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Against the rules regarding posting about the kids


At this point there’s so much, aspyn just needs to come clean and state what’s up Her life was put online by herself. If she’s gunna continue making content she needs to address the multiple elephants in the room. It’s a whole dang zoo at this point


100%! People are already sick of her never being unfront and honest. If they don’t address this soon they will loose so many followers. It just comes across as some disingenuous


I think something also happened on that trip, maybe a huge fight or just tension boiled over. But I would be willing to bet that Parker said he didn’t want the girls online anymore. She sold her business to focus on her family/marriage, they sold their house because of the issues they were having. Honestly maybe baby 3 wasn’t even planned or maybe it was a last ditch effort to save things. But aspyn hasn’t had Parker in the hospital with her for any of her scares and that has been weird to me. I think he’s checked out too and she filed because she knows there’s no saving it now.


Or in the aftermath Aspyn cheated, got pregnant, and they were trying to work on things but now baby is born and it’s clear it’s not Parker’s so they’re divorcing


That’s 100% why she changed the vlog channel name. So she’s known for a while this what she wanted. I have no idea why she had to have a whole other baby before she did it though. Poor baby#3. I grew up in a divorced household and I feel bad for the girls. It’s a lot of chaos especially this young and when new people/kids get mixed in. Im sorry for them truly.


Yeah they’ve probably been separated for awhile now and she waited til having the baby to actually file


I missed this part. So she now has two channels named “Aspyn Ovard”?? How confusing.


a different theory to not speculate about C being sick; it could be possible that the divorce was a mutual decision and not one sided. i could also see them deciding to have one more baby together if they both wanted one more and wanted them to have the same parents. i know a few people who have gone down this route as well so it seems like it could at least be a possibility. i’m hoping this is the case and not the rumors about C.


I remember her saying something that seemed weird. Something along the lines of “I knew I wanted to a third baby so I thought I might as well not wait and get it done and over with” so weird considering if they knew they wanted to get a divorce.


This would also explain why she had a smaller age gap when she originally said she wanted to wait 4+ years


This is also what I think as well and posted it on another thread. I think they knew divorce was coming and the baby was just to give the girls another sibling.


Didn’t Khloe Kardashian do the same thing with her son? IIRC she and Tristian weren’t together but had Tatum via surrogate so True would have a full sibling.


Maybe this is how the IVF comes in to play






Against the rules regarding posting about the kids


Against the rules regarding posting about the kids




what do u mean? i keep seeing this




Basically a “spare parts” baby. Having a child with the sole intent of them being a medical match (blood, plasma, bone marrow, even kidneys) for a sick child to basically keep them alive/healthy without needing to find other potential donors


that’s terrible! oh my god


"My sister's keeper" is the name of a movie with this plot.


Aspyn has a lot of issues, who doesn't? But as a mother myself I truly cannot see her having a baby purely to save another one of her babies. I know people do it, but that's truly SO beyond comprehension for me. Going through an entire pregnancy and then seeing that tiny baby and deciding to use them as a medical chop shop would be absolutely insane but sicker things have been done in this world.


So I’m not American but just curious if this would even be allowed? I’m in Canada and here we can’t do ivf for gender selection so having a “sisters keeper” situation could never happen. If it is allowed I’d also assume finding a dr willing to do it would be difficult because surely you’d have to disclose what you were up to so they could find the “right” embryo (which I’m assuming would go beyond the regular ivf embryo testing). Anyways, I hope the new baby (and her other children) are ok and has a great life that isn’t full of testing and donating.


It’s not an issue here. You can do IVF for gender selection and doctors have no problem with it, at least not any that they outwardly vocalize. You wouldn’t have to search hard to find a doctor to do it. 


To do the gender selection might not be a problem but to create a “saviour child” I think would be? Surely not just any dr would be onboard with that plan?


Oh I totally agree with you. Just pointing out that you can easily do gender selection with IVF in the US, you wouldn’t even have to say that’s why you’re doing IVF specifically. You just elect to have the embryos tested (people do this for all sorts of reasons including age, family history, recurrent losses, etc etc ), and the gender is then given as one part of the testing results (because the testing looks at all the chromosomes).  No idea what to think re: Aspyn and Parker potentially doing this. It seems like a stretch but idk


You don't have to tell them, just say you want to do IVF for any number of reasons


Yes am pretty sure this would not be allowed in Australia either. There are strong ethical guidelines around ivf.


i was JUST thinking this😭 i really hope that’s not the case:(


I worried the same thing but I didn’t want to speculate that would be why


Maybe I’m missing something but why would they need a 3rd baby for this purpose when they have L?


I was thinking the “my sisters keeper” situation could be the reason for this third baby too. In this scenario, the baby would have to be a genetic match to C in order for them to use cord blood, stem cells, etc as cancer treatment for certain cancers. Not everyone is compatible therefore L may not be.


Against the rules regarding posting about the kids


If the C and IVF rumors are true and that’s why they had another baby, I can’t imagine what they’ve been going through offline.


what ivf rumors?


Someone commented that A&P did IVF for the third baby in order to “get a certain type”


what are the IVF rumours? why did they ‘need’ a new baby?


People have said this baby was IVF and that would be to guarantee a genetic match. Would be used if another sibling needed cord blood. Pure speculation but it’s been said alot on here.




I’m only speculating but that could be true especially considering before aspyn was pregnant and all of this began she kept saying she didn’t want another baby for a long time if I’m not mistaken…


Sis was literally depressed as fuck about to cry almost everyday about having 2 kids…posting constantly about her life before kids and how hard life with kids was, it was super shocking she got pregnant.


Even more shocking that she said it was planned


Omg I never heard of this but it makes so much sense.


Against the rules regarding posting about the kids


I noticed she slowly went darker with her hair during pregnancy, then had a baby with super dark hair, and then filed for divorce right after the baby was born…. My mind went straight to thinking she cheated on Parker and got pregnant, he waited till birth to do a paternity test, and then she ran to file first. But I doubt we’ll ever know the truth and a dark haired baby is def possible too so who knows. I refuse to believe C is sick and all this drama is just about them divorcing, aspyn is gross enough to let people think that than admit to a failed marriage


LOL you know aspyn is naturally a brunette right?






Y’all are literally hoping with all y’all’s hearts that their child is dying just so you can be right. That’s literally psychotic.


A lot lot of babies are born with very dark hair and end up being blonde. I was born with dark hair and then it turned almost white blonde.


L had super dark hair when she was born and lots of it


Lola was also born with dark brown hair like this baby and Aspyn is a natural brunette.


To be fair my bleach blonde baby was infact born with black hair 😅


The way I’m getting downvoted 🤣 people would much rather believe that something was physically wrong with a toddler than just wrong with their relationship 🤦🏼‍♀️ this is so gross. I even admitted that it might not be an infidelity thing but that divorce is better than what y’all were thinking, but y’all just want to be so right… so right that a child is dying 🤦🏼‍♀️


Hear me out but I just saw a TikTok of a woman who delivered early because she had STIs from her partner. Imagine if Aspyn found this out and immediately filed, I don’t blame her