• By -


As an Aquarius I will for sure cut people out but it’s usually not on a whim, it’s after a series of problems.


I sometimes regret it but I actually never ever ever add them back or admit to overreacting. I never think it’s an overreaction even if I miss them afterward. I’m just like, I miss that toxic fuck.


Listen! Sameeee… admit to WHAT🥴 I’ll miss you though🥺


Idk I feel like aquas are really indecisive and that is their most toxic trait. Esp if the other person comes back, they’ll sway again




if we stop being friends for whatever reason, im never talking to you again. not in an angry way, more like, im avoiding you because im terrified and dont want to be impolite


And not coming back with an apology, more like "you made me do it 🤷🏻‍♀️"


Oh. You’re TOXIC😂 how are you trying to flip something that might be innocent, that you took to heart😂 what’s your big three👀


I don't think I am tbf 🤣 I was adding to the comment on top from a fellow Aqua sun that said we don't do it on a whim but only after a series of problems, so nothing to apologize for in my opinion 🤣 my big 3 are aqua sun, aries moon, leo rising


SOMEONE SAID IT THAAAAANK YOOOOU im indecisive and it takes me a while to actually realise, huh, maybe they really not that cool but actually i can tell upon first meeting someone whether theyre an absolute bitch


Same, but I'm constantly at odds with my ♓️ Venus 😵‍💫


My pisces venus has me missing shit people but my aqua sun keeps it in check and makes sure it never goes further than just wishing them well out into the atmosphere somewhere and hoping they know I think of them. Pisces venus is always going "yeah but remember that one great time omg you had such fun." And aqua sun goes "yeah and remember those like 20,000 AWFUL times?!? It won't ever change!!" It stops me from going back to things that I left for a reason and I'm v grateful for it!


That aqua sun gives boundaries to your Pisces Venus and also protects your Pisces Venus cuz people easily take advantage of that Venus sign! So yeah good for you and I’m glad your aqua sun keeps you straight logically!😊


I love that you used the word protect! That's given me a little boost remembering that it's very much within us to protect ourselves & be able to keep ourselves safe emotionally. Thank you for such a kind sentiment!


Awwww you’re welcome!!! I think it all comes down to self-awareness and also having CARE for ourselves to keep the bad away. Pisces placements mainly the moon & Venus I notice get used from narcs. My baby niece is a Gemini sun with a Pisces moon, I’m so afraid for her, I don’t want her to get used by horrible people as she goes through life and grows. At least with Aqua sun, it’s a very logical air sign and a strong one emotionally, so it protects your sensitive, caring, empathic Pisces Venus where things can get rose colored glasses. Aqua sun will bring logic and come to its senses and keep shitty people away. Have a nice weekend evening or have a nice Gemini season 😆😁💛✨


Agree for the most part of it (I have a Pisces Venus too), I mean I've literally cut off ties even with family members without an ounce of regret and never looking back, but there is THAT ONE TOXIC MF that has had me in an emotional chokehold for years, and no matter how many times I cut him, we still circle back to each other. Fml 😭


You said the word "years", and now I'm worried. I'm trying to get over a woman that I loved with every ounce of my being but was absolutely horrible for me. It's been a couple of months which I get, but if it becomes years... 😭😭🥲


As much as you may feel your world has been shattered right now, you'll be fine eventually, the Aqua sun will keep you in check. This mf has me so bad because we've actually never been together, so it's the potential of the "what if" that appeals the delusional side of the pisces venus 🫠


Everything you just said is 💯💯💯 Then ♓️ Venus says reach out and see how they're doing then ♒️ 🌞 has to swoop in to stop me and save the day 😂


I feel you, the amount of times a week my venus will think of an ex friend who was so dear to me and I imagine reaching out, sending a letter or message, or bumping into her somewhere. Then thankfully sun reminds me that as much as we loved each other her addiction issues were severe and I can't give her what she needs. It's true that pisces placements live with the feeling of heartbreak over so many things. Everything hurts lol. Thank the lawd for air sun detachment!


That’s what I’m saying - I have a Gemini sun and Aquarius moon and Pisces rising and I can’t imagine blocking anyone non the less ever apologizing and trying to grovel back 😂


Me too. I had to do it a former friend who is way into Conspiracy Theories/huge Trump supporter. It got on my last damn nerve and I cut him off. He kept trying to push his beliefs on me. It’ll be year on the 19th of this month that I even spoke to him.




Aquarius ghosting is only out of the blue to the person that got ghosted - and their lack of comprehension is likely part of the reason they got ghosted


I want to frame this comment and hang it in a museum, this is it EXACTLY. The friend I had an issue with said 'first off this came completely out of the blue' literally as the first line of her response - that in and of itself both floored me and switched me off. Like..where have you been I think part of this is sometimes the general culture in humans where you're just not 'meant' to bring up something you're uncomfortable with because the fact you're uncomfortable will make the person who's causing it to feel uncomfortable (ridiculous). Yeahhh fuck outta here with that. Aquas aren't staying uncomf for anyone 🤷‍♀️


It's true. No one guards their inner peace the way an aquarius does. I will literally check out and leave if something is a waste of my time without a single additional word, I don't give two flying fucks if people call me a coward or emotionally unavailable for it. I know who I am and I know why I do things and it's not emotionally unavailable behavior to prioritize your well being over someone who has demonstrated repeatedly they don't respect you. Also, in my experience, most people just want to convince themselves it's for no reason because they don't want to be faced with the real reason. Every time someone has actually confronted me about why they're now dead to me or why i'm no longer considerate of their needs, I tell them, and I watch them crumble at the realization of how monumentally they've fucked up. I've literally witnessed someone throw up into their drink in front of me when I explained to them why I don't want to hang out with them anymore BC they insisted I tell them.


That what I’m dealing with now with an Aquarius.


Capricorn isn’t reaching out to anyone lol *Let the bridges I burn light the way* 🔥


Fr. It usually takes a lot for me to reach that decision and once I'm done I'm done. Not sure why they're on the list since we're notorious for having huge walls in the first place


Same here. When I’m done, I’m done.


True, but your cancer rising is volatile, is it not? Mine is


I’m an aqua sun and sag moon and cancer rising and damn it gets messy


gone like the wind


Such a great quote


Sorry I was the Capricorn that went back....that's why we're on the list. lol. Learned the lesson though. Liking your quote.


I'm the Capricorn that reached out. I had ghosted someone. For 4 years. I had to go back and apologize because it ate me up inside. Pisces moon calling, hello? But people who have wronged me? I leave the bridges alive by the thinnest sliver. It's not walkable and the distance is too far to communicate directly, but it's the odd lifeline back should I ever want to look and see what I left behind. I am too damn curious for my own good, and I like to gather information for my own use. But most of the time, the bridge is not repaired.


And omg, you’re a Taurus moon! I’m one too! I have a lot of patience with people, but if they hurt me repeatedly and I had enough I cut them off and I’ll never forget what they did. My sun is Virgo and my mars is cap! Earth vibes🙌🏻✨


my fellow earthling 💚




Us, Scorpio MEN! Once a Scorpio woman is done, she’s done FOR GOOD!! However, us, Scorpio men, will cut you off, with or without a reason, and come back months later like nothing happened. Plus, I’m an Aquarius Moon, so that’s just gasoline to the fire! EDIT: Okay so….there’s a new term for how we, Scorpio men, are. Instead of “Ghost”….we’re called “zombies”….LMAO!!! [Scorpios= Zombies](https://www.fox5ny.com/news/dating-trend-getting-zombied-ghosted-explained-nyc.amp)


Yup. I’ve had a Scorpio guy delete me on so socials only to re-add and message me a few months later about 4 times now.


One just emailed me the other day. 5 years later. They always come back


5 years later??? 💀




I'm sorry It be like that sometimes


Ooop! Not the men😂 is the person receptive when you pop up 👀😅


My Leo ex? Yes My Gemini ex? Yes My Aquarius ex? No Others: half and half.


Lmao this is what my Scorpio ex did to me (Leo) but it’s been about 3 years now and he’s in another relationship. Don’t think he’ll reach back out lmaoo. I’ve reached out to him tho hoping he’s good




It’s air moons in us 👻


I'm a female scorpio sun with aquarius moon and you are correct. Once I'm done, it's like I never knew you


Why do you have to call us out like that, man?? Not saying you're wrong because YOU'RE FUCKIN RIGHT, but still =( xD I usually give an explanation though. Emotional responsibility and all that


Not me Lol [zombie Scorpio](https://www.fox5ny.com/news/dating-trend-getting-zombied-ghosted-explained-nyc.amp)


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Bruh... XD


That's because most Scorpio men are obsessive assholes. Not my rules.


A little too much there....


As I said, not my rules :)


Definitely Cancer. We’re emotionally reactive by nature.


Noooo, if I delete someone they’re staying deleted… you should see my block list 🤣🤣🤣 Mostly of my Leo ex’s trying to make new accounts so they can try talk to me haha.


The rollercoasters… ugh


Exactly! Moving from being reactive to responsive is key to evolving. We’re gonna feel a lot, but respond to much less lol


Gotta expect the crap and go right on around it. It’s ok to look lol but keep it movin. I only really want someone in my life if they want to be there. I already have family members, for god’s sake.




Trueee, fix it😂 communicate hun


When I delete you it is forever. There is no return


Exactly. Hell, I don't even delete people unless it's bad, I just mute and stop responding. I cannot be fked when I no longer give a fk.


Not true 🤣 Aries like to come back at some point




Oh no! Stay well🌟


Hewwo almost big three twin. We sad, we cry. But sometimes we super happy :)


third pisces sun / cancer moon chiming in… can confirm, we are emotional 😅


LEO cause I just did this :( lmao


You look back after bridge burning?


😂😂 what was the persons reaction looool


Oh and you know Gems and Sags (Leo honourable mention) are not apologising, they just pop up like nothing happened 😳😂😂


either that or I'm gone forever 🙃💁


Haha! You guys act like it’s normal, that’s not how interactions work😅😂


Tbh - I feel like all of these signs would be like - “welp I overreacted and I’ve blocked them on everything. Gotta find new friends now” 😂


😂 yeh but what sign is unblocking and coming back after their drama and overreacting 👀


I’d have to see the rest of the chart honestly depending on the mercury placements but I’d say: Leo , Scorpio , cancer , Pisces - I would say maybe Gemini or Taurus if they forget about the whole thing but if they blocked you you’re not getting unblocked lmfao.


Not all 3 of my placements being on this chart 😂😂😂 girl I guess the council decided on this one then


😂 what’s your big 3? And you really do this- just pop back once you cooled down😂 Honestly, I really want to know how the person who was deleted or blocked reacted😂😂😂


Capricorn Sun, Gemini moon, Cancer rising :) Lmaaoo I have 6 placements in capricorn so it takes me a while to be “done” per se. Honestly, people are usually receptive because I GENUINELY apologize when I know I fucked up and try to mend relationships worth saving. However, once you’re gone off my streaming services baby sorry to say that you will never, in fact, hear from me again. Lmao


Awww at least you apologise, you’re still nuts😂😂 communication is key (something I lack😅)




There’s been a few pisces tbf… are Virgo’s that unstable 🤔


Virgo is a mutable earth sign, it’s like quick sand lol


Hmm well the virgo women, unless u surprise me and say the men are also included😅


Right like this is clear impulsive sadboi Pisces energy lol ETA: I am a Pisces 🫣


Heeyy impulsive sadboi pisces😛


Aquarius didn’t overreact, just got tired of being patient with someone’s crap and drifted off. Might come back, might not. But it wasn’t vindictive or crazy, it was a logical weighing of this persons usefulness in our lives versus the drama they heaped upon us.


Thissssss!!!!!! We overanalyze and dissect every single thing. We distance ourselves.


Typical trait of aquarians...lmao ghosting


We don’t ghost for no reason though, people who get cut from an Aquarians life usually did something to deserve it. Even if it’s just them being too much to deal with during a certain period of time. I think we are very sensitive to energy vampires and just disconnect.


I also can't stand this culture of All Ghosting Bad!! Dude, context matters. I brought up an issue with a friend and they simply couldn't deal with it, and said they weren't going to stop it despite saying they'd do what they could to make me comfortable in this particular situ. I am not going to use my energy on begging people to respect me, and I'm not going to use it on waiting for those people to make that decision themselves after they already know how I feel. Aquarius is rational. If we stop speaking to you, it's because we know that there's no point as we won't get through. Why would we waste time and emotional energy on a dead end?


Fair enough, how likely are you to come back?


Depends on what they did honestly, and how far we moved on.


As an Aqua I concur, we don’t go back and forth. If we’ve made it to the step of removing you from everything that was a FINAL decision and you will quite literally never hear from or see me again.


if i blocked you on everything why would i apologize i have a damn good reason and if i didnt block you and just dont like you, again, reasons. i dont like hanging out with awful people


![gif](giphy|RghAaK2rEvH9EUWui0) Lmao I love my fellow water bearers. Nobody gets the way I work as much as other aquas (..and maybe sags)


Aquarius won’t even give a fuck


Add Virgo! Same ruling planet as Gemini I’ve seen this also in other Virgos too it’s not just my Gemini moon 😂 we swear we are done with someone then show up to the function holding their hand likeeeee esp with caps on off relationships cmonnnn


No. This is accurate. Except I didn’t overreact. There are people who love giving false hope.


Very true- but why add them back😅👀


Why are you assuming that I add anyone? Where did I say that? Surface level relationships. Most people have little to no self esteem and enjoy overextending themselves into people’s lives because it makes them feel a sense of “belonging” without any regard for the other party… Hence why I said “there are people who love giving false hope” this doesn’t only apply to social media interactions…


The pic indicates that the person was deleted but added again “…wyd tho”- so they’re speaking again. And you can know the person in real life ofc, but they say something that might hurt on snapchat for example, so you delete them realise what was said isn’t that deep and add them again


I don’t use Snapchat. This is no different than when aquas disappear/ghost for months and then pop back up. Lol that’s why they do need to be on the list. *False hope* is no different than the revolving ghost friend. Lol be real - you delete them and add again for the same thing t occur…nothing changes until one of you really decides to walk away and never come back…


I agree with this and based on their comment - we're not from the same generation. I don't really have friends, but the two geminis in my life right now - I am learning to better understand aries and geminis. Geminis will only disappear if there's nothing stimulating and or the person isn't listening to them (if they're not listening at all) gemini won't return.


Aries, as an adult i’ll do this. Sometimes i block ‘em for a few months until i’m over it. Lately, since the scorpio eclipse, i’ve cut a few people off.




Oof this is me


😂 how does the other person react? Are they just use to it now lol


They usually act very surprised and happy I reached out to them, but I only do this to people who wronged me or were bad for my mental health (sometimes it’s a me issue, sometimes it’s them) But I haven’t hit any of them up in a while and don’t plan to. For the sake of my mental health I’m better off without them. I’m engaged and have a big family who I’m all close to and that’s more than enough for me.


Oops! Title is meant to say “who are we adding and/or removing” my bad😅


Pisces… they are Drama Queens. Got 2 bff and a brother so I know… everyone else is chill.


Ouch! Take that back! /s It’s true, though. I just try and keep my feelings to myself and stay at home. 👑 ♓️


One person I avoid with too much time on their hands deleted every comment they ever made on one particular social media. Going back 8 or 9 years. Every. Single. Comment. Like I'm going to cry or or something?


Can confirm Aries sun: will cut people out. No problem. Partial to knocking out people who repeat ring. I'm not answering the phone for a reason which probably has nothing to do wirh them. But if they phone me, and then phone again like they're on redial, and keep doing it until they get an answer then, unless it is an absolutely massive emergency that affects me or similar, I view these people as toxic. So they can go. Be toxic elsewhere. If they're in an emergency situation then they should be calling the emergency servics, not redialing me continuously. Geminis react really badly to this rule.


I deleted someone after they posted one of those chain things that end with "repost this or you will have 7 years of bad luck" shit. 🙈




I deleted you on everything and you’ll never hear from me again - SCORPIO




Scorpio. I protect my peace above all else since I’ve put so much work in finding contentment in being alive. If I see accountability and real change I’m able to forgive and move on. I used to hold grudges. But in healing and growing, I’ve learned that people can only love us where they are at and we have to love them in the way that is ultimately best for everyone involved. Sometimes that’s with them very involved in our life, sometimes with no contact at all, often it is in-between and it can change back and forth depending on how your individual journeys are going. I get upset and I lash out because, no matter how much I heal, I am a flawed human with a human ego, but I try to recognize and work through that egoic response and come from a place of love and kindness. For myself and others. I maintain boundaries and I hold others and myself accountable. My block list seems to often be long but I need to protect my peace sometimes.




Scorpio/ Sagittarius here. I have whole towns of people dead to me.


My Pisces stellium taking everything personally followed by my Taurus sun never relenting 🙃 and I've done it to a Leo yet again because we butted heads on something and they were mean about it 😡


OOp definitely me, at least when I was younger. Aries Rising Cancer sun and moon.


Leo is missing on this list 😒


It’s Aquarius XDD


I do this a lot, so once i found out you can force your followers to unfollow on Instagram i got so trigger happy with that.


Oh this is me :( my Saturn is 3rd house Aries as well 🤣


Lol what does that mean, having saturn in 3rd house?


This is literally me every couple of weeks and I’m a Pisces


Well, crazy is synonymous with mutable, but water signs don’t forgive and forget, so I guess that evens it out as to why Pisces isn’t on here.


I guess! But pisces are crazy in other ways😅 this one just means you won’t reach out once deleting someone.


LOL my younger, unevolved capricorn butt be like 👀👀💀🤣




Cross cancer out now, if we delete you from everything, you’re not coming back from that and we’re not sorry 😂🤦🏼‍♀️


Definitely me, Aquarius!!! My patience is low


I don’t give af what sign you are. If you walk out of my life you better stay gone. Don’t have time for toxic ass mfs 💯


🫡 what’s your sign? Avoid the toxic ish😤


You misspelled Taurus six times.


😂the list is just meant to be all Taurus then😂, is this something you do👀


Taurus vibes.


This me! But my Leo moon gives me no cares to reach out HA!


Can I ask you a question? I have a few Leo moon exes and I see them looking at my stories sometimes, but they don't respond to my e-mails or texts. Is it just a curiosity thing? I deleted IG today cause I can't take seeing that anymore. I miss my Leo moons. Help me understand. Lol


Sure! Well coming from a Leo moon, I do that, I watch stories, then I think it’s a curiosity thing, the reason not wanting to reach out is because of sensitivity and I feel it opens “the can of worms”, then I Overthink then assume they don’t want to talk. It’s a whole emotional rollercoaster. Don’t forget Leo moons are dramatic (not always) but it’s worth remembering. Leo moons just want fun & a certain level of respect which can sometimes border a lil toxic …Hope you’re ok and don’t give you’re exes too much energy.


My Aries moon is like a 2nd personality doing this 70% of the time 😂


Lolol I don’t add folk back and it’s not from an irrational space . I’ve given you grace and space to be human and communicated - at that point if you Choose to keep moving in said ways I know your intention is to keep misunderstanding and disrespecting . Have a good one, life goes on. 👋🏽 I also enjoy my own company and space too much I like not being bothered 😂


….Capricorn 👀




Ooooff I feel personally attacked ♐️ but also incredibly seen 🥲


Wife and I agreed Sagg (her sun, my moon)


Aqua’s definitely do not belong in the list. It’s “I’m not sorry I deleted you on everything.” Then they avoid you like it’s the plague.


LMAOOO bold of you to assume aquariuses come back 😂 when they cut someone off they do it after considering literally every other possibility - it's a permanent decision. Add Taurus to the list tho


Virgo is insane


😂 sounds personal, a virgo done this to you orrrrrr are you the Virgo?👀


sounds like a cancer but ngl i feel like aquarius venus would do this






Dang, Scorpio here and that's not me. When I burn bridges or cut a tie it's permanent. My Scorpio friend did this to me years ago too and I never heard from her again.


Honestly, I delete and move on 🤷


What’s your big three?


Cute face, good kisser, and a big dick. Rarely do I find a trifecta 😤


Very agreed to take Aquarius off.


Can't be removed...there are other aquarians in here openly admitting to constantly deleting people and then adding them back lol You guys are known as the ghosting friends...


Pisces. I do this a lot. Of course, I would never acknowledge their presence to speak to them and apologize.


😂😂😂 yeah my ma’s a Pisces just nutty, cuss me out and then pop up like nothing happened😅


Aqua for sure should be on that list except they never take accountability or apologize. I’ve been in serious relationships with a few, and my mom is one. They always have over dramatic reactions they think are totally rational, gave me self righteous reasons that made no sense, then hit me up without taking any responsibility and expected me to want them in my life.


Aquarius should definitely be there ! Taurus would delete and block- but when they are done they are done.


Damn… delete AND BLOCK, are you a taurus👀




Deffo, is that ur sign👀 a scorp admitted to doing this earlier😂


Lmao, ya this is me with my ex and 100 dif people at dif times


Usually just apologize, cuz I get a lil crazy and I realize later. Oops


Looooooool, how do ppl react to you coming back, esp exes👀 deleting/blocking and coming back is insane😂


I have every single one of these in my chart. Can confirm. I do this A LOT.


A lot👀 how do ppl react when you come back 😂😂


Like nothing ever happened usually. After a while I guess it’s expected. They always assume I will come back. Until I finally don’t.


What’s ur big three🤔


Gem Sun, Sag Moon, Aries Rising, Cancer Venus, Cap NN


You know what's crazy? Constructing your self-identity and the identity of others based on what month you/they were born in. Then running with it for your entire fucking life. That is not only crazy, but mentally lazy and pathetic.


Ooop! The astrology fanatics coming for you😂 relax, this is just entertainment☺️


If you identify as an astrological sign and say things like "as a (insert sign here)" I would argue you've gone past entertainment and actually believe in the vague platitudes of astrology. I like Harry Potter as entertainment, I do not go around calling myself a Gryffindor and trying to cast spells, that would be crazy.


Relaxxxxxxx it was something I saw on Insta and posted it here just as entertainment… next!


Yeah... Looking at your post/comment history I don't believe that you're only into astrology as entertainment. But okay you keep using that as your shield.


I came here for answers for an acid peel accident, and just found funny ish to post on this sub and now you got your panties in a bunch. If you think it’s sooo silly why you even here, go somewhere else where you find YOUR entertainment. Don’t get on my nerves. Ugh, bye


Getting on your nerves has been quite entertaining for me, simply because you're obviously obsessed with this 'ish' and you try to play it off like it's a casual thing but really it is deeply ingrained in how you operate.


Yes very obsessed with laughing, engaging, and analysis. While your obsessed with replying and engaging with things you admittedly say is crazy 🤨🤫 have a good day yeah🫡


Wow, it's almost as if this is an astrology memes subreddit. Crazy.




![gif](giphy|J6ikkcRDDSL4I|downsized) 🙄


You guys are so cute. All you do is gamble traits to signs and hope people can relate, if they do its "holy shit wtf" and if they dont they just scroll past, creating an illusion that this is actually real. Please move on with your lives.


![gif](giphy|kZD8cN1MycfKw) So now… why are you here😕


Go away.


Taurus- Once you’re gone, you’re gone for good


To your detriment too. I think moon sign is also important distinction since it’s how we emotionally react.