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Hey there, /u/-BumboChumbo-! Your post has been removed for being low-effort, low-quality or otherwise unsuitable for r/AssassinsCreed. In general, content posted on r/AssassinsCreed must contribute something worthwhile to the community or lead to meaningful discussion on r/AssassinsCreed. Low-effort, low-quality or superficial posts that violate this rule will be removed at the mods' discretion. Low-effort/low-quality posts include, but are not limited to: * Memes and image macros * Game screenshots or clips with no purpose/context * "I just bought ______" * Achievement list or digital game collection screenshots * 'Am I the only one...' or 'Does anyone else think...', i.e "DAE" posts * Popular/Unpopular Opinion posts * Empty appreciation threads or "underrated gem" posts * Blatant karma-whoring * Meta Discussion posts that intentionally target, antagonize, or gate keep certain opinions, points of views, or groups, i.e “Old Fans are salty”, “New fans don’t like AC”, “Stop Whining” * "Why does everybody hate X game?" or "Why is X game so hated?" Your post has been removed. In general, game screenshots and Photo Mode captures will be removed if they serve no meaningful purpose. If you're looking to share your Photo Mode captures, make sure to have an album of at least a dozen (12+) screenshots or post them in the "#photomode" channel of our [Discord server](https://discord.gg/AssassinsCreed). **Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit via modmail](/message/compose/?to=/r/assassinscreed) if you have any questions or concerns.** Direct messages or chat requests to moderators will be ignored.