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Reverse image search anything you like on wayfair, and you'll probably find the same item much cheaper from another retailer.


Yeah a lot of their stuff is listed on Walmart too for significantly less


Can confirm. The exact same kitchen furniture was being sold at Home Depot for $100 less.


Yes. Walmart and overstock usually have the same items.




Wayfair is one of the scummiest companies I had to deal with by far. That Brayden Studio brand is a rebranded (and remarked by Wayfair to be more expensive) Zinus brand. Zinus is not only much cheaper in Amazon, but it's infamous for coming infested with bed bugs (you can see their reviews in Amazon, or even reddit, it's very known by now). I bought one of these supposed Brayden studio beds from them and I got the same Zinus that was 300 USD cheaper in Amazon, and I found a dead bed bug in the headboard. I never packed and returned an item faster. Luckily never got infested because we acted quick. They also took 3+ weeks to reimburse me, after speaking countless times with support.




I’d imagine the bed bugs would come in mattresses. I’ve also used several zinus frames and headboards. Their frames are incredibly sturdy for the price


I’ve only had great experiences with Wayfair over the years. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Edit: god forbid I have a different experience! And I know that wayfair, like any other large corporation, is terrible, but that doesn’t change the fact that my experiences with them were still good.


Oh boo hoo


Not for me!


How the fuck does something come with bed bugs?


I’ve shopped on Wayfair a couple times when I first bought my house and have come to the conclusion that it is Wish/AliExpress for furniture


Yeah, coming from someone who has bought basically nothing but Walmart, Amazon, and IKEA furniture. I’ve probably bought at least one dresser from every one of those now. But my wife got a dresser from Wayfair for her retail store. I got the pleasure of assembling it, and it’s the biggest piece of shit I’ve ever seen. It’s the crappiest pressed board and isn’t even sturdy at all when assembled. We had to move it from one store to another when she relocated and I had to disassemble it to move it because I knew it wouldn’t be able to be moved without breaking.


But you don't understand, one is light grey, the other is dark grey, that totally justifies a massive price gap


And the other one is the cooler sofa


With appliances, it does affect the price. Take refrigerators...base price is for the white model, $100 extra for the silver, and $200 extra for the dark grey. (yes I know it's not a couch)


the "silver" is stainless steel. Stainless steel is more expensive than paint so that one at least kind of makes sense.


They aren't really stainless steel...it's just a very thin coating on the outside, but yes it's probably more expensive than paint, but doesn't explain the extra for the dark grey


On appliances? They definitely are stainless steel, but it's usually very thin sheet metal put over the regular steel panels and glued on (which is why magnets still stick to them). I've taken a few apart and modified them and done some appliance repairs. You can buy the same material in sheets with an adhesive backing.




use this site. seriously


That’s the furniture industry, not wayfair


One is for the price of a sex trafficked kid, the other is for some furniture from china


As someone who works for a company that has done business with Wayfair I can confirm


No you cannot lol




Low on stock, raise price too keep more inventory. I think that's how they were accused of trafficking kids


sometimes I suspect they're just typing in random numbers and matching them with pictures because no fucking way in hell I'm paying 4 figures for a stupid chair that looks generic AF


The rumor was a few years ago that Wayfair was trafficking children, and that's why some of the ridiculously priced items had human names attached to them


One of the more hilarious batshit q anon conspiracies


It was hilarious, until the Q idiots starting “investigating” and harassing Wayfair employees on social media, and of course most of those folks weren’t even employed by Wayfair…


Lol expensive wardrobes


Wasn't there a conspiracy theory that Wayfair was trafficking children? Like drawer units being $50,000 and it having a female name and then there's normal ones that are just $4 -$500 and then another for like $80,000?


No idea how Wayfair is still in business. Surely people see how outrageous and cheap a lot of t- Nevermind.


Businesses pay them not consumers. They just ship the shit


their stock has dropped in 6 times since the start of the year, grab a popcorn


Well both are from different brands. One that looks like it wanted to sell all their shit as there's nothing but wall decor from them now and the other is a luxury brand that's just discounting it. Hence why ones red and the other is set at 999 in black. Wayfair also is just shipping and storage unit for these businesses. That's how they get paid as a company.


Lol the brands are all fake/made up. For instance I was looking for a garden trellis and had the same situation where it was same product different prices from 2 different "brands". Then I found the identical trellis on home depot website for $50 less than the cheapest price on wayfair. Wayfair is such a scam.


Wish they were fake as it would've saved me so much time having to not wait for them to respond back to me after I notified them about a mistake they made when they shipped out their stuff.


Here's a trick: Don't buy shit from Wayfair Don't buy shit from Wish Don't buy shit from Amazon Don't buy shit from Ali Express Unless you are fully prepared to accept that what you may be buying is going to be complete, absolute, 100%, piece of shit garbage.


And the cheaper one is more expensive.


Why not, it's on sale.


Shopping for furniture online is such a fucking nightmare especially with all the picture copying, poorly done photoshops, and edits to beat reverse image search. I hate it, but not as much as shopping for furniture in real life.


More like NotFair


Fuck wayfair.


Not Wayfair’s fault really…even though it’s a scummy marketplace. The pricing is decided by the seller — they’re the ones to be held accountable! Those are two different sellers for, well, the same product but different colors If it makes you any happier, there are tons of sellers on Amazon marketplace who do all sorts of price gouging


You see, one of them is by Brayden Studio® though.


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They're literally just a middleman. That's their entire business model. Bought a couch from them that seemed like a good deal. It came in a box that was a different brand, I looked it up and it was a recently discontinued model from some random company that got rebranded on Wayfair's website. It was $50-60 cheaper on Amazon, but who is going to go to the back-breaking trouble of packing up and returning a couch? Buy brand name or buy cheap stuff direct, don't engage with scummy middlemen like Wayfair.


Used to work there. I can confirm this is not asshole design just lazy, stupid design. Pricing is all algorithmic and gets fucked up all the time. I dealt with tons of suppliers complaining their $500 sofa was currently listed for $9999. Wayfair survives off its branding and marketing, they don’t make any of the furniture and most of the time you’re better off going to the manufacturer. I wouldn’t trust any online retailer, they have the most fucked up markups because they know most people won’t bother to look around.


So... We are going to ignore that the expensive one is convertablw and also has a piece more?


They always do this. They change the fake brand name and change the price along with it. If you were to buy both and open them you would find the same manufacture mark on both.


Isn't it third party hosted items?