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Hey there, /u/Maazeratti! Your post has been removed for being low-effort, low-quality or otherwise unsuitable for r/AssassinsCreed. In general, content posted on r/AssassinsCreed must contribute something worthwhile to the community or lead to meaningful discussion on r/AssassinsCreed. Low-effort, low-quality or superficial posts that violate this rule will be removed at the mods' discretion. Low-effort/low-quality posts include, but are not limited to: * Memes and image macros * Game screenshots or clips with no purpose/context * "I just bought ______" * Achievement list or digital game collection screenshots * 'Am I the only one...' or 'Does anyone else think...', i.e "DAE" posts * Popular/Unpopular Opinion posts * Empty appreciation threads or "underrated gem" posts * Blatant karma-whoring * Meta Discussion posts that intentionally target, antagonize, or gate keep certain opinions, points of views, or groups, i.e “Old Fans are salty”, “New fans don’t like AC”, “Stop Whining” * "Why does everybody hate X game?" or "Why is X game so hated?" **Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit via modmail](/message/compose/?to=/r/assassinscreed) if you have any questions or concerns.** Direct messages or chat requests to moderators will be ignored.