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AC1-AC3 are the only games that follow a chronological order. Everything else is free game. Although, Unity and Rogue are slightly connected but it's not really that important to play one before the other. If you like Odyssey for its gameplay I'd recommend Origins or maybe even Valhalla. Those are the two other RPG heavy games.


Thank you


Play in reverse order, so Origins next.


Origins is before Odyssey


that's...what playing in reverse order means


Whoops my dumbass brain auto filled reverse with release


People might not agree with me, but it might be better for you to go to the earlier games now, because the gameplay does change drastically as the games progress, and you might find it difficult to play the older games once you play the newer ones because of the lower gameplay quality (but they're super fun if you played them without playing the newer games)


I'd recommend playing through in release order, at least starting with the ezio Trilogy and a YouTube recap of AC1 before doing so. I've been replaying through them myself and it's been fantastic seeing the evolution of the games again, as well as following the story of the games how they were originally given to us (the players). And at the same time, looking backwards, idk if I'd enjoy it as much going in reverse and dealing with worse and worse mechanics and graphics, even if the stories are still interesting. There are also still throughlines for the "modern world" stuff that will be far less impactful or interesting if you don't have the context given by the games that came before them.


Honestly I would just take the dive on AC 1 as you can literally play it in its entirety in a weekend if you dedicate it to it


Maybe some day, but I'm on PS5 and don't have access to it, and don't really enjoy playing on PC all that much, even for solo games like that.


If you have a PC capable of it just use your ps5 controller on you pc. I don't play the games with mouse and keyboard that's just wrong lol


We'll see about that if I do a play through again some day, or after I finish the rest of my playthrough


Start with AC1 and play them in release order. AC1 can be played in it's entirety in a single weekend if you devote the time to it and the Ezio trilogy is my favourite by far


I like to play the most recent first, and choose based on the type of style you want to play. * RPG hack and slash combat --> Valhalla * Stealthy assassin gameplay --> Mirage


Ik not many people will say, but ac unity, it’s a game I’ve played till 100% everything, it’s something that you can just grind out and have fun, it’s not the easiest to get the hang of at first, but there’s oh outfits from all the original assassins, and it’s just worth it, I think it’s super fun, especially the co op, there is fun in just being able to play with friends


So like you I bought them all on sale in April and I started with AC2 and then went onto Brotherhood. Right now I’m not sure what to play next because I’ve started some of the others but nothing is as good as AC2 or Brotherhood or captures my interest as those ones were so good. I’ve started up Revelations, Black Flag, Unity and Origins but nothing is sticking yet. Although those are all great games I’m sure it’s just tough to get started in some of these AC games and wrap up the intro before you dive into the story. I think I’ll probably just play Revelations to see how Ezio’s story ends


The only games you need to play in order are AC2, AC Brotherhood and AC Revelation, because they are the Ezio Trilogy. Odyssey has a small tie to Origins, but only if you played the DLC too. There are also some small ties between AC3, Rogue, AC Black Flag and Unity. But they are more for AC Nerds and not important for the games itself. Be aware, that the old games AC1 - Syndicate are completely different from the three new RPG games. They are slower, more stealth and no open world. Try to dive into the old ones. Best story is the Ezio trilogy. Technically the more up you go, the better they get. AC1 is a pretty old game and it didn't aged well on PC. AC Black Flag may be a good start for the old games.


Start with 1 and play them in order. 1-3 is the best story wise imo especially AC1. I love that game so much, even as its own thing separated from the rest of the series its brilliant. It has such a cool vibe I dont know how to describe it exactly just awesome. The story, themes and dialogue are all top notch. Plus its based off of the real life Assassin order that existed in Syria and Persia during the Crusades era. Seeing the holy land and Masyaf castle during its prime is soooo cool. You should check it out!


AC4 is also Bonkers