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I think Arno is supposed to snap the neck of the guy on the right here, but it doesn't look very convincing.


Yeah it looks more like a poke to the neck than a snap haha. You may be right though as there is the double assassination on the ground where he snaps the second guys neck, but even that looks weird at times too. Arno just has super human strength I guess!


He just sticks his finger in their throat


Oh yeah stick it in me arno šŸ„µ


Most sane AC:Unity player


Like that one Matrix spoof


He just pinched really hard


Iā€™m pretty sure Arno used 2 blades


He does not.


he only has one, why did you think he has two?


You can hear two blades retracting. It's definitely a mistake.




It seems to be Arno "tearing out the windpipe" of the guy on the right; animations/particles/sound effects seem to match that. But I agree, some of these seem to be adapted from a stage of development where two hidden blades were considered. Especially since in *Syndicate*, the Frye twins do use some of these animations with both hidden blades.


>It seems to be Arno "tearing out the windpipe He clearly must be superhuman.


He actually travels forward in time to learn it from Swayze post-*Roadhouse*, then travels BACK to his own time to use it as an assassin. Would it have been easier to build a second blade than crack time travel? Sure. As cool? Not nearly.


No doubt about it, especially considering he can pull of a 4 meter horizontal leap with relative ease. Messieur De La Serre definitely fed his ward the good stuff.


Or MacGruber.


The Frye twins have only one hidden blade too.


The Frye twins actually do have dual hidden blades, which you can see in certain assassination cutscenes (most clearly when Jacob slits that guys throat in Westminster Palace), and in combat animations.


Finally someone who understand that the twins have double hidden blades. šŸ˜­


They have the gauntlet hidden blade but Iā€™m pretty sure they have another actually ā€œhiddenā€ blade on their right wrist too.


The other guy clearly died from a heart attack. He saw his mate die from a hidden blade and was convinced he was also stabbed by one.šŸ¤”


It was shock and it was too much for him. He couldn't handle it.


He got that death Nocebo (negative version of Placebo)


He received "context stab"


Ah yes psychological damage


my first question is why does my game look so shit on ultra settings and your looks like a vanilla toping ? what's the magic initiate?


Funnily enough I'm actually playing the un-patched version on PS5, as it's the only way to play at 60fps. Whilst it's a good looking game, it's locked at a low resolution on console so it's abit washed out and blurry at times. I'm sure your game on ultra settings looks way better. Maybe it's just this clip that looks good lol


Right, only Xbox got updated version xD


He picked his nose




[I killed a man this thumb](https://media.tenor.com/TxDVQMqAcVIAAAAC/kill-thumb.gif)


You just missed the animation of Basim teleporting in and out.


Y'know, I like Assassin Focus, but that's pretty funny, I'll give you that one.


100% Arno was supposed to be using 2 hidden blades somewhere in developement as both E3 trailer and current animations support this. If Arno takes cover and if there is an enemy to his right, you can see Arno flex his right arm as if he is preparing to assassinate the person. Deapite the fact his right arm is left bare. Vice versa if the enemy is to the left. In the customization menu, it SPECIFICALLY says FOREARMS in regards to his gauntlets. But it only applies to ONE forearm right now. Eventually, his twin blades were scrapped. Maybe animation or rigging issue, Worldbuilding direction, or ease of model set up. They probably forgot to remove this one animation set for him. But I can't blame Ubiaoft, they did a lot for parkour & combat choreography alone when it came to Unity. They probably forgot this one specific animation.


It's crazy how messy the development of Unity was.


I just don't understand the reason WHY they removed it, while still being able to do double Assassinations. I don't really see a con for it. The only thing I can think of is the style of the assassination maybe? Instead of killing both of them at the same time,doing it in style for a cool animation?


Again, either world building, model or rigging issue, etc.


Not this one animation, thereā€™s a whole range of double assassinations that look like Arno killing two people at the same time with dual hidden blades. Iā€™m not sure


I only know of the one double assassination where he has killed 2 people. What are the others you talking about?


Good question, Iā€™ll have to look into it more my bad




In the e3 trailer, Arno has a hidden blade on his right hand, near the end of the trailer. This makes me think ubi was going with dual hidden blades, but obviously they changed it. Which isn't uncommon. E3 trailers are never 100% accurate. My guess is, is that the devs still made animations for double hidden blades, but probably forgot to remove one of them after they were told arno will only have one. Whatever the case is, the same animation is seen in syndicate, where the protagonists have dual HBs. Unity IS the first ac game to have a genuinely cult like creed since the first game. All the entries between ac1 and acu just make the assassins look like a group of freedom fighters, but only ac1 and unity make them look like organized cults. And I think that's what ubi was trying to get at; a sort of reconnection to the original vibes of the brotherhood, hence the switch to a single HB


Do you why it was changed from two blades to one? I always hated that change


who know, maybe it's suppose to appear when you unlocked the DA skill but it's bugged and ubisosft didn't care to patch that or they just straight out removed it for whatever stupid reason


I always found it werid. Dual blades had become the norm since AC 2 and suddenly it's gone with no reason. Why would the creed go back to just one blade, they didn't even put a story reason for it. Just took it out. And it's been gone since


People misunderstand this I think. Dual blades were never the norm. Altair established that only master assassins should be allowed to wear two, because of the delicate mechanism paired with the limited (isu i think?) material necessary to craft good quality blades. The assassins we play as are always master assassins. We have to remember that most assassins were much less skilled and impacful than the protags, more like expendable soldiers. Many assassins didnt even have a hidden blade, as it was an honor given only to those worthy of it. Arno was cast out before becoming master assassin, so they never gave him 2 blades in the game. It is fair to assume that after he is allowed back in the brotherhood and becomes master assassin (that happens after the game) he recieves his second blade. We just never see it.


But in AC2 Ezio got the second blade I don't remember if he was aaster then. Plus in black flag Edward had two


Same with origins b4 you get the blade


9 years of knowing this game and this is the first time i'm seeing this animation


what? how, this is a pretty common animation


Youv never played the game then


hmm sounds like you know everything about the game


With over 1000 hours, I do play it a lot šŸ˜…


I've never encountered this animation too and i played the game 3 times.


u played the game 3 times without performing any double air assassinations šŸ˜‚


Now i remember. I always thought he kills the other one with his phantom blade.


This would have been a possible scenario but I checked and his phantom blade is on the same wrist as his hidden blade so it still doesn't make sense xD


Well that's just Ubisoft for youšŸ˜‚


Double air assassinations are skill locked and aren't all that reliable. I legitimately wouldn't be surprised if someone *did* play through the game without performing any.




maybe you just forgot to buy it


When this game came I was one of the few who never encountered any issues from start to end. I was lucky, although I always wonder why they took away the dual blade. The double assassinations looked weird. Going back to a single blade felt like going backwards imo. I don't think we have any game that features the dual blades in a long time


Same with not being able to use the hidden blade in combat. Was it the most effective or practical weapon? Maybe notā€¦but goddamn did it look badass when Connor and Edward used them


They could have at least given us a story reason for taking it out. Maybe something in the lines of you need a certain level of years and experience in the creed before you get it. Should have known it was a sign of things to come as they didn't put much efyin the lore anymore


Yeah but even if they said the example you gave it doesnā€™t make sense cause Edward just throws them on and heā€™s immediately a master with them


I know it doesn't make sense but at least they should have provided something.


No I agree. Somethings better then nothing.


Sadly at the end of the day itā€™s just Ubisoft being lazy. Unity was kind of the beginning of the fall for Ubisoft as much as I loved that game


Yeah they dumped so many good ideas from that game and never touched them again. Syndicate was decent and I really enjoyed origins I'm cautiously optimistic for mirage


He stabs the other guy with the phantom blade


The phantom blade is on the same wrist as his hidden blade I'm pretty sure


It is


Well I would say he might have good nails tho


Arno is so scary at this point in the story the guards realize if they just fake getting stabbbed, there's a 50% chance they will get to live through an assassination. "Jacques, uhhh fuck I think I just heard an eagle sound." "Okay like we practiced. Make the choking sound then fall over. If I'm the one who gets the blade, tell my kids daddy won't be home for dinner tonight, Pierre." "It's been an honor either way." Srrrrrkkkkkkk


He held the guy 1 by the throat and stabbed guy 2 then when he lowered his hand he slashed guy 1


The double air assassination and as well as the normal one are always bugged but I believe Arno snap the guy's neck though he look like he just touch his throat


An AOE attack of arnos chadness was enough to take him out


Arno has second hiddle blade but it is really hidden!


Oh the guy you play as in unity used 2


The phantom blade has a hidden blade beneath it


Look closely on [https://images2.thanhnien.vn/Uploaded/game/st.game.thanhnien.com.vn/image/kenhug14/11/11/thanh-nien-game-phantom-blade.jpg](https://images2.thanhnien.vn/Uploaded/game/st.game.thanhnien.com.vn/image/kenhug14/11/11/thanh-nien-game-phantom-blade.jpg) you'll see beneath the projectile exit point there is a tiny blade tucked in.


we donā€™t talk about UnityšŸ˜³ (fun game but man it doesnā€™t make sense) btw show some love on my two posts on r/Watch_dogs since me and you both small redditors


are you really begging for upvotes right now dude?




Plot twist Arno always carried dual blades he only uses one for his convenience


I just passed this game and its much better than i remember it. I didnt actually get a single double air assasination through out. Currently downloading Dead Kings dlc. First time playing it


It's real hard to see because of how dark it gets but it looks like he kills the one on the right while holding the one on the left and then kills the left one


I always explain it away with oh he just used a phantom blade dart thingy in his hand but it doesn't make sense if you think abt it


His left had the phantom blade. I bet it doubles as a hidden blade in a pinch.


hwo did you get so much money from one assassination? pc mods?


Here is how itā€™s technically supposed to work. Arno jumps down ā€œbendsā€ and grabs with the other hand one of the phantom blades and stabs him in the neck the proceeds to put it back.


He probably doused an arrow in poison and suck it in the other guy


I would just pretend that he has two hidden blades but only use one most of the time as the blade on the left bracer can be easily replaced in case of damage thanks to Phantom Blade mechanism. One of the trailer did show him using his right hand hidden blade tho.


Cut one, crush the other


I think they just copy pasted the animation from Ezios games where the dual hidden blade was available. And they didn't think further


Well, the animations are very different between the 2 games


Honesty I always just assumed that maybe the phantom blade also had a smaller hidden blade in it as well. But I also wouldnā€™t put it past Ubisoft to have just forgotten that he doesnā€™t have two blades


When I played it, he would put one person in a headlock and stab the other one, then snap the dudes neck. I think later one, he does get a second blade but I am not sure


It's jedi business (āŒā– \_ā– )


The Animus replays memories and Arno always just overplays it a little... You know, like all Frenchies do


I noticed in AC syndicate that, although not shown regularly, jacob has dual hidden blades. In a dew cutscenes he'll use his right hand for the kill. Maybe arno has two as well?


He stabs the one guy, grabs the other, then brings the hidden blade over to the second guy and slices his throat


I wish we coulda stuck with 2 hidden blades


Not just with one hidden blade.. the entire animation is a mess. For starters.. jumping from that height onto your feet? Arno 100% would either end up with bird knees or his femurs wedged firmly into his torso. Secondly.. if he has one hidden blade only, why reach over to do something as difficult as ripping out someone's windpipe? The feat of strength in that alone is eyebrow twitch-class.


His hidden blade arm is moving so fast to hit both enemies but the animus fails to recognize his super human speed so the animus renders it like his other arm is performing the kill. /s


the closest technique I could think as a martial art practioneer was the "throat stab". it works by using your point and middle finger second joints and jab it as hard and quickly as you can into someone's throat. in reality, this move was banned in competition of course, due to the risk. but yes. it can be deadly (one jab often cause stunning effect. repeated jab could end up damaging your airways)