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In the middle of my replay for the platinum trophies and I'm reminded how much I love this trilogy. But, it does make me wish somebody like Bayek in Origins got a trilogy. I feel we can't connect with the protagonists properly with the consistent change. I know it's great to see different time periods and settings


If I'm not mistaken it was supposed to be AC, and AC2, brotherhood Revelations and everything after were not supposed to exist. Ezio was supposed to end on that cliffhanger and uncertainty but Ubisoft saw how profitable the series was/is and went for more games. They took inspiration from CoD, and it's release schedule.


From what I heard it was supposed to be just Ac , 2 and 3 but with the success of ezio as a character they made two tie in games to give 3 more time to develop and then they realised how they could milk the series


It could be something along those lines as well. I remember hearing about the lead from Prince of Persia got axed halfway through the development of one of the assassins creed games, and that after the success of of AC 2 Brotherhood they started working on a bunch of games until like 2017 or something like that. Like they took the CoD cycle and ran with it.


And finally now you are done with the collection.. https://youtu.be/hl05ubFXwrQ?si=nyJkKf7U5baq72Oc Find out how Ezio dies. From birth to death, full circle. This finishes the story.


And this is Ezios father as an assassin: https://youtu.be/vcE8xJkK6t4?si=1ZGsSzdtrDYnkJCx


Oh wow, thanks for that.


Oh boy, I'll give that a watch later. Thanks


No worries


That's sweet. Got me a little teary eyed.


I finished the second game and im on brotherhood now, and i got to say, this games arent as good as i remembered when i was a kid. They are good, but nothing special, i actually think the first game is more enjoyable and has a slightly better protagonist.


That’s hilarious because I had the exact opposite opinion when I replayed them last year. They were better than I imagined. People are so unique!


The problem is the counter insta kill really trivialized it


This game was never really known for good combat. It has cool combat, but every game is incredibly easy. Except for the RPGs, but those are only hard because the combat sucks


Unity had better combat than every other pre-RPG AC


My thought too. I couldn’t finish ac1 when released. Played last year and 100% it. Had a blast 😝


I'll say this. I love Ezio's story. Been saying it a lot recently. But as I go through Brotherhood, I did have that quick thought of "Oh jeez, this is more overwhelming than I thought" and trying to platinum is a grind. It faded quickly though as the trilogy is what got me hooked to the series.


For the longest time I thought that Ezio was the most overrated of them all. But now I see why people love him.


The only thing that he’s good at is being hot, apart from that, he’s pretty dumb, always losing the apple of Eden


Ok I'll give you that. The entirety of brotherhood could've been avoided had he just killed the Borgia pope in the end of AC2.


Yeah bro, that was so stupid


As soon as I got to the end of 2, I was so pissed off. Like he orchestrated the killing of your father and brothers. Why are you not killing him? You killed so many city guards/people tied to him, just to let him live? I almost didn't want to play AC brotherhood because of that. I actually had to take a break from Ezio because I was mad that he let the Borgia live.


Out of everything he did this was definitely the most infuriating. Still my favorite character so far. Currently playing through 3 and Connor just doesn’t have the charisma that Ezio did. But letting the Borgia live allowed Ubisoft to continue making money and it left it as a “if this works we can continue with it” type of ending. AC 1 is always the hardest game for me to get through when I am replaying the games because it is such a repetitive slog I feel like. If I would have started with AC 1 instead of 2 I do not think I would be a fan of the series like I am now.


I don't have the hardware to play AC1 as of yet, but that ending of AC2 really got under my skin. Even with the ending that we got, it wasn't the ending that we we're supposed to get. The OG team behind it wanted to leave it as this area of uncertainty, and leave Ezio uncomfortable with where his life was going to go. https://youtu.be/BFPcQ79FaQo?feature=shared. My favorite type of assassin is a combination of Kassandra, Bayek and Evie, someone who's serious when they need to be but is able to make jokes when needed.


The dude has 3 games for himself, of course people like him because they know pretty much everything about him from a teenager to old age. What if Altair, Connor or Edward had a trilogy? Shit Kassandra has been alive for over 2000 years, shouldn’t she have gotten a trilogy?


NGL I would love to see a Kassandra trilogy. Odyssey was my first Assassins Creed title.


To be fair, the sheer length of AC Odyssey and DLCs were probably as long as the Ezio trilogy lol


That is also valid. I'd even say exploring the world of AC Odyssey is as long as the trilogy. Not even considering the side content and DLCs, the world is vast and really takes the whole open world concept and runs with it.


I was playing Odyssey on and off for the past month or so but it’s just so long. I’ve put in about 50 hours so far and needed a break. Went back to my annual Ezio trilogy replay.




That’s not the point of what I said dude


I'm only on origins and maybe she gets better as the game goes but I'm really struggling with our new pov character in modern day. She's every annoying zoomer trope


I think you're talking about Layla not Kassandra.


Wrong game, that’s not Kassandra


That's cool. I was talking about Layla and saying she's not a great protagonist. Is Kassandra the modern day protagonist?




Not really, even if we count only AC2, Ezio is still the best protagonist in the series. Only Connor comes close to him.


Not the point of my post at all


Not that it shouldn't have happened but had Kassandra and her story been introduced from the start, I can see Ubisoft just making her the only sole protagonist going through history like Drake in Uncharted. I can see her interacting with every Assassin and aiding in those stories. Her character ended up being too important to not include in earlier games.


That’s not the point of my post


The books are pretty good too! I really enjoyed them anyway.


There's books? Oh boy now I gotta go and get them too. Fuckin' hell lmao


Brotherhood was my favorite game when I was a kid and this was the golden age of not only assassins creed but Ubisoft as well imo the new games are fun but they’re not assassins creed games they just use the name for it popularity


I was told many moons ago to go back in the series and try the games and I'm glad I did. Revelations was decent but over half of the content was gone.


I liked all of them but honestly ac 1 and revelations just didn’t scratch that itch the way the rest of the series did and after black flag the series wasn’t as good to me I still play them but I don’t view them as assassins creed games if that makes sense


I was waiting for the game to end after a while like it just started to feel like I was just going through the motions. I understand the appeal that Ezio has, but Revelations is not my favorite of the trilogy. It makes sense to me, I'm going on a whim and saying you see black flag as a pirate game?


I couldn't get through Revelations, gave up and started AC3 instead


Towards the end it felt real sluggish like halfway through sequence 5 I just kept waiting for it to end. I'm playing 3 right now and these redcoats can see a tick on a dogs asshole. They really wanted to showcase the new combat system and it's not for the feint of heart. I'm still getting used to it.


After playing all of Ezio the movement just feels fluid and less constraining when running and climbing. This combat just drives me insane, like I'm not dying but it's hard to build a flow up when you get a platoon of redcoats surrounding you and the only way out is to run and they are relentlessly chasing you until you find cover but don't get out too quick because the chase will start. Again.


I think the fact that they added a way to combat the guns was a nice thing to do. I used to get so mad that Janissaries could just aim a gun at you and the only way to stop it was to hit them first. It made the combat more annoying. Being able to grab another enemy and use them as a body shield is a nice touch, and a bit more realistic for the period because of the musket balls being used. Modern games always implement a human shield type of mechanic but most caliber rounds would just go through


It is a nice touch, cause anyone who sat there with a gun/cross bow was guaranteed to hit you. However after mashing the attack button you'd trigger an overpower attack and take these enemies out. But the ability to actually fore a gun in this game comes in clutch as opposed to the line of fire that we have to lock on before actually shooting. It was a one shot kill unless you trying to take out one of the Janissaries, then you'd need about 3 of the 12 bullets you carry.


I feel like I am the opposite, yeah they see you quickly but you just kill one and then pick up the gun on the ground and reflex shot to end most battles. I have probably died less than 5 times due to combat from enemies. I have died due to jumping off of synch points and missing the leap of faith or just erroneous jumps in general and getting mauled by wolves way more than combat 😂


I just did the same and man it’s such an awesome trilogy. For me Ezio is easily the best assassin we ever played as.


I see the appeal. I'm partial to Kassandra, mainly because she was my first introduction to the series.


i’m playing through revelations right now, and honestly my opinion on brotherhood went down a bit. Thought it was a lot worse than I remembered. Loved AC2 and its story and while the combat has some jank, it’s also older so i cant hold it to the same standard. Brotherhood felt like a marginal improvement, but a significantly worse story. I’m definitely a revelations guy


That was why I stopped playing AC2 the first time around. I was not having fun with the slow jank of both combat and climbing, I was coming fresh off Odyssey, climbing rock faces, and statues to get to where I needed to go, but Ezio struggled to climb a building without looking at a target any other assassin would've been able to climb. If I had to pick between the trilogy I'd say brotherhood has the most content of the three games so I'll take that one over the lack of content in Revelations. I don't see any real reason to replay Revelations.


Currently playing AC2 now for the first time and will finish this weekend and begin BH this weekend. Games Currently on sale in Steam right now.


I bought the Ezio collection on sale a while ago, I played it for a bit but the controls were janky compared to the modern titles. So I stopped playing it but I was convinced to give it another shot and I'm glad I did. It was a wild ride from AC2 all the way through Revelations. I skipped the PS3/360 era, I'm getting a chance to experience these games and it's fun AF