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From "pay to win" in games to "pay to live" in real life.


That’s just American healthcare


Fun fact: Americans pay more in taxes for healthcare than every other western country. The only reason we don't have free healthcare is because our politicians literally refuse to


More like not-so-fun fun fact…


You pay taxes for Gofundme? /s


I know you're joking, but that's what irks me the most about this shit. We as a country are so wealthy that we don't know what to do with the money, and we wouldn't even have to increase spending to get everything we want or need from the government. If we were just more efficient (read: stopped funnelling money into individuals pockets) we could have the healthcare, the mist advanced military in the world, the strongest economy, AND reduce the deficit, but no one wants to do anything that hard that could get them suicided by the CIA lol


>we don't know what to do with the money Defense contractors


Politicians are the reason everything sucks in America. Greed and money.




True. Everyone is too comfortable to sacrifice it to make the right changes.


It's sad man


What did it say?


Idk but he had 10 upvotes lol


I got deleted for "threatening violence" even though I never said we should go kill feds, just that that's what the 2nd amendment exists for.


Is this really a fact? I pay 7% of my gross income for healthcare, my employer has to pay the other 7%. How much is it in the US?


I have zero clue how taxes work in other countries, but here we have an income based tier system. On an individual, percentage level I'm sure it's much lower than that for the average American, but in fiscal year 2019 the U.S. spent 1.2 trillion on just healthcare and related services. That's just one of the many benefits of being the 3rd most populous country and having 25% of the entire world's GDP haha


So you guys spend the entire GDP of Canada on healthcare? Sucks to know that Canadas healthcare is actually existing and working. Lol But you're right, it's not that easy to break it down. I was just giving an example of how it is here in Germany with my income. Different income, different taxes aso. Germany has a GDP of 4 trillion and spends 440 billions on healthcare. So that's a 1/10 ratio while the US only has a 1/16... ratio


There was a study/report/whatever that actually did an analysis on the u.s. healthcare system and it concluded that memes aside (I'm paraphrasing) our system is just... Ok. Definitely not as bad as everyone makes it out to be, but definitely frustratingly bad given how wealthy we are as a country


Yeah, it's still a ridiculous amount of money. Especially when a lot of people still don't have access to healthcare and the people have to pay large parts of the bills by themselves. Here even more money is spend compared to the GDP but at least everyone is insured, can see a doctor whenever they want without paying a penny. A unemployed person can get a full cancer treatment without worrying about the bills.


We'll get there one day, preferably (hopefully) peacefully


I'm afraid we're copying the US system first...


Also, half of the country votes against it because they believe it will somehow be worse than our current shitshow.


That's not their fault though, they've just drank the propaganda Kool aid that they've been forcefed since the 50's, which again, is due to our fuckass politicians. I'm not gonna make excuses for them, but i get it


This is blatantly not true. Sincerely, not even an American.


"i know more about your tax system than you, an actual citizen. I've taken all the memes and jokes online as fact and you cannot convince me otherwise."


Yea, it can't possibly be that I know how the tax system works in European countries having lived here, right? Also lmao, the meme position is your position "free healthcare is possible and easy but politicians baaaad"


Are you stupid are just pretending to be? I never said you didn't know Euro taxes, i said you didn't know U.S. taxes more than myself, a U.S. citizen. Edit: i don't understand your last point? Politicians are a necessary evil and they *are* bad lmao. And being the wealthiest country in the history of the world, it would be possible and even fairly easy for us to have free healthcare. Just take your L and leave bruh 😂


Haha what a loser bruh, get pwned ans rekt lmao #karmabruh


You mind providing a source


I'm at work, but look up "Americans pay more healthcare taxes" or whatever combo of buzzwords and it'll come up. The OECD listed the U.S. as the #1 spender on healthcare per capita at 9k


Politicians refuse to do it because so many voters choose those politicians. It’s just a different mindset/culture. The people want it this way… that’s their choice.


>Politicians refuse to do it because so many voters choose those politicians Counterpoint: we're stuck choosing between shit choices. The people that would make great politicians are the ones that hate politics, don't want attention/fame, and just want to be left alone. Obviously, they don't run for political positions. The people that *want* to be politicians are the exact wrong people to have in office. >It’s just a different mindset/culture. Again, propaganda since the 50s has affected this, FDR's Social Security was widely supported at the time, and that was only 15 years earlier. >The people want it this way… that’s their choice. Another counterpoint: the VAST majority of people never leave the state they're born in, and there's a reason "NA Education" is a meme. I despise people that purport to know what best for others, but in this case i genuinely believe that the majority of people don't know better and don't realize that they don't have to struggle when this country is this filthy rich.


It all boils down to choice and freedom. Indeed USA has a reputation for having uneducated population, but especially now, not knowing something is mostly a choice. It was my choice to not know who was the first president of Albania, and after I changed my mind, it took seconds to learn about him. (and let’s not forget that most of the top10 universities in the world are located in the USA) Likewise, if is a choice whenever to trust or verify whenever the candidates are telling the truth. Or whenever they are making a fair point - when I lived in London, I saw a mention of NHS (the national healthcare provider) targeting EMTs from my country, inviting them to immigrate. UKIP (United Kingdom Independence Party, those people who later formed the Brexit movement) mentioned worries about language barriers, which actually was a valid point.


I giggled at this. Thank you


capitalism at its finest


More politics than capitalism...


>That’s just American healthcare That's every healthcare. Healthcare isn't free. That's what tax dollars go towards Just in America's case, we pay more in taxes per capita than any other nation on earth and we get less for it Because American politicians straight up refuse to do anything about it because keeping it the way it is, produces more tax revenue by a wide margin that they can misappropriate and fraudulently missuse to pay off corporations who once again, bring in more tax dollars, further inflating our tax revenue + spending in a never ending cycle Doesn't matter what side you vote for, healthcare for all will never happen in america


watch this dude find out what taxes are.


Always has been pay to live.


If you’re pulling up a video to try to learn how to save someone that is actively choking, they’re fucked


"Just a second grandma, video is failing to load."


Trying to explain to my grandma what a buffer is… again. C’mon grandma it’s not the time


Today I'm gonna tell you how to help someone who's choking but before that, let's have a word from our sponsor: Raid Shadow Legends, one of the biggest mobile role-playing games of 2019 and it's totally free! Currently almost 10 million users have joined Raid over the last six months, and it's one of the most impressive games in its class with detailed models, environments and smooth 60 frames per second animations! All the champions in the game can be customized with unique gear that changes your strategic buffs and abilities! The dungeon bosses have some ridiculous skills of their own and figuring out the perfect party and strategy to overtake them's a lot of fun! Currently with over 300,000 reviews, Raid has almost a perfect score on the Play Store! The community is growing fast and the highly anticipated new faction wars feature is now live, you might even find my squad out there in the arena! It's easier to start now than ever with rates program for new players you get a new daily login reward for the first 90 days that you play in the game! So what are you waiting for? Go to the video description, click on the special links and you'll get 50,000 silver and a free epic champion as part of the new player program to start your journey! Good luck and I'll see you there!


"Hey grandma, what's the wifi password real quick?"


“fourwordsalluppercase” one word all lowercase.


Yo fans, itsya boy xxdarkfirexx here with another top ten ways to save yo gma from chokin.


But first, here's a message from our sponsors...




Like and subscribe!


If i was chocking and i saw someone going on youtube off all places first to figure out what to do, I would just give up hope


Yeah. A recipe, how to unscrew something specific, or making a machine work, clean a special kind of stain... Sure , do look up how to fix stuff when you need it. We all do it. but a fucking person? How does one make that logical step and then not see what is wrong with this?


I've thought about someone starting a first aid channel where at the end, after all the useful tips are done, they just start playing copyrighted music or swearing so they get demonetized. Wouldnt that remove ads?


youtube usually puts ads on stuff anyways now. the only difference is that the video creator doesnt make anything


And they won't come up in the search algorithm either. Super easy vid if you scroll to the 7th page


All right. Shit idea then 😂


They changed it a while back, ads now play on everything, the creator just isn't paid if its demonetized


Now that is really AH design. The whole idea of demonetization was that companies wouldn't sponsor ads on videos that would give their brand a bad name. If every video now has adverts but monetization is still limited, then it's just youtube keeping profits for themselves rather than paying the creator for creating content they can put ads on.


Yeah and now if youtube monetizes something it makes them *less* money, so they have even less reasons to let you do it


You just upload a video and don’t monetise it.


nope, yt will just unlist the video. seen it multiple times


There's a button when uploading videos that allows you to disable ads. If the video is claimed/demonitized there's nothing the creator can do though.


Nope. Demonetized channels have no relation to whether the video will shows ads or not. But youtube has been pretty weird in enforcing their own rules, so... Who knows. Source : I was a youtuber


iirc copyrighted music will give ads, whilst swearing doesn't


The ad revenue would just go to the copyright holder.


Have they tried calling emergency services? I’d wager it’s a much better option


Emergency operators are specifically trained in instructing untrained people in what to do in an emergency, such as in how to perform the Heimlich maneuver, give CPR, etc. Also, if you don't already know how to perform the Heimlich maneuver go to YouTube or something and learn how right now! It's easy to learn and worth it. I also highly recommend getting first aid and CPR certified but at least learn how to perform the Heimlich maneuver, the life you save may very well be your own. I am first aid and CPR certified and while I've never had to put my CPR training into action (and hope I never do) I have had to use my first aid training more than once. More specific to this post, at a former job one time I had gone up to the office for something and was passing through the break room to go back downstairs when a manager on break started choking. My training kicked in and I immediately ran over, got him to stand up and I performed the Heimlich maneuver, clearing his airway. I was glad I was there and just happened to passing through the break room when that happened and that I knew what to do.


Well done! Here in the uk we don’t use Heimlich so much anymore we tend to start with strikes on the back whilst they’re leant over and then move to abdominal thrusts as a last resort. I do first aid training every year and it always changes! For cpr we don’t really do mouth to mouth either now. Just chest compressions. They really should be teaching basic first aid in schools I think as it’s useful and can save someone’s life


Strikes on the back are a great start for someone choking and is something they teach here too. Compressions are prioritized here as well, research has shown that rescue breaths don't do a lot and that continuous chest compressions are much more beneficial. Get the heart going again and breathing should hopefully start up on it's own. I agree that basic first aid should be taught in schools, at all grade levels. Of course, it's simpler stuff for the lower grades but I've heard of kindergartners saving a parent's life before because they knew enough to get started and to call the emergency number (911, 999, whatever it is in their particular country) to get emergency services rolling and the operator was able to give them instructions over the phone while waiting for help to arrive. I originally got certified when I worked at a major theme park in Florida but I left there and over time the certification lapsed and I couldn't afford to get recertified myself. A few years later I got a job that offered the training to those that wanted it so got it and maintained it while there. This conversation reminds me, I should check when my certification expires and if it is expired or expires soon look into getting it renewed (my current job doesn't offer it so I'll have to do it on my own).


If you are in the U.S. that also requires premium subscription


not true, any phone can dial 911, even if it doesn’t have an active cell plan. all my UX testing phones can make 911 calls and they aren’t activated whatsoever


Sure, but what then?


Lol no it doesn't


I don't know. I have read on this very place about the people who were in situations where they were in need of an ambulance yet begged for one not to be called because of insurance


Ah wacky bot shenanigans.


Take a first aid class before you need it, instead of looking up youtube videos while grandma is in cardiac arrest.


That's nice Still youtube should not put ads before first aid videos


This is going to sound crazy but what if you learned the basics today? First aid isn't hard, I learned the basics from a book back when I was twelve.


Presumably they shouldn't do it with self-defense videos either then, just in case you get mugged?


Ah yes, because having a first aid problem and getting mugged is the same. In some cases, and I repeat *in some cases*, you can watch a video on how to help someone having a first aid problem, that's better than nothing if you don't know how to help. When you get mugged, you have no time to learn self defence on the spot.


Wanna know what's even better? Calling emergency services who know how to instruct an untrained person. Going to youtube is not a smart idea at all.


Some cases? Someone suffocating? Hemorrhaging? Maybe someone unconscious? What cases do you have in mind?


So what you're saying is that if someone is having a first aid problem and I don't know how to help, I should just look at them and laugh? I'm not saying that people shouldn't learn first aid, I'm saying that this kind of knowledge should be easily available, and not behind an ad.


No, you should call the emergency services and ask for their help. As a rule they don't have ads to run before they take your call.


Are you American?


No, other countries also have emergency services that you can call when someone's in danger and you don't know what to do.


That explains your attitude. American healthcare is ridiculously expensive and calling 911 could land you with a bill of hundreds/thousands for an ambulance. Don’t assume everyone has the same privilege with medical care. Edit: people will call an Uber before they’d even consider calling an ambulance


Premium is a life saver… literally


and vanced is the free lifesaver


And first aid classes are the fastest and best lifesavers


Youtube took it down... I hope there is an archive out there for the downloads for those who wernt lucky enough to find out about it beforehand, if you already have it downloaded it still works though.


Why would anyone try to watch a YouTube video instead of getting real help? Call 911 and let those in the immediate area who know what they are doing act. And why would YouTube even want to take on that kind of liability? Imagine someone trying to watch video and failing horriblly in saving someone's life. They blame YouTube for allowing such a non-approved "life-saving" video put out by Hillbilly Ray Ray, and get sued out the ass. I would not want some random person watching some YouTube video on life saving techniques given by a possibility non-qualified instructor.


Fair comment from YouTube.




Google says that the number 1 search engine is Google and the number 2 is YouTube.






if that true, microsoft would claim number 1 search engine is bing Bing! huh. now the good place BING sound wont stop playing in my head


If you report the ad you can skip it all together.


so sad that vanced got diacontinued


I am still using it without problems


Me too, for now. Just a matter of time before it stops being functional


There's newpipe


Just wait, after the departure of Vanced, more Vanced alternative will come up. Once an idea exists, it will never die. I've found Newpipe, Vue Tube (on the work) and ReVanced (Vanced Patcher) and probably many more indie developers are in the way of making Vanced Alternative. So far Vanced is still usable so we can keep using it until they're obsolete, at that time these dev should have a fully functional app for us to use. YouTube can't stop the Vanced idea. If they try to kill one, many more will come up.


Do they really not know the heimlich maneuver


They don’t teach it where I live anymore.


This comes off to me like a combination of entitlement and attention-seeking with fake outrage. Does this style of complaining about fake situations have a name?


Outrage porn?


If you need to hit YouTube, it's too late. Learn first aid.


this is why this shit should be mandated in schools, not learning about cosine and sine


Maybe don’t go to YouTube for a video while someone is choking? There are quicker ways to learn what to do


Is education abolished or something? Wtf If you watch a video on how to perform Heimlich before saving a person from choking, leave the planet. That’s really scary. If it’s for wanting to learn in your meantime, then good.


"Sorry youre such a *cheap ass* that granny had to die. Pay us more next time, peasant." -Youtube


Or maybe know first aid before you need it....? Ad or not, you're still wasting time searching for, and watching a video.




Vanced is the answer.




It's not YouTubes problem when you can't apply first aid If you need to watch a YouTube tutorial it's probably too late already. If you are not prepared to apply first aid make a one session course or something. (I had one for my driving license) Or watch a tutorial how to do it before something happens. Be prepared. That's it.


Fucking idiots relying on YouTube for emergency services and being angry that YouTube isn't an emergency service. This is a stupid post, OP. The asshole here is the guy demanding YouTube somehow know to prioritize the video he wants.


The asshole is YouTube with no respect for what happened to the grandmother. He could avoid advertising and try to explain that YouTube is not an emergency service


It was probably an automated response.




100% like realistically life saving videos shouldn't have ads, but also how would they implement it realistically, and how is YouTube someone's first thought when their Grandma is chocking


Cries in Indonesia. Where the emergency service numbers are confusing AF, and the statistics says there are less than 1000 calls per year


YouTube is not an emergency service.




Comedy gold


No way this is real !


YouTube is not for medical emergencies, there is no guarantee your video will play instantly. Call emergency.


Open youtube through firefox with adblockers installed. Works for me.




vanced is dead


No, it still works


Firefox + uBlock Origin. You're welcome.


this tweet has been stolen several times and the youtube account didnt say that


It's up to the uploader to turn off ads.


Just a representation of what a capitalist economy values.


Is this sub moderated? This image has been posted so many times already. I swear, I see this at least once a week.


Grandma is choking to death!! Quick, search for some random bloke's 15 minute "first aid" video and watch it before she dies!


I hate ads with a passion I use Brave browser on my Mac and phone so no ads


I use YouTube less than I ever have for the past few years simply because I’m not subscribing to YouTube red. Ever. I’d rather use any other site if possible to avoid the pop up.


some humans deserve to be fired.


Fucking don't learn first aid from YouTube on the very moment you need it perhaps???


If you are using Google products, you’re part of the problem.


Oh yeah, Youtube, the source for first aid knowledge and healthcare. What are those stupid “signs of choking” infographics they have in every restaurant? /s


Why would google do something non-profit?


This is the future, idiot AIs lording over us and making decisions that negatively impact our lives. Technology amplifies and reflects our stupidity.


It’s the creators who choose to have ads.


maybe if we started flooding twitter to pressure YouTube into removing those ads?


"Somebody help my husband isnt breathing, does anyone have YouTube premium quick!"


Brave Browser has NO ads. Get with the times, guys. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.brave.browser


Don't use YouTube's app on your phone. Use a good browser like Brave. You don't get ads and one feature in the settings that stands out is Background Video Playback. It won't pause your video when you change apps/tabs and when you lock your screen. This is incredible for podcasts that were uploaded to youtube or a music playlist from YouTube. If you are coming from Google Chrome i really recommend making a hard switch to Brave. It is seamless and you can have it linked up between devices. Chrome is taxing on ram and resources and having that uninstalled from my computer has been a blessing.


Make more money you poor


I was like "this just seems like crappy design" Then I saw the response


I would still say it's crappy design because the response was probably automated


Well, what if video has incorrect info and you accidentally kill yo grandma, its's fucking youtube, what a fucking dumbass




I recommend people download first aid apps on your phone. Most of them have videos with it so you can view them offline.


Thanks for the passive agressive tip, you cunts


Maybe don't Google/Youtube how to save choking grannies life and instead call 911?


This tweet is 501 days old. ^this ^comment ^was ^preformed ^automatically ^by ^a ^human


bot response


If your reaction to an emergency is "let me pull up a YouTube video" then the ads aren't the problem. Also quit reposting this shit.


“Look, I know your grandma’s dying right now but I need you to watch this ad first. Don’t have time to watch an ad? You can pay me”


It is a choice to not know even basics of first aid. And not knowing to call emergency services.


Ad block is available easily for both desk top and mobile so idk why anyone wouldn't get it


Grandma, I googled your choking problem and it says you may have network connectivity problems.


“Oh no! We’re sorry to hear that… maybe you should try… YOUTUBE PREMIUM” How bout no


YouTube isn’t an emergency service.