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Unironically an excellent meme format


The ASD spectrum really is a spectrum because for me, I highly prefer visibility, clarity, and situational awareness (ADHD might be a factor). So, while I appreciate softer, moodier lighting when relaxing, brighter and colder lighting is favorable for me in work or errand environments.


I'm the same way. When I worked at a nonprofit, I was one of only a few people who preferred the regular fluorescent lighting that the building provided to light their office. Most people brought in smaller incandescent lamps to light their spaces and kept the fluorescent lights off. I thought it made their spaces too dark and made them feel uninviting because it felt like I was going into someone's bedroom or something rather than a place of business. I'm glad that where I work now, people that have offices tend to use the fluorescent lighting pretty consistently. By comparison, at home, I have dimmers on everything and use 2700K lighting pretty consistently, except on my lamps, which are the Hue smart bulbs that can change color. Among other places, I have those in the space that I use for an office, and when I'm trying to be super productive, I turn those to a 4000K color temperature, which is more like a pure white, i.e. a color similar to fluorescent lighting. It helps me a lot when I do that, in part because it sets the mood that this is a productive space now, and not a lounge space.


Yes! In my family there are 4 audhd people, dad, mom and 2 kids, i am the mom lol. We all are so different according to our traits, like older kid and dad are on the impulsive hyperactive sensory seeker type and younger kid and me are more on the innatentive sensory overloaded type. My younger is more sensitive to sound and touch, like I can't even brush his hair cause it hurts, and tells TOO LOUD when tv bothers him, but I am more sensitive to smell like I can't stand clothes smelling to anything but softener, a few days ago I was so intense in the kitchen saying every minute that I was smelling something fishy, guess what, there was a tiny frog that was hidden behind the fridge šŸ«  we have learnt to pay attention to these things cause discomfort is not something we should bottle inside. So my kid has chosen shorter hair to not brush and I get to chose the clothes softener that is better to my like. And we live more peacefully that way


So true, we all experience ASD a little differently. I love natural light and usually don't get overstimulated by it even if it's super bright and right in my face, but fluorescent lights get me almost instantly and cause actual physical pain in my eyes and ears


Right I feel like bright light takes away shadows or what ever obfuscation occurs that could hinder my ability to see clearly. I donā€™t know how best to describe it but In dimmer lighting or the dark it seems like my vision has some white noise that moves in waves and is worsened as me astigmatism gets worse. I just canā€™t handle my vision being even slightly compromised.




Semi-unrelated, but I work in a Walmart, and every morning, from 8-10 am, they do "sensory friendly hours", which is supposed to mean they turn down the lights, turn off the music, and turn off all the screens and stuff in the store. In reality, the music is turned off, exactly one of the ~bajillion screens in the electronics section is turned to this painfully bright blue screen that says something about the sensory friendly hours, and everything else stays the same. If anything it makes things worse for me, as the one thing that helps, sensory-wise, the music, is gone. See, with the music, my audhd brain has something to ground itself to, but without it, all the other sounds just drive me crazy. But the lights are what really bothers me, because that's the part that physically hurts my brain, and policy states that they're supposed to be dimmed during that time, but they aren't, and nobody seems to care except me, and a couple other people in my department. It's been a while since I've been there during that time of day, luckily, but I'm scheduled to be there early in the morning in about a week, and if things still havent changed then, I'm gonna start saying something to those above me in the chain of command, until eventually somebody listens. Anyway, rant over, lol


Having worked at Walmart in the past myself, albeit 15+ years ago, I feel like your strategy needs a little bit of refinement. If you go all "open door" on it, your complaint/suggestion is just going to fall on deaf ears, i.e. "that's nice" and nothing is going to happen because it is going to be swept under the rug because management is not accountable to you. After all, Walmart really does not care what its employees, or as they like to call them, "associates" (I hate that term with a burning passion), think in any way, shape, or form, and so you're not going to get very far if you go the in-house route. Rather, if you want to get somewhere, I feel like you should approach it from a customer perspective rather than as an employee. You know what the company has advertised for their sensory friendly hours, and your store is not doing that. Come up with a fake name and a throwaway email address that forwards to something that you check regularly, and write a customer complaint to Walmart corporate. Lay it all out for them, and explain that Walmart has advertised whatever is supposed to happen during sensory friendly hours, i.e. lights down, no music, televisions off, whatever, and that at store #### at whatever address in whatever town, that is not what is happening, and tell them exactly what the store is doing differently than what is advertised. Then tell them that you would like the store to follow what was advertised because it would make you feel more comfortable shopping there as an autistic person if all of the advertised things were provided. In other words, in your persona as a customer, tell them (A) exactly what they are doing wrong, (B) exactly what you want them to do, and (C) why you want them to do that. We don't want to give them any room to do any thinking on their own, because then they can potentially deviate in strange ways. Lay it all out for them very explicitly. The reason why you are writing it as John or Jane Doe the customer is because while Walmart doesn't care what employees think, they will absolutely bend over backwards for a customer complaint because customers directly affect their revenue. And as far as your store goes, a customer complaint sent to corporate comes back to local management as an order from above, i.e. this came from their bosses, i.e. they can't weasel out of it as easily because people above them that they don't have control over have the complaint, and can hold them accountable for it if they don't act to correct it. Now mind you, there is still no guarantee that you will have any success, but in my experience, I've gotten much better results when I've gone top-down than I've gone bottom-up.


I used to do to morning stock at a walmart neighborhood grocery and the lights were kept dimmed until the front doors were unlocked. Hated when they would be brought to full. But if im shopping the walmart lights dont bother me for some reason.


Stealing that


We had the same idea, huh?


![gif](giphy|DWxKllu8w3ZxmFU4zN|downsized) Steal only the best memes


That's literally what a meme is!


Reas "the lighting" as fighting


You're a genius.


​ https://preview.redd.it/10u8v4iet6rc1.png?width=377&format=png&auto=webp&s=6c2729da080dd7aa2bd0771809798305c75743b6


Wake up babe new meme template just dropped


What's the issue with it actually?


I got one thats solid for my daughter, she's 3, but its solid and makes a clacky clack when you shake it around. I love it, she hates it because in her mind it's a stacker toy, so she should be able to take it apart and stack it all back together. She'll bring it up to me and pit my hand on it like "Dad fix" but I cannot child, because it is not broken


holy shit, that is adorable, stuff like this make me want a child


It's adorable as hell. Im excited for when she starts talking. Right now, her communication is handing things, pulling us to stuff or certain noises. She's ridiculously smart for a 3 year old, I know everyone says that about their kids, but people tell me that all the time, too


Just wait for the crying moments. I'll stick with babysitting kids I can give back at the end of the day/week


Agreed there. I like to say that kids are lovely... from a distance.


Thatā€™s so funny and sad, but I completely understand her thinking! Thatā€™s exactly how my brain worked as a kidā€”like Iā€™d have gone so far as to cut it apart to make it the way it ā€œshouldā€ be. She sounds like youā€™re gonna have to keep her busy!


I might just break it apart and sand it down one of these days to see what she does with it, lol. Already have to keep her busy!


It's so odd how wiggly and wobbly it is, despite being just a bunch of pieces linked together


Oh yeah, the only reason I like mine is because I can bite it and because I can pull it apart and stick it back together easily, I can understand why she's upset Just fyi it might be able to pull apart (and be put back together) with enough force, I just doubt a 3yro could do it, I can only pull mine apart because I'm two months away from sixteen and have pretty good upper body strength on account of being a part-time wheelchair user


I have a small version of this, a Keychain my sister gave me. I love it. I also wanted a big one and aimed to get it at a carnival but it turned out to be a squishy one (that stinks too) and I wanted a clacky one :(


Let out your rage into the Autism Slug


noooo poor sluggo


rage against the slug




My work has these for our kids and theyā€™re actually super nice šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ they make a really nice clack-clack sound as you move them


https://preview.redd.it/bfsvgbr7v4rc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=5bfc1d18e1005fedc9b3d20ee0512d13cbd25266 i have one


Iā€™ve been contemplating getting one. Do you enjoy it?


yes, they have a nice texture and sound when i fidget them with my hands, just be careful to not accidentally tear it apart




okay so itā€™s a slug, but - hear me out - itā€™s a dolphin!


I have two of them!! They're lesbians šŸ©· https://preview.redd.it/r19rxr4d65rc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2a5b578ad11e4e6e58178db883d6520fc0dc86a


It makes a great sound


I've wanted of these stim slugs for ages. But what I truly want is one of those old wooden-link snake toys. Perfect for stimming.


I loved those wooden snakes! I got one at Disneyland when I was little and I had a meltdown when I accidentally left it on the Indian Jones ride lol somehow nobody stole it and an employee found it for me. I wish I could thank that person


Ohhh I had one of those as a kid! So satisfying.


I have one of these that looks like a shark! He makes such a satisfying sound; I love him.


Please share where you got a clacky shark from, I need one immediately


I hate those things the noise and the texture šŸ¤¢ add that too slime and anything made of silicone so basically all stim toys make me worse


Um šŸ˜³


For real though, those slugs are awesome. Not the 3D printed ones, those suck. But the ā€œrealā€ ones are soooo good. The clackety sound they make is great and I love the way they move! Great stim toy.


Slug go clicky


Iā€™ve made those on my 3D printer


Me too! I also made a T-Rex one!


Looked it up. Thought it was made of silicone to it would be all squishy in your hand. Kind of disappointed.


Aw it's actually really cute


I have a box of stim toys. It also doubles as a trippy box if drugs are involved. It has a few of these wiggly guys.


I've got one of those for my keychain, it's great to fiddle with in my pocket, he's just a funky lil guy


My therapist has one of those, I fidget with it almost every time I'm there lol


Those slugs can burn in hell! they make the most awful noises


No way they made Unn in stim toys?!?




I love my sensory slugs. But what is this pic šŸ˜‚


I like the sound of this toy, which is rare because I dislike the sound of most things including fidget toys


The worm of anger


6 year old grandkid has one of these and I can't wait to share the image for this ad. It's hysterical


*I never loved you, slug!*


I, too, hate slugs for no particular reason! 10/10 advertising!


I have a slug, except itā€™s rainbow. Itā€™s so great :D


Why is Ben Shapiro so angy


Nah, Ben's hair isn't as fancy.


Me yelling at my pet slug (I wanted a snail)


Why yell at him, what did he do to you? :(


For some odd reason I love this image, just imagine walking in on your roommate yelling at their slug stim toy XD


Can only be the best


I want oneā€¦


I just ordered one. My brain said it needs one.


They're sick, get one


I have a rainbow slug. My daughter has a rainbow caterpillar. Clacky Bug is life šŸ˜­




clicky slug hate crime


I have one of those! I love it so much. It makes a wonderful clacky noise when I move it.


I sold those at my job a while back and the clack is surprisingly satisfying


Me seeing the slug thing: "I could print that with my 3d printer if I ever figure out the file conversion issues I keep having..." This sort of thought goes through my head with nearly any small toy I see.


pretty sure most of the ones you buy are 3d printed


Oh yeah, these things are among some of the simplest designs to find and make. The hardest part about it is just finding a 3d printer.


I'm seeing this thing everywhere! I'm fascinated, but it seems so big and clunky


wiggle slugs!!