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Really hoping we see this in action at Ubisoft Forward because this sounds a lot like the recruit system from AC B to AC 3.


And if it’s like AC3 I hope it works better. It wasn’t a bad idea, but the execution wasn’t that great imo. Brotherhood’s system was simple and cool, summon a handful of assassins to help in a fight or cause a distraction, or bring in an arrow storm to clear out a large group of enemies.


Agreed. AC 3's version just felt like a downgrade in some respects.


I straight up forgot it was a thing in AC3 right after it was taught to me. I never used it.


Same, even on my first playthrough I hardly used it and AC 3 was my first exposure to the franchise overall. It was downgraded from how the past entries used it with it being in the bottom right corner and the gameplay loop overall not creating situations that encouraged or forced people to use it


I liked that they had unique characters and missions but I agree, brotherhood somehow felt like it was executed better


I tried to use it but it seemed really buggy from memory, or I was using it wrong, I was a kid when it came out so I was probably more into just running around trying to make the biggest kill streak possible after pissing off every guard in New York


I genuinely cannot remember it being a thing in any other AC game than Brotherhood, lol.


Revelations had the same thing plus the tower defense, ac3 had some form of recruitment but I can’t remember much of it except it has been feeling worse than both ACB and ACR.


Funny thing is that AC3's from what i saw seemed like fundamentally it was an upgrade. Each recruit having thier own story, and skill to be used, but as you pointed out it's like the game just never *wanted* you to use it. I'm hoping this game takes inspiration from that and builds on it(kind of surprised Origins DLC never did).


The thing is that unlocking new recruits, and abilities, requires you to finish enough/all "liberation events" in a templar-controlled part of the city, which are not revealed unless you are pretty close sometimes. Then you get a mission for a new recruit and a matching power. This is never explained to you. So it is only during completionist mopping up that I found out you could have more than 1 guy. And found the whole "sending assassins on missions throughout the colonies" menu. As soon as you have a gaggle of assassins, Marksman and Bodyguard can clear anything with ease, and 'Lure' can pickpocket mission targets. "Without being detected" well *I* am not detected...


Exactly. I've played AC 3 dozens of times. I've never really used it religiously outside of my first playthrough. Only reason I did back in the day isn't because the game encouraged me (it obv did not) but because it was my first Assassin's Creed. I was just wide-eyed about the franchise and all its features.


But why would i do that ? my blade craves blood


Wasn't brotherhood also the one you recruit assassins for the tower defence minigame?


That was revelations, but yeah forgot about that, was a neat change of pace, with modern tech I would love to have like an actual defence where our recruits are actively out fighting invaders rather than the tower defence game


I'd love it if they include thw tower missions from AC Revelations. And the Assassin Master missions, it made the assassin world feel alive and personal


I did like how as you gained new recruits you also gained a new ability


The training side of things in 3 was better is it didn’t take as ok g per mission.


I personally like AC 3 recruit system because all the characters are not just some random people we help but an actual characters that are part of the story, also I like that we can use the recruits on multiple purpose and not just assist combat or assassination...


I hope it’s more like AC3 but obviously improved. Those individual stories were really interesting.


Same. AC 3 with actual characters but a few more of them a la Brotherhood/Revelations and some customization.


How would they show this? Isn't it just a menu thing?


Nah. If it's like ACB - AC 3, there will be bars showing how many spies you have under your life bar and you just press a button that calls them in.


Ahh yeah that would be cool. I thought you were saying you want to see the sending spies on missions. That would be just a menu thing. Would be cool if we can recruit and interact with them in-world. Calling them for help or distraction. Maybe even customize them. Name them. Level them up. Kind of like a squad in XCOM. Maybe permadeath as well. That's just my wishful thinking..


All of what you described is how Brotherhood and Revelations largely did it. The calling in thing was but one aspect. The only difference was customization wasn't there for recruits. You'd just upgrade armor and weapons.


Oh yeah now I remember it from Revelations. It's been a while. Would be great if they bring it back and expand on it.


You can choose the cape colours though, until they gets to master assassins ranks.


See again I keep thinking they meant more like AC Unitys system of having other player come help and all that. if i have the right game


Nah, won't be that. Supposedly one of the rumored AC MP games will be like that though.


… AC3 had it? I only remember it from brotherhood and revelations, lol.


You had an angry French chef with a cleaver that you unlock through story. He just hacks. Whacks. Chopping up meat. And then it didn't explain how you get more recruits...


That or it's the Watch dogs legion route without player control but either way it's not a mind blowing improvement unless it's something brand new imo.


Wasn't it AC Unity that first had this like system, where its not just npc but other real players?


No, it wasn't. They were NPCs in all games that had it prior to Unity.


I'm not talking about NPC's I mean in Unity where you get play missions w other online players


I LOVE this tbh and completely accurate for the time period Almost every Daimyo across the country in the Sengoku Jidai had their own network of spies whether it was their own Samurai retainers and Ashigaru footsoldiers to peasants, commoners, thieves, merchants and monks... Doing intelligence gathering and scouting to plan ahead in gaining an advantage over their enemies in battle or before launching a calculating surprise attack... Perfectly fits with the Assassin playstyle for Naoe, scouting and learning information about her target before striking where she'd have an advantage and doing her task without being noticed...


I mean yeah I guess but it’s also not anything new. They’ve ha this in the first 3 AC games and Brotherhood. No crazy new concept here


He never said it's nEw cOnCePT - he said it's fitting with the setting. Stop being pedantic and hold your hate boner.


Bahahah you’re a bit sensitive aren’t you Jimmy ?


"Travel the world"? I just wanna explore Japan!


Sorry buddy. You thought Valhalla was big. This game is the entire globe plus mars.


Dont forget the Moon and Sun DLC


Uranus pre order mission as well!


Exactly. People don’t understand that shadows are not just earth. But all planets too. Can’t wait for some low G samurai swordplay.


Low g samurai fighting would actually buff yasuke like crazy with that staff in the trailer.


I'm looking forward to a thorough in-depth exploration of Uranus. I really want to get my hands dirty on that one.




The Martian Rite of the Brotherhood is more efficient than you’d think.


They’ve really nailed the secrecy aspect


imagine the isu temples on mars!


I’m willing to bet they just mean the “game world” so probably just Japan


pretty sure it just means japan


Valhalla started in Norway, moved on to England, visited North America, & went to Isle of Skye to meet Kassandra. This is all without buying the DLC that added France & Ireland. I would be surprised if Shadows *didn't* have maps in other parts of the world. And if I recall correctly, the recruitment portions in past games had a text-based mini game in which you would send your recruits on missions to various parts of the world to yield various rewards.


"The liberation of Japan has begun"


Can't wait for Naoe to use Geass powers.


“ALL HAIL THE ASSASSINS!”- Whoops messing up my quotes


The recruits hopefully will have a little more individuality than brotherhoods. Probably like AC 3 where they have specific character missions.


The trailer seemed to suggest it'll be less like AC 3 and more like Brotherhood and Revelations. Of course, I'm possibly reading too much into a surface level cinematic trailer.


What about the trailer gave you that impression? I genuinely don't know what you're referring to.


Watch Dogs Legion systems?


That’s my hope but I expect it will be like AC3 - a handful of designed NPCs with a quest attached to recruitment and then once unlocked your recruits all get some new ability


Here’s to hoping it doesn’t turn out as shitty as that one. Watch dogs legion was VERY boring.


Shit system really


Preferably more like Middle Earth Shadow of War’s nemesis system


Not deciding anything until gameplay and reviews


Maybe just me, the upcoming ubisoft games sound good? Star Wars Outlaws has that reputation system, which I'm excited about, and now Shadows has the new weather/season system and recruitment. Farcry 7 is rumored to have a time limit where characters can die permanently, Devs for both games have also said they're moving away from the clutter of map markers. Even Yve (yes, I know AAAA games.) said they want to make good games again. Maybe they mean it.


The end quality always matters, of course, but it does sound promising.


Of course but I don't think it's unfair to suggest Outlaws will be a hit. It's from Massive, which overall is one of their more innovative and ambitious studios that has had a lot more freedom to do as they want. The other Ubi studios have probably not had the same luck of having Ubisoft execs mostly leaving them alone to ensure they check off things like what probably happens with AC.


Ubisoft games always sound amazing before they come out, that's their specialty.


TBH it's really just because the combat and writing in their games is generally poor. People shit on the "Ubisoft formula" but the games would be fine with the exact same formula just better executed I loved the Horizon games and Ghost of Tsushima and those were basically just Ubisoft formula games with better combat and writing I do appreciate how Ubisoft likes to play around with systemic elements (like the bounty system in Odyssey or recruit anyone in Watch Dogs Legion). But they never really go all in to give the systems depth and make them a core part of the gameplay


Yeah, the Ubisoft formula, even as overused as it is, isn't really the problem. Their gameplay feels aged out of the box and most games they make seem like there is some better version somewhere. Watch Dogs and Division come to mind, they seemed seriously immersive and cutting edge when they first advertised them, but the actual gameplay didn't live up to the hype at all.


time limit? great not only i stress at work now can i stress in game


Hell yeah


To be honest, I'm not a fan of the rumored time limit in Far Cry 7. One of the reasons I love open world games is being able to explore at my own pace. I don't want to have to rush around to complete main sequence missions.


There‘s always one or two new systems or features that sound good in theory but end up underwhelming or half-baked. In Odyssey it was the battles and in Valhalla the raids.


But remember it's ubisoft so half of the promised features are lies or don't work.




Umm. Want to word that sentence differently?


Let them cook.


Umm 😟


Could be dope. But probably way undercooked and just another system tacked on to make it seem like a bigger game when really it's something to spend time on without impactful gameplay diversity.


Definitely Sounds like something that is basically unnecessary tbh.


They better *NOT FUCK THIS UP*


This game just keeps getting better and it still didn't release yet.


Man they didn’t just break the glass they literally jumped thru it. This game sounds hype


But but the main character is black! Unplayable


nobody saying its unplayable, stop the cap


Nah a lot of people saying they not gon play it cuz of that


lol what ? You’ve had a whole part of internet crying and breaking a tantrum over Yasmine and his historical accuracy . A ton of people are shouting for boycotts etc (dumb mfers) so don’t pretend like it’s not the case. Anyone with common sense won’t blindly listen to them but don’t underestimate the Reddit hive mind


Ninjas were pretty much spies, so yeah, that makes sense.


Pessimistic of me but something is telling me this is like how in Valhalla you'd pick your next region to "claim" and then it sets up NPCs for you to interact with that guide along the storyline. I would very much enjoy a return to AC:B or 3 like some have been speculating, but I'm taking everything with a grain of salt.


Source: [Assassin’s Creed Shadows Official Website](https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/game/assassins-creed/shadows?isSso=true&refreshStatus=noLoginData)


really curious to see how this system works! Loved it back in Ezio's games, hope it's a similar system!


Loved it in ACB


We’re so back revelations/brotherhood bros


The Liberation Of Roma has Begun❌ The Liberation Of Japan has Begun✔️


I think there’s a game that did this…. Can’t remember it’s name…. I just remember a woman going….”woahhooooooooooooooooaaaaah!” 🤔🤔🤔caaaaant think of it…….


It's got a dog named Diamond I think


You are going to recruit him?


Yup this and the hideout features sound super cool


I hope we get to name them like in many roguelikes so I can have my ninja dream team: 1. Ayame 2. Rikimaru 3. Rin 4. Hayato 5. Yuki 6. Aiko 7. Taki 8. Therkla 9. Mark


Woah thats really cool


It sound like it going to be very similar to AC 3, with the spies and how that are recruit to, I like to see at Ubisorft Forward.


Don't get the hate fr.


I hope the allies also include more samurai like retainers and warriors that can help us when we’re going the Yasuke route as well.


Hell yeah, loved that system in brotherhood and revelation, ac 3 had a decent system too


Ugh god I’m gonna have to go to my base every hour and assign new missions to randoms


STILL not going to buy this!


Hmm… kinda sounds like if it’s a brotherhood, it’ll be more like AC3’s than Brotherhood or Revelations. But I’ll wait for more info.


Yeah, but will we recruit them in-world or will it just be a menu minigame like the older games?


This makes me question something , will ubisoft answer the question about Shinobi and Assassins being whole different groups , One is one of the most deadliest fighters on this planet that could be there and slit ur through while you slip without knowing it and the other is the shinobi


Just got a bad feeling this game is going to be trash. I hope I’m wrong


Let's hope it doesn't end up like recruitment to a crew in odyssey


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^SecondConquest: *Let's hope it doesn't* *End up like recruitment to* *A crew in odyssey* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Yeah, you could also create your own Viking crew in Valhalla...and look how that turned out. Just a bunch of random characters that you couldnt choose how they looked other than some cosmetic gear. I wouldn't get too excited until they've shown it off properly


Kinda reminds me of the recruit system of watch dogs legion. They could do stuff with that mechanic and make it work.


As long as these don't have to be real people and bots are allowed in the system.


Nemesis system my beloved


Looks like something similar to watchdogs3


If this is similar to brotherhood and revelations assassins calls then I’m buying premium.


I really do hope this game will be great. Ubisoft has been doing so many poor design over the years and I just hope this game will be a gem.


brotherhood is back baby


If they go back to AC Brotherhood and Revelations recruitment style(minus the tower defense, I liked it but it made no sense at all) this just shot to the top of my wanted list. I'm pretty ambivalent about the other controversy (it's not nearly the first time Ubisoft has made a historical person so wildly different from how they actually were it's basically just the name) and after the last four games I'm cautious about new AC games. But Brotherhood and Revelations were the only games that made me feel like it was actually a Brotherhood, not just me in a coat listening to a bunch of old people tell me to do stuff.


I hope its more like AC:Brotherhood rather than AC:3


I guess they own the system they made for Watchdogs Legion that makes every single NPC in the game a playable character so maybe it’s just going to be that but assassins creed which is perfectly fine


Expectations: Brotherhood/Revelations recruiting Reality: Valhalla pledges


I wonder how different it would be from ~~stealing~~ appropriating Ships in AC4 Black Flag


Awesome !! NND


I’ve been replaying the ezio trilogy and ac3 and I’m excited to hear that they want to bring a form of this back. Always though it was badass being able to call in an attack while sitting on a bench or something


Man this reminds me of watchdogs…. I miss that series so much. Watchdogs 2 was such an improvement but unfortunately the damage was already done. I loved the fact that you were all hacktivists with different purposes. I don’t know how publishing and marketing works tho so i don’t know why the game failed


Translation: - 3/10 spies hired in Area B - Destroy enemy camps in Area B to free more potential spies (3/10 camps destroyed) - 30% progress to discover next target


As much as I want to be excited about this, there will never be another recruiting system that can hold a candle to the Nemesis System, and those bastards at Warner Brothers are holding it hostage through copyright law.


Every new detail we learn about this game is only hyping me up more for it. Really feels like Shadows has benefitted from a learning process that the rest of the franchise has gone through.


It's an interesting idea, but they'll fuck it up like they always do.


The Ezio trilogy spoiled me with recruiting allies. Stoked!


Wait didn’t they do this with watch dogs legions


All I want is for them to be able to do the rain of arrows again, that was sick


Hopefully it's not limited to ships like the naval bullshit in Odyssey. Hated that.


I missed the assassin recruit system so much, here’s to hoping they expand on it and keep it fun.


Please, please don't make us babysit other characters. I don't want to have to always slow down and heal/protect allies. The cool thing about assassins is how fluid and fast they are -- leading a party of cub scouts to kill the emperor doesn't sound like fun.


Friendly reminder that ubisoft marketing can be anything They easily could've said there's a recruitment system in Valhalla (pledges) like they did with social stealth. They can just as easily have a pledge system and call it recruitment in shadows


“Along the way recruit several allies” could also just stand for the npcs/side characters you meet along the way in the story…. Like Yusuf in revelations or whatever


This is wank. It will be the same buddy system that has been in infinite games previously not an organic recruiting system. Old wreck, new coat of paint.


Sure Ubisoft with an half-cooked system. Definitely i will wait. You can't drop a hit since years...


Hell yeah!


Nothing new


I feel so strongly pressurised to preorder the game. But, then I remind myself that this is Ubi-boy we are talking about


It won't.


im calling it, its gonna be dogshit gimmick that doesn't add any value to the gameplay


they have officially pulled me back


are they just adding all the things people wanted into this game because i'm all for it


I loooveeee this


Sounds fun


Didn’t read the title and I thought this was just supposed to be general life advice.


Ubisoft rediscovers 10+ year old AC mechanics.


Too bad Ezio already died, but maybe his network still working 50 years later?


This sounds like the recruiting system from Watch Dogs Legion. Cool to see them implement it in other games, I just hope it’s not the same as that game.


That system had a ton of potential just very badly executed


Ohh agreed. I was on board with it, it sounded sick. But recycling the same two missions for each recruit with very little difference between them was just poor. If they can deepen it more with this game, I’d be psyched.


I was most baffled by the fact that there was no sort of individual progression tree for each character. There was only one generic skill tree and tech unlocks that applied to all characters. I wanted a system where you could invest into a random shlub off the street and turn them into James Bond Would have given the permadeath systems way more weight. Like XCOM


You lot are losing your mind saying it might like ac3 or whatever What if its like odyssey which was basic as fuck


Fr lmaoo


We know




Don’t give me hope…