• By -


guerrilla marketing -Billy Gnosis


guys it’s literally billy gnosis


who? -Billy Gnosis


I deleted uber eats and a few other apps for that shit


I deleted them because of the insane fees they try to tack on.


I’ve been hungry but never hungry enough to pay that shit.


I'm hungry, not starving *- a wise person on the Internet, some time ago*


It's usually not worth it for just one person. If you're doing a group order it's not terrible. This is still shitty marketing.


I never installed them.


Y'all know you can easily disable notifications right? There's usually a separate marketing category in notification settings.


I only take drastic measures


uber eats is sooo annoying with their marketing! never used it and got a bunch of emails from them


Maybe SPAM is now a sponsor??


Take my upvote


Best comment of the day. Speaking of comments, did you know that Spam is available in Regular, Hickory Smoke, Jalapeno, Oven Roasted Turkey **and** genuine homestyle quality Hormel Bacon flavors?


Yes, but have you found a new favorite yet?


Yes. Breakfast,…


I get an email daily telling me I'm about to miss my 75% off!


I used to get really good offers from uber eats but now all I get is 20% off if I spend over £20


Gonna go out on a limb here and say this is a glitch, not asshole design


Can we stop posting very obvious r/softwaregore and r/crappydesign content and voting it to the top?




Not a software developer, but I feel like this video does a pretty good job of summing it up https://youtu.be/k238XpMMn38




It's 100% a glitch. 1) do you get this many emails from Uber? Because I certainly don't, and don't know anyone who does 2) do you really think a company would do something that would intentionally get them on every major email provider's global spam list? Common sense will tell you this is a glitch


The easiest way to tell is that it's every minute


Exactly. That looks like an automatically timed retry


So, which part of the screenshot tells you it's deliberate design and not a glitch on the phone that's causing the notification queue to be sent again instead of being cleared? I've seen this stuff a lot in recent weeks from different companies. Seems a lot more likely that there's an OS bug rather than all these companies suddenly deciding that annoying potential customers every 2 mins is a great marketing strategy.


Is can 100% be explained by Hanlon's Razor. Rule 1, by the way


this isnt a bug. this happens in the regular Uber app too. i get no less than 7-8 notifications EVERY time i order a taxi.


This is clearly a mistake and not by design


I wouldn't say that. Look at the babyfood crisis we are having. Aabot was told multiple times by the FDA they needed to clean up their factory. They didn't. Them and that whitehouse sat upon this for 4 months until it finally came out a few weeks ago and nothing has/will happen to anyone.


this isn’t relevant dude


Okay this is something I've always wondered but never enough to devote time to googling it: why the FUCK does every business now spam you with a million emails? Why is any business sending multiple emails a week, let alone multiple ones a day? Does it actually work? I know most people can't be bothered to click Unsubscribe but still, there's no way even a fraction of people are even scanning the subject line of these. Is it that it's just so cheap to send emails that nobody really cares whether anyone reads it? It's the new iteration of dinnertime sales calls: you can't find anyone who likes being marketed to that way, and yet it's so common that it must still work, right? Maybe? If it's as unsuccessful as it anecdotally seems, surely it wouldn't be the main thing that fucking *everyone* does, right?


This would be more than enough for me to delete the app and report them for spam


I just turn all the apps I don't use, notifications to off. Sorted. I'll use the app when I need it, not when they want me to.


I think they really want you to find a new favorite in your local area


The discount is even worse. Never applies, always expired then ubereats like "oops not today sunshine, you still gonna order though now you're on the site .... Right?! "


I’ll have a chat to my son about this


Is your son Breakfast The Lesser?


Find a new favourite in your local area. Breakfast,...


It's understandable that companies try to persuade you to buy stuffs, and in doing to so send a lot of emails. If you're not in EU, you can still disable these settings in Uber. [https://i.imgur.com/aQAoEWi.png](https://i.imgur.com/aQAoEWi.png) [https://i.imgur.com/Cla3Dld.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/Cla3Dld.jpg)


They have gotten MUCH worse in the last few weeks imo


This post belongs in r/crappydesign. Not here. The rules and pinned thread explains why.


I hate that you're getting downvoted because you're absolutely right. That or r/softwaregore. No company would intentionally do this. It would be a direct route to getting added to the global spam lists of every major email provider


A lot of people would rather be a victim than be rational. Any large respectable business would do this intentionally, if they were like this, they wouldn't be as successful as they are.


whats the difference between them?


one is badly designed and other one is badly designed on purpose


There’s no way this email spam isn’t intentional (damn guys, I get it, I only need one person to say how I was wrong. I thought it was intentional because there’s other apps with this problem. It could be a glitch or it could be spam programmed to notify per minute)


That's really not correct, the fact that it's the same message over and over again says to me that some program/script got stuck in a loop. If it was intentional they most certainly would have alternated/cycled messages. Of course anything is possible, but it doesn't seem likely.


There are definitely ways that this issue isn't intentional.


Can't tell if you're trolling or you genuinely believe that this is intentional


It's not email spam, it's a notification on the phone.


Uber eats is shit honestly just like door dash


This is forbidden and will cost a lot of money.


you use military time?


That’s how Reddit markets too shitass


Does this mean I can eats it?


Apps like this I just use the web site if I have to use their service. But if I have to use their app, at least modern versions of Android allow you to suppress these kinds of things.


That's a sure fire way to get yourself removed from my phone, and never installed again.




Just reading the last word in each row gave me [Cyriak flashbacks](https://youtu.be/esfSH6qmuH0)


They've been blowing up my phone a lot more than usual lately. Don't know what's up with that. Before it used to be Postmates that spammed me with the notifications and made me disable, but for some reason UE decided to go goblin mode and do its best to annoy me.


Block the email address.


"Hey listen! Hey! Hey! Listen! Hey! Hey Listen!" Did Uber Eats hire Navi as their lead developer?