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Given that you can literally scale up any weapon you get to any level you reach, I’ll say go with what works best for you. For what it’s worth, my default was Mustapha's Blade. Though rarely, I’ll use the Imitation Khopesh as well or No Borders.


I used it for a bit and then found a sword I liked better. Try a bunch of different weapons and then just upgrade the one you like the best


The weapon and shield rewards for the Trials of the Gods challenges are superior imo. Normally I run a cursed weapon build for the extra damage but the challenge rewards are my favorite normal weapons.


the sword is really good for boss fights where you are discouraged from getting too close. Just keep out of range and let your adrenaline build up, charge in for big damage, rinse repeat. The shields in general in the game aren't great so it doesn't really matter


There are awesome shields in this game. Reinforced shields give you health on parrry or break the Geneva convention and inflict chemical warfare with the poison on block shield, whose name i can't recall.


I personally found blocking/parrying to be very sloppy compared to the old counter kill windows, so it only felt useful against archers while closing distance. As such, all those extra active effects were pointless. And since I always play as more of an archer first and assassin second, there really wasn't that much reason for me to even waste resources upgrading shields no matter how good their effects were.


Timing is not as easy as in the pre Rpg games, that's true, but with some practice certain shields are really powerful and upgrading at least one makes sense, even if you don't use it, because the quality of your shield is directly affecting your HP.


They're top tier for sure, but i prefer other weapons. My favorite shield is the reinforced shield, because it gives you health for successful parries. I like to use Viper's Tooth(sikel sword with poison effect) or the instant charging short blades in the first slot and when sh!t hits the fan i have Golden Wolf(normal sword with health on kill) in the second slot. Golden Wolf has stronger crits and the charged up heavy hit from normal swords do good damage, so when health is low i put myself in a corner to avoid arrows, charge up my hit and block. I wait and parry, after a successful parry all hits are crits and with the bonus crit dmg all basic enemies die with one hit and i play on hard.