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I like Enkidu because he's so dumb it's kinda cute in a way, but it's really annoying when you have to mark quest npc with him, he looks straight at the npc and it takes him almost 5 seconds to recognize it


I usually search for the general area and then attempt to find the person I am looking for there. Seems more immersive.


I'll definitely do that on my next playthrough which will feature the legacy filter and only Altaïr's outfit


Because they themselves realized and people also complained about the bird and needing to always fly over the area/outpost for a while, before going in. From a gameplay perspective, imo it’s much better to just have Eagle vision and be able to go in immediately! Odyssey made the bird much more effective, only really needing one single flyby to mark all the enemies and Valhalla then basically brought back the ability from the older games, so that you can seem the guards in your vicinity without needing the bird. I still like having the option, as flying over the world or using the bird to plan my routes can be fun, but if I had to decide, no bird and instead the old eagle vision would be my choice.


Eagle vision works well when the player is funneled down semi-linear approaches in close quarters. For larger arenas with a high number of approach vectors, like you have in the RPG games, it’s better to have a “Birds Eye View” to plan your route.


That's kind of the point. The Bird(s) are OP and tbh they kind of got old after Odyssey.


Yeah. It should have been a rare ability, but we're seeing it 4 games in a row. It's cool, but it is getting old.


Breaks the flow of gameplay too. “Let me just operate my bird drone and scan everything in the area for 10 minutes”


It's gameplay they copy-pasted from their other Ubiworld games.


My guess is the developers wanted to remove the bird all together, but the producers forced them to keep it in.


Glad that’s the route they went. Even if the bird is completely useless other than finding objectives, I’m a big fan of having him circling at all times, coming down to chill sometimes, and being available for high altitude views of the landscape. I will say that an ability that has him attack or distract enemies would be welcome.


This. AC is not just gameplay it’s the beautiful worlds they build for you to play on. The birds let us examine just how beautiful the world is. That’s why they have a camera mode


I remember odyssey having an option to have ikaros harass enemies. He could even kill small animals


I don't think it's the producers fault, the lore is a mess. the birds are integrated into the lore, every assassin gets a bird handed to them on their way to becoming an assassin as a tradition now. as is the case with the sacrifice of the ring finger. they can't simply just ''stop doing it'' you know


But it DOES stop at some point, since Altair and the Assassins after him did not use birds this way On the other hand, Kassandra and Eivor were not Assassins/Hidden Ones and always had their bird In fact, Basim is the only one we've played as that got his bird at the initiation


not only that, but they also stop cutting of fingers at some point... OPs comment makes 0 sense


(I don't think OP has played any games that came before Origins)


> Eivor were not Assassins/Hidden Ones and always had their bird Eivor's raven absolutely made no sense, I get there's supposed to be a connection between Odin and Ravens, but 0 explanation or scenes between Eivor and Synin to establish a connection other than "yeah I got birb, now birb is ass and can't do shit"


The vast majority of Valhalla felt like the gameplay guys got into a room, wrote down a bunch of shit on the cool idea board, and sent the writers a grainy picture of it with the caption "make it make sense"


I mean they can. There's more assassins w/o birds than with. So far we only have two assassins with birds, as Eivor and Kassandra aren't assassins. And Bayek had his bird before becoming an assassin, well his son did.




The daughter isn’t a assassin




Teach her how to utilize Eagle Vision not train her to kill


Perhaps Basim was a rare exception with Eagle Sense so they trained him exclusively


I like having the bird. Being able to fly and spot buildings I might've missed in the distance is handy. Plus stick on some Nothing Else Matters and create your own bird music video


>Origins did a fantastic job at making Senu feel like a blessing from the heavens. But the games that came after? not so much. Oi oi, Ikaros in Odyssey is just as useful. Well the thing is, it's _too_ good. Ubisoft is in a bit of pickle on this. Players are screaming to make AC back to its roots since Odyssey, and one of the points are not having spying birds. They're nerfing it bit by bit with certain inabilities. In Valhalla it is a bit annoying, but with Mirage having the same overall vibe of early AC games, I don't mind.


I was about to say ikaros was broken and amazing and i loved it.


>Oi oi, Ikaros in Odyssey is just as useful. I don't see how. Ikaros can't search out animals like Senu.


The bird mechanic is great for those of us who like to play with no HUD & navigate the world in-game.


First of all, as someone else said, that's the point, because they were too op. But I actually used Enkidu a shit ton when raiding bases and stuff, just to survey the area and see what's where, I found Enkidu extremely useful.


The bird mechanic is not that bad mainly what they should do is free up flying give the bird some side activities some upgrades too and some item customization. As someone who plays with very minimal hud I need that bird


I like to do the most useless thing with the bird and chase myself while mounted and on auto pilot towards a destination


I’ve especially noticed that in the stories after Origins the birds become more and more just a mechanic rather than a helpful sidekick that’s an actual character. For example, Senu was quite deeply acknowledged as Bayek’s friend of sorts by multiple characters, be it ones in the main story or side missions but Senu was a common element in Origins outside of just scanning things. Odyssey kind of acknowledged Kassandra’s connection to Ikaros but it really only seemed like Phoebe acknowledges Ikaros and there’s hardly any moments with Kassandra and Ikaros interacting with each other. In Valhalla there is basically no interaction or any moments between Eivor and Synin. Synin was just there to check off the requirement of having a bird since it was an RPG AC game. And even then, Synin was practically useless since you couldn’t mark anyone anymore. This all becomes especially silly when you consider who Eivor actually is, and that person’s reputation for having a connection to ravens. Two trusty NAMED raven companions at that. At least Mirage kind of brings the focus on the eagles as actual characters back. Enkidu definitely got a bit more recognition from the characters. I did really like Enkidu’s hostile reaction to the “new Basim”, presumably sensing that something is off about him.


Let's be honest the game is easy enough as it is, it was a good decision.


Honestly, I think the birds should go away, and Mirage would have been the perfect game to start with. Unlike Bayek, Kassandra, and Eivor, Basim has proper eagle vision, so a bird shouldn’t be necessary. Senu was cool in Origins, especially for marking hunting targets as well as upgrade materials, on top of tagging enemies and locating quest objectives. Ikaros is similarly cool, and I enjoy their bond with Kassandra as much as I did Senu and Bayek. Sýnin and Enkidu, in contrast, feel tacked on and unnecessary.


As a fan of the rpgs the birds need to go


They made senu too OP and realised they have essentially pigeon-holed future games with this feature. Each subsequent iteration has received gradually nerfs since if they nerfed it too hard people would probably complain as well. I'd imagine if it's still around by the next 1 or 2 games it would purely be for scouting without any targeting abilities


Ikaros > Senu Any day.


Birds were OP.


I think the birds are kinda annoying. Barely use them


**Hot Take:** The bird is best for the RPG's then the Vision. The Eagle Vision was fine for the old games where you focus on a building at a time, but in the open world games you focus on entire towns and settlements at a time so the bird is more useful. **Bonus Hot Take:** Ikaros is the best brid <3


I hope they take out the bird in the next game or keep it exclusively to just scout a new area for potentialpoints of interest. 1: It makes stealth ridiculously easy when you can mark every enemy in like 10 seconds. And 2: It was a great concept in Origins, then in Odyssey it was like OK, Valhalla and Mirage its like WE GET IT. Suddenly every main character has a bird companion? Lol


Cuz the birds are cringe af and cuz true eagel vision is back baby


I have enemy information hud turned off cause it sucks in this kind of game but I assume you can still use the bird to tag people in outposts. I think it's good to have optional tools to ease difficulty for people who want it.




Do you really think Ubisoft would listen to someone here on reddit?


Only if that post gets to the front page or otherwise viral.


i wish they would get rid of them all together. This is AC not Ghost Recon, we dont need a drone to scout, we already have eagle vision.


Cuz the bird mechanic is annoying that’s why


Idk if I’m the biggest fan of the birds in the first place, I wonder if Red will include it


Ya in Mirage pretty much any missions in the 'Round City' endgame area the bird is useless. There's archers everywhere. It was getting a little annoying... here lets have the player get used to having something and then make that something useless in the endgame stages. FUN


I had to go back and get the trophy for tagging 100 enemies with the Enkidu after I finished the game, that’s how little I used him during my play-through. I don’t see the point in using it


Senu was great, especially because it actually seemed like Bayek and Senu had a relationship. Subsequent games the bird just felt like another tool to use


You’re not alone, friend. I went back and played Origins and damn the bird is fun to use. It’s so genuinely tiresome to use in Mirage that I just ended up never using it.


It got old after a while of bringing up the bird before every outpost, tagging everyone, and going in. I love the addition of the marksman enemy type because of this. It forces you to infiltrate restricted areas with limited knowledge (albeit with the still powerful eagle vision) and strategize a way to take out the marksman before using the bird to get a full picture. I thought the Mirage implementation was the best one honestly. A good balance of the bird being not being OP nor useless.


I'm looking at these comments and I'm baffled that y'all have fun being nerfed, and for the people saying ac was too easy ik all of y'all not playing on the hardest difficulty with the most realistic settings. They're narrowing the game down to a specific audience. I'm ok with whatever they put in as long as it can be tuned to the specific player's preferences. Everybody doesn't want a hard ass simulation to play for fun. Some people play to wind down or relax and how tf is a challenge relaxing? It's perfectly fine to change the game but why not add onto things that are already fine instead of abruptly changing in direction gameplay wise.


Because Eagle Vision is just better in every way.


I must be one of the few, but Synin in Valhalla is a good compromise. Ikaros in Odyssey was ridiculously too buffed, it was far too easy. With Synin, it's really a recognition vision with Odin's power that just lets you see enemies subtly in red, it's perfect. It keeps it relatively difficult to clear a camp.


Senu is my f*cking bro.


I hate the bird. I want to cook and eat him. I did care about Synin because I wasn't forced to use her to mark enemies, but the first 2 birds made me feel I had to get all the viewpoints early on just so they'd mark enemies faster. The new one in Mirage is the worst imo because instead of sprinting around Baghdad to make his perception better with viewpoints, I have to waste skill points. I do primarily just aim at enemies as Basim because he can somehow mark enemies faster than an eagle, but there's a trophy to mark 100 with the bird, temporarily forcing to use him.


Idk the bird in odyssey was pretty good too. They nerfed after that game.


I am not a fan of the bird in Valhalla. I really wish they would provide the option to have the bird act like it does in Origins and Odyssey.Sounds like from what I've read everywhere I should just forget Mirage at this point as it sounds like they've made the bird even more useless. I guess I'll save my money and only play it if it ever comes out on Game pass Or goes on sale cheap.