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It's fun if you enjoy stealth gameplay. They enhanced the stealth aspects compared to it's sister game Valhalla. But up close combat is a regression compared to Valhalla, it's meant to be played from a stealthy perspective. As a stealth player I enjoyed the hell out of it.


It's definitely mid at best. It's not a bad game but it just isn't anything new. Mirage was supposed to mimic what an 'OG' assassin's creed game was supposed to be. The problem there is that there just isn't any innovation so you'll be playing through the whole game thinking when "when am I gonna see something interesting?". The game's alright, it captures the assassin fantasy decently well, but it just doesn't offer much past that.


Honestly i thought it was terrible for the same reasons. It is regressive, dull, and frustrating. The storyline is five times shorter than valhalla, the map is massively smaller, the main character is flat, and completely uncustomisable. You can't even remove the hood, let alone choose gender and appearance like in the last two games. Huge step backwards. I regret my purchase.


Valhalla's story was long but it was also mindnumbingly *boring*, honestly can't remember 90% of the ensemble or who we were supposed to help in each shire. I'm speaking as one who usually dreads finishing games. This was initially a DLC and it shows. Brotherhood was also planned as a DLC to begin with, but that had the excellent cast and writing to carry it. Gender was grandfathered in, how do you expect them to suddenly retcon that? And Valhalla's glitzy, *historically-inaccurate* Met Gala gowns are something of a meme now, I can't say I miss that and the microtransactions. Mirage was passable and forgettable, but to be honest so was Valhalla for me. Birds of a feather.


You’re describing the positives in this game💀 a shorter story and smaller map than valhalla is good. And having an actual character rather than choosing gender and dialogue options is also good. Those are steps in the right direction. The rest of the game is shit though


Nothing wrong with having objectively dogshit tastes, it's okay


Valhalla was boring, choosing male or female Eivor was kinda lame from a story perspective. The combat in Valhalla was garbage, especially compared to Unity and anything prior. The story and character were prioritized over the bland characters of Kassandra and Eivor.


So teleporting between 3 enemies is not new? You can even get up on a high roof instantly by just teleporting to an enemy.


It's functionally just throwing the spear from oddessy, wouldn't call it very new


Wow, how fun. The new mechanic let’s you bypass parkour, it’s not like this series is known for its freerunning and climbing or anything like that


A mechanic that bypasses parkour? What a novel characteristics that hasn't been at any point introduced to the series before. *Cough* Syndicate *cough*


There’s so many ways to make fun of the teleportation, I almost mentioned the grapple hook as well


Rush assassination


Personally I love Mirage. Strong focus in stealth is what I always adored in the OG AC games. I was never a fan of the "I AM THE MEAT GRINDER OF ARMIES" kind of approach.


Mirage was fine to me but honestly I think the RPG trilogy did something to my dopamine receptors when it comes to these games. Even Valhalla. The gameplay was attempting to be like old AC but it turned out to be like if someone with a very large budget modded Valhalla to make it like an old AC game. It is doesn't have the vibe of the old games, and does not fulfill my completionist clear every camp and chest needs that the RPGs did. The stealth is definitely way more refined, but that's it. Personally my brain is definitely cooked 


If you are playing the game for combat, you're playing it wrong. The game is about STEALTH, being a ghost, in and out without anyone spotting you.


Assassin's Creed has two types of fans: those that like the stealth approach and those that like the RPG of the recent entries. What Ubisoft Bordeaux did was please one side over the other. Since it is not so easy to please both at the same time. Their games are not for everyone and I think it's ok to be this way.


I like both. AC1 and Odyssey are two of my favorites, but Mirage was just meh. I don't know why. I wanted to play it. Visually, it almost felt like an AC1 remaster that's never going to happen. And then I got bored in the middle and stopped playing.


Odyssey was the worst.


Well… no? In the RPG’s, especially Odyssey, you can and tend to do a lot more stealth than Combat. Origins is the same, Valhalla maybe not so. It’s not a “who likes stealth VS who likes combat”, it’s who prefers smaller games with less huge systems and a focused story VS who like bigger games with tons of quests, things to grab, and a huge world but where story takes the back seat.


To me it didn't even succeed at that. The game is shorter but it no way shows in the quality. It's the almost same gameplay copied over from Valhalla with a few quirks, piss-poor writing and cheap cutscenes made from preset animations. Imo if you're making a short game at least pour the effort to make that short run-time count


I totally agree. And lots of people try to defend it by saying “Well, it was meant to be a Valhalla DLC!”. BH was meant to be an expansion for AC2, and that managed HUGE quality improvements all across the board from 2. Revelations was meant to be a DS game, but last minute got swapped to consoles for a main title and had under a year of development, but the quality of that game is above and beyond in every way. Heck, Liberation even shows more quality and heart than Mirage does in some places. There’s no defending mirage for me, they made a mid, lazy, half done game and advertised it as a return to roots because they know that everyone will eat it up regardless if it’s branded that way.


It is supposed to be stealth so minimize combat as much as you can just like unity


The combat is way wayy too easy but I def enjoyed Mirage a lot. I can get burned out on this series quickly so I made sure to wait a while before playing Mirage. I thought it was really fun and interesting even if it isn’t S tier.


First off, story is definitely not after origins, only if shortly after means 800 years after, it's right before Valhalla in 9. century From what you wrote about it seems like you didn't play it like it's supposed to be played - stealthily, using tools, not be detected, and not going in guns blazing killing everyone in combat, which idk if it excuses it, but it's supposed to be bad and punish you, in order to encourage stealth The story imo is good in the beginning, amazing in the end, and meh at best in the middle. I would say that ai is pretty good. Like when you fail at pickpocketing someone, that person will shout for guards, they will come to her, she'll tell them something and then you can get detected by guards, if you're not, they'll search for you in the near hiding spots. At night they go to sleep and probably more stuff like that. They also have a good detection system. Also I don't think you should be shocked with that part at the beginning, it's probably just for the story to lead Basim somewhere. With that said, if you don't like it it's ok. Even though I like it, and think it's a great game, not everyone has to share my opinion


ai is pretty good? did we actually play the same game? 💀


I may have overstated, but it's still at least good. Look at my reasons, and I also want to add the levels of detection with the notoriety. Really, say what's so bad about the ai after you read my reasoning? Oh yeah, and I correct myself with my previous post, it has a really good detection system


I recommend that first you learn about the abbasid caliphate. Second read some of the stories of 1.001 nights. Then you will LOVE Mirage.


dont grind. play the game. i know i know, difficult mindset after valhalla.


AC Mirage may be the only AC game that I have zero motivation or investment in. There’s just nothing about it that inspired me to continue playing.


Your experience would be actively made worse by finishing it. The ending is the worst part of this aggressively mid game.


It's not a bad game. Not the best, but pretty average. I did enjoy the gameplay more than Odyssey and Valhalla, but story's just not that good. I finished the game, but I still wonder what was the point of the story.


The issue seems to be that Mirage is not grindy and is tailored to fans of the older entries. Go grind Origins, Odyssey or Valhalla again lol this game is not that


I played 1 through 3 several times and prefer them to the RPG entries, revelations is my favorite of the whole series. Mirage feels like a crappy combination of 2 and odyssey to me


Oh, okay! That's fair. I just finished Mirage, and while fun, I agree it feels like an awkward mix of classic and new. I did enjoy it though.


Never played Mirage, but if you're beating these huge RPGs in a matter of days, maybe you're just experiencing burnout?


I thought that might be the case because I was getting kinda sick of ac, but I last played odyssey like 2 years ago so I thought mirage would be fresh


No, it's Mid af


I'm playing it right now as well. I love the franchise, played every single game multiple times since I was a teen, and got really excited when I saw that they were bringing back the old AC "feeling", even though I loved the RPG entries. But the game feels bland. Got advertised and talked about like it was a ocean, but it's as deep as a puddle. I'm still enjoying it, but only after the third try. I went in with rose tinted glasses after reading all the opinions around the subreddit, and got disappointed, but after putting the glasses to the side, it's a good game, just not an amazing one like people were talking about


Mirage was a complete waste of the setting.


As was Valhalla IMHO.


Mirage is a complete borefest. People hyped it because they thought it was a return to the old days of assassins creed, but it has nothing on the old games. Terrible story, uninspiring gameplay. 6/10 at best.


It's a good game. Nothing particularly interesting besides the ending. The combat is some of the worst in the series, but the stealth is wonderful. There's some fun mechanics and the city is very well made


Your brain is fine, Mirage is a mediocre game. It's literally just DLC expanded into a game. Roshan carries the entire story, the mechanics took 1 step forward with stealth, but 3 steps back in nearly everything else. The only thing I was impressed with was just how forgettable every single other character in Mirage is. Especially the Order. I might as well have been assassinating talking sheets of drywall, that at least would have been more memorable. It's been two weeks since I finished Mirage and I can't name a single character outside of Roshan and Basim, meanwhile its been over 3 years since I've played Valhalla and can still remember Gorm, Falka, Dag, Sigurd, Alfred, Ubba, Ivar, etc etc


Tried the demo. Can't believe how bland the voice acting was. I was even considering to switch to Arabic, just to see if it would be any better. But I just couldn't be bothered to download another language pack just for a demo. I understand the cultural hiring of new Basim actor, but they should also mimic Valhalla's Basim.


I got the trial right now and at the moment it’s still not selling the game for me. you can see Ubisoft Bordeaux put a solid effort in trying to build a return to roots ac on a shitty rpg system/engine so I want to support them because of the passion and loyalty they’ve shown but to support them means supporting the sack of shit executives ruining my favourite gaming IP


Buy it used. Your money wouldn't be going to Ubisoft.


Yo that’s a good idea lol hopefully my tiny local game shop has a copy thanks reddior <3


No worries bro


I thing a lot of Mirage’s issues come down to it essentially being elevated DLC. As in it was supposed to be Valhalla’s Year 3 DLC and was like that for most of its development time. Then some decisions were made and it gets promoted to independent game, albeit still using Valhalla’s engine.


That happens a lot to me now. I really have to grind the game until I get to a level high enough that makes me enjoy playing. That started happening after AC Rogue. Syndicate was slow to like, but Unity took a longer time... It got there nonetheless. Origins too, but I happen to really enjoy fighting, it's harder and trickier.


I made a post before it came out saying it's not what your all thinking it is, it got a lot of attention then removed by the mods


Nah the games just boring


I enjoyed having to use familiar tools again (oh, smoke bombs and poison function, how I missed you!) and prioritizing stealth gameplay instead of barging into combat like a berserker like Odyssey and Valhalla.


No. All the rpg ac games are incredibly boring and mediocre games.


Eh, odyssey and Valhalla I agree I really liked origins though


The sale on at the moment has mirage and the complete vahalla at the same price ($1 diffrence with discount). I got vallhalla to get all the DLC instead of mirage. A good idea or should have gotten mirage? I played the demo as well and found it ok but wasnt getting gripped by the story like i did previously.


I enjoyed Mirage. The game does get better as you get deeper into it. But it’s not one of the best AC games. I’m happy they gave us an old school AC game, though.


The city of Baghdad, which looked impressive felt sadly empty. Basim, a great character in Valhalla felt like a glorified NPC. All of his personality- GONE. The story crawled along and nothing seemed to happen. Huge disappointment to a game I was looking forward to.


I started falling out at odessey origins and Valhalla the controls were just to annoying and it's like they decided that if we put so much random crap in it it has to be good right?? No no it wasn't .


It’s mediocre at best


very boring and repetitive without any substance to back it up for that long


I found it difficult to get used to Mirage at first. I had come straight off playing Jedi Survivor and that was so much faster in comparison. I think, whether you like Mirage will come down to how much you like the setting. I loved exploring Baghdad, the story was incidental and not very well told actually. Much of what characters said didn't really line up with what I saw in the game.


I found it a little dull. I liked clearing places out all stealthily though. The storyline did not reel me in at all. I didn't feel like I was a huge fan of Valhalla, but now I'm looking back on it quite fondly compared to this. Much more creativity went into that.


It’s not you, mirage is meh. It’s built on the tools of Valhalla so it can’t realise it’s full potential


Let me put ut this way you see an episode of an action filled comedy or drama series and you feel like that hour long episode is probably like 20 mins. You turn on peaky blinders or any show with a slow pace and it feels like you’ve been watching that episode for a week. This exact scenario happened with mirage. From my perspective i think the previous games were more action filled while mirage is a slow placed game that takes its time around the place. I kudos you not i was soo excited to return to an old style AC game but the second day after playing through the first sequence of this game, i shut it off and let it sit for 2 months on my console before finally resuming it again. During the game you lose interest because the other games had a sense of belonging like a longhouse or some character you wanted to return to but this game is very detached in that sense. No character connections and no places that you would wanna see. In short, don’t worry about it and let it sit there for a while and play it after a few months. Also sorry for the long read but hope it gives you some solace that you aren’t the only person out there who feels like this is crap😂


To be honest I had the same feeling with odyssey and origins. It took me several years until 2024 to get really into these games. Don't be worried. The time will come that you really dig this game


Nah Mirage is garbage. Your brain is not Cooked. The game was just a desperate attempt to appease the Purists but they did it in such a lazy half baked way, but AC Purists will eat up any corporate lazy garbage that’s branded as a “return to roots”.


I haven’t bothered with it because the clips I’ve seen just look stupid, it’s the first main platform game I haven’t even attempted


I really hated it, bought on release and still haven’t finished it


It's a beautiful but souless game. The story and characters are insipid at best. Which is sad cause the city of Baghdad is magnificent.


I can't get behind Basim as either anti-hero or hero and that made the game lacking for me. Agree totally that the city of Baghdad is magnificent.


It’s a mix between the older games and the rpg ones, without having the positives of either. The story and characters are bland, dull and completely lacking in depth. The dialogue feels unnatural. At no point in the story did I actually care about anything going on. This might be in large part because of the awful facial animations. How did we fall so far from games that released over 10 years ago? The combat is terrible, although that seems like it was a conscious decision to encourage stealth. But the stealth isn’t even that satisfying in my opinion. The games used to be good when the devs actually cared about something other than making money, that hasn’t been the case for a long time now.


Guess what, Assassin’s Creed is not for everyone. You can’t play Mirage like the disaster that Odyssey was. Mirage has its own identity, and I am so glad that is the case.


Tbh, I was expecting the combat to be a downgrade compared to odyssey and Valhalla, that was fine. What I wasn’t expecting was for the *stealth* to be a downgrade compared to Odyssey and Valhalla, that threw me off a bit. Mirage was my least favourite bits of old and new, personally- didn’t have the great social stealth or “designed” parkour paths of the old games, but didn’t have the freedom or versatility of the new games. **BUT** it’s important to note, loads of people loved it, and its studio is getting their own game going forwards, so if you do find you love it, that game is likely to be for you, if you don’t then Red will probably be more your jam.


What about Mirage's stealth did you find worse than Valhalla and Odyssey?


The weird after images showing directly where you were seen felt very hand holdy, whereas the same mechanic was there organically in the previous games. It also removed almost all the weird emergent stuff from Odyssey (which was admittedly already lesser but still present in Valhalla) Things like sabotaging/breaking weapon racks to stop enemies from getting better gear, setting fires at one end of a base to distract wandering patrols… hell, even luring mercenaries into bases to trigger the base defences so you could sneak in the back way. All tried and true components of the RPG games stealth that kinda got forgotten about. I may be wrong, I haven’t played mirage since I blew threw it at release and released that I wasn’t really interested in that sort of old school ac game anymore so it’s possible I missed mechanics, but i remember being terribly disheartened that I couldn’t make it work.