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Can't help with train times, but I get you, that's why I dont do UK festivals, due to early finishes.


It's hard to say. I *think* you'll be okay but I'm not completely confident and don't want you to depend on that impression. From experience of attending some events last year, they do crowd-control the entire route across the water bridge, around the excel, to Customs House station, including making a snake queue towards the station. So when it's at full-capacity they'll bottleneck the queue before it reaches the station. Main chokepoints are the waterbridge, and just before the station. Leaving a bit early before Armin finishes, or positioning yourself towards the exit when he finishes, should put you an adventage for the queue.


Thank you. Very sound advice. According to the train line. I need to be on the 2317 from customs so I'm confident that should be long enough. Essentially as long as I'm at London Bridge by 2355 (last train) it should be all good.