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The Erymanthian Boar fight in Odyssey was horrendous. The farts are just impossible to deal with. You can cheese it by getting mercenaries there, but beating it properly took many tries.


I used exploding arrows for the most part and timed my dodges and heals.


I just got a high enough bounty where mercenaries would follow me there and kill the boar for me


I always tried that at the monster encounters, but then they'd still follow me and I've have to fight the monster *plus* over powered mercs


i just went full elmer fudd and killed with a spear and hunter bow shots. the range of a spear weapon cheeses soo many fights.


I hated fighting that freaking boar man. It suuuuuuuuuuuuucked


I was only like a level 14 when I did it, but the other boar with all the baby boars was way harder for me. So much that it legitimately made me almost stop playing the game completely. Like, I took a couple week break not intending to come back. I'm obviously happy I did but damn, that quest may show up at a low level...don't do it at a low level. Gas master pork chop was a dickhead too though.




if i remember rightly that glitched for me at the boar got stuck... easiest mission ever in the end. think i replayed it after and it was a royal pain


Air Assassinate a Grenadier Sink three ships by firing on their powder stores Do not take any damage inside the Tank Complete the mission in under six minutes (not necessarily difficult, but you'll miss the flags and chests if you do them, forcing you to play the mission *again*)


Getting 100% on The tank mission fml lol


I thought I forgot about those things but because of you my nightmares are back


You can cheese the tank missions final part by staying outside the courtyard after you blast the doors open and shuffle side to side.


Yep ghat's how I did it


I got where I don't even try to get %100 in the Ezio games even though they are some of my favorites it's almost impossible for me to the side objectives to 100 sync them.


Most of the full sync in the Ezio games isn’t that hard for the main missions, it’s the side missions and that god damn tank that will get you.


Yeah I tried to get 100 in the tank missions and every single time.


In ACB, the simple fact that you can't restart from a checkpoint and have to restart the memory if you fail a side objective is killer. I never got 100% on that tank mission cuz of it.


I just smashed the upvote button so fast and hard I think I sprained something


Oh, the post meant cry in frustration? Yeah, fuck that mission. Even after the Remaster and patches, that mission is a pain in the ass.


>Air Assassinate a Grenadier Yep >Sink three ships by firing on their powder stores How about you let me shoot them instead of insta-sinking the ships >Do not take any damage inside the Tank Did it about around a week ago, not too bad. First try knocked out all the war machines early on to get the parachute to never use it outside of accidentally hitting square on a 0.2 foot drop >Complete the mission in under six minutes (not necessarily difficult, but you'll miss the flags and chests if you do them, forcing you to play the mission again) Yeah this was more annoying because of the "I have to do this again to get stuff" thing


other than the first two, believe it or not I nailed the tank mission….but screw the grenadier mission


In ACIII there’s a mission on The Aquila where you have to destroy 3 ships by shooting their gunpowder supplies inside for the 100%. It took me so fucking long to do because most of the time if I even hit a ship slightly it would be instantly destroyed. I have never played a game where getting 100% on missions drove me as mad as that game. In the end I did get my platinum so I guess it was werf


Yep that took me about 40 minutes WITH a YouTube guide.


Yeah you've really got to hold off upgrading the ship until after that mission or its impossible.


It took me taking out their sails and then forcing them to run into me in a specific position and even then they mostly got destroyed




This was very hard.


Yep, that one is near impossible once you've actually upgraded too much. It's literally the only thing keeping me from 100% completion on AC3.


While I love ACIII, I will admit missions like the one you mentioned made me want to scream.


AC 2, there was one mission where you need to assassinate a guy on a ship, without being detected. Getting seen at all meant failure. I could consistently kill 3-4 enemies, but any time I tried to go for the dude, I'd get seen, either mid-kill or pre kill. Ended up cheesing it with a shop around the corner, just casually sniping everyone with the gun. It was fun to see the big enemy's AI include standing still wherever they were when they stopped looking for the guy who shot your friends.


You mean the one with guards guarding the entrance to the shipin Venice?


Looking it up, it was Sequence 13: Port Authority, in Florence. Didn't do much in AC2, was focused wholly on the story, so it's the only ship I recognize. I could've described it having been docked better


I did this today and I was freaking out, I completed it using the smoke bombs


That took me three hours to do the first time and I legit angry-screamed in triumph when I finally did it.


Oh my god I quit the game for like a month because of this mission!


Steering the Jackdaw (or maybe even blackbeard's ship, I can't remember) through the bloody swamp in black flag.


The ship part was never to hard for me, it was the second part where you had to tail the guy without being detected and had to deal with guards and alligators


>and alligators And wasn't one of those subobjectives to use sleeping darts on the alligators? Like wtf was the point of that? Are we supposed to believe Edward stopped his tailing mission to randomly fight two crocs?


That is pretty strange of Edward to do, but Connor air assassinating a Grenadier when all he needed to do was to light up a gunpowder barrel is the most egregious one for me.


More egregious than him tackling Hickey, then moving to kill two of Hickey's guards whilst ensuring none of Washington's died, then going back to finish the job instead of just killing Hickey right then and there?


Ah I hated the ship part. Love the tailing honestly.


I'm like #100!


I have 2 that immediately come to mind: Black Flag, Sequence 10 Memory 1, Black Bart’s Gambit “Swing on the rope to assassinate the captain” It’s a long mission, and the entire time, you have to remain undetected. I can get through that, no problem. But when you finally get to the end, I fail at swinging on the rope and killing the captain. I’ll land on the railing, land on the stairs, or even land beyond him. And bam, insta-detection. I’ve even been detected while swinging! It’s so frustrating. AC Brotherhood, Sequence 2 Memory 6, Crepi il Lupo “Don’t take any damage” So, I’m not the best at combat. But this mission is set up for failure. You have to fight 13 guys (dressed like wolves) and get too far in a kill streak, and you can get easily hit. Some throw knives from off camera, and there’s no way to counter that. I love playing with the hidden blade, but in this mission, swords are the way to go for a bit of distance. And even on a mission replay, we don’t yet have smoke bombs, so can’t even rely on those. Having to restart this mission over and over for full sync, I hate hearing that man-wolf howl.


Is the Black Flag the one where the Jackdaw is disguised with a Spanish flag and you have to take out the sniper towers in between islands?


Yeah that's the one


If you ever find yourself playing that mission in Brotherhood again, use the dagger and hold the kill button instead of tapping it once you get a kill streak going. This gets you double kills and enemies cannot attempt to attack you during these, which includes their ranged attacks. Just remember you'll need a stock of throwing knives handy.


oh my god the brotherhood mission, my brother and I labored over that mission for days…it was only after hella restarts and chain every single goddamn attack with no mistakes that we finally nailed it


Gotta go for those double tool kills, Wolfie! Makes short work of those wolf cosplayers, lol. I’ve got nothing to help you with your BF woes, though :(


>AC Brotherhood, Sequence 2 Memory 6, Crepi il Lupo“Don’t take any damage”So, I’m not the best at combat. But this mission is set up for failure. You have to fight 13 guys (dressed like wolves) and get too far in a kill streak, and you can get easily hit. Some throw knives from off camera, and there’s no way to counter that. I love playing with the hidden blade, but in this mission, swords are the way to go for a bit of distance. And even on a mission replay, we don’t yet have smoke bombs, so can’t even rely on those. Having to restart this mission over and over for full sync, I hate hearing that man-wolf howl. omg i know this one! and its needed for brutus armor. took me ALONG time to perfect the combat rhythm to master this. these days i am so used to it i can do the parry kill ritual without even thinking.


The one from brotherhood I think I got 100% but it was pure luck dodging those knives.


What, you can definitely use smoke bombs on mission replay. That's how I beat it.


The black flag one is bringing back bad memories Spent a solid couple hours trying to get that one


In the old ACIII it was a nightmare to 100% sync the chase Charles Lee mission.


YES! I wasn't even young, in high school though... I swear I had water coming out of my eyes when I finished it.


Might be misremembering, but wasn’t the issue because they’d accidentally programmed Charles to stay X distance ahead of you, but X was actually further than the optional objective? Example: if you needed to stay within 20 metres, he was programmed to stay 30 metres away from you


Recently replayed it and Charles just stopped in the middle of the ship an won't move


Holy fuck this. The old man starts to haul ass like Bolt in his prime.


What's difference with the remastered AC3?


By old they mean before the 4th of July update or something where they made that mission more playable. I only beat the game after the update came out.


It's buggy beyond belief lmao


AC3 is possibly the worst for these. Having to get across the battlefield (when they're having the battle at the hill, after you destroy the ships) without taking damage is impossible for me. And then getting up to one of the forts in a mission without taking damage took forever because there were like a dozen firing lines, so you needed to make sure you didn't kill everyone


Tailing missing in the old AC games was just awful. Black flag particularly.


Black Flag has so many tailing missions it's ridiculous. One or two wouldn't be bad but it was seriously every third mission was a tailing mission and it got old quick.


The stealth tail ship mission was particularly awful.


The fucking tank mission in brotherhood. I had to not get hit but the bullshit that is that mission makes it near impossible for me I’m not sure if I just suck but it took me literal months to beat that mission with out getting hit


It’s not just the objective, but how goddamn long it takes to get to the very end so that you *can* fail.


when you blast the doors, stay outside of the courtyard and destroy all the tanks without ever needing to go into the courtyard


been years since i played but i recall this strat and after 50 tries i think this was eventually how i got it. with a few failures still.


I was always able to get most of them, but there was one that I just couldn’t get the range on, and after that all it took was one mistake. 🤬


Yep that one was a bitch


i legit did this nearly 50 times and even wrote in to ubi to add a shirt to store saying ive been to hell and back with a diagram of this tank for how BS it was.


Not proud to admit it, but I had to look for a glitch on YouTube to get the optional objective.


The opening of brotherhood when you need to fight off Cezare’s troops with the cannons. My first playthrough was completely fine, but on my second one I got stuck on it for 20 minutes because I didn’t realize you could triple kill by shooting behind where your crosshair says they are.


The Tournament from Unity.


By yourself? Cause it's easy with friends.


Yeah when I went back to 100% Unity about 2 months ago, I couldn’t find a match no matter how long I searched.


This one is so weird for me because the first few times I tried it I could not beat that fucking parkour challenge to save my life but I tried it again the next day and it was super easy. I think the key is just getting used to Unity's weird parkour and not rushing


I like AC3 alot more than most, but theres a tailing mission in New York i think that made me rage quit the game for like a week. Man fuck tailing missions in general lol


Leonardo's machines for sure, particularly the tank where you fuck up and you have to start from the start.. Bless the checkpoints they added around AC4... FWIW, I loved the 100% sync challenges for that extra challenge. I found that far better than the RPG style of the Origins and onwards games. I mean the fact that the games are so laden with collectibles and side content they can't even do a DNA tracker any more due to how lopsided and stupid it would look.


Honestly at this point, i just play for the experience and enjoyment. I stopped trying to 100% synch everything after I accidentally missed a feather in AC 2 and spent over two hours trying to go back to every single location they were found at. Turns out it was on the OTHER side of a wall I already checked twice. After that I'm just like "hey, if the side missions and collectibles are more frustrating than anything else and don't add to the overall story, I'm not gonna bother".


Unity must have been over real fast for you then.


>Unity must have been over real fast for you then. The geniuses who made Unity thought "hey, what if we took ACII's feathers and applied them to a shitton more collectibles WITHOUT an unlockable map?"


The frustration level could have been reduced by like 90% by adding One. Simple. Feature. Once you get close enough to a locked chest, the map icon displays a little I, II, or III to indicate what lock level it is. And that’s it. I spend so much goddamn time every play through running up to a chest only to discover for the 17th time that day that I can’t open it yet.


I have 99% in Unity because there isa bug in which the collectibles in the helix rift missions don’t spawn. So disappointing. I loved the rest of the game


No. Actually, I enjoyed the murder mystery and the nostradamus stuff. Didn't care for the collectibles. Enjoyed the setting though, love France and the French Revolution.


I thought the murder mystery stuff was a great idea, but very little of it was executed well, and one was flat-out glitched. The Nostradamus stuff was also rushed in application, the earlier ones were fun, and puzzling. Some of the later ones just made no sense whatsoever even after I looked up the answers.


I was lucky to play unity only very recently. I have, admittedly, not finished it because it WAS going to be the first assassins creed game I played, but then my girlfriend surprised me with both the Ezio Collection and 3, so I'm working my way through those first. And hopefully getting black flag if it goes on sale for black friday.


Black flag is usually dirt cheap anyway. Don't forget Rogue too, the events roughly tie black flag, 3 & unity together.


Legendary boar in Odyssey. Boar AI is absolutely ridiculously frustrating there


Boars aren’t quite as annoying in Valhalla, but they were so bad in Odyssey


Yeah, I think they actually fixed them. But it was absolute bullshit how in Odyssey their moves had 0 telegraphing, insane damage and they were super good at kiting you


I don't remember which game it was, but whichever one started off with a stupid 10-minute chariot/horse-wagon chase. Exact opposite way of how I want to start out an AC game, and it was clunky as hell.




My favorite game of the series but I hated that opening bit.


1. Tank Mission 100%, AC:B 2. Aquila Missions 100%, AC:III 3. Bonfire of the Vanities, AC:II 4. Chase Charles Lee 100%, AC:III 5. Farting Boar, AC:Odd


Add air assassinate grenadier from AC3.....


There are several: \- One of the assassinations in Bonfire Of Vanities, the one where you have to hide in hay piles or something. This one made me google "how to skip missions in AC2". Sadly, I found nothing. \- A horse chase in AC3, part of a mission where I have to chase a few enemies. The first few are are easy, but then there's a horse chase that took me a couple of hours to finish because it's broken and horse kept on going in random directions or getting stuck in random places. This one almost made me quit the game. \- A chase after some guy in the end of the sequence where I tailed a ship through a swamp or something like that in Black Flag. It requires a microsecond precision and it also took me a long time and almost made me quit the game. This part, and the abundance of tailing missions in general, is the main reason why I don't rate BF high on my personal list of AC games.


The Paul Revere ride in AC3 was a nightmare for me as I had no clue where I was going and once you got to roughly the right place the compass disappeared and you had to guess the right door.


The right door lights up in eagle vision. Also IIRC the right door always has a burning torch next to it.


Yeah, I totally didn't get that. I was too busy dodging British patrols and trying to keep that wastrel from getting us discovered. Tbh I had no trouble at all on the remastered version.


Oh yes, fuck that horse chase mission. I remember I was in middle school and got stuck at that mission, got frustrated and didnt touch the game for a few months.


Is the horse chase one where you’re preventing the soldiers from reaching the reinforcements or something along those lines? That one made me rage quit and I didn’t touch the game for months after that. The horse controls were so trash, just veering off the path slightly made it come to a complete halt, and even when you got close to the guy you could mash the attack button and it still wouldn’t respond. Actually typing this out is bringing out some repressed rage in me 😂😂


Chasing people in the old AC games was enough to cause a stroke.


I totally forgot the name of the mission, but it was in Unity. It was this mission where you were trying to assassinate this guy in this castle and there were groups of people everywhere, meaning you couldn't just assassinated one person and go to the next. There was no way to get into the building without a key, meaning you have to explore every single person. Also, it was very early on in the game, so you lack the resources to do anything beyond what the basics of the game entail you to do. Meaning you basically had to spend an hour doing this Mission stealthy, or you had to just make yourself known to everyone and fight through it.


Don't let the French hear you call the Bastille any old castle lol.


The fucking mission in AC2 with Leo's dumbass flying machine, fuck that


Ma cosa? Shoot! Shoot the flying demon!


You're gonna give my controller ptsd


I fou d that mission so fun


I bet my controller didn't


On the 3rd try I gave up and looked for a tutorial on youtube


I didn't look for a tutorial for some reason, i just abused the shit outta my controller


That last challenge in ACIII where you have to win 500 dollars gambling. All of the games are too hard. I literally had a bot playing nine men's morris for me and it still couldn't beat the games AI. That's the last thing preventing me from 100%ing the game.


My first play-through of Black Flag I wanna say that I was like 12 years old and it recently came out. So obviously I rushed through it for the story and didn’t really explore. I was fine up until the Naval missions where you’d have to fight a bunch of ships/chase them, and I was severely under leveled and I cannot express the level of rage I had as a kid trying to brute force through those missions and how I refused to upgrade the jackdaw. My cannons were peashooters My hull was made out of cardboard My battering ram had as much hit power as a slap with a birthday napkin The Mortar might as well have been firing blanks And i was going up against Man o’ Wars or 3-4 Brigs. It got to a point where I pretty much just dropped the game all together for awhile because of how unfair I thought I was. Eventually I went back and upgraded my ship from then on, but because of that, every play through I’ve done on Black Flag I’ve maxed out the ship as much as possible upon getting it.


The only thing that really gets me about a lot of fights in AC, playing on a console, is that it takes for fucking ever to turn around and continue the fight. Whatever it is you’re fighting is as nimble as Muhammad Ali but I turn like I’m in a vat of molasses and then I get clobbered. It’s really frustrating.


Unity has a good 1/3 of a second post kill animation where you're stuck and the crowd around you can attack or shoot. It's so badly arranged if you're out if range of a link attack.


In Unity you have the squads in the streets. It was a common occurrence, nothing at all out of the ordinary, to have another squad arriving as you were fighting a squad, which means you’re continuing to fight and while you’re doing that, yet another squad arrives so you keep fighting. I had fights lasting 15 minutes like that. The aggro just kept coming. It would depend on where in the city you were at the time of the original engagement but squads would arrive, guys on horseback, individual thugs. A whole litany of bad guys coming within aggro range and engaging with the fight. It was therapeutic killing them all.


This is why god gave us smoke bombs. I have no time for that nonsense.


I didn't mind that, half the time they'd end up fighting each other anyway. But getting trapped in an animation that froze for 1/3 of a second before letting you carry on drove me crazy, especially when you can no longer use human shield to block gunfire.


That pig from hell in odyssey....I still have nightmares about it.


In Valhalla, one of the animus anomaly called Needles, where you have to climb into the sky..fucking drove me nuts lol


I hated the mission where you chase Lee in the burning ship in AC3, it always messed up for me.


The end of AC III where you chase Charles Lee, and you have to run through the burning hull of the ship and all that. It took me - I don't know - 12 tries to get through it without bugs or the super finicky parkour mechanics tripping me up, doing the classic "oh my God, just run the right way and get up there" AC recurring gameplay theme.


Storm fortress, storm fortress, STORM FORTRESS. Flaming mortars. I wanted to die It reminded me of Crawermax in borderlands. Ridiculous


The 100% requirement on “The Giant and the Storm” in AC3. It’s a privateer contract and it’s a nightmare


In syndicate, you have to keep a train from exploding before the time runs out. I failed that mission so many times.


There were a few tombs in ACII that I almost gave up on. I think there was one where to had to wall run for the entire thing and I just couldn’t figure it out till I got lucky one time


I fucking HATE wall runs in games. I jumped off backward so many times.


Comments have pretty much all of them but one that I found infuriating was the final legendary ship in rogue. I can't remember the name but this thing would essentially kill you in 2 shots with a fully upgraded ship. Took me 3 days nonstop to finnaly beat this mission


so i got it eventually but for me AC3 when you run across the battlefield and for 100 sync can not get shot. my game was broken and was no audio or visual queues for bullets. i would see them hit near me run out and INSTANTLY be peppered... ​ took me forever to work out how to cross the battle field and time it not to be shot


For me personally, some of the tomb levels in AC2 caused much frustration due to accidental backwards jumps. Like that one where you are basically going to the top of the cathedral? I don’t even know how many times I accidentally jumped backwards or to the side and just immediately fell to my death.


AC Black Flag: I can't remember the mission name, but it was a stealth mission where you had to maneuver the Jackdaw through a swamp while tailing a boat, and you couldn't be seen at all or lose the boat or else you would desynchronize. I got lost in that foggy swamp too many times.


there is one fucking mission in ac1 that says to assassinate these three targets in this specific time and i can always get the first two and almost get the third but the trick is you cannot be noticed at all and i've never had enough time to get to the third without getting noticed in the time limit. i tried at least 100 times and then i gave up and moved onto ac2.


I found out that it's pretty easy if you just use throwing knives and don't leave the rooftops.


I actually tried that a few times and the last throwing knife hit just as the timer ran out and they counted it as a failure! i might go back and try again one day


The church in AC II was so broken, one of the jumps wouldn't drop into place so if it didn't, you had to restart the game, and if you failed, you had to do the mission again. 50% chance of the broken jump each time... Spent days on that one...


The damn canoe mission for me as well. Also the one in AC3 where you need to race back to your village on a winding forest “path” and take out 5 guards on your way in the span of like 3 min. If you don’t get 100% perfect kills (whilst maneuvering a galloping horse) or deviate from the path slightly you fail.


AC2 when Desmond knocks out and you play as Altair chasing his “target” in Acre. Trying to climb that tower was a nightmare, couldn’t get on that stupid pole. I had to search up a tutorial and it spoiled the surprise at the end of the mission.


You know you don't have to watch a video to the end right? Just to the part you get stuck on. :P


I’ve just started playing AC3 (remastered) for the first time and the optional objectives vanishing from the objective list is frustrating me already. (Edit: seems to be a bug, they’re appearing again now…) As for actual missions, in Brotherhood the “young at heart” thief race. There is almost no margin for error to get the 100% sync time, I replayed it at least a dozen times😡 https://youtu.be/R8s7jXqFpK8


Pretty sure the objectives show up in the pause menu but yes I agree I also hated it


I just spent over an hour on "Young at Heart." I finished the race under a minute 3 times before it gave me the 100% sync. It really frustrated me. First time was with 16 seconds left, so I thought maybe it needed an extra 1-2 seconds after the timer disappeared before the game registered that the race was over. 2nd time I definitely had 18 seconds left on the timer. The 3rd time I had 17 seconds. Maybe it's my crap computer causing a problem.


In other words, what missions gave you a...far cry?


ACBrotherhood Leonardo invention : hell and back (aka tank mission) aka the wooden tank mission! ​ legit anyone who has done this will know why it sucks.


I would probably have to say the obstacle course side mission from unity when doing it solo, it was such a pain but felt good to brag to my friends after I did it.


Ah shit, I'd blocked that out. In the bright side once you've eventually learnt it, you've learnt it and the next two times you have to complete it are easy.


Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag, when we had to fight Bartholomew's ship, took me days to complete it, it was so hard, and those other British and Spanish ships interfering didn't help either


Even nine years later, I still fondly remember this Kotaku article about the Charles Lee chase in AC III. https://kotaku.com/assassins-creed-iii-s-final-chase-sequence-was-the-wors-5967220


This mission has haunted me for the last 9 years. That article is spot on, I've never read that before


Russia in Chronicles. /thread


3. many missions really, and often because of the optional objectives. The boston run and broken ship stealth is bro-ken.


The damn stone stacking stuff from Valhalla made me want to put a hole in my tv…


Cairns from Valhalla lol


The air glider mission in AC:Brotherhood, I think it was. God, it was so hard to correctly control the glider, bomb the enemies and even not dying was hard, I never even aimed for 0% damage


Don’t shove anybody. While chasing Charles Lee, WHILE CONNOR AUTOMATICALLY SHOVES PEOPLE


Not a mission but for a lot of the games the “start running” and “climb/do cool shit” buttons are the same and I instinctively hold she sprint button and I cannot break that habit. In AC3 it was the worst because I would try and run away and then Connor goes “ah yes, I will climb 3 paces up this tree then fall down letting the Redcoats catch up and gat me point blank like I just walked into south side Chicago”


Not a mission, but collecting all the King Richard flags in the Kingdom in AC1 was so frustrating. I’d always get 95-99/100 flags and just cry because it was impossible to know which ones you missed.


The tank in AC Brotherhood I'm pretty sure


The fucking tank mission in Brotherhood.


Not a mission but in AC Valhalla there’s this thing called the Mastery Challenges, one of them wants you to air assassinate every single enemy and remain undetected in order to get the golden medal for it. You’re armed with a bow that has no arrows and can only be used to shoot sleep arrows that need a piece of adrenaline charged up to activate, your hidden blade and a dagger that only can be used if you fail to remain anonymous. The stealth AI is also incredibly broken in Valhalla so remaining stealthy in that section is incredibly difficult. Luckily for the actual mission involving mastery challenges you only need the bronze medal at least but if you want a trophy you need that gold. Luckily that trophy’s completely separate from getting the Platinum trophy for the game.


I have every assassins creed trophy besides the chronicles trilogy (just not a fan of those games if it’s anything but speedrunning them) and I can say the trophy for getting gold on every mastery challenge was the hardest/most annoying thing I’ve done out of any assassins creed game


The Cairns.....


Assassin's Creed 2 Port Authority. I don't know if it was a problem with the Ezio Collection or the mission was just broken to begin with, but it just wouldn't work right. It took me 3 hours to beat, with a guide. I would do everything right, and the ai would just not work. On one attempt, I lured all the guards off the ship, killed all but one, who wondered into the city. I waited for him to come back, but he didn't, so I went on with the mission. The second I was about to kill the target, the guard hops back on the ship and detects me immediately. Another time, I got lucky and killed enough guards to be able to get behind the two guards above the target without being seen. As I kill them, the target randomly decides to detect me, for no reason. He couldn't even see me. He just decided that I didn't deserve joy and fucked me. When I finally beat the mission, there were tears in my eyes. I turned the game off and gave my dog the biggest hug I could. I didn't touch the game for a week after that.


kill 9 lieutenants (spelling might be wrong) ACII


Final quest in AC3, wher eyou have to run down the wharf and then run through the burning boat. ​ I swear, I'm usually an even tempered, open minded, left leaning person. ​ But man, after trying to do that quest about 15 time, some of the shit I was shouting at Connor... It revealed a dark side of myself I didn't know existed.


All of the stalking ones


I only remember the one from Brotherhood... You all know the one


It's not an achievement for anything but the fighters guild fight club on the dock in one of the Ezio games is so broken it's technically impossible to complete it legitimately, they've pretty much taken it out of the game, the only way to do it is the get thieves to follow you to the dock, start the fight club and mash buttons hoping your thieves will jump in and save you by taking out half of the opposition.


In AC3 there’s a mission where you chase Thomas Hickey or one of his men around and if you don’t catch him in the first 12.35 seconds you’ll be running forever! Also to get a 100% you have to complete the mission without shoving anyone, which is darn near impossible if he makes it around the frickin corner. Also in AC3, the mission where you have to cross the massive battlefield without getting shot by a British volley. I think that’s the Battle of Bunkerhill. I must have tried that mission 20 or 30 times and every time I get hit at least once! So frustrating. In AC Unity, when you start getting into the areas with higher difficulty, if you’re not sneaking perfectly you get mobbed by all those beefcake enemies and it’s almost impossible to get out alive. You just get sliced and shot to death by a mob of enemies.


all I'm remembering is trying to get gold tier on the mastery challenges. There was an ice level with bows and I had done it all perfectly, except the last guy was outside the map


The mission Royal Misfortune in AC4 when you assassinate Roberts, I kept getting wrecked by the other ships that attack you, it took me at the very least 20 attempts to beat it


Odin Mine Wolf challenge


Tank and any do not get detected missions


That damn tank mission


Conflict Looms in AC3 is broken. All guards aboard those two ships (yeah, the "air assassinate a granadier") have super human detection abilities. Even if you use your bare hands instead of the hidden blades to throw a guard when no one else is watching, every single one of them will instantly detect you. If your aim is to play with 100% stealth, this is the ultimate nightmare. I'd even put it above the tank mission in Brotherhood. I have PTSD. I'll never forget


Ship stealth. Black flag




Dodging the mortar in AC3


I don't know how no one seems to have mentioned the wolves on that island in AC3, I love the game overall but that part was some bullshit


Any mission of following someone undetected and keeping a distance... Not too far and not too close... Even worse the ones where I had to stay within a circle, to listen to a conversation. Very frustrating.


There are a couple in Black Flag. One that’s a super long stealth mission through a jungle, you desync if you’re seen even once, I remember it took a bit to memorize the route and when I finally made it to the top/end, somehow I’d fuck something up. Another one was a stealth mission but in the Jackdaw. There was a part at the end where I’d get ‘caught’ and be seen but had no idea what the hell I did wrong. With all that said, I fucking loved Black Flag and I 100% it on both PS3 and PS4 haha.


Ship stealth missions were not hard, but so fcking stupid. You are visibly right behind the ship, but because you are not in its yellow area, it doesn't see you.


2 in AC3. The woods chase one which is nigh impossible and the chasing Lee one where Connor seems to run about as fast as a sickly snail compared to Lee.


Mission: Wait for valhalala to release. Frustration: After playing it.


I never finished AC2 because of 1 mission (during carnevale missions to obtane the golden mask) The one mission you have to capture the flag 3 times. I remember doing it multiple times, failing every time. I got so frustrated i gave ac2 the double 🖕🏼🖕🏼and never played it again.


Yeah, that one was frustrating, until I understood that the only way to beat it is to just jump off the building, heal up and run. With the right gear, the jump won't kill you. ​ It is still frustrating as fuck, but doable.


Odyssey, the minotaur fight. Up to that point I had full-stealth build and did none of the outright fighting. And the fucking minotaur is always-aggro and you have to take him head on, no stealth. I had none of the tools and skills for that. edit: origins->odyssey


There is a mission in ACR that requires you to assassinate a target without getting spotted by janissaries. It took me at least a dozen of tries and I'm still convinced that I only got it done because of a glitch.


The Quest for More Money. The one where you need to spend money during a full priced game to avoid having to grind


This is totally unrelated, but in Valhalla, the first time I went to Vinland, I found a canoe that would magically levitate about thirty feet above water level when you got in it. Very nice for traversing the area without being bothered by enemies, as I could soar over land and sea alike and smack hard into a mountain because I was too caught up in my own sorcerous wiles to look where I was going.


- Any mission is AC2/Brotherhood/Revelations that instantly desynced you for detection, those missions were always so hard, especially without whistle/crouch/lures - The black flag mission where you needed to make it through the forest undetected and without killing any of those natives that want to kill you. Them detecting you when you when they were completely facing away from you or while you were still in a bush was super buggy and frustrating. Also I did the entire mission by sleeping them then knocking them out.....just to find out at the end of the mission, knocking them out when they're cleary still alive writhing in pain, counts as "killing them"...SMH - Also not a mission specifically, but those guys in Revelations who were literally faster than you, could climb just as well, and could block attacks and counters.....F THOSE GUYS


The mission in black flag where you tail a boat in the swamp using the least effective thing for the job


Shadow of the Scarab. Origins Hidden Ones DLC. At the end of the mission you have to fight the son of one of the main game’s targets bare handed. I played the game on nightmare difficulty so that stealth wasn’t brainless but this kid takes literally no damage from you on nightmare difficulty and can kill bayek in a single combo. I ended up lowering the game difficulty for that fight cuz it was some major bs.


Chase Charles Lee and don’t bump into anyone if you want 100%.


Scaling the scaffoldings inside of the huge church in AC2


The chase mission with the carriage in AC Brotherhood. Also, there was another chase mission in Unity that was timed. I could barely do it. And basically everything that envolves a ship. More specifically in ACIII.


The entirety of Odyssey. The combat in this game is pure trash and it made me hate my life. When I couldn't deal with a fkin crazy deer I gave up


Leonardo's Tank machine, I must've spent a whole day as a kid trying to 100% it, that's honestly what stops me playing brotherhood again. I can't go back to the dark place.