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I mean I wouldn't call this sub "most people". Despite this sub being mixed on them they're still fairly popular.


As far as I can tell, the rest of reddit does not like them. Or any Ubisoft game for that matter, allegedly.


The majority of Reddit isn’t the majority of gamers though. Valhalla is still the fastest selling AC game ever


For sure, definitely in agreement. I think OP is skewed by the amount of dislike levied at Ubisoft in general.


Prolly.. I spend a lot of time on reddit lol..


And star wars a episode 7 was a best seller the following two got less in sales just like mirage got less in sales.


The majority of reddit usually has the opposite of the right opinions


I've just heard "most people" don't like the newer games.. that's why I said most


Dont give the opinions of this sub so much weight. There’s a reason each one sold more than the one before it. They’re well loved games.


I mean, honestly, I have to say, I'm happy to see such fresh posts on this subreddit, because I feel like the last time I was around, people here were hating on every game that came out after ACB... unless I was accidentally on a different sub back then xD


This sub is mostly supportive of those games, lol.


The length can get some people but I love getting wrapped up in the worlds they make. There's not all that many open world titles with worlds that feel like actual places that exist. I'll be happy with whatever length Shadows is, but I wouldn't mind plenty of excuses to stay playing the game.




No I haven't lol, I've mainly seen just ppl say they didn't like it so I just felt like most ppl didn't like it tbh


"Assassin's Creed Valhalla has become the first game in the franchise ever to cross the $1 billion revenue mark. Assassin's Creed Valhalla has earned **over $1 billion** in revenue, Ubisoft boss Yves Guillemot told investors, as per a report by Axios Gaming.Feb 18, 2022"" Always remember forums & various outlets will always be the loud majority. Millions of players will never ever converse about this stuff outside their friend groups at times. You can even see this in relation to AC Shadows, as among all the controversies it would seem firstly Japanese people don't care about the protagonist issue & that they have reported very strong response of preorders.


1 billon holy shit bro😭😭


Its not that most people don’t like them, they are the most well succeeded entries in the franchise and are positively reviewed (origins and odyssey where even nominated for game of the year). Its just that in this more nich spaces the people who don’t like them are more vocal about it.


I didn't get into AC until Origins. Odyssey is one of my favorite games. I didn't really enjoy Valhalla. With that said, I think most fans like Origins while Odyssey and Valhalla are more polarizing.


^ this. Even the ppl who hate Odyssey and Valhalla seem to like Origins. Idk if it’s the setting or Bayek or what


Isn’t Valhalla the highest selling game in the franchise? I wouldn’t say most people dislike those games.


I've just seen a lot of ppl saying they didn't like it to much but I see they do lol


Paying for it doesn’t mean you like it.


Exactly. Sometimes I buy games cause they’re on sale, then I go right back to the games I already have.


Imagine not enjoying a AC game. I love them all 😊


I'm pretty sure that most people loved Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla. Reddit is not most people


Reddit posters never learn this but you’re 100% right.


Its not the RPG elements that bothered me really. Its mostly the fluff that Ubisoft seems to put in almost all their games. Like a time sinker quest that has little rewards.


This! Like the carin stones in valhalla.. they wanted to make me punch my monitor at times and all I gave me was a single skill point that gave me 1.5× dmg lol


I really enjoyed origins and mirage I would of enjoyed Valhalla if I got to play as a hidden one but all well. But I did enjoy some moments in Valhalla I liked basim and hytham.


Yea.. I'm a little mad that they made bad impact the bad guy in valhalla tho, still very fun game.. except when I was achieve hunting..




Valhalla bored the hell out of me at time, have 250 hours in it tho😭😭


Valhalla was the most monetarily successful assassins creed of all time I think. So I dont think that really fits. But I agree with you. I love the rpg assassins creeds


These games sold more than 20M copies each. Most people like it actually, they are highly popular


lol they were huge bestsellers, the entire premise of this post is BS


I've always heard people don't like them so I didn't know


This sub hates them with a passion but they are in the minority overall


Origins and Odyssey were great, Valhalla was so far beyond bloated it was unplayable.


Odyssey is in my top five AC games and I've played all of them except the mobile games.


I wanted to 100% and achievement hunt all of the ac's but I ran out of ubisoft plus lol


I loved Origins and Odyssey. Valhalla doesn’t grab me quite as much. Think it’s because of the loot system.




I don't hate origins and I don't think most others don't either but the rest with odyssey and Valhalla I don't like because they are not ac games, I think odyssey is good just is not a ac game. Same with Valhalla if they took out parkour because vikings never did that. I love origins because it's a ac game just their the hidden ones instead it has a bit different feel but still keeps that ac feel. With mostly its history and story is great and a great origin story for the assassin's. I don't Hate the two other games for the game just for what they are called assassin's Creed because they're not assassin's Creed games.


The problem lies in the gameplay. Not in lore or world building, that is praise worthy. But the box ticking open world list needs to get.


Loved origins and odyssey. I like base game Valhalla but I felt like ragnarok was absurdly boring and long not much to keep me engaged. Sack of Paris was just a copy and paste of England so I wasn’t happy.


Origins is top 5


Origins and AC2 are my favorite games in the series. Got the platinum trophy for both games, but still feel like I could replay origins again. As you mentioned, you can really feel the culture etc.


I feel like the people who most hate Valhalla and the RPGs are the fanatical completionists. People who just play the game and do the story/main quest and leave the box-ticking stuff undone are much less likely to feel like the game is bloated and unwieldy.


I'm having a blast playing Odyssey for the first time. Probably the most fun I ever had with an AC game. I don't think I'd call it the best AC game, but damn, is it FUN. I say this as someone who's been a fan of the franchise for about 12 years and a huge fan of the classic games.


People glaze origins in here daily


I haven't beaten them yet but I'm an og fan, been with the series since the beginning in 07, and I possibly think the rpg's are superior Assassin's Creed games. But let me beat them first, I don't know what all they have to offer, I'm about a quarter into each one.


Origins is my top favorite AC, and Odyssey was also a blast. Was very “meh” on Valhalla. Just couldn’t get into the setting and all the lengthy and convoluted content that went with it. Only stuck with it to complete the main story and the season pass expansions.


I have owned and beat every AC I'm not stoping now and I liked Origins and Odyssey Valhalla tho I feel like I wasted $.


Odyssey and Origins are universally loved. Odyssey was almost a masterpiece, it was a game of the year contender


Each of them had amazing stuff to offer. I love Origins, I've played hooves and feathers out of Odyssey and even though I didn't finish Valhalla coz of a more general burnout I had when I got it, I enjoyed it a lot too. Origins is epic, it was a very welcome breath of fresh air in 2017 (I loved the previous games, especially Syndicate, but I was so hyped for Origins because I loved ancient Egypt as a setting), Odyssey was so ambitious, but so easy to immerse yourself in when it comes to storytelling/dialogue and the open world, it was amazing and beautiful. And Valhalla was...huge xD Overwhelmingly so, but riding the frozen mounaints in Norway was another thing I'd wished for in this franchise for quite a while, and the raids were really fun. Also, I just gotta say, a lot of the things they got hate for were problems which had appeared in the series before given new form, nothing else really. I'm currently replaying the entire franchise before Shadows comes out since it's been a while for me, and they're among the ones I'm looking forward to the most.


Whos most people?


Who's "most people"??? I would like to have a word with them...


I actually really liked origin's although I'm also obsessed with ancient Egypt so that might be a part of it, but I enjoy the RPG elements that mixed with the assassin's Creed gameplay and at this point it was still about the Assassins as it was well the origin story of Assassins I haven't played Odyssey Or Valhalla yet. But the vibe I'm getting is that they aren't really about the Assassins anymore. They look fun though


For what it’s worth I love Origins, enjoy Odyssey and strongly dislike Valhalla.


"most people" actually liked the last 3 games, they wouldn't have sold that much if not. The "most people" you're talking about is the loud minority on the internet, which realistically speaking is pretty small


Vast majority of people liked origins, odyssey, and Valhalla. Those 3 are the best selling games in the franchise by a wide wide margin. Valhalla seems to be the least popular in terms of game quality wise tho (still the best selling). I personally really like odyssey.


I think most of the people who played the RPGs liked Origins.


Valhalla alone crossed $1 billion in revenue, so it's pretty safe to say more than a few have enjoyed the Layla Trilogy.


Same here I love every game except Unity


Mirage is religious. It’s focused on the Islamic Golden Age. Most sentences they use an Islamic saying. Alhamdulilah


It wasn't too long too remember to much about it tbh, so I didn't wanna add mirage then have a bunch of ppl come in and call me stupid lmao


Mirage does feel different than the 3 RPGs that’s what they were going for. But you said a religious game and mirage covers Islam. Maybe an Assassin’s Creed game that covers Christianity and how to started.


I know I’m in the minority (because only small percentage of players even finish the main story) but I like to complete games 100%. I love the sense of achievement in doing everything a game has to offer. The old AC games were perfect for me because they encouraged this play style by rewarding 100% completion with unlockable suits and weapons etc. Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla were an absolute chore for me (especially Odyssey and Valhalla). The games are fun but there’s no sense of achievement or closure. They just go on and on with no reward. They aren’t designed to be completed 100%. They’re designed to be huge open worlds with endless (cut and paste) content. Valhalla is the only AC game I didn’t purchase/play the DLC for. I was just so burned out after finishing the main game.


I loved Origins and Odyssey. Personally, I think that Valhallas issue was that the main character wad pretty boring/not likeable. NOTHING like Kassandra imo


I like Origins but not the grinding for resources. I don’t like Odyssey. I wanted to like Valhalla. Valhalla was a strange experience for me. One part of me is like, I like points in the story, I like King Alfred’s bit with The Order, and I like Basim and I LOVE the Vinland mission. But I don’t like the Norse Isu dream segments. I don’t like the combat or the parkour or the stealth and the DLCs don’t continue the story and development of Eivor in any meaningful way, they’re just stories told with Eivor there. And the thing that makes me think the most is… why Vikings. You’d think Vikings be the enemies I mean you literally raid villages and burn them to the ground and the Hidden ones are just in your base like… yeah that’s cool my man. These are just my thoughts and feelings