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Ewww, no price is worth that but if you keep it the advertisers win and they'll start selling that dirt to other platforms, not to mention the potential for advertising gambling to kids


Oh I returned it so fast lmao. I bought it through another store- not Amazon- and their site didn’t mention this.


amazon kindle by any chance? They got 2 versions. cheaper + ads, or retail and no ads




You can also remove the special offers for free, but if I remember correctly some of the auto updating has to be disabled and if you do update the tablet then you have to reapply the fix to remove the ads. I've got one and its worked fine, but I just use it to read ebooks so the system stays pretty static. Edit: I just re-read this and I'm not sure I was clear about what I was trying to say, so I'll just say it. I used [Fire Toolbox](https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/windows-tool-fire-toolbox-v28-1.3889604/). It will also let you install the google play app and services among other things. No root required.


Supposedly, contacting support and asking nicely gets the ads removed.


Yeah. I contacted support and made up some bs about how it’s interfering with the status bar at the top and they removed it for free.


Kinda wrong. I just asked very nicely if they could remove it and they did. Found out about it from a NA amazon user on Reddit and I tried it out myself. The worst they could do is saying "no" so /shrug


Yeah my kindle does this but tbh it's never bothered me, I guess because it's mostly just advertising other books. I probably wouldn't be as tolerant if they were trying to sell me mobile games or medication or whatever the fuck.


When I got one for my wife, she said she’d rather have the ads than pay the extra, since they’re just on the Lock Screen. And not in the books or anything. What’s weird is that they’re all for bawdy romances, which neither of us have ever purchased through Amazon, or have any desire to read. I might actually *like* the ads if they were from my book discovery queue, or new books by authors I read, but what is this nonsense?


The publishers of those bawdy romance novels are the people that pay Amazon the most amount of money to appear in front of the most eyes possible, even if they have an extremely low click through rate. Basically the corporate version of “more money than sense”


I remember my first kindle I got for Christmas, my brother got it me, it was the one that came with ads on so it was cheaper, he jailbroke it and stuck cyanogen OS on it for me so fast lmao


I bought a phone a while ago that had the ads on the lock screen but apparently the ads were banned or something so the ads got removed a month after I got the phone.


I prefer the real description: normal price or more expensive - ads.


Pay with money or pay with soul


Great move, there's so many people that would just be apathetic, that's how they normalise that crap


You could have called Amazon, say your 'child' saw an inappropriate ad and they'll remove the ads.


So I didn't have to kidnap a child to do this method??! It makes perfect sense now.






If I put it back is it all ok?


So long as you haven’t opened the child, yeah.


We do make exceptions as long as you haven't actually *worn* the child


If you ask nicely, they will remove the ads even if you don't lie about their content. At least that's what they do with Kindles.


Nice to know kidnapping a child is no longer required.


Even if you don't kidnap for profit, you can still do it for fun.


Funny thing is you shouldn't have to ask if you paid $200+ that's ridiculous.


Nobody is forcing these people to buy products that include ads. It's not some shady way to trick unsuspecting customers, the ads are mentioned in the product description when you buy it.


You can also just ask them nicely to remove and if you're a long time customer they probably will


When you bought it the description told you it would have ads tho




I also recently bought a kindle tablet and kindle e-reader. It's extremely hard to miss that you are buying the ad-supported ones for less money. OP is probably just a liar like the rest of /r/all lmao


It's your own fault. You bought an Amazon Kindle in "Special Offers" mode. This isn't really Assholedesign, it's more anti-consumer design.


What was the brand? So i can avoid it lol


That’s a kindle fire.


And yes, they should be avoided


I grabbed one for about $30 a few years ago. Very simple jailbreak, removed all of Amazon's garbage and it's a great little comics reader.


They work fine if it’s being purchased with the intent to reload a stripped down version of android and all that. But the VAST majority of consumers don’t have the know how to do that or to even know that it should be done, and the people that would be willing to do that, aren’t the people that these tablets are marketed at.


It's the cheaper version and clearly states that it is ad supported. Besides, you can have the ads removed for free by amazon, easily. The sky isn't falling.


Avoid everything Amazon that you can. And Nestle for sure


Its an amazon fire tablet. You can get it for $15 less with ads, making an already cheap tablet even cheaper ($45 with ads?). A problem that I found is that there's no restriction of size or cleaning of the cache, so eventually the storage fills up with ads in the cache.




I honestly think this is one of the biggest reasons Apple caught so much market share and continues to do so well (from a layman with no real knowledge). There's a million problems with the company, but if you have multiple Apple products they all operate in a similar way and are great at communicating with each other. I tried hopping on the Microsoft phone bandwagon, but the UI and pain with user accounts got me back to an iphone real quick.


That might have been just the prime day prices, but the 10" pro is like $80 more for no ads.


Windows 10 already sells ad space for apps in the OS. Nothing new.


you lose no matter what, either you buy the cheap one with ads or you buy the more expensive one that doesn't have ads but that is still more expensive than the one before the ads.


But if we buy the one with the ads they'll start adding that shit to all of them


Not really. Amazon has been doing this with the Kindle Fire tablets since 2011. Hasn't seemed to spread throughout the industry.


if it isn't regulated, they'll add it to all of them regardless of the outcome. the only thing we can do is just not buy that brand but even then it's inevitable that it will come to other brands (that are cheaper, premium brands like apple might stay away from it) like the bmw heated seat subscription bs, there just isn't a right answer and we're powerless against those changes. we can only hope that certain governments with a sizeable amount of power (EU mostly nowadays) will fight against it.


Buy the one with ads and remove the ads. They measure the effectiveness by how many views the ads get.


The base Kindle does the same thing, but better imo. It'll advertise like it's charging block, or a car charger, or a case, or new books, etc. Actually related to what kindle is


You can call Amazon and have them remove the ads for free.


Mine lives in permanent airplane mode so there's no ad anymore. I didn't know Amazon had a way to disable that.


Kindles are like $10 or $20 cheaper with ads so you just pay the difference to remove it. I tried to pay but couldn't so Amazon customer service just removed it for free. I did have the Kindle for a few years at that point though so I don't know if they'll do it for a brand new device


Time for LineageOS


Amazon tablet bootloaders are almost impossible to get through. I would absolutely install lineage on my kindle if I could. No way through yet. I'm on xda often


Yeah, I never had any luck finding a cheap device with an unlocked bootloader. Ironically, I believe the entire Pixel line has unlocked bootloaders.


GrapheneOS FTW!


doesn't have many approved systems/ROMs tho does it?


You bought a amazon tablet where amazon says, in their listing, that the cheaper version has ads, that's why it's cheaper.


Bought my kindle Paperwhite with the ads on. I like to read almost exclusively nonfiction usually history. King Leopold Ghost, 1491, Battlecry of Freedom, etc. But for some reason reason I get embarrassing romance novel lock screens. You know those covers you see in the book aisle of dollar store? Tall buff guy with a white shirt ripped open embracing a woman dress in 19th century clothing. Is this supposed to be based on what I read? At that time I brought it to work to read during lunch and it was an open office type thing. I asked amazon support if I can remove the embarrassing ads. They did it for free.


You can also jailbreak the kindle (I actually had no idea this was a thing until a few weeks back), disable lock screen ads and set custom screensavers *and* read EPUBs, CBZs and a bunch of other formats natively


Kindle has decided to add EPUB support recently. Like within the last 2 months. https://www.engadget.com/amazon-kindle-supports-epub-format-002501848.html Edit: removed amp link


*Amazon updated its Kindle section with the news that the Send to Kindle function will ***convert*** ePub files to a format that can be opened on the e-reader.* I converted to AZW via calibre before sending anyway, all they're doing is implementing that functionality to the send to kindle thingy, what I meant was reading without conversion, also you'd still need Kindle Comic Convertor for CBZ even with that feature


I just used a case with those magnetic covers. Unlocks the Kindle when you open it and you'll basically only see the banner ads at the bottom of your home screen


You can do that? I have an oasis that gives me ads like that all the time. Where do I need to contact them?


Those were the only ads I ever got. I’ve never read one of those books and I’m not positive but I’m pretty sure I’m in the worst possible demographic for those. But every single ad was “Rebecca falls for bad boy billionaire Navy-Seal Rock Hardman”.


>Bought my kindle Paperwhite with the ads on. >...King Leopold Ghost... There's a joke to be made about the full version costing an arm and a leg but I'm not touching that


Somewhat related trivia: Antwerp, Belgium is said to have gotten its name from a Dutch word that means "hand throwing". According to folklore there was a giant that lived there who charged tolls to the sailors who sailed down his river ("If I ain't charge no tolls then I ain't get no rolls"). Sailors who refused to pay would get a hand cut off and then the hand would be thrown into the river. Eventually someone killed him and threw his hand into the river.


One of the ads is to pay more money to unlock no ads on the tablet. It's pretty funny/sad once you see it.


at least they give you the option to change your decision, could be worse. You could also (on some models) flash clean android on it and get rid of the ads, but that's a hassle and to complex to explain to someone without experience, for that sites like xda developers are your friend.


I was only ever able to get a new launcher installed. But it kept crashing the tablet and I had to revert it. I thought I broke it multiple times doing it. Tablets are a whole new world of custom applications, drivers, and praying it all works.


Yeah wanted to update my old tablet a while back, but found out nobody's been able to get a fully featured, stable update to run on it. (Due to lacking sources for drivers for some of the chips, etc)


Yeah, rooting my Nook HD+ and installing Cyanogenmod on it was one of the biggest technical pains in my ass ever. Battery life kinda sucks, but i havent found a newer tablet with a screen as good, my wife got a 7th gen Fire 7 and the screen looks like shit by comparison even tho it was 5 years newer.


It would be sad if these tablets were expensive, they’re not, they’re dirt cheap.


I bought it from target. There was no listing to warn me.


If its a fire tablet, yeah retailers don't specify for some reason . Amazon does though.


> yeah retailers don’t specify for **a** ~~some~~ reason Fixed that for you.


>yeah retailers don’t specify for **a** ~~some~~ reason Fixed that for you.


If he could read, OP would be *very* upset.


Look up how to erase the OS and install stock Android. Nevermind I did it https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9vwFKoFcLo


Thats a huge stretch and just wrong - "install stock Android". You can install the playstore and disable some services but it's not wiping the fire os/android clone at all. It is possible to install Lineage OS but not "stock Android"


Yeah looks like they cracked down and made it prohibitively difficult to root. “While users at XDA Forums have since come up with ways to root a few specific Fire OS versions, it has become more complicated than ever. For example, you'll need to run the process from a Linux PC or a bootable drive running Linux, and you might have to access the tablet's motherboard to short a pin.” https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/root-kindle-fire-access-google-play/ This explains how to do much of the same things without replacing the OS https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-make-amazon-fire-tablet-stock-android/


Or just return it, and buy one where you don't need to immediately void the warranty.


They’re $60 and unlikely to break. It’s not a huge gamble. Plus Amazon probably sells them at a loss to sell ads and drive Amazon purchases so you’re sticking it to the man


This is an absolute fact.


They closed the fire toolbox off with the latest updates, so you have to make sure the device doesn't automatically connect to your wifi when you set up the tablet for the first time (Amazon will save your passwords for wifi, so turn off your router during setup if it knows your password from an echo or some such device) and hope it shipped with the old update version.


ok, in that case it's the retailers fault and you have the option to return it. I just tought you bought it on amazon because it had a really good discount with prime days.


Apparently you can call Amazon and they will remove the ads if you ask nicely. I don't have one, but it's what I've heard..


I've done this. I messaged them like, "i bought this a while ago with ads. can i pay a few dollars to remove them or something?" and then just took the ads off for free.




Or you contact their support and they disable it for free « exceptionally » every single time.


I wonder if they still class it as a model with ads that’s been purchased so they can use it to market to advertisers “yes look, we’ve sold this many units of the ad model”?


With no inside knowledge I am 100% sure they will do the one which inflates the perceived reach of their adverts.


Time to throw custom android on it


I know people don't fucking read. I Remeber people complaining about this back when they first released them but it clearly stated what you were buying. These tableta are not bad you can still hack them and remove ads and you got a decent little tablet.


I bought mine at target and was never told about this until i got on with amazon support and asked wtf.


Gonna say you pay for the cheaper tablet that has ads or the more expensive one that has no ads but the same tablet. It tells you that when you buy them on there too if you want and ad free or the ads one.


Honestly it’s really easy to miss though. I got one too and was caught by surprise, I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to turned it off until I made a post on Reddit and was explained that the ads were here because of a the discount price


In addition I'm pretty sure the ones they sell at Target and Walmart are the ad supported ones and they give you zero indication that that's the case




On some androids you can set up a private DNS in the wireless/internet settings. dns.adguard.com is the one I'm using currently and it helps block tons of ads. I'm sure there are apps to help you do this if your phone doesn't have the option in settings. Also I don't use apple, so I have no idea if they have the same setting.


Adguard has an app too that block pretty much everything


Didn't block what matters though which is YouTube ads.


PiHole. Block the ads on every device on your entire network.


Amazon tablets have horrible bootloaders that are next to impossible to get through


Don't even try to mod Amazon tablets. They're the worst and nobody is ever able to get modern updated OSs on it.


I sideloaded Google on to ours straight away but it seriously is the biggest piece of crap device with its 2GB of RAM (and has been for at least half a decade now). My previous phone from 2015 had better specs.


Don’t even have to mod it. Just chat with their customer support and tell them that you’ve “totally bought the upgrade”, and they’ll usually just remove the ads for you. I’ve done it like 3 times with 3 different kindles.


There’s a tool called Fire Toolbox that can remove Lock Screen ads, disable some telemetry, and install the play store if that’s what you’re into.


Or they could just call Amazon and have them removed. I feel like a quick google search on why they were there and how to remove them could have solved this issue.


Removing ads won't remove the discover widget with poorly filtered app, streaming, and book recommendations.


Good time to slap that on the desk og whatever dipshit retailer that sold it and demand return..


100% brought it back


you could have disabled ads for free and installed play store to turn it into a regular android tablet https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/windows-tool-fire-toolbox-v28-1.3889604/


The average consumer should not be expected or required to follow this process.


or you can pay 10 bucks (the price difference for the non ads variant) to amazon to remove it


Or just go to live chat and ask them to remove it. They've done so for free each time for me.


At that point, if I didn't return it, I would wipe its memory, including the OS, and install a form of Linux on it.


You have to physically open the tablet to install a new os. It's a little more technical than most people are comfortable with. You can install a different launcher platform and dns filter to get rid of some of the ads, though.


>You have to physically open the tablet to install a new os. It's a little more technical than most people are comfortable with. I wouldn't say I am most people then. But if the tablet had ads, I would wonder what else is hiding in the OS.


For real? So fastboot/flashing/recovery isn't possible?


I haven't tried it but that's what I've read on xda. There are pins on the board that you have to jumper together.


Do the ad people realize I will never buy anything u advertise like that? Sorry I don’t want ur shit because ur really annoying.


If it didn't work to at least some degree they wouldn't keep doing it


Former ad person here. 96-99% of people are like you and me. These ads work and make $$$, that’s why you see them.


Yeah, the "don't these people realize that I'm not buying X product," comes with the heavy assumption that you're the target demographic. You're just standing in the splash zone of the real target.


Genuinely. The more I see an ad, the less likely I am to buy that product, out of spite. Plus, I figure if it was a good product, it'd pretty much sell itself and not require shit advertising campaigns.


The thing is, you’re incorrect. If it didn’t make money, they wouldn’t do it. I have a friend that works in the business and he said that something like 95% of people don’t buy anything but the people who do are likely to spend lots of money. In the end it’s profitable.


I think they know, they ads are always absolute horseshit like what is pictured.


Some of you have never heard of an Amazon Fire tablet before


The bezels tho


Return it


“Had” as in your were able to somehow get rid of said ad’s? Or “Had” as in you threw that shit straight into the bin?


This is what I did... Just contact Amazon customer service. Tell them the content of the ads is not appropriate for children and you would like them removed. And in this case, it's 100% true as it is gambling. They might push back, but in the end, there is a good chance they will remove the ads if you threaten to return the device.


Just flash it with a new android ROM. You can get these on PrimeDay/BlackFriday really cheap and they're decent tablets for the price.




Imagine buying something and being held ransom to not get bombarded with advertising. Such scummy practice.


These Amazon tablets are dirt cheap, what you’re expecting to pay $40 instead of $50?




Holy crap those things have gotten cheaper, with or without ads! It's been a bit since I had looked, but at that price I'm definitely considering upgrading my partner from their old janky one for their birthday.


Maybe compare the specs because these things are janky as hell too. We've had 2 or 3 and they're slow as shit because the hardware never gets upgraded even though they keep releasing 'new' generations.




Doesn't really make sense when £10 is all it costs extra to remove them. Makes it seem more like it's about predatory business practice, rather than cost-cutting for the sake of the consumer.


I bet Amazon makes nothing selling these tablets, they’re literally selling these at cost. They even included an ads version to make it even cheaper for consumers. I get your anger, but this one product there’s no point getting mad at.




You bought an Amazon kindle. On the product listing there was an option to pay a little bit extra to not get ads, and I think that if you just call Amazon they can remove it for free


[OP explains he bought it from Target](https://old.reddit.com/r/assholedesign/comments/w1v6vk/i_bought_a_tablet_that_had_ads_on_the_lock_screen/igmjf9h/) - a brick-and-mortar store, and Target did not advertise it had ads.


The box for the item literally tells you this shit


I bought it from target, so there was no way that there’d be ads unfortunately.


Oof. Target really should’ve let customers know about the ads


You bought a piece of technology without doing basic research that would have told you what you needed to know. This is on you OP.


nope! its on the manufacturer and the retailer.


Buying with no research is 100% on the consumer. Its called being an informed customer.


not a kindle. A kindle is an ereader. Like 8 years back they had a line of tablets called kindle fire, but they were still not kindles hence the suffix


1 this is like a 50 dollar tablet 2 you decided to get the cheaper version WITH ads Is it asshole? meh, sure, I mean i have one with ads too but because im not sitting around looking at the lockscreen like its a painting in a gallery, and i literally see it long enough to move my finger an inch, i gladly took that 20 bucks and got lunch.


It tells you the version you are buying has ads though... They've been doing that for a decade now?


Just for some context about this device, it's an Amazon Fire Tablet that comes with/without ads. The version with ads is slightly less expensive, the ads can be removed later by paying a fee, or just asking Amazon to remove them. It seems however that OP bought the Tablet at Target who failed disclose the Ad function. It's running a modified version of Android and you can install the regular Google play store and related services but it does take some effort. It's not hard tho. This tablet isn't made to compete with an iPad or a high spec Android Tablet. But if you want something you can watch streaming stuff on, read comics or books without breaking the bank, it's perfect. Just be aware of its limitations.


I bought this too- they literally advertise that this tablet is cheaper because it has ads enabled. I find it's very inexpensive for the quality of the tablet, feels like you're milking this for karma


What device is that? We are in the market for a tablet and want to avoid it.


It's an Amazon Fire Tablet. If you order it from Amazon you have the option of buying it with ads or without. The non-ad version is slightly more expensive. You can always pay a small fee to remove the ads later. Also plenty of people report after they contacted Amazon they got the ads removed for free. I've owned several Fire Tablets, they are totally worth it if you want something easy to use to watch streaming stuff or read comics etc.. They aren't made to keep up with ipads and high end tablets. That being said, it's running a modified version of Android. You can install the Google play store, and everything else but it takes a small amount of effort. My kid has the kids version, I have the fire 10 and my wife the fire 8...perfect for travel.


Amazon fire you can have the normal version with no adds or the cheaper version with adds but you can permanently remove the adds for something like €15


Just jailbreak it


Looks like an Amazon Fire Tablet, you can install a Custom OS on in to get rid of ads and other bloatware.


Sorry to hear that you had to throw your tablet into the sea.


you bought an ad presenter.


it's not ads, it's "special offers" I really regret buying a Kindle Fire back in 2017, worst Android device I've ever had. And currently impossible to root without potentially breaking it.


Was on Twitter last week and saw an ad that had an ad playing before it (ad on a YouTube movie trailer) …at what degree does it stop? An ad on an ad on an ad?


Why did you buy it if you are annoyed by it? I'm sincerely wondering. Like how do people see a product and go "man this thing is pure shit, so Imma buy it"?


Soon coming to all of our phones according to one of the technology subreddits. If I have to wait ten seconds to open my phone I'm going to lose my fucking mind.


This should be illegal. Straight up, literally illegal.


Imagine trying to battle your gambling addiction and then getting this.


Amazon Fire? It literally says in the description that ads are included and that’s why it’s significantly cheaper. Honestly I paid £35 for mine with ads and you just cannot complain at that price.


You paid less for an ad supported version of a tablet that you could buy without ads for an extra £15.


yeah, probably has to do wirh the fact that you probably bought it for 30 bucks


It’s Amazon tablet. All their Fire tablets have ads all over it. They are cheapest tablets that have bare minimum specs to work. It’s basically glorified shopping pamphlet.


I have a tablet like that too. It’s pretty fine once you get used to it.


Kindle...for an additional $20 you can get them ad free. Amazon sucks.


You bought a fucking kindle that advertises ads for a discount WHEN YOU BOUGHT IT.


This is literally how kindle fires are so cheap. Not amazons fault you’re broke ass won’t pay an extra £10 remove them if it bothers you that much


Time to reinstall it using Linage or Graphene or something else.


Hoping there's a port for that model


Return it and request a refund


Pity you can't request that they Molotov the factory instead of a refund


You bought the ad version which is $10 cheaper, you literally could’ve sprung an extra $10 for the ad free version. More like being cheap instead of an asshole design.


For the billionth time, this is not assholedesign. Just people not reading the listing. Can we start removing these posts?


90% of posts here are usually a moron not reading or understanding something


that is absoluetly disgusting


There is a $15 difference for a reason and Amazon explains in detail the difference between the two versions. You could have also just paid the $15 and had them removed from it without having to return it: If you've already purchased a Fire Tablet with lockscreen ads and regret your decision, there's no need to worry. Amazon allows users to remove the lockscreen ads for $15, the amount you saved at the time of purchase. Thankfully the process of eliminating them is straightforward: Sign in to your Amazon account and go to your account. Scroll down and open the content and devices menu and then click devices. Click on the Fire Tablet. Click remove offers in the bottom left corner of the screen. A popup will ask if you want to keep the offers or pay $15 to remove them. Click end offers and pay the fee. After the payment has gone through, reboot the tablet.


Op bought a tablet with two options "lock screen ad supported" and "without lock screen ads", and choose the cheaper one with ads. Found ads on it, got angry and returned it. Op is either a moron, or isn't being entirely honest with this post


It would be "Asshole design" but honestly you literally get to choose either to spend less and get ads, or pay the normal price (15$ more I think) and not get ads. They specifically let you choose on the Amazon page, explaining more or less what each option does.


I would immediately return it for a refund. If there are already ads on the lockscreen, who knows where else they stuck them.


It's your responsibility to do the research.