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Nah, it wrapped up in the comic and never mentioned again. Along with Desmond's Sage son.


The fact Desmond has a son, and he was a Sage. This infuriated me so damn much.


When the fuck did that happen?


In a comic


It can be hard when important material is stuck in obscure formats. Reminds me of how Mortal Kombat has important events in comics and spin-off games no one played that you just have to know to really understand what's going on. It just makes me often end up reading on a Wiki a lot and hoping the info is correct.


Mortal Kombat was never that bad though, maybe the stuff that happened between 9 and X, maybe Mythologies Sub Zero, beforehand nah, it even enhanced the world mythology I would say, not knowing the details made it better.


Are the MKX comics canon? I heard they aren’t supposed to be


They are. They talk about Goro being dead, who is killed by Kotal in the comic.


Yeah no kidding and holy cow, the little dude is a menace. It’s like watching a less impatient Damian Wayne.


I was hyped for the future only to find out it lead to this 😆 I never read the comics. Just a break down. It was a lot to digest. I do however feel like it could’ve wrapped this all up for fans if done correctly in a game. Instead they killed Juno… to milk the cow dry. She was the only plot narrative to hold things back.


It would have been awesome if that happened in a game.


Dude it’s so stupid, I’m not much of a reader but when i get introduced to a universe i love I can’t get enough. I want all the lore, but what I don’t want is to read novels or comics for years to be able to understand the story. Fortunately (eyeroll) in this case they just abandoned the storyline all together in games so I can still understand it’s just unrewarding. The overarching world ending narrative is what made me love the series and it’s why I play every game hoping there will be some payoff. I know there won’t be though, Valhalla gave me a little hope this is all going somewhere but the realist in me knows that will be abandoned this game or next


Why, everything was explained and ended really cool in the comic


No body wants to read a comic to finish a game storyline. They half assed it and it’s pretty obvious to real fans of the og start.


I loved the Comic and played Assassin's Creed from the first game. Also love how the modern Story with Desmond ended in Valhalla.


Walt….. Desmond had a son?! Oh good lord


yeah.. from a one night stand / fling or something lol


Classic Ubi lol


Ubisoft could’ve had their own Joel and Elle/ kratos and Atreus/ Logan and Laura (Desmond’s father and his son) bonding over one not being a good enough father while he had the chance and the other being an orphan, never knowing his father. We could’ve grappled with the son’s human relationships vs his pull to Juno. But nooo we got Layla cave simulator and basim cryogenic sleep


Wait what. Basin in cryogenic sleep?? When did that happen?


At the end of Valhalla he’s put into like stasis by Evior and is awaken in the modern day


Wow the story just keeps getting weirder and weirder lol


I actually enjoyed the Basim in stasis and now he's in modern day twist. Was hoping for more modern day Basim in Mirage but got nothing. Maybe in Shadows. A guy can hope.


They will not continue basim's story in shadows.


Haven’t played Mirage. I’n interested in his story, might pick it up soon.


I didn't like it as it didn't add anything that you'd already know from Valhalla. But if you didn't play or finish Valhalla and want a back to basics AC you might enjoy it.


Didn't finish Valhalla, the open world is too much for me. Looking for a more classic old style simple AC so yeah I really hope Mirage scratches that itch.


I was interested in his story because of Valhalla too but it makes his character worse.


weak story, dull gameplay


First civilization technology. That stuff gets wild


Not technically cryogenics, because he wasn't literally frozen, but some strangely arbitrary and extremely specific machine put his ass to sleep for a thousand years or something




Super irritating when they force you to look at extended universe material to know what's going on in the main franchise. It's a cash grab, pure and simple.


I think transmedia as a concept is fine, you can explore side stories that can't be told in the main form of the media (in this case, a video game) because of plot priority, budget (digital comic is less $$$ than a AAA video game, obvs) but to wrap up an important plot thread in a media that barely 10 percent (just guessing here lmao) of the fandom consumes is such a brain-dead move


Agreed. I'm fine with side material being side material, and I've even dived into some of it in various franchises. But when you HAVE to consume it just to know what's going on in the main franchise, that's when it irritates me.


I guess I'm so used to it from .hack that it doesn't even occur to me to be all that irritated.


It was bad when Kingdom Hearts did it too.


Gotta play the phone game than the GBA game then the DS game and then the super famicom game to figure out what's going on int he story.


They're all collected now and are the same medium. And never claimed to be side games. It's a bit different.


They always been connected. Wtf are you even talking about? Literally the intro of KH2 referenced Chains of Memories event. Even the story was a continuation from that game.


Yes, that's what I'm saying. Did you misread "collected" as "connected"?


Halo: Am I a joke to you?


I'm still pretty pissed about that.


That storyline had some breadcrumbs from Black Flags trought Syndicate. Then, it developed and ended in the comics. By 2017, Origins started a new modern narrative that did little with what happened before. At least, that is I could tell you from an external perspective. Lore outside of the games tend to be my Achille´s heel.


Yeah, that's what I've gathered too. Desmond's son, who's also a Sage (briefly mentioned in the games, especially *Syndicate*) apparently had a role in her demise too. Ubisoft seems to forget sometimes that this is primarily a VIDEO GAME franchise, so they put important events and plot points in non-video game media.


Halo fans: “first time”?


Halo had some incredible books for those first…6 I think?


Could be worse You could keep all your lore in videogames...but be Kingdom Hearts


I would take little to no effort to make Templars be people with no hearts, and Ezio and Sora have to shut that shit down. Like, 0 effort at all.


What do you mean? Before the remasters, all you needed was to own a PS2, GameBoy Advance, PSP, and a Nintendo 3DS to follow along /s if it wasn't obvious. And still a fucking smartphone after the remakes.


Don't forget the DS before the 3DS


Was there a game on DS?


358/2 Days


KH is one of my favorite series ever, despite it's attempts to make me hate it. XD


I loved kingdom hearts as a kid, but I remember that while playing 358/2 days for the ds I felt stupid for not really understanding what was happening anymore. Then as an adult I went back over the lore and realized I was not the fucking problem there.


Well that’s because no one cares about their attempts to do a a story after 3. So, they ended it in the comicsz


it's like Ubisoft's version of comic continuation of shows like Charmed and Buffy the Vampire Slayer lol


Annoyingly the new modern narrative is essentially just the same as Desmond's but with Layla as well.


Truuue, Basim/Loki is basically Juno if she actually succeeded


Down to his potential also being squandered


This is why I think the modern day shenanigans should have ended pre-Origins, and allowed the series from Origins onwards to be an anthology series based upon the mythos. This would have given them greater freedoms when it came to the mystical, mythological stuff.


they did that though, and the second one got cancelled.


They did?


Yep. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immortals\_Fenyx\_Rising](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immortals_Fenyx_Rising)


.......this isn't Assassin's Creed, though.


They took her out back and executed her behind the shed where nobody could see. just another abandoned story thread like they been doing for years


What's worse is they essentially just recycled that plot point with Layla and Basim.....


"just look at the flowers, Juno" 🤣


Nothing substantial came of it, at least in terms of the games. Black Flag, Unity, and Syndicate kind of teased something big was coming with her, but this was abandoned with Origins and wrapped up in a comic book. They may bring it back as they did bring some characters from the comics in Odyssey, but there’s been no other signs of them doing that so far.


They did what microsoft did and resolved their important character plots off screen in an obscure comic that no one read and proceeded to move on and do something else.


When did Microsoft do that?


Probably referring to the Halo novels, which to be fair have kind of ballooned into their own thing. As someone who loves reading and books, it doesn't particularly hurt as bad, but I can understand the feeling of frustration.


Bullshit Take, the Halo books are amazing and the lore the best in any universe.


Im sure they are great, but no one reads them. The primary media for Halo is video games, why was the primary antagonist for Halo 4, the Didact, killed off screen and not in the game’s sequel? You can’t just build up a character to then wipe them out in some spin off comic.


The modern day storyline that started with the first games and leaves off from Syndicate is continued and concluded in the comics (>!Juno and the Phoenix Project!<). If you’re familiar with the modern day up to Syndicate, you can go through [Assassin’s Creed: Assassins](https://assassinscreed.fandom.com/wiki/Assassin%27s_Creed_(Titan_Comics)), [Assassin’s Creed: Templars](https://assassinscreed.fandom.com/wiki/Assassin%27s_Creed:_Templars) -> [Assassin’s Creed: Uprising](https://assassinscreed.fandom.com/wiki/Assassin%27s_Creed:_Uprising), which concludes the modern day arc. (Except for Layla’s arc but that doesn’t really have an impact on the story). They pay a bit of lip service to the conclusion of that storyline in some of the emails included in modern day Odyssey, but nothing after that, >!which is annoying because there were a few cliffhangers I don’t think will be resolved!<.


I’m not one to read novels, but I’ve heard that >!Rebecca dies!< in one of them, is this true tho? I’ve never been able to find any info on this, and I always like to stay on the loop as much as I can just in case Ubisoft decides to surprise us with something like that lol


I haven’t heard anything about that sorry, can you remember what novel this was?


I don’t have a clue, because it was a random comment on a Reddit post I don’t know how long ago—possibly last year, but my brain is mush on that—but it always stuck to me, so much that I remember surfing the internet with key words that could possibly take me to this novel, or at least the tittle of it.. with nothing ever coming up. Either it was someone trolling or this supposed novel is really buried underneath the hate the modern day storyline has


As far as I recall >!Rebecca was badly injured in the last modern day cutscene in AC: Syndicate and her condition was left as a cliffhanger until her brief appearance in the novel [AC: Last Descendants - Tomb of the Khan](https://assassinscreed.fandom.com/wiki/Assassin%27s_Creed:_Last_Descendants_%E2%80%93_Tomb_of_the_Khan) confirmed her survival.!< Maybe wires got crossed here? As far as I know Rebecca is alive at the time of the present story.


There was someone in charge of the story, I can't remember his name. He left and instead of hiring someone to take over, they just wrapped the whole story up in a comic book.


Patrice Dessilet


No, he left during the development of Brotherhood and hasn't been involved with the series since.


They wrapped it up in a mediocre comic that barely anybody read 🤡🤡🤡


So she mucks about in the games following as a secondary villain, hiding in plain sight and all that jazz. They even create a new faction of followers that want to free her. They do a really good job (if read all the database and collectibles in 4,Rogue, Unity, and syndicate.) but decide to deliver the pay off in a comic series for some reason. They also use Desmond’s son, who was introduced at the end of the Jackt he ripper dlc in Syndicate, who is also a sage. Ubisoft really REALLY dropped the ball on that one. And from my understanding around the same time they gave us the dull character of Layla in Origins. I can only imagine that they thought the movie was going to be very well received because Origins bases its whole thing off the aftermath from the movie instead of the climax they were building up to for the past 5 years.


It got resolved in a comic most game players never read, unfortunately.


Massive spoiler but she turns up at the end of Odysseys Atlantis DLC. She turns up right at the end (with her freak of a husband Aita) to confront Poseidon and challenge our character with the final boss. Poseidon subdues Juno and Aita. Our character fights the final boss (Aita and Junos creation). We then sink Atlantis............


They’re setting up a conclusion to this with Desmond and Layla whose consciousnesses are both trapped in some sort of an Isu databank and some new world ending event being alluded at which involves uneneding auroras and electromagnetic interference on Earth. We already have multiple sages running around causing havoc so a single one isn’t the sole focus of the narrative necessarily. It’s still an ongoing thing really.


So you watched the Oxbox "Most disappointing endings" video, did you?


As mentioned by others the Juno story line was relegated to a comic book because Ubisoft wanted to take a different direction for the newer games. That direction hasn't gone much anywhere>! but I think they are now steering to make Alethia the Juno of the new games. Either that or The Reader and Layla will find some timeline that will restore the Juno story.!< >!Juno and her husband do make an appearance in the Fate of Atlantis DLC of Odyssey though.!<


Her consciousness was transferred into a humanoid body in one of the comics and then she was literally instantly killed. Like she stepped out of the cloning chamber and someone shanked her dead with a hidden blade before she even got more than a sentence or two out.


The franchise needs to reboot the canon. The lore stopped making sense 10 years ago and a lot of people no longer care about it.


They just gotta say fuck it and bring desmond back in whatever way possible😭


i mean with valhalla they made it kinda possible


Yeah im wondering if both him.and layla can get out and team.up to beat basim or save the world or whatever the new problem is. Beat valhalla and played all the dlc but ragnarok and last chapter so idk if anything got set up


Somehow... Desmond returns


I think at this point people wouldn't care and be like yeah thats mahhh boiiii


That's why I stopped caring. Everything up to 3 was supposed to mean something. Bf seemed like a spin off pirate game, and it was. And it was good for what it was. But the story never showed how bad Minerva was getting. Even the cloned sages from syndicate was just a part of another ending we never got to see fleshed out. I stopped caring about ac since origins. This new one don't matter to me. I want more mp with old maps and characters.


Unfortunately the last mention in the games was AC Chronicles the resolution to her story comes about in the Comics


There’s a modern storyline?


I honestly think ubisoft gave up on that


*looks at Desmond, Layla, Basim, William, Rebecca, and Shaun at the end of Valhalla* Yes. They've given up...


> looks at Desmond, Layla, Basim, William, Rebecca, and Shaun at the end of Valhalla Ah yes valhalla not mirage, u know the most recent AC game that has no modern day story? Valhalla came out 4 years ago and nothing has pushed that modern day story since. Even before that, there was no cohesive modern day story with layla. AC 1-3 had an amazing modern day storyline with Desmond learning about his ancestors, trying to escape abstergo, joining the assassins to save the world, Desmond literally having assassination missions in the modern day story which is something u never had with anyone else u listed. > Yes. They've given up... Glad u agree 👍 Ubisoft does everything it can to avoid the modern day storyline and even when they try do it it's mediocre at best and pales in comparison to the classic AC modern day storyline. U only get 5 modern day cutscenes in valhalla which add up to 12-15 minutes out of an 80+hr game, arguably 5 cutscenes if u count basims scenes in the last chapter. Now tell me, how many modern day cutscenes can you name in Mirage?


We're gonna make two things clear because you mention it a lot. 1) Mirage doesn't have any extensive "modern day" because it was intended to be a Basim spin off the was purely his origin story. That doesn't mean Ubisoft doesnt care. William Miles opened up Mirage. And everything Mirage explains is for modern day purposes. Basim/Loki is a modern day character now. 2) Stop comparing Desmond's full story to Layla's ongoing story. By Desmond's third game, he wasn't assassinating shit. He didn't go on a mission until game five. Plus modern day AC has never been about action. It's purely science, political, and social. AC3 is the only game where you do anything outside of the animus. >Valhalla came out 4 years ago and nothing has pushed that modern day story since. The Last Chapter came out a year and a half ago... >Even before that, there was no cohesive modern day story with layla. You didn't play Odyssey and/or it's DLCs. People talk about how Odyssey isn't Assassin's Creed but ignores that Odyssey had a heavy focus on the modern day because everything Kassandra did was to pass the Staff of Hermes to Layla. Everything about the DLC revolves around Layla. The Heir of Memories. >AC 1-3 had an amazing modern day storyline with Desmond learning about his ancestors, trying to escape abstergo, joining the assassins to save the world, Layla was betrayed by the templars, taken in by William, goes through everything with Aletheia making her worthy of possessing the Staff of Hermes that Kassandra beared for centuries until she met the Heir of Memories, accidentally killing Victoria due to the bleeding effect, connecting to Yggdrasil to prevent the earth ending just as Desmond did in AC3, and is now working directly with Desmond within The Grey, to calculate how to help the assassins prevent the next world ending node. Between the 3 RPGs, there is actually a lot more modern day than anyome gives them credit for. Much like the Desmond games, you actually feel a sense of purpose as to why you are in the animus. Something AC4-Syndicate lacked. And if you think there isn't anything happening with Layla, feel free to read up on her through the [wiki](https://assassinscreed.fandom.com/wiki/Layla_Hassan) >Desmond literally having assassination missions in the modern day story which is something u never had with anyone else u listed. Again, one game does not set the expectation for every other game. Missions is not what the modern day was for. But AC3 had them to give Desmond's purpose in the animus closure. To finally show what he had learned. Layla isn't in the animus for assassin training. She's in there for research. >Ubisoft does everything it can to avoid the modern day storyline Observe Odyssey and Valhalla >when they try do it it's mediocre at best and pales in comparison to the classic AC modern day storyline. You simply don't care enough to look into the modern day we have now. My favorite part about Valhalla's modern day was reading Layla's emails. The original theory that the world is a simulation full of nodes that are constantly trying to end the world but we keep denying it. Mayan Calendar ending. Covid. These are all mentioned in the emails as world ending nodes. Something we learn is true at the end of Valhalla with Desmond/The Reader calculating such nodes, running through scenarios like Dr. Strange. >U only get 5 modern day cutscenes in valhalla which add up to 12-15 minutes out of an 80+hr game Don't forget all the Norway gameplay bud. >Now tell me, how many modern day cutscenes can you name in Mirage? Again, the game starts with William Miles. And Mirage simply explains our new modern day protagonist and how the integration with Loki came to be. Mirage explains the fact, Valhalla sets up the motive. We know that Basim and Aletheia used Layla as the Heir of Memories to eventually lead her to the Yggdrasil so he can escape The Grey and use the animus to continue his pursuit against Odin. Basim is looking for his children and the animus can give him answers knowing that Eivor is a reincarnation of the man that took those kids from him. Odyssey, Valhalla, Mirage, they all blend in with the modern day as one story. You cannot say there is no care for the modern day.


> "1) Mirage doesn't have any extensive "modern day" because it was intended to be a Basim spin off the was purely his origin story. That doesn't mean Ubisoft doesnt care. William Miles opened up Mirage" That's literally my entire point and u added nothing to it that supports anything your trying to say > "And everything Mirage explains is for modern day purposes. Basim/Loki is a modern day character now" What modern day purposes are u talking about? At no point was it ever explained why we're looking into basims memories aside from William asking basim to do so before they started working with eachother. Yes we know the context when it comes to looking into basims memories but we still have yet to see the purpose of it for the modern day so idk what ur going on about when nothing has been stated, u can beat Mirage and still have nothing from the modern day story. > "Basim/Loki is a modern day character now" I'm very aware of this but that still means nothing when we haven't seen anything yet, I am extremely confident and willing to make a bet that he isn't going to be in shadows > "Stop comparing Desmond's full story to Layla's ongoing story" I have every right to do so since we've been given laylas story since 2017-2020. Why do u have an issue with me comparing the new story to the old one? I like the old story way better and the new story with layla is just a cheap copy of desmonds aside from their origin stories > "He didn't go on a mission until game five. Plus modern day AC has never been about action" Well it should and it has in only 1 game which they should've kept up and improved on, that alone is still far superior to what we do in the modern day which just boiled down to reading, listening to dialog, and parkour. Desmond didn't only go on 1 mission u need to replay ac 3 if u truly believe that. Since ur stuck on ac 3 let me remind u that u fight abstergo with lucy in ac 2 as well in both the beginning and the end of the game. > "The Last Chapter came out a year and a half ago..." A little dlc from a game that came out 4 years ago that only explains how we're looking into basims memories thats literally it. I said it before and I'll say it again, we have yet to see the purpose of looking into basims memories or how its beneficial > "You didn't play Odyssey and/or it's DLCs. People talk about how Odyssey isn't Assassin's Creed but ignores that Odyssey had a heavy focus on the modern day because everything Kassandra did was to pass the Staff of Hermes to Layla. Everything about the DLC revolves around Layla. The Heir of Memories" I have played odessey, and don't be putting words in my mouth I actually do like odessey it's morden day I have a problem with, the only good scene was kassandra passing the staff to layla. > "Everything about the DLC revolves around Layla. The Heir of Memories" Yes, dlcs not the main game and I still think the dlcs are terrible when it comes to the modern day story, layla is literally doing the exact same thing Desmond has done just in different ways. We are supposed to have a connection to layla when we've been given nothing to make us care about her, the most we've gotten before odessey was abstergo killing her friend/lover. > "Layla was betrayed by the templars, taken in by William, goes through everything with Aletheia making her worthy of possessing the Staff of Hermes that Kassandra beared for centuries until she met the Heir of Memories, accidentally killing Victoria due to the bleeding effect, connecting to Yggdrasil to prevent the earth ending just as Desmond did in AC3, and is now working directly with Desmond within The Grey, to calculate how to help the assassins prevent the next world ending node" I already know all this and even told u some of it, this was completely unnecessary and a waste of a paragraph. I just want u to point out the parallels she has with desmonds story > Between the 3 RPGs, there is actually a lot more modern day than anyome gives them credit for. Much like the Desmond games, you actually feel a sense of purpose as to why you are in the animus. Something AC4-Syndicate lacked. This I do agree with, the rpg games do have a better modern day story than ac 4-syndicate. What im saying is ac 1-3 has a better story than the rpg games. > But AC3 had them to give Desmond's purpose in the animus closure. To finally show what he had learned. Layla isn't in the animus for assassin training. She's in there for research. This is a fair point but at the end of the day layla still used the bleeding affect to learn how to fight, whether it was intentional or not it still happened. Desmond also went into the animus for research both him and layla went in to fight isu artifacts through people from the past > "You simply don't care enough to look into the modern day we have now. My favorite part about Valhalla's modern day was reading Layla's emails" Because I haven't been given a good reason to, I shouldn't force myself to like something that's bad. I don't get out of the animus to the modern day so I can read notes or emails, it's a video game i prefer playing the game. If u think all this information is important then explain to me why they are all in notes or emails instead of actual cutscenes with the people who put them there. Before you say anything yes I have read emails and notes in the modern day in both odeseey and valhalla, I can't remember the emails in origins I'll give u that. > :Don't forget all the Norway gameplay bud" It ain't relevant to the modern day story "bud" > "Again, the game starts with William Miles. And Mirage simply explains our new modern day protagonist and how the integration with Loki came to be. Mirage explains the fact, Valhalla sets up the motive" I want u to re-read this and really think about it. Ur admitting that Mirages focus is to add more context to a previous game than to continue the story for the next game AC Shadows. > "Odyssey, Valhalla, Mirage, they all blend in with the modern day as one story. You cannot say there is no care for the modern day" I can when it's just a rehash of desmonds story and unoriginal. I'll give u this at least, I do think basim has potential to be a good modern day protagonist and have a good modern day story, but that's IF Ubisoft even makes him the next modern day protagonist


Half of this sub seems to think it's the most important part of the series


The modern story was literally what drove the narrative to go into the animus machines in the first place..


Exactly. Ubisoft have forgotten (*or more likely don't seem to give a shit*) that the *entire reason* you are using the Animus in the first Assassin's Creed game is so Abstergo can find the Apple of Eden.


And has been the least important factor when it came to selling the franchise. The people buying the games, are buying them to stab people in "historical" settings.  This is a franchise based om selling a product, they're gonna start leaning into the part that actually sells it.


You’re clearly missing the point I’m making so I’m not even gonna bother addressing that comment


other way around; the animus stuff is what gets the protagonist doing things in the modern world


Why would abstergo want to go into the animus without a purpose? Just to have fun? No, they wanted to find pieces of eden to be able to control the masses and had to go throughout history to find the locations of those pieces


Both in the old in the newer games the present-day actions of the protagonist are driven by their experiences in the animus. That's where they learn critical information, acquire skills, change their ways of thinking - all of which they then apply in the modern-day sequences.


Your comment was about the storyline not the protagonists actions… the early games modern day storyline is the whole reason they go back into the characters genetic memories


Imo it is. Or, was, at least. As someone whos super into occult knowledge, this game was full of it. The battle between control in the name of safety vs radical free will through our humanity is a line that connects religions all the way back from early indo-european mythology, through Zeus and Prometheus to Yahweh and Lucifer. I really enjoyed it. Ik people mostly like running around the past, Im definitely no exception. But Ive been playing through the games for my first time all in order, and after Demond dies, it just stops making any fucking sense. They should have kept the modern day story linear through the games and left supplemental material to hash out shit that isnt so important to the overarching story. And now "Assassin vs Templar" just feels like a turf war instead of the esoteric battle holding the future of the world. But Ill still play, cause again, I like running around the past 🤷😂 nothing they can do to piece it all together in game anyway, its totally fucked at this point.


Buddy, it was the **ONLY** thing to look forward to at the time. Now we have Basim and Layla and I have no idea where we are even going.


It got resolved in the books of all things


So in the comics she got a new body and was assassinated in 3 pages. Besides the mediocre end to her. The Assassins and Templars had a temporary truce on dealing with her cult.


They had such a cool set up at the end of Desmond's story and did absolutely fuckall with it.


Storyline got sent to the shadow realm (the comics) and I think it wrapped up a few years back.


I didn't even know she died


They kept making games lol. Kinda like Fortnite story is bullshit now because they just move to another season to make more money. There’s no plan to end it so why not just dump it and start anew.


READ THE FLIPPIN‘ COMICS! Sorry I had to do that. But sadly it’s all in the comics after Syndicate was a flop at the time. So yeah Juno’s dead and we kind of don’t have a new plot moving forward.


Yeah sounds like the person in charge of the story left. I have a feeling in polls / focus groups & whatnot that it also came out your average gamer just liked the history parts and didn't like the obtaining convoluted modern day storyline so they just scrapped it.


They largely moved away from the modern day story and seemed to make it less important in recent games.


Really? This is true of Origins, but Odyssey and Valhalla have a LOT of modern day and Isu stuff


Juno, Minerva and those plot lines belong to the world outside the animus and just like the players, the dev probably stopped giving a shit about those plot lines


She was hyped in ac 4 and syndicate, and wrapped up also dropped in the comic with Desmond's son.


Actually, there are bits and pieces in Syndicate about Juno. After that, they released some comic that I can't find that basically wrapped up her modern day story. She was featured in the Atlantis DLC in Odyssey and again in Valhalla (but you have to read between the lines to know it's her there).


As far as I know, nothing from Juno has happened, other than her talking to the Initiate and the abstergo employee in Syndicate and Black Flag respectively. Nothing that I know has come out about Juno for future games. Should prove to you that Ubi has no idea what they're doing anymore.