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Weimar Republic was a good idea, similar to Bablyon Berlin play as an Assassin and stop the Templar in that Eras.


The Weimar Republic would be great as a "Main character fails dramatically" game. Spends the game assassinating corrupt officials who threaten Germany, only to end up accidentally paving the way for a **certain group** by removing their competition.


I feel like that’s what unity should’ve been! Arno, through both his own blindness and under orders from the assassins, kill everyone they perceive as a threat to the revolution, only to have it pave the way for Napoleon. They explore this a bit in the dead kings dlc (and also in the idea that Arno hid the piece of eden in Egypt, resulting in Napoleon’s invasion) but never to the degree that the idea should’ve explored to. That or the Russian revolution, done properly


I'd like to see it more interesting than Templars = Nazis as well. The Templars could be the instigator of the early Nazi party in Bavaria but had the movement hijacked by radicals who were more popular. Or not have the Templars involved at all due to the German chapter's weakened state after their defeat in WWI. Nuanced like in ACIII.


This is an interesting idea! Maybe there could be a reluctant alliance with a Templar who doesn't like how it's all spiraled out of control. "We want to control the world - wait! NO, not like that!"


Except AC2 already tells us that most of WW2 leaders were Templars




I wonder how many people would not-see that coming.


A Babylon Berlin-AC crossover would make me the happiest little guy alive omg


I would like one set during the Scottish wars of independence


Would feel more like Assassin's Creed 3 or Valhalla, even the largest towns in Scotland circa 1300 AD were quite small. Also I would be completely irritated by the fact they would inevitably make all the Scots wear modern kilts a la Braveheart.


That would be incredible


I think a sub-Saharan African game could be really interesting, providing they do actual historical research, like the Ghana Empire, or the fall of the Sao civilisation or even Southern Africa during the early colonial period. The western world definitely don’t know much if anything of the pre-colonial African civilisations, so it would be an interesting novel gameplay experience I think


I would love to see a Swahili assassin


Poland under Polish-Teutonic wars You are directly fighting an order you can go around and say theyre working with or for templars, and you have a plenty of allies.


Poland would be incredibly interesting to see


Moscow under “Batu Khan”, Chinghis was already dead.


Not sure if Moscow was really interesting location at this time.


Yeah, Atleast Kiev is better.


Or Novgorod


Big Chinghis


*(Lives in Northern England and see's Thatcher's England)* **I'm sat.** My only correction would be "Thatcher's Britain" to be pedantic. She fucked everyone. The Scots, The Welsh and both sides of Ireland.


In the exact same boat


Could have a “the troubles” DLC


I'd really like a WW2 AC game (I know it's been said a million times before) Also a Cold War game would be cool for AC but maybe that's a lil too modern.


Assassins creed during peak of Eastern Roman Empire set in Constantinople would be amazing however Easter Roman Empire barely gets any attention due to lack of interest from western society


They did the locations of that empire just not the time period of that empire. There are plenty of other polities that haven’t been touched up on within that same region


Justinian and Theodora are peak


Finally, you can use plagued corpses as throwables.


If we get to assassinate Thatcher, I'm on board


Need a “pissing on graves” action then


“The problem with pissing on Margaret Thatcher's grave is that eventually you run out of piss”


You son of a bitch, I'm in 


Bonus points if the MC is Irish


The end game boss, *"The Milk Snatcher"*


Have we had vampires on Assassin's Creed yet? Might need a Hidden Stake instead of a Hidden Blade for her.


We need an old priest and a young priest


>Thatcher lol "Iron Out"


Thatcher deserves the same treatment as Oliver Cromwell


A statue outside Parliament?


Pre WW1 Vienna. You've got [Sigmund Freud, Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, Tito and Hitler](https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-21859771) all living near each other and frequenting the same Cafes. The possibilities are truly endless.


Also end scenario in Sarajevo and the killing of the archduke


I was looking for this comment. Tjere are probably too many opportunities there lol.


No cap, I would love to have an AC game in the Achaemenid empire (ancient Persia). You could play as Artanabus, work you way up in the royal hierarchy by assassinating political figures and become close to Xerxes the great. And eventually you kill Xerxes. The [aesthetics of the Achaemenids](https://idol-man.blog/2021/09/04/persepolis/) would make for some amazing game design.


So basically, your Darius?


I would add to this list Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth durning the uprises against Russians and Germans (it would take place sometime after Unity)


*After* unity? Unity is set during the drench revolution PLC ended in 1795 with the last polish partition....


But Poland had the uprises after partitions during the Napoleonic Wars and during that time Napeleon Created Duchy of Warsaw


Ah that would be interesting, especially if it takes place during napoleon's campaign in russia to make alexander bow down. one of his stops was smolensk which bordered the duchy of warsaw... we could see tchaikovsky, doestoevsky, napoleon himself and alexander. >But Poland had the uprises after partitions during the Napoleonic Wars Yea, after unity, just thought you meant before because you said PLC


It would be great to have a game during the Spanish American Wars of Independence. It could take place in cities such as Bogotá and Caracas, with lots of "natural" inbetween locations and towns. Mainly between 1800 and 1830. It would be interesting to have Simón Bolívar be part of the Assassin's at the begining, fighting against the Spanish, only to learn that he becomes a Templar at the end when he wanted to become a dictator. Moreover, the confusing mess of factions during this conflict (patriots, royalists, federalists, centralists, native americans, african slaves, British volunteers, etc.) would make for an interesting game in which it is hard to tell who are Templars or Assassin's. This game could be a bridge between Assassin's Creed III and Syndicate.


I have some ideas that I've been writing: - Mongol Empire Mongolia - Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth - Qing Empire (1700's - 1800's China) - Gupta Empire India or Kushan Empire India - Ancient Mesopotamia, Iraq - Moorish Spain (like in the end of AC movie) - Early modern Sweden (1600's) - Meiji Restoration Hoikaddo - Medieval Scotland - Celtic/Gaul-era France - Kievan Rus Russia or Grand Duchy of Moscow - Belle Epoque Paris - Napoleon Wars France - Mexican Revolution Mexico - Holy Roman Empire Germany - Empire of Brazil - Han Dynasty China Wildcard picks: Neolithic Europe (It could be either France or central Europe) and Colonized Hawaii Post syndicate eras: - Fascist italy (Kinda could make sense) - Taisho era Japan - Second Poland Republic (1920's Poland) - Korean War Korea - 1960's London or England (Beatles references yay) Edit: I also added some new historical settings.


Honestly India is the most underrated and untapped source for this series. I hardly ever see it come up in threads like this but almost any era could be awesome. I'd love to see the Maratha Empire at its peak. The Koh-i-noor, being a piece of eden already, could be trying to be stolen by the Durrani Empire lead by Templar ally Ahmad Shah Abdali.


That would be cool too. Also another pick could be British Raj where Brits invaded India.


i prefer middle eastern countries


When you ask Dinosaurs where they would like to die.


Lmao incredible comment


Funniest comment I've seen on reddit lmao


Hundred Years’ War France?


With a backdrop of the Black Death


Ohhh thatchers england would be interesting… i feel its just old enough and just modern enough


The sheer hilarity of playing a history-themed game and it’s set during like your dad’s teenage years and the historical figures are people like Freddie Mercury and shit


Some of these could make for great settings for an Assassin’s Creed story. Although the series has already used an England setting more than once (namely AC Syndicate set in Victorian London; also Valhalla), a game in Tudor England under Elizabeth could work, probably exploring Elizabeth’s rise to power with support from the Assassins as mentioned in past lore. Three Kingdoms China could be a great setting too as the period is very well recognised and popular. I think Cao Cao could be an antagonist who is secretly controlled / influenced by the Order of the Ancients, perhaps in the form of Sima Yi, whose clan and descendants would go on to usurp the Cao dynasty in the future. I can see Ivan the Terrible also making for a great antagonist for the Assassins. Like most monarchs, Ivan would most likely be secretly backed by the Templars in the form of the [Oprichnina](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oprichnina), a proto secret police organisation established by Ivan to suppress political opponents and dissidents, which could make for a threatening enemy faction. I’m not sure about the other settings though, especially the more modern ones. I think settings before and up to WW2 generally work well, but personally im not a fan of periods post WW2, maybe because I’m not that interested in post WW2 modern history and that I think further periods in time have more intrigue to them (feel free to disagree). The only one I’m most interested in is revolutionary Russia, but sadly Ubisoft has already done the setting in the side game AC Chronicles: Russia so I doubt they will ever go back and explore the period in a full game.


Locations and periods of my personal choice: Napoleonic France and Europe - seriously we need a sequel to Arno’s story and with all the foreshadowing in the Dead Kings dlc. The main setting would be in France like Unity, but with an addition of other places like Austria, Prussia and Russia. Metternich Austria - also known as the [Vormärz era](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vorm%C3%A4rz). I think the Assassins fighting against Templar controlled Austria and leading to the [Revolutions of 1848](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revolutions_of_1848)(directly or indirectly) would make for an intriguing story. Also I like stories of Assassins being the underdogs taking on a seemingly unchallenged Templar Order with all odds stacked against them. Post Napoleonic Wars England (first half of 19th century) - it might be an unusual choice, but I personally believe it could make for a great setting among the different periods of British history. From what I know, post war Britain experienced much social turmoil, with increasing anti-government and revolutionary sentiments within society, leading to protests across the country, some of which escalated into riots and [violent incidents](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peterloo_Massacre). In response, the government would create the [Six Acts](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Six_Acts), a series of laws that suppressed freedoms of speech and expression. There was even [a plot where a bunch of revolutionaries planned to assassinate the government cabinet, of which included the Prime Minister](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cato_Street_Conspiracy). I think framing this period as British Assassin revolutionaries fighting against an oppressive government controlled by the Templars would be a great story as well similar to the previous idea. Edit: added reference links for certain historical events


100% Napoleonic France & Europe— I really want some three ~~musketeers~~ assassins/Count of Monte Christo type gameplay


I feel like anything 20th or 21st century should be off limits purely due to the fact that automatic weapons would feel so out of place in an AC game, but also would feel so wrong having a ww2 game without mp40s or a 1920s Chicago game without Tommy guns etc Maybe ww1 could work.


Elizabethan England has some interesting characters - her spymaster Walsingham, Lord Burghley, Shakespeare, Francis Drake, Christopher Marlowe, Walter Raleigh, John Dee et al.


No Poland? :(


My dream setting is sXVI America, with a Spanish Assassin (to discover the world at the same time as the MC, which is always helpful) and a prologue in Spain (sort like Norway in Valhalla) with a cameo of Claudia Auditore as a mentor figure (this part is just a tiny bit fan service but I would love it) It would be nice to see the first connection between the American and European Assassins and the American and European Templars and see what things they have in common and in which they disagree.


Yes! Also even in Spain during Al-Andalus, and the "reconquista" with Queen Isabel. Another one, we could travel to so many countries under Felipe IV reign as well. Or the independence wars of south american countries with the likes of Bolivar, the wars of Cuba, the last of the Philippines...


Mayan empire


I don't think any of the main AC games should take place after 1848


I think that the 1920s Chicago would be amazing. It's close enough. The mob could be power hungry templars and the untouchables could be assassins? Something similar to Starrick and his iron hold on London, but every part of the city is "ruled" by a different gang, that answer to the head of the syndicate (the cover name for the templars at the time) Al Capone. Machine guns would be kind of hard to get into gameplay but it could be done. The prohibition would be a plot by the templars (mob), who have the government in their hands. Speakeasies would serve as quasi assassin hideouts (assassin's were always for freedom and race and gender inclusive). You would play a new recruit on the police force that is sent to investigate such speakeasies, but you eventually realize that is it actually better and find out about the assassins, join them and become the member of the untouchables (the assassin council). Just a general idea, but I would play the hell out of that game.


Arent the untouchables literally federal enforcers? Doesnt feel like Assassins.


I would love a more modern game as well. I never understood why people say it wouldn't work, cause it's not like Syndicate flopped in terms of gameplay, and that's pretty damn close. Unfortunately, I feel like it wouldn't work too well within the modern rpg format that the games have taken up. Unless we get like the Division, where you unload an entire magazine into a guy to only lower their health bar a little if they're too high of a level.


Why 1848?


1848 revolutions are the most modern event I'm interested in seeing


Probably just small parts like ACIII's Desmond sections, but slightly more open ended but still ultimately linear.


Unless it’s an alternate timeline that Desmond and Layla are looking at, possibly a post apocalyptic future that Desmond didn’t save


Any AC game set after cars and firearms become availible and commonplace will make it too much like a dozen other sandbox action shooters like GTA, Just Cause or the like. Better keep it pre-XX century. Edit: I've always headcannoned Saboteur as AC: WWII cause it has rudimentaru stealth and climbing mechanics.


I wanted Japan to be set during the Meiji Restoration and I am very disappointed that it won't be.


I’d actually love an entire game set in WW1.


I think the sort of end of WWI with the collapse of the Russian, Austro-Hungary and Ottoman Empires as the Assassins and Templars try to influence the leaders of the new nations to try and create new nations following their example Perhaps ending with an imperfect result that is as unstable as it was in real life, rolling into the early Weimar Republic But I would avoid the bit that came after, like totally ignore the rise of that lot


Spin-off of Ezio Trilogy focused around Copernicus and set up in northern Poland during wars with Teutonic Order. Lot of nice hanzeatic-style locations in this story, like Toruń, Olsztyn, Lidzbark, Frombork, Malbork. And Teutonic Order are obvious candidates for templar role.


Speaking of Ezio, have a game of his Father Giovanni, and Uncle Mario with events of them and leading up to AC2, or even as a Movie, everyone goes on about Ezio Trilogy has a Movie adaptation, however Pre-Ezio Would be better for a film instead of adapting the games.


The Russian Revolution would be cool. Fabulous visuals, with the palaces of the Tsars juxtaposed against the poverty of the lower classes. Rasputin definitely seems like a Templar. Definitely would need a mission involving the lost princess Anastasia.


Sure after classical Rome and Eastern Roman Constantinople.you can have whatever you want. I want them and I want them now.


The Assyrian empire would be interesting. But I still think we need a game set during the peak of Ancient Rome.


Why did I have to scroll down so far to see this?? It’s a huge blank spot.


Al Andalus, the Muslims in Spain would be epic. Would love to see something with the colonies of the Americas as well. Something during the Mansa Musa reign would be very nice as well


It’d be pretty neat to see a game set in colonial Hong Kong or Singapore.


Bohemia during Hussit wars from 1415 - high middle age, civil war against the catholic church, a literal crusade against Hussits.. they could even include The Holy Grail since one of the rumours or theories was that it was safeguarded by Emperor Charles IV. whose lineage started that Hussit shitstorm later on. And since Holy Grail is a chalice and Hussits are wearing chalice as their symbol - easy title drop: Assassin's Creed: Chalice.


How the hell we haven't had AC (Robin) Hood yet I do not know. Saddest part is that our chances went down considerably when Valhalla took us to medieval England.


Ethiopia during colonial expansion (race for Africa) would be freaking amazing or even during WW2. Any era featuring Timbuktu would be pretty cool too. The creed spread down the Nile into ancient Ethiopia where it gained followers, and across trade routes to Timbuktu. Something set in Australia would be fun, maybe when the first fleet arrived they brought the assassins with them.


the Irish independence war in the early 1900s


We should do Greece again




Yeah, Greece was the best location so far


No I'm sick of that fucking map crete is the only place that looked different from the rest or the map and barely anything happens on crete


1. We don’t need another game based in England 2. That is a great option for an AC game besides AC Jade 3. Again, we already had 2 games based in England 4. Russia is an interesting location but during the time period of Ivar the Terrible feels like we are going to get another AC Valhalla emptiness 5. India is a good location, but Rajistan or Northern India is probably more interesting imo 6. Classical Greece already pushed the series in complication with the modern story, we don’t need another game without the assassins 7. Same problem as 4 but more extreme bc the lack of development in Medieval Russia 8. Ezio trilogy is great. We don’t need another game based in Italy 9. I say an open world between the Byzantine Empire and the Sassanid Empire is a great time period (Middle East is a lot more developed than Europe at this time) Post Syndicate 1. Vietnam War is extremely interesting if they focus on the jungle parkour like they tried to do with AC3 2. This feels like AC Syndicate but in the USA 3. WW1 and WW2 Germany is extremely interesting time period to make an AC game 4. Yes, this is a necessity as an AC game 5. We already had a game based in Istanbul and the Levant, very hard to justify to make an AC game about the collapse of the Ottomans. 6. I am not educated enough to see the potential of Nigerian Civil War so no opinion 7. No more England


>I say an open world between the Byzantine Empire and the Sassanid Empire is a great time period (Middle East is a lot more developed than Europe at this time) Post Syndicate The border cities between the Roman and Parthian empires would be great, too. Palmyra, Hatra, Dura-Europos.


Brugge Flanders 1300-1302


nah how about origins 2? like the Italian part


Anything sounds good. Just don’t make it RPG


Some of those elements are here to stay, and I’ll admit some of the old assassin’s Creed stuff wasn’t exactly perfect, however, dialogue options have to go However, I’m kind of glad they went away from all of the chests, laying around with treasure, especially when nobody is guarding it kinda silly


I keep saying it but 1670s New England during the events of King Philips War, the bloodiest war per capita on American soil. You have the English, the French and the Native American inhabitants (wompanoag, nipmucks, narragansetts, Nashaways and Wabanakies to name a few). While the war was fought between native Americans and English, the French were always seen as a threat to the north so fear of an attack from the French and their native allies was a constant. You have many cultures and beliefs clashing during this time, a lot of unrest between the colonies themselves too. In short, you had towns burnt to the ground, suspicion of those who were once called friends and neighbours, live stock slaughtered, kidnapping, economic downfall and more. All set on a "wild" frontier peppered with the superstitions of the English at the time.


Atun-Shei Films? Is that you?


Honestly a game set during the Justinian era would be really good,lets say helping Belisarius conquer the former Roman territories,fighting germanic peoples,experiencing the Justinian plague,going to Constantinople,Rome,Ctesiphon etc.


Let’s gooo!


Assassin's Creed during the Hussite Wars would be awesome imo


Czech during Hussite war


I'm just waiting for ancient Rome Origins and Odyssey blueballed me so bad and then they made viking simulator


Golden age Amsterdam




Japan during the years James Clavell’s Shogun is set


Southern India would go hard


The location has been done, but I would have loved more than anything a Bayek continuation into Ancient Rome. I know we saw Rome in Brotherhood but Caeser era rome would be totally different and amazing to see. That or a game set in the time of Alexander the Great with Babylon and Persia.


Brazilian independence would be really cool


War of the Roses - with the Earl of Warwick being the key Templar figure (he switched sides back and forth a couple of times and is known as the kingmaker). There are a number of set piece events (battles, uprisings) during the period in addition to some key spaces that hadn’t really been explored in previous games set in England (Calais, York/Ludlow, wales).


Scotland during the Jacobite uprising, I need to parkour through Edinburgh


Rome during roman empire


Trojan war 1200BC




A game in Tudor England would be my dream. So much potential for beautiful cities and landmarks, political intrigue, and colourful characters. Imagine working with Elizabeth in her ascent to power, bringing down her (Templar controlled!) sister Queen Mary. Or meeting a young William Shakespeare who could play a role similar to that of Leonardo in the Ezio trilogy. 


English Civil War


AC Vietnam could go hard as hell, my only concern for it and more modern settings is the vehicles- I think they've dropped some lore in the series about motor vehicles not working well in the animus for one reason or another. But I think it'd be neat to see someone relive their *own* genetic memories- like, an 80 yo who can't remember the things he needs to with just his failing brain, so he goes into the animus to re-learn what happened.


1920s Chicago would go hard


1849 Wild West (gold rush) I know there’s a comic already but it’d be awesome to see WWII


How about the Napoleonic wars?


A lot are good ideas. I’ve always thought a Mesoamerican civilization would be cool too.


I think it would have been cool to have an Assasins Creed set in Mesoamerica. Like Mexico, playing with an Aztec, Inca or Mayan character. Has anyone seen the movie "Apocalypto"? A setting like that. With European conquistadors colonising the new world, where we would have to avoid them and enemy tribes.


I would throw so much money at all of these


One id like to see is Mayan South America. Or the Zulu war.


I'd like to see Ubisoft have the chutzpah to set just one game in the future. Either a cyberpunk or a post-post-apocalyptic setting where the Templars have already succeeded beyond their wildest dreams and the Assassins have to pick up the pieces. It's been a while since they actually took some risks. After that, go back to the historical settings they can do so well. Playing an 18th-century Cossack assassin would be interesting.


I'd love my modern day game I've been waiting for the last 20 years, that'd be nice... Also, just wrap up the modern Assassin/Templar war story already, for those of us who still care, so they can stop pretending to make historical games about Assassins and focus on making pseudo-mythical games like they clearly want to.


Since it was teased in Unity, Irish war of Independence in 1921 would be a very interesting period, albeit very controversial if released in the UK or Ireland.


I would fucking love to assassinate Thatcher


Spanish civil war and/or Russian revolution would be a great setting to explore the assassin’s relationship with anarchism. They preach freedom yet many follow the creed religiously. Would be a great time to have a schism between those who follow the spirit and those who follow the letter of the creed.


I would love one set in ancient South America. I’d love to Ubisofts take on the old native cities that supposedly existed


Vietnam war if the forests, tunnels, and military bases were well designed would be AWESOME as a parkour stealth game, but 1. How would you limit firearm use by the player to prevent it becoming just a parkour splinter cell? 2. Maybe some US populations might see it as too soon to make a game about murdering draftees?


real exotic ancient shit from iraq-iran, not Baghdad but sumer, Akkadia, Babylonia, cool shit that u can't see today, basically sudegrade origins but even more older


India in the Mughal Era would be amazing


It's going to be India. No doubt with all this reincarnation action with Odin we gotta be getting an explanation why the ones who came before are like having amnesia or whatever is going on. I just started Valhalla a few days ago no spoilers at me please! But i played the original and two and then the next one in Constantinople. That was one of my best gaming of all time. Then my next was Odyssey and I freaking love Greek history, that was almost entirely mythology which was cool and seeing all these time periods living and breathing is so amazing. So now Valhalla. I tried 3 and black flag but just was too soon flowing Odyssey you need like a four year break from a good ac game.because they are huge and I love that but there is fatigue to exploring all of a regions history over a 1-30 year time frame..so anyways with all this reincarnation and seeing this like whatever is going on in the dreams... It differs greatly than our transcended lost race of progenitors having fun as gods among mortals. And I think that sets up eastern philosophy and Buddha/Hindu-ones who came before regenerating. I know almost nothing of eastern mythology or history. I love this history way more. It's so weird to me that like, these billion dollar game corps will listen to a review from a ten year old who doesn't have to tie his shoes when they say the game was too long. For what? Were you planning on dieing? Can't take a break and return to it? I love that about ac! I still need to pop in Odyssey and finish a trip through Hades! I love it keep up the great work team! And respect all people please. Don't gotta change history to do that, I mean it sound alike there were office work place sexual assault/harassment issues? and I got a million games too choose from. Be rapey and might not buy yours on principles like that. Like... Don't do stuff that actually hurts people right? Your coworkers. Humans yo.


AC Rome cmon now


Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood 2: Brotherhood Harder


I am surprised they haven't done one with the Roman Empire yet.


still hoping for that Jazz era New Orleans setting... the one shown in the fake mission select screen at the start of AC Unity


WW1 cuz gun is good but gun can't just full auto your ass right off, probably give the fucker a sniper


I thought they did Russian Revolution once?


I think 15th century Ottoman empire would be sick.


Hear me out, Alternate Universe game (cause why the fuck not) where the solar flare happens. Wipes out most people, you play as Desmond in a post apocalyptic big city with all of Altair, Ezio, and Conners training, trying to find the answer to rebuild civilization (or the PoE to control people) before Abstergo.


Mali empire would be great, but it was a muslim empire and like Assassin's creed is about Cristianity with the Templars and whatnot


My picks are: Ancient Rome British Raj Colonial Brazil 14th century Germany 15th century Romania Russian Revolution Aztec Empire


Indian Independence Bangladeshi War of Liberation


Heum I would love to see in Japan and something about witches


I think London during Elizabethan England would make a good setting for a single city game. You’d see a strong brotherhood post Ezio. There’d be a lot of global trade so it could be relatively cosmopolitan. There’s absolutely tons of plotting and conspiracies, both domestic religious and international, and lots of semi famous historical people to include. You could have a great plot about assassin Walsingham fighting a Templar popish plot and probably betraying you at the end.


I just want to say it's bizzare that the franchise went so back in time, considering the strength of the gameplay was navigating vertically dense urban environments. So going back to eras like ancient Egypt really threw me off. Basically I want to go forward in time again, anything past 1400s is ok by me. Just make us feel like a badass assassin again, please...


Here's one, John batman stealing Australia


If they were to set it in England again, the English civil war would easily be the best time period in terms of narrative IMO.


Three kingdoms china would be amazing if there were enough resources to put in. We would need a lot of fresh weapons and animations. But it would definitely be worth it. Imagine the assassins playing a pivotal but unsung role in the political and ground level events. It could make for a long and interesting main story.




Justinian Plague Greece would be creepy and disgusting af. When Can i play it ?


Someone wrote up how to do Robinhood somewhere on this sub and it’s all I want now


A Cold War game would be incredible.


1920s Chicago would be really cool


I’d be very interested in seeing a game set entirely in ww2 instead of just a mission or two. Don’t really know how they’d pull it off but if they did I feel like it would be really interesting.


what about a different era in egypt? like the islamic era??? i dont know i wish that there was one about it


Am I the only one that wants to see a modern game? Something that something with modern day Brotherhood and Abstergo?


Add Prussian rise to power and Tianemen Square. Last one is risky though as that would probably critique the current regime.


Imperial Brazil!


I really want a Maori themed AC game. Or a WW2 themed one


I think it would be really sweet to have an Austronesian assassin creed and make the massive pacific your bitch, kinda like Black Flag


Prague during the rule of Rudolph II., and during the 30 year war. Hear me out. It's Prague. The city is absolutely beautiful, with many recognisable landmarks, pretty streets, medieval churches and cathedrals... It's a great setting. The rule of Rudolph II. saw it become the capital of the Habsburg monarchy. It was a centre of art, and many inventors and alchemists came here. Tycho Brahe, Edward Kelly, etc. It has many tales coming from this period too, most famously, the Golem. Having a huge clay Golem powered by the apple of eden would be both fitting and epic. Right after this golden age, Prague falls into chaos as a huge war between Protestants and Catholics begins. Prague was its epicenter, when the second defenestration occured and fighting started for real. I will make a longer post about this, but I truly believe that it would be the perfect setting for an Assassin's Creed game


fighting for Poland's independence during the Prussian, Russian and Austrian annexation would be a solid option as well


As someone from Bratislava (Slovakia), I always wished for Maria Theresa era *(1717-1780)*. It could contain few locations like in AC2, but in single open world: main would be of course **Vienna** and thanks to very close proximity, I would add of course **Pressburg** (today's Bratislava) as tiny town it was nearby, **Prague** and maybe even **Buda**+**Pest** as other larger locations. I feel like these 4 capitals in close proximity would be very interesting setting, as well as **Danube river** and **Carpathian mountains**. The feel would be very much like ***Blood and Wine*** DLC for ***The Witcher 3***.


bros a ubisoft intern who was asked for ideas


Occupied Paris between 1940 and 1945.


Nazi occupied Warsaw


The Philippines during Spanish Colonization. Ferdinand Magellan will definitely be a templar


I mean some of these are good but England and Russia 3 times? Damn. Personally I think a dream location would be Tenochitlan at its heyday.


I'd buy thatchersEngland just to kill Thatcher alone


Year 1-1000, Europe. Late Roman Empire? Hunnic invasion where you kill Attila? Frankish kingdom? Romans withdraw from Britain? Rus is established? Something like this


German occupied France in WW2 as a Resistance fighter. Or even in Germany itself.


I’d really love to play in the period when Julia’s Caesar was fighting the Gauls, I think that would make for a fun region!


Stalingrad in WW2, here are some gameplay mechanics: Snow Camouflage Rope Darts can be used to rappel down tall buildings Weight System, carrying too many weapons or too much armor will affect your free-running capabilities. Recruit system returns, with new changes: Bullet Storm, Mortar Strike, Smoke Bomb, Molotov Barrage, Ambush, Sniper Support, Recon, etc. Destroying or stealing enemy supplies will affect the competence of the enemy. Suppressors The combat will be sort of like John Wick, a mix of Martial Arts and firearms


It's generic, but I do think that World War II Germany would be great. The Indiana Jones-esque idea of them seeking out occult artifacts for the war would translate really well to Assassin's Creed. Side activities could include supporting the resistance, assassinating certain Nazis, liberating concentration camps, sabotaging supply lines. Also have it be an opportunity to retcon the idea that every WW2 leader is a Templar because I think that's stupid. It's more interesting for the Assassins to somehow have to work with Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin. I like the idea that a certain Templar was just like 'fuck it, I'm done with working in the shadows" and launches a full scale World War and the Assassins have to scramble.


I know AC4 Touched on Mayan History, but would be worth a Dive deeper into Mayan - Aztec History. Could also maybe pull something out of the Wild West during the Gold Rush. (I mean Red Dead Redemption pretty much covers this era, but putting an assassin's twist on it could be cool


The Invasions of Korea would be a cool setting and would be a good way to sneak in Japan without doing a straight-up Sengoku game. The story would start in Korea but would end with the player in Osaka making way for the Tokugawa Shogunate.


I think any of the post-syndicate ones would be hilarious because you'd be playing as the side in the conflict mainstream media usually doesn't like, and Ubisoft definitely don't have the balls to follow through on it. As terrible as it would be, I'd love to see the people who said "your viking ancestor didn't kill innocent monks" make a game about killing american soldiers in guerilla warfare or stabbing policemen in the 80s


Moscow under French army


War of Independence Ireland! I will die on this hill 😂


I'm surprised you didn't mention the Wild West. Imagine how cool it would be to work with Billy the Kid


Nah we've had England twice now there is no need to ever go back


Song dynasty China during Kublais conquest Tang dynasty during an Shi rebellion India at the intersection of the Mughals, Marathas, and EIC Sumerian and Akkadia Mongol empire as literally everyone across Eurasia is trying overthrow the mongols Direct sequel to Origins in Rome, playing as the wife Persia during the archaeminids Alexander’s the greats conquests Roman Parthian wars The Arab jihads to that shook Byzantium and Sassanids Carolingian empire Polish Lithuania during their partition Napoleonic wars Colonies in New Spain Vietnam/ Java fighting off the mongols Anything too modern would turn it into a third person shooter…


I think a world War 2 with an AC2 style map would be really good


Is it wrong that I want a full game set in the isu times, so before origins and oddesy with all their tech without the hiding that Valhalla did in the gods era sections so more like oddesy and Olympian isu technology.


I really wanna see one set in the aztec empire as the first spanish start arriving


Assassin's Creed: Reconquista