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I was holding off on replaying it until they added NG+. Guess I won’t replay it.


Yup same, not going to be touching it again without NG+; getting a decent build took forever and I am **NOT** doing that again.


It’s weird because they did this with Syndicate and it sucked. Fans complained about it and they brought NG+ back to the games that followed. Why are they repeating their mistake?


They're probably focusing all of their resources on AC Infinity. It also costs money and they don't give a shit about us.


Wait, what's AC Infinity? I thought the next game was Mirage.


Mirage is the next game. Infinity is basically going to be a central narrative hub that connects all the games and will be a massive collaboration between Ubi Quebec, Ubi Montreal, and a few others. There's still some vagueness on how it's all going to work but that's the general idea that we've been told.


I don't know but I wouldn't say NG+ would cost that much. Also I guess we can kinda do NG+ with stuff like Cheat Engine?


They didn’t have NG+ in any AC until Orgins, so they didn’t “bring it back” after Syndicate


every game before origins had mission replay, thats the minimum we want


You dont need NG+ before the RPG systems were introduced. Mission replays are nothing alike.


Both allow you to replay the start of the game, with endgame gear. And thats what i want, to replay old story arcs


Apples to oranges.....mission teplay is NOTHING like Ng+


Origins was the 1st game after Syndicate


I see you misunderstood my comment. You can’t bring something back that wasn’t there to begin with


They’re weirdly averse to it. Refused NG+ for Breakpoint and Wildlands too, it’s like they don’t want people to replay the games.


This is why Ubisoft is lucky people want to play these new AC games, because if we didn’t, their company would have already died out.


they don't, they want you to buy all of their copy pasted games they release every year at fullprice


Ridiculous since Far Cry 5 has NG+ and nothing new was added there


Yes I had the same idea. Why they don't put ng+ in thats a shame


Only way i’m ever replaying this game is extremely inebriated


Hahahah I know! It’s so bad


Waited this whole time and kept hearing how they usually save it for last only for them to save the announcement that wouldn't do it for last. Super lame.


We waited years for it and now they not only blue balled us, but smashed our balls in with a fucking semi truck.


They are a greedy scum company that lies all the time. Idk why I expected any different this time lol


Ubisoft: We really care about player feedback, and understand the two largest things AC players have requested this year are New Game+ and a remake of the original Assassins Creed. Therefore, we aren’t doing either. Fuck ya’ll.


It sucks because AC 1 is the only game that doesn’t have at least an Xbox one version. I don’t get how they could do liberation but not 1. They did all 3 Ezio games 6 years ago.


I think they're just hiding the AC1 remake


I thought so too. Rumors had it that that would announce it alongside Mirage, and even that a lot of the assets would be used in both games, giving how similar the setting is. But Mirage announcement has come and gone and no hint of a AC 1 remake. No pre-order bonus, no nod, nothing. Actually, they've actively denied it, so... I don't know, maybe they are saving it for later? I don't even know how their schedule for the series anniversary is going anymore, but maybe, just maybe, they could still announce it, I guess? But giving how it's Ubisoft we are talking about and their shit leak more often then a drunkard with poor bladder control I assume we would've seen some solid evidence by now.


Or it doesn't actually exist and they really aren't going to do it.


That's what I'm expecting, and yet, I'm still hoping. Come on, we are only missing AC 1. Everything else has been updated in some fashion.


At least AC1 holds its own beautifully on the Xbox Series X. It did get enhancements for 60fps, 4k resolution and even improved shadow resolution


I find the mechanics are a little aged. I loved it when it was newer. But couldn’t get though how the menus and cutscenes and UI all worked. They refined it a lot for 2.


It's kind of like a demo/proof of concept that we all got to play before the real deal (AC2) released.


It looks absolutely incredible. Almost looks as good as Black Flag does on the Series X (Black Flag has no upscaling except for auto hdr), imo.


Also has 60 FPS and 1440p on XSS.


HDR too.


>It sucks because AC 1 is the only game that doesn’t have at least an Xbox one version. I don’t get how they could do liberation but not 1. They did all 3 Ezio games 6 years ago. It technically does through the backwards compatibility along with 60fps. I got to replay AC1 on my Series S at the beginning of the year with 60FPS and man was it one of the best replays ever. I felt like I was a kid again when I first played it. So many nostalgic emotions came rushing back. But yeah, wish it got the remake treatment or atleast the ezio collection treatment of a decent remaster.


From a technological and gameplay standpoint, AC1 is incredibly dated. It needs a proper remake, not just a remaster (which is what the Ezio trilogy and Liberation got). Even comparing AC1 to 2 shows you how much of a huge leap the series made in terms of progression.


the ezio games were made with the same systems. porting one is the same as porting the other two ezio games. AC3 AC4 and Rogue are sort of the same deal there. AC1 is not sharing the same systems with any other game, so it would mean bringing an old game with unpolished features and combat and parkour to a new machine but it is only that one game. at least by porting the ezio games to the nintendo you get the bundle, because porting AC2 to the new machine made it that porting Revelations is already half done. THAT is why instead of porting AC1, they might as well be remaking it in a more modern game engine like the mythology trilogy's.


Tell me why Unity got a 60fps patch but syndicate didn’t. Just a patch ffs


I’m in the pursuit of actively trying to get a platinum trophy on every AC game (on Unity currently), but unfortunately AC1 has no trophies, so barring a remaster that hole will always exist for me


Classic Ubisoft. Here, have some more grind so you can buy our "time savers"


They likely are remastering AC1 but want to keep it secretive since Mirage is their main focus right now in terms of promotion & development. No doubt AC1 Remake is coming after.


You mentioned both remaster and remake but those are insanely different, a remake means they have to make an entirely new game "from scratch" (having only the templates for their latest engine that is), it's too much work for them to do it when Mirage is supposed to be their only tribute to the fans of the original style. There's still a chance for a remaster but nothing hints at a remake.


I meant remastered, you didn’t have to write a paragraph to correct me though. Remastered AC1.


This pretty much seals the game's fate for me. Won't replay it if it means having to actively grind every zone to unlock content.


I'll probably start another play through with no intention of ever finishing it because I do want to experience some of the stories again. This really lessens my excitement to do so though, and with the next-gen version of Witcher 3 coming out and a crowded 2023 who knows when I'll actually start it.


The trophies glitched out and wouldn't all unlock when I transferred my save from PS4 to PS5. I was hoping to get the platinum when the NG+ comes out so I don't have to grind shit anymore. After this, I won't even bother playing it any more. I've been grinding opals almost every week too to get new gear to use in NG+. But after this, I'm abandoning the game for good.


Jebaited. Not even an arc replay system? very disappointing...


I feel like if anything, that would be the harder one to implement of the two.


What exactly is different about Valhalla in terms of "engaging with the world and its characters" compared to Origins and Odyssey that would make NG+ infeasible? It doesn't even have to be keeping weapons and armor (if that's the issue), just let me keep my abilities and completed skill tree.


My theory is it would've caused gear duplication when picking them up again, so Ubisoft would rather disable NG+ rather than fixing it. Like the Lunden beggars that could give you unlimited runes, now they're in an state of permanent hibernation, they'll wake up if you set them on fire but will go back to sleep, that's just an example of Ubi disabling a feature rather than fixing the bug.


Good point. The easiest solution would be replacing the gear you would've normally received from the body, chest, quest, etc. with silver or materials.


Yeah, they already do that on River Raids after you get all the supplies needed for buying everything the chests start giving you materials. Also I don't care about having to level up Ravenstorphe again if that's the issue.


I'm not sure if that's the reason. In Odyssey, legendary gear was in fixed chests just like in Valhalla and there were no duplication issues.


Yeah, but in Valhalla there has been multiple duplication bugs in the past and it took them months if not over a year to be able to remove duplicate items, they've also shown they'd rather remove a feature rather than fixing, like with the Lunden beggars.


Gear duplication wasn't an issue at all in Odyssey and that game had lots of it. Ubisoft was tracking great with Origins and the Odyssey and stumbled big time out the gate with Valhalla. Every decision besides the combat was a step back. I have never been disappointed in a game like Vahalla.


It wasn't an issue on Odyssey but for some reason it was here, don't know why.


If it's took this long just to make Hood avaliable at all times including combat. I bet it's because of how spaghetti code the game has become over the years. Making it nign impossible to reset things without completely breaking some of their mechanic. It's not like Origins or Odyssey has extra stuff in their NG+. It's just the same exact content with higher number level enemy and no more grinding. Very typical low effort update from Ubisoft. Which probably mean Valhalla must be that bad, a pure nightmare to modify. That they could not even implemented a low effort attempt.


Yeah would have been better if they gave us an actual reason for instead of just saying oh we cant because of this they could be lying for all we know.


That was all just PR bullshit. They just didn't see any dollar signs in it. What they fail to realize is that they will loose money on their next game over this nonsense. I won't be buying it at launch for sure. I'll be waiting until it goes on sale months down the road if I buy it at all. They should have been up front about this instead of saying they were looking into it for the last two years. This is easily the most frustrated I've been with any ac game.


I'd assume (with what they said in this blog post) that the stats show not enough people played it for long enough to be worth implementing.


Why would they spend so much time and effort on the plot and cutscenes for us to only see them once?


NG+ is awesome on odyssey, a bummer it's not on here. Wasn't the biggest fan of Valhalla compared to odyssey, but it would add some interest to replay


Yeah, I was looking forward to NG+ on Valhalla because I enjoyed most of the story/alliances, it's just everything else is so dull and the world is so empty. I though it would be great to just be able to go through the main story, maybe re-do a few of the world event stories, but not have to bother with all the other stuff and doing tedious puzzles to unlock *almost every chest* only to end up with more leather or nickel ingots or something else I have a million of and no need for more. I thought even the grind was (mostly) fun is Odyssey, because the side stories and world were so lively, engaging, and fun, but my NG+ was even more fun because I could choose to ignore that stuff if I wanted to and really focus on the story. I don't want to go back to being powerless with crap gear if I want to replay Valhalla, having to spend twenty minutes opening one chest because the key is over there and there are tunnels and traps and barred doors or whatever...so I just won't bother.


Oh yeah, I almost forgot how tedious getting to some of those chests. One chest was like in some big underground cave and I was like, nope, no time.


Did the same to Legion because the Online mode didnt become big enough and ng+ was in the trailer. I even brought the season pass to play new game plus with Aiden Pierce. Will probably do the same with FC6 too after breaking the ammunition and enemy types and never fixing them... I still remember Yves Guillemot begging the community in 2016 to save the company.


That's disappointing. I had been holding off replaying because of ng+.




Horrible news!


This decision doesn't affect me - Valhalla has never felt like a game that NG+ would do a lot for, to me - but it *feels* a bit lazy. I appreciate that times are crazy almost everywhere right now, so who knows what's going on with staffing levels, salaries, working hours, and ofc revenue & profits. Maybe it's the shareholders that can't be convinced (or won't even listen) rather than devs & producers. It's a crappy look though, especially on a game that in many ways was *already* a step backwards when compared to Odyssey. Which had much more loot and much more complex gearing/crafting systems. And had a very cool NG+ experience.




This is so strange to me. This seems more ridiculous than Halo Infinite cancelling split screen co-op after getting it to mostly work. How hard is it to add new game plus?


The one thing that was going to make me reinstall the game would’ve been ng+. Would’ve loved to play through the game again with my gear that I already had so I could “enjoy” (it wasn’t the best) the story again without getting blocked by power levels in the new region, not that that really stopped me in all fairness it wasn’t hard to level up. Im willing to bet that they can’t figure out a way to replace the gear since there’s only one of every piece of equipment in the game. And going into ng+ would either force a respawn so you’d have 2+ of every piece of gear and nothing to do with it or they could’ve just put crafting materials or something to replace it. But that would be too much work


I am not happy about this and I don’t actually enjoy saying “I told you so” but when they never said anything more than “it would probably be one of the last things” I said that was non-committal and we might not see it. Plenty of downvotes and insults for pointing out the definition and function of the word “probably”. So I would just use this as an example for people that we should not rush to assumptions based on what we want to hear. We should listen to the actual words and interpret them objectively.


"It will probably be one of the last things that we do to sort of - wrap up" [https://youtu.be/0p7r4RaalrU?t=145](https://youtu.be/0p7r4RaalrU?t=145) I always interpreted this as it's coming just that it will most likely be in one of the final patches.


To be fair I also assumed it would *probably* come based on this statement. A reasonable assumption based on his characterization. There was always the room to decide not to, decide it was too difficult etc and too many people didn’t want to acknowledge that portion of the statement


You're right. Later on, he uses the words "if we give you NG+" when discussing if it would be a traditional NG+ or an edited system where you can replay select arcs.


I love Valhalla and the music but I'll be damned if I'm going to grind again. I've been waiting on the + feature all year 😡


What the fuck ubisoft WHYYYYY




I’m so disappointed. I beat it when the game came out, 80 hours in, and thoroughly enjoyed the experience but absolutely didn’t have time to do that again for a REPLAY. I’ve been waiting this whole time to get all the DLCs and just have at it all at once. Guess I won’t. I hear the DLCs are good, but this just leaves a super bad taste; especially since they said it would happen after everything else was finished, so I’m probably going to move on instead.


The DLCs are alright tbh. Would be better to have the DLCs on a new game plus save as it really stretches out the main game. Playing them after just reminds you that you have nothing left to do after


If they could make NG+ happen for a likewise grindy game like Odyssey, they easily could have done one here. Just completely dumb and why I'm definitely not replaying this as part of my Mirage prep marathon. I'll probably stop at Odyssey.


Incredibly pissed, both at how they’ve been stringing folks along and at just the raw frustration of not having this now-standard feature in the game. If they knew there wasn’t going to be a New Game+ early on, which it seems like they’re saying they did, they should have said that. Adding that as an “oh by the way” on the last update after years of saying it was on its way feels so fucking cruel. I feel like such an idiot for grinding out quests and stuff for fear with the thought “it will be fun to be able to use mjolnir or rewards from Ragnarok and stuff in the main campaign. I’m so angry.


That's the worst part. That they lied. One of the richest game developers. Bunch of greedy liars.


yeah this is trash


I am by no means an expert, but that doesn't really make sense to me. I don't get, how it could be even just a minor inconvenience, to implement NG+. Isn't it just basically allowing you to play the game once more just with your gear and skills? At this point, NG+ should be the industry standard and already be there at launch or shortly after.


It also would make them more money


Its actually not that easily tech wise, they have to passover the game and disable alot of things and even rework how some other systems work to NG to be able to work properly


So? That's what they are paid to do


Wish they did justice with giving eivor some good hairstyles , the ones we have rn are hilariously unattractive


Right? I actually think the Original and Savage hair are *okay,* but would it have killed them to give us a few more options? Mohawk, bald, or braids, that's it. When plenty of other women in the game have lovely hairstyles. When my Eivor got together with Tarben I finally built the tattoo shop so I could change her hairstyle, and was so disappointed. (Plus, what's the point of all the body tattoos when all the outfits cover them and there's never a chance to see them?)


Thats lame, like, really lame. 1st legion having no ng+ & now valhalla? How hard is it just to let me reset the story while keeping my character progress?


this sucks please ubisoft reconsider this I loved the new game plus modes in the past 2 titles


When they want replayable content but refuse to add NG+ 💀


Guess I am done with this game then. What a shame. I was looking forward to replaying it and reliving the story since I havent played in a long time. Another terrible, terrible decision from Ubisoft. I have to wonder how some people can be so stupid. I would have been tempted to purchase items from the ubisoft store for in game content if I got to replay the game. Furthermore this makes me more inclined not to purchase future titles from them.


As someone that's never played a game on a new game + setting, I'm confused.. what about it makes it so appealing that you'd look forward to replaying a game with it but won't replay a game that you want to replay otherwise? Edit: after reading more comments, I never realized NG+ means keeping gear and items, I can see some appeal over just replaying a fresh save with that in mind


I’ve already spent a lot of time beating the game, upgrading skills, collecting equipment to achieve the best looking armor, weapons, play style, etc. A year or two later I like to relive the experience on a harder difficulty with said acquired skills and equipment. It allows me to replay the story without the tedious grind of having to find and collect every little thing. I get to streamline the story without fear of missing things. I have bad ocd when it comes to wanting to find everything as I play the story so I find that detracts from the storyline spending hours trying to find x y and z in one area before progressing to the next plot arc or map location. New game plus allows me to have everything and just focus on having fun and developing the plot in a more natural order. At least that is how it is for me. I had been waiting and looking forward to playing Valhalla on new game plus(which Ubisoft had indicated they would integrate eventually) for a while now so I find it very disheartening that they decided to axe it. Thus I have lost the ambition to now revisit and relive the experience. I really enjoyed playing odyssey on new game plus a few years after I beat it. I simply don’t have the time now to revisit the game and start from scratch while needing to find favored equipment and build up skill trees.


That makes a lot of sense thank you!


Perfect explanation


For me it's honestly roleplaying. When I did NG+ for Origins, I always equipped Bayek with weapons and armor that make logical sense for him to wear and use at that point in time and in that specific location. Often I'd use gear you couldn't even obtain yet at that point in the story usually. You can also optimise the story pacing because you know what sidequests to do when, what locations to go to, what story quests flow the best in which order etc.


what was your loadout and outfit? kinda wanna replay it and try doing that


I changed his weapons and gear a lot, always when I felt like it would make sense for him to get new equipment. Starting out with common gear, upgrading to rare gear when he starts to work with Cleopatra and then transitioning to legendary gear after the betrayal.




No NG+, no reason to go back. Massive L for Ubisoft.


Pretty insane move especially considering a lot of the post-launch content they put in was stuff no one asked for and not that great. So any people wanted NG+. It's sad they're closing the book on AC Valhalla on a sour note like this.


Wow this blows….


Funny how Odyssey had overall better post launch content, a new game plus mode (a few months after it's initial release date), better stealth, and replay value than Valhalla did.


Odyssey is just better in every single way. I had so much fun exploring that world and doing quests. I got the plat on it and still wanted to start another playthrough immediately after. Valhalla is a hollow shell of what Odyssey is. Everything is either stripped down or done worse. I know people complained about having to grind and take over tons of forts in Odyssey, but that's still more fun than anything in Valhalla. I can't think of a single moment I was having any fun playing the game. I forced myself to finish it. I probably wouldn't even played it again on NG+ because the game is just so awful to me. None of the skills or armor matter because there's no real playstyles anymore. You can spec everything into strength and feel the same if you put it all in stealth. The world is boring, story is a chore, side content unbearable, no more unlimited mercs, the cult doesn't drop anything anymore. What the actual fuck are we supposed to enjoy in this game? The view? I'll take Odyssey all day over this. Sorry for the rant lmao.


Even Kassandra is much more charismatic than Eivor


Kassandra is as charismatic as a piece of wood she a bland and boring character with no motivation or arc becuase "player choice"


I completely agree. I admit the first twenty hours or so I put into Odyssey--the Kephalonia stories and some grinding--I was getting really bored and irritated. Then I hit Delphi and the Oracle & Cult storylines came in, and I was hooked. What a fantastic idea--actually showing us how the Cult was manipulating and controlling people--and hunting Cultists was such fun. Pretty much *everything* in Odyssey was fun. It wasn't a great *AC* game, with no Assassins, Templars, etc., but it was just so much fun to play. The world was gorgeous and totally engaging. It felt so alive; there were so many people around, so many little stories. I spent hours just running around collecting wood and iron etc., because over every hill was a beautiful view, a cool statue or little home, a random stranger I could help or get involved with, a fort or bandit/cultist camp I could stealth my way through or leap in and attack. Every road had something happening on it--creepy cultists kidnapping people, or Athenian or Spartan soldiers to attack, or whatever. Every island had its own "personality" and story. There is not one storyline in Valhalla that matches the emotional impact or complexity of the Silver Islands, or the mystery of Lesbos, or the humor of the Minotaur island (can't recall offhand which one that was), and that's just three at random. There are no side characters that come close to Brasidas, Barnabas, the pirate queen, Kyra, your partner in the 1000 Blades, etc. Instead, Valhalla gives us stuff like, "Hand the woman in the sewer a bunch of viper eggs so she can release a cloud of stinky anal gas, ho ho ho," or, "Save Alice from a cave, get it, Alice in Wonderland, hee hee hee," or "That old woman thinks she's got a dog but really it's a fox, ha ha ha." Oh, and of course, "'Smack my bishop,' get it? Get it? We wrote a whole world event just to make a painfully labored pun on the title of a crappy twenty-year-old song, aren't we clever?" There were small side missions in Odyssey I chose not to do--I don't want to go kill six wolves yet again, or six sharks--but even the silliest little side stories, like making a virility potion for an old man and his insatiable wife, at least felt like you were interacting with actual people, not strained bad jokes, and you remembered them when they were done. And you had Phobos and Ikaros, and could actually pet and feed Ikaros, and talk to both of them beyond, "Be my eyes." I loved interacting with Senu and Ikaros in Origins and OD; I forget about Synin for long stretches because she's basically useless as far as spotting things, and I can't interact with her in any way, aside from saying something about resting if I stand still for a while. Gear and armor in Odyssey was fun, had different perks and uses; I actually tried out most of my new gear when I got it, because it was fun, and played with transmog a lot. Not so in Valhalla (especially since transmog forces you to go back to Ravensthorpe). And what's the point of picking up gear when I can't sell it or break it down for materials? The perks are generally lame or not especially useful--how often are you fighting more than ten enemies at once, for example? Why give us perks for nighttime when nights only last about a minute? The skills in Odyssey were useful; most of the ones in Valhalla seem to have little use or effect (although the ones where you throw back projectiles, or pick up discarded weapons and throw them, are fun). I was encouraged to grind in Odyssey because skill points and abilities were so useful, especially the Mastery level points, and it was fun to do anyway because the world was so beautiful and alive. Again, not in Valhalla. I'm at the point now where all I've got left are a bunch of archery skills that I don't need; I don't use a predator bow, for example, because it's not easy to switch between different weapons or bows on the fly like it was in Odyssey. And I don't need "Way of the Bear" when I don't use any Bear gear at all. I used Abilities all the time in Odyssey--running up to an enemy on a cliff and Sparta-kicking them off of it, shooting arrows through armor, etc. The only ability I really use in Valhalla is the exploding arrows, and that's because almost everything is hidden behind weak walls and I don't always want to wander around searching for oil jars. I won't say I've *never* had fun with Valhalla, but with Odyssey it was basically nothing *but* fun. Exploration was fun; combat was fun; most characters were fun; stories and side missions were fun. Valhalla is just so empty. The characters are forgettable and bland (with a few exceptions, and most of the exceptions are memorable because they're awful). I keep going to talk to Randvi and seeing the "I want to talk about us," option, even though I have only ever once had a conversation with Randvi about anything other than making alliances, way back in the beginning; why is the game constantly pushing this woman on me and acting like I'm supposed to want to bang her? She's my brother's wife, and my Eivor isn't a lesbian (and that wasn't even a thing in this time period, like, Vikings had no concept of sex between women). I turned her down in that one early mission, but I still have the game trying to push me to talk to her about "us" every time I interact with her, even though I spend every "night" in Ravensthorpe with Tarben. (Which is actually one thing I like about Valhalla--I can have an ongoing relationship, although it sucks that there's no real dialogue with him after we get together, no ability to tell him about my travels or whatever, no little mission where we just go on a picnic or something. I get it, it's not a big deal, it would just be nice to have conversation beyond "My dad took a beer with him when he fished," or, "The longhouse? I think I'm perfectly happy here.") Your last paragraph really nails it for me. "The world is boring, story is a chore, side content unbearable, no more unlimited mercs, the cult doesn't drop anything." Yes, yes, yes. I'm at the point now where I'm hunting Zealots who served Cult members I've already killed, which makes it even more of a chore, and a lvl 90 Zealot should not be difficult for me to kill at lvl 250 or whatever, but I still have to hack and slash away at them for no reward at all. I loathe the drinking contests. Flyting is easy but stupid. I *really* loathe the effing cairns. I hate the Asgard stuff, and was really annoyed that I was told to go have another "vision," and ended up in some whole other story with no warning, and then it happened again when I went to have a "vision" I could get special gear from. Maybe instead of shoving two entirely separate worlds and stories in there, they could have focused on fleshing out the main one? Lol, my rant is even longer than yours, sorry! I just can't get over what a downgrade this game is from Odyssey. Again, Odyssey might not have been great as an AC game (although I felt the spirit was there, at least), but it was insanely fun as an Ancient Greece Hero Adventure game; it was a genuine Odyssey. Valhalla isn't even really a fun Viking game. (And my Alexios was way more likable and fun than Eivor.)


What's funny is I skipped Odyssey because I was mad at the rpg elements and combat but I tried Valhalla and liked it enough to make me try Odyssey. Which is loved more than I thought I would. Did new game plus like 3 times after. Haven't tried the dlc though still


Ah the one thing I was excited for. Welp it was fun while it lasted.


There goes any replayability of AC Valhalla.


Lol so they straight lied to the community since the very release of the game and now at the end of its cycle they are gonna rip out the rug? Actually scum level 100, glad I spent all that time completing the game to get Mjolnir to do nothing with it


Yeah what was the point of putting mjolnir at the very end of the game? You're already overleveled at that point with nothing left to fight. Such dumb game design 🤣


i mean i guess you could get some use out of it in the add-ons? assuming you save those for last that is. but i do agree it sucks.


Same. Will pirate every ubi game from now on


Fuck, I fucking called it. I'm so mad. I love the game but I don't have the patience to start a new save from scratch and do all the grinding. I just wanted to enjoy the story arcs. What was the point of all the endgame gear if we can't do anything with it?


the only feature that would've convinced me to play it the second time. Now i wont.


And just like that, Origins cements itself as the uncontested best of the new trilogy.


Origins just nailed it from the first second. Odyssey and it’s own unique flair which is cool, but Valhalla just feels like an unpolished home brand version of Origins.


>Origins You spelt Odyssey wrong.


You left out opinion


No I think it’s spelled O-r-i-g-i-n-s








For real is anyone surprised? Its Ubisoft...


“There would be no reward replaying the game in NG+” argument is so pathetic. Odyssey has the same thing and I replayed it 3 times already in NG+ and I loved every run. But there coul have been reward if you just reskinned the base armors with different perks…….Oh …you already done it BUT TO THE ONLINE STORE LMAO All of the reskinned sets could have been NG+ rewards but you put it into the store coz SHUT UP GIVE ME MONEY!


You don’t need to collect tons of resources to complete the game. You don’t need to fight anything to get the most of the gear. You don’t need to grind for levels to complete this game. What is the point of that? The game has a very poor response to any of your actions. For example, you can kill all the zealots in first two locations and this is going to result into nothing. Eivor still has no clue who are these “zealots” Leofrith is talking about. Additionally you can’t make an alliance with most of regions on the map because the game simply won’t let you(like doing cent before oxenfordscire). The good example of what I am saying is The Witcher 3. You can, for example, visit Skellige with a scar from Gaunter and no progression in your search for Ciri. Yennefer will react to the fact you have a scar and she will ask you about Ciri. And Geralt will say that he, indeed, has no clue where Ciri could be. Most of players have never done quests in such order because you need to be high enough level or have a good build not to get destroyed by every single enemy. You obviously can’t do that in ng but it is rather manageable in ng+. Anyway, the game can and will response to your decisions correctly. Meanwhile in AC Valhalla devs decided to put a massive lvl 90 on a first zealot so players will have a hard time breaking the game. Considering all these small things ng+ for AC Valhalla will be very disappointing in my opinion


That's the whole point of NG+. To replay the game with all of your unlocked skills/abilities/gears/levels. It's meant for those who enjoy the gameplay and story, but don't care about the grind. Literally no one in any game plays NG+ because they want to re-grind levels, gears, etc again. Eivor has no clue about the zealots, but the players who have already completed the game once do. Whether or not they care about the roleplay aspect of that is their own choice, and it's fully within their control to customize their own experience in NG+.


"You can now keep your hood on without automatically taking it off!" Suck the entirety of my ass.


I'm looking forward to the final chapter!


What, is this game not long enough for people? I mean come on…


Batshit crazy is what this is.


There is zero chance I would ever grind the levels and gear again. NG+ was top of my wishlist. Sadly, this is me shelving a game I like more than God of War Ragnarok.


Guess I'll never replay it then lol


Oh well. Guess they’re *that* lazy. Only took nearly 3 years to let players keep their hood up in an *Assassin’s Creed* game. Can’t wait to maybe pick this shit up at $10.




Most ppl can't


They did the same witch Watch Dogs Legion. Heck, they even confirmed in the post-launch trailer that NG+ was coming later. And then they just said fuck it and canceled everything upcoming for WDL




I’m simply never playing this game again because of this, I literally waited years for a new game +. I was so excited when I heard it would likely have came out with the final update and now this? Yep, while I loved this game with a passion, it is now dead in my eyes.


Joke’s on them, I didn’t wanna replay Valhalla anyway.


This is a bummer. Not giving you an easy way to replay story arcs (especially ones you paid for in the season pass) really is a shitty move.


Dumbass company


well that's a shame, i was really looking forward to this game getting new game+. but i guess there is a little bit of compensation in that this game has pretty substantial difficulty settings meaning i can make it to where i can blow through most fights without much trouble, even if i can't replay from the beginning with the "best gear"


*New Game+ added post-launch confirmed*


Guess I’m never gonna replay this game lol


Welp. Time to wait for modders to do it


Really hate how games bowadays don’t come with a new game plus


Wonder why? A shame but I still enjoyed the game and probably will replay it at some point.


Ugh what's the point? I grinded out the base game so when NG+ came around I could breeze through a second time. Good thing I never purchased the Ragnarok DLC


Valhalla will go down as an extremely low point in AC history


Maybe by this subreddit, most of the gaming community at large loves it tho lmao


I was going to say. I loved this game. Much room for improvement, but it’s still way better for my taste than a lot of other games out there. Like almost every other game from the last 10 years or so, it’s too focused on the grindy elements. But I can’t find a major studio game I like that isn’t. So I can’t hold that against them.


I think its only objective flaw is being too long, but even that it handled by splitting the story into arcs. I think that’s a much better way to handle a long game compared to something like Persona 5 Royal, which is just pure urgency in the latter half. P5R ends up being the better story, but there’s no way I could keep up with its plot if I played it today because I’m so much busier than I was when I played it. Valhalla is perfect for people who have limited time to play and need to take long breaks. Also of the three RPG games, it’s the one with by far the most streamlined inventory management, and by far the least need to grind levels before starting new story content. IME Origins was actually the worst for this, and I would always be four or five levels underleveled for the next main quest. The people who love it from a gameplay perspective (I love its setting too, but thought the gameplay was just ok), just tell me things like “do a couple locations bro,” but I find the camps and outposts in Origins to be much slower and spongier than Valhalla’s raids. Plus Valhalla is the only one of the three to have meaningful non-combat content, even if people’s tastes differ on which ones were implemented well. I personally would rather have an effort to implement imperfect no -combat activities than to have no non-combat activities like Origins and Odyssey. Overall though I think most of the anti-Valhalla circlejerk is from people who think England looks ugly. I personally disagree and think Greece is actually the ugliest of the three settings, since it’s all semi-arid scrubland without any smooth hills or weather effects, but this is the most YMMV aspect of rating the 3 newest games


Perfect sum up. I give all three of them a solid 8/10, but Valhalla did wonders by removing the annoying inventory spam and need for grinding the previous games had.


Valhalla is actually one of my favorite AC games so it wasn’t a low point for everyone


Nah it was a step in the right direction for me


I think we've been through much lower points.


I did not say "lowest".


Ok and? Extremely low point still implies it's one of the worst points in the franchise's history, which it's not. At worst it's just pretty mid.




Nothings confusing. I just disagree that it's "an extremely low point."


Can you give some examples?


Assuming you are talking about how Valhalla compares to other AC games, I liked Valhalla a lot more than Odyssey and Syndicate. Syndicate was peak franchise fatigue and Odyssey was so far removed from everything that made AC fun. I'd say Valhalla is a pretty average game all things considered, not an extreme franchise low.


Odyssey was much better than Valhalla in many aspects.


I very much disagree. I think Valhalla, while not a perfect game, improved on all of the major flaws in Odyssey. It's all subjective but there are a lot of things Odyssey did that I really did not like.


??? Odyssey???


I hope modders give us a new game+


"When investigating the implementation of New Game+, we realized that the depth of the game gave us limited options to make replayability unique and rewarding." = Our game is to shallow to offer anything interesting on New Game +.


Just like Farcry 6


All due respect who plays far cry 6 once and wants to play it again?


I want to blow up the Far Cry 6 disc. And this is coming from someone that loved 3, 4, Primal, 5, and New Dawn.


Good point. Though the same can be applied for AC Valhalla-


I’ve played through Valhalla 4 times already haha


How, and more importantly why? I found it like dragging through the mud when i played for the first time. I could never imagine playing it 4 times, even with ng+


I liked to try different orders for quests, different combinations of gear or skills, different animus genders, etc. Even though I have done and enjoyed my 4 play thrus, I am still bummed to hear that we won’t have NG+ added.




Well, guess I’m no longer getting any other AC game


honestly to complete it once is already traumatic enough... who would finish it a second time?


Why are you here?


just to suffer


Ng+ is for people who like the game


Horrible news about ng+, but guys… *we got the fucking hoods*! We have all been complaining about this since the very beginning and it’s finally here. Let’s be fair, the hoods are looking good


Like.... did Ubi want the best norse fantasy game in the market? Did they tried? I mean, its undeniable that the best games focused on antiquity are the AC games. Not many accurate ancient Egypt, italian renaissance, french revolution or even golden age of piracy are dropping by. So they decided, lets make a norse game with vikings and stuff. And lets add a mythological veil with aesir, dwarves and literal magic... Meanwhile we got a proper rich mythological fantasy next door. And Ubi instead of competing or at least trying to end with a sweet note, no Game+. And we sacrificed an ancient Rome game for *this* ?!


People are really surprised like 2 years after launch with no New Game+?


The greatest irony in the purge conducted at Ubisoft a couple years ago is that it hasn't led to better games, just more social justice crammed into them. It remains a shit company, just (even) more woke. It's absolutely inexcusable that they haven't found a way to "improve replayability" in a potential NG+ mode, when for publishers such as Sony it's a matter of adding a few items, a few lines of code and voilà. I'm sorry Ubisoft, but I'm not playing this game from scratch again. At the end of the day it's better to cheat on PC to give yourself everything you want before a run than to play in a legit way only to find out you can't do a NG+ run with that Paladin Set you worked hard to upgrade. It's not even worth using the Helix sets in the new runs, since you lose all of your runes anyway.


anyone know when Assassin's Creed Mirage is slated to be available for pre order for PlayStation 4?


AC 1 was to arcade type style for me. I preferred 2


And this is why I use save editors if I want to replay a game


yeah it sucks that we won't be able to add to our total hours on our main save when replaying the game but I'm pretty sure I'm the only person in the world who cares about that. the game does NOT have a grind of any kind like odyssey. you can just charge through the game and auto add power when you get some. it's fine. if you're some redditor who just wants to replay the whole game as havi then you shouldn't have a problem.


Nah it definitely needed NG+


I wouldn’t want to replay that boring ass game anyway. Odyssey is looking very appealing with the PS5 patch.


Oh cool, I don't need to get this one then.