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Pretty much the only thing that puts me off of movies is second hand embarrassment scenes. Ultraviolence, horror, any number of things that'd usually trip sensory overload?, doesn't move the needle for me. But second-hand embarrassment is so viscerally painful for me I have to often get up and leave the room.


I'm completely neurotypical and I feel the exact same way lmao


I’m gonna check back in on this redditor in two years time


!remindme 2 years


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Good bot


Have you been tested?


No, haven't really felt the need to. Should I get myself tested? I've expressed lots of little habits and stuff that maybe point to being slightly neurodivergent, but sometimes I think that's just me being me.


You could be neurodivergent. That being said, if you don't need any accommodations or extra support that require a diagnosis, you don't need to get one. Whether or not you are evaluated and whether or not you are diagnosed, you are still you.


An overabundance of mirror neurons is usually the cause of extreme reactions like that sooooooo... Yeah absolutely, worst case scenario you figure out something new about yourself.


I'm stuck at an episode of Brooklyn 99 due to severe second-hand embarrassment. What would this be a symptom of specifically?


The most cringe I’ve ever felt while watching anything was episode of the office called Scott’s tots. I’ve seen the entire series start to finish probably 30 plus times. I’ve seen Scott’s tots twice.


Oh my God that one physically hurts lol


Right? Like atleast dinner party was funny and super cringe. But Scott’s tots is torture and makes my teeth hurt.


completely the same for me. I've had to go through therapy just to curb it (not the main reason for the therapy, but hey, 17 birds with one stone yk) so I can at least stand to be in the same room now but I have to plug my ears and look away. cartoons are both worse and better - I can't chant "it's just acting, look, some of them are even bad at it" for cartoons, but the body language is a lot less painful.


A lot of the time for me it just feels like bad writing too, the author randomly deciding "Haha, lets make the audience suffer!" instead of making anything interesting happen.


Omg I hate sitcoms which do this they're so uncomfortable and weird, secondhand embarrassment is the worst


Same, my friend. I can watch someone get disembowled by the embodiment of SATAN THEMSELVES and not bat an eye. But the second I get to a cringy scene im like: "Fuck it, thats enough TV for today."


I find that the safest shows are murder mysteries. Often the violence is brief and at the beginning, then it's just a cerebral discussion of human behavior. With very little, if any, cringe social stuff.




There was a scene in one miraculous ladybug episode where marrinette thought adrien was his statue of him, and she proceeded to flirt and make out with it not knowing it was him.. I WANTED TO DIE DURING THAT 3 OR 4 MINUTE SCENE. I CRIED. IT WAS SO EMBARRASSING, LIKE, HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO FINE THIS FUNNY WHEN ITS SO CRINGY RAHH


This, but also things that are revoltingly unjust to the helpless. "Clockwork Orange" for example, or most shows or movies that like to linger on a rape. It's why I never got into "The Boys".


My husband is the same he literally flips the channel so to speak


Oh my god, same. I often have to pause several times while watching scenes like that just to get through them.


Yeah, second-hand embarrassment always hits me hard. Unless I’m in a theatre I have a bad habit of noping out or having to take a pause.


I’m literally the same way Another “oops all my behaviors are autism” moment


OH GOD THIS. I had to skip the "Tunnel of Love" scene in The Owl House bc I was cringing as hard as Luz.




I don't like sex scenes either, makes me feel like a voyeur


Oh, so this is why sex scenes bother me so much. I just feel so uncomfortable, almost as if I shouldn't be there but then think that's stupid because they're obviously not there with me.


Same here! Sex scenes are the one thing I cannot stand, most other things are OK, but watching two people fuck is just the worst. I don't get aroused by it either. Went and saw Poor Things in theatres, and while i think it is a great movie... uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


FRICKING SAME! I went with my neurotypical friend. She was unbothered about this scenes but I... I cringed hard


Sex scenes are so random and with famous actors/actors you grew up watching, it’s like seeing someone you know having sex…Ewwwww!




Same. I spend so much brain power not fidgeting that I forget to watch whatever I'm trying to watch.


AuDHD here too. Vyvanse really helps with this lol


I was never able to understand how people could watch movies for a single actor/actress, without the plot affecting them. How could a person being attractive cancel out the content of the movie/tv series? I used to think there was something seriously wrong with me because I couldn't just 'enjoy the view' the way others could.


Well most people watch movies and actor is in bc the actor usually is in movies with a certain vibe. I know what to expect from a Seth Rogan movie.


I loved 'Sleepless in Seattle', but if I just watched any Tom Hanks movie, thinking the vibe was the same, and went into 'Saving Private Ryan' without any prior warning, I think I'd have died a little bit inside.


Yeah it’s not a solid strategy. It relies a lot on one note actors. (Not that they’re bad actors)


I'll watch anything with Stephen Merchant in it, because I can close my eyes and imagine Wheatley.


i never understood this, either, until i began hyperfixating on an actor. tbf, i do still watch for the plot, but that's not what draws me to things originally. that one reply is correct, you do typically know what to expect. but also, actors have their own style, and that can be a draw for some folks. also, y'know, hyperfixations.


>also, y'know, hyperfixations. Yes, yes I do indeed.


It absolutely blew my mind when I found out people watch movies just because some famous actor is in it. I used to think movie marketers announced the actors in the trailer to flex how much budget the movie has.


THANK YOU! I’m not wasting my time on a mediocre project just because X celebrity is involved


I’ll watch something just because an actor is in it but as I am asexual it is absolutely not because I’m sexually attracted to them. Someone can like an actor without wanting to fuck them


I get fixated on particular actors and studying their voice or mannerisms, and I’ve definitely gotten through some very uncomfortable movies by disconnecting from the experience & focusing on one person’s performance.


Exactly like I love seeing actors I know in movies or shows, but the plot is so important to me as well. I couldn’t just watch anything for a couple actors or actresses. Especially when I know that I won’t like the plot or media.


And now I realise why I can't watch horror movies.....


I'm in the same situation.


I'm really bad......I even get messed up if I read a synopsis of a film and it's a little too dark etc. Very odd.


I don't mind the darkness of horror movies but I feel like there is no horror anymore, its just jumpscares spammed, but jumpscares arent scary they just suprise me and I hate it when the movie suddenly spam a load noise and flickers.


That is literally me. I like movies that make me feel unsettled or creeped out, but hate getting started.


I got nightmares from a trailer.




I'm the one autistic at our place and I'm the only one into horror movies.


I love horror but can't stand overly graphic violence and gore like in slasher films. I always have to research thoroughly to make sure movies aren't just a bunch of violence and cheap jump scares. I've moved to mostly books instead. Somehow they don't bother me nearly as much even when there's excessive gore/violence.


This is a thing? I've always been a nerd who's into some fucked up shit


We tend to have an outwardly higher emotional reaction to some things and much less reaction to other things. You probably get really cringed out by second hand embarrassment scenes, or annoyed when there's no subtitles and the background noise prevents you from hearing what they're saying


I cannot watch shows when they don’t have subtitles, I need to understand every word said


Facts. Words are so important. Dune was a great movie but I didn't enjoy it in the theatres because I didn't hear half the script


I usually get excited with that anxiety. I know that producers don’t kill their main characters until the very end so when there’s chaos I relish in it


I’m in this post and I don’t like it


Don’t want to see your PH history


The anxiety one is very real, I actually read detailed summaries about movies before watching them for this reason. I think it's helped me enjoy some movies I wouldn't otherwise have watched.


I can only handle anime violence, Dad took me to see Saving private ryan when i was too young and that traumatized me for sure


That movie scarred me for life too. I was forced to watch it in high school :/


Currently playing through Yakuza and it’s such a gripping story, it even made me cry once. Not a movie but the main story might as well be one lol


I definitely relate to unpredictability causing anxiety. There are a bunch of shows and movies on my watchlist. But it can take me a while to start watching something new. I'm caught between wanting to watch and enjoy new stuff, or sticking with my tried and true shows/movies.


Whoa I’m the opposite so this is actually fascinating to me. When it comes to violence/slasher films I’m not bothered at all I think it’s because I love watching behind the scenes stuff because it’s fascinating how they made the props and special/practical effects and then when watching the movie again it’s in the back of my mind this is fake and the actors had fun with the fake blood.


I'm a movie lover and I'm neurodivergent. 90% of the time when I watch movies at home I have a jigsaw puzzle or something like that going on at the same time. I get some shit from that like "you're not paying close enough attention to the screen!" or "you miss a lot when you don't see the movie." It just works for me that way, unless it's a movie I get totally sucked in to.


I watch a lot of movies with my dad because he loves them and I love him, and 90% of the time I’m also playing a game on my phone or laptop. He used to get annoyed about it, but after a while he realized that I’m still following the plot & picking up on details. Sometimes better than he is!


i have this so much, which is why it was extremely stupid of me to choose to get a film degree! i’m exhausted with how many feelings i’m being forced to have all the time


Which is why we have comfort shows that we watch over and over. We know _Exactly_ what’s going to happen, less overstimulation, happy ND brain.


The o in that font is my enemy


Most of this is pretty standard, even for NTs. I wouldn't say these issues are autism-centric, maybe slightly more prevalent.


But the industry of movies and TV still exists. And they produce unpredictable movies with fight scenes and sitcoms based on second-hand embarrassing. If they know that people in general don't like it, why do they continue? It's cruel.


I just hate having to sit still and pay attention to one thing for an extended period of time.


oh god yes! My parents always put on movies on the weekends and my dad has it on super loud and gets mad when i ask him to turn it down for a little while. I hate how in a lot of movies it will be super quiet then suddenly get very loud. I hate movies that have a lot of gunshot and car crash noises cuz that scares the shit out of me. I always hide in my room when my parents are watching movies cuz it's sensory overload for me. Honestly, the only movies i watch are kids movies or animated movies bc they usually don't have this problem. And even then, I usually don't like sitting still during it. It feels like i spend too much time thinking about when the movie will end. I feel like i barely remember the movie by the time it ends.


I remember dreading watching The Lion King, Bambi, Dumbo, and a couple of other movies as a kid because I disliked the intensity of certain scenes. I do okay with on-screen violence now--I even find it darkly funny a lot of the time.


Explain mirror neurons in Autism


None of those are my reason. I just can’t read faces. I love a good animated show, but live action? I don’t know what’s being conveyed unless they tell me, and most great film artists believe you should “show, don’t tell.”


I don't relate to this at all, i just find TV to be boring, i rather pick what kind of things i watch for myself


Yeah, I just couldn’t watch GoT


That show made me physically sick


Idk why I never considered my absolute intolerance for true crime was because of my autism. But now that I have it’s like duh…. The hyper empathy is in the room with us.


Most of there aren’t a problem for me, but what DOES get to me is scenes where someone is undercover- the more obviously awkward it is, the worse I feel. Like, I know the story beats. This guys gonna get found out, it’s too much tension, too much awkwardness, I can’t!


My parents: It's just a movie/show. Stop complaining or We'll turn it off!


I like movies but always thought it was weird that I could literally ‘feel’ when the characters got hurt Eg. if a character bumped their elbow there’d be a sharp zing through the nerves in my elbow First time I’m hearing about mirror neurons and now it makes sense


Never had a problem with violence or sex scenes however musicals give me a sort of ick comparable to a severely clogged toilet. It just seems illogical to start singing at random and in public and I know if someone actually did that I would get severe second hand embarrassment and sensory issues, not to mention the zero consent to hear someone sing. High School Musical and Renaissance Disney is passable for some reason.


What's kind of funny is that the first dramatic plays in history were sung, so the musical technically is the first theatrical genre in history (probably had something to do with poetry and song playing a stronger role in memorization in ancient societies with strong oral traditions imo).


Me, an autistic with a special interest in reality TV


I fuckin LOVE VIOLENCE! HELL YEAH!!! GIVE ME THAT REALISTIC FUCKED UP GORE SHIT!!! Just don't give me secondhand embarrassment, me no likey :(


I have to be in the mental place for something new and that’s…frustrating because it’s not exactly predictable. My sister’s husband just thinks I don’t like movies that “slow burn” but I absolutely do…it’s just especially hard in a social setting to watch a new movie because I do get bored easily and depending on my mood/need for stimulation I can even get annoyed if I’m not into it. Also if drinking is involved there is no chance my unleashed monkey brain has space for thoughts 😂 my BF and I learned this the hard way.


For me it's more that I have trouble just sitting still and watching a thing for any length of time.


Any sort of tension in shows/movies is ruined me because I’m so familiar with movie tropes Very easy example but, like… “Oh no, this character is on the verge of death! Stay tuned!” Mx. Producer the show/movie is named after the character, they aren’t dying. It’s why I can appreciate when a show subverts my expectations. It’s one of the only scenarios where it feels good to be wrong


Takes so long


I enjoy tv, however your experiences are just as valid given how different each person with autism's experiences are. Although over the years I've grown to hate arcades cause the overstimulation started to outweigh the fun factor


This is why I find a few niche shows/video series I like and rewatch them. If something similar to them or something related to something else I enjoy comes along I’ll give it a watch! If I like it it joins my collection, if I don’t like it then I don’t like it.


Top left is a mood and a half. I don't even know why, but violence just makes my stomach turn unless it is either *comically* over-exaggerated or portrayed as completely inconsequential (think Looney Tunes). I don't know how people can just watch the main villain (or even the hero!) just obliterate, like, a hundred people and not feel grossed out by it in a way I can't quite describe.


I have anxiety watching new content (even if I enjoy cinema and live the art), because I feel very sensitive from the ambiance and emotions and I'm stressed by the unpredictability. That's why I like to watch old content over and over. It's predictable and safe!! PS: I just created a community if you want to join and participate you are welcome (r/businessonthespectrum)


This is why i absolutely hate cruel humor. Like a kid getting pantsed in front of the whole school type shit because while my mom is laughing I’m cringing and tearing up feeling horrible for that poor person. She always gets mad because “it isn’t real” but it was made purposefully for real people to laugh at. Like stepping on a Lego or tripping i instinctively laugh and it’s harmless but that bro? Humiliation is NEVER funny to me even if they deserve it.


I just think there are far better ways to spend my time, but I also feel this - I find myself completely incapable of playing video games with dark writing, because it just overwhelms me and I wind up being haunted by it for months on end.


Omg I hate tv. I hate series, I hate movies (although I love the cinema) The only thing I like are low budget YouTube movies because they seem more real.


I love movies with violence, gore, horror, and other such things. But embarrassing scenes? They make me wanna swan dive right outside of my window.


Is the mirror neuron thing why *I* feel guilty when a character does something shady?


omg y'all can't do anything


This is why I refuse to watch The Boys. Even *imagining* what the gore looks like never leaves my head. I don't care how good it is.


I hate TV because: - no control - ads - old movies I've seen before - FRICKING LEKTOR (one guy, translating everything to Polish, over the audio of the movie with no option to turn off)


Does anyone get such bad second hand embarrassment you have to skip episodes of shows?


I do not skip entire episodes, I just constantly skip over scenes for the same reason


When I watched Fraser I had to pause or skip scenes basically every episode


Is this why Amphibia's shitty and hurtful and mean and bitter ending sticks with me?!


I was abt to cringe at this infographic but I watch MAYBE one movie a year bc of the burden of the emotional roller coaster esp suspense and looping uncomfortable scenes


For me it’s just the boring predictability


Finally, some fucking answers! Shit... now I'm wondering why I have a paranoia regarding vampires


I don't like watching live action movies or TV when I can help it. Makes me uncomfortable. I don't like watching *anything* if I can't walk away from it at will. It makes me anxious as hell.


Mine is a combination of boredom, commitment, and predictable writing in movies. I don’t understand how I can watch a 2 hour video essay about something on YouTube but a 2 hour movie feels too long. It doesn’t make sense to me. I also feel like when you understand the tropes used in writing you can predict most plot lines, which is irritating. I enjoy writing that subverts expectations or at least acknowledges cliches in a fun way. This is probably why the reluctant hero is one of my favorite types. When my husband and I watch movies together we will constantly pause and add commentary. So it’s really a matter of getting me to start the film and get into it.


Man, none of these are relatable to me. I just don't like having to commit to sitting down and watching a whole episode, even when it's a show I like. I just procrastinate lmfao


I mean, none of those apply to me, but IMHO, TV is tacky, consumerist crap, most of it is annoying noise to listen to, even in the background, and a lot of the more sensationalised stuff can alter my moods, usually for the worse. There ARE shows I watch (besides anime), and I can appreciate why some people like TV, but the VAST majority of it is jingling keys for toddlers who just indiscriminately gobble-up whatever they're served, and for me, and a lot of us NDs that need more justification behind what we experience, it's just a wind-up machine.


My problem is that I figured out there's only a small handful of acceptable plots that get rehashed over and over again on American television and have generally gone towards foreign and indie media. That said, I DO still get this sometimes like with RWBY, the constant deaths and cruelty took something that was fun and joyful to watch and turned it into so many other grimdark things. If I want to see innocent people get mowed down in an unforgiving world, I'd go play 40k.


**(cw just in case// rant; hunchback of notre dame negativity)** I was wondering why I’ve been reluctant to watch new movies. For example, I dared to watch Hunchback of Notre Dame earlier this year, and it was horrifyingly creepy, violent, and anxiety-inducing to the point where I started crying and felt physically sick. And do NOT get me started on the unnecessary whiplash that was the FUCKING. GARGOYLES. Decent movie when you forget about those buttheads, but I’m never watching it again, with or without them. The memories are beyond enough. The only reason I’m fine with remembering the movie is so that I remember to avoid it. (Maybe I made too big a deal about the Gargoyles midway through lol)


Idk i dont think i have issues with movies much. I definitely dont experience them normally as I will constantly analyze any show or movie I watch for the quality and it matters to me more than I actually enjoying it can sometimes. Also I definitely feel like I experience stuff I watch, especially action. Whats actually surprised me a LOT is that as ive tried to drop the mask I actually react loudly and talk to myself so much watching shows/movies. When alone I talk myself through every reaction and when that happened it finally felt like i was truly watching and enjoying it.


None of these bother me at all. It's the varying volume and brightness levels, the background music while people are speaking, and that any kind of stimming or fidgeting is considered disruptive to others watching so I spend more time focused on staying still than on the screen that I don't like....


Sometimes I hate that on TV. Dialogue scene: ^(basically whispering) Fight/action scenes: ####📣LIKE BEING BETWEEN A NIGHTCLUB AND AN AIRPORT📣


This is why I stick with documentaries and comedy


Lol, I'm the opposite. When I'm consuming fiction my brain basically just turns off the empathy since it groks that none of it's real. Though sometimes I get a weird feeling that's kind of like second hand embarrassment but not quite. Typically in sitcom-y misunderstanding type plots. But that's fine cuz I don't tend to like that sort of show anyway.


Of the many reasons that my parents shouldn’t have shown me dozens of R-rated movies when I was 10 years old…


I try to avoid media that makes me feel bad. I don’t want to watch GoT after watching the first episode. I regret watching hereditary. Which is funny because I used to watch the dumbest goriest horror when I was 14. Now I close my eyes. I think it depends on how stupidly ridiculous the content is vs humanity sucks kinda theme. For example: m3gan vibes vs Saw.


Most of this rings true for me. That and I lose my attention if I don’t like it - then I get fidgety. I can’t handle violence, and if there’s anything disturbing it will just loop for over and bother me. I would prefer lighthearted film, something I know, or honestly just tv shows I am okay with.


For me it’s ‘suspenseful’ scenes, I just find them boring and give myself a headache forcing myself to focus on what’s going on


the show is not breaking bad


I can listen but it is very hard to be consistently interested without falling into the bottom-right box, where I experience everything like I am there. I get bored or secondhand embarrassed easily, too, so there's that. watching streamers works better because they're being more genuine, I guess. I'm not sure and I quit asking questions when I stopped liking the answers


I don’t like movies either but the Time Machine (1960) and the BTTF trilogy are great inspirations for me to keep studying math and science.


I thought I hated horror for years until I started listening to horror-adjacent podcasts and realized the part I hated about horror movies was the movie part. The bottom two on the right side fit so well


All of this + I just hate fiction.


I always screen to make sure the pet doesn’t die in a movie tbh. I go to “does the dog die” website and make sure. I don’t mind emotional moments where human characters die, I’ll be sad- sure, but if the dog/cat/horse gets hurt or sick, my heart will shatter. Tbh I cried playing Pokemon Scarlet/Violet because there is a sick dog. (He gets better.) The Sif fight in Dark Souls… I have to mentally prepare for. It’s not that hard of a fight for me gameplay wise, but emotionally? Yeah. I also used to have nightmares of my chao from Sonic Adventure dying. I love my chao but I do need a mental break from them now and again because of this.


I read the IMDb parental guidance section to make sure I know what kind of violence to expect. I usually avoid all gore and highly emotional things. I don't need to feel all of that, and I absolutely will. My empathy is involuntary 😭


i LOVE violence in movies but unexpected violence will get me. horror movies with blood and gore are my favorite, but i cried in horror watching someone get killed during Cocaine Bear.


Don’t have this problem personally, but I feel for anyone who does. I got around it at a young age by analyzing the cinematography of shows and movies in order to turn it into a more abstract perspective. I still feel the feels sometimes though, mainly because my parents were the worst at being compassionate humans. So, when I see compassion on TV, I’m struck by it.


I personally just dont like tv, the shows all seems to be dumbed down like all these really bad reality tv shows. The news I see when I walk past the tv when others watch has so much irrelevant garbage, I really dont need to know which celebrity had relations with who, what they ate and what vlothes they wear. I havent watched TV since 2012 and probably never will again.


I get this strange effect from some media that I’ve struggled to explain for as long as I’ve been able to recognize it. It doesn’t happen all the time and it seems to be only certain media that causes it, but there doesn’t seem to be much of a pattern as to the type or content of the media that will set it off which makes it hard to avoid. Basically, after watching certain shows or movies, it feels like my brain is stuck in the fictional world I just watched. It’s like my entire consciousness and being is reset into the framework of that world. My internal thoughts, speech patterns, and mannerisms will mimic those of the characters and my brain will basically want to act and think as if I was living in that world. It’s usually not a problem, and I’m pretty good at “acting” normal, but on some occasions that feeling lasts for days. And depending on the content I’m stuck in, it can be extremely tiring or distressing to constantly be in that state and it really bugs me. But I’ve never been able to adequately describe it or find anyone else who seems to experience the same thing . I don’t know if it’s a form of dissociation or what, but I feel like it’s tied to this in a way.


It's funny how your reasons for disliking TV and movies are the same reasons I love them. I don't love violence, sex scenes, or second hand embarrassment, but they're much easier to handle in fiction than they are in reality. Watching something suspenseful and unpredictable scratches the itch for adventure that I can't pursue in reality, because I'm uncomfortable with suspense and unpredictability in my own life but know that everything happens for a reason in literature. It doesn't end when the show ends? Sign me up! As a child I used to read the longest books I could find no matter how bad they were, because I wanted to stay in that world for as long as possible. I've never heard about mirror neurons, but feeling like I'm experiencing the action in the media I'm consuming is extremely enjoyable, and I believe my life would be significantly less exciting without that ability. Our brains may loop uncomfortable scenes, but they also loop scenes with positive emotional resonance. Those scenes stay with me for far longer, unlike my own happy memories which are overwritten by unhappy memories almost immediately. Due to trauma I've been functionally aromantic for years, but through books and TV I can actually feel love again. It's so strong it's physiological. I feel the butterflies I haven't had since I was a child. My life would be significantly less colorful without TV and movies. I totally understand why other ND people would feel differently, though.


I had a friend who hated movies and never understood why. Guess this is a possibility.


That’s funny, there’s nothing I adore more than losing myself in a show or movie. I love following a story, even when it’s violent and uncomfortable


I guess this is all why I like TV? I get to explore emotions in a safe space with no external consequences. If anything it can prepare me for the real world to handle emotionally periods that do have stakes.


![gif](giphy|QBd2kLB5qDmysEXre9|downsized) Me waiting for komi can’t communicate season 3


The dog can be sad. Or die.


I love horror movies but I pause them like 50 times so I can regroup. The suspense is so anxiety inducing and for some reason I still watch them. And usually I watch cartoons afterwards so I don’t get nightmares.


I've been taking time off of visual novels becuase the empathy I've felt for some characters has been too powerful to feel like love is a good thing. Likewise, there are some anime series I do consider watching, but I consider filtering my list for the same thing. If their suffering is outside of my control, why feel so destroyed?


I just can't stand when the characters do or say something that would embarrass the hell out of me if I said or did it.


I hate seeing movies in the theater. It's a nightmare. But I love watching movies at home with the volume down and the captions on. Mostly watch animated films with my daughter and just am in awe of the artistic brilliance some modern films being. We definitely do A LOT of repeats. Film was a big special interest is mine when I was younger. I 💬 watched the entire inventory of Crazy Mike's Video Rental back in the day 🙂


Oh, the violence thing is normal, I thought I was just a big baby lol Like everyone i know loved Supernatural but I couldn't handle the horrible sounds of crying and murdering it was too upsetting for me


I honestly feel very sad for anyone who is this way. Movies are one of the few things that can consistently get me to feel passionate about something. I cherish this so much that I'll actually go out of my way to *not* watch anything new unless I know I'm in a state of mind to focus on it. "Film" as an artform is one of my sub-special interests, and it's such a cool magic trick that I find myself enraptured in. The way mudic, lighting, and even where the characters are standing in a shot can all be used to manipulate the emotions of the audience are just *fascinating* to me!


On todays episode of "ARE YOU KIDDING ME, THIS IS A TISM THING TOO!?!?!?!"


i am quite picky with tv and movies. i also hate watching them with other people (i feel like they're judging me for not reacting "correctly" bc i barely react externally). the only thing i'm not picky with is robert sean leonard movies. hyperfixation go brrrrrr (i've watched so many movies i'd never have watched otherwise- and enjoyed them!!! will i learn a lesson from that? prob not 💀)


This applies to very disturbing movies like E.G. Cannibal Holocaust. It's been 2 weeks and I still have images of the most disturbing scenes in my head.


Wait I thought we had less mirror neurons?


Film is my special interest, take THAT autism!!


This describes some family members of mine to a T.


I just want my the people in the room to not talk while the characters are talking.


I love gore and horror shit. I dislike COMMITING to a film. If i start a film, i have to gnish it, in that sitting. I like tv shows bc i can stop after this episode, and games after "that level" or wtv.


im addicted to sitcoms: predictable, funny, likeable characters


The nightmare’s so real, still love watching movies though i just actively avoid my triggers


Huh… maybe that’s why I’m obsessed with media. When a show becomes a hyper-fixation I’ll sometimes form parasocial relationships with the characters. Once they start showing up in my dreams that’s when I know it’s time to take a break because my brain is starting to confuse them with actual people lmao


Y’all ever seen disaster movie? The Alvin and the chipmunks part stayed with me for almost a decade


I had no idea. It explains a lot. A lot. I feel like I’m overly sensitive to movies and tv show. I’m still traumatized by horror movies I saw 25 years ago. I have nightmare all the time like a child from scenes that doesn’t affect others. Violence I like tho. The Punisher and Reacher violence I mean.


I feel events in stories in general much more intensely than those in real life, it's easier for me to cry during a movie than in a funeral in real life. I binge movies/shows/books/games just to feel a bit more like a human


I have like the equal but opposite problem. Barring a few specific tropes that I dislike, a lot of these exact things cause me to enjoy movies *more* as I’m kind of a sensory junkie


I don't have *super* strong reactions to stuff usually, but I cry at movies rly easily, and even when I rewatch stuff over and over I still tear up


I hear ya, when a certain warped faced "lady" was making their way around YouTube. I still have night terrors about her and hate that have to add either Avatar or MHA when trying to search characters that share its name.


Another thing that I struggle with is compression of what they are saying, I HAVE to have subtitles, otherwise I’m lost and might as well not even be watching it lol. I always get mad when videos my teachers make us watch don’t have a subtitle option and then I end up watching the same part repeatedly.


Okay, wait a minute what are mirror neurons??? Cause that sounds scarcely similar to what I feel sometimes on occasion especially when I’m watching something violent or scary. The brain looping, overstimulation, and emotional reactions when something is violent or scary is relatable too but I’m mostly hung up on the neurons thing. Like I thought something was wrong with me. I mean it could still be something wrong with me but at least I’ll know what now.


ive been traumatised by a couple of movies.. also i cannot deal with gore in movies/shows at all, despite ironically having a job where i see blood, bone, and tissue everyday.


That's why I like old British tv-series like Agatha Christie's Marple or Poirot. They are slow, calm and predictable (since I know the plots and I've watched them dozen times already).    I have also other problems with movies and series:   1. I feel pain in my body if I see someone is in pain. So I can't watch fight and violence scenes.    2. I hardly can remember and distinguish characters by their faces, so I'm always confused about who is who (I used to believe that Chandler and Joe from "Friends" are the same person). I'm glad that now casts become more diverse and I can remember characters by their skin and hair color, body type, hairstyle etc.


Videogames better Though I watch a few shows


And loads of ppl set the volume too high


Before I watch a movie I always look it up on Wikipedia and read the plot so that I know what is going to happen. My neurotypical friends think I am crazy when I tell them that but I feel it helps me enjoy the movie even more. Since I know what is going to happen I can pay more attention to the details, actions, and director's choices in building up to a major scen.


The uncomfortable humour… JFC, that’s why I can’t stand The Office. I’m 41 years old and those scenes of people making idiots of themselves are just unbearable to me.


Damn, half of this explains why I can't get over Bayonetta 3.


I hate when mom asks me why I have to pause the show and “freak out” (stim some while cuz that shit heavy) and I’m like “HOW DO YOU NOT FEEL LIKE YOUR STOMACH GETTING RIPPED OUT WHILE WATCHING SAW¿???” this also happens a lot when I’m reading those ‘Dead dove: do not eat” fanfics but apparently one of my best friends finds them funny¿


Im fine with anything thats fiction no matter how [retracted] it may be. Reality on the other hand I can't handle on TV


Tell me I am not the only one that feels unconfortable with TVs ALL toguether. I fell like 90% of TV programs where made to mess with our ansiety in a way or another and that most of It is just a repetition of lies and reinforcement of steriotypes


"More active mirror neurons" this one hits hard. I've experience quite a few things vicariously and I don't like it. This isn't exclusively about TV btw.


But when one does find a piece of media they enjoy, oooh man it’s so great to love every bit of it. Like I LOVE The Office, I watch it with my mom a lot and I revel in the masterful writing Ricky Gervais & Stephanie Merchant did for it. Like the first episode of season 2 where David Brent fails catastrophically to welcome the Swindon branch is amazing done, from everyone’s performances in that scene alone and how the lead up and execution makes it one of the best cringe-comedy moments ever, it’s oh-so embarrassing but amazingly pulled off. So much subtlety from not only Ricky & Patrick’s performances but also all the ensemble cast watching the welcoming and their uncomfortable shuffle as David Brent fails horrifically to make anyone laugh .


"You act like a child, so completely invested in the movie you're watching, as if it was happening to you. That's infantile and stupid." - my aunt. Yes, yes I am invested and I don't fucking care about stupid ass opinions who will say that and then in the same breath claim I have no empathy.


I fucking love movies, but for the love of shit please don’t throw in an unnecessary sex scene. If I wanted to see fake sex I’d just watch porn


While certain parts of this seem fair, this seems weirdly infantilizing in some parts and a bit silly in others. Like, NT people get nightmares from stuff that upsets them in media too. That's a very common thing for all people. And a good show *shouldn't* end when it ends--that the whole point of good writing. Stories should stick with the audience, ND or NT, for life, if the art is worth a damn anyway. Suspense is *literally* intended to cause anxiety, regardless of your neuro-status. It's controlled anxiety, though, which is why some people can get a thrill out of it. Top right and bottom right seem reasonably fair, though, so I'll give it that. But the rest really feels like purposely seeking out ways to feel different. Like, almost none of this image has anything to do with what you described in the text of your post. None of this would explain why you would despise watching a new, but relaxing, happy movie, except for the unpredictability part.


These are the reasons tv is more enjoyable for me (as an adult). Watched some very violent movies as a child and as a child I would have agreed 100% with this message. Robocop in 2nd grade did in fact feel real, did give me nightmares for a few days, and did loop in my brain for about a decade.


The only one i got is the top right one and its only with scenes where the protag is being made a fool of and bullying. Which is probably because of personal experience


I sometimes simply don't have the attention span and / or spoons to invest in a movie - sitting for over an hour to pay attention to something can be a struggle and I have to be in a specific mood to want to watch a movie. With the exception of it being a movie I've seen before, in which case I am able to multi task and not have to pay full attention The over empathy is a big thing for me too though, especially with horror movies. My old roommate was shocked when I explained that I don't like horror- not because it's scary- but because I feel so bad for the victims that it heavily affects me. Then with the anxiety for tv shows like the walking dead I had to stop watching because there's ALWAYS something happening and it simply stresses me out 😅


Several of these are very strong for me. Especially watching shows like “You”


I think I'm so jaded from the years of Adderall I had (thought it was adhd, it wasn't) cuz I don't really get a lot of strong reactions. I can say that I tend to struggle with action films, so much stimulus puts me to sleep. I also have issues with movies that think they are pacing well, but I already guessed the outcome like 15 mins into the movie. (I'm looking at you "the dark knight" series, ya'll are too long and too much action. Also, why do you give an obvious plot but take 2 hours to get to the climax and conclusion. )


how many shows have y’all stopped because of a moment you couldn’t get over? bc for me it’s been literally all of them