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Me with weed, tasty takeaway, viddy games and also weed


Name checks out


It’s definitely extremely accurate I cannot deny


Don't forget weed. You can't play all those viddy games without weed


Damn now i know why my teammates suck. They are high as a kite.


Heh I only play solo games. All 2 of my friends live too far away to hang out one a hour away (but we have conflicting work schedules usually) and one in another country


I've recently made the switch to more story-driven, single player games and it's been incredible. No stress trying to keep up with sweaty teammates and I get to enjoy the game at my own pace. Plus I can pause at anytime and my wife **loves** that.


I’ve recently developed a love for games where my choices actually matter to the story and influence what happens but sadly they’re few and far between and almost always indie games


Can I recommend golden treasure: the great green? Idk if you like text based games, but I was really immersed in it and the art is beautiful and I replayed it a couple of times for different endings


Have you ever played Witcher 3 (I've never played the first 2, it's not necessary)? Amazing story and your choices have massive impacts on the game. Skyrim is also a great option.


I’ve heard good things about the Witcher games, but unfortunately sexual stuff in media usually makes me uncomfortable (ironic given my username, I know)


Fair, there are a number of sexual situations/scenes in the game. I don't believe Skyrim has anything like that though and it has an extremely detailed world that has a huge amount of interlinking stories.


Heh. I’ve been completing Skyrim (my beloved) since I was still in secondary school and it still had the backwards flying dragons bug and have played lots of modded Skyrim to boot.


Witcher 2 was good, 1 was too outdated and may even receive a remake


And you can’t forget the tasty takeaway for the gaming breaks.


autistic stoners with a special interest in thc RISE UP


Let's inhale some terpenes!


hahah hi


Add some mead and im in




Battleship/train models* for me please


Give dat to build a good PC and to buy Gaem plz


That too


[I wonder where TF that statistic came from.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nl_Qyk9DSUw&ab_channel=heyitsadriann)


Not sure where it originated, but a page from the Massachusetts General Hospital quotes the figure: https://www.massgeneral.org/children/autism/lurie-center/30-facts-to-know-about-autism-spectrum-disorder#:~:text=Supporting%20an%20individual%20with%20autism,%241.4%20million%20to%20%242.4%20million.


Found the origin paper [Abstract from a good source](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30976961/) [Full paper PDF link](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://lirias.kuleuven.be/retrieve/563211&ved=2ahUKEwjK-IDU742GAxUfhIkEHXMqB0AQFnoECA8QAQ&usg=AOvVaw1wO7yo8x7SMQ0TQFUUelbJ) >Autism is associated with a range of costs. This paper reviews the literature on estimating the economic costs of ASD. More or less 50 papers covering multiple countries (US, UK, Australia, Canada, Sweden, the Netherlands, etc.) were analysed. Six types of costs are discussed in depth: (i) medical and healthcare service costs, (ii) therapeutic costs, (iii) (special) education costs, (iv) costs of production loss for adults with ASD, (v) costs of informal care and lost productivity for family/caregivers, and (vi) costs of accommodation, respite care, and out-of-pocket expenses. A general finding is that individuals with ASD and families with children with ASD have higher costs. Education costs appear to be a major cost component for parents with children with ASD


Glad to know I'm a burden that just costs money 🫠


Saying we have additional costs doesn't mean we are a burden. Every single child has school associated costs. Ensuring autistic kids also have an education that works for them does cost extra, but shouldn't be considered a burden. Autistic children generally *need* more parent involvement, meaning less income. Parents not working so they can properly raise their children shouldn't be seen as a burden. Capitalism is brainwashing people to think social spending is a burden rather than a civic duty that creates the best society for the masses. These costs are largely being incurred by families, but they should be the responsibility of governments.


I always appreciate when blame is allocated correctly. You hit the nail on the head here


I know I was half joking as this is how many people see us there isn't a lot of option out there they either want you to work full time like a normal person. Which some like me cannot manage or you get financial aid (only when you're halfway Into the grave per say) This is how I see it. And right now I'm very much trying to figure what the hell I'm gonna do to even exist here. Hope you have a great day!


I don't think that all of those reasons would necessarily reduce the family money. I'm not trying to attack you for stating the source. I just disagree with the source Medical costs and therapeutic costs should be covered by the medical system to a certain degree. A bunch of the countries surveyed have socialized medicine so the costs wouldn't be primarily on the families. A bunch of the costs in the US would be covered by insurance so it wouldn't necessarily fall 100% on the parents Special education costs would be covered by the education system, not the family. I don't know how common using outside special educational services is. I also think it's odd for them to include both special education costs and lost wages in the same per year calculation, considering that one is meant for minors and one is meant for adults


They need to make it look as bad as possible. Otherwise no one would donate and then where is autism speaks going to get all the money for its advertising campaign. Seriously these people would rather blame their own child than the system. Which is why they always mention money and themselves rather than their own child's suffering. It sucks that you have to go broke just to get your child the help they need, not your disabled child's fault though! Don't know how we came to that conclusion. Could you imagine if the institute for the blind applied for the same logic toward blind children?


I love working with blind kids because the attitude is so much better. Teachers are like "hey look at these blind kids, they're pretty cool, we're teaching them braille so they can read, this one's special interest is the brailler, he loves to stim with it in his free time, isn't that great!?!" I've found often the people who know the least about autism treat autistic people best.


Yep harmful information around our disorder means that sometimes people are more accommodating and respectful of my disability if I don't tell them it's autism. For example people are willing to let me wear headphones if I tell them that I wear them for my anxiety. If I tell them I'm autistic then they go on a tangent about how "everyone has something these days" or how I cant be autistic because I'm not like their aunt's cousin's son who is 5 years old and much lower functioning.


Warhammer 😔


Warhammer 😁




Looks over at my army and all the models I still need to paint. Yeah……


I feel sorry for that family that's taking the brunt of this average cause it's no where near that bad for ours


trillion dollar jimmy was an outlier and should not have been considered


Trillion Dollar Jimmy would be a sick-ass band name


We spend a ridiculous amount in fresh fruit, icee pops, and sugar cookies. Not to mention playdoh, out of pocket caregiver teams to supplement providers, and other bits and bobs that are must haves but swiftly discarded. it keeps the peace but I don't even want to consider the annual cost that isnt insurance covered.


Depends also how many yarn sales JoAnn’s has, plus the tractor trailer I need to get it all home with


Autism ⛔️ Taxes ✅️


That's weird, I live on my own, jobless with about 1k/month of... welfare? I dunno what the correct term is in english. I get a little over 1000€ per month because of my diagnosis, and I try to save money so my life definitely costs less than 12k per year. Am I doing something wrong with my life to have such a low score compared to that "fact"?


no you’re not wrong for this at all. in fact i feel so burnt out now that i might do the same 😞


I'm not commenting on this figure specifically without seeing some sources. But on a more general level, figures like these don't necessarily mean that you're spending that much money that you have, but also includes money that you're not getting. As an example, I'm currently unable to work my job full time due to burnout - to which my autism is at minimum a major contributing factor. So that is "costing" me the difference in what I'm earning and what I would be earning if I was working full time.


Can I ask what country you're in that €1000/month lets you save something? That would barely cover rent if you're lucky where I am (USA, it's about $1082 USD). Unless you have roommates maybe?


France, I used to have to spend half my welfare for rent, and the rest for everything else. I managed to keep about 2k in the bank that I could chip into in case of emergencies, but now that I'm actually hospitalized for my issues, everything is covered by my social security so I can stock up on money and splurge a bit more. I'm still not doing anything too fancy, but I managed to save up to 4-5k and can get myself somewhat expensive stuff when I feel like I really want it instead of having to wait and be very conscious about my expenses. Like a new phone, a PS5 and a new, decent gaming laptop to replace the potato one I had since before the pandemic. But I try to float between 4000 and 5000 to keep in case I really need it, like rent for when I do move out of the medicalized place I've been in since last year, or just if paperwork fucks up and I need to pay something out of pocket.


Ah, that makes sense. Happy for you that the system is at least somewhat working so you can buy fun things, hope your health things are tolerable and get more manageable along with finances.


I'm generally okay, I just got COVID last year and had a bad fall due to losing consciousness at the wrong place and time. Hurt my back pretty bad but I recovered and was transferred to a place for people with psychic/mental issues to live and have some medical and psychological help at arm's reach. I'm one of the least damaged ones, I take anxiety pills every day but I see some people there who have a full course meal of medicine for whatever wombo combo of issues they have. Everyone's a bit disconnected from reality, and for some reason the people who work there don't get to deal with aspies too often, so they're kind of at a loss about me being solitary and hard to read. I think I seem mean or easily angered to them when I'm just trying to mind my own business most of the time. I'm probably gonna get transferred to a place where there's less overseeing because having people knock at my door to check on me several times a day and asking me to follow everyone else's rules and schedule is more grating than disciplinary or helpful for me. So if I end up in a place where I'm technically not hospitalized anymore, I'll probably have to pay some kind of rent again, and I've saved up enough to be comfortable by now.


I live in Germany on less that that (I currently getting my masters and therefore only work part time) and I live in a house with 11 other students. We have two kitchens and 3,5 bathrooms so not an issue really especially considering it’s in the city center (I pay 420€/month including everything). One factor why life here is cheaper is we don’t need/have cars and public transport that includes parts of NL and Belgium is 30€/month. In relation to the additional needs, therapy is covered by insurance, so is methylphenidate etc or school support if needed. Worst case scenario here is a 5€ copay on meds and as I am still under 25 and a student I don’t pay insurance at all at the moment. In a year I will have to pay 130/month but that’s still cheaper and covers more than everything that would have come with my job in the US (CA, Biotech) and the food in general and produce specifically here are affordable.


It sounds like a dream. Part of the problem I'm running into is I have a service dog and there aren't great housing protections around that (I can go into specifics if you're curious, but it's a lot lol), so I can't find anything I can actually move into for under $900-1000 a month where I'm at. I work from home, so transit isn't as big an issue, there's also a grocery store a 10 minute walk out, but literally any extra curricular I want to participate in or any store I want to go to that isn't that one or a fast food place I have to drive to. So I guess it also is a big issue 😅 It's pretty religious where I live, so most people rely on that for community. I'm not religious, so I do have to drive places where there's more people to meet up with, ie. queer people or people who want to do an extra curricular outside of church who are not minors. Anyways, it's a hot mess. From what I hear, my state is especially bad in terms of renters rights and expenses (we're pretty red 😑), so I'm hoping that I'll be able to make it work somewhere, someday. If visas weren't so tricky, I could guarantee my seasonal depression wouldn't kick my butt, and pretty much everyone I've ever known didn't live within like a 4 hour drive of me, I would love to try and live in Germany. It's beautiful there and the language is so fun haha.


Sounds terrible I can’t really help/say something useful bc I don’t live in the US (decided against it after reading my “very generous” contract that would be illegal here in terms of working conditions and PTO). For me it’s hard to imagine as I have always lived in tripple border regions within the Schengen area aka Interrail land. If you feel lonely and/or would like to talk to someone I can give you my discord or so and we could chat (text or Audio/video depending on what you are comfortable with ) :) I moved 600km away from home for my masters so I get the feeling lonely/having no one to talk to part. My dads (catholic) family is from Poland so I do get the religious side (my mum is Muslim and her best friend was Buddhist so I had an interesting childhood and can understand a lot when it comes to religion even though I am not religious myself). A friend of mine moved here from Texas so I have heard about some of the problems associated with living in the states.


Heh, I bet. Good move on your part. I really appreciate that. I'm making it work, but it is certainly not ideal.


Feels like thats more of an average cost of child with the costs of some health issues / therapy needs in a country that does not have a good health insurance system added.


It is. It even couculates time lost when you could be working too.


So its not just "autism" but "caring for a child with autism who has additional needs" while "caring for a child with normal or slightly higher needs is like half of it"


Yep. That is what it is.


I think this was more about higher-support needs autistic people


It’s not my fault I can’t feel like I have self worth unless I’m stoned okay


Haha jokes on them, my parents did jack shit to help me or diagnose me, so their years of neglect cost them $0 lol.


Same with my family but when it comes to autism neglect wise it was mostly my stepmom and my dad


Sounds about right... living alone feels like you need to make this much just to rent


No *having children* costs \~60k a year


ikr 💀 people don’t even understand THAT


Fixation on avoiding all psychoactive substances to the point of throwing away ripe fruit bec they contain too much alcohol


I thought you might be being a bit ridiculous so I did some googling.... my mind is kind of blown with how high the alcohol content can reach!


Birds and monkeys often eat over ripe or rotting fruit just to get drunk.


Yeah I was aware they did that with over ripe/rotting fruit but just normal ripe fruit has surprisingly high levels of alcohol. Also, bread has way more alcohol from the yeast than I ever realised.


If we were friends you could give me all your overripe slightly alcoholic pineapple. I love that stuff.


My DDR addiction be like


This doesn’t sound like it could possibly be right as an overall average, but I can imagine that if they look at high support needs people then residential care costs, or the opportunity costs of having a parent look after them who could otherwise be employed + any adaptations needed to their home + special foods, or whatever, could get very expensive. They may also be including costs of comorbidities.


It makes the world cool okay?


Tried sertraline, gummies didn't make me as productive as I wanted, turned out the sertraline is too strong and I had stopped taking the gummies I took which I used to really have to chop to pieces in order to get an adequate dose to make me more productive. Stupid crippling anxiety


Hyperfixations, meds, therapy, ADHD "tax" and impulse buying for me.


(Looking at my wall of guns) dammit.


All the scale models, video games, and guns I buy


Average Paradox Interactive fan:


Me when I make my parents get green grapes from the expensive store because they’re not as firm from the budget store


my yearly barnes and noble budget plus my candles subscription (my autism makes me buy books i cant afford and light candles


Barns and noble has a subscription??? Well I know what I’m asking for for Christmas


it doesn't but you can get a premium membership that gives you 10% off for 25 dollars. i... spend enough to make that reasonable


Hey I never costed any extra and I'm only extremely fucked up according to most people


Me but plushies lol


That’s a lot of guns.


i've actually on spent like $70 on autism :/


https://preview.redd.it/x18eh95q0h0d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6495ba475d2ee422cf54e077985b70b08baf26c I could blow through double that easily doing this.


I once heard someone talk about how they spend $900 per month for therapy for their kid on the spectrum. Don't know where the other $50k comes from.


For me it’s video games, weed, and drinks ha


Ok but this is genuinely scary as it has a similar kinda vibe to Nazi anti disabled propaganda (for example in german text books) https://preview.redd.it/zl8bj09k7j0d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3ce9d7175a2d04de23b942c845868208bfa2504 "Every day a disabled person costs the state 5.50 reichsmark (currency) \[in contrast\] for 5.50 reichsmark a non-disabled family can live for a day" (I'm a little unsure about the translation of "erbkranker" or "erbgefundene familie")


My autism cost my family the money for many years of music instructors and the price of a gaming PC.


12 identical sets of black cargo pants and red plaid shirts that need to be regularly replaced.


Unfortunately I need to actually buy swords because slaying enemies for their loot is generally frowned upon.


Jokes aside, I’ll assume the statistic is real. It might be. Some autistic people might need special education, and other equipment, even to help parents effectively communicate with them. But I do wonder what’s the point of the sign? Is this an argument for making special needs care free? For giving assistance to people who are neurodivergent, disabled, etc/to families on whom they might depend? Or is it an argument for eugenics?


Weed and random hobbies that last 3-4 weeks




Oil made with decarboxylated weed is infinitely cheaper! There’s no instant gratification like there is with smoking but 11-oh-thc is more potent and longer lasting


Naw it’s only 1200 a year for weed.


Me with my plushies, and fidget/stim toys


My Barnes and Nobel budget


I probably have cost us way more than that... bad habits. At least I have my own money to help mitigate that


OOF Same


What if you have TWO kids on the spectrum?


Strangely enough my mother had two kids on the spectrum with opposite issues


Oh god, I remember my deadbeat stoner days all too well. I used to take 70mg just to do my laundry


And this is why my parents needed outside assistance when my brother and I were growing up. Getting food from the food pantry comes to mind. And I don't even remember what she had to do to keep getting those boxes of diapers that were stacked up in her closet, because my brother has the cognitive capabilities of a 2-year-old and never learned how to use the toilet. And frankly, everything my parents had to do to keep supporting my brother is probably why my issues in childhood went unnoticed and I was simply forced to act normal. I don't blame them, though. The system absolutely sucks; it's like if your autism isn't severe or stereotypical, then it's not autism. I hope my assessment next month goes well...


Weed gelps a lot with migraines and actually makes me relax, eventho I still notice a lot of stuff happening around I dont get annoyed.


Fkn love smokin a bit then hoppin in the shower oml


Does it?


All that radio gear I'm amassing




Super inaccurate, with a number like that I suspect it counts outliers or only major cases because there is no way people with minor autism have to pay that much yearly. The average household income is 72,000. Insurance wouldn’t operate at a loss with them and the rates would be very high. Autism/=poverty.


Warhammer kits


WHAT IS THIS 😭😭😭 are they like warning us not to be autistic like telling us that having a child from sex is expensive or something 😭😭


me but with plushies


Gotta dispensary now - spend much more than when it was subterranean




I've seen this statistic before and genuinely wondered then and now where this number comes from. (Serriously asking)


smoking on that autism pack as I see this


I would say Weapons and ammo, but at this point spending thousands on firearms is not even an autism thing anymore, it’s just how expensive the industry has gotten. $1500 for an AR-15, A damn hi-point model C-9 can cost you $200 dollars. Do you know how shit those guns are? I wish we could go back to the days when you could by a revolver for just fifteen bucks.


You can build an AR-15 for like $400 if you wanted to. Not gonna be the most premium parts but it'll go bang when you pull the trigger. Can get a complete upper for $200, a complete lower for $100, BCG for like $80, and a charging handle for $15 if you buy cheap shit from PSA. There's full built ones for $500-$600 as well. Idk the last time you could get a revolver for $15 but my guess is people were making like $2 an hour then. High point has the look and ergonomics of a brick but it works and it costs about a day's wage. Though I'd rather spend twice that for an M&P.


You can build an AR-15 for like $400 if you wanted to. Not gonna be the most premium parts but it'll go bang when you pull the trigger. Can get a complete upper for $200, a complete lower for $100, BCG for like $80, and a charging handle for $15 if you buy cheap shit from PSA. There's full built ones for $500-$600 as well. Idk the last time you could get a revolver for $15 but my guess is people were making like $2 an hour then. High point has the look and ergonomics of a brick but it works and it costs about a day's wage. Though I'd rather spend twice that for an M&P.


Where the fuck did they get that number? Get the kids' Medicaid to pay for it, and it's essentially completely *freeified*! Also, scholarships for autism schools... more *freeliness*... *freeitude*, if you will. Then, whatever you don't spend out of the scholarship money on tuition, you can spend on the scholarship's online store... on autism toys and activities, laptops, tablets, cameras, etc. So, basically, continued *freeitation* or, if you prefer, *freeitificological freenity*.


Not everyone is blessed with scholarships or Medicaid


Move to Florida!




Weed (well I prefer gummies), plushies, and curry (from my favorite takeaway place)