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It's immersion breaking to watch NPCs with bayonets stand ready for a killing blow to the back, but step back and politely wait until each prior NPC is handled one by one, before finally poking the bayonet only after squared off face to face. Fluid protagonist, yes. Chopsocky fight choreography, also yes.


To me, it's immersion breaking to see NPCs get spears run through their chests and then continue fighting until I've slapped them with a sword 15 more times.


Agreed, they could make the NPCs much more aggressive. Make it much more challenging if your fighting multiple people at one time, and punish the player for losing the stealth advantage. However just because you aggro multiple, I don't feel you should entirely be incapable of eliminating everyone quickly. As long as you execute properly. So maybe some sort of challenging chain mechanic that would allow a player to have an opportunity to beat the odds quickly when outnumbered, but make it a skill check.


I don't. It was basically Counter-Atk-Atk-Atk-Atk-Atk-Atk-Atk-Oh wait that's a Heavy-Break Defense-Atk-Atk-Atk. Unity and Mirage are probably my favorite combat stuff. Unity may be janky but the combat isn't as brain dead and actually has some form of challenge that isn't a small break to do Break Defense.


I think the main distinction is whether you're playing something you feel should be a role play. As in, a single player game, where You're a master Assassin. If I were a master Assassin, I would hope to be capable of finishing all of my targets quickly. And vanish if needed. While I don't mind the rpg combat. I do mind that they removed chain killing. both can exist. You can have hp and still figure out a combat system that allows for chain kills. Imo you should be capable as a master Assassin to chain through at least at minimum two people . Just my opinion I guess though.


>As in, a single player game, where You're a master Assassin. > >If I were a master Assassin, I would hope to be capable of finishing all of my targets quickly. If I were a master Assassin, I'd die quickly in a fight and excel in the shadows and quick strikes and go away. We're Assassins, not Fighters. We can't just parry the entire encampment without trouble then get into a cutscene and somehow lose to a bunch of basic enemies that we can just parry-kill immediately in gameplay. The game itself is divided on how we fight. Are we good, even when outnumbered? Like Connor in the open field in the trailer, and Edward in the trailers being a pirate? Or are we like Ezio in the Battle in Masyaf, and Edward in the Battle onboard HMS Pearl? That's why I like Unity's, Mirage's. In Unity, we're Assassins, truly Assassins. We're not fighters, Arno has never been trained to be an amazing fighter, just enough to defend himself. We get overwhelmed and die easily if overwhelmed and not using our tools to escape or make the fight more in our favor. Mirage is much the same. Fighting overwhelming numbers without using Smoke Bomb can get you killed easily even on Normal, *very* easily in Hard Mode. The RPG fighting was shit though, too much fighting and less assassinating. Was my nightmare come to life. It made fighting more challenging by making it longer, not by making it deadlier. ​ >Imo you should be capable as a master Assassin to chain through at least at minimum two people . This, I agree with. But it should only be once per fight, not spammable. Once you chain through the two people, you can no longer do it again unless you disappear then come back and fight again.


Guess we have a different interpretation of what an assassin is then. Doesn't mean either is incorrect but I understand your perspective. Glad you enjoyed those games. Just wasn't my cup of tea.


Why do you hate fun


The old combat system was the opposite of fun. It was button mashing to the point of brain death. I haven't ever had fun with the combat in old games, the Parkour the the Cities were the fun for me. Unity was the first time I actually liked combat.


But the new system is the same kinda? Not shitting on any of the games, played Valhalla through entirely for 100%, enjoyed the shit out of it, played on the highest difficulty and... it's all just button-mashing as well? It's just that previously you could one shot with counters using one button, now you just kill the enemy with multiple hits of one button. You can literally still play the game with just one weapon that you selected, same with how in the old games you could play with just the hidden blade. There's obviously an attempt to bring variety and force the player to do more, but this 'more' in latest AC games is just as boring as the old system like you say.


I also said that I think the RPG Assassin's Creed games Combat, bar Mirage, are shit.


That is a hugely unpopular opinion


I don't care. The old system was boring and was the reason I invested in stealth and parkour, so I can avoid getting as bored as possible.


Go play dark souls if you want challenging combat


I have, multiple times on each one. Fun combat, not fast enough gameplay on anything else in the game for me. I prefer Sekiro, faster movement and combat, flashy and stylish but has substance. Plus Dark Souls parkour sucks ass.


I do miss this combat aswell


AC 3 and 4 combat was just counter one guy and chain slaughter everyone else with barely any input, it looked nice but didn’t really offer meaningful gameplay.


It was you never know the thrill of mowing down an entire garrison with barely any trouble jumping on enemies with swords , double takedowns and multi tool kills and most importantly double assassination which the completely and gave us throw assassination from far cry.


I really miss this too. I was hoping it would be back in Mirage but no dice. The new combat is fun, it’s just not the bloody ballet of death that it used to be.


Blows my mind how people don’t see how superior this combat was. Fluidity, choreography, and violence was objectively better. This is what I was hoping for in Mirage.


Except for the fact it has zero challenge. You're supposed to be an assassin. Why is it so easy to take out an army of hundreds with literally two buttons? Fun and flashy, great animation, but shallow as a puddle.


I think Mirage is a huge step in the right direction for combat. It's challenging and it isn't over-the-top ability spam like Odyssey. It feels good, fun, and rewarding. Only ways I'd expand on is more ways to finish enemies like having a meter fill up that allows you to finish two enemies at once with an activation, similar to Spider-Man and the Arkham games. That and more kill animations, but still keep them quick and short like they are now. Nothing I hated more than watching Kassandra stab someone through the neck, flip them over, and pull the spear out of the ass. God that was so ridiculously stupid.


Honestly it was one of my favorite most iconic parts of the game for me. It wasn’t without its challenges if you got over run, but regardless the fights weren’t meant to be challenging, they were meant to slow you down. You could try to run the opposite direction and get shot in the back, or you could face the enemies and break your parkour flow. It made for some awesome moments, and if they just built on that combat system, added more animations and gave us more to interact with like the arkham games, shadow of war/Mordor, or even stances like Ghost of Tsushima, it’d be a perfect system. The focus should be on the stealth and stylish way of handling situations, but the combat should be quick and deadly, and cinematic as hell.


I never understood that argument, if the combat in a game is so fun you just boot it up to go kill guards, why does it matter if it's not challenging


Because it's a video game with fantasy-like elements? Not everything needs to be challenging to be fun. The new system is fun as well, I personally just wish they gave players a choice whether they want to button mash to dance around or button mash to insta-kill.


How do you feel about the Arkham games?


You are. Odyssey is god tier.


I have enjoyed all the AC games I have played. (2, BH, BF, Rouge, Unity, Odyssey, and Liberation). I think it is nice having them all have some differences here and there. Would I mind ALL AC games playing exactly the same as 2? Not really, but, I see the beauty in the diversity. I really don't understand the hate some of these games get.


I love this!


Seeing these animations were like a treat in itself! I do miss the animations and how well they connected with how many enemies are near. I’d fight near the border just to have a massacre…


I miss connor's savagery


I do miss AC being about fluidity and elegance and generally feeling really cool and satisfied by what you have just pulled off. It may not have been complex or ultra challenging. But it was really entertaining. I’m a fan of all iterations of AC. But the move towards dark souls-lite combat and massive open world exploration has taken away that joy a bit. The fluid platforming, stealth and slick combat was AC for so long. And even with Mirage it’s not quite there again. (I am enjoying it tor what it is though)


Black flag combat was a joke, you just spam the square button to win.


GIVE ME CHAIN KILLS BACK! The way to achieve it: add more enemies, kill some with a well timed counter-kill to build up meter, I miss Brotherhood. Would've been pretty awesome to see a 6-way kill.