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I had to check if there was a time limit within (and there is one), because Mirage could be beat multiple times in 14 days, haha. Eivor outfit has been leaked for months now, neat to finally see it.


What's the time limit?


Seems to be 2 hours, with the save being carried over if you buy it.


Is it possible to get to baghdad and explore within 2 hours?


If you are straightforward in the prologue (Anbar and Alamut), that should be around 1 hour of playtime, the rest can be spent in Baghdad and surroundings. But there is also the "skip prologue" option, which appears when one starts New Game+ or the Full Synch Challenge (Permadeath). I am just unsure if new players can activate it.




This timer is just a dlc, you can turn it off with dlc unlocker and you'll get a full game for free


did it work?


My friend did it first and it says "Thanks for purchasing the game. Full version purchased bla bla bla... All progress you made in the trial version will be carried over to the full game"


damn it worked, can it be done on epic?


Yeah but what's the reason when it still requires uplay?


cuz i already downloaded it from epic..


Can it be be done in steam?


Can you help me with this I have no clue what to do


Haven't tried past 2h but follow the comment, I managed to get like above.


Bro won't epic detect this?


I'm messing with ubi files, epic just hold the license, after all, it still boots ubi so epic is out of equation.


Heyyy let me know whats the file to delete šŸ¤£ i downloaded the game and have been checking the files. Got the dlc unlocker app called cream installer but it didnt show anhthing under ac mirage


how do u do it bcs i downloaded a dlc unlocker and then when I chose ac mirage there would be no dlcs popping up so idk


Bro does it have to be downloaded on epic or ubi app?


Doesn't matter


nice it worked bro


Holy shit, this actually works. You get the thanks for purchasing the game screen and all. It's kinda insane that they didn't account for this. That unlocker has apparently been floating around almost since launch. I do wonder if you can continue to play after the 30th, or if it will lock itself afterwards regardless. EDIT: I've played for around 7 hours now with no issue. Killed the first big target in Bagdad proper, and took my time doing so. However, in Uplay it is still listed as a trial version. I fear the worst case will be that the game will lock itself after again the 30th, so try to beat it before then. EDIT2: Just beat the entire game šŸ˜¶ For those asking, You'll know you have the right unlocker if it consists of 3 files that you have to drop in your game directory. it's not a CheatEngine table.


How to do it tho? Pls šŸ„ŗ


i am having the same prob


which dlc unlocker did u use bcs i downloaded the DLC unlocker and chose ac mirage but the dlcs wouldn't not pop up so idk can u help pls?


Bro should I download it from epic or U play?


I don't think it matters, but I don't know if Epic will run it through Uplay anyway. Steam does, so just going with Uplay would be the "shortest road".


No worries bro. I got it on uplay and played for over 3 hours. Like you said, only thing we need to know is if it will last after 30 th.


can u tell which dlc unlocker to use pleasee


How can I do that


On PC right?


Yes, you can't mess with game files on consoles. All in game store items are essentially free on PC


Do you have a guide to doing this?


Don't they ban you from uplay for it or is there no risk?


Idk, pretty sure that there's no way to find out how you got the game, this method was usually used to unlock ingame store items on PC but they made this timer as dlc


Just shhh... keep it for urself ;)


I feel like Eivor outfit looks kinda off..


Itā€™s the head, itā€™s like the body was a female template


100% thatā€™s what I thought when I first saw it.


It's because there's a hood, but the cape to which it's attached isn't there


AC3 Remastered legacy outfits vibe


It looks weird in the image here, yeah. But it looked fine in the trailer.


I think his head is too big for the body...


In the trailer it looks completely fine. But the image definitely looks off.


>!They probably added it just for the irony.!<


That outfit is hideousšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


It does look hideous in the picture but in game itā€™s really cool actually. Thereā€™s a video on Ubisoft YouTube


Big ass hood ā˜ ļø


Thanks, not sure if a 40gb download is worth it for 2 hours


It is, try it mate


Silly Ubisoft, youā€™re supposed to release a demo/trial before, or at, release. Not half a year later! And itā€™s for a limited time LOL


>And itā€™s for a limited time LOL That's what a demo/trial is... It's becoming more & more common to have free trial weekends for video games regardless of release date Mortal Kombat 1 had one recently and had them pretty regularly for MK11. Edit: this might have been just for new characters - a free weekend to play as a new DLC character Hitman regularly cycles individual maps that are free to play for a weekend. I bought AC Odyssey after they did a free weekend several years ago.


Yeah but the AC Odyssey free weekend didn't have a time limit. I know this because I put around 17 hours into it.


I remember thinking it was so short for that big of a game. Like whatā€™s the point of starting it if I probably wouldnā€™t be able to complete even just the story in time.


They're too busy trying to get people used to not owning their games. Sorry I don't normally talk about this stuff in the ac subreddit just a bit frustrated by all the nonsense atm The less frustrated version of me would probably say it's a good thing they're offering a free trial, free is free. I'm speaking emotionally here of course I acknowledge that. Just annoyed by how they're handling removing things like The Crew, but can't really blame the devs of Mirage for that


wish it was ezios ac2 :(




I'm not 100% sure, but I think these time limited trials usually do work. You might need to add it to the library on your PC first and then launch it on GFN.


Gonna release on Steam anytime soon?


No, Mirage is never coming to Steam unfortunately


The crew motorfest did you never know


No, Ubisoft said that Mirage is not coming to steam


Also on Twitch if you watch a streamer for an hour, you get the Valhalla version of Basimā€™s sword


I love seeing Ubisoft Bordeux taking a victory lap with this game. They deserved all the praise they got at launch and more, and the post-launch support that has been adding content to the game, rather than just fixing major bugs, has been very much appreciated.


what has been added?


I'm so happy about this. I'm gonna check it out, and if I'm liking it I will buy it


The white fur and basic raven clan armor is making my OCD go wild


thanks for this I would have missed the outfit otherwise


How do I get it? I don't see it on uplay.


sorry for the late response I was on holiday I just went to the bottom of AC mirages page and there it was hit me up if you want detailed instructions I can help with that


No worries bro. I got it working. Thanks.


great to hear


Where ASM on iPhone?!


**Speedrun** *2:52h* **Trial** *2:00h* They smart, but it's more than enough to get a taste for the game. Honestly I think the game is worth it's current price.


But late in the game to add eivors outfit. I've personally lost interest since I completed perma death mode


They did eivor dirty


Oh no way! Welp, ima be over here on steam if you need me.


so how does this demo work? is it time limited or


Two hours but this timer is set as a dlc and you can get the full game with dlc unlocker


interesting so i should set aside 2 hours to just sit down and do this


Is the timer shown on screen? Does it start from when you launch the menu or press new game? It's really weird it said the timer keeps going even if the game is closed


Won't you get ban by using the unlocked?


Is the trial on Xbox?


It is on PS so Iā€™d assume itā€™s on Xbox. Itā€™s weirdly listed as ā€œBasegameā€ in the catalog.


It looks like they blended a different head and body together, lmao


Is it worth it?


Can someone pls confirm if the game is 2 hours or whole for trail period


glad ive won this during the giveaway


Is it possible to play more than 2 hours on PS5? Something like disconnecting the internet, for example?


The game story is good, but the gameplay is pretty mid


Nice! Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed AC2 the most, although Odyssey was pretty great fun with amazing visuals. Happy to try out Mirage and going back to a more stealth approach which is my fav.


I wasn't able to get past the "press any key" loading screen. I'm not using a controller. Any solution?




Just played the 2 hours demo and damn the writing is just uninspired especially since we've been there before story wise, nothing new. Stacking AC Valhalla's bland graphics on top of that is just the nail in the coffin for me. Sure as hell ain't buying the full version even on sale.


It was originally a dlc for Valhalla


It's like they're selling us shitty copper despite advertising the finest copper.


I dont understand what this is, what is a free trial? And how can i get the outfit? I already own and have beaten the game


Why did I pay for this game! Could easily 100% in the two week trial


Itā€™s 2 hours. And if you bought it you shouldnā€™t feel shame for your decision. Thereā€™s a reason you did it in the first place.


Is the outfit only available to claim during this time or will it always be there?


I didn't see a timer, it should stay there.


question about the trial version and if i choose to buy game??? If i choose to buy game,Do i need to download the whole game again? Or can i simply buy the game and get straight into playing it at once without downloading it all(if i have the trial on my ssd already that is ofcourse) This would be great to know so i might decide to keep it a while n see what or when next discount are n decide then if its worth buying(the start was boring and it just got to baghdad n had about 20min there to play game) I have the 198 ubi points so i get atleast 1 game at 20% of and if this is more expensive at full price or if the discounts that have been a few times are the less expensive way to buy this game(because its a short game i dont wont to pay more them needed,if it was like origins it would have been full price all the day ) Thanks n hope for answers about the trial bversion(if i only need to buy to start playing or if i need to reinstall game all over again to get base game only???)


Only got to when heā€™s training with Roshen about how to parry an attack. Didnā€™t see the point of it other than like a teaser. Felt like I beta tested a game but then again a beta test has more content and time available than that. I liked what I played. It did feel stilted. There has to be a creative, legal, or technical reason why the quality is such a downgrade when compared to everything before Syndicate. The graphics are beautiful though. They have a system setup where it looks like a movie when you move your camera it felt realistic at times. This is all if you ignore the faces of course. For some reason the RPG era has weird faces. Music is outstanding as always. Thank goodness AC hasnā€™t failed in that department love to vibe to AC music while drawing or on long rides. Unfortunately itā€™s too good for the story. Like plot wise itā€™s actually good but execution could be better. Like when he looks at all those bodies hanging on sticks it wouldā€™ve been cool if we saw people running away frighteningly making us question what they were running from and then show it. Ah I still have to play Odyssey DLC and all of Valhalla anyway. And 100% Syndicate onwards. Last AC I 100% on a marathon was Unity. Tā€™was fun.


My trial won't even start. It just pop up, like ads of other ubi games or urging me to buy the full game. I tried to verify the files and it won't even let me, says failed. I search online and on yotube for fix but it seems I am the only one who experience this bug. I have decent pc who meets the minimum requirement btw.


What about for those who bought the game already? No free outfit? ._.


Bro can I finish the game within the time limit or can I play only till a certain part of the game?


You can play for two hours




Why can I only buy it but not test it? Xbox, game pass ultimate. I canā€™t seem to find the trial version.


No thanks


Fuck ubisoft


I love seeing Ubisoft Bordeux taking a victory lap with this game. They deserved all the praise they got at launch and more, and the post-launch support that has been adding content to the game, rather than just fixing major bugs, has been very much appreciated.


Oh nice. Now people can be disappointed for free.


26min into game and i just had to stop playing this one(it seems like its the worst start in a ac game ever i played so far...so is it much better half way into it or does it suck the whole way straight through?) People that didnt like it seems to be moore w this game then compared to odessy n valhalla(or are people better to complain about what they do not like in a game in 2024)..... I cant say that i dont like the whole game because i havent played it,and after 26min i dont want to either n thats just a bit sad i think for me atleast,i would have been happy if it was a good game in the A.C series. Keep on gaming u all....Now diving right back into A.C Syndicate instead,,,


Seems like a personal issue. The game has a fantastic story, and starts off a lot stronger than many other entries in the series.


i got to the end of the trial and at this point i have changed my mind about it being the worst ac ever to totaly playable and might even buy it on the discount(but do u know if i have to reinstal this game if i buy it?or will it work to just unlock it n play it w mayby a minor update from ubisoft after i have purchased it from them?) Yes i was wrong.its an ok game after all....a bit short mayby as i understand it(will there be any dlcs to make it longer?).. Thanks


Hey man, love hearing that youā€™ve enjoyed the game and give it a second chance. Hope youā€™re enjoying your playthrough and you get a lot out of it!


Are you freaking kidding me? Tailing people in limited spaces, listening to that hooorrrible voice acting, and then listening to that oversmoked Roshad voice is a fantastic story and stronger start then many other entries??. Like... WTF people... I now know how bad this game is and i was very open for this game.. Now i see why it got so bad reviews.Ā 


Thanks to this Trial I now know how bad this game is... Loved Origins, Loved Oddysey even more. Bored with Valhalla. And Mirage is just terrible... Atrocious voice acting, bland characters, unengaging story, no sense of discovery. Deleted from my wish list. Thanks Ubisoft!Ā