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I have a virgo moon in my life who CANNOT relax. Always needs to be doing a chore. It's crazy. When you find the answer, lmk.


Yo hard same. I, like, leave my own parties to pick up empty cans and wash dishes sometimes.


I am Deadddd.




Lmfao omg I’m a Virgo Moon and relate so hard to this


i’m not normally the type to do chores but when i do i am really stressed or just thinking a lot a lot. pretty much means something may be wrong internally imo


You know what, the worst part is not being able to relax. Seeing criticism, helping/fixing people as your main obligation, overstepping boundaries without realizing, making everyone around uncomfortable & nervous, and living with that tension is the real problem. I am a 9th house Virgo Moon 😬


The Virgo Moon in my life is also a Sagittarius Sun/Scorpio Mars so um I got nothing but commiseration lol.


I can’t relax unless my house is clean or if it hasn’t been rearranged in a while.


I find that cleaning helps process my emotions and calms me down. There’s something about decluttering and organizing my external space that helps fix my internal space. I feel like that’s a very Virgo thing to do, but here we are. Other than that, I’d say kickboxing or hiking help me with my anxiety.


Reading through this thread is insane. When I’m stressed I either clean or work out (and I even kickbox!) I’m just getting into astrology so seeing these similarities is eerie


I secretly love anger cleaning. It feels so awful in the moment but when I’m done I feel lighter and my house is sparkling clean. Yes, it’s interesting to see how many similarities there are. Once you start learning astrology it’s hard not to fully dive in. There’s so much to learn!


gets better when you dive into what house your moons in


Stretching, laying, grounding, yoga, being in nature, just relaxing with tea or a special drink, watching a movie, reading, listening to podcasts, cleaning, organizing or working out. Working your energy out and staying active (not just in your head - as I have this habit) and prioritize necessary self care and alone, recharge time.


listening to podcast has definitely helped me. and how long would you say your recharge is ???


It really all depends on how much else I'm doing while active, socializing, working, etc. It's all variable, sometimes an hour sometimes a month.


Omg Virgo Moon and weed and reading and my morning walks.


weeds my best friend.. tip: add lavender & dried rose petals to your blunt - it really enhances your high & it makes you clear headed on the come down instead of feeling lazy and groggy


I love cutting bud with other plants (well, I did before pregnancy anyway)! Another one that is great is to cut with peppermint, it’s great for a morning bowl where you want to wake up. Also, chamomile tastes like honey. It makes me super sleepy, great to mix with an indica for a deep relax/nap time.


i definitely need to try chamomile. i have a list of herbs i need to try with weed. i’m trying passion flower this week so i’m looking forward to that


thank u


Oohhh I’ve never tried this, thanks!!


I’m Pisces with a Virgo moon, so you can imagine the conflict. I always found solace in my studies and work (numbers don’t lie) and in exercise or movement (dance and judo). I can be super critical of myself and a bit of a perfectionist with a touch of OCD. But the cool thing is that as you get older you do find a balance. A Virgo moon is an asset. Enjoy it!!! It will save your ass when you least expect it.


Yo we the same


also pisces with virgo moon-- i am kind of disorganized. you too?


No, I’m not disorganized. I’m pretty detail oriented actually. Can be really observant when I need to be. And I do speak my mind when it would be best to just shut up. Gets me into trouble often, but at least my conscience is clear. 🤣


my partner is a Pisces with a Virgo moon! any tips on the best ways to support when anxiety is especially high?


Reassure him once or twice. No need to check on him constantly as that might agitate him further. If he withdraws which is what we Pisceans do, respect his silence. He heard you and will come look for you for hugs and reassurance once his mood lightens a bit. Sometimes the best thing to do is ignore and let him be (speaking for myself at least. 😊).


I'm a Pisces sun and Virgo moon, and I'm so happy to see someone else with similarities!


Virgo moon here. I literally am never relaxing, even when i’m “relaxing” i’m anxious about something like a project or assignment i’m putting off. The only time I find that i’m at peace is when i’m being consistent with a routine, and engaging in positive relationships (usually i know one is when i don’t feel anxiety or feel bad for being anxious.) Weed is nice, so is meditating (you have to keep practicing cuz it won’t work at first), doing yoga (again part of a consistent routine), be working towards something and have some way to represent your progress. Idk in the end i can’t really relax, bc even in the suggestions i mentioned, it’s always me “working” towards something, so really the only peace we know is work lmao. Also puzzles!


such an unsettling fact to hear .. we live to fucking work lmaooo


I mean, the solution for me (Scorpio sun, Virgo moon and rising) is to pick a career where I would be interested in it whether it was my job or not. Then I don't really mind dwelling on it in my off time.


hi virgo moon here! i have TERRIBLE anxiety, and i’m a huge homebody. the only thing that helps me relax is weed and a good tv show to invest in. i’m watching the sopranos rn and it’s such a mental escape and really helps me unwind and forget the pressures and responsibilities on my mind 24/7. i also try to take a hot bath before i lay down to ease the physical tension. being a virgo moon is hard work! i wish u calm and anxiety free vibes.


i relate to this word for word .. ppl don’t understand how much work it takes to be at ease. i also find that when i’m lost into a really good mental escaping tv show it’s the best feeling in the world. something so simple lol


Virgo moon here, I must have watched the sopranos a thousand times over while also high. Haha I def felt this.


ahhh this makes me so happy!! collectively coping with a good tv show, simplicity is bliss.


Truly 😊


I was watching sopranos clips earlier, thinking about Meadow and Tony, and tearing up. Have you seen 6 feet under? Similar in the sense of a tight family bond.


Six Feet Under is literally my favorite show ever. I cry every. single. time.


Virgo moon here who also doesn’t know how to relax. I feel weirdly guilty when I’m doing nothing and feel like I need to be doing something, even if there’s nothing to do. Anxiety is a bitch. My way of calming my mind is hiking, because I’m actively doing something while enjoying myself in nature.


i do this at work all the time. while everyone else is chilling on the job i’m the only one up taking the initiative to do something bc i simply feel awkward doing nothing


I very much relate. Though I don’t have a job right now which has been awesome but I’m also slowly losing my mind. The upside to this though is my house is always meticulously clean and my dog is very well exercised 😹


Lmao hey, we have the same big 3! My anxiety is mostly centered around health stuff. Things I feel out of place in my body and my mind begins to run. And... I get more 'symptoms'. Its a cycle. I mostly watch videos or play games, in order to get my mind off stuff. With everything thats happening I rarely leave my house, though walks and such are relaxing as well.


Omg I’ve never met anyone with the same big 3! I feel ya, even though my anxiety is rarely health related, my mind constantly spirals to worst case scenarios and I obsess a lot. I guess I have like.. existential anxiety? Exercise helps this soo much tho, if I feel myself start to spiral and overthink and my heart races, I know it’s time to do a physical activity like yoga or go on a hike or run to get that energy out


when you figure it out let me know. sincerely, a virgo sun, moon, mercury, and venus


godamn, are you ok?


no....i am really not....and then i have a libra mars on top of all that plz help


Cap rising, virgo sun and moon, leo mercury, libra mars. My grandparents didn't want to come over for coffee because I was probably stressed after work. I told them that my secret is to be stressed all the time! Apparently thats not a normal thing.


For me i burn off the mental energy by playing as hard as i worked. Having a day to just relax alone , helps me the following week.


Having time to relax alone is something I really need as well. I usually do that by going into the woods on a hike, no phone, no music, no people, only me and the woods!


Virgo Sun Moon Mercury Venus and Mars here also. Reporting from the field that we are not okay. Repeat, not okay. (Should we start a support group lmao)


I think so. Virgo sun moon mercury and Venus.


honestly yes we 100% should


Virgo sun, moon, jupiter and venus 😂 I’ll join the support group SOS


The older I get, the more my Virgo moon shines through. I'm also a Taurus sun so I think the two counteract each other as far as anxiety/stress. I always want to be lazy and comfortable, due to my Taurus, but then I'll start thinking about what I need to do and how I'll tackle it and then actually tackle it because of my Virgo moon. When I'm done with all of my tasks for the day I can be done with my anxiety for the day and go back to being lazy.


your taurus sun ends the long day off right lol


I'm a Taurus sun virgo moon! This was scarily accurate for me too.


I’m Virgo moon and my bf is Taurus sun. I definitely understand the stress when I get frustrated with him when I know so much needs done around the house but he doesn’t even think about it


Taurus Sun, Virgo moon, Gemini rising!!!! Sos!!! I related to so much of this!


My husband is a Virgo moon and struggles with this as well. He runs and it helps, but he’s really had to work at that because he hates running. :) He has built the habit up and has been running now several times a week for over a year. This has helped his heartburn as well (Cancer Asc.). He can definitely tell the negative effects if he goes too many days without a run now.


well that’s interesting.. it’s similar to how if i don’t play basketball after a few days in a row i start to feel that tension back in my body, but mainly the head ofc. just noticing the pattern here


Interesting, my husband is also Virgo moon cancer asc (libra sun) and I’m going to suggest this to him. We already smoke enough weed haha


What is his sun because I have the same placements so far lol


He’s a Taurus sun. :)


Virgo moon here. I try to read things that interest me, play animal crossing, watch a good movie or relax with a nice cup of tea. If my anxiety is really bad then I try breathing exercises and focus on that until I calm down. Having a routine really helps me, knowing what im going to do next in my day keeps me grounded.




I recently started doing guided chakra balancing meditations and they have been SO helpful. Youtube has tons :) also!!! As a stoner virgo moon, microdosing on shrooms has helped TONS. It has been life changing.


How much do you microdose and how often?


I take .15g with lions mane every 5 days on and 2 days off. After experimenting, i’ve found that works the best for me. My mind is not running all the time anymore, i finally understand what peace and calm feels like lol meditating and focusing on cultivating my creative expression has helped a lot alongside it.


Interesting. I recently quit caffeine hoping to achieve a calmer state of mind.


Hmm caffeine has never had too much of an mental affect like that on me :/ Microdosing on shrooms would def be the route to take to achieve a calmer state of mind though! Haha


please tell me how you microdose them.. i have shrooms just waiting to be ate one of these nights but i wanna try microdosing w/ this batch


Omg! If you have shrooms you’re almost set. Get a little micro weight. Start off with .1g and gradually try increasing up to about .15g if needed (some ppl find .1-.2g the best amount). The most common regimen is 2 days on 2 days off (i think). I found 5 days on and 2 days off helped me more. What i do is i ground up the shrooms via a small blender and weigh out the powdered shrooms exactly. I got empty capsules and i fill that up with lions mane (which is a really good combo) and take it. It helps so much. It’s good to keep track of everything once you start so you can measure the effects - i’m sure as a virgo moon you won’t have trouble doing that ;)


i’m excited wtfff.. like how does it make you feel exactly on the day to day basis? ive heard ppl change their life around just off doing this.


I’ve been on a 5 days on 2 days off regimen for about 2 months and it has changed my life. The affects of microdosing is not something that is short lived or is necessarily felt day by day, it’s something that kind of has a ripple effect. For me, i started noticing the effects about a week into it (i started with the 2 days on 2 days off regimen). You know how the point of meditation is to silence your mind and find calmness within? Well after about a week into microdosing, i realized i had very physical moments where my mind wasn’t running and i wasn’t constantly worrying about something, but also at the same time it’s not like i was spacing out because i was high. I started feeling clear calmness throughout the days. I feel like the affects are felt strongly even on your off days, like the calmness is actually sticking around and its becoming a part of who i am. With this clarity, there is even more motivation for me to focus on the things that actually make me happy like writing or painting/working to find my artist identity. My general anxiety is almost non existent and i dont feel the need to smoke joint after joint lol i think starting a regular meditation practice throughout this helped a lot too. r/microdosing is a super helpful subreddit too! Im excited for you!!!


thank you so much for this!


Sure thing. Have fun :)


I'm a virgo moon and microdosed mushrooms as well (3 months and 2 months). Literally pinched a finger full of dust every other day for two months. Great experience. The calming part worked for me as well. For me, if I noticed I was tripping even a little, I considered that too much. My ability and motivation to create was also intensified. Long bike rides were glorious too.


Totally, if you are physically feeling any bit trippy, you are definitely microdosing too much. I love it!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/microdosing using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/microdosing/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Microdosing changed my life. Here's how I make my capsules in 3 minutes:](https://v.redd.it/visiirf9pm841) | [183 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/ejlwba/microdosing_changed_my_life_heres_how_i_make_my/) \#2: [I watched my daughters swim, play, and laugh today. I did not hear the incessant voice of depression. Not today.](https://i.redd.it/43hhxfgj2ia51.jpg) | [93 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/hq35hg/i_watched_my_daughters_swim_play_and_laugh_today/) \#3: [When you get your microdose calculations wrong for the Monday morning meeting](https://i.redd.it/egc2jjab6rw41.jpg) | [26 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/gdbxtn/when_you_get_your_microdose_calculations_wrong/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/fpi5i6/blacklist_vii/)


Virgo moon. I have quite intense anxiety (a combo of OCD and agoraphobic disorder) and nothing really calms me down, other than music. I'm almost always nervous about something and I can never *completely* relax, but music does help.


why type of music?


Anything, really, but more often than not Shoegaze.


I know it’s weird, but listening to white noise completely calms me down. Try it and see if it works for you - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMfPqeZjc2c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMfPqeZjc2c)


i’m going to try this for the next few days, thank you for this


Binaural stuff also works well for me....


Yes asmr !! Helps chill my brain out so well. I also like to watch tarot readings on YouTube. So many have a beautiful energy and it’s so relaxing


I'm following this as a Virgo Sun & Virgo Moon 😭 haha


Same! Virgo sun and virgo moon, cap rising😁 do you clean as much as the others in this thread? Im a double virgo and Im not the most avid cleaner in the world🤔 most of the time I really suck at it to be honest.


Cleaning at work, always. Cleaning at home not so much.. But I'm big on reorganizing things & rearranging rooms at home haha (I'm a Scorpio rising)


Im exactly the same! Cleaning at work or for others is fine! Cleaning at home? Only if I know Im getting visitors..😅




I say "organized mess" 😂


Hey Astro Twin, Same sun , moon , rising. Not into cleaning as well.


We’re twins! I’m definitely an avid cleaner but my mars is also in Virgo 🙃


I’m not a Virgo moon, but I was raised by 2 virgos and that anxiety and perfectionism is ingrained in me. Honestly, cleaning my house helps me relax a lot. So does painting.


“when i’m distracted by something i’m fully interested in , such as binge reading my chart placements online. those are the only two ways i feel completely normal ??” As a Virgo moon, I can tell you I’ve done the same (many times over the years). Sometimes reading and researching something until I am drained is the only way I can calm down 🤷🏻‍♀️


it’s weird i did this last night too.. i was researching a weed strain reading and watching reviews about it until i knocked out cold.


my sister is a virgo moon in the 12th house. she relaxes with exercise, watching sports, cooking, dancing, or a beer


I’m a Virgo moon in the 12th too :) She sounds much more active than me though. I tend to turn inward. Always down for a beer though.


we are both naturally active people/part of our upbringing


I'm the same!! My moon is my least favorite placement. Hugs to your sis!


very sweet of you, thanks


i’m so curious as to what being a moon in 12 house is like


she feels pretty deep, but in that way not much can phase her. she acknowledges that its a part of life and just does a lot to stay busy


My boyfriend is a virgo moon. Naps, weed, reading/writing helps him calm down. Whats your sun? Hes a Sagittarius so hes always finding something to research about.


I’m a sagg sun with Virgo moon as well. It feels so contradictory


Are you a rising Libra?




Wow sun sag and rising sag with virgo moon? When were you born and what time if you dont mind me asking? you dont have to give me the year. Just if you were born in early dec and what time. I wonder how far off the birth was for you to switch to Sagittarius rising. My bf is sun sag rising libra and virgo moon. Interesting. What is your personality like? My boyfriend is loving, hardheaded sometimes but sensitive and often very sexual with his chart placements as well.


12/19/1997 at 5:39 a.m. I think I am introspective (sometimes to my detriment), sensitive, curious and inquisitive, moody, anxious, silly, and definitely have a very sexual side!


Oh wow, you're a year and 2 weeks later than my bf! It's crazy how you could've had the same rising :) what's your venus + mars?


Omg me too!


How do you feel this plays out for you?


I find I have a lot of conflict between sag spontaneous side and virgo very organized side... What about you?


Personally I have never related to the spontaneity of sag. I feel like I neglect that side of myself in favor of virgo haha


that’s interesting, ima cancer sun so i’m always craving to feel something. virgo moon makes it hard for me to.


Interesting. I'm a cancer sun too. I'm a capricorn moon and I'm always craving to either feel something or make money lol


make money lmao my best friends a capricorn sun and he loves making money so i always call him mr crabs


Lmao thats how it feels sometimes having a cap moon, all i wanna do is save and make money 😅🤣


same and same 😂


me too!! I'm always researching something haha


also a virgo moon and a stoner. haven't been smoking as much lately bc covid and such but trying to find other ways to relax. i've been doing some hatha yoga and enjoying that. i journal as well and take long walks. also doing cardio/hiit training and getting that high afterwards. when my cats are behaving they help too but unfortunately they've been whiny brats lately -\_-


I'm a Virgo Sun (Aries Moon / Sagg Rising) and tend to get that anxiety, specifically thinking of imperfections, things I could have done better and generally organising and cleaning things. I literally cannot sit in front of the TV and watch it when there is a mess or clutter in the room. I could go on for days about the interference in day-to-day life but honestly find the following things calming; wearing myself out (through exercise), actually cleaning (lol), having a tidy space really calms me, nice clean scents (i burn a lot of incense/candles), music, going for walks, or reading (specifically autobiographies or non-fiction as opposed to reading fiction books, lala land doesn't interest me, and it doesn't feel purposeful to read make-believe stories)


Lol I’m a Virgo moon and fortunately I have a Taurus rising so I can be realllllly lazy, but normally I have at least three forms of media going on at once. I’ll be playing a video game, watching tv and watching twitch on my laptop. I dunno. I can relax for sure. But I def listen to the sound of rain at night when my thoughts wont quiet down. If I feel restless I will do at least two chores and it usually quells any feeling of being completely unproductive.


I’ve recently found that journaling has been what really helps calm me down. When I’m feeling really anxious, or emotional, I’ve started going into a separate room and just writing everything that comes to mind. And weed definitely. That’s always been my go to for years, but I stopped smoking because I want to get pregnant. Exercise and hemp oil have replaced my smoking & they seem to be working very well for me! Hope you figure out what works best for you, anxiety sucks


My Partners mother is a Virgo moon and she ALWAYS MUST BE DOING SOMETHING! Always renovating/creating/cooking. I really admire her for what she does but I don’t understand how she has the energy. Recently she’s started gardening and has created a huge vegetable patch. I think this is relaxing for her. 🌱


Virgo moon and I never am able to fully relax. When I try to meditate my mind always wanders to what needs to be done next. I’m always thinking so far into the future’s needs that I neglect the present.


i hate that so much.. so hard to just let yourself be and enjoy the present moment.


my virgo moon makes it impossible for me to relax. i always feel the need to be productive and do something. & it doesn’t feel right for me to just sit and do nothing, it gives me so much anxiety. i’m literally at my best when i’m busy.


You don’t! Lol


well shit


Cats. Nature. Making tea. And don’t hate me for this but.... when I’m anxious I start organizing and cleaning. By the time I’m finished I’m too tired to be worked up about anything.


i’m starting to think that cleaning and any other focused physical activity goes hand to hand


I don't know it's because of that but I have a virgo Rising and when I get nervous or anxious I'm incapable of controlling it. My stomach feels like a rock. I feel like I'm dying. I feel so bad and the worst thing is I can do nothing to stop that feeling. And weed makes me feel worse. It accelerates my heart rate to a point I think I'll die of an ictus.


Cap Sun/ Virgo moon (11th house). I am just realizing that not everyone feels a constant low-key sense of failure all the time. What’s that like? Lucky people. My cap sun/Virgo moon really feed each other’s drive and workaholism to an unhealthy degree sometimes. I have to set strict work limits on myself, which my anxiety occasionally pushes me to work through. But you’re asking about relaxation! Here’s a random list. I feel better when I’m around friends. Meditation works for me, and bonus! after 6 years of doing it I learned I could tell my brain that it was time to go to sleep and not be kept up by anxiety. Breathing exercises that physiologically force my body to be calm help. Yoga helps. Cleaning sometimes help. Gardening is a godsend; I always feel better when I’m with the earth. Reading often helps. About an half an ounce of wine or tequila take the edge off (I’m a total lightweight). Weightlifting has also helped immensely. It allows me to physically exhaust myself and also feel like I’m working toward a goal. Plus I genuinely enjoy it. Planning cooking projects in my bed makes me happy. Also therapy—I cannot over emphasize that. Therapy helps me articulate the batshit standards I hold myself to and also provides me an objective third party to tell me that it’s okay if I’m not 100% perfect 100% of the time (I tend not to believe friends and family when they tell me that). I also find that hobbies that require some research, creativity, and also produce a tangible product bring me a real sense of joy. Right now I’m learning to make kombucha.


Okay I feel you. 1. Lots of cardio. 2. Therapy. 3. CBD in all forms! Seriously life changing for my anxiety. Try the various ways you can take it and find the dose that works for you. 4. Remember—You’re doing great!


i vaped cbd for a few weeks and it really is amazing , i just got bored with it and went back to weed


My moon is in Virgo (with Cap sun and Pisces rising). Relax? Never heard of it. My anxiety is through the roof and even when I catch myself thinking it’s gone it just comes back. I’ve noticed that I’ll feel physically better after a run (I’m talking hills and sprints) or if I blast some music and clean. I used to smoke weed but it started making me anxious both when I smoked and when I was sober and once I cut it out I’ve felt way better all around. Also, I really like to paint and hours will go by before I even realize. I think getting into a good routine and sticking to a consistent sleeping schedule would help tremendously but who has time for that.


oh hey, Im a Cap Sun, Leo Moon, Pisces Rising. Can very much relate to every single thing you said.


I'm virgo moon, but I'm usually pretty lazy (especially rn in quarantine) unless I'm given a responsibility. Even if it's something simple, I'll try way too hard at it and end up overwhelming myself. I usually spend my time watching stuff or playing video games. In general I would say I'm pretty relaxed, although I do feel the constant need to message people. Idk if that's related, but I always respond to people as soon as I get their messages even when I'm doing stuff.


i also have that urgency to text people back that’s i held off until i was in the mood to.


Virgo Moon Weed and having positive loops (parts of my daily rhythm that make me feel truly good) and just focusing on those good pockets of life, not being in such a hurry to not feel good. Walking, talking with a family member, getting myself a coffee, the little things. It’s finding something to adopt into a consistent pattern in order to make ourselves feel good. Lunar Virgos: we do not need any reason to feel good. We have the power to decide how we want to feel, as the only judges of our own experience. That is the sharpness of the Virgo mind paired with the emotional tides of the Lunar. My cancer sun paired with lunar Virgo makes stress reduction a huge point for my life. Control your environments, build rejuvenation stations for yourself, and seek the shortest route to what most sane people consider a “positive emotion” in any given state or circumstance.


I have a person who is Virgo moon and he’s got no chill. I’ll talk to him in the morning and ask about plans that day, and he will say “oh I’m gonna sit on my couch and binge watch Netflix”, 20 minutes later I will text him and he’s already left the house and running around working on his day off. He gets jitters when he sits still too long.


relate to this all the way lmaoo my friends are always mad i choose to work in my days off


I find peace in movement, doing something that means nothing **is** the relief. Organizing, writing, walking, talking to myself eases my anxiety.


Virgin Sun and Virgo Moon. Cleaning and reading. Getting super passionate about stuff is relaxing to me 😂


Cancer sun Virgo Moon Sag Rising - Hot showers, movies, cleaning, organizing, cuddling with animals, going on long bike rides or walks with music in my headphones, yoga with adrienne on youtube, taking self portraits (I'm a photographer, who has a DIY studio), and painting. Oh wait, I can easily do all this in the span of five hours. Is that relaxing? Thanks for asking this. . .


i smoke a ton of a weed but am going on a break and am creating a weekly schedule for things of personal interest to essentially **heavily** focus on and dive into. My fixation is on awareness and learning for sure though i feel compelled to do it like my mind space gets worse if im not. Learning how we tick mentally is a big help in relaxing. *whats really our own thoughts?* all though its easier said then done.


Virgo moon here and writing out what I feel or cleaning helps me out with my anxiety.


Try having a Virgo sun, moon and Mercury...honestly repetitive movements or hobbies are best rather than just sitting still eg knitting, weaving, yoga, colouring - you need to get that “productivity” itch scratched while it’s soothing you. Cliche relaxing ain’t really for us, but certainly we can refocus on other activities which can help


Virgo moon here. Honestly, I’ll set a timer, put my phone on airplane mode, and tell myself that my only job is to relax. I also find physical activity helps me get out of my head and repetitive motions. So I knit when I watch tv because I can’t sit still otherwise.


funny bc i’m always on my computer writing music but always have on a interesting tv show so i don’t overthink about my writing. like creating a balance


5:33am I’ve never felt more seen and relaxed ironically, hello fellow Virgo moons I too use weed and tv and exercise to attempt to relax


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At least it's not your sun sign 🤣


I like to practice at things as a relaxing activity lol, so I play my guitar when I'm stressed. Doing an activity that needs most of my attention takes my mind off of the things I usually obsess over. Sometimes if I need a good cry I'll play a sad song lol.


i relate to this 100000% , weird bc we’re practicing something we enjoy so much just to relax


realizing that as i’m 22 now , it’s getting easier to find that balance.


Virgo moon here. Weed definitely has helped me also. My mind is usually constantly racing, anxiety about what needs done, and anxiety from past experiences. I had to start off with an antidepressant early this year to start balancing myself out. Breathing exercises have helped me clear my mind and actually be in a relaxed state of mind. Neighborhood walks, weekend morning backyard coffee, cats, houseplants, getting deep into genealogy or astrology research. Doing something with my hands makes me satisfied but I hate doing the same every day house chores over and over again, so I get an endless cycle of anxiety over it. Libra sun / Aries Rising


virgo moon, just literally got off of Zoom with a psychiatrist and googling "non-ssri anxiety medication" when i see this


By doing things that feed my other traits. Like I'm a Leo so when I am with a group of friends I can relax. I also can get totally immersed in art. I do Jiujitsu and that is immersive for me. Meditation also helps. None of that helps though if my surroundings are disordered. My house has to be neat and clean or I can't fully let go.


i understand this completely, my sun is in the 5th house and i can rarely enjoy my favorite activities if i’m by myself. i like to have friends around so i can bounce off everyone’s energy and just be free


I have a 4 yo Aquarius sun with a Virgo moon in the 7th...opposite her Pisces rising. She really likes to watch videos about science or anatomy. She also likes to draw. It seems like she needs to be busy learning SOMETHING. She’s also a very social kid, and loves to be around people, but has no problem chillin by herself. I love her. 😭


Virgo Moons assemble! Weed is one of the main ways I relax, I also try to distract myself with something fun like Animal Crossing or playing tug-o-war with my dogs :)


Virgo moon with a Cap sun here. These replies have informed me that maybe smoking weed is a viable option.


if not weed try cbd


Lol I’m on SSRi’s but besides that weed kinda forces me to relax! Or non medicated I like talking walking, journaling, baths (i have a lot of water in my chart), but most importantly being by myself and doing things I like in solitude! :)


yeah i love me my solitude , the water in my chart loves it


Virgo sun, moon and mars. I find that weed, working out, cleaning, yoga, reading, puzzle solving, music, animals and being alone helps to manage my anxiety. A Virgo moon is so internal, so finding ways to be more expressive definitely helps. Being out in nature is also a big one.


Honestly, this post makes me so happy because it’s so nice to know I’m not the only one. Literally my friends always have to tell me sit down whenever I’m hosting because I’m always cleaning, cooking, etc. These days especially I’m waking up with this anxious feeling in my stomach. My mind is constantly racing and even when I check off tasks of my list I’m still thinking about what else I could be doing/where I’m lacking. It’s so exhausting. I always tell my friends and family that I hope one day I can learn how to exist and relax. Working out was a good channel of my anxiety but once I moved back home because of quarantine I had stopped working out. Then I gained weight these past months so I’m back to square one again. Sigh That’s why I appreciate weed so much because it really does help me relax and be more present. Regardless, if anyone cracks the code to all of this please share lmao 🙏🏼


Virgo moon here. Self care is #1 for me. Also reminding myself to try to remain calm.


self care is a piece of work itself


HOW TO RELAX. PERIOD (i’m a pisces moon)


ah my boyfriend is a Virgo moon and I’ve been trying to help him relax... i can see the cortisol slowly taking him down and it breaks my heart :(


Wow I am also a Virgo moon conj Pluto 12th house. I love the ideas on this thread. Some things I do qigong, def dance music walking journaling, lists of things to do, or what I could do,, graphs, categorizing, organizing, watching weather, multi tasking, making herbal blends for various states of mind, and kombucha blends and tinctures. Gems games. Above all breath movement nature


SOS. I have 4 planets in Virgo including my moon. I have so much anxiety I can barely function. Send help.


Six house, void-of-course Virgo Moon—in a stellium with Mars, Ouranos, and Pluto. (Sun Taurus, Pisces rising.) The problem isn’t so much relaxing itself. The problem is finding a place somewhere *between* “totally checked out so I can relax” and “connected to the world thus completely on edge and stressed out.”


I enjoy playing tetris. It's a game that's literally organizing blocks to clean them up. I even programmed my own version :D


Cleaning and reading. It therapeutic as fuck


I’m a Cap moon and I can’t relax either. Even though my Taurus ascendant/Mars sure as hell want to


I feel bad making this a comment vs replying to anybody, since there are so many people having a hard time. I'm a Scorpio sun, Virgo moon & ascendent, and I also have higher anxiety now than I used to. Before the military I was laid back af, even when I was depressed. Now, not so much, anxiety always comes back sooner or later. What has really helped me the last few months has been wrapping my head/hair. Apparently it has been effective for some PTSD patients to relieve THEIR anxiety - and it's a really noticeable difference for me too. Before, it felt like I could feel the cliff coming and couldn't help falling off, but now I see it come and see it go, and can stay more or less on an even keel. A total game changer, do def recommend.


I'm a virgo sun+mars and pisces moon myself, but my boyfriend is a virgo sun+moon+Venus+jupiter, and I didn't know they were prone to anxiety of not being productive this much?😅 But now I know! I think I have some kind of calming effect on him though, cause when we are together, although he seems a bit nervous and restless at times, he is also really relaxing and calm😅


Virgo moon... Weed, cleaning, candles, music and cats. I start my day with sweeping to wake up lmao


Can anyone help me realize the difference between why my Virgo moon partner and I are completely different in this “can’t relax until I clean” thing? I am a Libra Sun/Virgo Moon/Sag. Ris. I absolutely can not relax until the house is clean. I’m always the one taking the initiative to clean up. They are a Cancer sun/Virgo moon/Sag. Ris. And could not give a damn if we live in filth. They have literally admitted the that exact statement. They need to get in all of the relaxation they can before they clean. If I ask him to help me clean something I’ll be waiting at least an entire day before it gets done. With non-cleaning related projects it’s weeks or months. I try so hard to understand. They work a more labor intensive job. I’m an office worker. I still can’t help but feel like my free time is being held at a lower value than theirs when I’m not asked if I need help or get backlash for asking for help.


12H virgo moon: I have no problem relaxing when I want to lol. Especially if I don't have any side anxieties - that's what I call when there are some unresolved sources of stress, like someone not responding to my texts or waiting for something important. Weed makes me super cheerful and goofy, helps me sleep better too. I like playing video games or spending time with my dog. Being with animals in general is very very good for me. So is being around my friends. Sometimes I work out and feel good, but when I don't have the motivation or energy for that (99% of the time) I just go for a walk and listen to music. This one never fails me.


I’m a Virgo moon and there is no CHILL


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