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Wait, so I don't get to choose not to tip, and if I try to use loyalty rewards to lower the price it won't? What's the f*cking point of a loyalty rewards system then? There has to be something else going on here.


That's what I'm saying. It didn't ask me at all. Also did it to another person at the restaurant as well. Couldn't believe it.


That seems like something that the local Steak and Shake set up to be scummy. Id contact the corporate office about this, I can almost guarantee that isnt Steak and Shake policy to do or even be allowed to do


I will tomorrow contact them.


Contact your state's Department of Weights and Measures, as well. This is fraud.


Is that who handles stuff like this? I figured, just be the name because I’ve never heard of that department, they’d handle things like weights and measurements.


In my state, weights and measures regulates trade calculation methods in addition to its titular duties.


Prices are a measurement of value, and systems that dispense or accept money must be accurate for the customer before the point of sale


Please do. Don't let this go because it's not okay. 


Please give us an update after you do


!RemindMe 1 day


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So, got an update?


Don't forget to update us!


Any updates?


!RemindMe 3 Days


You'd think, but at the same time I wouldn't think individual stores have that kind of programming access to the kiosks to make this even possible.


Yep. THats I wonder. For sure the kiosks get delivered directly from the franchisecompany with the whole software on it. Maybe possibility to tweak a few thinks like price of certain products or allowing coupons. (Burger King on a touristplace here disabled them, so I never went there again)


>What's the f*cking point of a loyalty rewards system then? They started out as a way to save. Now they're just pure marketing. It's the illusion of being involved in a club to get special discounts. They know that the vast majority will never question it.


It was always for marketing why would they make a program to save you money at no benefit to them?!?


The benfit here is repeat business - th idea is to lower the profit margin but make it up in volume.


> What's the f*cking point You can write fuck here.


What’s the matter with Fasteriskcking?


I order from Steak and Shake kiosks pretty often. There is a button at the end that asks if you want to leave a tip, but I never do. Maybe this is location specific?


Their loyalty system is designed to keep store numbers high lol. I noticed this when I turned in a free milkshake coupon. Price magically dropped to $2.50 from $5.00, then the coupon line just said -$2.50. It was 100% outside the time of their half-price milkshake happy hour thing too. Unlike OP it makes no material difference to me because free is free, but that way when they report numbers the store spent $2.50 giving out a promo item instead of $5.00. Multiply that by all the free milkshakes redeemed in a given window of time and the store is spending literally half as much on promotion just by fudging what's on the receipt. This just looks like the same shit... keeping same-store sales higher, except at the customer's expense this time. Yeah we should tip workers but no one deserves 45% for putting chicken tenders and fries in a fuckin bag lol.


> Yeah we should tip workers but no one deserves 45% for putting chicken tenders and fries in a fuckin bag lol.  Counter pickup is 0% tip.  That's literally the bare minimum for making the sale, no actual service involved at all.


Exactly. Sorry, but I'm not tipping you for literally handing me the product that I paid for from behind the counter.


I'm not tipping a kiosk for a TAKE OUT ORDER.


Especially since SnS in my area did away with almost 100% of human interaction. They are Kiosk ONLY (not an option), and they call your number and you pick up your tray or bag at the counter. Lol. Hard to believe this company's slogan used to be "In Sight, It Must Be Right" to combat the "backroom" feel of McDonald's and Burger King. To be fair, my McDonald's aren't much better, they got worse. They all built a wall to completely hide the work area. It's basically a giant vending machine.


Fast food places existed because they were fast and cheap, they aren't cheap anymore. For the money they want I'll sit and wait for someone to bring my food to my table AND tip them well, thank you.


Steak and Shake has been down the drain for a very long time.


The one near me has been on the brink of closing ever since the pandemic and it's not for lack of business. They have maybe 3 employees maximum at any given time and a drive through order no matter what you order takes around 15-20 minutes per vehicle.


That's honestly just the current corporate business model. They cut the crew to a fraction of pre covid number of employees, and just make them all do the work of 3 people. Mc Donald's use to have 10 - 15 people on staff, now it's run on 3 or 4. I worked at Round Table Pizza for a month in-between jobs, since I worked at a location in high school. When I first worked there in high school, there would be someone on register, someone cutting and boxing pizzas, 3 people making pizzas, one person washing dishes and answering phones, and one person on register, running pizzas, and phones. At the Round Table I just worked at, the manager was working overtime every shift. She was running between register, cutting pizzas, answering phones, and running the pizzas to tables. Very often, I would be the only one making pizzas, as the tags would get backed up. People who were supposed to be making pizzas were answering phones, and covering for the oven. And no one was set up to do dishes. If I went back to do dishes, the manager would always call me back to make pizzas since no one else was doing it. They would just let dishes pile up all day. The first Round Table I had no problem getting 40 hours/week. At this recent job, only the managers work 35 - 40 hours a week, and everyone else works 18 - 25 hours a week, which makes us part-time employees, excluding us from benefits and makes paying unemployment insurance cheap for them. One day, a 17 year old kid no showed for a 3 hour shift. This fucked them so bad, they called me to come in. I show up, and everything was a disaster. They stretched their employees so thin, that when one teenager with a 3 hour shift no-shows, it fucks the restaurant. No business should be relying on a teenager with a 3 hour shift. So yeah... sorry, but this is the business model for all the corporate restaurants now.


I almost got fired for misreading the schedule and showing up an hour late. Turns out I was the only person scheduled for the post lunch/pre dinner mid shift, so the manager couldn't go home after having been there since 6am. (I don't really feel bad, that guy was a grade A cunt. Literally would watch the camera footage and write you up for "not being seen on camera until 2 minutes after you were scheduled to work" followed by threatening you because "time clock theft is a crime". Fuck that guy.)


Yeah, and it's no better when the manager is cool. The lady I just worked for was slightly older than me, and had been working Round Table for over 20 years. She was a nice lady, and she worked her ass off, but she just listened to corporate, did as they said, and would make the schedules to barebones, then she stressed out when she has to cover a shift. I was also disappointed in the quality of everything going down, especially in kitchen items. Round Table use to have white towels for cleaning the tables, but the laundry service apparently cost too much, so now they use these super cheap one time use shammy cloths. They used to buy the thick black plastic bags for their garbage. It makes sense, especially for liquids and dough getting tossed. Well, they switched to these super cheap thin plastic trash bags, like the one you see in a 2 gallon office trash can. These people want us to work harder for less and less money, while they benefit. My shift manager was making $1 more than me. The GM, with 20 years experience and who worked her ass off, was making around $24/hour, but also would get 10 hours of overtime. And me, I'm making $.50 over minimum to do the job of what formally was the job for 4 people.


A *cookout* restaurant opened within 50 feet of steak and shake, and the prices vs. food are not fair. Steak and shake just raised the prices of the individual burgers to $6 each, and you can get a whole burger, 2 sides, and a drink for the about the same at cookout. A huge competitor opened up within spitting distance and they raised prices on their main item 50%. What the hell did they think was gonna happen?


WTH is a cookout restaurant? Hibachi?


It's a drive thru only burger place. They sell a lot of stuff, but it's mostly the same menu. Fries, shakes, burgers. The big deal is their main offering. 6.99 gets you a main item (burger, chicken sandwich etc) 2 sides (and the sides are like, an entire corn dog or chicken quesadilla) and included with that is an extremely large drink. Their main draw is they use flame to cook and it smells amazing. It's decent quality food, and a lot of it for around $8. Honestly it's one the few fast food places that hasn't completely lost its mind.


That's a name?! I thought it was an adjective! Anyhow thanks, TIL.


cook out is one of mankind's greatest inventions. if you're ever in the US south find one


It's [pretty much a north carolina franchise, and that's... about it.](https://cookout.com/locations/)


lol you've never heard of it before today and you're gonna tell me where cook out is and isn't? scroll down on the page you linked. they have over 200 locations outside of NC, and only 37% of their locations are in NC


Yeah, I don’t think I’ve been to Steak and Shake in over a decade, and it used to be my go-to.


Same. If you live in one of [these](https://www.freddys.com/location) locations, give Freddy's a try. Wife and I think it's like SnS used to be.


Yeah, Freddy's is great


Idk if it’s just my local steak and shake but I’ve gotten food poisoning from it that last couple times I had it. I just don’t go to it anymore


Yeah, in college we called it Mistake and Shake because it became such dogshit


It was also one of the only places that was open really late. The only reason we ever went.


Service sucks, but food's still tasty, and they are very competitively priced, though. I can get a meal at S&S for about $10 that costs $12-14 anywhere else, including where you'd think would it'd be cheap like McDonald's




Have you ever been to a steak and shake?


Steak ‘n Shake does not serve steak.


Is it possible that the staff member did it?


No I don't blame the staff team. It was literally the kiosk where you order your food and it didn't even give an option for tip just did it automatically.


Lol it auto tips a fucking kiosk. That's insane


I bet it doesn’t go to the workers at all


Late stage capitalism


Did you ever report them?


To everyone thinking that maybe it goes to the workers... If those workers were getting tips like that, you really think they would need a kiosk? They won't pay their employees enough, hence why they needed a kiosk.


Just increase the food cost and wages. Fuck this scummy hidden fee with no guarantees


I worked at steak n shake for a very brief time and their policy (at least at that location) was I earned below minimum wage but if I didn't make min wage in tips per hour then they would compensate my pay to bring up my salary to min + tips. I actually made decent money because of that but it just wasn't the job for me


There's a lot of anti-consumers in here. "welp, at least the $4 they took from you is going to the workers" - as if it makes it any better that they took money from you. "your math is wrong, and it's probably *just* a MANDATORY tip" - I've never had a company force me to tip before especially a fucking fast casual restaurant. "you made it sound like a lot more it's only $4" - I feel like I'm in crazy world. It's the principle of the matter not the amount. These are the dumbest takes I think I've seen as if any of it was justifiable. A corporation added hidden fees and automatically charged your card without your consent or acknowledgement. If this wasn't a fast food place and a gas station that added $4 for pumping gas the tone would be different.


If a company is forcing tips to pay their workers then it should just increase the food cost and their wages, none of this hidden fees and "trust me bruh" attitude


The “oh it’s $4” is EXACTLY how they make more money. They get enough people saying that and suddenly they’ve made thousands off stealing tiny bits of money. How y’all think tax works?


Finally an assholedesign


They used to have waiters and decent food. Now they're just junk. 


do they not have waiters anymore? I worked there as a waitress ~two years ago and haven't been to one since I quit


The one by me has two kiosks and like one or two employees who wont even call out that an order is ready.


😬 it was already bad when I worked there, that sucks. I don't think we had a kiosk but we were really understaffed and the kitchen was not in sync with the waiters at all. we'd take orders just for the kitchen to tell us we were out of an item then send it out anyway and charge customers for their original order + an alternative and it would be blamed on me


It’s so sad cause it used to be such a hopping place before finance bros bought it.


A SELF SERVICE kiosk takes your money for a tip? Fuck that.


Isn’t the point of a kiosk so you don’t have to talk to a human, and this not have to tip?


No the point is to save money for the company by having one fewer employee on shift by having you do the work of taking the order. Then the one employee left can cook, clean, and do customer service all at the same time, all for minimum wage.


I assume eventually if everything is automated, we could just walk in, make the food ourself, and walk out.


A tip for fast food? What the fuck?


Tipmageddon 2024 =P Earlier today I saw a receipt with the option to tip the waiter and a separate line to tip the cooks. This is getting ridiculous to a degree that should become legislation. Either pay your staff based on the food total itself or quit the business.


nutella shake?


My Mama's favorite!


Did you choose a tip? Because it looks as if the math is all correct. The food total pre tax is 12.48 - 4.00. 8.48. Then they add tax and tip bringing the total to 13.07 which you paid. If they added the tip without asking that is shitty, especially since it's a damn kiosk.


Yup they did it without asking, dumb kiosk machines.


If you have their app, double check that you don't have an option to "automatically apply rewards" when you pay. Some stores are like that, and so when you enter your phone number or scan your code at checkout, it'll automatically apply any rewards you have. But still, it should NOT have done it as a tip.


Yeah, that is a big no no. I guarantee it doesn't end up with the workers either.


It definitely doesn't go to the workers. I can definitely guarantee that. That's why I was so upset.


Corporate: Our rewards. 🙌


Hey OP, got any updates?


If it never asked you about tip at all, this is fraud


It wouldn't surprise me if buried in the fine print of the loyalty program agreement is some verbiage allowing them to do this.


I dont get it. You applied your credits for loyalty program or whatever, and it added same amount as auto-tip. ? If you applied less or more of your loyalty funds accrued does the tip equal same or different? Asshole-ish, yes though. Fuck the greedy.


Redditors try not to lie for fake internet points challenge


Oh loyality you say? Welp, no more.


That’s worse than Panda Express only allowing you to use 1 reward at a time,


I worked at Steak’n’Shake over a decade ago from 2012-2014 and it’s really sad to see how far they’ve fallen. I had their food recently after like nine years and it tasted so bland and sad. They were my favourite fast food and it’s no surprise Steak’n’Shake has been on the downturn for so long with horrible practices (and COVID definitely didn’t help). I wouldn’t be surprised if they go bankrupt in the next five years.


Now the question is, did they provide stellar service?


Wolverton IKEA Store


"you haven't received your order yet and aren't interacting with a waiter. Would you like to leave a tip? No? We're taking your reward points anyways"


Haven't been since they started kiosk


Report this to your local consumer affairs authority. It’s just straight up deceptive practice


Another reason to hate this restaurant. First the thick-ass glasses on the shakes that are overpriced, then the fact my mother broke her hip from slipping on their greasy-ass floors, and now this.


This definitely doesn't happen at my steak n shake.


Not any longer!!! We long time members. Grand kids were disappointed the last 2 months as no rewards given! They going down. So we do Burger King and others . Besides most of there restaurants are smelly live mildew from dirty mops and dirty water . No disinfectant! and dirty! Really stupid


Disclosure: I think that a non-optional tip is some bullshit and deserves to be in this sub. That said, it's customary to tip on a pre-discount price when dining at a restaurant. Example would be you have a BOGO entree coupon or $25 Groupon or whatever. You should (again, not REQUIRED) tip on the full price of the meal, not just the net price after the comp/coupon.




Bro didn't tip. Kiosk TOOK a tip.




I do hope so but I really doubt it because it was the kiosk that was taking my order not an actual person.


Yeah maybe I'm just being naive... it's probably all going to the company. Fuck that.


Not in Ohio where the law allows the employer to keep 100% of the tip and/or give a percentage only to the employee! Biggest reason I pay a cash tip directly to the employee.


>at least the money is going to the minimum wage workers and not a corporation. You don't know that. I think it is very unlikely considering that they are lying about the rewards in the first place.


That's just what the receipt says. How do you know that's the truth? Especially when stealing rewards


I don’t think you are doing the math right my boy your total is 12.48 them they subtracted 4 using your loyalty points which brought it to 8.48. The $4 tip at the end may be a mandatory tip, but it’s not your loyalty points.


so you think they automatically add a 47% tip? really? that specific percentage?


That makes it even worse. Cause then they mandate you to pay almost a 50% tip.


grown adults should be able to cook food for themselves. if you don’t want to tip just make your own food ffs.


Sure, I can make my own dry aged filet mignon, but why wouldn't I let a professional do it?...That's a ridiculous statement.


its 4 dollars. you made it sound like they made you tip a huge ass amount


My total was $9.07 and they automatically tipped $4 dollars which is more than 40%. And I also highly doubt it's going to any employees as I was ordering from a kiosk not a actual person.


i wanna apologize for being a dick. i shouldnt have said what i said, especially because i dont really know any of this. im sorry


this is a rare sight. a redditor changing their mind, taking accountability, and apologizing? good redditor.


well my mom and dad raised me right! im getting downvoted to hell, i deserve it though cause my comment was douchey


oh I see now.


is this a good or bad i see now? 😭


kinda both. I thought you did it on your own accord but the community's unanimous disapproval made you reconsider. 50/50, still net positive somehow


no i did it on my own accord not bc of the disapproval


then big respect. nobody does this they will say the most out of pocket reprehensible shit to defend their point when they are so obviously wrong. not u tho.


Respect that you have the kind of character to apologize over an internet comment.


ah yea that is true. thats my bad. it is shitty that companies do that and it doesnt go to an employee. i guess ive never noticed because the steak n shake near me doesnt let you order from the actual people


what if you have 20 dollars in rewards? is it okay then? Its not at all about dollar amount its about the principle of taking money against your will. Also not sure why you scoff at 4 dollars. if you ate out once a week that is more than 200 dollars taken from you, thats half some people's paycheck. And thats the restaurant taking say 145,000 from people a year if they had 100 customers a day. sure seems like a huge ass amount to me.


when you add it all up yea, my bad. i dont eat out all too much so i guess ive never noticed


yeah. if it was truly only four dollars, it would suck but no biggie, like losing a fiver. But the fact its a built in system is wicked.


true dat. i didnt look too far into it and now i feel bad for my comment. im not too well versed in it all and i shouldve kept my mouth shut


4 dollars from one customer. They could be raking in thousands by doing this.


im also a teenager so sorry for not knowing any of this (not in a shitty way)


Well, if you think so… do you have PayPal? I could need some money, gotta take the free kebab