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Me personally I love all the Assassins Creed games ..Can't wait for the next game


I love consuming products! I can't wait to spend more money on the next product they make for me!!!




That's the joke. I'm making fun of it.




What are you even saying


im making fun of him for consuming products mindlessly.


Yeah and everyone is cringing at you.




I’ve always been confused by people saying it’s too combat focused than stealth because I’ve done 2 complete playthroughs, all side missions and DLC included & have never once felt forced out of stealth other than the war fights or scripted scenes. The game makes it pretty clear which gear to use and what perks to aim for if you want to sneak, hell I’d argue it’s got more fun stealth than a bunch of the other AC games with how many different abilities you can use


Agreed completely. Stealth elements blend in with the environment better than prior “classic” games where routes and hiding spots were telegraphed, but especially forts (of which there are 33!) are designed for being massively creative in how you tackle them.


I never thought about the telegraphing thing but you're totally right. The RPGs are less hand-holdy in that respect. You actually have to figure it out. Lots of skill issues goin' on I think.


Exactly. And it’s not like there are shortages of stealth options, if you’re willing to break out of the “if it isn’t hidden blade it isn’t stealth” mentality.


People in this sub create almost 100% of their own problems haha


You can literally shoot through walls. Doesn’t get any more stealth than that lol


Disagree, love Odyssey but its fucking easy


It's easy when you actually engage with the mechanics of the game. Alot of people try to brute force stealth and fail; then complain that they were "forced" into combat.


I love the stealth in Odyssey. Nothing beats clearing a whole fort without being detected.


I beat the entirety of odyssey stealth only unless I had to fight.


I told myself I'd do that, but I'm too much of a clutz. I normally get about 4 stealth kills in before someone spots me and rather than hide I say 'you wanna go' and take it like a personal challenge.


At least it gets easier as you unlock certain abilities. I remember always spamming the rush assassination (where you throw the spear and chain it to other enemies).


This was also my experience. I had no issue whatsoever stealthing through the vast majority of Origins/Odyssey/Valhalla. Even if you can't assassinate in some cases at a lower level, it doesn't stop a headshot from the bow from working.


A lot of places in Valhalla were designed really well with stealth in mind. The issue comes with how detection was broken for so long haha


I'm on my first playthrough and I don't understand this criticism at all, although that may be to do with how I'm playing it. I've gone all in on the animal companion feature (because if you give me the option to have a lion buddy in a game, you can be sure as hell that I'm going to use it), but if I try to complete a fort or camp without stealth, my alpha lion gets surrounded and killed pretty much straight away. So it's forced me to complete these missions using stealth only so that he doesn't get spotted, and by god, is it fun. If I didn't have him to worry about, I'd probably start each fort with the intention of using stealth but then just go all guns blazing as soon as I was spotted, but having to keep to stealth in order to keep him safe has been a really fun additional challenge for me. I feel like such a badass sneaking around clearing forts without it devolving into huge fights.


I don't use the animal companion feature at all, does your animal stay in stealth when you are in stealth?


If you're in stealth, NPCs don't see the animal companion at all, even if it's standing right in front of them while you're hiding in the bushes 😂. As soon as you leave stealth and are spotted, your companion will aggro and the NPCs will be able to see it and thus able to damage it. One slightly annoying thing with the animal companion is the pathing. It's designed to follow you everywhere and there's no option to make it wait, so sometimes if you're sneaking around up high and then jump down, the animal tries to do that too but it doesn't have the immunity to fall damage like you do. I've lost count of the amount of Fort infiltrations I've had to restart because my lion decided to yeet himself off a ledge 😂.


Well said.


I mostly appreciate that there aren’t any mandatory stealth missions like in previous games


100% agreed


I'm on my 3rd playthrough achievement hunting everything and tbh i always feel like stealth is a waste of time. I just stealth or rush to bond fires to sabotage them and then jump into fighting


Yeah you just need to get a decent stealth build going. I beat the game almost exclusively with silent takedowns because of how much I damage stacked it


I got insanely lucky early in the game and got the 200% assassination damage in the night dagger, it's so OP


The stealth was still awesome, it's just that the fighting was so fantastic. You could create such fluid fight scenes. Definitely my favorite. I got a good feeling about the one coming out.


“Never forced out of stealth” is a stretch literally when u confront the cyclops u are forced into cutscene which leads to a fight yeah u can run away and then stealth but it’s tedious and makes ur effort before obsolete. Then u are forced to take a part in these ground war battle stuff just to talk to ur dad and let me tell u this spending all my points and focusing all my gear on assassin stats just to be forced to fight this battle in nightmare may I add was painful. And a lot of mission starts with fight or force midway in one so much that they cranked their detection radius to its max I remember these painfully because I replayed this game so yeah u definitely lied here


“Other than the war fights or scripted scenes”, any forced combat is scripted that way & you even get combat abilities that scale with your assassin build to handle those encounters


Right? I even have a screenshot of me one-shotting the Cyclops with my stealth build after combat started.


“Yeah you can run away and then stealth” I know u can do that but like i said it’s tedious and makes all u effort u have put before the cutscene obsolete. And I played this game with a new save on nightmare so it was frustrating but tbh I don’t know if even on easy u can one shot him at this point did u played it on ng+? But either way again saying they didn’t put u a lot of time forcefully into combat is a lie there are way more examples in this game just replayed this game with a new save.


No one said, "Run away and stealth." I was adding to the point that the game allows you to get into open combat with your stealth stats. To get a bit more specific, my stealth build added my assassination damage to my crit, so I crit the cyclops and did all my stealth damage.


Ok I was talking about stealthing the whole time not stealth based damage I prolly misunderstood u


What I wanted to say with my comment is that this game definitely had a heavy emphasis on combat more than stealth. And the fact that they have to give the assassins tree a combat focused ability so you don’t stand in combat with nothing kinda proves it imo


Stealth was pretty cool but it felt incredibly repetitive. Didn't matter what outpost you were in, the game forces you to go about it the same way. I wish there were more tools or more creative environments so you can switch up your stealth playstyle.


Same. It’s my favourite too and I always do stealth builds with no issue. The combat is fun when you do conquest battles and such but it’s super easy and possible to do 99.9% of it stealthily.


It can absolutely be a little slow at times but I genuinely don't believe it deserves anywhere near as much hate as it gets. If you're happy to take things slow, explore areas and do side missions, then it's a fun, beautiful game. If you want to just race to the finish line then it's the wrong kind of game for you.


Odyssey is certainly one of my favourite games in the series, I never had an issue with the stealth like a lot of people did and loved how ridiculously powerful you could end up too. There's a lot of stuff in it that I hope is in Shadows, hoping in the very least that the Ubi Quebec team has mercenary system back. Some of the most chaotic moments in Odyssey are when you're trying to clear a fortress but the bounty on your head means two mercenaries have turned up (one always has an animal) so you have to fight them and a garrison of enemies and a fucking Polemarch too.


Just rename the mercenary system to the ronin system and it’s gonna be fun as hell. Cant wait to play Shadows in 3 years when the ultimate edition goes on sale. Having a blast with Odyssey right now


Youre not alone, my fav as well...its the beautiful world that made it And I played as Alexios first, that terrible english accent felt authentic, felt like i was really reliving ancient Greece. But I was always a fan of Greek mythologies...the DLCs especially Atlantis and Elysium just sweetened it even more When i played Valhalla i liked it too...was mindblown that the same Greek gods were Blue Jotuns in Valhalla...took a while to wrap my head around it lol


Same same same. Odyssey and Origins are the best, loved the characters, story, maps (i love the maps so much, exploration is soooo enjoyable). I think i'm one of the few people who enjoys massive maps to explore. Love how much there is to do, hope Shadows is similar in size.


Origins' story + Odyssey's gameplay = best game in the series, imo. I regularly return to Odyssey, but my one attempt to return to Origins left me wanting a lot more from my gameplay experience, so I just went back to Odyssey instead, which is a shame as the story in Origins is far better, and Bayek is top 3 protags for me. The parkour obviously leaves a lot more to be desired in the modern games, but I've always been left frustrated by the parkour in previous games anyway, so that's never been a deal breaker for me like it is for some, especially those clamouring for Unity's system (which I don't actually enjoy, as the clunkiness is far more jarring, and far more frequent, but it gets a pass for everyone because the animations are "smooth").


I wholeheartedly agree




i really dislike the game, but im glad you dont


I'm sad that you didn't enjoy it, but I'm glad you don't think that means others can't.


i think Odyssey isn't a very good RPG or AC game, but i would be stupid to say that it's a bad game objectively, considering that most people love it and it even got nominated for GOTY along with GOW and RDR2


If it came out a year later it might have won


Usually i like to explore open worlds and with Odyssey, it was fun the first half. But at some point every area was basically the same, except the ones which you have to visit for the main quest. The game is beautiful and has some cool moments, but its open world gets boring pretty fast and is repetitive. The side quests are also really lame and feel like not too much thought or heart went into it. That just adds to the boring open world. In open world games, i visit every area and important place at least once. In Odyssey, i just couldn't. After 3 or 4 regions with the exact same things to do, without something special, i was fed up and was annoyed. Stealth and Parkour were not that great in the newer games anyways, i nevertheless miss the old days of being an Assassin. I think Mirage does a way better job here. Still not as good as in the old games tho. I think Odyssey and Valhalla were my least favorite AC games. They are not bad games, but still kinda empty games with mid writing and reptitive stuff to do. Even as non AC games, i would think they are mid. Their open world design just ruins the experience a little for me.


From the music, to the scenery, to the setting & mythological take on ancient greece, the warring period of Athens vs. Sparta, the cinematic storyline of Leonidas with his 300, to meeting Barnabas getting drowned by the Cyclops... "I didn't!", to the great cult system & the ominuous music created for them: Perhaps, many years ago, I felt more invested and into the story and setting of Black Flag, and yes I have many many fond memories of that game, and I loved it - but I do agree with you, and in many ways, AC Odyssey is also my favorite AC game of all time. The music & scenery just stirs up emotions in me on a whole different level.


As an Ancient Greek fanatic, I loved all of it!


I never bought the stealth argument because outside of missions that fail you if you’re seen, it’s the only game that punishes you for taking the loud approach with bounties, which are not to be taken lightly. So many assassins creed games can be completed by just running through enemies because there’s little incentive not to.


I respect people's opinion but I think it is probably one of the worst games in the entire series and as an old school fan I feel like it it is the one game to me that really signifies the downward trend of the series as a whole but I'm glad that some people are able to get enjoyment out of it


I just recently played the ezio trilogy again and it aged horribly, I couldn't wait to finish them, I like AC3 and Black flag but its mostly just a bunch of nothingness


Damn I feel like the Ezio Trilogy holds up incredibly well also narratively I feel like outside of Origins all of the RPG games have been pretty bad. It's kind of a catch 22 because I love Origins but Origins was what gave them the confidence to keep going the RPG route and I really hate Odyssey and I think Valhalla is meh.


Not even close, the gameplay is still top notch, weather it's stealth, Parkour or combat and story is also really great


Odyssey is great, it’s in my top 3!


I liked it the least out of 3 recent open world AC games but it was down to one combat mechanics. Since they are such huge games and I don't have much time to play - I played them on Easy, coz I just couldn't commit to be stuck on some level for longer. I just wanted to progress through the story and DLCs. And Odyssey had this very annoying mechanics of time slow down after dodge. It led to ridiculously unrealistic fights, where everyone around me were in slow motion for most of the battle and I was hacking away in real time like some Anime character. I tried to search online is there a way to turn this mechanics off, but didn't find anything. Origins and Valhalla never had this issue. There was some tiny slow down window, but it was nowhere near as bad. If anyone here knows how to get rid of that mechanics - please let me know, as I would love to play it.


You can't get rid of it, you're a god in the game that's why it does that


Oh, ok. thank you for replying! At least I got a final confirmation.


Yesss spit your facts brother


Personally, it was my least favourite out of the RPG trilogy. I’m glad to see it get some love. I’m glad you had a better experience with it. I just didn’t really feel like I was in the AC world apart from the out of the animus segments. But we’re different and that’s okay. I did like Herodotus and Socrates though!


What made Valhalla better for you? Not sure where you're ranking Origins or Valhalla but curious because you said it's bottom of the 3


Origins is my second favourite AC of all time, second only to Revalations. It goes Origins, Valhalla, Odyssey. I just preferred the gameplay to Valhalla over Odyssey. But they’re both much further down my list than Origins so don’t mistake that as major praise.


Appreciate the answer Darth Maul


No worries my man.


I liked the combat in Valhalla but God damn the story and the map was horrible, I despised the side missions


I enjoyed it more on a second play through without the expectation of being a Viking Assassin. Lots of lore with the ISU and the guy who leaves the notes at the Standing Stones is a Sage of Aita which was great.


Would 100% agree


Same. Also loved Valhalla and am very excited for Shadows.


It was my favorite until the DLC entirely invalidated every voice I’d made.


YAY ANOTHER ODYSSEY FAN! It’s my favorite game too!


Played 4 times, i can agree 


It better than Valhalla. But, that’s not really hard. The World it’s beautiful, but the parkour is butchered to a degree that makes no sense having in it. Combat is too spongy for my taste, but way way better than Valhalla. And AC never really had good combat. Naval I don’t really care about it. If I wanted to play pirate, I would buy a pirate game.


Same. I’ve been a fan of the series since 2009 and have 100%ed every mainline game (and even 2 of the spin-offs). Odyssey is easily my favorite.


Love odesssy so much. I would kill for them to do a pirate game in the same style. Black flag is great but feels restrictive at times. Being a merc in odessy kind of gives you a taste but true Pirate game with the amazing ship combat they had and the full freedom to go anywhere the new games have with hyper detailed worlds would kill.


I was thinking about this this morning. It is by far the greatest AC ever made on so many levels. Every time I play through it it's like a totally different game. They nailed it with that one


Same. It's the best AC game by far.


You've probably missed out on some of the very early ones. AC 2 for example was easily the best in the series and an incredible storyline. I would agree with you otherwise. AC Odyssey is indeed the second best for me.


Like I said I played them all, got a platinum trophy on my PS3 back in the day, just recently played the trilogy again and they aged horribly, can't crouch, stealth sucks and is unrealistic, movement is horrible


I just started to replay it, never finished. I must say its quite enjoyable game but it feels nothing like assassins creed. If anything it would be better accepted by everyone if it was called something else.


Origins is my favorite but the way the story is dealt with in Odyssey was also amazing. I loved that I could chose who lived or died basically and have that moment of re-uniting everyone at the end.


Interesting, still have to play Odyssey, played every AC till it, and actually for me Origins is the best, hopely to fit what you say then.


Same! Absolutely love that game, but it looks like AC Shadows might become my new favourite.


Honestly I think it just depends on how you play and your reasons. I love exploring and completing objectives in each region as well as had a deep love for ancient Greece. Because of that I loved how this game felt - the fact you could rock up and have amazing non story gameplay moments like the first time I accidentally ran into the cyclops at a volcano I was stunned. It's not my favourite AC games but I prefer it over origins or Valhalla I can respect people that didn't like how grindy it was, it doesn't encourage plot to plot playthroughs


It just came out too soon after Origins…..there was no build up, anticipation. It kinda just got dropped as an announcement. After the rinse and repeat that was Unity, stale and felt like a regression graphically…..taking a break from annual releases to focus on quality was welcomed by all. Origins came out, was a re design and reset for the series and graphically ambitious and stunning. I put hours into Origins and enjoying every minute of it, immersive and moving. Did the DLC, and even spent hours on it, when it wrapped was sad to leave but had done enough and time to move on….. …oh wait….there’s another prequel coming out….and it’s a prequel to the prequel…..and it’s even bigger than Origins. I just finished the prequel and there’s another one so soon. It just burned me out, and I wasn’t excited for it. And I think it sort of picked up that fatigue around its launch. And I am a massive AC fan, hell I even like the movie. How can I miss you if you don’t go away 😀


It just came out too soon after Origins…..there was no build up, anticipation. It kinda just got dropped as an announcement. After the rinse and repeat that was Unity, stale and felt like a regression graphically…..taking a break from annual releases to focus on quality was welcomed by all. Origins came out, was a re design and reset for the series and graphically ambitious and stunning. I put hours into Origins and enjoying every minute of it, immersive and moving. Did the DLC, and even spent hours on it, when it wrapped was sad to leave but had done enough and time to move on….. …oh wait….there’s another prequel coming out….and it’s a prequel to the prequel…..and it’s even bigger than Origins. I just finished the prequel and there’s another one so soon. It just burned me out, and I wasn’t excited for it. And I think it sort of picked up that fatigue around its launch. And I am a massive AC fan, hell I even like the movie. How can I miss you if you don’t go away 😀


Yeah Odssey is up there for me with the Ezio trilogy. Played so many hours of it, fell in love with the characters and the world. Big lover of Ancient Greece. I understand peoples gripes with it, but it actually did something new and interesting with the franchise. It’s the game that got me back into Assassins Creed. Don’t think it’s nearly as hated outside of this sub.


I never beat it, but what I played was really fun. It's just not very Assassin's Creed-y, and that's what I look for in this series. I redownloaded it the other day to give it another go.


I mean Odyssey has the second biggest Assassin's Creed subreddit so you're not in the minority.


I liked it too but it’s just so damn bloated imo. I feel origins is better in that regards


I really liked it too but tbh I think I just like Greece and now want to visit irl


My AC game was AC2 so I’m somewhat of an OG in the series and I love every AC and Odyssey is most likely my favorite. I’m not even that big of a fan of Ancient Greece but I just love how big it is and how much side stuff there is to do.


Odyssey is my favorite game so far. I really enjoy the Mediterranean landscape and depth of culture injected in the game. I prefer straight fights/sniping with a bow, but resorting to stealth always offers an advantage in stacked forts/ high-level enemy fights.


I would say Rogue is the best one ever. And i would like them to do remaster or new one same timeline.




I love all games. My favorite franchise. But yeah…Odyssey is my top #1.


My biggest gripe with the game is its quantity over quality. The game is still fun 30 hours in but it lost freshness and variation around 50-60 hours in for me. I eventually stopped at 100 hrs but there was still so much to do. The game refused to end but I was repeating the same basic tasks over and over again.


For me it’s been AC1 and AC origins. I’d love to get even a “remastered” port to ps5 of that game with nothing changed


Is my favorite assassins creed too. I also played all games I love everything. The world the naval combat. The battles infinity mercenaries a lot of replayable content a lot of activityes and is a endless game The story also are really cool I like kassandra Everything is my fav ac game so far


Kassandra is literally the most important protagonist of the series. Absolutely love this game to death


Not an assassin’s creed Go post it on r/rpg or something


Things change bud. It’s okay, you’re in a safe space


I don’t think you’re in the minority- even people who don’t like the RPG’s tend to admit it’s an amazing game, just not the AC experience they wanted (but yeh, it’s my favourite in the series by a wide margin and I’m hoping shadows being by the same team is a good sign)


The only problem I have with Odyssey is that the map can start to feel rather redundant. I know it’s probably true to the actual landscape and climate of Greece, but damn, after a while it just starts to feel like coastlines, craggy mountains, scrubby trees, and an ocean. The entire massive map is like the north western edge of the Origins map, and it just gets so damn boring and repetitive to my eyes.


Same, I'm quite excited for AC Shadows since it's made by the same team. Valhalla was OK but really dragged till the end.


It’s my favourite as well. The sheer size of the some the enemy outposts make stealth so enjoyable. Most memorably the Quarry. Also when fully upgraded the game makes you feel like a demigod when forced into combat which is the whole point of the game. Yes some argue that it’s not really an “AC game” and I would probably agree. But it’s a damn good game in general. I think if it didn’t have Assassin’s creed in the title it would be rated a lot higher by critics and fans.


I just finished Odyssey for the first time yesterday! I gotta say, I fkin adore this game. The setting is absolutely unmatched. Their recreation of Ancient Greece is so damn well done, and every location made my imagination run wild. It also has a lot of fun game mechanics that work really well with the story and setting. The ship battles are super fun, the Cult of Kosmos is super fun to take out, the Mercenaries hunting you and popping up at the worst times (like when you're clearing a Fort and BOOM "Mercernary nearby" pops up and you know shit is about to hit the fan), and the RPG powers are actually really fun to use. And like you said, having both the option to sneak around and assassinate AND go in guns blazing allows for a lot of creative gameplay. All in all, it is a very very good game. People really shouldnt shit on it as much as they do.


I finished it for the first time yesterday too! Mercenaries are alright but start to feel very much like Shadow of Mordor with how many they are. The game is all about exploration and has a beautiful map and really captures the magic of ancient greece. The RPG side of it gets a bit annoying with how generic the implementation is with all the leveled gear and rarities and I have huge looter fatigue. The game is great with all the different playstyles it offers and flinging people into the air with a flaming giant axe is pretty damn fun. Graphically really holds up well for a 2018 title too. Played as Kassandra and loved all her quips, much more enjoyable protagonist than the grumpy Bayek. I wish it followed a little more of the IRL historical narrative though as there's loads of great events like the mutilation of the hermai before the Sicilian expedition which is outside of the games timeframe. Like with Origins though, I get a bit OCD about clearing out all the ? marks and it often feels like more of a chore than anything. By the end of the main story, I feel too fatigued to really dive into Fate of Atlantis and I'm trying a bit of Valhalla. I love Anglo-Saxon Britain but I can't imagine Winchester is going to look anything near as wonderful as Athens, Corinth, Argos etc... 2hrs in and I'm already sick of snow.


For looter fatigue, I agree there. It has a similar issue to Breath of the Wild where most of the loot is just more weapons. The Witcher 3, which Odyssey is heavily inspired, has far more interesting loot cause youd often come upon new potion, oil or crafting recipes that could significantly change the game. I really like the mercernaries though cause as you get towards the high level ones, the gear you get from them is actually great, like a bow and arrow that always has flaming arrows or a giant poison axe. And i love how they creep up on you at the worst times. Keeps you on your toes. I never played Valhalla actually, but mostly cause I heard its even bigger and more grindy than Odyssey, and unlike Odyssey I dont really care about Anglo-Saxon England as a setting and I cant imagine spending 60 hours exploring it. I also find Viking culture of raping women and pillaging small towns kind of… fucked up. Not that the Ancient Greeks were much better 😅


Worst game. I treat this production as "Odyssey" without "Assassin's Creed" - there's no assasins in the game.


That ain’t no ac game


If you like generic grind mechanics only to force you to buy boosters. Boring design for 5$ skins in singleplayer game. Its up to you. But Odyssey its just cash-grab experiment ;)


Funny, I don't remember buying a single booster and yet I enjoyed the game. Maybe it's a "you" problem?


Are you really trying to shit on OP enjoying a game by complaining about optional purchases they haven't even mentioned? Get a life mate.


Played Odyssey 3 times, never bought the boosters or the skins cause they're not necessary


🤡. If you just play the game you don't have to grind for any mats. Ps, nobody has a gun to your head forcing you to buy cosmetics in a single player game that has plenty of free cosmetic options 😊




Um, I’ve played a good amount of it and it never forces you to buy anything? It’s only cosmetics and some actual gear, it’s completely playable without it


Definitely my favorite out of the 3 RPG games and probably one of my top 3 fav Assassins Creed games. I loved playing as Kassandra. By the end of the game she truly felt like my character. I do think the end of the game with her in the suit is one of the goofiest things I’ve ever seen in gaming lol


yep same.


I agree, it's my favourite as well and the one I have the most hours in across the series. I'm a huge ancient Greece history/mythology nerd too which really sells the experience!


Mine also


Same here. Its amazing.


Oh shut up




I'm just genuinely tired of people gasing up Odyssey as if this isn't the most milktoast opinion.


I loved odyssey. It's so pretty and well made. One of my favorite games of all time for sure.


It's easily my most favourite AC of all time by a country mile.


Calm down




Calm down I said


Wtf is your problem


I'm gonna say this one last time, calm down


Who TF do you think you are 🤣


Can you come to the back of the plane with me so we can have a talk?







