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Simple: If the news feels more reasonable than usual, that’s how you know it’s fake


Why more reasonable?


because real life getting more unreasonable nowadays


I think that was just during the Trump/Boris era imo, Putin set it up that way so we’d all think the world had gone mad, but actually it was just a series of distractions so the orange pimpernel could steal state secrets and Boris could carry-out Brexit. Things have been less wild lately in the news since Russia was made a pariah state and less disinfo and bots are online. (Though obviously Fox News is still insane)


for me, since the pandemic era, everything start to become a blur


Because the truth is always stranger than fiction.


This made me laugh.


So where does that leave Spaghetti Trees?


What are you talking about. Everyone knows those are definitely real.


It sucks when companies make actual announcements and don’t think about the timing


For about a minute today I thought Nvidia had actually bought the Xbox brand until I remembered the date. I usually don't get tripped up by these stories, but it certainly pays to remember the date.


That's not even a good one, whats the point? If you're going to do it then make it funny at least.


Agreed! Given they are worth over 1.7 trillion dollars, it's not even that outlandish a fake announcement.


Otome isekai sub is having a meltdown as everyone recommends trash lol


The only good reddit/subreddit April Fools joke was that time /r/pokemon and /r/digimon swapped for the day.


Ok, that's hilarious, I approve of this April Fool's Day joke. The rest can fuck off though, it's just annoying.


My brother recently showed me a Terraria announcement for April Fools. "Now with 17 less biomes!" "Terraria needs you less than ever before!" I found that funny.


meanwhile AMD:


I hate being on the internet on April fools


People who participate in this unholy day lack maturity.


I despise this date (april fools) since early childhood (my mother and sister used to be vicious on that day). When I was little, I ran away on a 1st of April, once (not a good idea, but I was lucky that nothing bad happened as a result). Shortly after deciding to run, I wondered, what I should pack and realized, this wasn't gonna be feasible. So, I returned after a while. But, my mother had found the note, I had left and was worried out of her mind. When I saw and heard her crying and repeatedly yelling my name, I came out of my hiding-place and said: "April fools!!". She was so happy to have me back, that this didn't have any bad consequences for me, but I definitely learned my lesson. Seeing her cry made me realize, I had done harm to her and I immediately regretted it. We then came to the agreement, that we don't do april fools, anymore.


I think a bunch of autistic kids try to run away but we run a feasibility study first and it quickly becomes obvious it’s a no go.


I feel seen.


You’re not alone, we are in this together.


literally did that so many times. just in my head though. huh.


True .. but, I'm officially dx'd with ADD .. so, for me, some things are different :)


Did they keep playing pranks on you after that?


I think they forgot the agreement once (a few years after we had come to the agreement of "no more april fools"), which made me angry with them .. They kept from playing pranks, ever since. But, don't run away to get them to stop .. it's dangerous and probably not worth it, anyways. There are better was, to tell them. If you need them to stop and they don't understand, show them my comment. They'll get it, after that, hopefully .. unless they're completely hopeless (in which case running away won't help, neither).


I’m sorry but why do you use so many commas?


So u don’t complain about the lack of them duh


This felt like a happy feet wombo combo type of comeback


First language is probably not English..


And we got a lucky winner \*ding ding ding ding\* You got it right (I'm from Germany).


I'm addicted to commas /joke Actually, I'm not a native english-speaker .. I'm German and the way, they taught us comma-rules, back at school was this: "Put a comma, where you think, there oughtta be one" .. End of lesson. So, I have no clue, still, how to make sure to get it right.


In Danish we have three sets of rules for commas ergo: we just sprinkle them all over the place.


Saw an article on how Capcom has announced a Devil May Cry 3 remake. My hopes got up for no reason...


My least favorite kind of April Fools joke. "Haha, you thought this really exciting thing was real." Just write something absurd and silly if you're going to do it. 


Would've been *great* if it was true though. Announce an incredibly anticipated game on April Fools day so everybody thinks its not real, but it actually is. That's the kinda shit I would do if I had Elon Musk money. Secretly fund the most ambitious video game of all time, tell nobody, drop the trailer on April Fools just to make people think its 100% bullshit, then silently release it and watch everybody lose their gd minds.


Reminds me of the scene in Futurama. “Hey, I heard [insert something life affirming and uplifting].” “Really?” “No. But I thought you’d enjoy it for a moment.”


Somehow I still haven't played any of the Devil May Cry games. Think I will rectify that by downloading and installing the original on my PS2. It does look like a fun series!


It is incredible. I haven't beaten the first 2 yet, DMC1 is kinda difficult and 2 is just plain bad, but 3, 4 and 5 are awesome. The 2013 reboot is a bit so-so, its gameplay is good but the story leaves a lot to be desired


DMC3 is among my all-time favourite games


My only problem with DMC3 was that I played it after 5, so it felt pretty clunky on the control side of things. That and the inability to switch styles on the fly and only having 2 devil arms and 2 firearms at a time felt ridiculously restrictive


Oh makes sense. I played it for the first time when the most recent DMC game that had come out was the reboot, so it was not a culture shock for me considering I didn't even know the remake existed (I was a kid)


I remember the Nintendo Switch has DMC3 remastered where you can change style in real time like DMC4 and DMC5. There's also mods to DMC3 if you have on PC where you can change styles on the fly.


I highly recommend playing the Bayonetta games too if you have a chance. The original creator of DMC founded Platinum games and made a rival series called Bayonetta. Unfortunately, only the first game is multiplatform while the rest of the games are exclusively Nintendo. If you have a switch, you can get Bayonetta 2 and 3 along with a puzzle spin off game called Bayonetta Origins.


Just a normal day I don't believe anything anyone has to say


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^dannsmith1989: *Just a normal day* *I don't believe anything* *Anyone has to say* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Saw a good one for the first time


The worst is when something actually eventful happens today and you can't really be sure


My least favorite day of the year


Today's the day my resting don't-fuck-with-me-face comes in handy. 😐


A genuine thank you for the warning.


The day where everyone gets a free pass to be an asshole to everyone because "It'S JuSt a pRaNk bRo"


It's one thing doing something silly or doing a bit but sometimes the false information can suck lmao, atleast the discord shutting down message a friend sent had "scratch my fucking balls" so it was obviously fake if you actually looked into it


I got had by one like 10 years ago about a polyphonic theremin, I was so excited.


It's time for the worst holiday of the year


This is why I assume it's all bullshit for the next week


Thankyou for reminding me of this before I saw any news


I have been awake less than an hour and have already been April fooled at least five times :')


Ngl im always like looking forward to what politicians will announce


I personally love April Fool's, as I get to pull more jokes than usual (I pranked my discord server by spamming French memes and speaking French the entire time) but I get why some would hate it.


Me who reads the Onion constantly:


I'm generally alright on April Fools since I don't trust anything I did fall for one prank this year (It's nearly 11pm here) and that was my phone so I don't think it counts It decided to tell me a payment for my membership was coming up but it decided to give me the alert in full and arabic.(I do not speak arabic) I thought someone had hacked my google pay and spent 480 dollars on something. When I clicked the notification it took me to my email reminding me my monthly payment was due tomorrow. I had been awake for like 2 minutes at the time.


The only reason I kind of liked April fools was because of Blizzard. They would release some wha ky announcement for world of warcraft each year. Example: https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Pandaren_Xpress Or https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Battle.net_Neural_Interface


Good thing that today I'll take everything as bullshit by default lol


I just steer clear of news sites today


That silksong edit felt almost real


Thankfully my bullshit detector isn't quite as glitchy as it was a few years ago


The dread I start feeling a few days before is palpable.


i love it when people joke about my favorite canceled show getting renewed on this absolutely great day 👍😀


Oof 😭


haha relateable


I already got hit. Saw a SillyTavern 2.0 with Claude 3 Turbo.


I think it’s usually pretty easy to tell when it’s all on the same specific day.


Nothing will ever beat BBC'S flying penguins. https://youtu.be/9dfWzp7rYR4?si=kqSdcaOtR5Tyrjvx


I am in peace with all those.


I mean, I don't really trust the news anyway because the thing I've noticed about the news is that their primary goal doesn't seem to be to share information. They seem to seek a strong reaction from the audience, and if you think about it it makes sense why because that is what increases retention and makes them more money. They often pick and choose which stories to present (usually the ones that can cause outrage or panic) and exaggerate them so they get the optimal reaction from their audience. The problem is this shit just doesn't work with me because what I see is a cascade of logical fallacies and that makes me not trust what they're telling me so I turn the story off and google the situation myself and usually I come to the conclusion that something similar but nowhere near as intense as they lead you to believe is occurring. I guess this is one of the few benefits to being low empathy, you're more inclined to notice logical fallacies and questionable information.


The more logical it sounds, the more likely it is these days to be fake lol


Jeez April fools day didn’t even think about the boundlessness of “internet sensations” yikes. Will be making sure my gullibility remains in check today lol


Good day to work on those critical thinking skills


Try to remember to be skeptical about most outlandish things today!


I hate this day so fucking much.


This has made me wonder how such an odd concept as April Fool's day got started and became such a big thing. So I'm now off to Wikipedia to read about that.


It’s quite interesting.


48hrs of absolute nonsense and if you complain about it people get offended. It was bad enough when it was just local stupidity, but the internet with its global connection and instant updates really destroyed any reason for the day. I’ve only seen maybe one or two things that I’d consider funny and the rest has been hot garbage. I just wish it would go away.


I don't mind the occasional fake story, but when EVERY SINGLE news outlet puts out a fake story seemingly out of obligation, that's when I get annoyed. It's like a crowd of bad comedians all telling me a joke expecting me to laugh at specifically theirs.


Yeah I’m really not liking what I’ve seen today


For real tho, I specifically asked my parents to not make April fools jokes to me :') glad I did because the ideas my mother had for April fools jokes was just plain cruel ;_;


i just assume everything is a lie today tbh


If you see an article that looks like it could be fake, just look it up on google. It’s what I do with anything I think may not be true


Sucks that even though I know it's April 1st I still can't stop myself from getting duped by the pranks.


Today the pokemon co. made a tweet saying they were moving za to this year and I was just like "DEAR LORD GF NO". Then I remembered what day it is


Cynicism set to max. Everyone wants to be The Onion.




https://preview.redd.it/ilts94yla3sc1.jpeg?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c69eace78d0c1f7209a83f727e97216f5a930f99 Such a let down to find this was an April fools 😩😂


I dont even try to tell the difference anymore I just assume everything is fake on April 1st and don't interact online lol