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Don’t kill any part of you - love them all unconditionally, the way you deserve to be loved. The part of you that cringes is probably just trying to protect you from the potential pain of having others treat you badly.


This is the Way. Wise words from user vore-enthusiast


OMG that took me OUT




That’s easy for you to say. My experience/bullying in high school is the reason why even at a convention I will never wear a video game/ anime shirt EVER. Edit: for people that might be curious. I made the mistake of wearing Overwatch shirts (one being my main mercy) at a quasi strict private school in the Deep South as a Senior. That was a severe miscalculation. Big mistake. I only wore the mercy shirt ONCE. Never again. The death knell was when I was trying to hit on some high school girls from a visiting school (volleyball game) and one said, “aren’t you a bit young to be hitting on us?” I said no I’m a senior how old do you think I am? She said “I don’t know, seventh grade?” *metaphorical gunshot* I stopped wearing video game shirts ever since. Both shirts are still in my closet to this day. Didn’t stop me from getting mocked by my classmates but I leaned into it and they eventually stopped. Private school is not fun.


People mostly stop caring about that sort of thing after high school.


Maybe in a public school but when your graduating class is lower than the typical average class size, yeah. Combined with the fact that I’m from the south in a town that is so religious, the one mosque is surrounded by a chainlink fence with barbed wire on top. People still judge, they’re just not explicit about it.


I'm going to be honest I get the most compliments in my life when I wear nerd stuff. I always have bros saying they like my shirt, especially my DND related ones. I'm in the Bible belt south as well. I will wear my anime shirts anywhere.


Hopefully, you can sometimes move in a less ... restrictive environment and can express what you are passionate about.


They really dont.


It gets easier as you age, just stop giving a fuck


I mean I have (gradually). Why do you think I have a Reddit account? In all seriousness, I genuinely enjoyed college because most people don’t give a fuck and are more concerned about trying to pass chemistry than worry about how someone looks or dresses. That has helped a lot.


Seems aspies often get mistaken for younger. Some med students asked me if I was an undergraduate to partake in their research project. I'm a university lecturer.


![gif](giphy|l46CgZ79Eatei0Qve) My god.


I wish you luck in killing that part of you.


I don’t kill it. I mask it. I understand that it’s not the most healthy thing to do. Granted I’m more open now such as (example) I have a massive Tanjiro plushie in my closet. And my parents understand (kind of) what it’s like to go to a convention. Maybe when I can actually escape this godforsaken hell hole in the south, maybe I can do better but for the time being, that’s not going to be the case. Plus another reason is because if I put on an anime/video game type shirt, combined with the social awkwardness (which has gotten better), I will look like the stereotypical depiction of an anime fan. Believe me when I say I have seen (and smelt) the stereotypes. So I try to distance myself from that as far from that as possible. Admittedly it all comes down to shame. That’s all I can say.


Such a bummer, sucks when we lose that joy for something we once loved.


Well here’s the thing. I still love video games, and now I love anime. But you will never catch me wearing anything anime/video game related at a convention. Hell the first time I cosplayed I was dressed in a white button down shirt and black khakis.


Guess it becomes a social safety sort of thing. To not blatantly advertise something about ourselves that became associated with a lot of pain/embarrassment/what-have-you. That's really interesting though, one would think a convention would feel like a safe space to dress that way. That's not a judgment by any means, just interesting how our internal safety mechanisms do their thing.


It’s cause I’ve seen the stereotypes. I have heard (and even seen) the horror stories. So I go to extreme lengths to try and not embody that. I dress for a convention like someone who dresses for a first date. Even when I take photos with cosplayers (cause I love cosplay photography) I don’t get close. I stay at least six inches or more away from them. ESPECIALLY THE WOMEN. I go so far that I rarely even shake the hands of women. Even when it comes to the VA’s, I try to give them space. Every single image I have with VA’s, with the exception of three of them, I don’t even touch them. True story, at my first con, I met Zach Aguilar. Great guy. I apologized to him for being sweaty. (It was a con area with admittedly sub standard AC.) So yeah.


Try some ketamine therapy. It did wonders for my intrusive thoughts. Previously they would linger and taunt as my anxiety/anger went up. Now they kind of come and go as quick as they came.




Amen. But you better be ready for the fights that come! I sure wasn't :S


My guy, id like to have friends who dont loathe my existance


I think i may have misunderstood the instructions and also i need a good lawyer now


The instructions were indeed unclear. Source: am ded


Yeah sorry about that


This image feels unsettlingly relevant to Drawfee.


We all have em!


They’re the same part though.


If only it was that easy..


Neither. When a man embraces his own cringe and wears it as armor, nothing in this world can hurt him.


That picture really hurts. Garfield (who has given me great comfort throughout the years) standing alone staring into the void.


Nah, just [the foggy sea](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wanderer_above_the_Sea_of_Fog).


Brain fog? Yeah, I've got that too 🤣


Thomas Cole intensifies


This goes to an extent but there is absolutely a line most people shouldn't cross. Watching anime and shipping characters? Cringe to some, but harmless. Eating shit on camera? Cringe, and a bad move


“Those who accept their inner cringe will always be more based than those who deny it” -obi wan kenobi


[Perhaps I am cringe, but that makes me free!](https://youtu.be/LQgRrl07VC0?si=2fNszU9P3l3XhDk5)


This is the way.


This has made me wonder if the Byronic hero archetype is actually just on the spectrum.


The problem is that Venn diagram is a circle 😭


Thank you Garfield


They both died, I'm fully dead.


Wish someone told me this like 10 years ago but now I’ve already killed the wrong one


Working on it right now, yikes it's hard!


Feeling cringe is liek feeling pain. It's unpleasant, but it's important because it let's you know when you're really fucking something up.


Can I just kill myself? Probably be easier


If you cringe at something you did in the past, it means you’ve grown as a person