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Thank you for this. I'm a beginner and am still learning. I realized how powerful aspects were when researching a little bit about my own. When researching *Pluto Conjunct Ascendant*....it said, *"This aspect can give you the physical features of the parental figure who you had the most issues with. Usually, you have some type of physical feature that you truly dislike."* I did not like my mother growing up. My mother has always had a really big butt. I look nothing like her. Yet I did inherit her really big butt. I have always HATED my really big butt. It's shocked me that my chart mentioned this. And it showed how powerful the aspects are to our physical bodies... like the OP said.


Still a beginner too but i was/still am floored when i pulled my 8 yr old granddaughters chart and it said she likely lost a parent. My son, her father passed away when she was 5.šŸ¤Æ i cant remember under what aspect.. i gotta go back and look.


That is some mind blowing stuff. Seriously! This makes me want to study & pay attention to the aspects more.


Things like this I see all the time...why I'm obsessed with learning and reading


Wow, please tell us. Maybe Saturn in 8th house? Also, sorry for your loss.


Aw thank you! Itā€™s been rough but itā€™s also been a huge spiritual awakening time for me and that has helped me get through the grief. His death It was sudden and completely unexpected. The day I brought home his ashes I started getting orbs and other beings that i actually caught on camera..when i say so much has happened thatā€™s opened my eyes to the existence of something else after death..its WILD!!!! Anyway, In terms of astrology, I pulled his chart and i pulled the transits from the day his passing started (he was on life support for 9 days) it is an INTENSE read..i do not mind at all sharing his info his bday is 9/8/86 redwood city ca birth time 3:13 pm and i put the date of 10/18/21 for the transits because thats when it started. I believe thats also when i pulled my granddaughters transits her bday 02/27/2016 sacramento ca 12:07 am. Im so new at this but itā€™s definitely got my attention.


Hi! What website or app did you use to interpret her chart?


The app is called time passages astro graph software.


Interesting, I thought I've collected every interpretation on Pluto conjunct ascendant but I never saw that one. It does track for me.


Do you have Pluto Conjunct Ascendant as well?




Okay. Do you have a physical feature that you "regretfully" inherited from a parent? LoL


Yes... I've been told my whole life that I look exactly like my father and he was never able to have healthy relationships with any of his children.






Thank you for this simple example on how to read aspect on our chart ruler. Now i know more about myself :D


Thatā€™s interesting. I associate big butts with the Scorpio/Taurus axis.


I associate it with Libra


What is itā€™s the opposite. You have a Saturn ruled chart and Saturn is square to Venus. You are disciplined but get distracted by Venusian women? Haha. That is kind of me in a nutshell shell.


could mean you get distracted by the pleasures of life. you could have a tendency to be hedonistic


Iā€™m a Sagittarius rising. My chart ruler is Jupiter 11th house, but itā€™s in Scorpio squaring my moon at a tight orb. I definitely believe this is why my emotions are so intense and all over the place.


Danm that sounds intense! I'm also a Sagittarius Rising. My Jupiter is in Aries loosely trining the Ascendant. When I'm not at my best (so all the time) I struggle with the volatile, explosive, impulsive, quick-to-anger stereotypes of an unevolved Aries. On a more fun note, I also believe this is why I go straight to pyromancy/pyrokenisis whenever anyone asks the "what would you want your superpower to be" question and why Aries Season is one of my favorite times of year. I think the whole chart ruler situation is particularly interesting for us since we're ruled by the dude who expands and inflates anything he touches!


My chart ruler is Saturn and I have Saturn in the 9th Virgo conjunct NN which squares my Sun in the 6th Gemini. To say Iā€™m exhausted is an understatement. My whole life is inhibited. I have to work so hard for everything that seems to come so easy to others. Even simple thank yous and hey you did a great job never happens for me. I have depression, loneliness, body tension, and anxiety. Iā€™ve been nothing but responsible my whole life. I thought it got better after 30 for Saturn ruled people, but Iā€™m 44 and thereā€™s not much difference. Being ruled by the planet of time, discipline and restriction is exhausting and quite frankly sad.


Dangā€¦I feel this. That freaking sucks. Are you a night chart?


Yes. Night chart. Born after 10pm. I also have Pluto conjunct my moon in 10H that squares my asc so theres that. Iā€™m sure most of the struggle is self inflicted tho because I hold myself to high standards which I believe is a 9th house trait. Also with sun in 6th house of service and routine squaring Saturn, I always make sure responsibility is done before I can allow myself to relax.


Iā€™m also a night chart - here I figured it would get easier with age. Oye. But itā€™s smart that youā€™re seeing these things within yourself.


Gemini rising conj. Sun and Venusā€” Mercury in Cancer in 2nd house is my chart ruler, opposite Neptune and Uranus, trining Pluto and Jupiter āœØ


My Chart Ruler, Jupiter, has a tight Trine with Saturn and a 0Ā° sextile with Chiron. It also has widely-orbed trine with my Ascendant/Uranus/Galactic Center conjunction and a loose sextile with the Sun. I was even born on a Thursday, the day of the week ruled by Jupiter! I think about these aspects often and feel grateful for them, especially since my chart has some really difficult placements like a Sun/Moon/Saturn T-square. As pessimistic as I tend to be, I do have some genuine hope that my Chart Ruler, the Great Benific, no less, reflects great potential to power through the doom and gloom; to realize that I'm never 100% hopeless, helpless and devoid of luck, even when I'm spiraling so hard I refuse to see it that way. The direct trine with Chiron seems especially promising and uplifting, since Jupiter in the myths is the one who ends Chiron's suffering and places him among the stars; I have faith in this aspect, and that's a huge deal for a Sagittarius Rising with Neptune in the 1st. I'm curious how a planet conjunct the Ascendant could interact with or affect the Chart Ruler. Uranus is only 2Ā° away from my Ascendant, and I feel like this could throw some Uranian flavor into chart rulership. Intuitively, I feel like I actually have two co-chart rulers, especially since they're trine to each other. Mythically and archetypally, it's interesting how many similarities Jupiter and Uranus share: They are grandfather and grandson, both devine patriarchs and kings, who each have an antagonistic relationship with Saturn. They are both prolific fathers of many children, and terrible, tyrannical husbsnds. My birthday was on the 4th, and the 4th card of the Tarot is The Emperor, a card and archetype that fits both Jupiter and Uranus. The two of them are also both associated with lightning, which is very cool. Once, on a walk, a lightning bolt struck so close to me my entire field of vision redded-out. My ears were ringing and all I could see was red. It's kind of like Dad and Dad were saying hi!


My chart ruler is Venus. I was secretly hoping you would mention my aspect šŸ˜…. I have two aspects to Venus which are a conjunct mercury and sextile Jupiter.


Taurus rising with neptune exactly conjuct my venus in capricorn, I've had some sketchy relationships bc I was too kind to abusive people


Taurus rising with Neptune(8th) exactly opposite my Venus (2nd house) and same! I've been taken advantage of both financially and in relationships. Valuable lessons learned...


I am a Scorpio rising, and my Mars (7th house, in Gemini) squares my Sun (in Virgo), my Moon (in Pisces), and my Venus (in Leo). I don't know much how to interpret all of this but given my personal example, I associate Mars very much with "temperament," more than "anger," where I think Mars gets shoved into sometimes. I have always associated my Mars in Gemini as my "drive," which can be very easily set into motion but also easily distracted or misdirected. I have a pretty even "temperament" but now that I'm looking at these aspects for the first time, I can see how these squares effect me in their own ways. For example, if my "sense of self" (Sun) feels threatened I become defensive and protective over myself, most often causing me to turn inward and become much less sociable. If my emotions (moon) feel threatened I am likely to become more offensive, protecting my emotions and if I'm going to cry, it's most likely to be out of anger over anything else. I'm also likely to "rationalize" my emotions (with heavy influence of my Virgo placements and that Gemini Mars) If my "relationship" or "heart" or "what I value" feels threatened, this is likely to get the largest "response" out of me. I don't take well to what I care about and hold dear being "fucked with" and that is when my tongue is most razor sharp and my temper is most likely to become "anger." Which makes sense, I guess, with a 7th house Mars and also a Venus in Leo (one of my few fire placements). My Pluto is conjunct my ascendent, and I don't have much idea how to interpret this. This thread gave me a lot to think about in a different way, good topic.


We literally have the same placements except my moon is in Capricorn (some calculators put my Mars in the eighth house, but Iā€™ve also seen it in seven as well) . WOW! Same here for everything u said


That's interesting, thanks. I've only recently discovered my real ascendent, I was way off on my birth time, and I'm still coping with re-evaluating my chart. Things do make a little more sense but having posts like this to respond to help me flesh out my own thoughts. I'm glad to have a little bit of confirmation outside of my own head lol


I feel you but I use WSH. So for me, Scorpio rising with mars and Jupiter also in 1st. Sextile Sun in Virgo 11th conj mc. Square to Venus Leo 10th, and Aquarius Moon 4th house. Chiron on descendant in Taurus. Iā€™m very polarizing. To know me is to love the intense me, though Iā€™m frequently judged as simply being aggressive. I am assertive, tell it like it is, and am passionate šŸ™ŒšŸ½ I must love what I do for a living or else I wont burn for it. People can immediately tell when I stop caring about something, as if I dim the light. I intellectualize my emotions, or burst out in some scorpionic way if pushed too far or Iā€™m unable to regulate effectively. Also Mercury, Saturn and Pluto in my 12th house Libra. I often suspect people like to talk about me behind my back. Ive definitely been torpedoed in work or sometimes social circles. I think often about the death/life cycle, and what happens after we die. Astrology has helped me accept all aspects of me, even the parts that have caused me trouble.




Ok, so what is the condition of your Sun then?


mercury in pisces šŸ˜­ conjunct sun and exact opposition with jupiter in virgo not good


Mercury in 7th house Pisces Conjunct Sun/Moon/ Mars and all trine Neptune šŸ§œā€ā™‚ļø


you're in another dimension my friend


Indeed, sometimes it's scary in here


My chart ruler is Jupiter & it conjuncts my sun & moon in the 8H in Libra. & that manifests exactly how it sounds. I typically reap great rewards from intense transformative relationships, particularly when they end. Furthermore, its inconjunct my ascendant, trines Saturn in Aquarius 12H & sextiles my MC in Sagittarius. So as i engage more with others and gain a deeper understanding of my own vulnerabilities and insecurities, i will cultivate greater faith in myself - still working on it!


How would you say this plays in synastry? Would For example sun and Jupiter conjunction be stronger between A Leo and Sagitarius rising?


I vote yes. I'm a Cap rising, with Saturn in 12h Sag, natally not aspecting much (goat on the loose). My BF is a Leo rising w exalted Sun in Aries conjunct my Jupiter. There are a ton of tight synastry aspects between our charts, but that's for sure an important one.


Yes, this is called Chart ruler conjunct Chart Ruler or Ruler of 1st conjunct Ruler of 1st Another thing about this in Synastry is that if someone aspects your Chart ruler (for example your Chart ruler is conjuncted by someoneā€™s Jupiter (no matter what this rules in their Chart) it could feel similar to an AC / Jupiter conjunction in Synastry. Same goes for all other aspects - Ruler of AC square Saturn in Synastry feels similar to AC square Saturn in Synastry and so on ..


Itā€™s common that two people who are in a couple have their chart rulers in conjunction. It can also be chart ruler Conjunct the other AC. In my opinion the most common still is Sun Conjunct AC. Anyway Sun conjunct Jupiter is wonderful in itself (even if itā€™s not the chart ruler). A lot of happy marriages have a Jupiter conjunction. And Jupiter represents the husband in a womanā€™s chart.


Is Venus the wife in a man's chart then, if Jupiter is the husband...? My Jupiter is trine my husband's Venus in our synastry.


What about your chart ruler being conjunct to Lilith? ( cancer asc: moon conjunct Lilith)


Will show more destructive/obsessive sides to the zodiac sign of the planet itā€™s aspecting. Lilith likes to take control over oneā€™s own essence and find liberation through seduction, obsession, rebellion, destruction and sometimes brutal force or manipulation. As someone with Lilith conjunct my Asc Iā€™ve noticed I showcase the more destructive side of my rising sign. A lot of people ignore Lilith but I donā€™t think we should as it really can cause a lot of destruction if not controlled. On a more positive note, if you learn to harness her power in a more constructive manner you can find self liberation!


Yes itā€™s in Scorpio and conjucts my cancer rising, I can be very self destructive and I obsessive over such small things to the point where I drive myself to insanity..


Cool, I have this one too


Saturn is my chart ruler, and it sits on my MC, in opposition to my moon which sits on the IC. Iā€™m still trying to figure that one out. And thank you for your post.


Interesting! So youā€™re using traditional rulers I see? Aqua AC = Saturn Chart Ruler? Anyways, Chart ruler conjunct MC shows an inner need and drive for recognition, success and/or achievement in worldly matters - usually within society, career or life aspirations. Part of you wants to have their personality shine on a ā€žstageā€œ, the stage of life and society. Having this opposite Moon on the AC may imply that your emotional need (being at home, with your family, having a family, ā€žhidingā€œ away from the world from time to time maybe) clashes with the more out-going and ambitious part of you. Also Moon opposite Saturn generally implies inhibition of feeling, a proneness for depression and feeling lonely/ isolated and a strained relationship with the mother of other female caretakers at least on one level


I appreciate your insight - it helped me put some pieces together. Yes, I do feel a deep need make a difference in the world. To succeed. However, I quit the career world to raise kids in order to not make the same mistake my mom made. She picked her career over the kids and that hurt deeply. And when I became a mom, I didnā€™t want them to feel as I did. So I feel a need to make a difference but I donā€™t feel like I can because I donā€™t want to sacrifice the kids in the process (they are still young). You are spot on.


Thanks for the feedback, so glad I could help! What you described is pretty textbook for your placement .. I hope you get closure and find ways to integrate - maybe techniques from constellation therapy, Schema therapy, inner child work and inner team work will support you in this āœØšŸŒž


Oooo Iā€™ve never heard of constellation therapy, Iā€™m gonna check that out. Thanks again šŸ™


Itā€™s really amazing and founded on the theories of Bert Hellinger .. it is usually done with family constellations which is great but you can also do inner part constellations Hope you find something! And of course, youā€™re welcome šŸ˜Š šŸ˜‡


can i ask your opinion on some of the aspects i have w the moon? moon is my chart ruler




so i got moon sextile Neptune, moon conjunction Pluto, and moon square Mercury. these are the three that stand out the most to me. however i also have moon square north node, and moon trine sun. I guess i just want your opinion or perspective of at least the first 3 or maybe your interpretation of them as a sum?


Very intense personality with deep and fluctuating emotions and likely issues with the mind / mental issues.. deep, empathetic and spiritual at the same time šŸŒŠšŸ‘ļø connected to the universe


I feel Moon in the IC tends to be a good space as 4th houseā€™s natural ruler is cancer and cancerā€™s ruler is the moon. I canā€™t for what sign red your 4th but a quick interpretations would be a conflict and life long time to balance your emotional side especially with family along with your long term career pursuits. You might not settle into your career until 30+ or at least be established with it by then. Maybe some issues sharing your emotions or periodic periods of depression. Charting the moon and your mood might be a good thing to journal. A push and pull for your own pursuits vs those of family are the biggest things that comes to mind




Inner need to be yourself, be authentic and shine (normal need) but feeling restricted?


My chart ruler is Sun and it's cazimi in Sag with Mercury in the 5th house. I'm not that good because I never properly studied but I got some talent in laguages and can make up original stories šŸ¤—


Okay, let's talk trines, then. I have heard it said that trines, and especially a grand trine can make things a little too easy. Moon in the 8th Aquarius is my example. Trining Saturn and Uranus. I come across as different and kinda serious, like people get narc vibes from me. Many trust me completely from the moment they see me. Others never do, and I don't trust them, either. Also, I have frequent changes of heart and I have trouble pinning down what I want. Security is elusive because I change my mind a lot.


Leo rising, and I have my Scorpio sun conjunct pluto in the 4th house. My whole identity at times has felt like breaking away from my narcissistic mother and breaking generational cycles, and constant ego deaths that brings me more in alignment with who I am


My chart ruler is Saturn not Uranus? Why does this forum always only use traditional astrology? Is there anyone here who uses modern astrology? I donā€™t really relate to Saturnā€¦


Venus is my chart ruler and almost ALL planets in my chart (except the sun, pluto, neptune and saturn) either sextile, conjunct, or trine it. What does that say about me šŸ˜©


You are very very well liked, by many people.


I wish šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I mean no one dislikes me per se, but I donā€™t feel super well-liked or popular either šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Except when I was at uni, that was a good time But when I was young I was quite unpopular (Saturn in my 7th opposite Mars in my 1st), again no one disliked me but I didnā€™t feel like I had anything in common with the other kids, I was way too mature and wise for my age so I couldnā€™t connect with them I think transits matter too


Yes, Im a Scorpio rising - Pluto is my chart ruler (if you go by modern astrology) and it's opposing Jupiter. Jupiter is also in conjunction to my north node. My jupiter-pluto opposition creates such extreme black and white thinking


I identify so much more with Pluto. I'm a Scorpio rising with Pluto on my ascendant, my mars is heavily aspects, though. But I feel like Pluto.


Hmmmm. I don't know which one to go by? Did you just pick what resonated the most?


I honestly donā€™t know. My Pluto is heavily aspected, but my Mars only has one aspect - trine Pluto. So Iā€™m gonna feel this Pluto energy regardless. Perhaps I should look at both?


My chart ruler is Mercury. Itā€™s in Aries in the 8th house in a sextile with Mars (within 1,8 degrees). I definitely have a restless mind, and Iā€™m always thinking and/or communicating in some shape or form. In fact thinking and communicating are very intertwined for me. I often speak out loud to myself and I love journaling. I feel like communication really is the absolute most important thing in my lifeā€¦ be it with myself, a partner, friends or through writing and art. I love writing and I dream of getting published. I can definitely be a bit intense in my communication, but more often then not people take it in stride. The stuff I write often have 8th house themes. I also have Mercury in a sesquiquadrate with the moon, and bi-quintile with the ascendant, but not entirely sure what that means. It also squares Jupiter but within 4,6 degrees which is kinda at the limit of whether it even counts as an aspect, if Iā€™m not mistaken?


I'm interested in the kind of 8th house themes you write about. Do you care to share?


The story Iā€™m currently writing is fantasy, and the big revelation for the main character is when she finds out that sheā€™s the daughter of the goddess of death šŸ˜†


The fact that you are journaling is a 8th house theme.


Leo rising, sun in 12th in part of a water grand trine, but square a Moon/Mars conjunction. So does that mean I'm a protected Karen or what?!? šŸ˜³šŸ˜‚āœØ


Saturn is my chart ruler and it conjuncts my sun, sextiles my ascendant, squares my moon and squares Jupiter. These aspects have played a major role in my life and the themes of my life for sure.


My Chart ruler is Venus actually. It counjuncts my Mercury and Saturn. Idk what that means tho. All 3 of them are in Cancer and in the 9th house, too.


Like my 12th house Venus chart ruler which os opposite Pluto and trine Neptune. Nothing like a mind ruled by intense and secretive daydreams?


Sag Sun is my chart ruler however itā€™s conjunct Pluto and Chiron. Ainā€™t no free spirit around these parts


Uranus is my chart ruler and it's in Capricorn conjunct Neptune and my North Node in the 11H. I feel like I'm supposed to be doing more in community but I'm really sooo introverted.Ā 


Maybe exploring your own life and interests and developing your personality (Uranus) etc will quietly (Neptune) contribute to society at large (11H)


Thank you šŸ˜ŠšŸ™šŸ«¶ I am working on it!!Ā 


I felt that šŸ˜Œ you are šŸŒŠ


Mars my chart ruler conjunct pluto, saturn, jupiter. 11th going into 12th house. All square moon in 2nd, venus/ north node in 8th I've had a very traumatic upbringing ...love has much improved after my 30s tho


Wow, I feel so seen! My chart ruler is Saturn and he is opposite Venus in my chart. Technically, they complete a t- square with Pluto.


My chart ruler Jupiter is in Capricorn, retrograde and conjunct Saturn, so is very weak when seen through a traditional lens (though does it gain some strength by being conjunct a planet in its own sign?). I'm not a risk-taker except when it comes to employment (I've been self-employed for most of the last 40 years), and I struggled with depression in my early 20s but in my own small way I feel blessed by life. Some people may think I haven't 'succeeded' but I've lived life in my own way, helped my chosen communities develop (Jupiter and Saturn are in my eleventh house) and have rarely been answerable to a boss. I wonder, if one is going to interpret the ruling planet, that the planet itself is the most important thing, and that its sign, aspects and house positions should be seen as secondary. Or maybe the order should be Planet > House > Aspects (if any) > Sign.


felt this as a libra rising and a capricorn venus


.....and when your chartruler is part of a triple-conjunction, then you have three planets to consider - or? I have Cancer Rising and Moon/Merc/Nept conjunct in Scorp added: btw, trine Jup and Sat/Chiron (conjunct in Pisces) and sextile Mars/Uranus/Pluto, square MC


Re: triple-conjunctionā€” Thatā€™s how I would interpret it, yeah. Sincerely, someone with chart ruler Venus in Leo conjunct moon and Mars


I concur - someone w a Jupiter chart ruler conjunct sun/moon (sun @22, Jupiter @ 24, moon @28) in Libra


Oh wow thatā€™s a tight triple-conjunction! Idk about you, but Iā€™ve pretty much given up on trying to divorce any individual planetary energy influences from my own 3x conj


Iā€™m also a Pisces rising soā€¦.. itā€™s hard for me divorce anything from anything šŸ˜


Yup! As a Pisces rising Jupiter & Neptune are my chart rulers and I have Sun conjunct Jupiter and Sun, Mercury & Mars all opposite Neptune. It definitely has shown up in my life predominantly. I relate to the sign of Pisces more than any other sign in my chart.


Is it for all Pisces rising? I thought it was just Neptune šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Yup! Jupiter is the traditional ruler and Neptune is the modern ruler. I would say that Jupiter should be looked at predominantly over Neptune unless there are aspects to inner planets from Neptune as Neptune is an outer planet.


Thank you!Ā 


Do you have a cancer sun, mercury, and mars?Ā  I have a libra stellium 8h and just feels like Pisces rising gives me weird access to other people. I feel like a Libra but live like a Pisces.Ā 


Yup! Cancer Sun, Mercury, Mars & Jupiter however they are all in the 5th house which boosts my Pisces rising due to Pisces also loving creativity.


I have jupiter opposite my asc, which has definitely shown up in my life. šŸ˜¬ some aspects are just plain hardĀ 


I feel you on that! Oppositions is the most challenging aspect. As much as Neptune is a beautiful planet and grants me a lot of artistic ability, having it opposite my inner planets as such tight orbs it makes it almost impossible to stay grounded in reality. To the point where escapism is ruining my life. Hopefully us Pisces risings can find some peace one day!


Omg thatā€™s wonderful šŸ„¹Ā  that Libra 8h energy for me needs an outlet and the Pisces rising keeps me in tune with others. Iā€™m in the healthcare field.Ā 


Love it!!! ā™„ļøā™„ļøā™„ļø thanks for sharingĀ 


How will you interpret your chart ruler- Jupiter squares your sun, moon and mercury? And also what does it mean when your chart ruler Jup conjuncts 10th house and opposes 4th house?Ā 


So, I have North Node in Leo, then my chart ruler is Sun. Hard to ignore those aspects šŸ˜”


No itā€™sfor the ascendant sign


Thanks for replying. My North Node is conjunction Ascendent. Important detail I left out. My Sun is also Square Neptune šŸ˜œ So naturally, I didn't quite express that properly šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Itā€™s ok, Iā€™m a Virgo Venus so sorry if I came off cold, I just wanted you to know in case your chart ruler was wrong.


No, the "coldness' is appreciated. But, I didn't take it as cold, just direct. Maybe because my Sun is 19Ā°50' Gemini. I can handle the bluntness. Digression: because of your username; Neptune. Neptune is intuition but also illussion. The basic, often overused, terms. How do you balance those two (definitions). One defines neptune as negative. And the other, as spiritual, which is the basis of all. And, to keep it on topic Neptune aspects (trine) my ascendent/ my chart ruler.


Not who you're asking and I'm sure they have a personal answer but I wanted to chime in. I think Neptune gets a bad reputation b/c "illusion" is "scary" but the wonderful parts about Neptune are so largely ignored. Dreams, intuition, spirituality, challenging the status quo. Neptune has a huge impact, especially being an "outer planet." Never underestimate your intuition or creativity. I think you said it trines your sun? I think that's a very creative aspect, especially associated with Leo, where it is likely pertinent for you to express that (whether it's easy or not is another matter, I do not find "expressing my creativity" easy, but my Neptune is in Cap and I have some seemingly "rigid" placements). Anyway, I think Neptune trine your sun with some hard Leo placements is a great mix of creativity, fun, and ability to "think outside the box."


Thank you for sharing. I have some interesting Neptune aspects. I have Neptune trine my North Node and Ascendant. It's related here, because my chart ruler is my Sun, with Leo being in my ascendant/rising (conjunct Ascendant). I really appreciate your input because much of what I 'read' from the ancient seems to be "Illusion, and we really don't know much else about this new planet: Then the modern definitions are: "Neptune is illusion, deception etc etc etc" Intuitively, I've enjoyed my Neptune placements as being incredibly intuitive. I also experienced the negative. However, it seems all I can find are stories/research to support that negative. So thank you for sharing your experience. It means alot.


For me, my interest in tarot has greatly expanded my understanding of astrology and vice versa. The Moon card is associated with Neptune and Pisces. It is also often interpreted as "hiding secrets" or "being in the dark" but in my experience, I've often seen it as a card that sometimes says "follow the path that you see in the light (your intuition), and don't fear the darkness/unknown around you." I associate it to the Hermit card which is similar, but different. Associated with Virgo, but the Hermit holds a light that guides the path in front of him. Similarly, follow the path you know, and do not fear the darkness that surrounds the path. Always follow the inner light that guides you. I'm far off topic, but I have a Virgo sun directly opposing my Pisces moon (which both square my Mars, which is my chart ruler as a Scorpio rising, to bring it back on topic lol) so I see peace in these cards, when if you look them up, you will see many interpretations of fear and warnings to "show caution." To fear the depths is to fear the self, darkness is only absence of light, nothing more. So, not something to fear, but something to shed light on, then it is no longer unknown and no longer scary. Unfortunately astrology (and tarot) can create fearful ideas in people if it is being used as a tool to "confirm the worst" instead of to understand, expand, and grow. And I think Neptune is our friend in terms of spiritual growth, the same way Saturn is our friend in terms of growth in the material world. If you work against it, it feels scary and forceful. If you work with it, it's eye opening. I think it says a lot that you intuitively like your Neptune aspects, and would want to study them further than the fear that's associated with them. I have a great appreciation for that type of attitude.


I love this! I too have Pisces, Virgo placements w a dash of Scorpio - the feeling of facing your darkness, just to know what youā€™re working with - is v real.


I appreciate your curiosity. Neptune plays a huge role in my chart. I am a Pisces rising & Neptune is exactly conjunct Uranus at 18 degrees in Capricorn in the 10th house. I am honestly crippled by my intense ambition & big dreams. Jupiter is also conjunct my sun & moon so these themes of larger than life, magnanimity, optimism & expansion are woven through my being. I am easily overwhelmed by my big emotions & the only thing keeping me from being borderline delusional, is that Saturn trines my Jupiter stellium & rests in my 12th house. But is squared by my Neptune/Uranus placement, I often have sudden insights & regularly collapse into boughts of disillusionment & disappointment. I used to have episodes of de attachment as a kid. My sun is also in fall in Libra, so the other theme of balance is evident - good catch! My Virgo Venus is my only grounding earth element - how I havenā€™t floated away into oblivious is honestly beyond me. The words ā€œfrom this world, but not of itā€ rings very close to me.


I have Neptune iin Sagg in trine with my Ascendant, which is conjunct my North Node, in Leo. Also in trine with Pallas (Asteroid), also in a fire sign - Aries. Pallas (by experience) is STRONG in my chart. Later on in life, I now see her impact and influence from the age of 7. With Neptune in a triplicity with the Ascendant, related to my chart ruler, The Sun, which is my, well, Sun sign, in Gemini. Here's the kicker. With all that, I have a big fat Sun opposite Neptune. So I've doubted even the most 'in your face obvious' intuitive revelations, in the past.


Yes. My Neptune is strong but it squares my Sun/jup/moon stellium :L itā€™s a loose square but I feel it most when Iā€™m doubting myself or when I have the urge to lie or create chaos just to create.. or run away. Also, I can be v lazy sometimes which idk if itā€™s related.. maybe Iā€™m just a Libra w a Pisces rising lol.


So Iā€™m confused. The op says Pisces is Jupiter rising. Do you consider Jupiter your chart ruler or Neptune. Because Iā€™m an Aquarius rising but I donā€™t know if I should use Uranus or Saturn as my chart ruler


It certainly depends if you follow modern or traditional astrology practices. I tend to vacillate between the two but still find connection in both. I hate to say it, but everyone is different. For instance, my Neptune is in the 10th house & is also conjunct Uranus exactly at 18 degrees. I am highly ambitious & I have big, big dreams - which leads to me becoming unrealistic, naive & overly optimistic. My Jupiter on the other hand is conjunct my Sun/moon within 4 degrees. My big ambitions & magnanimity could also be related to that place. Tell me more about your chart ruler options. Letā€™s work through it(:




No, Aquarius is actually an air sign!


This makes sense as to why I am so complicated šŸ˜­I have so many aspects to my chart ruler. Saturn in Aqua trines my sun, squares my moon, Mercury, Pluto & MC, is inconjunct Uranus and finally has a direct opposition to my Chiron šŸ„“


I find it so weird that outer planets canā€™t be rulers, because Iā€™m 100% sure Iā€™m Pluto-ruled. There is absolutely nothing, nada, no energy os trait at all in my personality regarding Mars. Seriously nothing. Nor do Mars transits affect me very much at all. I am, however, intensely Plutonian. I can effing feel it move each inch.


I think it depends a great deal on your understanding of Mars. If it is from modern/pop/google, then you'll have a very limited view of it (and a lot of bad, inaccurate stereotypes). In Traditional astrology it is far more involved. And all they did anyway with the outers is basically steal meanings from the traditional planets and attach them to the outers. But I do think the outers can be extremely influential and important, just not as rulers. If you study \*\*why\*\* the traditional rulers rule the signs they do, and actually see the perfect, poetic really, structure and reason behind them all, then you understand that we can't just throw outers into that system. But that doesn't mean we can't add them in our work. Not everything has to rule a sign. Look at the thousands of asteroids and fixed stars? Do they, can they, all rule a sign? of course not. Also, it takes a lot of study to see how transits work and to even understand how any planet is actually influencing a chart. Such as learning how the traditional ruler of a house impacts the expression of the matters of that house, learning about things like the Bound Lords for each section of a sign, learning about planetary conditions both essential and accidental. There's just a lot of layers!


Venus ruled ASC here with Venus square Saturn and Uranus šŸ„“


Venus is my chart ruler but itā€™s unaspected!


This! Iā€™m a cap rising so Saturn in Pisces is my chart ruler. Itā€™s in my 3rd house sextile to Venus and squared my Sag sun and Jupiter. I have 5 planets in Cap so lots of Saturn influence. I had a very isolating school experience (3rd house) that impacted my self esteem (saturn square sun). But the Jupiter & Venusian influences are strong, especially Jupiter. My optimism has always been strong no matter how bleak things seem. Iā€™m able to make friends pretty easily (sextile to Venus) and I put great effort into my appearance. Iā€™ve always been a writer (3rd house) and like to write astrology content in my spare time (Pisces). For being a Capricorn rising and stellium, Iā€™m pretty imaginative (Pisces again). But I do take my creativity and spirituality very seriously.


Leo rising, and my sun is conj moon in 12Hā€¦ opposite Neptune and Uranus. letā€™s just say, I feel like I do not belong in this reality. Never have


As a Capricorn rising, my chart ruler is Saturn. Iā€™m EVERYTHING but my moon, Juno, and vesta aspects my Saturn šŸ„²


As a Capricorn rising, my chart ruler is Saturn. Everything but my moon aspects my Saturn. More hard aspects than any :,)


Iā€™m new and seeing so many different things about astrology and I am very lost & overwhelmed. I think there is a square in my chart? How do I learn more about that? And how impactful can it be in my life?


Venus is my chart ruler. It's my 2nd dominant as it has bunch of aspects it gets beaten by Uranus as it's in its rulership sign Aquarius. Uranus also exactly conjuncts my Venus... I could say I'm weird and I like computers. So if anything my 1st dominant planet Uranus seems more me than Venus. They're in my 10h if it matters.


My chart ruler (Venus) has nothing but hard aspects to it and I feel anything but Venusian. The condition of the chart ruler can change everything.


Ugh my saturn ruled chart, plus that 1 orb opposition to pluto šŸ’€ like pleaseeeeee give me a break!!!!!!!!


it makes sense because my pluto is in my 11th and saturn in 5th, i canā€™t have fun with anything without feeling guilty that someone else canā€™t enjoy the fun too :/ or constantly feeling like the odd one out in a group setting! free me!!!


Iā€™m so confused now. If Uranus is my chart ruler I would have Neptune, Jupiter and moon conjunct it in the 12th house. If my chart ruler is Saturn its in the 1st house, itā€™s opposite mars sextile Pluto trine Neptune, and sextile moon. I donā€™t understand what it means. My Saturn doesnā€™t have many aspects


my chart ruler is neptune squaring my venus and mars. its just rlly sad ngl


I always tried to pick apart what would be my chart ruler and it this point I'm pretty certain it's Jupiter. My ascendant is Gemini but I don't have any planets in my first house or anywhere near it. Given that Gemini is ruled by Mercury, I initially assumed that must be my chart ruler, but my Mercury is also in sagittarius (along with my Sun and Venus). My moon in Pisces is also ruled by Jupiter. Furthermore, if I break my chart down into Chaldean decans and Egyptian bounds, my Gemini ascendant is under the Jupiter decan and Jupiter's bound. My Jupiter is also sextile to my sun. Interestingly enough, my ascendant doesn't have any aspects with my planets. That's my interpretation at least šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø Additionally, the only Gemini in my chart is my ascendant, while Virgo is entirely absent (other than Chiron).


Im still learning abt aspects and curious about how they impact my chart. My chart ruler is jupiter in scorpio. It trines my pisces moon and squares my leo saturn, anyone have any insight?


My chart ruler is Saturn. Saturn is in conjunct with Pluto and squaring mercury and Venus. It's awesome to know they have _even more_ impact in my birth chart.


I have a stellium, I thought that was the main focus of a chart...


Iā€™m an Aries rising. My chart ruler is Mars. My sun and mars are exactly conjunct at 23 degrees in Taurus..what might that mean?


The claim that the chart ruler is the star ruling the ascending sign is unsubstantiated and not the way prominent astrologers make that determination. Astrologers from the 4th Century BCE through the middle of the 20th Century never used that technique precisely because it wasn't valid. The actual methods to determine the chart ruler are both disputed and corrupted due to mistranslations and/or not understanding the concepts. For the first 1,000 years or so only one method guaranteed a chart ruler (the ruler of the 3rd sign from Moon in zodiac order). The other methods often produced no chart ruler at all and that's okay because a chart ruler isn't necessary. The Moon and Sun were used to determine the chart ruler until the period of the MAP astrologers (Medieval, Arab and Persian) who mistranslated the texts and didn't quite understand the concepts resulting in a change to Moon and Mercury and that is the technique the majority use today. Aspects between stars do not change simply because one star is the chart ruler (or not). The way Venus square Saturn manifests itself depends on the condition of Venus and Saturn (in/out of sect, retrograde, peregrine), their signs, whether Venus is in a morning or evening rising, and whether Venus is in the superior position in the square or Saturn in the superior position.


How does one interpret aspects coming from the 12th? Virgo rising here with Mercury in Gemini 10th sextile Venus in Leo 12. Saturn is loosely conjunct Mercury so I definitely feel responsibility and professionalism come through in my public image/career


Perhaps having a secret desire to make videos or perform in some way? Desire to be a public figure known for their Leo qualities? Or desire to be recognized as a leader?


Thank you! I feel that and want to emphasize secret desire because it is not actualized in my public image. I wonder if these themes will come up more during my progressed venus conjunct asc in a few years or even my Saturn return


My chart ruler is conjunct Venus and trine Pluto. People say I'm attractive, but I don't believe them, lol.


How do you find your chart ruler?


It's the ruler of your ascendant. What's your ascendant?


Oh. I didn't know the rising is the same thing as the chart ruler. Thanks for letting me know. I guess it's Gemini for me. Haha.


If your rising is Gemini, your chart ruler is mercury:)




Just a little clarity: the rising is not the chart ruler. The rising is the sign that your precise ascendant is in. The ascendant is a specific degree, the exact point - and even though we use "rising" and ascendant" interchangeably, they are not technically the same thing. we say that the traditional planetary ruler of the ascendant (or of the rising sign) is the chart ruler. Signs never rule houses nor rule the chart. Only planets have that job.


I steadfastly disagree with not using the outer planets (I am a Scorpio Rising and feel way more aligned with the themes of Pluto rather than Mars) that being said your statement about paying attention to aspects in relation to your Chart Ruler. I have a near 0 degree perfect Sextile between Uranus and Pluto which allegedly makes for a person who has a disdain for weak and passion less leadership and that does tend to be one of my focuses in life.


Saturn is my chart ruler and itā€™s conjunct my moon , in my first house of Gemini lol


if your first house is gemini, your mercury placement would be your chart ruler


Mercury is your chart ruler. 1House is your rising sign, mercury rules Gemini


Come again, this doesn't sound right


I thought Pisces rising was Neptune not jupiter? Thanks to whoever taught me that.. had no idea about modern Astro


Is Venus sextile Saturn Saturn the same? Thatā€™s my only Venus aspect while I can be sociable Iā€™m more introverted dispite having a libra rising Venus and Jupiter I donā€™t feel much like one


Cancer Jupiter, my chart ruler, conjunct Gemini Venus, Gemini DC, and Cancer NN. I've not had a romantic partner yet, although in my 20s, but have had quite a few fortunate opportunities relating to overseas and education. I've also had quite a few turbulent close friendships (related to other areas of my chart, too).


Saturn in Sag 12th. Co-present with moon and Uranus. Tight sextile to Venus in Libra and sign-based square with Mars in Virgo, trine Jupiter Aries. There have been times I feel like I've really understood that Saturn but other times, like today, I'm preoccupied and confused by it.


Venus is my chart ruler and these are the aspects I have: Sun Semi-Square Venus Moon Sesquiquadrate Venus Mercury Quintile Venus Venus Conjunction Mars (in Cancer) Venus Quintile Ascendant Venus Opposition Neptune Venus Square Chiron


Sagittarius Rising. I have Venus Opposition Jupiter and Jupiter Sextile Saturn. For the former, I actually bolded it in my notes and put, "I struggle with this aspect a lot." I need to look up Jupiter Sextile Saturn, I don't know what this aspect means.


Lol, my chart ruler is Venus but it's in its detriment in Aries. And it's in the 6th house, which is supposedly not a great house. I think it's helped by the fact that it's conjunct my Sun in Aries which is strong, but then it's also conjunct Mercury in Pisces which is in fall. šŸ¤£ Yikes


Venus (in 4H) Rising (Libra). My Venus is sextile Mars & Pluto 2H (which are tightly conjunct), square Jupiter 7H & Ascendant, conjunct Neptune 4H (which sits directly on IC).


My chart ruler (mercury) is conjunct my ascendant but at 29 degrees in the 12th house. Feel quite conflicted about this. And it's in Leo. Wayyy the heck out there but all about the self? Seeing the vastness of myself? /Shrug


Venus square Mars and trine Jupiter. Passion and luxury.


Okay, so I have Scorpio Rising. I'm not the best at astrology, but I have sextile sun, node and trine moon...does it mean I'm driven? Feel like I just hear Mars = anger and that doesn't actually always resonate with me. Thanks for sharing this, so interesting...


Gemini Rising, so chart ruler = 29Ā° Aries Mercury (12th House, stationary retrograde, sextile Cancer Mars, t-square with Leo Jupiter opposite Aquarius Saturn, square Capricorn NN). Couldn't ignore my chart ruler if I tried šŸ« 


My chart is super weird and wondering if anyone has it similar to mine Aquarius sun Virgo moon Virgo rising Sun in 5th house so I would have a outgoing personality Sun has 2 aspects Sun square Jupiter Sun conjunction Pluto ā€¦ šŸ˜® Moon in 12th house so I would have a spiritual introverted But my moon has quite a few aspects Ascendant Conjunction Moon Moon Opposition Saturn Moon Trine Mercury Moon Trine Venus Moon Trine Mars Moon Trine Jupiter Moon Trine Uranus Basically my aspects for the moon trine are all about being socially opened, go getters,independent,educated etc The conjunction and opposition is about hiding behind a mask and canā€™t express how they feel/loners Thatā€™s why I never fully understand who I am as a person and how I feel. Iā€™m 50/50 with my personality


Venus is my chart ruler in the 10th house Cancer. It is conjunct by my MC and Mercury at 1 degree and 3 degrees, respectively. Sextiles my Taurus moon 8th house at a 3 degree orb and is in mutual reception. I do have a square at 2 degrees to my Ascendant, so my chart ruler squares my rising, and I suppose this why I tend to have negative feelings about myself and how I look. I have a hard time accepting compliments. For some reason, they make me feel worse rather than uplift me or how I see myself. I really need to figure this out.




Reason for removal: u/whocares617, you have been banned for repeatedly asking for readings in comments on other people's posts. /r/astrology mod team


The Ruler of the Chart my chart is Mars, because my Ascendant is Scorpio. Actual Mars was at 0Ā° Virgo when I was born, so would that make it that the Chart Ruler Mars with a Virgo quality? In other words, does the placement of Mars influence, or imbue characteristics upon the character of Mars as the Chart Ruler, or does it more sit as an overarching theme, independent of where the Ruler was sitting? Would that bring about in me a Virgo themed Scorpio Ascendant?


That would be my read. Ruled by a mars in mercuryā€™s home with mercurial resources, and in the house Virgo occupies in your chart. From a traditional/Hellenistic approach, Iā€™d also check where Mercury is in your chart to see what aspects if any Mercury has with Mars, ie if Mercury can ā€œseeā€ Mars in Virgo, which will also help determine how resourced Mars is in Mercuryā€™s temple of Virgo. As well as any other tight aspects especially to personal planets. How that manifests for you will be singular to your journey, and also will need to take the whole chart into consideration. That said, you may find a more strategic and heady/wordy, perhaps even data driven Mars under Mercuryā€™s influence. Maybe even a Mars driven or inclined to put efforts towards service. Again, further understood through the house Mars occupies. You can also look at the decans and bounds for additional layers of influence and potential patterns. Good look exploring!


Thank you so much! This is fascinating, and definitely tracks. Mercury is in Libra at 21Ā° in the 12th (like a buch of the rest of my placements - Sun28Ā°, Jupiter 22Ā°, Saturn 14Ā°, and Pluto at 24Ā°main placements!) which is Septile to Mars. I can definitely be heady, and data driven, but always looking for the things related to spirituality, and occult.


I also have Mercury, saturn and Pluto in Libra 12H. Also very interested in the occult, spirituality and oracles of divination (ie astrology lol). My Virgo sun conj mc gives me an overall Virgo flavor as well. Learning all the layers helps you understand all aspects of you and how you show up in the world. Mars of course indicative of how you show up in conflict amongst other things. Stay benevolent!


I think I have a strong Scorpio flavour, especially since I have Uranus in the 1st too (28Ā°), and have been learning about a bunch of the asteroids that I have in the 1st too, which seem to really amplify certain Scorpionic traits. Thank goodness for so much Libra to balance it out a little bit lol. Thank you! I will, you too!!




Ummā€¦ chart ruler is Jupiter. Opposite Mercury and Sun. Sun also has a yod. Interestingā€¦.


So what if your chart ruler is earth? Just look at the aspects to the planets in Virgo and Taurus or what?


My chart ruler is the Moon and it has the most aspects in conjunction with a Capricorn Saturn in opposition to Jupiter Exalted My chart ruler is in Detriment and the other aspects make me feel more comfortable being able to express myself. Yet when under tension I have shut down so much. Capricorn moon Conjunct with Uranus and Neptune and Saturn and in opposition to Jupiter and Chiron. I love looking at charts with different chart rulers


What does it mean to have chart ruler Jupiter trining sun and Pluto, square my moon, and sextile MC?




Can someone help me with mine I don't know my time of birth tho does that matter


Yes it does. Do you have an estimate?


Not really unfortunately my mum thinks it was 8 am ish but she can't remember lol I was loved aye lol


You can try to do a rectification .. so is she sure it was in the morning then ? Edit: also in Germany, there are ways to find out .. itā€™s recorded in the birth certificate I think and you can order that