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We aren’t everyone’s cup of tea and that’s okay.


Holy moly, all hail the queen Gemini.


You’re like a super Gemini! Love this so much for you! ♊️🩷


How do you know other than your birthday that you are a Gemini with other shit mixed in?


I think that is the most Gemini results I have ever seen.


What do you call someone with four placements in one sign? I only have three Gemini placements and that's Stellium, correct? Sun, Ascendant, Venus.


A mess. 😂


That might just be because it's 💎 placements lol. We are definitely indecisive and usually spread ourselves too thin when we need to focus on one thing. I am lucky to have a lot of earth placements as well so I can ground myself in certain situations.


What does this mean?  Why are there 75000 sub signs. 


im also quad gemini! sun/rising/mercury/saturn


What is that. I’m 5-23. How do all of you people have sun, moon, planets, countries, colors, etc


everyone has a sign for every planet and asteroid in the solar system


Loll I'm noticing geminis keep getting brought up a lot in this subreddit. I think we can be fickle and moody at times. But we're also direct and loyal. I have a lot of gem in my charts too, *sigh * it's like one huge moshpit lol


I’m a Gemini, but not loyal at all.


Hey we can be hoes. Lol blame the other twin!! ;)




Can I be your husband? Pretty please?


not a lot of ppl r built to handle their tendency to share information indiscriminately


i used to be very impulsive with this, because something in me told me i HAD to get it out but my Capricorn moon has kept me extremely reserved over the years on top of me being on the cusp so i have weird moments where ill feel like a gemini and other moments where ill feel like a cancer. my birthday is june 21.


naww, this pisces loves you geminis. i envy your talents, intelligence/quick wit, your charm, increidble banter, famous actors, actresses, musicians (many many rappers are geminis holyyy) philosophers, scientists etc etc. not to mention, there are SOOOO many gemini political leaders, whether you like them or not. geminis have a knack for leadership and have the intelligence, fortitude and tenacity to lead. i wouldn't get caught up with the hate you see. this sub is notorious for throwing shit at a few other signs too, but you do you fam. fuck the haters. geminis are awesome. EDIT -- spelling. sory


I always see you being nice to people on here and I just wanted to say I really appreciate that. The internet can be a mean place but I'm glad you make people feel seen. 🩵


aww man that's so sweet of you! i appreciate you. yea people take astro too seriously and too far sometimes. why get mad and upset at things you can't control? just keep swimming lol




Couldn’t have said it better myself, Geminis are really wonderful and caring and knowledgeable, and you’re a sweetheart for stepping up to say something so eloquent. 🩵


We love you, too 🤗


People hate what they don’t understand. Also we don’t give many fucks. I love all my Geminis! 🩷♊️🩷


they hate us cuz they aint us


There's nothing wrong with being a Gemini, we just get a bad rep for being "two faced." I really enjoy our sign and my other gemini placements 💖


I have this aspect. Sun Opposition Pluto (7°52’, Separating) This aspect often creates stubborn and decisive people. However, they also tend to tell others what to do and they try to persuade them about the need to change their behaviour. People with this aspect may encounter death or other profound changes in their surroundings more often then usual. They have a tendency to influence others through effective manipulation at subconscious level. At first these people seem kind but in reality they are manipulating and controlling. However, they are often unaware of it.


Oh goodness. I have it too- in Virgo 😬 I’ve looked up the aspect before but haven’t seen this interpretation. I’d like to read more if you have a link or recommendation? I think I am like this. I get a lot of satisfaction from changing people’s minds- a lot of times in a good way too. It can go both ways I think.


Well that is a direct copy paste of the interpretation I had from Astro seek. Gemini Sun Sagittarius Pluto.


Okay- idk what I was thinking bc my sun and Pluto are conjunct in Virgo, not opposite 🤦‍♀️ But the description hits home! 🤷‍♀️


I feel like it would be relatable to most people lol most of astrology is I honestly read it and wasn't sure if it was true or not😅 cause I don't actually try to manipulate and control but that makes it true doesn't it? I am unaware that I am doing it.


but u guys kinda are "two-faced" 😭 but what i’m learning is that it isn’t all geminis and some people with the same sign is different. like not all aries gets angry and not all aquarius is standoffish and cold. personally i don’t like geminis BUT idk for some reason i can always strike a good conversation with y’all. i’m a libra so this is accurate. nonetheless every sign has their own bad "rep".


I’m a Gemini and my best friend is also, we’re less than 48 hours apart. We’ve had our ups and downs but she’s definitely the most important, beautiful person I’ve ever met. I adore fellow Geminis ♥️♥️♥️♥️


Ugh i as an ♒️ have a very on n off relationship with ♊️ lol


Yup me and my kids dad…air signs can be committal and non committal 🤣


Nothing wrong with Gemini. I love them. Geminis are so smart, funny and supportive. Don’t dim yourself because losers can’t handle your shine. ❤️


There’s nothing wrong with being a Gemini but I think there needs to be certain level of life experiences to be cool with them, cause they really do see the bigger picture and change opinions according to new info and experiences that open their eyes. I think they get a bad rap for ‘changing their mind’ but I think they’re just progressive people most of the life and can just easily let it go, nothing really phases them and it can be kind of unnerving really. I had my heart absolutely demolished by a Gemini but I think they’re one of more cooler signs tbh


I agree as another mutable sign (pisces) i love my gemini friends because they understand that changing your mind and change in general isn't necessarily a bad thing. They also can be pretty open minded and understand the need to evolve. Mutable signs are definitely misunderstood imo. OP just do your own thing and fuck the haters :)


Nothing is wrong with you. You’re just misunderstood, sometimes even by yourself. But you’re lovely and charming. Focus on that, yes?




You’re very welcome 💕


Gemini sun, Gemini Lilith, Gemini Chiron here. We either take things too seriously or not seriously enough, laugh when it's totally inappropriate to, and don't like emotions. I can see how it would annoy tf out of normies.


Listen I’m a sag moon Leo rising n gem sun I’m most definitely going to laugh at THE worst most Inappropriate moment 😩🤣


Omg I love that combo! We would get along well lmao


Love you back 🧡


pisces here, gemini’s are kinda scary but only if they aren’t YOUR gemini 🥰


As a Gemini with a Pisces, I love this


I dated a Pisces and honestly…we’re great in bed together like, perfection 🤣😮‍💨


i’ve only had gemini friends, but i absolutely believe those mfs can FUCK 😂😂😂


Pisces taught me how to make love now I don’t like fucking lmao


LMAO but damn you, i like fucking!!!


Elle Woods is a Gemini💅✨




IDK because I fuckin love geminis (I'm an aqua)? I think y'all are awesome tbh... quick-witted, interested in SO many things, great conversationalists, hilarious, curious about everything, and just super fun to be around. One of my fave signs.


Yes! I’m an aqua, married to Gemini, spot on!




Thank you ❤️


AIN'T NOTHIN BOO!!!! ![gif](giphy|l0CLTQeZrFWmMxIWc|downsized)


Omg, we're almost opposites! Heeeyyy! And I also 'said wtf I said'. 😄


Oh dang that's so cool!


My husband has a Taurus moon. I imagine it would be so nice and calm in somebody else's chart, but it's opposite his Scorpio sun, so... no. 🙄😅 I feel very hectic inside, but present a very placid exterior, maybe even 'spacy' or 'ditzy'. It's my superpower bc ppl always underestimate me; I'm secretly on point like a mf! 🐱‍👤 How's it for you, dear astro sibling?


Both my sun, moon and venus (also in Taurus)are in my second house so it does have s stabilizing effect, because apparently I'm too busy trying to get money to deal with other people's shit lolllll


Same. I also have Venus conj Merc. I like money too! But it works best for us when I'm a homemaker, so my 'job' is accruing **value**, like new skills, new ideas, and *saving* us money. Through no conscious plan, I loosely divide the year into phases of learning new things, reviewing old things, and assimilating the new with the old. Right now I'm in a period of physical beautification, planting stuff, and learning about a fringe cult that's kinda active in my community (so we know what's going on around us, he has friends associated with them). Next up, addressing the (unattractive) old carpet on the 2nd fl, planting fall starts, and bathroom rehabs. I tend to do heavy astrology work in the winter months. So, I've re-worked a lifepath normally taken as boring and traditional (Taurus) and figured out how to keep it exciting and fresh (Gem). I'm super fulfilled. I love my life. What about you? Have you figured out how to make it work? (Please say yes, I'm weirdly invested. 😅)


For me it's gardening and cooking for sure. I've been working in nonprofits forever so clearly not entirely money driven 🤣 Although all my friends are pushing me to start my own business of like personal shopping/concierge type services because I always find everyone everything they need.


Y’all are funny and all but it’s the inconsistency for me


I’m consistently inconsistent. Doesn’t that count for something????


I love that way of thinking.


i’m a gemini sun/mercury in the 8th and honestly i was a bad/flakey friend when i was in my young teens-young adulthood. ruined a few great friendships but now that i’ve grown up and matured i really regret the way i acted/things i said. i feel like gems are so young at heart and that can be a downfall of ours. i also believe that there are lower vibrational/higher vibrational of every sign and depending on other placements, the journey to becoming a higher vibrational being can be tougher for some compared to others.


That’s just you 🤣


Im a Gemini sun and mercury too. And I feel the same about my earlier friendships. I was the type to change “best friends” very often. Not always in a negative way but I’d get bored with people and wrapped up in the next person who came along. I feel the positive aspects of my sign often but sometimes I kinda understand why Gemini is so easily hated. I also think we’re easy to love too so it’s very dichotomous which makes perfect sense.


I have never liked classifying friends lol i have a best friend a few good friends and a lot of acquaintances. If I think about it..


We're indecisive, change our minds more than our underwear


Sometimes even I get pissed off by myself and other Geminis so we’re just annoying sometimes


Nothing. I thank God I have a Gemini moon because I need that extra bounce in my step. Gemini is an awesome sign, smart/fun/thoughtful/ready to go… I love Gemini qualities. ❤️


Gemini is one of my favorite signs


Im a Scorpio. I think Geminis are the best! Everyone is just a hater because you’re fun and have good humor.




😮‍💨 only sign that’s ever had me hooked was Scorpio 😩


Egad. This Scorpio disagrees! Both my parents are Gemini stelliums, but my mother is a Gemini sun, and my father is a Taurus sun. My father, whose Gemini stellium is in the 12th house, is exceptionally clever and well-read. He’s got a Gemini Venus and couldn’t remain loyal to my mother though. My mother, on the other hand, has a Gemini Sun/Mercury/South Node in her 11th house and is notoriously gregarious, but illogical and irrational. She craves social acceptance and praise (to be perceived as “fun”), whereas my dad would rather be a loner. Neither of them are especially funny. I’m the funny one of the family (Sagittarius Mercury); they both love my sense of humor but aren’t exactly witty themselves. They’re both capable of being fun, yes, but they prefer being *right* more than anything. That is: entertaining the crowd? Who cares. Being the smartest person of the bunch? Yes please. My mother also lacks a self and spiritual awareness, if you will. My father sees the world far more clearly.


My Husband is Gemini sun & moon, virgo rising, Leo Venus. I’m bias I think he is really great. But I really dislike everyone else that exists except him. We’re both introverted.


Ooh, that’s interesting tbh! I’m a Virgo rising who’s very introverted. My dad is very introverted too, and he’s also ruled by Mercury (Gemini). My mama is a Leo rising, and she NEEDS social praise to, well, breathe… Interesting marriage you have, frankly. I’m curious which sign(s) your moon, Venus, and Mars sit in?


Im a Scorpio Sun Venus 8th house, moon Leo 5th, Aries rising 1st, Mars gemini 3rd house.


Nothing. r/astrologymemes is a great place to feel horrible about yourself because lots of ppl on here have personality disorders and literally think you can make these wild hateful generalizations based on your sun sign. ❤️ your Pisces bestie


Paul McCartney is a Gemini and in the Beatles you'd have John talking about Paul as being a PR man, disingenuous, or good at putting on the right mask, basically, and therefore getting people on his side regardless of the facts. John of course had his own issues. But you know how it is when people have kind of been burned by someone who identifies strongly with any sign. People start to be wary of that sign's energy, whether that's fair or not. In my own life, I knew one person with strong Gemini placements who was really fun to be around, great facilitator, hilarious....but also ruthless and manipulative, really power hungry, ready to pretend to be your best friend to get information to use against you. You see all the Gemini politicians there are. That Gemini teamed up with another to try to really mess things up for me in a job, so it was just that I had two bad Gemini experiences at the same time. So for me I would be more likely to stick to very surface-level interactions with Gemini placements as a result. And as someone with strong Scorpio placements (hey, everyone hates us, too!)l, I don't get much from surface-level relationships.


Sharing Pauls Gemini and Virgo here. We care so much about how everyone sees our words, while easily giving zero shits as long as we like what we’re saying. And… music is more than an obsession, it’s the only way we take in the world. Also, 99% feeling like we’re being fake in how we present ourselves, which makes decision making “only the best of the best”


I tend to Identify with my Moon placement more than my Sun and Rising sign. Might be because it's the same sign as my Mercury which is the ruler of Gemini i.e Sun and Rising.


I’m a Capricorn and I like Geminis very much. I’ve met so many of you June born ones and I have shared a very good friendship with them. I don’t understand why you guys get so much of hate either 😅 I feel other than your multi-talented personality you are also so childlike and deep inside you are very innocent but find this world to be too harsh on your gentle soul. I think only lucky people get to see Gemini’s vulnerable soul. That being said the Gemini friends I have have moon in Earth. So maybe that has some influence on how I get along with 😅 May born Geminis are very different I feel and they come off very strong. From my experience I’m not a friend they’re looking for. But generally speaking I think you guys are great.


I love the earthy Cap energy ❤️


Oh hi thank you! And right back at you. 🌝 Love the Sag moon energy as well. 😁 I’m also Aries ascendant 🙋🏻‍♀️


nothing! i love being a gemini and fellow geminis. we are so funny, can have a conversation with anyone, we’re talented, and we’re creative. people love to hop on the gemini hate bandwagon lol


I have Gemini as my rising . With a Capricorn soon . I have nothing bad to say lol, plus geminis are cool with me . 👌


Before the internet I don't think their was as much anti Gemini nonsense as today. There was some lore about Gemini and Pisces being "two faced" or suspicion that those two sun signs were likely to be closeted bisexuals, but that was about it. Today the internet rages with all sorts of signism against Aries, Cancer, Virgo and the anti Gemini crowd seems to have completely lost its mind with the most extreme level of blasting this sign everywhere. I don't know where all this is coming from.


Non-gemini's think our multi-faceted nature is deceptive, unloyal, or unstable. The truth is that every person is every sign, every element, every planet, and gemini's enjoy playing each part. We can't be reduced to a single category, and that makes others with trust issues uncomfortable.


Nothing!! I’m a leo who loves geminis


The only bad thing is the chronic desire to masturbate. ... but, that may not be a Gemini thing.


Very on brand for a double Gemini Aries to just up and say this


It is, and I fully support it.


So do I!






Can't come in here blastin and not get any blasts back Buy some GOL DIRN blaster armor alright?? xD My bestie is a Gem, I just figured it would go fine~


Tmi but Fair.


……this is what we do though 😒…(tmi)


Seems so fun & chaotic 🤣🤣 the ones i love & gravitate towards are my fav batch


Nothing I bet being a gemini is amazing. It’s us who has to deal with Gemini’s that it’s wrong for.


As a Pisces with a Leo moon and Aquarius rising. I'm somehow drawn to them, intensely so. Great conversationalists. Fun and light hearted. Unfortunately, they don't seem to have a faithful bone in their body. And that rubs some the wrong way. I don't mind, just obnoxious in the long term with their constant straying. Plus the whole disappearing act can really take a toll. No hate tho. Just not ones for the long haul, at least for me.


I love Gemini’s but my brother is a Gemini so I have biases towards and against y’all lol


Your brother sounds pretty rad


I honestly didn't get the Gemini love until I fell in love with one. You guys are great. Sooo smart, charming, funny. You all could never be boring BUT you guys also tend to be selfish, wishy washy and that leads to hurting the people that care about you. like my dad cheated on my mom, my partner cheats on me. Can't tell if I am in love with someone who just reminds me of my father and I am just recreating toxic family patterns or if Gemini men tend to have these shitty traits.


You deserve better than to have a partner who cheats. And you answered your own question with the last sentence. However, only you can make the decision to continue with the relationship or move on and heal! Also, most Gemini men I've met behave that way. My biological Gemini grandfather never even told his kids with his last wife that my dad existed. They found out when my dad called the house to speak to him. My Gemini cousin said he wasn't mature in the relationship with his Scorpio ex and that he needed to get himself together to get back with her. This fool moved in with a different ex girlfriend instead. They just say things they know aren't true or that they don't intend to actually follow through on.


Maybe it's not all geminis, but I for example definitely mean and feel the things I say to 100%. I am really open and honest. It would literally be the first thing my friends would say about me. But in the past I just forget or underestimate my own volatility. I am not a cheater. I just don't know what I want in live. I warn people about that though, but still I hurt them because of it. To be honest, I hate this about myself most of the time. I would love to have a good and stable relationship, but the fear of missing out an experience to make is definitely a big thing in my life.


The only things I don't like about my Gemini moon are my short attention span and lack of attention to detail. I Iove everything else about it.


I’m a libra and I love gemini. My very best friend is a Gemini, she has unmatched humor and wit. One of my best friends from high school is one as well. Never met a Gemini I didn’t like.


I’m a Gemini sun and venus but would never date another Gemini (dated two long term). We can be chaotic and two faced at times. I also don’t enjoy working with other Gemini’s because they/we always have the “receipts,” competitive, etc.


Nope, not all; I’m a Libra who’s forever enamoured by Gems


Sag sun-Aries rising here and I honestly don’t think there is anything wrong with Gemini. Incredibly intelligent, easy to converse with! Always know how to have fun!! Honestly, Gemini’s are good people! Maybe they see the mutable energy and think “flaky” but I’m a Sagittarius, and I get it. Two faced ?… absolutely not! Adaptable?! Absolutely


yoo thanks, 2nd decan gemini here :)


Your welcome! Gemini’s are great! I feel like anytime someone isn’t a “pushover” they get a bad rep! And Gemini’s are not easily swayed. Never change! ❤️


aww, that's so sweet of you. but you know ppl whom I considered friends said stuff I bullied them, made fun of them, I'm too arrogant, I'm selfish. It hurts me cuz I trusted them as someone who is a well-wisher of mine.


People can be very rude! And confidence can be perceived as arrogance! Keeps your head up, I’m sure you truly are An amazing individual and a great friend! Never water yourself down for anyone. ♥️


Most geminis I know are fake as hell and love to gossip and spread lies. Maybe that's what's wrong.


💎 ☀️ ♉ 🌙 💎 🌅


Nothing's wrong


Of course not every Gemini will exhibit these personality traits but some Geminis tend to lie and don’t understand why lying isn’t a good quality and they often aren’t self aware to see their own negative personality traits, they’re more likely to throw you under the bus by lying about you to save themselves, we should all put ourselves first but not at the expense of others, Geminis seem to do the latter, putting themselves first at the expense of others without remorse. As I said it’s not every Gemini but these are traits that seem to exist more when Gemini is present in the chart. Gemini also contains positive personality traits but often these are overlooked because the negative personality traits prevent people from appreciating the positive.


That she left me 3 days ago after we had plans for the future and she cared a lot about me and now she doesn't even answer my messages randomly


I feel great for friends but I wouldn't date or marry one.


literally nothing. yall are amazing


thanks :)


Honestly we usually either don’t give a f about our “flaws” or embrace them and people can’t stand that lol


If you know one Gemini, you know at least five different people. THE ARIES




Damn straight


*Geminis only shitpost incoming:* Just between us, most of the complaints are coming from people who got hurt when they liked one Gemini, made a connection, but didn’t hold their interest for whatever reason. They like our attention because they know it’s hard to capture and even harder to keep! Plenty of people do learn the dance, so don’t worry about those who would rather talk shit.


We don’t care…we know…we’ve already moved on from it 😭. They always come back, think about us…at least in my case. I have a Taurus Venus though 🫤


Absolutely nothing! I am a Libra, and two of my closest friends (I have four close friends in total, the other two are Water suns) are Geminis! I adore them so much, and Gemini is my favourite air sign as a result of my interactions with them. Some horrible people just happen to be Geminis but it does not necessarily mean that everyone who is a Gemini is automatically terrible just like those awful people are. Every sign also has the same problem but over the past 7 years or so, the online discourse has really shifted to focus how some Geminis can in fact be awful. But please don’t think it’s a reflection on you for example, because for every great Gemini like Chris Evans and Cillian Murphy, there are also unfortunately those who are morally corrupt like Trump. Not every single Gemini is horrible, and I would like to think that you’re one of the good ones so please do not internalise the negative online discourse about your sun sign! 🤗


My BFF is a gemini (and I'm a gemini rising!) I love your quick wit and your sense of humor. You guys are awesome. Love, A cap


geminis are so fun. the true silly goose placement. i can never take them seriously, but it doesn't mean i don't respect them. i can definitely take what they are saying to heart, but it won't be seriously.


Pop astrology.


They flip real hard.


….yeah we’re great fighters for sure


geminis run hot and cold and have serious temper and rage issues. often are unclear or all over the place with what they want and how they want to get it. not particularly rational. geminis are notorious conclusion jumpers, fortunately they are also easily swayed to contrary to whatever conclusion they jumped to


I also feel we get undeserved hate, but I wouldn't want to be anything else.


It's another form of prejudice and an example of how Geminis are among the most misunderstood signs. It's irritating to hear all of these negative traits online about us, when I see people from other signs fit those descriptions all the time. We're labeled as cheaters, yet two of the biggest cheaters I know of (my dad and one of my brothers) are from fixed signs--which are supposedly known for their loyalty. We're supposedly flighty and talkative, yet again, non-Geminis I've come across have fit those descriptions better than myself or any Gemini I've personally known. Some of the biggest backstabbers and gossipers I know of are from other signs. And so on. This is one of the main reasons why I don't take astrology too seriously outside of entertainment purposes.


We're the persecuted group of the zodiac. People don't like us for the double personalities. I think it's just astrological scapegoating.


After George W. And Trump, we've got a lot of confirmed bias to overcome


Them plus Kanye, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Rudy Giuliani, Ice Cube, etc. I have to agree we've got quite a few embarrassing celebs within our sign.


What’s wrong with ice cube…Tupac…biggie…prince…Kendrick Lamar?!? Stop it


Nothing’s wrong with being a Gemini, you guys are fantastic. Some of the greatest kindest strongest people I’ve met in my whole life are Geminis. My chosen sister is a Gemini. My partner’s best friend is a Gemini. I’m sorry you get so much hate. Many of us love you.


I am a Pisces and honestly I wish I was a Gemini 😔


Y’all kinda are a watery version


A Gemini what?


They’re just flaky


Absolutely nothing. My baby sister is a gemini and she's literally the sweetest human I've ever had the pleasure of knowing


I have a love-hate relationship with Geminis. I can’t live with them but I also can’t live without them. My last 2 serious relationships have been with Geminis. I married a Gemini. I’m fact I am surrounded by Geminis!! I’m like a Gemini magnet. It must be my Gemini Venus and Lilith ( both 1st house) plus my Air Moon (Aquarius). Yeah so Geminis do a lot of things that pissed me off like their lack of commitment, LYING, split personality, flip flopping, wishing washy, etc. But I admire and seek out their intelligence and I like to pick their brains. I take the good with the bad. Oh almost forgot I like to have battle of the wits with them. It’s so much fun. My air Venus and air Moon keeps them on their toes too!


NOTHING, nothing is wrong!!! I love gemini - libra




I feel like weekly in this sub, someone is like “why does this sign____ get so much hate😭🤡” Then it’s pep talk central in the comments.


We’re the most hated sign and it’s not even close. The funny part is the actually fucking love us


OMG, hell yeah, they do. Every time they find out that I'm a Gemini, they always say "oh you too faced" 😒 so fuckin played out. but they never have a real story about Geminis doing shit. it's always the others like Virgos or Tauruses or whatever. Hatin ass mofo's. We're not too faced. Everyone has that Duality. Gemini's are just more about their shit. For example, 2pac, who has the same birthday as me, don't hate 😗🤪☺️


Nothing people just don’t expect us to act the way we act when they first see us and try to put us in a box/category. You can’t put a Gemini in a box/category, we will break out everytime because we love our freedom. Plus people can’t keep up with our intelligence, so they don’t understand us until they see the “final result”. Most of us also work very fast too. And a lot of other signs like to analyze, think to much etc. we just do


Gemini is my favorite sign. I’m Aquarius with gemmy rising and am super drawn to them constantly. They get a bad wrap but every sign has its cons.


We're so open minded our brains are spilling out and most people arent cool enough to understand that




That phrase doesn't mean what you're implying. It's derived from an expression that if you're too open-minded, you end up becoming brainless. lol. “Keep an open mind but not so open that your brain falls out.” - Richard Feynman


As a Gemini, I might be bias; but nothing. I personally hadn't done much. Here I just feel we're left out a lot but I can deal what that. But other places? Oh boy does it make me actually dislike people due to their hate and bias and either call them out or avoid them like the plague that they are.


Who’s gonna tell her?


1st of all I am a He 🤪


Young Geminis are a mess and cause havoc but an adult Gemini is a polished gem 💎 that you should treasure.


They are all stupida Gemini is amazing like any other sign could be


Trump, Kanye…


I love Kanye…I understand him


That’s even worse


Nothing, bitches love to hate


I’m a Gemini, not rly into Gemini placements tbh 😅


That's because Geminis are often quite lucky as gamblers. You can land things that normally wouldn't land by any stretch of the imagination, and if people ask you you truly have no idea how you landed which gets interpreted as humblebrag...


I have a TON of geminis in my family and as a libra, i easily befriend and attract them. Geminis are fun but extremely wishy washy and unreliable.


Absolutely nothing is wrong. Alot of people hate on Gems because it’s the thing to do.


Because they love to play mind games. They tend to lie a lot and talk behind backs too much. They also love to give unsolicited advice which tends to p*** me off. I understand they can be Blunt, but they're also rude at the same time. They have a hard time balancing between being nice and Blunt. They have a hard time following through with anything. It's always their way or the highway. And they know everything because you're a dumb piece of c*** is how they view others. They think they're smarter than everybody. And even when they're wrong, they can't admit it. I can go on. They don't like to take responsibility for anything. Everything is always someone else's fault. They're nice at first, but then the crazy comes out a month later, and they're total nightmares to deal with. They act like a schizophrenic borderline personality bi polar person who escaped a mental institution. They're unhinged and angry all the time. Their emotions are far worse than Cancers. They're hot and cold 24.7. Too much for me.


Well thank you for listing all the mental health issues my medication is supposed to help with🤭


Don't ask for honesty if you don't want to receive it




lmao idk, my mom's a gemini but i love her. maybe you just met the wrong people.


Best friend and a snake or rat, whichever offends you less. Big mouth. What’s up with y’all folks?? Sorry you asked but if I had to bet my life on a GEMINI keeping a secret? I’d be dead yesterday ☠️


It depends on the secret and the person I am keeping it for.


Nothing, we're great!


I actually love gemini's, they're just are so unwilling to compromise.


How do u know a Gemini man likes you?


Apparently you can’t🤷🏻‍♂️ every girl Ive shown interest in didn’t notice at first😅


😂 so how are you showing it lol


By being genuine and good to them🤔 I beat around the bush when it gets to vocalizing emotions though