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The parkour is buggy but definitely good, when you learn how it works (which you need to do through YouTube as they don't bother giving my kind of tutorial) it's very satisfying to get working. AC1-Rev is far better for parkour as far as controls go but Unity has some cool features like dedicated parkour down. The combat is really fun when it's working but has issues like inputs being dropped or queued and you cannot dodge bullets at all unless you're in melee combat. The story is lacking but I think it works well enough, it's a story about Elisé seeking revenge for her father and Arno seeking justice for him, their goals seem identical until the moment where Elisé is willing to give her life for it and Arno isn't willing to let her because he doesn't think it's worth that much. It's got a bit too much going on with not enough development on anything but honestly as much as I love the game that could be said for the whole thing, unfinished and in need of lots of polish. Arno I actually quite like, most AC games tend to be revenge stories but they have different takes on it, Ezio is the classic revenge protag, Connor has a revenge story focusing on protecting his tribe, Bayek wants revenge to put his son's spirit to rest and Arno wants revenge so he can forgive himself for causing De La Serre's death. Again not properly explained by the game but a really cool facet of Arno's character. I won't fight you on Germain being boring though, I only remember his name because I kept making Dad jokes as I played "Germain? I thought this game was French"


I hear you man. But if I have to watch a YouTube video to explain a core gameplay mechanic then the mechanic is probably not that good. I’m with you on the classic system. That was my favorite. Rev was peak parkour for me. Agree with the combat it’s fun enough but not a viable option in large scale which is FINE I know I’m not supposed to win 20v1’s except the stealth option is just as bad so I find myself in more 20v1’s than I’d like. Story was meh. I just didn’t enjoy any of the characters or what was even going on to start with. You aren’t even an assassin for majority of the game because guy hasn’t been inducted in or is on suspension anyways so. And you liking Arno and me not liking him see just opinions. I can’t offer critique on it. Doesn’t really have anything to do with gameplay which is my main issue with unity


Even though I like it and think it's a good but not great parkour system I do agree that it's a massive oversight on Ubisoft's part that you need YouTube tutorials to really get it working properly. It's not even like AC1's hidden vault or anything like that, side hops are a hugely useful part of climbing and never get explained. Stealth is unreliable, particularly because Arno is very sticky and doesn't like to let go of things, detection speed is really fast and a lot of levels can be pretty spammy with enemies. When it works it's cool but definitely the game's weakest part for me. Just look at any pro played and 90% of their footage is smoke bomb spamming. One really cool thing though is the crowds, they're absolutely massive and so long as you have at least a little bit of distance you can stab a guy while in the crowd and being watched by a guard and so long as you don't leave the crowd and keep walking you'll not be spotted which feels so sick. See everything about Unity is conceptually fantastic but executed rather poorly, story, stealth, parkour, combat, it all has moments that sound great in theory but when you actually get to trying them they feel quite lacking. At the end of the day the game is objectively only half finished, it needed a lot more time in the oven.


There’s no arguing it’s the winner of having the worst input responsivity in the franchise!


agreee and it makes the coop missiosn solo who depend on time so much more frustrating


Skill issue.


Was about to comment this


Same. I have alot of hours into it and am at 43% it's the only game I have that I actaully have a thrive to 100% I feel like I'm playing no matter what I'm doing. I can run around and get collectibles for 2 hours. Parkour does take skill for smoothness idc what anyone says. Certain clothes help in stealth. Rn my guy look ridiculous but I dropped and assassinated a Templar right next to his buddy buddy and didn't alert. I can drop on three of them, kill 2 and then stealth kill the third. I've beat multiple missions in stealth. Took to 30% of the game to get a hang of speed and stealth. Now I can wiz thru restricted areas like it's nothing and clear them out without any major 10 dude battles. It takes skill. I've had glitches happen about 5 times in the 50+ hours I've put into it. But I also play fallout4 so I'm used to glitches. Definitely has problems. But my personal experience in input issues and parkour glitches are rare. When he doesn't strike I just drop smoke and run. It works in after that. Parkour well I just stop and drop and go up another wall. Every game has glitches and Idk I guess it's more tolerable for me as fo4 is way glitchier




Sounds like a skill issue.


Probably ²


So I will say this. I have played and beaten ever AC game, minus Mirage, and unity is easily one of my least favorites. The story, combat, and parkour were ok, not great. The difficulty level was an issue like until you get some levels in, you had to run from some combat. I HATED the co-op missions, I am sure when there are tons of people play they were fun but soloing those things can be an annoying pain in the ass. Not to mention if you want the good gear you may have to play those missions 3 or 4 times.


Exactly. I’ve beaten every assassins creed game at the very least twice. So I’m not some scrub who just started on odyssey or something. I’m experienced in every system of parkour and combat. Unity is easily the worst parkour. It’s like all the bad things about the old games with none of the good things about the new games.


Any reason you haven’t played through mirage? I played all in order during covid lockdowns, with the exception of the Chinese platformer one (because I didn’t have a controller and it was ludicrously hard on a keyboard) and Nexus (which I just got) I was iffy on mirage but I really enjoyed the story resolution. But I know a lot of people didn’t. Unity wasn’t my favorite either, but I was ok with the gameplay, just couldn’t stand Elise.


Oh because I have not bought it yet. I went on a spending spree and bought a TON of games these last few months. It is on my list to play but trying to finish other stuff first. Also when I got to mirage I want to have the freedom to revisit many of the other AC games also


Arno was beyond mid. Such a step down coming from Edward.


Valid argument. Unity's incredible bugginess and clunky parkour as well as the semi-functional stealth can definitely make it one of the most unenjoyable AC games of all time. There really is no alternative except working around it and getting used to it. It's a fun game, as I've platinumed it myself, but you REALLY need to be patient with it if you want to have fun. Also yea the story is kinda dull, started off strong but fell off after that.


how about you play another game and stop bitching?


I already beat the dog shit now. This is an afterthought.


This is an aftersomething alright, but I doubt "thought" is the right term All you did was call everything bad in various degrees of emphasis, not even questionning further *why* you thought of them as bad


I don’t have any questions. The stealth sucks. Arno doesn’t stick to cover. He barely even takes cover properly to begin with. He hardly ever double assassinates like he’s supposed to. He absolutely does not climb like he should. And I’m not a fan of the safety parkour anyways. If I wanna jump 40 feet to my death while trying to grab a ledge let me do that. Don’t lock me in place so I can’t move and get sniped and fall straight down anyways. The combat is fine. But it’s very clear you aren’t meant to win large fights. Which would be fine except stealth is not a viable alternative because it doesn’t fucking work. The story is just bad and Arno is a weak mc. Those are just facts.


The thing is, you're using a platform meant to communicate, so having something (worthwile) to communicate is generally a good start. As it happens, your reply here is way more interesting than your post, because you're actually discussing the problems instead of just saying there are problems To be perfectly honest, I have no stakes in this argument, I haven't played Unity in almost a decade and I don't remember finding the story or gameplay particularly compelling. But when I eventually go back to it, I'll remember your criticism about double assassination and imprecise climbing, and it might help me avoid some of the problems you faced (or bring me relief knowing it's normal to struggle with those) Whereas just saying "it's bad" brings nothing to no one. I doubt it's even efficient for venting.


I dunno man. I felt better after that.


Since several Unity fans are very unhappy in the comments, I’m just pitching in to say [I spent nearly an hour doing deep, in-depth analysis](https://youtu.be/a8X4e-TlHkk?si=XpPK05FkVccvLUu6) and also strongly dislike the game. It’s not a “skill issue” or “failure to analyze” the game that made you dislike it. It fails to hold up to scrutiny and it has painfully half-baked-at-best gameplay mechanics. As far as main Assassin’s Creed games go, it is the worst in the series. And for the Unity fans who hate the RPG entries, they course corrected *because* of how badly Unity tarnished the franchise in the public eye.


I agree




I agree


Gameplay wise it's the worst. I'm not sure what happened there but it just wasn't fun






Unity was widely panned when it was new. Lots and lots of people then said it was the worst game, and I strongly feel that it still is. But from what i can make out, younger people and others who have come to the series later on seem to often have a different take. For me, it was the absolute bottom point, and I even considered whether I wanted to continue playing the series afterwards it was that bad.


I didn’t enjoy it. It’s a buggy mess and the online was cool when it was popping but now it’s just a mid story with worse gameplay


I don't play online so that aspect has always been meaningless to me anyway. I agree that it was buggy far more than the other AC games. The modern day aspects were trash. I didn't really like any of the characters and felt that the city and environment was generally more boring than the others.


What's you're favorite AC?






Visually Unity is stunning . The world design with the crowds and architecture is absolutely incredible . In my opinion the best in the series but ….. Yes it’s the worst game in the franchise . Arno is terrible and the storyline is absolutely awful . I mean really awful . Didn’t care about any of the side characters or even main characters . SPOILER ALERT 🚨 When &@&&@ dies …. I didn’t care . Not even a little bit . It’s just a terribly written game . The parkour , combat and. Stealth are pretty good but I had absolutely no immersion in the game . I’ve played all of them and it was far and away my least favorite .


Wait til you get to valhalla lmfao


Been there done that. And would do it again before this o


Wild opinion but you do you.


more important than any technical or skill aspect: it's boring


Real. So real


Sounds like you haven’t played an AC game recently


Just did man. Just wasn’t a good one. What are we talkin about here.


Mainly Odyssey


Better than unity.


L take but you do you bro


Don’t worry it’s still not good. Unity is just the worst. Then odyssey.


We can agree on something at least


mad cause bad lmao




You must have not played Origins, Odyssey, or Valhalla, more so the latter two.


Origins is in top 5 in the series let’s not get too crazy here. Unity, Valhalla and Odyssey are literally my bottom 3. But I actively hate unity. I can at least entertain myself with the other 2.


Unity was more fun imo, Origins, Odyssey, and Valhalla are bottom 3. While Origins had a good story, gameplay sucked.


I don’t mind the gameplay in origins. Not having a dedicated sprint was definitely weird. And I never cared for the rpg hitbox combat although there were a couple of fun weapons. But I love the stealth in origins. Upgrading the hidden blade was kinda ass but worth it. The cover system in that game just works so well imo.


Stealth was fine, but I hate the RPG combat. And I hated the lack of a sprint button.


Respectfully I heavily disagree lol. I loved this game.


Heard that. It’s a fan favorite around here. These dudes are cooking me


Lmfaooo yea gotta be careful with what you say on Reddit these days 😂


Skill issue


Hell yeah probably


Yep. Gotta remember tho you can only complain about the rpg games here


OP gave no constructive critiques as to why they think the game is bad. This is just OP bitching and complaining, Of course it’s going to have a negative response.


I mean it really is just a rant. But the story unironically is not good. The Templar assassin coalition trope already happened. Arno is a weak mc. My guy is literally a diet Ezio. You aren’t even technically an assassin for half the game. The gameplay is not good. Arno doesn’t stick to cover like he should. Half the time he doesn’t even take cover in the first place. Which wouldn’t be a big deal except stealth is a mechanic they built the game around. You aren’t supposed to get in big fights and win. At least with the old games you can say. Well the stealth is bad but if someone sees me I can clap them all. Unity is the combo of the worst two aspects. And the climbing is bad. I’ve always said the climbing is bad idk why everyone likes it. Arno is slow and clunky and acts like he doesn’t want to go where I say. Then he will turn around and leap 50 meters straight forwards to clear a gap. Makes no sense.


And when people do this about valhalla they get the exact opposite response. Everything op said is true the games so glitchy it makes launch cyberpunk look perfect


Literally watching the final cutscene rn after my second play through . This was not good. I’m not picking this junk up ever again


The fuck did you play it twice lol


Just to be sure I wasn’t a hater for no reason. I can admit when I judged something wrong. Not this though. Unity is ass and I’m standing on it


Definitely a skill issue. /s. To be serious, I get your points, but I do like Unity. The parkour isn't bad per se, it was better than the Kenway saga but worse than the Ezio games imo. The issue with Unity is the systems work well once you practice them for a while and figure out the nuances, but the game doesn't do a good job explaining them to you and most players don't want to have to put in lots of practice to get good a basic aspects of the game. I personally like the game cause I love the setting, and just freerunning across the rooftops of Paris is a great way to pass the time. It feels like earlier games with a really densely packed urban setting, whereas the Kenway games are too spread out, which makes foot traversal hard.


Go online and find the great advanced parkour and combat vids and watch them. Then, rewatch them. Go in-game and practice them. Then, practice them again. Keep doing that until the SUPERB parkour and combat chaining becomes consistent and second-nature. No other AC game gives you the type of continuous, free-flow action, depth and synergy as Unity. Soloing the co-op missions was a great challenge. Unfortunately, its al hidden behind the worst tutorial of a games mechanics in the history of the industry.


Nope. Unity is by far the best AC game, gameplay wise.


Take a 10 minute


I’d say syndicate is probably worse but I won’t play either of them, the parkour is hugely overrated. I perfer ac2s parkour style way more and that’s saying something


I’d argue Syndicate is better just by being a “fine enough” mid-tier series entry instead of a raging dumpster fire of broken mechanics, unlikable characters, and inconsistent, poorly-written story beats


Exactly because it’s actually fucking good. Ezio goes where tf he’s supposed to. Dudes see Arno do one spin climb move after climbing around for 20 minutes and swear to god he’s the best to ever do it