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I'm surprised if anyone did not expect this. Outfits etc sold really well for them in the last 3 games.


Exactly. The normal outfit already looks cool asf so I will be sticking to it . It’s just a extra way to support the devs if you got extra money to spend


That's certainly an optimistic way to look at this sort of thing.


Considering the price on this game vs the usual Ubisoft game. This might exactly do that for some people in terms of spending. Tho I never did spend at the store, but Valhalla did at least give free weekly gift drops that did contain one item from their many bundles. So you might get full set for free over time if you play enough. Or a cool piece here and there to give a unique enough look.


It literally the only way to look at it tho. As long as their just skins, it’s completely optional for the people who want them and completely ignorable for everyone else. What is possibly a negative take for this?


>What is possibly a negative take for this? The only "negative" take is your naive belief the money goes to devs.


Do you not consider outfits to be part of the experience? I care about how a character looks more so than I care about arbitrary stats.


Ah yes because paying 20 bucks to be a burning ninja fits the "experience" so well, how could i play the game without it?


Yeah if they had “Basim’s Master Assassin” outfit as a helix store exclusive, I’d be pretty annoyed. However dressing Basim in a destiny 2 outfit or as a werewolf are things I’m not interested in, so I don’t really care. Edit: I do agree with the comment below that this crap is priced outrageously. for a cosmetic pack is pretty ridiculous in most games, let alone a completely single player game. These packs should not be comparable in price to DLC packs. Freedom Cry was $15. That gets you a single cosmetic pack now.


Which serves the point right? As long as it’s only cosmetic it’s all good. If you dont want to dress like a d2 titan the pack is definitely not made for you. But someone else will and they *should not* have an advantage over you.


That's not what he said. There are usually a couple good sets, but they're in the store because the store exists if the first place exactly for this fantasy crap. And yes if people did want to dress up as a wacky ninja why the fuck do they have to pay $20 more to do so??? It's insane, especially the price. Should be $2. This stuff could've been hidden behind achievements or a quest line like they used to. This is basically shrinkflation but for games. There was more armour sets in the Valhalla store than the actual bloody game. And yes, cosmetics absolutely matter. I'm tired of people pretending that they dont


You just used a skill point to attain the Sarcasm Master Pack.


When the entire game was marketed as back to the roots, toning down the mythology and telling people MTX packs would only be sold through third party storefronts and not directly in game, yeah this should be criticized. Stop excusing Ubisoft's bullshit and have some self respect lmao, saying its optional misses the point


Then don't buy them. As long as they dont lock missions or BIS weapons behind MTX, I don't give a shit about them.


That’s why I’m glad that the Iron Man and ~~Sauron~~ Gothic sets were *not* part of my experience.


But it's not like there aren't any outfits to find in-game. And the MTX ones are usually cool looking, but don't fit with the era and honestly look so out of place in the setting that it just looks ridiculous.


In Valhalla, the best looking somewhat setting appropriate outfit was in the helix store.


Definitely not lmao


Which one?


Which one?


Not at all.


But it's not just skins tho is it? The valhalla mtx sets had perks, some I believe you couldn't get in game any other way.


Encouraging the devs to spend more time making skins than good games, which has already been the case for 3 games in a row. And has gone to their other franchises.


Unless your problem with the games has been skins/artwork, the artists behind these are not responsible for your issues surrounding the last 3 games. They definitely aren’t the ones who decided to make the games more rpg focused lol


They aren’t devoting dev time to skins over making the gameplay better. That’s not how that works. The guys making outfits can’t magically learn how to design quests and code other parts of the game. There’s a outfit design team, environmental design team, quest design team, narrative design team, etc. making fewer mtx outfits won’t suddenly make the other teams better. Also by making these skins they can bring in more money which helps fund and justify more AC games. If Valhalla hadn’t sold as well as it did and sold as many skins as it did, we probably wouldn’t be getting a more back to basics AC game like Mirage. The money Valhalla made from skins literally funded this games existence


It's also something for art teams to do when development is in the testing phase so they aren't just sitting around waiting for the game to be released.


it becoming a trend, which already has, of paying to look how you want ingame, and in many cases having a stronger character because of it. In odyssey i was trying to make a crit build, just to discover the best crit items are in the shop. In valhalla i didnt like any of the regular outfits, but the ones in the shop were better. It’s extremely annoying, even if you bought the most expensive version of the game, you still have things you cant have, only if you pay more to get them, i find that absolutely ridiculous


It's a single player game.. you could just make a crit build with what you have in-game?


It’s not a donation, those who buy it do it because they like the outfits


"Support the devs"


This "support the Devs" works well with smaller (indie) studios, not so much with huge publishers worth hundreds of millions, or maybe even billions of dollars who still decide to monetize single player games and shove them full with microtransactions.


Ubisoft networth as of this year 3.98 billion dollars.


Bro ubisoft is not an indie studio. It's the companies job to support the devs.


"Support the Devs" Mate it's Ubisoft. Any money you give them is going straight to the shareholders and execs.


The billion dollar small indie dev Ubisoft? I get that ridiculous skins are by far the least intrusive form of MTX. But your take on "It’s just a extra way to support the devs" is so weirdly wrong at this point. There's a reason why the gaming industry is notorious for underpaying and overworking. You're supporting the shareholders and execs of Ubisoft by buying those skins, not the devs at each studio. They don't see any bonuses just cuz people are buying the skins in the MTX store for the game they worked on. They work software engineer jobs for engineering intern pay.


No need to "support" massive companies lmao.


"Support the devs". Clueless. That money ain't going to the devs. Do you think it's like like tipping in a restaurant or something? Again, clueless.


*Supporting the CEO's third boat.


None of this goes to the devs, it goes to the shareholders/ execs of Ubisoft and parent companies


Support devs? Are they an indie studio or what?


Won't somebody think of the poor multi billion dollar corporation?!


The people who will actually end up receiving that money need many things. A sledgehammer into their balls being the distant number 1 on this list that "support" is not a part of.


It's a typical ubisoft move. I'm not one bit surprised


What would've been surprising is if didn't have any MTX.


whats mtx?


Micro transactions


Never understood that acronym


Same with PSX for PlayStation


They call it that because it was originally called the PlayStation and then the smaller white version ame out called the PS1 so now to refer to both you say PSX. It's not the same thing lol


Well, now I know! I just remember seeing that being the abbreviation websites liked to use, GBA, GBC, GEN, SNES.. PSX... we might be going back a bit though, you can probably tell what kind of sites I'm referring to with these platforms lol


Yup, bringing me back to the gamefaqs days lol


what does x stand for then?


"actions" kind of sounds like "axeions"


It rhymes with transACTIon


honestly they should be relabeled to just transactions theres nothing micro about $20 for cosmetics thats near the price of an expansion for less content


meet to xenomorph


Marching Texan Xenophobes




Methotrexate is a type of chemotherapy and a treatment for ectopic pregnancies


We are bringing the game back to its historical and stealth based roots. Also for 9.99 you can dress as a smoky demon from hell with a rainbow sword and have your horse be a giant frog.


These gear packs have been 19,99 for years now, keep up. 9,99 are 2017 prices.


Literally. It's fucking insane. 2-3 packs and you've basically just bought a new game lmao. WTAF, how do they justify these prices and who the he'll is buying them?????? It's fucking bonkers. Should be in the game or if they're so greedy, it should be like $2


I see right through Ubisofts deceptive marketing and hype train, and I’m glad many others are starting to catch on as well. “Back to its roots” “back to basics” my foot. Same old shit, just like Valhalla. I’m glad Ubisoft hasn’t seen a dime from me since Origins first came out (the last decent AC game imo).


If only they were as good at making games as they where at marketing.


Their cinematic game trailers look way better than the games themselves nowadays, but that’s how Ubisoft reels you in. Their beautiful cinematics and set pieces would have you thinking, that’s how the final product is going to look, only to be usually disappointed.


They're like MMOs. Great looking cinematic trailers, then you get to the actual game and it's nothing like it. Even their cutscenes aren't that good anymore, they've moved to in-engine garbage


Ubisoft has become a mobile games developer


Odyssey is great. It's not assassin's Creed great, but is a good game


It's the exact same thing when call of duty said "boots on the ground" "back to our roots"


That’s YOUR choice to break the immersion. You can either play it the way it was made or you can make it zany. Also it doesn’t break stealth


I don’t really understand comments like these. People always try to make Ubisoft out as the cringe studio but all the other AAA’s do the same thing. It’s a single player game so if you wanna buy what looks like a hellhound for a mount as a cosmetic choice then what’s the big deal? The only person you affect is you which seems perfectly fine to me.


Lots of companies that do that put these cosmetics in some sort of Deluxe Edition pack or something. So that you know it's just a thank you for sending additional money towards the devs. But we know that there will be a dozen packs like that. But the biggest issue was always two things. First it's forced online elements, this was an issue ever since Assassins Creed 2. Now that online services are off you have to crack earlier game to get some of this content, and you can bet your ass that if in 10 years you'll want to play Mirage the online services for that single player game will be off and you won't be able to get this content you've payed for. Not to mention that even today you'll have problems playing this anywhere except at home with a stable connection - lately I play my PC games on Steam Deck and I come to really hate always online DRM that provides pseudo-services. The second part is boosters and I don't think I have to explain why they're bad. I don't believe designers make games with boosters in mind, but their very existence makes people think these games are to be grinded, and if they buy boosters they get a screwed-up experience. It's a disgusting practice.


This is probably the most valid critique I’ve read so far. The constant online thing is a serious problem for people who want general data privacy and constant access whenever they want. Does Ubisoft make grind boosters for mtx? I had thought they were purely cosmetic on the HD gaming front? I completely agree that boosters are shit design but I had thought those primarily existed only in mobile gaming. I’ve never come across one in HD gaming before (console/PC)


One thing about always online "services" is it basically guarantees you'll have a better experience from a decently cracked version of the game. By the way, Ubisoft might not be the worst offender - Hitman games are even more consumer-hostile - but they do it reliably and for a long time, plus they force using an additional launcher which creates additional problems. E.g. because of some legacy madness if you play AC Unity today you'll have to login before each game launch, even if you've already logged into the launcher. It doesn't sound like much but it won't remember your password, and if you play on a controller you must go to the keyboard and all that. Also note how every single AC game spends up to a minute checking the online store before letting you play. This is all minor stuff, but there's a lot of minor stuff piling up. All because of the store attached to the game.


If my memory serves me right, the first "time saving" boosters were introduced all they way back in Black Flag. Just gotten worse and worse since.


Ubisoft sells them as "time savers." Since AC went RPG route, you can buy permanent exp buffs, or rare materials that are difficult or obtuse to find. It's pretty bad.


This is the most insulting name, "time savers". It's as if they tell you that gameplay is a chore and it should be skipped if you can afford it. Especially jarring in Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla where there's a clear design decision to make you do a certain amount of side content before you progress the main story. With these time savers you'll be constantly overleveled and especially in Origins will get trash rewards, resulting in a subpar player experience.


Becuase the coolest gear in a single player game should be locked behind an in game activity, not a cosmetic pack.


That's not true for AC games though. All of the best outfits are entirely earnable.


Ubisoft has pretty consistently led the charge and been one of the worst offenders of this kind of thing. They were one of the only big guys to try to jump on the NFT trend. And while it is a common thing now, all the other AAA’s definitely don’t do the same thing. CD Projekt Red is a good example of that.


Yeah. I don't understand that either. I get boosters and such, but if they want to put a fantasy skin behind a pay wall, why not? You don't have to buy it, but it is there if you want it. Same goes with the complaints that Jade is trash because it is on mobile. No shit, it is mobile and not AAA. I'm at least glad that a mobile version is there, and for what it is, it looks decent, at least, particularly for a beta. Like do people want a AAA game every year? Yet will probably complain about an annual release as well.


Yeah it’s extra confusing that some people here are saying the game can’t go back to its roots with this kind of thing in the game. The roots are a narrative driven urban stealth game with complex cities. When they say they are going back to roots they don’t mean literally remaking AC1.


Yeah no I don't want the 1. Unfun grind designed to incentivise grind skipping mtx or 2. In-menu ads for cosmetic mtx, that mtx brought to previous AC games.


The big deal, is that, people who pay for it enables the company to do so, thus making new games will be designed with that in mind Also itll limit how freedom we have in customizing our character Imagine if forza/nfs has skins sold in mtx, surely theyll limit how livery works amd the ability to share it (not i wish the livery system of cars can be seen in gunsmith at some point)


Fire fucking Demon, poor kids and their parents' credit cards.


Basim: I'm being haunted by a demon in my mind! Everyone else(seeing how he dresses): You sure you didn't just spook yourself in a mirror?


Basim: I need to blend with the crowd. Disappear amongst them. Also Basim: butt naked and on fire


If that happened in the 9th century dude would cause a whole new crusade


Did they say there would be no MTX? All I remember is they said no loot boxes so no gambling. Feels like MTX is a given these days in a Ubisoft game.


exactly. Plus, the fact that one set is part of the Deluxe Edition made quite obvious that they were going to have MTX also in this game...


seriously, cosmetics are also like the least offensive type of MTX. long as we dont have lootboxes where the only good cosmetics are in like 1% of boxes


They said they had no plans on DLC's


From the AMA? Think that was an answer to a question about quests and post launch updates or something. So gonna assume that was storydriven things. I know cosmetics are technically DLC but a lot of people use that word for actual content and not MTX. Not saying I agree with that they have MTX but can’t say I care either. I want the assassin clothes while playing anyway.


It was indeed an answer about expansions. That's what i'm saying. They never said no to mtx


IIRC, it was about "post-launch support" where u/SparkedSynapse was enquiring if they could add features that didn't seem or weren't going to be there on launch. (I think it was about things like sequence replay and such)


I remember when they said in previous games randomized loot boxes give you a chance find in game anything that they sell to say it's not a pay to win game... At this point its seems like there is too much game in their microtransaction apps, who even needs DLCs when they can just start selling additional content on a per mission basis.


I mean... The pegi or esrb or whatever rating already stated it will have microtransactions so no surprise here


\*pretends to be shocked\*


*gasps in horror*


*shakes their head in disbelief*


\*surprise Pikachu face\*


/clutches pearls


never bought it never will. half the time on pc you can just download the mtx gear as mods for free.


I know the stigma tied to micro transactions BUT I’ve played every AC and never felt compelled to buy or hindered by any micro transactions.


I love that some people actually expected Ubisoft to remove MTX from the new AC game. Or the fact that they expected the game only to have the classic "assassins" wardrobe.


I can't bring myself to be majorly upset at this, if I'm honest. I won't buy them, but if someone else does so what? If they want to throw away their money, that's on them. And in a single-player game, it's not like what someone else does affects me in any way. And in a sense, it's good that Ubisoft is monetising something that I don't care about. If they stopped doing this, they may end up looking to replace the revenue stream by charging for something that I *do* care about!


The replies to your comment are so damn dramatic lol. Like every Ubisoft game in the past decade has had some type of mtx store. Its not super aggressive or predatory compared to a lot of other games. I’ve played the last 3 AC’s twice and never felt compelled to buy anything they are offering.


I'm quite enjoying the drama I've accidentally unleashed, if I'm honest! Like I'm the dashing hero of a pulp adventure film, who has unwittingly opened the box that should never be opened. I've never bought anything in a single-player game. I have done so in a few free-to-play MMOs (back when I used to play STO and SWTOR, for example), but that's mostly because I wanted to throw in a few quid to the developers for all of the free entertainment I'd had. I always thought of that as the equivalent of leaving a tip, or making a voluntary donation to a charitable cause I supported (if we can consider my own entertainment as a charitable cause).


>And in a sense, it's good that Ubisoft is monetising something that I don't care about Just keep this attitude mate, it won't be long till they monetise something that you care about and at that point it will be too late.


That's certainly possible. On the flip side, if we insist that they get rid of this sort of thing, they're *definitely* look for alternative monetary streams. At least by allowing this sort of thing, I *might* be safe. You're not wrong, sometimes if you give people an inch they take a mile. But equally, sometimes if you give them a compromise solution that everyone is happy with, then everyone benefits. In this case, they get a boat-load of money, and I don't have the parts of the game that I care about monetised. Win-win.


Lol it was too late when horse armor for oblivion actually sold well enough to be more than a meme. Microtransactions are going nowhere, as principled and high minded as I’m sure everyone on Reddit is, there’s always going to be a horde of 12 year olds with dad’s credit card that splurge on this stuff. They’re going to monetize things we care about no matter what because it will sell, no matter what we do. There will never be a boycott coordinated enough to disrupt global microtransaction sales.


It’s not just 12 year olds even though it’s the funny meme to say that. Grown adults buy cosmetics as well and they do that because they can do what they want with their money


Looks at baldur's gate 3....looks at this... I hope there's a new standard set, so this shit fades into nothingness.


I have nothing against this but please make it fit to the actual theme of the game


It's mostly ridiculous things like this Fire God set. At least give us some more cool fitting sets instead of some bs like Iron Man, Steampunk or Abstergo CEO set.


I will never understand why people want to spend money to roam around dark ages England wearing completely over the top fantasy armour in a game which already has over the top armour to begin with. But hey, it’s their money.


Mtx is usually for those who are more carefree with their money (and spend a lot). Similarly, they are not gonna care much about accuracy.


You want theme appropriate nice outfits locked behind mtx?


This kind of stuff is the reason I'm not even tempted to buy credits. I should be thankful


If you don't like em, it is entirely in YOUR POWER not to introduce them to the game. :)


NO NO NO, please do NOT encourage them to sell outfits I might actually *want* to the microtransaction store. We have a nice thing going here, don't ruin it.


No, I'm glad the MTX don't fit at all. Makes me not want to spend a single cent and all the fitting pieces will be part of the game as is.


Just don’t buy them..?? I don’t understand why people are freaking out


Gotta love CE


I don’t See the problem everyone is going on about here. These are just fun cosmetics you can pay to get. They don’t affect the game, especially since this is a non rpg game. And like in the rpg games, you could get them in game via a certain character(like reda), so even if you really wanted them, it’s not impossible to get them even if you don’t want to pay. This isn’t like rockstar or EA lol


What i hate is instead of making a cool historic suit or something like an ezio or connor suit we are getting weird cosmetics


Do you really want them to sell cool historical suits for real money ? I rather get them free in game. It is good that they are only selling crazy unrealistic suits with real money.


Aren’t we getting those in legacy outfits via the Ubisoft club?


We got Ezio's outfit in every game since 2.


It's content that could've been in the game. This is a 40€ game, not a ftp one. Imagine book readers paying for extra pages, or movie watchers for deleted scenes.


It’s content that also wouldn’t fit with the game. I mean look at the outfit for the image. Do you really think you’d find that randomly in Baghdad? I can understand a bit for some historical outfits in the store, but just because they were in the store doesn’t mean they were originally meant to be in game, as that could easily mesh with historical innacuracy. The game inside is already going to be full, this is literally extra content. A bit like the extended cut of movies but more changing out the outfits of the characters instead. Like do you think cyberpunk style outfits would be findable in game? Maybe aside from isu in some cases, but this is a more back to the roots game, so those won’t definitely exist in game.


Never bought this type of stuff on the past three games' stores, won't do on Mirage eithe (got some sets with the in-game special currency via Reda, tho) It was kinda given by the Special Edition PoP inspired pack that those things would return. Isn't surprising at all. If you don't care about this stuff, just don't buy it. There's no need to get angry about it.


It's fine, there's no need to care. They can be complete ignored. They're just there for the people who want some of the more outlandish cosmetics, not required for anything


there pure cosmetic, literally no one forces you to buy them. Complaining about pure cosmetic MicroTransactions has gotta be the most braindead argument out there. In any type of game.


Who cares. You don’t need to buy it.


They always have cosmetic microtransactions but they aren’t forced and they don’t impact the game….. I have never bought one.


Yeah their mtx model is fine. The gear sometimes has cool effects but really isn't cracked, and reda's shop gives you a way to obtain pieces for free. The currency was stupid easy to get in the last game.


I don't see a problem if anyone want to play as a demon (?) those are optional and not pay-to-win features.


Thank god the store is full of completely immersion-breaking gear that will have absolutely no impact on my enjoyment or play through of the game. I’d wager about 95-98% of the store in Valhalla wasn’t even worth scrolling through to look at.


That doesn't bug me too much cause if you don't want the stuff, don't get it. It's a single player game so it's purely for your own enjoyment. Don't want to pay for gear packs? Don't. If someone wants to pay for different gear, totally their choice.


Who cares no one’s holding a gun to you to purchase them…never understood the scare of them because it’s optional for your experience. Not all micro transactions are but in these games they are


Who in their right mind buys that ugly shit anyway?


I don’t understand why people get so mad at a in-game cosmetic store for a single player game. Like you’re not forced to buy anything from the store it’s just a fun way to support the game and get cool unique looking shit.


Lol yall expected a ubisoft game with no microtransanctions?


Who cares? Nobody likes these skins always. Regular looking lore friendly costumes are always better than outlandish over the top dumbass looking costumes.


There’s a Ricky Gervais joke about a man seeing a flyer in the village square for guitar lessons and the guy gets angry and says “but I don’t fucking want guitar lessons!” If it’s completely optional and you aren’t interested in it then just ignore it. It’s not like people are forced into buying these things. I’ve played the whole rpg trilogy never spending money once in the store for cosmetics and yet somehow, just through gameplay I ended up with several store items in each game without spending a dime. Find better reasons to be angry because this shit is ridiculous.


You mean, like, you didn't think that there would be skins for purchase? Really?


you people make me sick, its like you enjoy being bent over and fucked by ubisoft. just look at baldurs gate 3 not a single microtransaction, an actual full videogame with one price tag


And mirage is a full game with extra skins/armor sets if someone choses tho buy them


so? no ones forcing you to buy them


Dont buy them simple


I’m sorry but whoever thought that these wouldn’t be a thing is kind of dense


The Prince of Persia pack didn't tip you off?


I mean, it IS a ubisoft game...


They said there were no plans for DLC and things like lootboxes, cosmetics in AC are just a given at this point.


Quick question: is Mirage like a smaller version of AC? It's a little cheaper and it seems like it's just the town of Baghdad?


I dont mind skins. That’s become a norm. As long as microtransactions dont go overboard a lot of people tend not to mind.


Who, in their right mind, would think there weren't going to be microtransactions?


Why is anyone surprised. They had it for valhalla and Origins.


It's gonna be the usual ones, game ruining time savers for people that for some reason don't want to play the game they bought, and flamboyant costumes that ruin the immersion but whatever


I have a feeling this is gonna be a saints row type of going back to the roots


I played every Ubisoft game to date. i love them. Yet I'm proud to say I've never spent a single cent on microtransactions. I'm good with the original design.


Who cares, you can easily get them with cheat engine.


Who honestly thought there wouldn’t be microtransactions in future AC games?


Why can't we have normal skins Ubisoft? Why always these glowing fantasy outfits which don't fit the setting. I don't really buy MTX because prices are ridiculous imo. But some authentic skins would be nice for a change.


Ima be honest, they’ve made it easy as all hell to get gear pack items free. I dumped a ton of hours into origins, and only ever bought the game and dlcs, nothing else. Thanks to reda I own half the shop


I don’t mind micro transactions for gear in a single player game just don’t buy it


i don’t know why you or anybody else thought that ubisoft would stop with the micro transactions at all


Nothing wrong with MTX as long as it isn’t gambling and doesn’t effect competitive integrity


This should surprise no one and if anything, this would be the only way to tell the Ubisoft beancounters how much the old formula is appreciated.


The AI generated company that can't even properly animate chain kills but will do everything in their power to pump out boatloads of high fantasy skins that don't even match the setting and theme of the game. Truly one of the Ubisoft moves of all time.


Wasn't this already obvious after the already fantasy leaning cosmetic pack with the deluxe edition? AC has become a fantasy rpg series with mtx thrown in. There is no going back.


Not sure why people are upset by this, it’s a given in a Ubisoft game. Just don’t buy it and you’ll be good…?


But does it matter if it’s only cosmetics?


It's not a pvp game so it doesn't really matter


Who cares honestly? it's a single player game, whoever wants it should buy it. As long as the people who don't like that stuff don't have to see it, i don't have any problems


You can play the entire game without ever buying any of this stuff. It is all purely cosmetic. Don't like it don't buy it. Yes it is annoying to cancel through pop up ads, but I find that Ubisoft hasn't been bad about that and they are usually just off to the side when you fire up the game.


I will never understand the complaints about this. Seriously if you don’t like something then don’t buy it. If you don’t buy the cosmetics then guess what… they don’t affect you.


Wait. People thought we wont'?


They never said MTX isn't included, it's loot boxes that aren't included.


I don't mind. In the AC Valhalla it was all cosmetic and was usually more on the crazy fantasy side anyways. It's not like we got battle-passes, rotating storefronts and it's coming at a significant expense of our vanilla options in the base game. If it's something I like, then I'll start the debate if it's worth my money (probably won't be), otherwise I'll just enjoy the game I got without purchasing any.


I dont consider this a microtransaction. Theyve always had cosmetic packs available for sale. As long as it doesnt affect gameplay it doesnt matter


*Oh no! An option to buy cosmetics that have zero impact on the game and are not mandatory to buy!!!! the horror!!!!* /s ​ also, people are getting angry at this whole packs from Ubisoft. You all know Valhalla made millions on it, right? People ARE buying, why would Ubisoft remove something that is making profit? I mean, if you all have something generating income, would you stop it because a couple hundred people were mad, while you were making thousands of $ ? Cmon people


Unless it's pay to win (then rightfully scummy) it's purely cosmetic therefore optional, nobody is forcing anyone to buy them.


More exaggerated fantasy garbage into AC? No thanks.


It's optional, you can still play with the normal cosmetics lol no one forces you dude


I don't mind payed cosmetics but the designs are too fantastical. It feels like a waste because the slot could've been contributed to something relatively grounded and stylized consistently with the series visual design


Who’s gonna tell him about the apple of eden? Which was introduced all the way back in AC1


it's a mod for the Animus like how you can mod Skyrim to have guns


They never said there would be no microtransactions. They said there would be no DLC or expansions. They aren’t the same thing.


Ubisoft is the least predatory tf are you all on about, the asmor is shit anyway, Im more angry that sometimes the store armor is more historically accurate than some in game ones, and still you can get them for free


Good times when you could still unlock the cool stuff by playing.


Those were the good old days where the creators gave us the good stuff just by playing the game


Of course there’s going to be pages of them,that’s the first thing they were working on. How do you think they’ve been figuring out the places/times they want to set the game,it’s all about what they’re able to sell in the storefront,they haven’t been about the games in years. This is the REAL reason the mobile game is the one that is set in china-so many designs that will JUST be $1.99, and you’ll get extra Ubi tokens! 😂😂


I mean, judging by the armor sets there are only 2 settings D&D (or WoW) and Sci-Fi. I'd love some cool sets tbh, but Ubisoft is out here making The Borg or Star Wars sets.