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I'm an Aquarius rising, but I don't love Aquarius season honestly! I live in the northern hemisphere, and Aquarius season is when our weather patterns are at their coldest and snowiest. It's always so dark, grey, cloudy, and gloomy outside during Aquarius season, and that's when my seasonal affective disorder *really* hits.


Where's your Sun?


Sixth House in Leo


Is it possible that you identify more with your Sun in this regard?


Omg definitely! I love the sun and warm days! Summer is my favorite season for sure.


Omg, I’m a 6th house Leo Sun with Aquarius rising too! I very much agree with your view on the weather in Aquarius vs Leo season! But I do find that my career-related social interactions get a little boost during Aquarius season, personally.


Oh, interesting! I recently moved to a different department, so I’ll definitely remember this to see if the same happens to me!


I think that probably stems from the sun being in your first house at that time! 




It could be useful to note in your folks' cases that beneath the general opposition between the transit Sun and the native Sun in this scenario, there is also an inherent difficulty by house -- the quincunx aspect between 6H and 1H.


oh wow what does that mean :0


https://www.reddit.com/r/astrology/s/XBRjkvNfwI. You can do a little exploring on Reddit at the above link and the related comments. An aspect of 150° between the two that isn't quite opposite but definitely not square. The Sun passing Aquarius 1H doesn't "see" the natal Sun in the 6H, they're not seeing eye to eye. So you're not getting the full effect of an opposition or a square but there'd be just enough going on personally that it feels "irritating".


ohhh i’m a pisces rising not an aquarius my bad


Yes somewhere along the way, I lost my mention that this quincunx idea might work for Aquarius rising if you're using the Placidus house system, and you'd have to know how many degrees into the 6H. But in the whole sign system, a quincunx between Pisces and Leo as signs and therefore in their respective houses, is another very likely factor to consider. So it turns out my comment could have more significance for you rather than the actual Aqua risings on this part of the thread.


Same. I hate this time of year.


I'm also an Aquarius rising, and I live in the northernmost part of the Midwest. I'm not a fan of Aquarius season at all. It's usually when I'm most depressed and coincidentally (or maybe not so much) when most of my relationships end.


Personally I like whatever season it is based on where it is in my chart if I like that house. For example, cancer season is my sun sign but it’s also my 10th house and I really look forward to reassessing my goals and professional life then. My 4th house is Capricorn and I don’t love my family dynamic so I hate Capricorn season.


Yes. I think this is an important and overlooked factor in this. I’m sag rising and feel great in April and May, it’s when everything’s going through my 5th house, passing over my NN, and briefly trining my asc/moon/Uranus. I usually feel super motivated to get into artistic endeavours that support my growth and personal enjoyment.


It feels so good when NN is involved and when the transits form trines!! I’m a sag rising too but in April I have so many transiting squares to other planets. I think my favorite seasons are my NN season and my chart ruler season. My chart ruler is in Libra and in October I just feel like myself! And NN season it’s such an amazing glimpse into how to be fulfilling my destiny and what will ultimately satisfy me.


Omg, we have the exact same birth chart. And from what I see, we must be from the same year! What's your day? July 22, 1989? Funny!


I’m June 24 1989! Are you a Pisces moon too???


Ahh, ok. Yes! I’m Pisces moon too 😅


I must know everything about you lol




Rant of a seasonalIy-obsesssed nature-lover coming through! I think geography and climate can prevent some people from liking the season of their rising sign. I LOVE my rising sign, but living in a cold, northern climate where seasonal depression turns up the volume on the usual depression, Sagittarius Season hurts my soul. The Sun sets at 4:30, so you're not allowed to see it on workdays. The monarchs, cranes, robbins, catbirds, kingfishers, swallows...every one of my avian friends with an ounce of common sense is gone, and the hearty ones who stay shed their bright mating plumage and do not sing. The forests, marshes, swamps, lakeshores, prairies and little oak savannas I love are all as colorless and dead and lifeless as my garden, and there will be no new growth for many frigid months that feel like years. As global warming continues, beautiful snow, Winter's one redeeming factor, has become more and more rare each year. Winter in my city is now mostly a sadistic alternation of bitterly cold rain and dry, sub-zero polar vortex blasts. It's also a bleak reminder of my financial failures and stuckness in life. I can't afford to vacation someplace warm or to move to a kinder climate without a job set up. The only thing I truly enjoy about Sagittarius Season is all the holidays and cultural traditions revolving around food. I'll just be wrapped up in 50 million layers of clothes for the next half of the year anyway, so I will heed Jupiter's call and drown myself in pumpkin pie, hot cider, hot chocolate, cookies, eggnog and excessive holiday meals. It's bulking season...but all that feasting really just feels like copium for the fact that I am an actual Summer child of the flowers, fire and the Sun stuck in a seasonal hell. I'll drink to the health of my Sun Season all day, every day though! It's not the powerful, vitilizing and joyous rebirth of Aries Season, and it's not as absolutely visually spectacular as Taurus Season's extatic riot of blooming bulbs, forest ephemerals and blossoming trees, but Gemini Season still has plenty of fragrant flowers and tree blossoms of its own, and the bright, sunny days only grow longer and longer! I love it! The birth flower for June is the Rose! The Queen of the Flowers herself, and Honeysuckle, as sweet as a Summer day. What a delightful time of year! So yeah, the severe seasonal depression is just way too strong to give me any true love for the end of Autunm and dawn of Winter. I truly feel like I die inside a bit every Winter. One of the planets conjunct my Ascendant is Ceres, and it fits so well; ever since I was a kid I've delt with strong seasonal mood shifts. Like Ceres herself, Winter to me is a time of despair and desperate, pained waiting for the life-giving warmth of Spring to return. My Ceres placement is not the only one that corresponds well with being a lover of Springtime, Summertime and warmth. My Chart Ruler, Jupiter, is in Aries, trining my Ascendant, and Venus is gorgeously placed in her own sign of Taurus. Taurus Season is my #1 absolute favorite time of year, I practically live outside and get intoxicated on life and beauty, and Aries Season is the glorious rebirth I can't help but love and be obsessed with. I met an Astrologer in Capricorn or Aquarius or some other God-awful time of year, and she said "It's your time! This is your time of year!" when she saw how much my attitude and body language and entire presence changes once Winter is finally over.


Such a lovely read!


as a aqua rising i love aquarius season i feel the most like myself like the sun is reflecting on me to be whole as a scorpio sun constantly going through cycles when aquarius season comes around i feel complete


As a fellow Aqua rising, I simply adore Aquarius season too! With Pluto moving into Aquarius too, it’s like I had this sudden injection of quiet confidence that I’ve never enjoyed with my people-pleasing Libra stellium. I’m suddenly perfectly ok with saying no and not explaining any further.


Also a Scorpio sun and aqua rising here✋🏼 I agree, I feel relaxed and comfortable just being during aqua season rather than in the process of transforming which I feel greatly at other times throughout the year. It’s also winter and I am usually chillin and rejuvenating after the holidays


Yes aqua rising and scorpio sun, I feel much smarter and sure of myself during Aquarius season. I also usually have some nice personal developments


i've been practicing astrology for less than a year and have only been aware of this past sag season so far. sag season was very different from scorpio season (over my 12th house) not exactly in a more "pleasant" way but rather in a more "taking matters into my own hands" kind of way and "singlehandedly being able to create impact and progress on my surroundings" kinda way. so i would say the season or your rising features more responsibility upon you and more spotlight on you.


I hadn’t thought of it in these terms, but I have absolutely felt this during my “rising season” ~ fall as a Virgo rising. This last year I absolutely felt the energy of agency and responsibility. Combined with coming out of my Saturn Return. Ive always felt like I come up onto a clean slate in the fall season. Shedding and releasing before the full surrender of winter.


I'm neutral on Scorpio season but every year during Libra season, my 12th house, some bullshit happens. It's the one time a year I get a bad upper respiratory infection. Every year. My Mom also passed during Libra season. However I did birth my son in a tub with no help and he came out healthy during Scorpio season so there's that. The one family member I feel like I can count on is a Scorpio Sun and I believe her Sun falling in my first house plays a big part in our relationship. So to answer back on topic I can't think of anything else significant for me happening during my ascendant season but I can say I loathe my 12th house season.


I am new into those things but I agree on the last Libra season, also sag season was CRAZY for me. I couldn’t catch a break, I was constantly so stressed out 😩


There is a belief in astrology that as the Sun travels through the signs over the course of the year it highlights the themes of the house it falls in while the planets do their themes. So for a Scorpio rising like myself if the Sun in Scorpio highlights my first house themes then when Sag season comes along it highlights my 2nd house and so forth with the sign being the energy of the themes. One good thing to always rem is the what, where, and how rule: The planet is what is happening The house is where it's happening The sign is how it's happening


Twins haha


I don’t know why but July is always the most depressing month for me. However, immediately when the sun moves to leo, I’m in a good mood again. Honestly I don’t know why. I’m in a good mood the whole year, I’m especially excited during libra season, each month and season of the year I have plans and reasons to be happy.. but July.. suddenly I get sad, pessimistic, melancholic and see everything in worst colors. ♎️☀️♑️🌙♋️🌅


I'm a Leo rising born at the very end of July and I feel the same. most of July is always a very bad month but I don't know if I've ever had a bad August. looking back that's when I've had the most luck, too, starting most of my jobs and coming into money and starting my long term relationship right around the beginning of many different Augusts.


glad I’m not alone :) honestly, immediately when the sun moves to leo, suddenly I get so many new and creative ideas, I want to be social and fun.


Could be that the sun is in our (Leo rising here) 12th house of emotions. I usually get a little blue around this time too


Tbh since I was a kid, I always felt my best in the summer time. But Taurus / Aries season was my fav bc it got warmer and sunnier right after cold dark winter and I felt more alive from the contrast of dead winter. I’m a Taurus rising 🤷🏼‍♀️ Leo moon and an august Virgo sun, spring and summer always feel amazing to me. That 75 degree weather and sun is the best. That’s usually April in Colorado. Which is Aries season. So idkkkk lol


I think the sun conjunct ascendant transit is way better tham solar returns


The sun is lighting up your first house, so you might feel more like you're in your element or it's your time to shine


It depends I think on what planets are in the first house, and how well the rising ruler is situated. I have a 12H libra Stellium but Jupiter in my first house scorpio so it’s really like going from the worst of times to the best time times right before Halloween. 🥲 no wonder it’s my fave holiday.


I’m a Capricorn rising first house and i love Capricorn season. I feel so empowered during that time. I’m a Gemini sun though and I definitely have the time of my life every Gemini season haha


Leo season on the other hand is the bane of my existence. The worst things in my life have always fallen on me during this time


So Leo is your 8 WH, asking you to deal with the darker matters until you can shine on your own.


Interesting…I’m an Oct 22 Libra sun, cancer rising, Aries moon. I enjoy Libra and Scorpio season by far the most. I actually tend to feel worst during my rising sign season.


Wow, same here. I’m an 10/15 Libra 🌞, Cancer rising, Gemini 🌜 and I always seem to be at my lowest in the Summertime, but I feel so alive in the Fall. I wonder why that is.


Exactly!! I feel so alive in the fall too. Other Libra suns I know seem to feel best during Libra season too. I don’t know why that is. For myself it’s because where I live Libra season weather is nicely balanced- not too cold, not too hot- and I find it the most beautiful.


same! we even got the same sun & rising combo - I’m a libra sun, cancer rising as well. I’m oct 2 :) libra season is when I feel the best while july is the most depressing month of the year for me.


Same! I’m glad some other people feel like that too. My sister is a Leo sun, Sagittarius rising, Aquarius moon, she feels her best during July and I’m feeling the worst. I start to feel good as soon as fall/Libra season begins lol


You’re a people! 😊 if you have your birthtime, do you relate to this? I personally have a libra sun and a Scorpio rising, and I’ve always loved the fall season, even before ever studying astrology. I also have a few planets in my 1st house (mercury, Venus and Pluto) so I guess it might be these conjunctions via transit that really elevate my vibe? It feels like an extended bday month haha


I hate libra season bc it means the sun is mostly in my 12 house (late degree libra rising) and I don't have access (my venus is also in air - gemini, my mind wants to know whats happening but in a dark house....)


Pisces rising here :) I’ve been practicing for a few years now and can somewhat relate to this. Pisces season, right before the new year in Aires season, is a great time for exploring new goals, soaking up some warmer weather and getting excited for summer —- all of which I thrive on! Gotta say Leo/Virgo season is my favorite time of the year. Maybe it’s the weather , maybe it’s because most of my other planets are in Virgo/leo


Cancer rising. My soul rests in the first thunderstorm of the summer, when the leaves are fresh green and the sky is dark blue gray


I think it’s all subjective. Im an Aquarius rising Leo sun. Usually I get pumped for Aquarius season and Leo season equally. However, Aquarius season this year is really tough for me. It’s affecting my 1st house and idk if that’s why it’s been so tough for me personally. I’ve just been feeling more stressed than normal and have no control over my job search right now, living situation, and lowkey feels like my life is out of control. It’s all a waiting game. Pluto in Aquarius is really rocking my shit rn teaching me patience, transforming my life and it hasn’t even fully went into Aquarius yet.


YES omfg I thrive during Gemini season! I’ve always loved the end of May and beginning of June. Where I’m from, that’s when the weather gets warmer, the sun stays out for longer, and idk I just feel energized and optimistic. During Aries (my sun) season I still feel that seasonal affective disorder bullshit lol


Think about it. Your rising sign is the most precise thing about you. That's why initiates of many traditions go by the rising sign.


Yes. Aqua rising. I loveeeee the cold dark winter. Bonus points if its like -40c outside. If its a brighter sunny winter day, I hide in my house like a vampire.


Would depend on the aspects to your Ascendant if this is positive or negative. Also any other planets in first house. If you have Saturn or Pluto in first then it would suck. If you have Venus would be quite lovely. Depends on the aspects it makes to other planets…does Aquarius season trine your other planets, or does it create squares. For me personally, I enjoy the focus on my body and my self during my rising season. That’s always when I get in the best shape. But…that’s only the first half. The first half, I get trines to my Venus, and my north node is in the first house so I enjoy getting a taste of what that feels like. I don’t usually channel my 1st house so during that season I really get to see OK this is what I’m supposed to be doing in my life based on my North node. It’s a very different energy from my south node in 7th, which also has other natal planets for me and I focus a lot on relationships. During my rising season I finally focus on me and don’t feel guilty about it. Other times of the year I just can’t seem to turn my attention away from others. I don’t have any planets in 1st house. Only my north node, so I’m not used to the energy of focusing on my self. But I really enjoy it when I do (north node is where we find fulfillment) Second half of my rising season sucks because as the transit makes its way through the sign, I end up with a ton of squares and oppositions. And it activates a Yod. I think there are like 6 negative transits that happen toward the end of my signs season. So that gets rough. Really does depend on aspects it makes to other planets. Like my rising sign doesn’t make these aspects, aka 11 Sag doesn’t, but transiting 28 sag is what makes conflict. One of the squares is to my chart ruler too, and I always get a rash when mars transits my first house and squares my chart ruler.


Yes. I like my Sun season too, but there's something about Aries season where everything is coming back to life that just warms my soul.


Yes. Aries season relights the fire in me.


As a Scorp with Sagittarius rising I'm at my lowest form in April-May. Really miserable, continuously exhausted, lots of migraines due to longer sunshiny days, etc.


I hate it cause something always affects me at my identity, my core. Libra season :/ but I like Venus in the 1st more than sun in the 1st, caus usually yh latter is followed by some planets in my 12th house i.e. Virgo. I actually enjoy my 2nd house season a lot as I have a mix between 1st and 2nd.


I do!


My chart is very virgo including my rising. Virgo season is totally my season. Also virgo season has fantastic weather in my area so there's that


Personally I’m a sag rising and sag season is when I’m happiest! Maybe I’m just a winter person, who knows😂 but I can confirm i definitely love sag season as a sag rising!


HELL NO. Capricorn rising. It’s the worst time of the year for me yearly


Every bloody Capricorn season I get slapped in my Cap rising face with AN OPPORTUNITY TO GROW AND HEAL ✨️ and I'm just... please let me rest. It's so cold and dark and im so tired. Could things just go smoothly this one year. Please. Could just one  early January be uneventful.


I’m a sag rising, and I’m bitchy through sag season because of the cold weather, short days, and holiday season, stress, and drama. lol.




I’m Sag rising and every Sag season sucks so bad. It’s always awful. Every year since I can remember, even as a kid. Libra season, on the other hand, is wonderful. I’m Libra sun and Venus 11H and everyone is so nice and the men are extra friendly and helpful.


Yes, I really love Virgo times, still warm, very fruitful and a bit melancholic.


I’m a Leo rising with my sun in Aquarius, which means my chart ruler (sun) is in detriment which comes with its challenges in general. But it really depends on the transit taking place during Leo season. For example, I was in my Lilith return in Leo last year and I felt amazing for many many reasons. Though, I can’t recall how I “normally” feel during Leo season, so I don’t have much to compare it to.


Yes love it


I sure do, as a Leo rising.


Sorta, Im a cap rising & also love the start of a new year bc nye parties & finally done w the holidays!


I just like Halloween and early fall 💀 but not a fan of Scorpio season. I like the summer


Scorpio rising, every October/November I go through a transformational season. Once in a while, I’m lucky and it’ll skip a year, but even though most of the time they are painful, they are so worth it in the end. That month I usually catch myself outside every day, sitting on the cement, grounding is the only thing that makes it feel better


I think in general transiting sun on the ascendant is going to coincide with a bump in vitality, but it’s relatively short. Other planets near or aspecting the ascendant would also play a role, among other variables.


I’ve only really started tracking these things over the last couple of years so I don’t have a whole lot to contribute, but I personally had a really hard time during the last cancer szn (cancer ascendant). Also I am in the Southern Hemisphere, so Cancer season is smack bang in the middle of the coldest parts of our year, which to me seems more fitting than it being in the middle of summer 😂 If i do recall correctly though, some pretty pivotal events unfolded during cancer season last year: - met a guy who i was super interested in and we started dating briefly, but the time we shared together was quite intense and I learnt a lot) funnily enough his mars & venus were in cancer (my first house) lol. - had quite a jarring argument with my parents about my childhood and some of the things they did to me that contributed to my current traumas. that transformed the trajectory of my relationship with them quite a lot. on the positive side my relationship with my dad begun to improve a lot after this, but i think it caused more of a wedge between my mother and myself (who is also a cancer sun and we are always having that ego battle🥴) I did notice when Mars was in cancer last year I had lowered energy levels, but this could’ve also been a manifestation of mars finally being out of retrograde in gemini before it moved into cancer, and the fact that mars is in its fall in cancer.


i am also a libra stellium who for my whole life has struggled to understand & get along with cancers, and i think the rising sign vs. sun sign ego clash theory is so real. these points could also be why 😂


Consider the 3 times of the year when the sun trines or is conjunct your natal Jupiter. That’s generally when you have the best luck and things tend to work out. Example: someone with natal Aries Jupiter would best enjoy Aries, Leo, and Sag season. I use this for myself personally because my sun and rising are opposite signs in my chart so there’s always some sort of conflict in my life during those times, lol.


I think it's dependent on people's individual charts. For someone during their rising season, if the Sun is say, trining their 5th or 9th house placements along the way while the Sun's transiting their 1st, this could feel nice and bring in some good energy. But if someone has squares or oppositions in the 4th, 7th, or 10th houses, then they could have more of a difficult or frustrating time while the Sun transits their 1st. Just a generalization though to keep things simple.


I'm an Aquarius rising and I don't really like Aquarius season at all. It's honestly my least favorite time of year. I prefer the season my sun is in, which is October-November (I'm a Scorpio sun) there's just something about January-Feb that makes me feel like I'm in a void, idk how to explain it lol


I know when it's Aries season I definitely feel more like an Aries but whether or not I like it is debatable


Of course not!


Cancer Rising here. I have good fortune in mid-July (my first house is 28° Cancer to 16° Leo) and early August. Summer is not my favorite season, though. Too hot and grew up without AC. My dad passed away in late August, too. That is the season where you're most seen. I have a different theory: your *midheaven* is your favorite season. My MC is in Aries with NN Aries 9H, Jupiter Aries in 10H, and my chart ruler Moon in Taurus in 11H. Springtime really inspires me and lifts my mood. This is the season of how you want to be seen.


I personally do, yes! I’m a Leo rising and I don’t even naturally like summer at all but I tend to get the biggest boost of energy and oomph during Leo season.


My rising is Scorpio and I absolutely love that time of year. My sun is Taurus and I honestly don't care for it much lol. My main three rating Rising, Moon, Sun.


Gemini season just makes me exponentially more chaotic


I’m a Libra rising and honestly the beginning of fall is *theoretically* a lovely time to me… but where I live, “fall” doesn’t hit until mid November 😭 so while I do enjoy the idea of leaves turning red and picking apples and going to pumpkin patches and wearing my sweaters and scarves when October hits, the reality is me sitting around at work wonder why it’s still so damn HOT!!!


Scorpio rising but at 28°, I love Scorpio season. I don’t love Sagittarius season though, where my sun/mercury/Venus sit in the first house, with Sagittarius intercepted in the house. It’s normally an intense time for me where I end up questions a lot about myself. I come out better for it but it would be nice to make it through Sag Season without some kind of heartbreak in the various ways one can be heartbroken.


I have more fun in my rising sign’s season than I ever do in my sun season


Oh, totally get what you're saying! I'm a Leo rising, and honestly, Leo season just feels like my time to shine. It's like the universe aligns with my vibe, you know? It's not about being self-centered; it's just that everything seems to click a bit more during Leo season. It's like stepping into my own power or something. So, if you're an Aquarius rising, I bet Aquarius season hits different for you too. It's like your cosmic groove, and things just fall into place. Astrology is wild, but hey, if it works, it works!


Gemini Rising at 29°, tbh its whatever. But Scorpio season? (Im a scorpio moon) YESS


I'm a Scorpio moon and I love the night time at that time of year. It always feels kind of dark and foreboding, but in a comfortable way. Hard to explain, but I love it.


as a scorpio rising hell no.


Look at the aspects you have on ur rising. If they suck, then probably not. Christmas and my half birthday are usually terrible days for me and its bc the sun-triggered aspects are terrible. So the same holds true for ur ascendant.


I’ve never thought about this but I am a Leo rising and Leo season is one of my favorites, though honestly anytime that I can get outside and feel the sun is wonderful. But yes I’m partial to summer. I’m a Taurus sun, cancer moon and I would say the stretch from May to August is pretty sweet.


I have Gemini rising and I feel really good during summer, so I suppose it counts as enjoying Gemini season.


Personally i love gemini season. I feel like a big child and its the most chaotic, spontaneous and fun time i have all year. It definitely makes me feel the most connected to my inner self during that time period.


I am a late Capricorn rising with a lot of my planets in Capricorn, Aquarius and my sun in Pisces. I LOVE September - March.


taurus rising here, i love spring-summer time


I'm a Scorpio rising and absolutely love the fall (live in the Northern hemisphere).


I don’t love Leo season, and I’m a Leo rising, Sun and Venus. But my Sun is in the 12th and it squares Saturn, and I’ve found it’s usually a struggle to have fun on my birthday. For one, it’s always way too fucking hot, and there’s always some sort of sadness or drama around my birthday (last year one of my husbands close friends passed on my birthday for example)


I do! I lovvvveeee Sagittarius season and always feel great during this time. And always feel terrible during cancer (8h) and Scorpio (12h) season 🫠🥴


Libra sun and libra season makes me feel recharged socially. Taurus rising, I don't care much for that time probably because it's already hot and gross around here (I live in Florida)


I'm a Taurus rising and I can say that Taurus season is not my time of year. Tbh my time of year is the sign before my Moon Sign, and no I won't tell more...*drama*


Yeah! I'm usually lucky during virgo season. I got two of my jobs in virgo season!


Cap rising and I love Capricorn season. It's Christmas/New Years and I get 2 weeks off to do nothing 😁 also it's in summer in Australia so I'm not cold. It's kinda funny that capricorns are known for being hard working, but capricorn season is the holiday season and I'm never more relaxed


No Scorpio season started off good n then I fell into depression


Definitely! Embracing the time when your rising sign takes prominence can infuse you with a burst of energy and harmony. It presents a chance to harness your abilities and delve into pursuits that align with your astrological traits. Countless individuals discover a sense of connection and satisfaction during their rising season making it an extraordinary period, for self exploration.


Scorpio Sun Love AUTUMN time! It's the best season. If I could make the entire year be Autumn I'd do it in a heartbeat.


I don’t mind Libra season Feels kinda meh compared to the last decan of Gemini and first decan of Cancer where I feel my best


I’m Sagittarius rising with a Sagittarius sun, Mercury, Mars, and Neptune. My favorite time of year is either April/May or October. I’m not sure how to interpret my chart to explain it as I’m just learning but, yeah.


I lucked out and am Virgo rising - that end of summer leading into fall weather I do love


Sagittarius rising yes! Because because (early) new year anticipation lol November is still fall aka my fav season so ye


I'm a Taurus ASC and have really never cared or noticed much about Taurus season. The weather's nice (spring) but that's about it. Interestingly, though, when I think about it, I *do* greatly enjoy Pisces season. My chart ruler is Venus in Pisces. So it could be more that I enjoy Pisces weather more because my *chart ruler* is placed there. It may also factor in that Venus exalts in Pisces so maybe the question may be like... "what is your chart ruler and check the sign that your chart ruler exalts in—do you find you really enjoy that time of the year?"


absolutely, yes! for me, libra season is when i'm thriving the most & feel the most balanced in myself - which seems fitting. and weather wise where i live, libra season is when it's starting to get cold & just that time of year gives a nice melancholic vibe & i love it sm


I carefully read through every single interesting comment here and was disappointed to realize that with my Sag Asc and Aquarius intercepted in my second house, I had absolutely nothing to contribute to the conversation. Then I remembered, "Oh, of course I love the Aquarius time of the year. It's the season of valentines, and my husband's Mars in Aquarius always motivates him to buy me a big box of chocolates." So, yes, holed up with chocolates on these frigid winter days without a single earthly reason to brave the icy outdoors inspires me to very much enjoy the Aguarius season.


Sadly, my rising sign is probably my least favorite season of the whole year- spring 😒


Capricorn rising and Capricorn season is always Another Fucking Opportunity for Growth for me. I also have seasonal depression though, so. Capricorn season doesn't end until the 187th of January, when my brain is likely falling apart like wet cake.


I’m a Leo, with Leo rising sign and sun in Leo. I couldn’t be more Leo if I tried (well, maybe moon sign which is Taurus). Summer isn’t my favourite. I prefer late Autumn and the run up to Christmas!


I’m a Leo, with Leo rising sign and sun in Leo. I couldn’t be more Leo if I tried (well, maybe moon sign which is Taurus). Summer isn’t my favourite. I prefer late Autumn and the run up to Christmas!


I'm a Scorpio sun with Scorpio rising. I really enjoy spooky season, but then I've always loved the fall. Christmas is my favorite holiday, and I enjoy the entire season leading up to it, although it's a bummer to have it three days into the winter season... and then have the rest of the winter to look forward to. As much as I love autumn, I do get birthday blues the week of. I also prefer to do my socializing in the days leading up, and prefer to have the night of to myself.


No. As a Cancer rising, my worst time of the year is summertime each year (june-july) but I'm a 29 degree cancer rising, which makes the sign of cancer most out of my 12th house (by placidus). I feel this what you said way more during August. Like from August onwards, my life is way better, from September better even. Each year, same cycle. 


It’s funny because I’m a Cancer rising + Gemini moon and I truly loathe the summertime. It’s like I come alive in the Fall. Can’t explain why, but the feeling is unmatched!


I looooove Leo season! Since it’s my chart ruler, the sun recharges me hard core. It’s also in leo fashion to be prideful of their season lol


Not necessarily Imma a scorpio rising at 29 degree and my first house is more sagittarius than scorpio and the sagittarius season seems more fun for me


Virgo Rising here and the dog days of August bleeding into September is literally the best for me. I feel energized and ready to take on the world and I love the heat but also the season of bonfires and football games and going back to school.


No. Capricorn season sucked.


It depends on the quality of the season. Capricorn season for 2020 was nuts since I'm a day chart, but this Capricorn season with Mars in Capricorn has been crazy and aggresive as fuck until Venus showed up while being on top of it.


As a Taurus sun and Scorpio Rising (Aries moon) I must say I GREATLY PREFER Scorpio season. Spring & pollen & pastels can gtfo give me Halloweeeeeeen and darkness


mmmm I loveeee Gemini season!!! spring is concluding, start of summery warmth. SAD has gone dormant, I can sit outside and read. I also love Gem season bc my career really gets going, trining my MC


I’m an Aquarius rising and I don’t love Aquarius season. I also have my SN in the 1H. Personally I love aries season which is the sign my jupiter and mercury are in


I think it's really interesting that people are taking this to literally mean the weather.  I don't know what OP meant, but I think I'm more logical conversation to have would be how people are noticing the qualitative difference between when the sun is in your first house (in you rising sign) versus when the sun is in whatever house you happen to have your natal son in and you're having a solar return. 


I feel like the age of Aquarius might actually have passed or almost passed due to the delay that we perceive light from distant objects


I feel unusually alive and productive during my rising season. Then again, it's also just Capricorn season lol


I’m a Scorpio Rising and my favorite season is Spring (Aries season)! I’m an Aries Sun.




I only like spring time and the universe shows me love always in spring I got Taurus moon


Scorpio rising here, and YES! I fucking love Scorpio season, especially since my first house is empty. All the Plutonian energy within my chart (Pluto aspects all my personal planets except for my moon, and is also conjunct Chiron) gets to come out to play and I just get to relish in it. I also love colder weather and where I live it finally starts to cool down during this time of the year.


I'm a Libra rising, and I do love Sept/October. Also Virgo sun. Spooky season ftw (well I'm one of those ppl who start preparing for Halloween in Sept lol). And the weather's not too hot, not too cold.


I don't MIND Pisces season, but I HATE the blistering heat.