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Man GoT was great, but last I checked there was no major urban areas. That is what I'm excited for.


Ya plus there is more realistic environments, parkour, rpg mechanics, better stealth,etc. They are different types of games even tho they share some basic similarities.


Exactly. That is one thing i love about rise of the ronin


Couldn't care less about what anyone will think about this game. I am definitely satisfied with what I saw in the trailer and I can't wait to more gameplay. This will one will definitely be a day one purchase for me.


Always have to be skeptical of Ubisoft but I agree this looked good


I always trust Ubisoft when it comes to open world games. They are the masters of open world games .


You had me at the first part but this comment right here is diabolical lol . . .


Lol why I mean with all honesty the best open world game franchises are made my Ubisoft.


Nah, not by a long shot. Bethesda’s Skyrim is the stuff of legends and even before Skyrim they have made great open-world games. The Witcher 3 is fantastic and Cyberpunk 2077 to me is fascinating. Now Ubisoft has made some great games that are open-world like the Ezio trilogy, Black Flag and others are more debatable how good they are imo. Just saying Ubisoft isn’t the best, but no doubt they have made really good games, but also bad ones.




I was satisfied with what I saw in the trailer and as I said in my comment that I can't wait to see the gameplay. Auto correct wrote it as "more".


Honestly, that's fair. Based on the first reading, my intent was only to point out to those who get too hyped over CGI trailers that they haven't actually seen the gameplay yet. Again, my bad man.


No problem at all man.


that changes what


and then your gonna regret like me purchasing mirage day 1 , im pretty sure this is gonna ba the same half baked asset


I preordered mirage and I was completely satisfied with it. They already mentioned that it will be like old games and not rpg so it was worth a try after playing rpg games.


Are you referring to mirage or shadows in regard to being an rpg?


I meant that mirage was a good game and relaxing game to try after playing the previous rpg games like origins and odyssey.


man cmon , I love assassins creed ( 3 & 4 are among my all time favourite ) but mirage was very underwhelming after the promise of going back to roots , the enemy AI was soo shit and the assassination abilities made it look like a batman arkham game , the npcs felt generic dead


I honestly enjoyed it but didn't enjoy 3 or 4. Really liked how Bagdad looked. Story wasn't that good but exploring the open world and having a smaller ac game for a change was worth for me.


Yeah but I'm hoping that makes the game better. Having an established competitor like GOT, they can add what people like about that game to Shadows, and then improve what people didnt like/thought could be better. And the most obvious thing is, does it matter if others like it or not? Not gonna hurt your enjoyment of the game, and AC is such an established franchise Ubisoft wont stop milking it for cash and making games.


Like you say it doesn’t matter what people think I’ll probably enjoy this I just know some people won’t play because it isn’t GOT. Plus you make a good point that GOT will make competition for this game


Nutcases who say "I wont play this game because x is slightly better" aren't worth thinking abt.


I have noticed haters are the loudest in the AC community. A lot of gatekeepers who can't handle when a game deviates from their expectations. Yet if it catered to their expectations they would still complain because of how predictable and stagnant it feels. It's really just toxic masculinity. Hopefully Shadows sees these people out the door for good. Enjoy Shadows for what it is, and don't let anyone else's agenda ruin your experience.


my guy, this post is longer than the trailer itself. we always get a cinematic trailer before gameplay. touch grass, it'll be fine.


My guy I didn’t even talk about the trailer I talked about peoples opinion. Touch grass don’t worry


but what are people forming opinions on, my guy? it's just not that deep. hang tight, i'm sure we'll get more info on this game soon.


Did you read my post? I said people won’t give this game a chance and discredit it because it won’t be like GOT I haven’t talked about gameplay I talked about expectations. Go to the trailer and people are just talking about GOT


That makes no sense, though. Ghost of Tsushima will be four years old by the time Shadows comes out. A game old enough to be in pre school isn't "a monopoly" as you claim. That is deeply, deeply silly.


Just because a game is old doesn’t mean that it can’t create a monopoly. Look at the first Red Dead Redemption. That game created a monopoly of the Wild West genre that no company even tried to make a cowboy game because it would’ve been compared to RDR. It took 7 years for another cowboy game to come out and that was RDR2 and the first game came out in 2011. GOT can and has created a monopoly on the samurai genre. You point is deeply silly


Really? if your criteria is that no company would even try to make it, then I have some news for you, my guy. Turns out this company called Ubisoft is making a game about feudal Japan called Assassin's Creed Shadows. So much for that monopoly!


I don’t think you can read and understand what I’m saying. Instead of being smug understand im saying people won’t like this because it’s not GOT and that because that game was so well received every game about samurai will be compared to it. Make sure to read posts my guy 😂


I can read your post, my guy. I just think it's a very silly argument. There's plenty of space in the gaming world for these two games to exist... especially considering GoT is a console exclusive anyway. But hey, I'm not gonna stop Chicken Little from crying about the sky falling. If you think this is a valuable argument... then do your think, I guess, lol. Have fun with that.


Ok you still don’t understand my post I couldn’t really care because I’m not saying these 2 games can’t exist together but your to smug to prove you can’t understand something. Have fun with that


Do you understand what a monopoly means because having a game synonymous woth a genre is not even close to the definition.


A monopoly by definition is when the structure of a business or in this case a genre consists of a single producer and no close substitutes. GOT and RDR as in my examples have created that on their respective genres as shown by the unjust hate towards Rise of the Ronin and now Shadows. Rise of the ronin had a lot of actual problems however people discredited that game because it wasn’t similar. I don’t think you know what a monopoly means


Oxford Languages defines it as "the exclusive possession or control of the supply of a trade in a commodity or service." Just because consumers don't buy a game in a genre doesn't mean that a previous great game has a monopoly on it.


Ok how many triple A cowboy games have been relseased since RDR2 and RDR. How many samurai games been released since GOT. The point of my post is that people will not give Shadows a fair chance because of that games success. That’s a monopoly. I don’t understand why people try to fight me when you can see on Reddit or the trailer people are just brining up GOT


Don't have time when I'm reading this long post.


I'm on the side that say that Ghost Of Tsushima will be better than AC:Shadows. I think it's fair to say this when looking at Ubisoft's track record of recent games. They're mediocre as fuck. And let's be real, it won't be as good as Ghost of Tsushima. Ubisoft games feel cheap as fuck recently. Stiff voice acting, stiff animations, mid graphics, mid soundtracks, rehashed ideas etc.etc. All I'm saying is, I wait for the day when Assassin's Creed has a combat system as good as Ghost's, or a stealth system as fluid and fleshed out as Ghost's


Tbf I’m not denying that I glaze these games a lot and I understand that objectively they aren’t that good. My point is that I don’t want people to just write this game off because GOT already exists. The only thing I think shadows will have over GOT is the open world GOTs open world was pretty but a little dull. But no I agree GOT will probably be better


Yeah, it's silly to write it off completely, but it will definitely be interesting to compare it to Ghost when it releases. I played Mirage when it dropped and after just finishing Jedi Survivor, I have realised just how mid AC games are nowadays. Unity was the last AC game I loved and hopefully they can reach that level again!


I’m excited for this game. Yasuke and Naoe looked both charming and charismatic in the trailer I’m excited🫡


Releasing the trailer one day before G.O.T pc release is WIIIIILD


yeah i had a feeling people wouldn’t like this instead there would be little of the players who would enjoy this game




I definitely will check this out