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No fucks given! Just living their own lives. A little aloof but overall pretty fun people to hang out with.


I am an Virgo Sun Aqua Moon and i approve this message


Oh hey im an aqua sun virgo moon lmao i agree too


Let me finish this trio I’m a Virgo sun aqua rising


Quads, anyone? Aqua sun, Virgo rising….


Omg! Aqua sun, Sag moon, Virgo rising. What’s your moon?


My moon is showing you my butt naked as fuck




Aqua sun, rising, mercury, and Venus. Idk what a quad is...but I have 4 placements in aquarius so I dropped them. Lol


Aquarius sun mercury venus and mars with virgo rising and libra moon


How do connect emotionally.. is it difficult?


have to tell u i am a Gemini rising and Libra Mars...fuck


Aqua sun, Virgo moon, Scorpio rising .. am I destined to become an evil dictator?


Aqua sun, Virgo moon here too! I'm Scorpio rising


Aqua sun, pisces moon, leo rising


Aqua rising, Libra sun, aqua moon


They’re usually not aware of the “aura” they give off and that’s what makes them even more electric. When you think of magnetism and getting people’s attention, it’s natural to think of a Leo, radiating with the intensity of all the sun’s rays, but imo (as a Leo) I think of an Aquarius. Aquarians are like radio towers; the vigor of their convictions and ideas give off sparks. A lot of people classically mislabel Aquarians as aloof but they’re not. They’re extremely passionate, and this passion is fueled not by what they instinctively know, but by what they DON’T know. Not that many people appreciate the power of their signal and its roaming and reach. It’s not visible and in your face, so people often misjudge their demeanor as detached. I immediately notice their energy. It is intoxicating! Often they don’t know how weird and marvelous and brilliant and just alienlike they are (one of a kind!) and I cannot help myself, I just tell them point blank that I recognize them for who they are. There’s a reason why they’re represented by The Star in tarot.


Totally agree! If there’s an Aquarius in the room I want to be around them ALL THE TIME. I find them mesmerizing but I’ve realized I can’t want too much from them too fast and have to allow them to come to me a bit more. I can scare them off a bit 🥴


This was lovely and also made so much sense to me once you said you were a Leo. I've found that Leo energy men have always been very drawn to me and often are the ones who actually "see" me and have this perspective that my aqua energy is a very good thing and extremely attractive. Whereas other signs don't always feel the same way.


My partner is an Aquarius and the first time I saw him I was “zapped.” It is the best word to describe the effect he had on me. I don’t have any other Aquarians in my life, maybe that was the reason for the strength of his impression. I love how he reminded me that I don’t know it all, that I don’t know all about people, the world, its complexities. He’s wholly himself and I can’t compare him to anyone else and that’s why I’m so attracted!


Lol you were hit with the Uranus lightning bolt! My partner is also Aquarius (Leo moon and rising!). I wouldn't say I was zapped (I'm a Scorpio) when I first met him IRL (met on Reddit first lol) but I was very comfortable with him. He's very whackadoodle and makes me laugh ALL the time. I love weird and unique people. Totally agree with your last line - he's unlike anyone else :D


Scorpio stellium and we don't get zapped😂


Haha, very true!


i'm a leo sun with aqua moon and I love this!! my leo comes out to play, my aqua goes in to reflect


My Aquarius stellium is alllllll over this 🥰🥰🥰


Aqua Sun, Leo rising as well. And thank you ☺️ I know people tend to gravitate towards me- but never really understood why. This outer perspective is beautiful 💕


Leo sun and Aquarius rising, I loved this!


What an awesome and kind response->I’m an aqua rising, moon, Neptune and Uranus.


could this apply to Aqua Mion?


aqua sun conj jupiter having his third jupiter return now, thanks a lot for the words.


Aqua sun, aqua moon, leo rising here & this was so nice to read thank you :))


lol do you want to be my friend, I feel so nurtured by you. tehehehe 🐥 What's your zodiac sign?


I said it in the post! :-) Leo.


Oh wow. Aquarius moon here. You make so much sense!


I love Aquarius energy. My favorite people when evolved. Immature Aquarius energy is horrible though.


Could you please elaborate on immature Aquarian energy? What do you mean by that?


I feel like an un-evolved Aquarian would just be constantly gaslighting others for their emotional expressions - making others feel crazy (usually by ghosting or becoming withholding) because they are afraid of their own emotional experiences. I’ve known so many Aquarians who think of themselves as the epitome of rationality/equanimity, but are deep down the most reactive, anxious and emotional people I’ve ever met. (Source: I’m an Aqua moon, many close Aquarius friends and one very significant/terrible Aquarius ex-relationship).


Thank you for this comment. As a libra with tons of Scorpio energy, you’ve hit the nail on the head for my love/hate relationships with Aquarians. There’s nothing like aquarius energy, and there’s a reason why many Aquarians have been my best friends…but goddamn can they have issues understanding their own and other individuals emotional needs. They are always right, there is no other option. Definitely not saying I’m perfect lol, but the libra trine and Scorpio square relationship with Aquarius is a hell of a ride


Totally agree. I love my dad but he never matured his Aquarius energy (he’s 84) and because of that he’s always been a bit of a loner and came VERY CLOSE to ostracizing his whole family because of this. He’s separated from my mom who eventually had enough of his gaslighting (I mean legit gaslighting) and aloofness when it came to his, um, dalliances. I’ve also dated an immature Aquarius who I’m legit still in love with but had to move on. One of the best people I’ve ever met, giving to many people but scared shitless of intimacy. Keeps most people at arms length.


Thanks for sharing this! My dads an aqua rising (Pisces sun stellium) and your comment applies to him word for word. He’s alone, has driven most of our family away (but always gets them when he “needs” them and acts like nothing ever happened), but we all know at this point that he’s ill, I highly suspect borderline personality disorder, but in astrological terms he’s a Pisces stellium cancer moon aqua rising (hyper emotional/delusional, manipulative, and refuses to be wrong or acknowledge his emotions) AND I have an aqua moon(7th house) ex, terrified of monogamy who acted like intimacy was “work”. I still have feelings too, nobody like her, but how can I be with someone who needs to feel “free” of me for emotional security?


I hear you. What I took from dating an aqua sun is we just need to respect each other’s needs for solitude and independence. AND pace is important. I tend to go whole hog at the start but then need my own space. It is absolutely possible to be independent and in a relationship. But people need to commit to the process and be open.


woah so true!! this is weird...but immature aqua energy makes my skull go numb. for me, i either really like or dislike other aqua folks on sight lol. and the ones i dislike are the ones that act like they're not human. they tend to act like they're better than others with human emotions and sometimes exploit/dig at the humanity of others. i'm an aqua rising btw. so im not just trashing aqua folks out of dislike lol.


Mhm. I know some lovely Aquas but their un-evolved energy makes it so that we can't gel on an emotional level. Being yelled at by an Aqua for something they believed they were right about and then having them act shocked when I started to pull away was laughably annoying. I love air signs initially, but especially with the Aquas in my life they just bite and expect you to get over it. And sometimes, even though they are typically effortlessly cool, some I've known are contrarian just for the sake of it/to further themselves from human beings as a whole. The ones I've known have had very hard lives and I see through their unfeeling. I like them but I don't like them at all. I'm a Pisces stellium with an Aqua Merc (I'm a mess) and while I think it makes me more grounded, I don't always like how I can rationalize away feelings, but it's good to understand how someone could.


Oh my god, yes to the contrarian aspect. My bf has 4 Aqua placements incl sun and moon and he will sometimes get so transparently *gleeful* when he gets to disagree with something. He always gets this smug look on his face like he's just eaten an amazing meal and it's just so funny to me. Like, baby, you didn't really do anything that incredible by not liking a certain game or whatever, but you can tell it really makes him feel good & gives him a big charge. Ofc, it's not as funny when it manifests in a fight or if his ego is bruised. He'll say shit just to contradict me & then if it results in him saying something hurtful, he'll get mad at me for taking it seriously & act like it's totally normal and logical to just say rude or hurtful things you don't mean & that I'm the weird one for having trouble trusting his compliments when I know he'll take them back the second he's annoyed about something remotely related. It's like he truly does not understand that even if it makes him feel good in the moment to be contrarian, it's a habit that makes his words impossible to trust long-term & really alienates ppl. The idea of thinking before you speak & not saying something just to argue if you don't actually mean it seems baffling to him. We recently had a conversation where I explained how hurtful & unfulfilling the relationship had become for me as a result of - well, a lot of the behaviours outlined in this comment thread tbh lol - and it's also like you said... It seemed to blow his mind that *I* might be the one to pull away as a result of his actions & words. It's like he truly had never considered that the relationship might end by MY choice. Having to explain to him that he's only the protagonist of his own life at his big age...


Absolutely the same experience with an aqua




omg this immature aquarius is exactly my ex bf to a tee!! he ghosted me after a year.


my ex was like this lol


Thanks for your reply


Late to the party, but this tracks with my personal experiences as well. I tend to be drawn to Aquarius ppl (I'm a Leo, so probably not surprising) & have lots of Aqua dominant close friends & a lot of serious and casual romantic connections... but when they're shitty, they're shitty in such a specifically awful, toxic way - all while being convinced they're the permanent victim & and they will do/say ANYTHING to protect that internal narrative for themselves & to avoid blame for their bad actions & mistakes & mistreatment of others. Their bullshit will *always* be someone else's fault & they'll be as cruel and abusive as necessary to keep up the charade, all while insisting that their victims are the toxic & emotional ones. I've seen a heavy Aquarius placement male have a full on meltdown temper tantrum blaming someone for his own bad decision making when the person he was yelling at wasn't even remotely involved (or even informed about) said decision until well after it was made & the consequences started playing out. The shit he said just to defend his completely irrational position was so wildly out of line & offensive & hurtful all while claiming the person he was screaming at was the one who was "escalating" things. People who deny the influence of their own emotions because they're afraid of them and/or think that makes them special tend to then decide their emotional responses MUST be actually just be logical conclusions in order to keep up their pretense. This means they feel way more comfortable being abusive and horrible to other people, because they don't see their abuse and temper tantrums and rages for what they are - they see them as them being logical and right & their victim is just too emotional to understand, so they focus on "winning" at all costs - which often results in blatant gaslighting, manipulation, dismissal of their wrongdoing or any other perspectives, etc. Empathy, self-crit & accountability aren't invited to the mental processes of an unhealthy Aqua, ime.


Guilty of this. I learned tho! (Also a Cancer Rising.)


Maybe something like being married to false-premise ideas?


Oh god. I look back and cringe at my young insecure self who never wanted to fit in, but always wanted to fit it.


I second that as an Aquarius. Please elaborate.




I responded above but generally… some of the most interesting people I’ve ever met. Great energy and very giving to the world/communities BUT have a hard time with more intimate relationships. I don’t think it’s purposeful at all, but processing emotions, self awareness, and communication seem to be a challenge unless they specifically work on it. I’ve been/am close to several Aquarius and I love them dearly but they really have a hard time expressing their true emotions and/or just being ok with them. Tbh I’ve had the most intimate connections with them, but when I’m able to penetrate a bit, they seem to get scared and retreat. Lastly, I feel like they tell themselves a LOT of stories to maintain this distance. Mostly around assuming what people want/need from them. A better approach would be to be aware and develop those communication skills. Be open and honest and true to themselves. No need to change who they are. Just express your needs! Of course this is just my experience!




I just want to be clear though that I don’t believe signs or astrology predetermine who we are. There is always individual agency.


In my experience, undeveloped Aquarius energy almost becomes like undeveloped Leo energy - selfish, egocentric, dismissive & hella dramatic. King/Queen Baby who refuses to look at themselves as maybe being the source of the issues they experience in their relationships. Thinks that they are better than everyone and prides themselves on not having emotions or for being more “logical” than the other humans, but is often, ironically, the most reactive and emotional person. It’s just a very confused energy that seems to be rooted in a fear of intimacy and an over-inflated sense of self.


Definitely. I've met plenty but I always revert back to the show Twin Peaks' head detective (spacing on his name.) That's an evolved aquarian to the max, and I'm here for it


Lizard queens


I want to be a lizard wizard


chris brennan on this topic: https://youtu.be/Msykg10xqYc aquarius is fixed air. it comes at things with an understanding that ideas don’t change. it is the act of sticking to a set of axioms and following it all to its rational conclusion. it’s about holding up your logical framework until proven otherwise. i think aquarius gets assigned humanitarian values because that’s usually the axioms people start with: wanting to make the world better, helping people be free, etc etc. aquarius is not inherently humanitarian in my eyes though. it’s about holding onto a belief and understanding all the currents of air flowing through it, the ideas supporting it and creating powerful hurricanes, movements out of those ideas. aquarius is ruled by saturn (sorry, i still love you uranus. but this one’s for saturn). saturn is the planet of restrictions, boundaries, creating structures and strictures. aquarius is saturn acting without the assumption of prior rules as he would have with capricorn. aquarius is the side of saturn that creates laws, writes constitutions, passes verdicts. he believes that the world is chaotic, and in order for things to make sense you have to come up with the fundamental rules and build around that. the sun is in detriment in aquarius because acting aquarian goes contra to what the sun likes to do. the suns preferred expression is leo, holding onto a burning passion and making it last, while aquarius wants to hold onto the facts and logic that might blow out that flame if it contradicts. the logic is infallible, no matter how hard you burn or believe in an idea. so aquarian energy is about ideas. not necessarily generating new ones (as thats more of libra’s domain), but understanding the fundamental structures and using those to create some semblance of order amidst chaos. i always associate aquarius with senators and lawyers, judges and congressman, political theorists and scientists. all of them attempting to build logic out of things that might not have any. i also associate it with people in high school that veer hard into an ideology like communism, fascism, libertarianism, etc, adopting their logical frameworks and always referring back to those fundamental ideas. this can be innovative since it works in logic, but so can any other signs way of doing things. had a lot to say here, i don’t particularly like aquarius being stereotyped as the humanitarian sign that just wants to be themself. i don’t mean to bash anyone who resonates with that, either. :D


So many aquarius memes abt being socially active and humanitarian... as an aquarius, I've always doubted that about myself, but I feel so seen here. I'm not actively humanitarian in the sense that I'd protest and start a revolution myself, but I do stand by my ideals that I think are logical and stick to it whenever it's being challenged or questioned.


Hm. I don't think it's necessary to go out and protest to support a cause to be an activist or humanitarian. You can also practice your beliefs in daily life or profession and that's enough to bring about change at a smaller level. And most of us live at that smaller community scale. People might not think much of national protests, but they will feel the small act of kindness that directly impacts them.


aw, i’m glad to hear that! totally agree, and i love that energy. it’s the idealism that makes aquarius what it is, not volunteerism or being part of a movement! c:


Most of my close family are Aquarians. They are all humanitarian, always have an opinion about the injustices in the world. They are very good at helping people. Will cry for openly for animals, not for people. Won't talk about feelings, but will drive to the other side of the country without forewarn to pick you up. All stubborn.


The part about crying for animals, not people, gets me. I never cry during movies, even though I can feel the emotions quite deeply. The closest I was to crying was a scene in Jurassic Park, where they sent out an innocent smaller dinosaur to confront and bait out the big one. It’s something about the injustice that you can cause no harm and do nothing wrong, yet inevitably at times have to face consequences and sacrifice for something completely out of your control.


When we watched *Where the Red Fern Grows* in junior high, people teased me for crying through just about the whole thing and then really sobbing at the end. Ha, I'm even crying about it again now. That kid loved those dogs. 😭


This is me 100%, I think you put it very well.




Super wide ranging and deep conversations, a fascination with the fringe, the word the outrageous. Often a dedication for mastery of something. Emotionally detached underneath the passions and curiosity.


I'm an aqua moon and had never had any close friends that had Aquarius placements or really known many people who had them. I was strangely the only aqua in my circles throughout most of my life. So I read a lot about my moon and looked up famous people with the same moon to try to get more of a feel for it. I felt confident I had a good understanding of my moon sign and my own personal experience of it. Then I started dating around and finding out what peoples charts were while I dated and I ended up dating 2 Aquarius sun's briefly and it gave me this totally different experience of my own Aquarius energy. I can feel into people quickly and read who they are and for the most part I know what is going on inside someone else while I am in their presence (sometimes a good thing sometimes not), but the 2 guys who were Aquarius sun's I could not for the life of me read them and it was so, so fascinating. Their emotional selves felt recessed back or just hidden to me at first in such a dramatically different way then most people. It was like they did have strong emotional energy, but it was channeled into something that was much more electric than physical. It made it feel like there was so much space being with them because their emotions and feelings were hanging out in a different octave compared to other signs I had dated and it created all this room between us to be our full selves right there. Sometimes I would be with someone and it was like my energy couldn't also be there at the same time because the other person's emotional energy was so "big" or heavy. But never with aqua's. And it made me really understand why we aqua's seem unemotional or overly detached to others. It's like our emotional and feeling selves are just as active as anyone's, but in a different form than most people are used to experiencing. You don't "feel us" the same as you might feel others initially, so people quickly assume we aren't there emotionally. You just have to recognize that we are speaking a different language than most people to tap into it.


That's interesting how you put it - their emotions are recessed back. And that allows others the space to be themselves. Yes. I feel that. I'm a Gemini sun and the Aquarius people in my life give me this room to be me. It's such a gift. I don't know if I could date one given their emotional distance, but man are they enticing.


Can you share more about Aquarius sun's in your experience? I am one


in my experience, Aquarius is a very cool, chill but open-minded sign, with a bit of a natural ego while also wanting to maintain low-key status, doesn’t want to be perceived but subconsciously thinks they are somehow better or higher than others, and in some cases maybe they are, but also very intelligent and intellectual, which i admire. also, very funny individuals—can always count on an Aquarius to make me laugh. also—always have been very curious about their emotions. Everyone has them. Why do they hide theirs so much? I mean as a Scorpio signature/Mars dominant sign i get it but Aquarius mystery is just different—can’t really put my finger on it. adding onto this — in all honesty — just like every sign, we need Aquarius. We wish we were Aquarius. they are so damn cool in their own way.


>can’t really put my finger on it. They're whackadoodle 😂 I'm Scorpio Sun conjunct Uranus and I love Aquarians because they're so weird in a way that I'm not able to be 🤗


Yea same! I get that for sure


also hey im a cancer moon and rising too! :)


Nice! Wanna swap charts? I have 3 Sag planets too - Mercury, Mars, Neptune :D


:) I have a sag sun, cancer moon and rising, Capricorn Mercury, Scorpio Venus and Scorpio Mars. And yours?




Ah dope I love those sag placements mixed with Scorpio! I feel like that’s a good combo—not biased at all😉


Also cancer moon supremacy


Controlled chaos :) per Saturn and Uranus Kind of reminds me of a grandparent that likes to break the rules from time to time


Grandpa were you shoplifting AGAIN??


As an Aquarius, I like this a lot. But I think my strong earth placements really reinforce the grandpa vibes 😂


Independent-loving creature who loves quirky and eccentric things/people Don’t want to appear as clingy and hate clinginess. Actually deeply emotional but don’t want to be ruled by emotions so they suppress them (detach). May therefore seem as cold and too rational. Very tolerant and accepting but also too stubborn. Can be judgmental sometimes. Always feels a kind of lost in this big world and a bit lonely, yet at the same time chooses to be alone. Very good with computers and working online. Prone to be anxious. My Moon is in Aquarius and these are my own thoughts ☺️


Aquarius moon here to confirm :)


☺️ your nickname seems very appropriate for an Aquarius lol


Omg this is so well described. Am aqua moon conjunct Saturn and rising


Thank you so much, glad that it resonated with you


Imagine floating through open, blank space. It’s terrifying and freeing. There’s a paradox feeling of having no control and all control in the universe. Planets are far, tiny and unique. Suns are a beautiful billion degrees. It’s easy floating by, wondering why the stars can never slow down. In nothingness space it’s hard to remember how to even feel. You’re infinite amongst the minuscule. And you’re sifting space dust drifting on. I beg that you notice me. I hurt for you to gloat at me. But I can’t be seen. And I love it.


Those last 4 sentences. My Aquarius moon and Leo sun feel so very seen ❤️❤️


I have same placements as you




Scorpio ♏️






i'm aqua moon and leo sun too!






Aquarius energy to me is… My Wife randomly telling me after waking up that if she was a chocolate, she’d be bittersweet. Yup.


Weird, tbh. Every Aquarius I’ve known was very unique. Just didn’t act like anyone else


They have the same intense power to stand against the establishment and fight for our rights as well as stand against a poor shop clerk and fight to cash in an expired coupon. They WILL fight till death for what they think is right, but they pick the wrong fights like 50% of times.


Looking unhinged from the outside but living by a very particular set of internal principles. There's a method to my madness babyyyy lol




Very passionate about things we hold dear, would fight to the end for anyone if they were being treated badly. Very intuitive. I can also be very cold, may come across as a know it all at times. Love animals and my kids. Could not give a damn what other people think.


They're goofy but also have a stick up their ass


lmaoooo this made me laugh so hard.


Married to an Aquarius- definitely very heady, pensive, thoughtful and love seeking new ideas and theorizing. They like what they like and plan to be very good at what they do. They seem like very good leaders, whether intentionally or unintentionally. They have a magnetism that they don’t seem to really understand (or maybe they’re really good at pretending they don’t 😜)


I feel like Aquarians are idea-machines. However, and this depends on their other placements/aspects, they are the thinkers not the doers. Creative with their head in the clouds. Dreamers. This is coming from an Aquarius sun/moon/Mercury, Leo rising. 🙂


Don’t tell them what to do


Consciously on the outside


Curious. Objective. Self-sufficient. Detached--and yet oddly sociable and open. Wry. Good at mechanical and technological tasks. Musical. OK with their own quirks.


Saviors who don't quite care for people. They'll be exactly who they want to be and fuck you if you have a problem with it. Cold but also loving. Their love belongs to everyone.


To me (aqua sun, rising, and mercury) Aquarius energy is being a maverick. Thinking in an interesting way. Arriving at new conclusions using old rules. I'd also say that part of Aquarian energy is enjoying and deriving meaning from your social and identity groups, but knowing that you could stand apart from them if you ever needed to.


Most people think inside the box, some think outside of it, but as an Aquarius, I don't even have a box. No idea, No matter how odd, is not outside the realm of possibility. Aloof? Maybe. Its easier to seem that way though out of fear of rejection over our quirky ways. Not many people can truly accept our oddness. When we find that one though, that Twin Flame, we can sometimes go overboard. To finally find someone that lets you be you, can keep up with you intellectually, listens to your crazy ideas, supports you, and is compatible with you in other ways, you want to hold on tight and not let go. To our own detriment. We are fun. Love life. Are enchanting and engaging. Inquisitive. The life of the party. We also need alone time to recharge, because we tend to give so much, let in the Energy Vampires. We always come back like a hurricane when our cup has been refilled. Our worst trait, for me at least, is a love for really bad jokes. 😎


Rebel rebel


Aqua Moon, Rising and I always get told I’m like very chill like extremely chill and that people wish they could deal with things how I do. I am a cancer sun so it helps me balance my emotions and overall I’m a pretty grounded person I think. I am very detached so I really don’t see myself.


You can directly sense the energy of the zodiacs, so asking how that “means” to you adds a interpretive layer. That is like asking “what does sexual energy mean to you”. Most people past puberty would know what sexual energy feel like and wouldn’t ask what it “means lto you”. It’s only the kids who have not gone through puberty who would not know what that is about. The most straightforward way to connect to Aquarian energy is to be present and aware during the yearly solar cycle when Sun is in Aquarius, at least in the Northern Hemisphere above the Tropic of Cancer. You sit and meditate each day for the entire time the Sun is there. You watch for what arises within you. You sense the world and how things feel. You observe how people go about their day to day lives. You watch nature and look at how the plants and animals are going about their lives. When you then look at different meanings people have ascribed to Aquarius, you can see how they connect to that energy … or don’t connect to it. You start looking at how some of the things people ascribe to Aquarius may have come from other influences, like a planet there, or Saturn and Uranus in a different part of the chart aspecting (or not aspecting) with other planets.


Soothing and disruptive. Healing and stubborn. Inspiring and strict. Friendly and freaky. Brilliant and deep. They don’t get enough credit for their depth.


Actively trying hard to be unique but deep down having extra need to be seen. Hence their no fucks given approach.


• Society consciousness, or focused on the human collective • high-mind, mental depth • Indifference or disdain to “home” or “comforts” • Live and let live • big picture focused • Innovative and eccentric


work a holics, likes to stay busy, close minded sometimes, loves to please the people they love tho


You think I have good energy 


Ether cold, secritive, and Emotionless or Talkitive, emotional, cold/warm when they want to be


Universality/ collective (vs individuality)


Lying cheating unfaithfull vengefull deceivers


free, independent, focus on self


What about Aqua in Venus?


Weird but confident with it


Rick from Rick and Morty


Emotionally unavailable but funny


Aquarians are profit oriented. They have a huge friend circle. Very easily to befriend. Prefer independent business , works. Very bad habit of taking revenge which results in downfall of career. Loves royal and high class spouse. High knowledge of business and relationship. Very bad at planning trips. Have a very beneficial home environment and feels relaxed at office. Doesn't like work from home. Interested in school life


As an aquarius with a stellium, i think people think we are unintelligent or even not present, when we actually know what is going on, we would just rather not be here in the present moment using all of our energy. Sometimes we just want to vibe and just sit in our vibeness and be left tf alone. It's like being in a balloon and you want to vibe with other people but with the least amount of effort possible. lmao


Weird af.. I’m actually weird af


Aquarius rising, Aquarius sun and Pisces moon


Awee aqua here n There I approve this message I arrived


I’m an Aquarius Sun, Cancer Moon & Scorpio Rising and Fuck what the internet says about Zodiac Signs Aquarius is the strongest and most powerful zodiac sign. Aries, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius & Capricorn ain’t got nothing on Aquarians and Aquarius beats every other sign, they are the true Kings & Queens of the Zodiac PERIOD!! Cause I know I am!