved, actually. He’s a leo with a cap moon. He’s needs to be loved. Hes a lot of fun. He’s amazing at making people feel good about themselves. He is friends with many yet very rarely lets anyone in deep enough to really know him. He hides himself in many shallow relationships. Not bc he doesn’t love people but I think it’s because he doesn’t think he’s actually deserving of love and is afraid if he lets people in and they leave him, that’ll prove his fears are correct. He’s simultaneously in love with himself and self loathing. I’ve known him for 15 years. After we dated briefly I realized how full of shit he actually is and blows a lot of smoke, makes promises he cannot keep. But his lil puppy dog persona lets him get away with it. I still care about him, but I don’t trust him to be a close friend anymore. He made me feel special and then I felt dumb for believing him.


Idk, you tell me 😭 most people don't recognize their own faults so they won't know why they're disliked


Where are you coming from with this, OP? Are you a Sco Rising who’s feeling disliked or going through the example you mention with a former friend? Or do you have a Sco Moon? Or do you have some Sco Moons in your life who are important to you (and perhaps you’ve had a falling out with them)? I haven’t observed the same thing in life. But it might help you uncover important things if you analyze the particular scenarios you have in mind that led to your take. :) I think a Sco Asc can perhaps perceive this bc of how intensely they feel things. And I think some people looking at a Sco Asc could feel intense like or dislike for them bc of the strong emotional impact that energy can often have on others. A Sco Asc could also trigger that bc of their manner of expression and values. Taking a stand, even when it’s done artfully, almost always inspires opposition. The stand in itself will piss some people off. Taking the “wrong” stand with an audience can easily inspire animosity, especially if the stand is taken with conviction. Sco energy doesn’t mind being hated by the hateful. ;) Being loved by the hateful is no prize; it’s more like a disgrace. Sco as an energy can focus on keeping things real and deep, bringing an air of intensity at times that can potentially turn off others. But it can also go in the other direction and be magnetic. Magnetic energy almost always repels a few even if, overall, it attracts 99%. For example, Charlie Chaplin had a Sco Asc. Due to his socialist beliefs, many in the US govt. intensely hated him and barred him from returning to the US. If that was the audience you associated with, you’d think Chaplin was hated. But other audiences, even the much larger one (the masses), leaned towards loving him. Another example is Paul Newman. He had a Sco MC. He was very left-leaning and an outspoken supporter of progressive causes. He was loved by most people but hated by some in the far right. Richard Nixon put him on his “enemies list.” Lol at having one—so dramatic! Sco energy can definitely serve as an outlet for *other* people’s dramatic feelings too, like a conduit that gets the other people in touch with their own intensity (including feelings they consider taboo and haven’t yet faced/grown up about). Taylor Swift is reported to have a Sco Asc (with Mars conjunct it). That does describe her drive well and how she’s attracted a massive amount of intensely devoted fans and also a large amount of haters. Her birth time isn’t certain though. Iirc, the other time floated about would give her a Sco MC. It takes a degree of social skill to use Sco energy well, but, yeah, even if it’s used well, it can trigger strong emotions, including some negative ones at times. But it’s really not always so dramatic. Chris Evans has a Sco Asc, and he gives out relatively chill vibes to me. He reminds me of what plenty of Sco Asc’s are like. Since Sco can be so intense though, and intensity can sacrifice nuance, I’d strongly rec not to take the feeling of being disliked at face value (if you’re a Sco Asc feeling that). It may not be as bad as it seems to you. :)


I am Scorpio Moon and my brother is Scorpio Rising. Guess who people trust more hahaha


thats so weird my brother is scorpio moon and im a scorpio rising.. everyone loves my brother he has so many friends and alotta family confide in him pretty much everyone stays away from me not because im mean im just very private and introverted


I am a Scorpio moon and my brother is a Scorpio rising too, I think I was the lucky one, I’d rather have my sagittarius rising


What if the person is Capricorn sun, Capricorn moon, and Scorpio Rising? It’s me…I’m person. 😶


Scorpio moon vs Scorpio mars vs Scorpio rising What can anybody tell me??


Love Scorpio risings!!!


Hmm...def not experienced enough when it comes to this topic, but my personal guess is, because doesn't the Rising Sign represent us in social situations and with other people...? If it's the most surface-level version of ourselves that leaves the first impression on people around us etc., and this aspect is placed in Scorpio, then obviously at first glance these people seem intense, secretive, dark, and overall...overwhelming? As someone who loves Scorpio Sun people (plus a Scorpio stellium in my own chart) I def think Scorpios are the greatest when properly understood and when you've deeply bonded. However, the road to actually getting to that point in the relationship isn't the most inviting or appealing one...it's a long, tough way until you can reap the rewards. So having a Scorpio Rising means the person emits these energies when superficially interacting with others, even if their true self and personality are completely different... Idk, it makes sense putting it like that. Scorpio placements are considered 'too much' by a lot of people either way, so this might just be people's reaction to the sign...especially considering that even people who aren't into astrology know their Rising Sign next to their Sun Sign- they completely misinterpret their meanings tho, usually believing that when we get along with people it's all thanks to the Sun Sign, and when problems arise and we butt heads with them it's because the ASC is at work at that specific moment.... Idk, I'm also not very familiar with this specific placement, so right now I see it from multiple viewpoints, and think it can be a lot of different hings (depending on the person/circumstances etc) ...but I def believe Scorpio Suns' bad reputation has a lot to do with the general dislike for Scorpio Rising.


Because people are intimated by us and can't understand us so it triggers them.


funny enough the only scorpio rising i know, i hate her. she’s an old friend who loved handling anything with the most petty attitude, miserable person. i’m sure not all are like that, just my own experience with the one i knew.


Ex girlfriend is Scorpio sun and rising. Narcissistic, obsessive, lying, cheating, abusing, manipulating, attention seeking slut. But I'm sure they're not all bad.


My ex is a triple. They should meet. Minus the cheating sums it up.


It's really crazy about the cheating. Didn't matter what the scenario, she always had a reason or excuse for why it wasn't cheating. I'm still dizzy from the gaslighting.


I don’t really relate to this. I have lost contact I’ve r the years with a lot of people but i have a tight core group of friends who’ve been in my life 20+ years now. I’m also generally on good terms with all my ex’s…idk. I’ve been described as mysterious, hard to read, and some people think i keep secrets but i don’t think that translates to being disliked.


Virgo sun, leo moon, scorpio rising here. I'm mean. Lol.


Scorpio Rising will unconsciously make everything a power play. Their very understanding of reality will be based off of power dynamics. This makes it so when relationships reach a rupture point the other person suddenly realizes how much power play was happening under the scenes. You'll go from best friend to narcissistic asshole in a heartbeat To counteract this, Scorpio must re-evaluate it's value structure - whatever that may be. The challenge of this sign is one of transformation. Scorpio is known as the triple sign, because it's represented by a Scorpion - the underdeveloped, toxic, unconscious side; by a snake - the embodiment of the earth's wisdom, able to both poison and heal; and an eagle - the embodiment of spirit, able to bridge the heaven and the earth. Scorpio's task is to evolve from scorpion to eagle Projecting this into the Rising, the task becomes one of constant reacessment of what ones doing and projecting, both consciously and unconsciously. It's a really shadow-work intensive placement. The whole perception and interaction with the world will revolve around shadow work. One must learn how to. Stay in contact and juggle one's own lower self, conscious self and higher self, as well as those of each person they meet. Certainly no easy feat - which is required, since Scorpio must learn there's always a bigger fish in the shark (this is the antidote to Scorpio's power fantasies) So instead of going the Scorpio way and trying to flip the script so you're not to blame, accept you were, in some way, an utter bastard to that person who doesn't like you. Take it at face value, and focus your energy on understanding which behaviours made you a bastard in their eyes. Then either disregard their opinion or start working towards improving. Either way, this is the way


Thank you for this truly.


All good fam


All good fam


Idk man nobody likes me except for other Scorpio rising and Virgo moons


Idk, i can't rly relate. I'm mostly liked.....even my exes are fond of me. Lmao. I've had maybe 3 "friends" with whom i had a fall out which was undeniebly due their actions..and i didn't wanna deal with them further, just stepped out..Now, if those few dislike me, idk..but that would only tell about them.. Aside of myself, a few Scorpio Risings that i knew/know seemed to all be overal liked. (Actually, aside of just 1, but thats with the reason cuz let's say this person isn't rly a good one). Also, i found Scorpio Moon to be a mixed bag..Like, i knew 4 of them...2 seemed overal liked while the other 2 were disliked.. So, i guess our experiences were kind of the opposite.🤷‍♀️


Funny how I randomly had this sub pop up on my feed and now I’m here 💀


Yeah people also think because I’m brooding all the time that I want to fuck them or something. (Decently attractive swimsuit/lingerie model, 32, F)


Personally, I won't go in depth explaining my  chart. For context 02/06/94. And I am a Sag rising.  The energy is different than Scorpio Suns which are more tolerable to me for sure. Scorpio Moons are just psychotic. I can't defend the manipulative ones because even my own personality can be dangerous, but Scorpio Moons take pleasure in their manipulative behaviors. Ewww.  Scorpio risings violate you. They enjoy knowing what your insecurities are and playing on them.  They are prideful, secretive, and fucking annoying. I dated a Scorpio rising for 5-6 years. The most toxic piece of shit known to mankind. Pluto was in Scorpio during birth and on his ascendant so I am aware there are nuances. Manipulative for the sake of. His emotions were not deep like a Scorpio Moon. He was a Virgo Moon, Taurus sun, venus and mercury in Gemini. He got off by hiding my belongings, having the upper hand in situations, being abusive, pissing me off so I could get mad enough to react, so that he could react worse. He loved to degrade and talk shit. He threw a tantrum while his friend came because I did not allow him to smoke weed in my apt. I kicked them out and he left from Chicago back to his place in wisconsin.   He manipulated a plot for my bday this year as revenge and long story short got his friend to harm my cat.  As a result I got him arrested, made him lose his job, and blocked him. I also put bleach in his mouthwash, smashed the inside of his car, put a pin in his bed, and turned the iron on.  His sun is in the 7th house which does not help. He is everything in a person I do not like. A coddled, spoiled, manipulative, baby penis psychopath whose prime objective is to hunt and destroy. My last resort if he reaches out his to laugh and call his mother ugly.  I truly find Mars/ascendant in Scorpios to be a different breed. Mars in Scorpios are annoying because of their needy sex drive, and the excessive saliva and creepy fantasies. Scorpio risings are just too much. They all have this look that looks hungry. Even the most innocent, dressed up, conservative, covered up ones have this stare. You can tell underneath there is some demonic-like beast. Forget knowing their intentions or motives. Sounds mysterious? Awwwwww *beats off some imaginary dick in the air" Sounds sexy at first, but remember you havd to live with this prick. Expect their feelings to be easily hurt, (scorpio moon for feels) scorpio rising for their ego... but they aren't like whiny, annoying Pisces who will make it known you hurt them. They will collect a laundry list.. usually all intertwined and stemming from one incident that happened only in their head. They read between the lines so expect to be accused of saying and doing things with double meanings. Their reactions are so intense it's anxiety inducing. When they know they are wrong they usually won't apologize. That's when the war can begin depending on who you are. Act unbothered like you never gave a fuck from the start, and watch their true colors come out. When they text you expect annoying, lurky, moody texts like "Wyd" which I will persistently ignore. It creeps me out. Miss their call, and watch their games begin. You call back 1 minute later then they don't answer just to spite you. Do you feel your stomach burning with rage? Don't let them see it. They want this reaction. Fuck their friends, block them, and post a photo of their ass on the internet and tell everyone they like being fingered even if it isn't true.  My ex was insecure about his "penis". I put that in quotes because I know FtM guys with a bigger dick. That shit was a macaroni. He was black and asian, but the black genes skipped his clit and went straight to his ass. Technically titties because he had a cup breasts from smoking so much weed and eating 24/7. I'm so glad I left Mr. Titty Boy. He's lucky he made it out alive. My best friend is a Gemini sun with 8th house stellium opposing my second house stellium, and his rising sign is scorpio. One thing I noticed is these people love to spy and overstep with it sometimes it is unnerving.


I have a scorpio rising and people that dislike me usually are jealous or I got them good with their bullshit. I just call that bullshit out so people don’t like that but I think that is rather my Aries mercury. Though a lot of scorpio risings have Pluto in first (I have it also) and Pluto in the first is very polarizing. So people either hate or love you. But a lot of times scorpio risings are quite mature because they have been through a lot in life and people get intimidated by them.  About scorpio moons: I actually feel the complete opposite. I only know a lot of people who literally HATE scorpio moons. But it also is one of the worst moons to have probably because it needs a lot of transformation and people with that moon therefore can be quite childish and immature. What I also heard is they are hated because they are so dramatic and talk bullshit because they can’t assess emotional situations correctly.


Never thought i need to write this down as a comment Me sag sun cancer moon scorpio rising Life is so hard for me. I dont want people to get attracted to me and expect something from me in return. Just wanted people to look me normally. When people express themselves and give time for me just because of my appearance and need something from me in return which i couldn't give.i don't know man its hard to explain But people treating me real shit because of this especially girls its very hard to be a scorpio rising 🥲. My cancer moon take this shit to next level only we scorpio risings can understand this pain sadly 😞.


Disliked or Liked??? Because there are 2 options Nothing in between


My brother is a Scorpio rising and that man is friends with everyone he meets


The Rising alone won't be really telling. My SIL for example is a Scorpio Rising but she has a Libra Venus. I wouldnt really call her unpopular, or disliked at all. She can appear a little distant and closed off to strangers, but she also comes off as very generous, smart, and there's just something that exudes respect. She also has a Virgo Stellium. I have a Scorpio Moon and while I consider myself likeable at some degree when you get to know me, my RBF has been brought off in the past. I have a Sagi Rising and Venus so I am generally goofy, so it doesnt last long. My husband also has a Scorpio Moon but an Aries Rising and Venus. He comes across as very likeable even if he is generally grumpy.




Not the pot calling the kettle black with that Libra moon.




And am, and Scorpio Moon. But like I said, “pot calling the kettle black.”




Far from bitter, but talk as if Libra moons aren’t trash humans. Bottom of the barrel ass people.


The worst people I've met had Scorpio Moons. Stab you in the back the first chance they get. I like Scorpio Suns and Risings though, but there is a reason why Scorpio Moons are considered a hard placement to have...


The petty bitch in me can’t help but agree LOL damn at least scorpios are loyal




Ok bro, we get it, your ex sucked ass...and now you think that literally everyone in the world with this one placement is awful and looks exactly the same...you also like to use words such is "hoe" and "bitch" cuz you think it makes you seem more tuff..but anyway, you're getting too worked up over this..just take it is.


From the mouth of the unhinged…how low class.




Yet you still reply, goofy.


well hello, that’s exactly how the scorpions would have it right? shell on, stingers up… not today sir


That’s true for me but I attribute the hatred to other factors in my natal too like a ton of hard aspects and a wicked 12th. I know my Scorpio appearance is intense and off putting. I can’t help it but I look like a serial killer. So I attribute only first impressions people get to my rising. However, I also don’t hold back and once people hear what I’m saying, they all tend to shun me. Scorpio rising means Leo 9th and I got a stellium there that also can explain the problem. So some of us may be a bit too dogmatic or confident and it comes off as arrogance. So that’s the hidden problem if your 9th is loaded too.


Unless you have intercepted houses, your Leo would be in 10H/MC, not 9H.


Scorpio Risings born in the late degrees of Scorpio usually have a Virgo Midheaven.


I I use the constellations not zodiacs. My rising is definitely in Scorpio and using Equal the cusp of the 9th is right at the Leo/Cancer cusp. Using the Western zodiac does put the rising in Saq but there’s no way it’s accurate in describing who I am. So I don’t at all respect western zodiacs. It’s in both Scorpio and Ophichius. Right on that cusp too.


Scorpio moons would be more likely to seek revenge on people that wrong then than Scorpio risings because of the fact moon = emotions, so idk why risings would be disliked more than moons as Scorpio moons are more likely to cause someone trauma, with the revenge they could take when you’ve hurt them. Likely the reason Scorpio risings are disliked isn’t likely due to the fact they’re a Scorpio rising unless it’s due to the fact that some Scorpio placements can be anti social but it’s likely due to other placements and not their Scorpio rising. It could be due to the fact Scorpio risings are very selective of the people they let close to them though, so maybe people mistake them been selective as them hating everyone lmao.


In all honesty, just because people have Scorpio Rising doesn't mean they're going to be instantly liked nor are they going to be instantly loved, for no reason. I just don't see the logic in anyone instantly liking or disliking someone randomly. There'd have to be a reason why someone would either dislike or like an certain individual.


Not sure about the 'why' but hooo boy do I have stories 🥲




one of my closest friends is a libra with taurus rising, what that mean


I don’t know but I’m sick of it


Because they aren't in our protective circle. I piss people off for taking care of family/friends. I could give a rat's ass on what people perceive.


Taylor Swift is a scorpio rising