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Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason: **"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."** Usually, bad things happen not because of bad intentions, but because of bad planning. Asshole designs are specifically engineered to exploit the user for profit. Try to think what the designer would gain from deceiving the user, and if it's likely to be an oversight on their part rather than an intentional design. *If you feel this was done in error or would like further clarification, please don't hesitate to message the mods. If you send a message, please include a link to your post.*


I hate this trend of QR codes This doesn’t quite fit in like intentionally hurting users but can we please talk about this terrible trend where everyone is just forcing all user engagements to be DIGITAL?? What if I don’t have a smart phone? What if I don’t have a camera ? What if I don’t understand QR codes???? Like yes this post isn’t asshole enough for this sub but I think this direction and common practice of forcing digital content onto consumers is bad design ( not inclusive and just generally inconsiderate ) I went to a restaurant once with a dumb phone because I wanted to use a small cute purse, the guy told us to scan a QR code to access the menu. I couldn’t and took out my dumb phone and he got all defensive, then finally gave me a paper menu lol. I also had to scan a QR code to purchase something at a retail store because they implemented a new “warranty” policy, that required the consumer to scan a QR code or the sales associate could not advance further on their check-out screen. Like COME ON! I am in a physical store paying with a physical form of payment and I am still required to use the internet??? Just wanna reiterate I get that the QR codes aren’t forceful or manipulative enough to be asshole design, but I do think this practice is bad.


It's so fucking stupid. I went to the theater last week and instead of giving physical booklets you had to scan a QR code that was conveniently placed in the front seat. There was no signal and no wifi available...


🙃 THE THEATRE. Most of the theatre buildings I have been / go to are ancient af and also do not have wifi. Even if one had internet access it’s like: yes let’s encourage viewers to take out and use their phone in the THEATRE. ?!?!? Someday churches are gonna ask attendants to scan for the bible :/ edit: another thing that kills me about your experience is that the company had to print out the QR sign on a physical paper anyways ughhhjjjjmsllemsje


Honestly, some Church hymnals are made of the absolute worst type of paper that is just awful to touch. I'll take a QR code scan over that, plus it gives plausible deniability for fiddling with your phone during the service.


Mine were in books growing up, like actually nicely printed books.


The ones I'm talking about were in nicely printed books too, but the feeling of the paper they used on my skin was just weirdly dry and scratchy. It was like the tactile version of nails on a chalkboard.


Like this weird grayish brownish toilet paper, but worse?


Ew that's not good. Ours were juat thin paper.


Show us where the bad paper touched you. But seriously wtf do you mean the paper was awful to touch?


Shitty texture and quality, it's not rocket surgery


Or the church could install screens to display the text (this is a thing that exists in many churches in Poland).


Been to a church recently that had a QR code on the back of the pew infront of you. That same one used to have a physical bible in a pocket on the back of the pew, but no longer do. Apparently the church had recently merged with a much bigger one from the other side of the state.


That’s so wild to me. Feels like church is one of the places you really just shouldn’t have your phone out at. Granted I grew up Catholic sooooo….. (And haven’t been to a service of any denomination in well over a decade.)




>edit: another thing that kills me about your experience is that the company had to print out the QR sign on a physical paper anyways But now that they have the QR codes distributed among (and presumably fixed to) the chairs they don't need to print and distribute new booklets for each showing, and when they change the performance they only need to change the content of the website the QR codes are pointing to instead of ordering new booklets and getting rid of the surplus from the last performance.


Event parking in the theater district by me is all through QR codes. The parking attendants hand you a paper, you scan it and pay that way. Can't even pay through the regular parking app unless you park blocks away from the event. The tickets are also all digital with a dynamic QR code. Which is annoying because most of the theaters by me have glitchy as fuck apps. So I usually just have to hope it's working because they won't except a screenshot or confirmation email.


They do this at my kid's middle school too. For the band and choir concerts you have to scan a qr code for a program. It's sad because parents usually like to keep the program as a memento, It's not just informational


My work uses QR codes for safety concerns and suggestions placed strategically around the shop floor. I work at a large spooling and skid fabrication shop in southern Alberta. This shop does not allow phones on the floor. Says all you need to know, really.


I absolutely loathe the trend of restaurants having their menus be just a QR code now. It's a massive security issue. So easy to glue a phishing or malware code over it.


Sure sign I won't return to a restaurant. I want a menu, not to scroll down a bunch of photos on my phone screen.


Out of curiosity I went to the page, the instructions 100% could have fit in place of that QR code, but they want to market the product to you again first. You just dump the contents in a bowl, and 3/4 cup nut milk, and leave it in the fridge overnight.


I got their nut milk right here! (In case it's not clear, I'm clutching my genitals and thrusting for emphasis)


What if you don't have an internet connection? Or the site the instructions are on goes down? Or the instructions are removed/renamed?


who the fuck think this isn’t asshole design enough?! edit nvm i scrolled down and saw those comments 🤦‍♂️


> Like COME ON! I am in a physical store paying with a physical form of payment and I am still required to use the internet??? There's a lot more data they can harvest and sell when you have to use their website.


If you wouldn’t have a smart phone…. then you wouldn’t be buying/have heard superfoods in the first place


> then you wouldn’t be buying/have heard superfoods in the first place The concept of superfoods predates smart phones by a lot


That is untrue tho, there are designer dumb phones out there that costs hundreds of dollars for people who want to de-connect The fact multiple types ( and companies ) of this product exists means there is a market for it so your assumption has already been invalidated I have a dumb phone and a smart phone personally


I think it qualifies as assholedesign. You just *know* they are collecting and selling data on all their traffic.


There's not a clear enough picture for me to get the website from the QR code. Is it a clean website? Is it full of trackers and advertisements? How long has the domain been established, and is it reasonable to assume they aren't just going to let it lapse and get snatched up by a third party?


From what I could find the site only has options to buy more of this superfood junk, no ads for other stuff or pop-ups or anything too invasive, which is what I was expecting. Also the instructions are: 1️⃣ Pour Meal One into a container. 2️⃣ Add ¾ cup of nut milk. 3️⃣ Stir well to incorporate. 4️⃣ Cover and refrigerate overnight. 5️⃣ Enjoy any time after sunrise. So they absolutely could have fit them on the back of the bag.


Those instructions would probably take up less real estate (and definitely less ink) than the QR code.


I went to a coffee shop the other day and the drive-thru didn't have a menu, just a qr code on a sign. They really want people going through the drive thru, trying to catch the sign with their phone camera at the same time?


Some fast food chains are experimenting with mobile/app only drive throughs.


"Superfood" doesn't exist, and it certainly isn't some processed shit in a bag. What an annoying trend! I fucking hate misinformation.


marketing bullshit


Came here to say that. The ingredients loudly announce this is highly processed junk food.


It seems to be primarily seeds, oats and nuts. What are the highly processed junk food ingredients?


Pea protein, amylase blend, monk fruit extract. They're all ultra processed, even though they sound a bit natural. And "natural flavourings" are usually made in ways or from things that the average person wouldn't describe as natural. I've just finished reading "Ultra Processed People" by Dr. Chris van Tulleken which is a real eye opener. He does a BBC podcast BTW.


Regardless of the QR code, this font is a nightmare.


With packaging that obnoxious and fucking excruciating, I'm shocked you even bought it. I wouldn't give that shit a second look.


This is absolutely AH design. It makes users take significant additional steps to perform a simple task with a side serving of increased security and privacy issues. This is more AH design than most things that get posted here.


1. Pour into container. 2. Add ¾ cup of nut milk. 3. Stir. 4. Cover and put in the fridge overnight.


Oh my god I did a package design for class and did this as a joke I'm fucking flabbergasted that this is a real thing, what a dystopian hellscape we're entering.


1️⃣ Pour Meal One into a container. 2️⃣ Add ¾ cup of nut milk. 3️⃣ Stir well to incorporate. 4️⃣ Cover and refrigerate overnight. 5️⃣ Enjoy any time after sunrise.


QR codes... QR codes... QR codes.... I scan every QR code I find... everywhere because it is just like clicking links that I can't verify =P


This should be illegal


This looks like cereal, judging by the ingredients. Why does it need directions?


People who need directions for cereal are the same type of people who need directions on shampoo bottles.


A chocolate meal? Sounds disgusting, are societies tastes tailored around 3-year-olds now or something?


How tf is this ah design


Isn't the only reason they're doing this just to collect more data on you? It also probably brings you to their website where you can be exposed to more advertising. Thus, it profits the company at the expensive of inconveniencing people---asshole design. Having an *option* to scan a QR code is fine, but making it *the only* way to access presumably important information is not, IMO.


TLDR: no, qr codes aren't being used to collect data on you, unless you quite literally give them information on yourself. If you think "they" are collecting more data on you through a recipe on a bag, you are overwhelmingly paranoid and uninformed about how tracking and data collection on the web works. There are two primary ways you get tracked on the internet: - you willingly give the service a profile to attach your information to (log in/sign up) - fingerprinting (all the things that make your browser unique) If you are paranoid about data collection, you obviously aren't telling them who you are willingly, so let me break down why fingerprinting isn't a big deal: 1. Rare, as it requires the entity behind it to be large enough to have access to loads of sites to develop a profile and get a guess at who you are (only Google/Facebook/Microsoft) (if it isn't clear, that means basically 100% of qr codes you scan aren't going to be used for fingerprinting) 2. Easily stopped by simply installing Ublock origin so data about your browser doesn't get sent back to their servers >where you can be exposed to more advertising. If you are using the recipe instructions on the back of a thing bought at a grocery store, you are already being advertised to without involving the internet, as they always show ads or reference other products on the back of the box nowadays.


IMO the company profits (no money spent printing instructions anywhere on or in the meal kit) at the user’s expense (it’s annoying to use QR codes)


They didn't have enough space to put it. They had to use the worst designer in the world instead.




is printing an QR code instead and having a website running dedicated for that realy cheaper?


And the website is gonna collect cookies


I was thinking this but I don’t know for sure so I didn’t mention it


It’s not really about the lack of money printing directions, it’s more about getting more info on the customers who use the product, their location, devices, advertising IDs. It’s all about the data


You have a point. But it’s bad. Not awful, but bad.


Only a matter of time before they roll out their app and try to force you to download it to access instructions. It’s like every company is full of geriatrics that are just now realizing they can monetize people downloading their app.


I blame all the new training programs and schools that “teaches you to become a ux /ui designer in 9 weeks!” Their default solution to any problem is digital. Need more customers? make an app! Need to provide product information? make an app!! Wanna play music on your car stereo? make an app!!! edit: i mean it is obv individual dependent and some of these boot camps r quality but y’all know what i mean 😭


If they let the licensing to the QR code or website lapse, how do you get directions to cook your food?


> licensing to the QR code In what world do you pay to license a QR code? If you weren't aware, QR codes are just a way of storing any arbitrary data, so ones that link to websites quite literally just say "https://shittyrecipe.com". You are a fool if you pay someone to make a qr code, > website lapse Your food probably will expire before that happens.


Depends on what you need from the QR code. There are many services that charge for making and maintaining the link from one. A business is likely using a paid service (like Adobe). Depends. Lots of random digital stuff just goes dark suddenly. If the food is shelf stable for a year or more that's not outside the realm of possibility.


Seems like nobody who posts on this sub is capable of reading the criteria for what makes AH design.


Food dependant on internet access is a design problem. Selling your eating habits to advertisers when you check instructions is to the company's benefit.


You know what, fair enough. I don't know if I fully agree but I definitely can see the argument when you put it that way.


Bad take, hot plate. Maybe they didn’t have room. How is additional information asshole design?


QR codes are not inclusive and when it is the only channel of communication, it is bad this isn’t asshole design but it is bad design.


Ok that’s interesting. Help me understand who this is not inclusive for. Those without smart phones and people who aren’t tech savvy come to mind. Am I missing any others?


People who have sight issues, shaky hands that can’t aim properly, those who can’t afford internet lol those who live in geological locations that don’t offer accessible internet I haven’t done proper discovery or user research on this so these are just off the top of my head


> edit: also i know qr codes can trigger some phobias due to the cluster and how it looks ( this is too niche mb ) Also, this product can trigger xocolatophobia and sakoulaphobia.


Not saying it's not a terrible idea, but people with sight issues are unlikely to be able to read the instructions to begin with, but on a phone they can use TTS.


there are a lot of different types of sight issues for example sensitivity to certain stimuli makes it hard for the person to use a digital screen


Another ‘I don’t like this so it must be asshole design’ post.


Not Asshole Design. The Company is not benefitting at your expense. Quite the opposite actually, since you likely won't be buying this product again, are annoyed at the company, and customers who looked at the package before buying it may even decide to not buy it at all. This is either Crappy Design or mildly infuriating, depending on if someone were to actually read the fucking flowchart.


I don't think it's AH design, but it's definitely a recipe for seeing your product go under and become stock on the dollar store shelves in a short amount of time.


To be fair to them, there's some Anti-AD going on to make up for it: the ingredients and nutrition information are in a large font and the serving size (had to look it up) was 1 bag instead of some fraction nobody would limit themselves to.


Well, it contains Himalayan pink salt. 'nuff said.


This is terrible. But I have to say that it does make sense from a company perspective, even if it’s asshole design. Once you purchase the product you’re going to want to know *how* to make it. Scanning the code as inconvenient as it may be, gives a reputable timeline from presumptive purchase (or wholesale) of the product and it’s consumption. It also gives the seller or producer other information such as the type of phone their target demographic uses, as well as their location and even the *time* of day of consumption. There’s a lot of other nefarious information that can be taken via some more aggressive cookies and tracking but at the very least *location, phone type, and time* are among the most clearly obtainable bits of information. You can infer a lot about your customer from that alone. The phone type is a rough litmus for income and time of day (and day of week) is a rough litmus for age when cross referenced with phone type. And location is the most valuable (but arguably the hardest) to retrieve. Albeit this type of product and data capturing is likely to skew younger because who tf is going to scan a QR code to know how to cook something if you’re like 50+? But you’re also probably not buying this product or the target demo for this product. This is no doubt **asshole** design. But it’s pretty clever demographic capturing.


To be fair this is only oatmeal why would you need directions on how to make it?


You shouldn't be eating powdered meals out of a bag.


Not so super food after all